- Martin Mabie, White, Male, 42, Head, Married, Carpenter, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in New York
Hester A. Mabie, White, Female, 38, Wife, Married, Keeping House, born in Connecticut, Father born in Connecticut, Mother born in Connecticut
George Mabie, White, Male, 17, Son, Single, Carpenter Apprentice, born in Connecticut, Father born in New York, Mother born in Connecticut
Samuel Mabie, White, Male, 13, Son, Single, At School, born in Connecticut, Father born in New York, Mother born in Connecticut
Alfred L. Mabie, White, Male, 7, Son, Single, At School, born in Connecticut, Father born in New York, Mother born in Connecticut
- The following obituary is from last week's Danbury News
"The death of Alfred L. Mabie occurred at eight p. m. Thursday, at his home, 1 Brookside Street. Mr. Mabie was a son of Martin Mabie. of this city, and a native of Danbury. He was twenty-six years of age. His death was due to a lingering sickness of eighteen mouths duration. Mr. Mabie, who was a book-keeper, had a wide circle of friends in this city, and his death will be greatly regretted. He was for a time employed in Patterson, N. Y., and more recently in Torrington. He leaves a widow"