Last Revised 09/20/2016
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The church and civil records included in this file are for the descendants of Caspar Pieterse, the son of Pieter Casparszen van Naerden and Aechtje Jans, born in 1660. Certainly, not every record from these counties is included. Many church records are incomplete or have been destroyed. For example, the marriage records for the church in Tappan have two breaks: January 21, 1727 to September 23, 1750; and October 3rd, 1754 to November 13th, 1784. However, this collection is believed to contain all of those records that have survived. The primary focus was to capture the records from the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries. Records from the last three quarters of the 19th century were included for convenience, but are clearly far from complete. Starting before the turn of the century in 1800, many Mabie families began moving westward, out of the area covered by this research.
In addition to the church records, some will abstracts have been included where available. [Wills are in green.] In most instances, the wills have proven to be very helpful in determining the relationships between parents, children and spouses. In a few cases, available death, burial or tombstone data was also helpful and is included.
Wherever possible, each child (for baptisms) has been assigned a unique number, based on their parents and their order of birth. For example, since Caspar was the fifth child of his generation, he is #5. His son Pieter, the first born, is #5-1, while Abraham is #5-9. Pieter’s first child Caspar is #5-1-1. Each succeeding generation adds one digit. The starting point for these assignments was R. Robert Mutrie’s, 6000 New York Ancestors: A Compendium of Mabie Research, Log Cabin Publishing (Ridgeway, ON: 1986). This book includes a compilation of the early generations as they were known to researchers in 1986. [R. Robert Mutrie, Editor, The Long Point Settlers Journal. Log Cabin Publishing (Ridgeway, ON: 1986). Both the book and the ongoing journals are available from R. Robert Mutrie, 244 Maple Leaf Avenue North, Ridgeway, ON.] However, several deviations from all previously published sources have been documented within this file.
Each church record is identified by type as an M for a Marriage or a B for a Baptism. The date in the leftmost column is the date of the record. Where available, birth date information has been provided separately. Following the record type, each church, for which records are included in this file, is identified by a unique number placed in parentheses. Clicking on the source number will take you to a file which will identify the source of the record. After you have viewed the source of the record, use the "back" button on your browser to return to the record in this file. Or you can click on the link located at the bottom of the page that will return you to this document.
PLEASE NOTE: All names are spelled as found in the records. Therefore, a global search of this file by name will not necessarily locate the appropriate records.
11/18 M (01) Caspar Pieterszen Neby (5), j. m. Van N. Yorck, Lysbeth Schuermans, j. d. Van Santfort, beyde wonende alhier. 14 dict.
12/26 B (01) Pieter (5-1), parents: Caspar Pietersz. Mevi, Lysbeth Schuermans
witnesses: Jeremias Hagenaer, Aecht Jans
6/30 B (01) Christyntie (5-2), parents: Fredrick Symonszen, Lysbeth Meby
witness: Fredrick Suurmont
9/1 B (01) Fredricx (5-3), parents: Caspar Mebie, Elisabeth Shuermans
witnesses: Jeremias Westerhout, Rachel Shuermans
6/25 B (01) Jeremias (5-6), parents: Casper Mebie, Elisabeth Scheurmans
witnesses: Jeremias Westerhout & wife Catharina
8/1 B: (71) Catherine (5-8), parents: Gaspar Mebe and Elizabeth Mebe;
witnesses: Gaspar Mebe, the father, and Marie Simon; DOB: 6/14/1703
NOTE: This baptism record was published in the New York Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 1 (1917)
11/18 B (01)Abraham (5-9), parents: Casparia Maebie, Elizabeth Schuermans
witnesses: Kristoffel Kristiaanse, Meindert Steen, Maritje Mol
5/9 B (91) Johannes (5-10), parents: Casper Meeby, Elisabeth Schuermann
witnesses: Johannes Van Inburgh and Catrina, his wife.
11/1 M (91) Joost Zaboriscoo, y.m. b. Ackinsack, and Christina Meby (5-2), y.d., b. New York, both living at Ackinsack
The will of Sophia Romeyn (sister of Christian, the wife of Frederick Schuurman, Lysbeth's parents), written in 1715, specifically mentions four daughters of Caspar Mebie and Lysbeth Schuerman. In addition to Christyntie and Catherine above, there was also Affie and,Sophia (Feytie). I have not been able to find their baptisms at this time. Since Affie married in 1717 and Sophia married in 1719, it is guessed that Affie was born circa 1697, and Sophia circa 1698. Therefore, I have assigned (somewhat arbitrarily) Affie (5-4) and Sophia (5-5).
Caspar also had a son, Simon, born circa 1701, but no record of his baptism has survived. His relationship to the family of Caspar is made clear by the witnesses of the baptisms from the French Church of New Rochelle. Thus Simon is (5-7).
6/19 M (91) Pieter Meby (5-1), y.m. born New York and Katlintie Bogaert, y.d. born New York, both living in Bergen County
9/25 B (91) Magteltie (5-2-1), parents: Joost Zaboriscoo and Christina Meeby
witnesses: Jan Zaboriscoo and Magtel van der Linde
4/10 B (40) Caessparres (5-1-1), parents: Pyeter Meybye and Cateleyn Bouert
witnesses: Caessparres and Leyben van Scheyveren
4/7 B (91) Kasparus (5-2-2), parents: Joost Zaboriscoo and Christintie Meeby
witnesses: Kaspar Meeby and Elisabeth Vrericks, his wife
8/3 B (91) Elisabet (5-4-1), parents: Jan Martyn and Efye Meby
witnesses: Pieter Meeby and Annatie Martyn
?/? B (40) Pieter (5-1-2), parents: Pieter Mabie and Catalyntie Bogert; DOB: 10/13
witnesses: Pieter Bogert and Fytie Vlierboom
7/17 B (91) Elisabeth (5-2-3), parents: Joost Zaborwischo and Cristintie Meby
witnesses: Jirmias Meby and Esia Meby
9/27 M (91) Mattys Kanckely, y.m. Born and living, manor of Flipsburg, Feytie Meeby (5-5), y.d. born in New York, living in New Rochelle.
1/12 B (40) Elizabet (5-1-3), parents: Pieter Mayby and Cathalyntie; DOB: 4/13/1719
witnesses: Caspar Maiby and Lisbet Maiby
3/2 M (70) Jeremias Meebie (5-6), j.m., born in Harlem, living at N. Resel, and Magdalena Canckly, j.d., born in Nu Jurck, living in Phillips Burgh
11/1 B (70) Eliezabet (5-5-1), parents: Matthis Cancklie and wife Zefya
witnesses: Caspar Mabie & wife Eliezabet
Note: Must have died young (see 5-5-4 below).
3/26 B (91) Feytie (5-2-4), parents: Joost Zaboriscoo and Christintie Meby
witnesses: Hendrik Zaboriscoo and Margrit, wife of Jan Zaboriscoo
6/26 B (70) Engeltie (5-6-2), parents: Jeremias Mabie and Magdalena Canckly
witness: Delefferins Cancklie & wife Engeltie
6/26 B (70) Delefferins (5-5-2), parents: Matthis Canclie and wife Zeyfitie
witnesses: Delefferins Canclie & wife Engeltie
5/30 B (92) Antje (5-2-5), parents: Joost Sabrisky and Christina Mabie
witnesses: Jacob Sabrisky and Antje Terhune
NOTE: Simon Mabe (5-7) is listed as a freeholder of New Rochelle on 4/17/1724.
1/30 B (91) Johannes (5-1-4), parents: Pieter Meby and Catlyntie Bogert
witnesses: Claes Pietersen and wife Annatie Vervele
Note: Must have died young (see 5-1-5 below).
4/10 B (70) Abram (5-5-3), parents: Matthis Cancklie and wife Zefeytie
witnesses: Jeremias Maybe & wife Helena
12/19 B (91) Johannes (5-1-5), parents: Pieter Meeby and Catlyntje Bogert
witnesses: Mattheus and Wilmtje Bogert
Note: He was not listed in Pieter’s will in 1772.
