- Earl Van Denbergh, Head, Male, White, 48, Married, completed 1 year college, born in Michigan, Promoter, Private Practice, own account
Mildred Van Denbergh, Wife, Female, White, 39, Married, completed 2 years college, born in Iowa, Teacher, City Schools, wages earned in 1939 - $1700 for 40 weeks
Portia Van Denbergh, Daughter, Female, White, 17, Single, in school, completed 4 years high school, born in California
Annette Van Denbergh, Daughter, Female, White, 15, Single, in school, completed 2 years high school, born in California
Letha F Van Denbergh, Daughter, Female, White, 12, Single, in school, completed 8 years school, born in California
John L Van Denbergh, Son, Male, White, 9, Single, in school, completed 3 years school, born in California
- Earl Peter Van Denburgh, 1459 West 56th St, Los Angeles, LA, Calif, born 9 Mar 1892 in Champion, Michigan, registered for the draft. He was not employed. The person who would always know his address was Mrs David Lewis, at the same address. He was White, 5' 10", 160 pounds, had blue eyes, gray hair, and a ruddy complexion.