- George Mabey, Head, M, 28, Married 8 years, 4 children born, 3 living, 1 dead, Labourer General, Port of London Authority, born in Mitcham, Surrey
Agnes Mabey, Wife, F, 30, Married, born in Chiswick, Middlesex
George Mabey, Son, M, 7, born in Mortlake, Surrey
Ernest Mabey, Son, M, 4, born in Mortlake, Surrey
Charles Mabey, Son, M, 2, born in Mortlake, Surrey
William Mabey, Boarder, M, 48, Single, General Labourer, United Framing, born in Isle of Wight
- Ernest Mabey, Male, born 2 Jan 1907, Married, Foreman Bricklayer
May Olwen Mabey, Female, born 10 Oct 1908, Married, Unpaid Domestic Duties
family member has data redacted.