12/25 B (71) Pierre (Peter) (5-8-1), parents: Daniel Sicard and wife, Catherine; DOB: 12/15
witnesses: Peter Sicard & Mde. Madeline Parcot
12/25 B (71) Rachel (5-8-2), parents: Daniel Sicard and wife, Catherine; DOB: 12/15
witnesses: Peter Sicard & Mde. Madeline Parcot
4/2 B (70) Jeremias (5-6-3), parents: Jeremias Mebie and Helene Canckly
witnesses: Delefferins Canckelie and Eliezabet Canckelie
4/17 B (71) Elizabeth (5-7-1), parents: Simon Maby and wife, Marie; DOB: 3/23
witnesses: Pierre Sicord & Catherine Sicord
8/19 B (70) Delefferins (5-6-4), parents: Jeremias Mebie and Helena Canckly
witnesses: Matthis Canckely & wife Sofya
10/28 B (70) Eliezabeth (5-5-4), parents: Matthis Canckely and wife Sefytie
witnesses: Ernst Clemens and Eliezabeth Canckely
1/7 B (40) Jeremias (5-1-6), parents: Pieter Maiby and Catlyntie Bogaart; DOB: 12/13/1727
witnesses: Resolveer Nagel and Claartie Lydecker
2/23 B (71) Abraham (5-9-1), parents: Abraham Maby and wife, Sylvia
witnesses: Francois Coquillet & Catherine Secord
5/31 B (70) Helena (5-6-5), parents: Jeremyas Mebie, Helena Canckly (deceased)
witnesses: Abram Canckely and Caharina Canckely
5/31 B (70) Engeltie (5-5-5), parents: Matthis Canckely and wife Syfeytie
witnesses: Jan Martheyn & wife Eva
10/26 B (40) Sophia (5-1-7), parents: Pieter Merrie and Cathalyntje Boogaert; DOB: 10/10
witnesses: Pieter Boogaert and Sophia Flierboom
4/25 B (92) Albert (5-2-6), parents: Joost Sabriske and Christina Mabie
witnesses: Hendrick Sabriske and Geertje (last name unreadable)
6/20 Sleepy Hollow RDC member: Jeremias Mebie (5-6)
8/22 M (70) Jeremyas Mebie (5-6), widower of Helena Canckely, born in Harlem, living in Phillips Burgh and Annatie Namburgh, widow of Willem Brouwer, born in Viskill, living on the Mennaer of Cortlant
4/24 B (70) Raghel (5-6-6), parents: Jeremias Mebie and Annatie Namburgh
witnesses: Joannis Clemens and Annatie Namburgh
10/10 B (71) Pierre (Peter) (5-9-2), parents: Abraham Maby and wife, Sylvia; DOB: 9/8
witnesses: Ambroise Sicard and Jeanne, his wife
NOTE: Will of Peter Bertin, of New Rochelle, dated 11/11/1732, mentions daughter Susannah, wife of John Mesbe (5-10)
1/23 B (40) Abraham (5-1-8), parents: Pieter Maby and Catlyntie Bogart; DOB: 12/28/1731
witnesses: Johannis Boogart and wife
5/28 B (71) Jacques (5-8-3), parents: Daniel Sicord, Jr., and wife, Catherine; DOB: 4/24
witnesses: Johanes Maby and wife Susan
6/20 Sleepy Hollow RDC member: Aafie Mebie (5-4), wife of Jan Martyn
8/6 B (71) Daniel (5-7-?), parents: Simon Maby and wife Marie
10/17 B (70) Abraham (5-6-7), parents: Jeremias Mebee and Annatie Namburgh
witnesses: Jan Marttyn & wife Aafjee
10/17 B (70) Annatie (5-4-2?), parents: Jan Marttyn and Atfjee
witnesses: Thomas Storm & wife Crestena
4/29 B (71) Elizabeth (5-10-1), parents: John Maby and wife, Susanna; DOB: 3/30
witnesses: Peter Bertain & Catherine Secord
11/2 B (71) Elizabeth (5-9-3), parents: Abraham Maby and wife, Sylvia; DOB: 10/13
witnesses: Peter Secord & Elizabeth Woodmant
5/19 B (71) Sophie (5-8-4), parents: Daniel Secord and wife, Catherine; DOB: 2/22
witnesses: John Secord and wife Catherine
8/23 B (40) Joost (5-1-9), parents: Pieter Meebie and Catlyntie Boogart; DOB: 8/5
witnesses: Joost Zabroiski and wife Christina
10/22 B (70) Joannis (5-6-8), parents: Jeremias Mebee and Annatie Namburgh
witnesses: Thuinnas Corssen & wife Elizabeth
4/1 B (70) Raghel (5-5-6), parents: Matthius Canckely and Sofitie
witnesses: Abraham Canckely and wife Marethen
5/18 B (40) Petrus (5-10-2), parents: Johannis Maby and Susanna Biertyen; DOB: 4/3
witnesses: Peter Maby & wife Catlyntie
11/16 B (71) Phoeby (5-9-4), parents: Abraham Maby and wife, Phoeby; DOB: 10/19
witnesses: Daniel Giraud & Mary Jobouin
3/3 B (71) Marie (5-8-5), parents: Daniel Sicard, Jr., and wife, Catherine; DOB: 2/21
witnesses: Jaques Secord and Jeanne Sicard
11/20 B (70) Henderickas (5-6-9), parents: Jeremias Mebie and Anatie Namburgh
witnesses: Harammanis Gardenier & wife Elizabeth
2/4 M (01) Nathaniel Smith and Charity Maby (also transcribed Moby)
2/6 B (40) Anna (5-10-3), parents: John Maby and Susanna Biertyen; DOB: 1/10
witnesses: Joost Zabrowiski and wife Christina
B (70) Jacob (5-5-7), parents: Mattheus Canckely and Safya
witnesses: Jacob Canckely and Zara Canckely
2/5 B (40) Maria (5-1-10), parents: Pietter Maby and Cathlyntye Bogaert; DOB: 1/28
witnesses: Jacob Haring & wife Maria
7/9 B (71) Sarah (5-8-6), parents: Daniel Sicard, Jr., and wife Catherine
witnesses: Daniel Geraud and Esther Secard
2/1 B (40) Susanna (5-10-4), parents: Johannes Maby and Susanna Bertyne; DOB: 1/16
witnesses: Edwart Eckesen & wife Maria
4/18 B (01) Helena (5-5-8), parents: Matthys Conkling and Sophia Meeby
witnesses: Petrus Rutgers and Helena Hoogland, his wife
6/23 B (70) Petrus (5-6-10), parents: Jeremias Mebie and Annatie Namburgh
witnesses: Jeremias Namburgh and Elizabeth Mebie
3/2 B (40) Petrus (5-1-2-1), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 2/25
witnesses: Pieter Maby & daughter Elisabeth
NOTE: Must have died young (see 5-1-2-5 below).
3/2 B (40) Jan (5-1-2-2), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 2/25
witnesses: Martynis Hogenkamp & mother Gerrietye
5/11 B (40) Rachel (5-1-11), parents: Pieter Maby and Catalyntye Bogaert; DOB: 4/30
witnesses: Johannes Maby and wife Susanna
NOTE: She was not listed in Pieter’s will in 1772; probably died young.
7/5 B (71) Jean (John) (5-9-5), parents: Abraham Maby and wife, Sylvia; DOB: 2/7/1740
witnesses: P. Stouppe & Marie Landrin
2/8 B (40) Casparis (5-10-5), parents: Johannes Maby and Susanna Bertyn; DOB: 1/10
witnesses: Casparis Maby & sister Elisabeth Maby
3/22 B (40) Gerretye (5-1-2-3), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 3/12
witnesses: Joost Debaen & wife Annatye
10/20 B (70) Annatie (5-6-11), parents: Jeremyas Mabie and Annatie Namburgh
witnesses: David Storm and wife Catharina
11/8 B (40) Cornelius (5-1-12), parents: Pieter Maby and Cathalyntye Boogaert; DOB: 10/26
witnesses: Johannes Myer & wife Marretye
7/10 M (70) Jacob Hielker, j.m., born on the Mannaer of Cortlant and
Elizabeth Mebie (5-6-1), j.d., b. in Nuw Reesel. Both living in Philips Burgh.
NOTE: Must be daughter of Jeremias, no baptism found (N.R. records start 1725).
10/31 B (40) Jan (5-1-2-4), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 10/22
witnesses: Cornelius Haring & wife Cathrina
4/30 B (70) Annatie (5-6-1-1), parents: Jacob Helker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Jeremias Mebie & wife Annatie
5/22 B (40) Effye (5-10-6), parents: Johannes Maby and Susanna Bertin; DOB: 4/28
witnesses: John Martyn and wife Effye
6/28 B (70) Eva (5-6-12), parents: Jeremias Mebie and wife Annatie Namburgh
witnesses: Delifferins Canckely and Eva Martyn
?/? B (71) Anna (5-8-7), parents: Daniel Sicard and wife Catherine
NOTE: Date unclear in record.
