Name |
Alanson Maybee |
Birth |
Abt 1823 |
Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1830 |
Roxbury, Delaware County, New York [2] |
- William Maybee, one man and one woman 30-39, one man 20-29, one girl 10-14, one boy and one girl 5-9, and one girl under 5
Census |
1840 |
Roxbury, Delaware County, New York [3] |
- William Maybee, one man and one woman 40-49, one man and one woman 20-29, one girl 15-19, two boys 10-14, one boy and one girl 5-9, and one boy under 5
Census |
8 Oct 1850 |
Roxbury Township, Delaware County, New York [4] |
- Lon Mabie, 26, M, Laborer, NY
Lavina Mabie, 22, F, NY
Census |
7 Jun 1855 |
Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [5] |
- Alanson Mabee, 31, M, Servant (of Abel J Sprague family), born in Delaware County, Widower, 31 years in this town, Farmer, owned land
Census |
7 Aug 1860 |
Walton PO, Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [6] |
- Alanson Mabie, 37, M, Farmer, NY, $900, $400
Mary A. Mabie, 27, F, Housekeeper, Ireland
Riley Mabie, 9, F, NY, attended school
Jenett Mabie, 6, F, NY, attended school
Census |
19 Jun 1865 |
Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [7] |
- Alanson Mabee, 45, M, W, Head, born in Delaware, married 2 times, now married, Farmer, owned land
Mary A Mabee, 32, F, W, Wife, born in Ireland, 2 children born, married 1 time, now married
Riley Mabee, 12, M, W, Child, born in Delaware, single
Jenett Mabee, 11, F, W, Child, born in Delaware, single
Alexander Mabee, 4, M, W, Child, born in Delaware, single
Mary J Mabee, 2 yr 3 mo, F, W, Child, born in Delaware, single
Margrett Smith, 63, F, W, Mother, born in Scotland, 8 children born, married 1 time, now widowed
Margrett Smith, 29, F, W, Sister, born in New Jersey, single
James Smith, 17, M, W, Brother, born in New Jersey, single, Farmer, now in Army
Daniel Smith, 32, M, W, Brother, born in New Jersey, born in , Farmer, now in Army
John Smith, 27, M, W, Brother, born in New Jersey, single, Farmer, now in Army
Robert Smith, 25, M, W, Brother, born in New Jersey, married 1 time, now married, Teacher, now in Navy
Lived in a frame house worth $250
[Margarett Smith is NOT Alanson's nor Mary's mother]
Census |
2 Aug 1870 |
Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [8] |
- Alanson Mabee, 47, M, W, Farmer, $2500, $700, NY
Mary Mabee, 37, F, W, Keeping House, Ireland, illiterate
William Mabee, 19, M, W, Works on Farm, NY
Jennett Mabee, 16, F, W, At Home, NY, attended school
Alexander Mabee, 9, M, W, Attends School, NY, attended school
Mary Mabee, 7, F, W, Attends School, NY, attended school
John Mabee, 2, M, W, At Home, NY
Census |
5 Jun 1875 |
South of the East Branch of the Deleware River, Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [9] |
- Alanson Mabie, 52, M, Head, born in Delaware County, married, Farmer, owns land
Mary A Mabie, 41, Wife, born in Ireland, married
William R Mabie, 24, M, Son, born in Delaware County, Single, Farmer, owns land
Mary J Mabie, 12, F, Daughter, born in Delaware County, Single
John Mabie, 7, M, Son, born in Delaware County, Single
Alexandr Mabie, 13, M, Son, born in Delaware County, Single
and a hired man
Lived in a framed house worth $1000
Census |
17 Jun 1880 |
Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [10] |
- Alanson Maybee, White, Male, 57, Head, Married, Farmer, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in New York
Mary A. Maybee, White, Female, 47, Wife, Married, Keeping House, born in Ireland, Father born in Ireland, Mother born in Ireland
William R. Maybee, White, Male, 27, Son, Single, At Home, Idiotic (partly self supporting - never institutionalized), born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in Ireland
Alexander Maybee, White, Male, 18, Son, Single, At Home, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in Ireland
Mary J. Maybee, White, Female, 17, Daughter, Single, At Home, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in Ireland
John Maybee, White, Male, 12, Son, Single, At Home, born in New York, Father born in New York, Mother born in Ireland
Census |
18 Jun 1880 |
Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [11] |
- Alanson Maybee, Owner, 17 Acres tilled land, 8 acres pasture, 8 acres wooded land, and 33 acres unimproved land. Farm value - $1000, tools and implements $100, livestock $250
Anecdote |
- Alanson Mabee is listed as a brother to Daniel, John, and Robert Smith of Colchester in "Men Now in Service- 1865; Section 1 - Andes, Bovina, Colchester, Davenport, Delhi, Franklin, and Hamden
"SMITH, Daniel . . . At age 32 years, he is a married man born in New Jersey, he is included in family #85 as a brother of Alanson Mabee and is a Farmer. He entered military service on February 29, 1864 in the 144th NYI for 3 years as a Private. At present, he is a Private in the 144th NYI with 1 year and 9 months unexpired service.
SMITH, John . . . At age 27 years, he is a married man born in New Jersey, he is included in family #85 as brother of Alanson Mabee and is a Farmer. He entered military service on September 3, 1864 in the 144th NYI for 1 year as a Private. He was promoted to Corp. April 1, 1865 in the 144th NYI and has 3 months unexpired service.
SMITH, Robert . . . At age 25 years, he is a married man born in New Jersey, he is included in family #85 as a brother of Alanson Mabee and is a Teacher. He entered military service on August 1, 1864 on the Pambince for 1 year as a Yeoman. At present, he is a Yeoman on the Pambince with 2 months unexpired service."
This is referring to the New York State Census, 1865, Town of Colchester, Delaware, New York, Page 13, Household 85. There is no other evidence of this relationship
Death |
1 Feb 1881 |
Colchester Township, Delaware County, New York [13] |
Obituary |
4 Feb 1881 [14] |
- A husband and wife depart on the same day. Alanson and Mary Ann Maybee, residents of the town of Colchester, Delaware County, near Westfield Flats, died the other day, aged respectively 58 and 48 years. The husband died at about 11 a.m. and his wife at five p.m., of the same day. Mr. Maybee was the father of the wife of ex-Supervisor M.R. Dodge of Westfield (Chautauqua County).
Reference Number |
22414 |
Burial |
Westfield Flats Cemetery adjoining Presbyterian Church, Roscoe, Sullivan County, New York [15] |
- Alanson Maybee, Feb 1, 1881, 58y; Mary Ann Maybee, Wife, Feb 1, 1881, 48y
Person ID |
I22275 |
Maybee Society |
Last Modified |
7 Apr 2024 |