Name |
Sarah Eliza Maybee |
Birth |
6 Mar 1845 |
Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada [1] |
Baptism |
19 Aug 1850 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church, Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada [2] |
- by Rev William Coleman; Wesleyan Methodist
Gender |
Female |
Census |
1852 |
Brighton Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada [3] |
- Peter Maybee, M, 53, M, Yeoman, Canada, Church of England
Leonor Maybee, F, 44, M, Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Phebee Ann Maybe, F, 17, S, Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Catherine Maybee, F, 15, S, Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Ellen Maybee, F, 13, S, Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Archibald Maybee, M, 11, S, Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Mary Maybee, F, 7, S, Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Eliza Maybee, F, 7, S, Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Resided in a one story frame house
Census |
1861 |
Brighton Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada [4] |
- Peter Maybee, M, 53, M, Upper Canada, Western Methodist, Farmer
L Maybee, F, 54, M Upper Canada, Western Methodist
Catherine Maybee, F, 23, S Upper Canada, Western Methodist
Ellen Maybee, F, 21, S Upper Canada, Western Methodist
Archibald Maybee, M, 19, S Upper Canada, Western Methodist, Labourer, attended school
Mary E. Maybee, F, 16, S Upper Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Sarah Eliza Maybee, F, 16, S Upper Canada, Western Methodist, attended school
Resides in a one and a half story frame house
Peter Maybe , Con 8, Lot 34, total acreage 200, 100 under cultivation, 83 under crops in 1860, 15 under pasture in 1860, 2 under orchards or garden, and 100 under woods or wild. Farm valued at $6500, Farming equipment valued at $100
Census |
1871 |
Brighton Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada [5] |
- Peter Maybee, M, 75, M, Ontario, Ch of England, German, Farmer
Lenore Maybee, F, 63, M, Ontario, W Methodist, German
Sarah E. Maybee, F, 25, Ontario, W Methodist, German
Residing Lot 34, Concession 8 or Lot 2, Concession 6, 150 acres, 2 houses, 2 barns, 2 carriages, 2 horses, 1 colt, 2 cows, 5 other horned cattle, 4 sheep, 6 swine
Will |
1873 |
Brighton, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada [6] |
- Peter Mabey, Yeoman, 74 years, bequeath to Lanor Mabey, $100.00 yearly; to Sarah Eliza Mabey, $50.00 yearly, as long as she remains single, two good cows and $65.00 or a horse worth that amount over and above her share; all monies due to my estate to be collected and divided between my daughters: Phebe Ann McLaughlin, Catharine Melissa Ames, Ellen Amelia Huff, Mary Elizabeth Martin $100.00 more, Sarah Eliza Mabey. Ellen Amelia Huff , 3 acres north ΒΌ Lot 2 Con.6 Brighton Twp. [formerly Murray Twp.] to her only during her lifetime and upon her demise her own surviving bodily heirs and no other person may occupy.
Census |
1881 |
Asphodel Township, Peterborough County, Ontario, Canada [7] |
- Archibald Shearer, M, Male, Scottish, 54, Ontario, Farmer, C. Methodist
Sarah E. Shearer, M, Female, Scottish, 35, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Andrew Shearer, S, Male, Scottish, 28, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Mary Shearer, S, Female, Scottish, 23, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Thomas Shearer, S, Male, Scottish, 21, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Jane Shearer, S, Female, Scottish, 19, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Agnes Shearer, S, Female, Scottish, 16, Ontario, , C. Methodist
John Shearer, S, Male, Scottish, 17, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Christina Shearer, S, Female, Scottish, 14, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Robert Shearer, S, Male, Scottish, 13, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Archibald Shearer, S, Male, Scottish, 8, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Jesse Shearer, S, Female, Scottish, 6, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Hurlburt Shearer, S, Male, Scottish, 1, Ontario, , C. Methodist
Annie Church, S, Female, Irish, 23, Ireland, Servant, C. Methodist
Witness-Probate |
2 Jul 1887 |
Hastings County, Ontario, Canada [8] |
- Letters of Administration granted to Emmanuel Mabey, Stirling, 2 July 1887
W.O. Mabey died 17 April 1887 at Sidney, leaving me [Emmanuel] his only living brother, as far as I am aware, two living sisters and the children of five brothers and sisters deceased, but without ever having himself married.
$21.000 was paid into court
Letters of Administration granted Dec. 05, 1888.
Land Lot 23 3rd Con. Sidney Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario,
Value of Estate $10,000.00
To Charles Maybee, brother and Charles Maybee, nephew, Julia Wright sister, Emmanuel Maybee brother, and Sarah Beckett sister, cash 1/8 share each..
To W. King Maybee, Annie Meyers and Maria Spencer each 1/24 share.
To Sarah Shearer, Catherine Ames, Mary E. Martin and Phoebe Ann McLaughlin each 1/32 share.
To Charles Rose, Sarah Jane Boyce, Mary Lartimer, Victoria Maybee and John D. Simpson each 1/40 share.
Census |
1901 |
Waterloo, Waterloo County, Ontario, Canada [9] |
- 4 Shearer Archibald M Head M Feb 5 1827 74
5 Shearer Sarah Eliza F Wife M Mar 6 1848 52
6 Shearer Herbert L M Son S Jul 29 1880 21
Reference Number |
7654 |
Death |
12 Jul 1904 |
494 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada [10] |
Person ID |
I7609 |
Maybee Society |
Last Modified |
7 Apr 2024 |