11/18 B (40) Petrus (5-1-2-5), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 10/14
witnesses: Pieter Maby & daughter Elisabeth Maby
4/20 B (70) Elizabeth (5-6-1-2), parents: Jacob Hielker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Hendreck Hielker and wife Janitie
4/28 B (40) Hester (5-10-7), parents: Johannes Maby and Susanna Bertyn; DOB: 4/4
8/30 B (70) Agie (5-6-13), parents: Jeremias Meebi and Annatie Namburgh
witnesses: Jeremias Meebi and Rachel Meebi
3/30 B (40) Martynis (5-1-2-6), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 2/28
witnesses: Martynis Hogenkamp & wife Johanna
11/15 B (70) Jeremias (5-6-1-3), parents: Jacob Hieleker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Jeremias Mebie and Rachel Mebie
7/19 B (40) Cathlyntie (5-1-5-1), parents: Johannes Maby and Phebe Ferdon; DOB: 7/7
witnesses: Pieter Maby & wife Cathlyntye
8/16 B (40) Fredericus (5-10-8), parents: Johannes Mabey and Susanna Bertyn; DOB: 7/23
witnesses: Matthys Conckling & wife Saphia
2/21 B (40) Abraham (5-1-2-7), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 1/24
witnesses: Johannis Maby & wife Febie
2/21 B (40) Isaac (5-1-2-8), parents: Pieter Maby and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 1/24
witnesses: Isaac Blauvelt and wife Elisabeth
3/11 M (70) Deleverens Mebie (5-6-4), j.m., and Catrina Clemens, j.d., both born and living in Phillipsburgh
4/1 M (70) Jeremias Mebie (5-6-3), j.m., and Marytye Clemens, j.d., both living in Phillipsburgh
5/1 B (70) Johannis (5-6-1-4), parents: Jacob Hielker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Johannis Clemens and Marytye Clemens.
Note: Must have died young (see 5-6-1-9 below).
11/20 B (92) Petrus (5-1-1-1), parents: Casparus Mebie and Willemtje Ekkerse
witnesses: Peter Mebie & Catelyntje, his wife
8/30 B (70) Johannis (5-6-4-1), parents: Deliverens Meebie and Catrina Clemens
witnesses: Johannis Clemens & his wife
2/4 B (94) Casparus
(5-1-2-9), parents: Pieter Mabe and wife, Rachel
witnesses: Casparus and Willempje Mebe
7/29 B (40) Abraham (5-1-5-3), parents: Johannis Mebie and Phebie Ferdon; DOB: 6/18
witnesses: Abraham Haring & wife Elisabeth
8/15 M (92) John De La Meter and Sytje Maibe (5-1-7)
10/7 B (40) Jerimias (5-10-9), parents: Johannis Mebie and Susanna Berteng; DOB: 9/3
witnesses: Jerimias Martyn and Annatye Martyn
10/7 B (40) Johannis (5-10-10), parents: Johannis Mebie and Susanna Berteng; DOB: 9/3
witnesses: John Bertyn and Engeltye Conkelin
2/17 B (40) Abraham (5-1-7-1), parents: Johannis De Lameter and Fytye Mebie; DOB: 1/29
witnesses: Abraham De Lameter & wife Cathrina
3/17 B (40) Maria (5-1-1-2), parents: Casparis Mebie and Willimpye Eckesen; DOB: 3/6
witnesses: Cornelis Eckesen &
wife Rachel
3/31 B (40) Jan (5-1-3-1), parents: Abraham Haring and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 3/8
witnesses: Jan Haring & wife Rensye
NOTE: Died young (see 5-1-3-3)
10/8 B (70) Rachel (5-6-1-5), parents: Jacob Hieleker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Dirck Storm and wife
12/25 B (40) Sophya (5-1-2-10), parents: Pieter Mebie and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 11/28
witnesses: Johannis De Lameter & wife Sophya
1/12 B (40) Maria (5-1-5-4), parents: Johannis Mebie and Phebie Ferdon; DOB: 12/19/1751
witnesses: Johannis Blauvelt & daughter Maria
NOTE: Died young. See 5-1-5-7 below.
2/9 M (40) Jeremias Meebie (5-1-6), j.m. and Sarah Blauvelt, j.d., both of New Hempstead
8/23 B (40) Rachel (5-1-6-1), parents: Jeremias Meebie and Sara Blauvelt; DOB: 8/13
witnesses: Johannis Blauvelt &
wife Rachel
3/11 B (40)
(5-1-7-2), parents: Johannis De Lameter and Fytie Mebie; DOB: 2/19
witnesses: Pieter Mebie & wife
5/16 B (70)
(5-6-1-6), parents: Jacob Hileker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Hendrick Martlinghs
and wife
7/15 B (40)
(5-1-5-5), parents: Johannis Mebie and Febhi Ferdon; DOB: 6/14
witnesses: Johannis De Lameter
& wife Sophia Mebie
8/5 B (40)
(5-1-2-11), parents: Pieter Mebie and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 7/8
witnesses: Cornelius Haring &
wife Catharyna
4/7 B (40)
Cornelius (5-1-1-3),parents: Casparis Mebie and Willimpye Eikesen; DOB: 3/17
witnesses: Cornelis Eikesen and
Maria Eikesen
4/28 B (40)
(5-1-3-2), parents: Abraham Haring and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 4/16
witnesses: Johannis De Lameter
& wife Saphia
7/7 B (40)
Abraham Mebie (illegitimate), parents: no father, Maria Eikesen; DOB: 6/22
witnesses: Jacob Eckesen &
wife Tryntye
9/8 M (40)
Gerrit Blauvelt and Elisabeth Mebie (5-10-1), both of Tappan
NOTE: Elizabeth died 2/5/1826
age 92 years, 10 months, 5 days
11/10 B (71)
Jacob (5-7-2-1), parents: John Maybee and Susanna Coutent; DOB: 10/26
witnesses: Jacob Maybee (5-7-3)& Sophia
3/23 B (40)
(5-1-5-6), parents: Johannis Mebie and Phebie Ferdon; DOB: 2/26
witnesses: Casparis Mebie &
wife Willimpye
4/20 B (40)
Elisabeth (5-1-2-12), parents: Pieter Mebie and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 3/18
witnesses: Abraham Haring &
wife Elisabeth
6/15 B (40)
(5-1-6-2), parents: Jeremias Mebie and Sara Blauvelt; DOB: 6/7
witnesses: Pieter Mebie & wife
6/29 B (40)
(5-10-1-1), parents: Gerrit Blauvelt and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 6/11
witnesses: Jacob De Klerck &
wife Marrietye
7/20 B (81) Elisabeth, parents:
Thomas Henli and Elisabeth Mebs
witnesses: John Maclin & Mareitje
NOTE: possibly (5-9-3)
or (5-7-1)
9/7 B (40)
(5-10-12), parents: Johannis Mebie and Susanna Berting; DOB: 7/14
witnesses: Gerrit Blauvelt & wife Elisabeth
2/2 M (92) Abraham Mabie (5-1-8), y.m. and Polle Van Orland, y.d.
8/25 B (70)
(5-6-1-7), parents: Jacob Heleker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Jeremias Mebie and his
12/5 B (40)
(5-1-5-7), parents: Johannis Mebie and Phebie Ferdon; DOB: 11/17
witnesses: Joost Mebie & sister
Maria Mebie
12/10 Commission of Casparus Maybee (5-1-1) to be one of the Coroners for Orange County, NY, replacing his father, Peter Mabee (5-1).
Source: Calendar of New York Colonial Commissions, 1680 - 1770
NOTE: Will of John Martine, Precinct of Haverstraw, Orange Co., dated 12/24/1757, mentions wife Affie (5-4), sons John (eldest), Daniel and Jeremiah and daughters Elizabeth, Affie and Hannah.
NOTE: In November 1757, Pierre Van Courtlandt listed for sale ten lots in what was known as North Lot No. 6 of Courtlandt's Manor. Farm No. 1, approximately 240 acres, was "in the possession of John Mabee, in the south east corner of the north lot, number 6." Apparently, John Mabee (5-7-2) purchased this lot because in 1762 he sold it and moved to Dutchess County. From both the New York Gazette of 11/21 and 11/28 and the New York Mercury of 11/21 and 11/28.
1/30 B (40)
(5-1-2-13), parents: Pieter Mebie and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 12/31/1756
witnesses: Jeremias Mebie &
wife Sara
4/11 B (40)
(5-1-1-4), parents: Casparis Mebie and Willimpye Eckesen; DOB: 3/23
witnesses: Joost Mebie & sister
Maria Mebie
4/25 M (see below) James Maybee
and Susannah Patton, of Monmouth
From Early New Jersey Marriages
5/21 Birth of Sarah M. (5-9-1-1), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
3/9 M (63)
Mebe (5-9-2) and Susanna Sunderland
Married by Rev. Ebenezer Knibloe,
Presb Church, South Amenia, in West Phillipse Patent
4/2 B (40) Frinckye
(5-1-8-1), parents: Abraham Mebie and Maria van Arelant; DOB: 3/27
witnesses: Cornelius van Arelant
& wife Frinckye
4/22 Muster Role for Capt. Jonathan
Ogden’s Company, Westchester Co., includes
Hendrick Maybee (5-6-9), age
21, from Phillipsborough.
Henry, still age 21, is also listed on 4/30/1759.
4/25 B (70)
(5-6-1-8), parents: Jacob Hileker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: David Storm and his
9/3 B (40)
(5-1-5-8), parents: Johannis Mebie and Phebie Ferdon; DOB: 8/9
witnesses: Petrus Perrie &
wife Grietye
9/13 Isaac Mebey was named as a guarantor for a bond for the marriage of Francis Dickson and Hester Christian, widow, all of New York City.
10/29 B (40)
Johannis (5-10-1-2), parents: Gerrit Blauvelt and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 10/21
witnesses: Johannis Mebie &
wife Susanna
12/25 B (40)
(5-1-2-14), parents: Pieter Mebie and Jannetye Hogenkamp; DOB: 11/16
witnesses: Martynse Hogenkamp &
wife Annatye
12/31 Birth of Elizabeth (5-9-1-2), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
NOTE: "List of Beekman’s Tenants due to Henry Beekman to 1 May 1759" includes the name Hans Maybe, with the notation that this land was repossessed. This refers to land in Beekman’s Patent, Dutchess County.
4/24 B (70)
(5-6-1-9), parents: Jacob Hileker and Elizabeth Mebie,
witnesses: Hendrick Hileker and
his wife
6/1 B (51) Nancy (5-6-3-2), parents: Jeremias Mebe and Maria Clemens
10/2 M (NYML) John Maybee (2-4-7) and Margaret Marshall
NOTE: 1760 Muster Roll for Capt. An. Rogers’ Company, Westchester Co., includes the names: Jeremiah Maybie, Frederick Maybie, John Maybie, William Maybie, Jacob Maybe and Symon Maybe. By 1760, Abraham (5-9) and his entire family were living in Dutchess County. Jeremiah (5-6-3) was also living in Dutchess County at this time. Therefore, these are apparently all children of Simon (5-7).
3/29 B (94) Myndert
(5-1-2-15), parents: Pieter Mabe, jr., and wife, Jannitje; DOB: 2/19
witnesses: Myndert and Lena Hogenkamp
4/23 B (70)
(5-6-1-10), parents: Jacob Hiliker and Elizabeth Mebie; DOB ???5-4-1????
witnesses: Deleverns Brouwer and
Engeltie Mebie
7/16 Birth of Stephen (5-9-1-3), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
7/25 M (70) Jeremyah Mebie (5-6), widower, and Maritie Parkot, widow of Piter Bondt
7/27 B (40)
(5-1-5-9), parents: Johannis Mebie and Phebie Ferdon; DOB: 6/25
witnesses: Cornelius Haring &
wife Grietye
9/13 B (70)
(5-6-1-11), parents: Jacobus Hileker and Elizabeth Mebie
witnesses: Peter Rasel and wife
9/21 B (40)
(5-1-1-5), parents: Casparus Mebie and Willimpye Eckesen; DOB: 8/30
witnesses: Johannis Blauvelt &
wife Catharina
11/2 B (40)
(5-1-8-2), parents: Abraham Mebie and Maria van Arelant; DOB: 10/10
witnesses: Abraham Haring &
wife Elisabeth
2/22 B (40)
(5-10-1-3), parents: Gerrit Blauvelt and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 2/12
witnesses: Johannis Blauvelt &
wife Margrietye
5/3 B (40)
(5-1-6-3), parents: Jeremias Mebie and Sara Blauvelt; DOB: 4/23
witnesses: Abraham Blauvelt &
wife Elisabet
5/30 M (70) Peter Syffer, j.m., and Agye Mebie (5-6-13), j.d., both born and living in Philipsburgh
NOTE: On 5/22/1762, John Mabe (5-7-2), of the Manor of Cortlandt, Westchester County, and his wife Susanna, assigned to Jacob and Daniel Wright 248 acres "commonly called Farm Number one of North Lot Number six" in the Manor of Cortlandt. Based on Dutchess County Tax Lists, John and Susanna then moved to the Southern Precinct, Dutchess County, on a farm that had been occupied by Nathaniel Robinson, where John died in 1767. His widow, Susanna, assigned that farm to Daniel Ketchum in 1770.
4/27 B (70) Petrus (5-6-13-1), parents: Piter Siffer and Eagie, his wife
4/27 B (70) Maritie (5-6-1-12), parents: Jacob Hileker and Elizabeth Mebie
5/2 B (94) Jacob
(5-1-5-10), parents: Hannes Maby and wife, Femmitje; DOB: 3/28
witnesses: Abram and Brechje Dubaen
6/11 M (NYML) John Westerveldt and Mary Mabey (5-1-10)
8/18 M (NYML) Peter Maby (5-10-2) and Mary Bell
10/13 M (NYML) Henry Sickles and Ann Mabee (5-10-3)
1/30 B (40)
(5-10-6-1), parents: Thomas Blanch and Effye Mebie; DOB: 1/21
witnesses: Richard Blanch &
wife Klaesye
2/6 B (92) Corneles
Van Areland (5-1-8-3), parents Abraham Mebe and wife
witnesses: Corneles Van Awland
& wife
3/20 B (40)
(5-10-2-1), parents: Petrus Mebie & Maria Bell; DOB: 3/10
witnesses: Johannis Mebie &
wife Susanna
4/22 Birth of Abraham (5-9-1-4), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
5/12 B (40)
(5-1-3-3), parents: Abraham Janse Haring and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 4/9
witnesses: Jan Haring & wife
10/2 B (92) Marya
(5-1-10-1), parents: Jan Westervelt and wife; DOB: 8/27
witnesses: Jost Mebe & Annate
1/22 B (01) Elizabet
(5-10-3-1), parents: Hendrik Zikkels and Antje Mebie
witnesses: Willem Zikkels &
Elisabet Cuyper, his wife
4/22 B (92) Femmetjie
(5-1-5-11), parents: Johannes Mebei and wife
witnesses: John Kermaar and wife
5/8 B (70) Jeremeies (5-6-13-2), parents: Pieter Seifer and Effie, his wife
12/15 Birth of Solomon (5-9-1-5), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
1/13 B (40) Antye
(5-10-6-2), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aeffye Mebie; DOB: 1/1
witnesses: Johannis Mebie &
wife Susanna
9/22 B (40) Margaritye
(5-1-1-6), parents: Casparis Mebie and Willimpye Eikesen; DOB: 8/22
witnesses: Gerrit Eikesen &
wife Grietye
3/5 B (01) Lea
(5-10-2-2), parents: Pieter Mebie and Marytje Bel
witnesses: Willem Bel & Lea
Blauwveet, his wife
5/25 B (40) David
(5-10-5-1), parents: Casparis Mebie and Lea Edwaerd; DOB: 5/1
witnesses: David Edwaerd &
wife Rachel
6/1 B (94) Jan
(5-1-2-3-1), parents: David Vanblerkom and wife Gerritje
witness: Rachel Van Blerkom
6/22 B (92) Elesabeth
(5-1-5-12), parents: Johannes Mabei and wife; DOB: 5/25
witnesses: Peter Fasei and wife
9/7 B (70) Anatie
(5-6-13-3), parents: Peterus Seifer and Effe, his wife
witnesses: Wolvert Ecker &
Anatie, his wife
10/19 B (92) Peterus
(5-1-10-2), parents: Jan Westervelt and wife
witnesses: Caspares Westervelt
& wife
10/26 B (92) Sara
(5-1-6-4), parents: Jeremya Mebi and wife; DOB: 9/18
witnesses: Jacobus Blavelt and
Elesebet, his sister
12/21 B (40) Richard
(5-10-6-3), parents: Thomas Blanch and Efye Mebie; DOB: 11/20
witnesses: Johannis Blauvelt &
wife Antye
1/6 Birth of Susan (5-9-1-6), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
9/27 B (94) Jannetje
(5-1-2-3-2), parents: David Van Blerkom and Lisabeth
witnesses: Pieter Maybe, Jr. and
12/25 B (40) Petrus
(5-1-7-3), parents Johannis Delameter and Sytye Mebie; DOB: 12/2
witnesses: Pieter Mebie & wife
2/7 B (92) Kattelijntie
(5-1-8-5), parents: Abraham Mebe and Palle van Aerland
witnesses: Samuel Korenoven &
2/14 B (40) Elisabet
(5-10-5-2), parents: Kasparus Mebie and Lea Edwaerd; DOB: 1/23
witnesses: Gerrit Blauvelt &
wife Elisabeth
10/23 B (40) Abraham
(5-1-1-7), parents: Kasparus Mebie and Willimpye Eckesen; DOB: 10/4
witnesses: Abraham Mebie &
wife Maria
10/23 B (40) Petrus
(5-1-12-1), parents: Cornelis Mebie and Elisabet Lent; DOB: 10/5
witnesses: Abraham Haring &
wife Elisabet
NOTE: From Records of Burials in the Dutch Church, NY City, published by the Holland Society of New York (1899 Yearbook), 1/1/1769 "Wife of Petrus Maby". This is Mary Bell, the wife of Peter (5-10-2).
NOTE: Will of Peter Mabee (5-1), dated 3/25/1769, proved 7/8/1772, names his wife Cathalinte, his brother Johannes, his eldest son Casparus (5-1-1), sons Peter (5-1-2), Joost (5-1-9), Jeremiah (5-1-6), Abraham (5-1-8), and youngest son Cornelius (5-1-12), and daughters Elizabeth (5-1-3) (wife of Abraham Harring), Sophia (5-1-7) (wife of Johannes De Lamater) and Mary (5-1-10) (wife of John Westervelt). NOT mentioned: Johannes (5-1-5), Rachel (5-1-11). Also named as executor is "my loving brother Johannes" (5-10). Note that Johannes (5-10) was still alive, and served as an executor, when the will was proved in 1772.
NOTE: John Mabey (5-6-8), Manor of Phillipsburgh, Westchester County, died intestate, letter of Administration to John Martine, dated 12/21/1769. According to the recently found estate papers, the name of John's widow was "Peasons Mabie", possibly Patience. See the will of Joseph Mabee in 1816 for a list of the names of the children of John.
1/29 B (94) Marytje
(5-1-2-3-3), parents: David J. Van Blerkom and Lisabeth
witnesses: Abram and Maritje Maebie
3/5 B (40) Susanna
(5-10-6-4), parents: Thomas Blanch and Affye Mebie; DOB: 2/10
witnesses: Johannis Mebie &
wife Susanna
3/18 M (NJML) Joost Meebe (5-1-9), Orange Co. NY and Freyntje Garrebrance, Bergen
5/13 M (50) Pieter LeRoy of Rombout and Rachel Mabie (5-1-5-5) of Tappen
"went to Oswego and I know not
if they were married."
6/30 M (56) Pieter La Roy, Y.M. from Pokeepsie and Rachel Mebie (5-1-5-5), Y.D. from Tappen, both living in Pokeepsie.
7/18 Birth of Joshua (5-9-1-7), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
9/2 M (42) Martinus Mebie (5-1-2-6), jm, of Tappan and Cathrina Doremus, born ar prekenis and living at peeremus
10/15 B (42) Maria
(5-1-6-5), parents: Jeremias Mabie and Sara Blauvelt; DOB: 9/20
witnesses: Maria Mebie and Petrus
12/21 M (01) Pieter Mabey (5-10-2) and Sara Boyd
1/14 B (40) Abraham
(5-10-1-4), parents: Gerrit Blauvelt and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 12/26/1769
witnesses: Abraham Blauvelt &
wife Catharina
5/27 B (40) Abraham
(5-10-5-3), parents: Casparus Mebie and Lea Edwaerd; DOB: 4/29
witnesses: Hendrick Bell &
wife Margretye
9/2 B (40) Maria
(5-1-8-6), parents: Abraham Mebie and Maria van Arelant; DOB: 8/16
witnesses: Casparis Mebie &
wife Wilhelmina
9/20 B (94) Lisabeth
(5-1-2-3-4), parents: David J. V. Blerkom and wife, Geritje
witnesses: Lucas and Lisabeth Vanblerkom
12/23 B (40) Johannis
(5-10-6-5), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aefye Mebie; DOB: 12/3
witnesses: Gerrit Blauvelt &
wife Elisabet
NOTE: 1771 Census of New Rochelle lists only Jeremiah Maybe, male over 60, with 2 females, one over 16 and one under 16. The child under 16 must be daughter Patience.
1/20 B (94) Petrus
(5-1-2-4-1), parents: Jan Maybe and wife, Lea
witnesses: Pieter Maybe, Jr. and
2/3 B (40) David
(5-1-5-5-1), parents: Pieter la Roy and Rachel Maibe; DOB: 12/15/1770
witnesses: David Flegelaar and
Geertje Oostrander
3/10 B (40) Abraham
(5-1-12-2), parents: Cornelis Mebie and Elilsabeth Lent; DOB: 2/15
witnesses: Willem Hemmen &
wife Elisabeth
11/9 M (42) Jan Straet, widower of Grietje de baen, and Rachel Mebie (5-1-6-1), jd, both of Tappan
1/26 B (94) Petrus
(5-1-2-3-5), parents: David J. Vanblerkom and wife Gerritje
witnesses: Pieter & Jannitje
3/22 B (40) Elisabeth
(5-1-1-8), parents: Casparis Mebie and Willimpye Eckesen; DOB: 2/24
witnesses: Cornelius Mebie &
wife Elisabeth
4/19 B (40) Susanna
(5-10-5-4), parents: Casparis Mebie and Lea Edwaert; DOB: 3/26
witnesses: Fredrickus Mebie and
Susanna Mebie
5/9 B (70) Elizabeth
(5-6-10-1), parents: Petrus Mebie and Lena (Brewer)
witnesses: Jacob Brouwer and his
8/3 M (42) Matthys Eckesen, jm, and Cathleintje Mebie (5-1-6-2), both of Tappan
8/11 Birth of Samuel (5-9-1-8), parents: Abraham Mabie and wife Sarah
8/23 B (50) Polly, parents: Johannes Weybr, Weybe, Weyser or Meybe and Ruth Wiltsie; DOB: 8/6
Surname has been transcribed all
4 ways
12/6 B (94) Abram
(5-1-2-4-2), parents: Jan Mabie and wife, Lea
witnesses: Abram W. and Grietje
NOTE: The 3/22/1773 edition of "The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury" contained a notice by Simon Mabee (5-7), of Courtlandt’s Manor, Westchester County. Simon was offering a reward of 5 Pounds for the return of a runaway slave named Ned, missing since 1/5/1773.
NOTE: The 4/5/1773 edition of "The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury" contained an advertisement for the 4/21/1773 sale, at public vendue, of the "well noted house of Casparus Mabie (5-1-1), situate in Orange town." This is the house and tavern that was later used to house Major Andre during his trial, and which now stands as The Olde 76 House restaurant.
1/10 B (40) Johannis
(5-1-1-2-1), parents: Jacobus Blauvelt and Maria Mebie; DOB: 12/21/1772
witnesses: Johannis Blauvelt &
wife Elisabeth
1/10 B (40) Casparis
(5-1-1-2-2), parents: Jacobus Blauvelt and Maria Mebie; DOB: 12/21/1772
witnesses: Casparis Mebie &
wife Willimpye
1/30 Maria, wife of Abraham Mabie (5-1-8), died.
5/12 M (42) Abraham Mebie (5-1-2-7), jm, and Gerritje Hogenkamp, jd, both of Tappan
5/16 B (92) Jan (5-1-10-3), parents: Jan Westervelt and Maria Mabee; DOB: 4/18
5/26 M (NYML) Abraham Mabey (5-1-8) and Winchea Quackenboss
6/27 B (94) Fytje
(5-1-2-3-6), parents: David J. Van Blerkom and wife, Gerritje
witnesses: Isaac and Fytje Meaby
8/1 B (42) Grietje
(5-1-6-1-1), parents: Jan Straet and Rachel Mebie; DOB: 7/18
witnesses: Jacob Straet & Sara
NOTE: A petition of residents of New York City, dated 5/2/1774, includes the names Petr. Mabye and Abraham Mabee.
NOTE: An article in the 5/9/1774 edition of The New York Gazette and the Weekly Mercury states that the Circuit Court for Orange County would be held at the house of Jost Mabee at Orange Town on the first Tuesday in June.
6/26 B (82) Ellenor
(5-1-5-5-2), parents: Pieter La Roy and Rachel Mabee
witnesses: Jacobus Filkins and
Ellenor Phillips
9/18 B (40) Thomas (5-10-6-6), parents: Thomas Blanch and Efye Mebie; DOB: 8/30
10/9 B (40) Elisabeth
(5-1-8-7), parents: Abraham Mebie and Wyntye Quackenbos
witnesses: Jacobus Smit & wife
Sara; DOB: 9/13
NOTE: Must have died young
(see 5-1-8-9 below)
NOTE: In 1775, several communities
voted on a General Association, supporting the Continental Congress. Those found
thus far that voted for the Association include:
Orange Town, Orange Co.: Abraham
Mabie (5-1-8) and Abraham Mabie Jr.
New Paltz, Ulster Co.: Casper Maybey (5-1-5-6)
New Marlboro, Ulster Co.: Abraham Mabee (5-1-5-3)
White Plains, Westchester Co.: Tobias Mabie (5-6-3-1).
Simeon Mabee, in Beeckman’s Precinct, Dutchess County, refused to sign.
Frederick Maybe and Simon Maybee, members of John Bedell's Company of the Dutchess County Militia, Rombout Precinct, opposed the measures recommended by Congress.
NOTE: Will of Matthias Conklin, of Orange Township, Orange Co., dated 3/18/1775, mentions wife Sophia (5-5), children Liverand (Deliverance) (5-5-2), Casporus (?), Abraham (5-5-3), Elizabeth (5-5-4), Anna (?) and Rachel (5-5-6).
NOTE: From a deed dated April 27, 1775, Abraham Maybee (5-6-7) of Cortlandt Manor purchased a ten acre plot of land described as lot number 8 in Great North lot number 1 from Pelatiah Haws for 210 Pounds. The purchase of this lot was financed in part by a mortgage of 140 Pounds payable to Roger Bissell within one year. In a second deed, dated June 1, 1775, Abraham Mabe of Cortlandt Manor sold this plot to Roger Bissell for 200 Pounds.
NOTE: A dispute between Frederick Mabee (5-7-?) of Rombout Precinct, Dutchess County, and Francis Hasbrook is evidenced by a series of court documents beginning in September 1775, resulting in an indictment on 10/10/1775 by the Grand Jury against Frederick for assault. Source: Ancient Documents of Dutchess County, Cases #9387, 9481 and 9549 found on LDS Film 925819.
3/12 B (94) Abram
(5-1-2-3-7), parents: David J. V. Blerkom and wife Gerritje
witnesses: Jan and Lea Maybe
4/1 B (42) Pieter
(5-1-2-7-1), parents: Abraham Mebie and Gerritje Hogenkamp; DOB: 2/26
witnesses: Pieter Mabie and Jannitje
4/9 B (94) Jannitje
(5-1-2-4-3), parents: Jan Mabie and wife, Lea; DOB: 7/2
witnesses: Pieter and Jannitje
6/15 B (90) Marya
(5-6-4-1-1), parents: Johan Mebie and Catrin Hanse
witnesses: Marya Dravese and Hendrick
7/2 B (40) Elisabeth
(5-1-1-2-3), parents: Jacobus Blauvelt and Maria Mebie; DOB: 6/12
witnesses: Cornelius Mebie &
wife Elisabet
9/17 B (42) Maria
(5-10-11-1), parents: Cor. Cor. Smith and Susanna Mebie; DOB: 9/14
witnesses: Cornelius Cor. Smith
and Maria Peck
12/3 B (40) Adolph
(5-1-12-3), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Elisabeth Lent; DOB: 11/24
witnesses: Gysbert Bogert &
wife Maria
12/31 B (92) Sara
(5-1-6-1-2), parents: Jan Straat and wife, Rachel
witnesses: Jeremya Mebie &
NOTE: On 1/14/1776, Frederick Mabee (5-7-?) and Peter Montross, both of Rombout Precinct, Dutchess County, appeared before the Court in Poughkeepsie and acknowledge debts to the King of 10 Pounds and 5 Pounds, respectively. It appears that these debts might have been related to the dispute between Frederick and Francis Hasbrook noted in 1775 above. Source: Ancient Documents of Dutchess County, Case #9790 found on LDS Film 925820.
NOTE: A Muster Roll of the Regiment of the Militia of Foot of Orange Town and the Precinct of Orange in Orange County dated 3/12/1776 includes: First Company, Casparis Mabie, Cornelius Mabie, Jerrimy Mabie, John Mabie; Second Company, Abraham Mabie, Joost Mabie, Isaac Mabie, John Mabie.
1/7 B (40) Rachel
(5-10-5-5), parents: Kasparus Mebie and Lea Edwaerd; DOB: 12/17/1775
witnesses: Jan Deryie and wife
3/3 B (70) Elizabet (5-6-13-4), parents: Petrus Syffer and Aafje Mebie
5/5 B (40) Antye
(5-1-1-3-1), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Elisabeth Blauvelt; DOB: 4/17
witnesses: Johannis Dewint &
wife Antye
8/25 B (40) Isaac
(5-10-6-7), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aefye Mebie; DOB: 8/3
witnesses: Isaac Blanch & wife
8/25 B (94) Martynus
(5-1-2-3-8), parents: David J. V. Blerkom and wife Gerritje
witnesses: Jan and Lisabeth Fliereboom
10/6 B (40) Abraham (5-1-8-8), parents: Abraham Mebie and Wyntye Quackenbos; DOB: 9/13
NOTE: The Will of Jacob Griffin, of White Plains, dated 6/9/1777, proved 11/13/1783, mentions Stephen Mabie "who now lives with me, in lieu of his personal service." A codicil dated 9/2/1778 was witnessed by "Stephen Maybee, of White Plains, cordwainer." This Stephen would be (5-6-8-1).
NOTE: The Court Martial of Simon Mabee (5-7-?) was conducted on 4/11/1777 (see Calendar of Historical Manuscripts relating to the War of the Revolution, Vol. II). The prisoner was charged with "being Employed by the Enemy as a Spy & for Enlisting men into their Service". The prisoner had been captured on 4/1/1777 at the house of John Hunt "near the White Plains", and two documents were also found at the house. One document, dated 3/29/1777, signed by D. Mathews, Mayor of the City of New York, certified that Simon Mabie "of the Malitia of the City of New York" had taken an oath "to bear Faith & true allegiance to his Majesty King George the third". The second document, dated 3/30/1777, signed by Samuel Holland, authorized Simon Mabee "to engage men" for service in the Corps of Guides and Axmen under the command of Major Holland. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged. Of added interest is the fact that, testifying on behalf of the prisoner was a Mary Putnam, who said that she was the sister of the prisoner and that she had a nephew Simon Mabee. She also stated that the prisoner had no wife or family. Also mentioned in the transcript is a statement by the prisoner that his father’s farm was near Croton Bridge.
NOTE: From the Minutes of the Committee and the First Commission For Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York, on Tuesday, 3/11/1777, Frederick Maby's residence is identified as Shenedore, Rumbout precinct (page 195), and on 3/12/1777, Asal Hutchins appeared before the board and said "that he heard Frederick Mabee say that he never would take the Oath of Allegiance to this State unless it was to get out of confinement that he might join the enemy if they came this way." (page 197)
NOTE: Based on a claim by Elenor Hoffman, widow of Peter Maybee (5-7-?), filed after her second marriage to Joseph Hoffman, Peter Maybee died in March 1777 while serving in Burgoyne's Army. According to her claim, Peter had moved to Saratoga after having lived in Dutchess County, and they had a son named John who was 12 years old at the time of Elenor's statement. Peter's estate in Saratoga was confiscated, and Elenore was living in Sorel in 1783. It appears from the document that Elenor's statement was given in February 1788, making son John's birth year 1775. In a series of Returns of Loyalists receiving provisions in the District of Montreal covering periods of time in 1779, Elenor (listed as Mrs. Maybee/Mabie) is repeatedly shown with two children, a male under 10 (under 6 on one return) and a female over 10. The name of this presumed daughter is unknown. However, in an Upper Canada Land Petition dated January 1793, Susannah Davis of the County of Grenville, identified herself as the married daughter of Peter Mabey. In all likelihood, this Susannah is the missing daughter of Peter and Elenor.
2/6 M (81) Cornelius Sluiter and
Maria Mabie (5-1-5-7), both residing under the jurisdiction of the Newpaltz.
Married on the presentation of a certificate from Niewpaltz.
6/8 B (90) Johannes (5-6-4-1-2), parents: John Mebe and Catrien Hankes
8/3 B (92) Henderekye
(5-1-10-4), parents: Jan Westervelt and wife
witnesses: Albert Zabriske &
8/3 B (92) Abraham
(5-1-2-12-1), parents: Jan Vleereboom and wife
witnesses: Abraham D. Blavelt &
11/9 B (41) Jacobus
(5-1-1-2-4), parents: Jacobus Blauvelt and Maria Mabie; DOB: 10/5
witness: Antje Klyn
11/15 B (85) Adam Meby (5-6-9-1), parents: Henrich Meby and Catharina Weber
witnesses: Adam Miller & Magdelena
12/25 Peter Maybee (5-1-2-5), a Loyalist soldier, died while on duty.
NOTE: Will of Johanis Brewer, of Manor of Philipsburgh in Westchester Co. mentions daughter Lena, wife of Peter Mabie (5-6-10).
NOTE: Will of Jeremiah Mabe (5-6), of New Rochelle, Westchester County, dated 10/19/1778 and probated on 3/27/1789 mentions his wife Mary (Maritie Parkot, widow of Piter Bondt), eldest son Jeremiah (5-6-3), Rachel Vinson (5-6-6), Abraham (5-6-7), Henry (5-6-9), Peter (5-6-10), Affe Sifer (5-6-13), Hannah Brewer (5-6-11), widow, and "Pashans" Mabe. This last name, which we think is Patience, was the widow of Jeremiah's son John, who died in 1769. In the 1769 estate papers, the widow's name was "Peasons." Son Deliverence (5-6-4) is also not mentioned in Jeremiah's will. It is clear from the Will of Johannes Clements (see 1780) that Deliverence was deceased.
NOTE: On 11/25/1778, Jeremiah Maybee (5-7-?) and Daniel Chadeayne, both of Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, yeomen, appeared before the "Commissioners for Inquiring into Detecting and Defeating all Conspiracies in this State against the Liberties of America" in Poughkeepsie. After they "severally acknowledged themselves to owe and be indebted unto the people of the said State in the sum of three hundred pounds" they were released on recognizance on the condition that Jeremiah Maybee "repair to the dwelling house of Symon Maybee in said Courtlandt Manor and on his arrival there not depart more than three miles from the said dwelling house." Source: Ancient Documents of Dutchess County, Case #5115, found on LDS Film 925808.
NOTE: A pay abstract of Captain Chapman's Company, in Col. John Meads Regiment of drafted men in the State of Connecticut includes the name of Corp. Casper Mabey (5-1-5-6)?, who served from 12/28/1777 through 3/1/1778. From Record of Service of Connecticut Men, Part I, Connecticut Militia, 1775 - 1783, page 524.
NOTE: An attachment to a letter dated 4/27/1778 from Ezra Williams, Deputy Commissary of Prisoners to George Clinton, Governor of New York, lists a number of prisoners belonging to New York but held in Connecticut. The majority of prisoners whose home was known were from Dutchess and Westchester Counties and had been captured between October 1777 and January 1778. Included is an Abraham Mabe, home unknown, who had been released on parole. From the Public Papers of George Clinton, Vol. 3, pages 222 - 225.
NOTE: During the months of May and June 1778, the name Tobias Mabey appears on the muster rolls for Maj. General Charles Lee's 1st Division of the 4th New York Regiment at Valley Forge, PA.
1/4 B (42) Abraham (5-1-2-7-2), parents: Abraham Mebie and Gerritje Hogenkamp; DOB: 11/15/1777
1/11 B (92) William
(5-1-2-4-4), parents: John Mebe and wife
witnesses: William Retan and wife
1/19 M (66) Henry Mabee (5-7-3-1) and Ann Van Cott, both living at Oyster Bay
3/22 B (40) Petrus
(5-1-1-3-2), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Elisabet Blauvelt; DOB: 2/11
witnesses: Petrus Mebie and Cathlyntye
5/17 B (41) Antje (5-10-5-6), parents: Casparis Mebie and Lea Edward; DOB: 6/22
7/9 Birth of Jacob Mabee (5-7-3-1-1), son of Henry Mabee and Anna Van Cott
8/30 B (40) Brichye
(5-1-8-1-1), parents: Jan Talama and Frinckye Mebie; DOB: 8/9
witnesses: Gerrit Talama &
wife Catharina
11/22 B (92) Sara
(5-1-6-2-1), parents: Matius Eckerson and wife
witnesses: Jeremy Mebe & wife
NOTE: On 11/17/1779, Silas Maybee (5-7-?) of Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, and Andrew Birger of Rombout Precinct, Dutchess County, yeomen, appeared before the "Commissioners for Inquiring into Detecting and Defeating all Conspiracies in this State against the Liberties of America" in Poughkeepsie. After they "severally acknowledged themselves to owe and be indebted unto the people of the said State in the sum of five hundred pounds" they were released on recognizance on the condition that Silas Maybee "repair to the dwelling house of said Andrew Birger … and on his arrival there not depart more than four miles therefrom." Source: Ancient Documents of Dutchess County, Case #9818, found on LDS Film 925820.
NOTE: During 1779, Tobias Mabee was under the command of Lt. Silas Gray at Fort Plank, on the Mohawk River in what is now Montgomery County, NY.
NOTE: A Return of Delinquents in Col. Roswell Hopkins' Regiment lists Fradreck Mabe as a Tory. From the Public Papers of George Clinton, Vol. 5, pp. 71 - 73.
NOTE: A series of Muster Rolls of Captain Robert McCrea's Company, Queen's Rangers, J. Graves Simcoe, Esq., Commandant, extending from 6/28/1779 through 8/24/1780 includes the name Abraham Maybee, private. From 6/25/1779 through 2/23/1780, the notation "public employ at Harlem" accompanies Abraham's name. From 2/24/1780 through 4/24/1780 Abraham was listed as "on furlough."
NOTE: On 9/15/1779, Judah Maybe (the wife of Jeremiah Mabee) and three children were among a number of Loyalist women and children given permission to "go within the Enemy's lines." This did not apply to male children who were "capable of bearing arms." The individuals were not to return. From the Public Papers of George Clinton, Vol. 5, p. 275.
1/10 M (50) Godfrey Wolven of Escopus and Nancy Mayby (5-6-3-2)
3/21 B (85) Jeremia
(5-6-9-2), parents: Hendrick Maby and Catharina Wever
witnesses: Philip Pear & Hester
6/20 B (40) Elisabet (5-1-8-9), parents: Abraham Mebie and Wyntye Quackenbos; DOB: 4/14
10/24 B (40) Elisabet
(5-10-6-8), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aefye Mebie; DOB: 9/12
witnesses: Davit Smit & wife
10/24 B (40) Cornelia
(5-10-6-9), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aefye Mebie; DOB: 9/12
witnesses: Davit Smit & wife
NOTE: Will of Jeremiah Mabie (5-1-6), of Orange County, written 7/3/1780, probated 5/12/1790, names wife Sarah, daughters Rachel (5-1-6-1), Catline (5-1-6-2), Elizabeth (5-1-6-3) and Sarah (5-1-6-4). Not mentioned: Maria (5-1-6-5).
NOTE: Will of Johannes Clements, dated 5/15/1780, mentions his daughter Cate, late wife of Deliverance Mabey (5-6-4).
NOTE: An undated Muster Roll, believed to be from the 1778 - 1780 period, identified as "A true return of Captain Requaw's Company, Whigs and Tories, sick, lame, lazy and distrest from the age of 16 upwards" includes the name Joseph Mabee. Source: Souvenir of the Revolutionary Soldiers' Monument at Tarrytown, NY, dated 10/19/1894. This booklet states that the Muster Roll was at that time in the possession of Professor Bashforn Dean of New York. Captain Requaw was Gabriel Requa, who served under Colonel James Hammond and Major Jonathan G. Horton.
1/23 B (92) Sara (5-10-2-5), parents: Peter Mebe and wife
1/23 B (92) Johannes
(5-10-11-2), parents: Corneles Smit and wife
witnesses: Johannes Mebi &
6/4 B (65) Nicholaes
(5-7-3-1-2), parents: Hendryck Mabe and Antye Van Kat
witness: Janatye Woortman
9/3 M (01) Frederik Maybe (5-10-8) and Sarah Morris, beide woonende te Nieuwyork.
10/29 B (40) Johannis
(5-1-1-4-1), parents: Jan Haring and Cathalyntye Mebie; DOB: 9/28
witnesses: Johannis Haring &
wife Margrietye
NOTE: On 12/30/1780, a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery (a Grand Jury) for Ulster County, meeting in Kingston, indicted Abraham Mabee (5-1-5-3), Andries Fero and Isaac Horton for theft of a sheep from Matthew McCavie and a lamb from Peter Vandemerken. The three pleaded guilty. At this same time but for a different theft by Andreis Fero, Peter Le Roy (husband of Abraham's sister Rachel (5-1-5-5)) was indicted as an accessory in receiving and harboring the felon and receiving stolen goods. Both Fero and Le Roy entered pleas of guilty. (From Ulster County Court Records, published in Vol. 68 of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly.)
NOTE: A Muster Roll of Captain William Fowler's Company, Loyal Americans, Flushing, Long Island, dated 6/18/1781 includes the name Abraham Mabie, private, with the notation "returned from desertion."
1/21 B (92) Jannetie
(5-1-2-12-2), parents: Jan Vleereboom and wife
witnesses: Peter Mabi & wife
NOTE: Died young. See 5-1-2-12-4
2/1 M (01) Michael Ridman and Catherine Maybe (5-1-2-11)
2/25 B (85) Jacob
(5-6-9-3), parents: Hendrick Mabey and Catherine Weaver
witnesses: Jacob & Elizabeth
3/4 B (40) Maria
(5-1-8-1-2), parents: Jan Talama and Frenckye Mebie; DOB: 2/13
witnesses: Abraham Mebie &
wife Wyntye
3/25 B (41) Casparis (5-10-5-7), parents: Casparis Mebie and Lea Edward; DOB: 3/1
4/1 B (92) Marya (5-1-2-4-5), parents: John Mebe and wife; DOB: 3/6
4/22 B (40) Gerrit
(5-1-1-5-1), parents: Johannis Bogert and Catharina Mebie; DOB: 4/4
witnesses: James Edwaert, &
wife Margrietye
4/22 M (01) Abraham Maybee (5-1-2-7), Bootman, and Ann Akkerman, weduw, van Hoboken in de County Bergen.
6/3 M (01) Isaac Mabee (5-1-2-8) and Sarah Post, beide van Nieuw York.
7/8 B (40) Anatye
(5-1-8-10), Parents: Abraham Mebie and Wyntye Quackenbos; DOB: 6/13
witnesses: Roelof Van Houten, &
wife Jannetye
8/25 B (90) Abraham (5-6-4-1-3), parents: John Mabe and Caty Houser; DOB: 11/14/1779
9/13 B (82) John (5-1-5-5-3), parents: Peter Le Roy and Rachel Maby
9/13 B (82) Rachel (5-1-5-5-4), parents: Peter Le Roy and Rachel Maby
9/13 B (82) Peter (5-1-5-5-5), parents: Peter Le Roy and Rachel Maby
10/4 M (73) David Marshall and Sally Maybee
NOTE: Will of Casparus Mabie (5-1-1), son of Peter Mabie (5-1), dated 9/23/1782, proved 2/10/1784, names wife Willempje, sons Peter (5-1-1-1), Cornelius (5-1-1-3), Abraham (5-1-1-7), and daughters Mary (5-1-1-2), Cathaline (5-1-1-4), Catharine (5-1-1-5), Margaret (5-1-1-6) and Elizabeth (5-1-1-8). Also mentions son-in-law Johannes Bogert. Sons Peter and Abraham were unmarried at the time of this will, and remained so until their deaths in 1839 (Peter) and 1836 (Abraham).
NOTE: A document dated 11/5/1782, which lists the names of men who assisted the British in constructing Fort Golgotha, in Huntington, NY, includes an entry for "Jacob Maybee & William."
2/5 B (92) Samuel (5-10-2-6), parents: Pieter Mabe and wife
2/5 B (92) Frederickes (5-10-2-7), parents: Pieter Mabe and wife
4/4 M (01) Abraham Brouwer and Phebe Maybe (5-1-2-10), beide van Nieuwyork.
4/20 B (40) Willem
(5-6-3-2-1), parents: Godfrey Wolven and Nancy Maby; DOB: 3/20
NOTE: died young
7/14 B (65) Henry
(5-7-3-1-3), parents: Henry Mabe and Antye Cat
witness: Jacob Mabe
9/30 B (92) Johannes
(5-10-11-3), parents: Corneles Smit and wife
witnesses: Isaak Mebie and his
12/26 Birth of Levi (5-9-2-1-2), parents: Daniel Mabie and Rachel Booth
NOTE: A Muster Roll of Captain William Fowler's Company, Loyal Americans, Flushing, Long Island, dated 1/20/1783 includes the names Cornelius Mabie (5-1-12) and Abraham Mabie, both privates.
NOTE: An advertisement dated 5/26/1783 and titled Notice to Loyalists appeared in the 7/1/1783 edition of The Pennsylvania Evening Post and Public Advertiser. The article references a New York City meeting on 5/20 of Loyalists who had signed to form a settlement at Fort Frontiniac, at the mouth of Lake Ontario and head of the St. Lawrence in Canada. Abraham Maybe, living near Deane's wharf, was one of the points of contact for anyone else wishing to join.
5/18 B (40) Elisabet
(5-1-6-3-1), parents: Mykell Selyer and Elisabet Mebie; DOB: 4/21
witnesses: Ide Ackerman & wife
5/29 B (92) Jan
(5-1-2-12-3), parents: Jan R. Fliereboom and wife; DOB: 4/24
witnesses: Myndert Meebe &
10/19 B (40) Rachel (5-1-8-11), parents: Abraham Mebie and Wyntye Quackenbos; DOB: 9/30
11/2 B (40) Lea
(5-10-5-8), parents: Casparis Mebie and Lea Edwaerd; DOB: 10/8
Note: Must have died young.
See 5-10-5-10
11/2 B (56) John (5-6-3-2-2), parents: Godfrey Wolf and Ann (Nancy) Mabey; DOB: 10/18
11/9 B (41) Jan (5-1-8-1-3), parents: Jan Talama and Frinckje Mebe; DOB: 10/16
11/16 B (40) Fredericus
(5-1-1-3-3), parents: Cornelis Mebie and Elisabet Blauvelt; DOB: 10/19
witnesses: Fredrickus Blauvelt
& wife Anna Maria
11/30 B (40) Aeffye (5-10-6-10), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aeffye Mebie; DOB: 11/12
NOTE: Will of Anney Mabee, widow of Henry Mabee (5-7-3-1), living in Oyster Bay, Queens County, dated 12/13/1784, proved January 18, 1785, names sons Jacob (5-7-3-1-1) (eldest), Nicholas (5-7-3-1-2), and Henry (5-7-3-1-3) (youngest), all under 21.
NOTE: On 4/10/1784, Abraham Mabee (5-9) and Phebee Mabee, his wife, of Fredrickborough Precinct Dutchess County, sold a tract of land containing 187 acres to John Mabee (5-9-5) for 5 shillings. This tract was bounded on the North and East by the lands of Peter Mabee (5-9-2). The price of 5 shillings is very low for this amount of acreage and clearly is in the form of a bequest. This deed demonstrates that Abraham and his wife were still alive in 1784. (Dutchess County Deeds, Liber 10, page 344)
NOTE: In 1775, the British issued a Proclamation freeing all slaves who would volunteer to fight for the British. Many of those ex-slaves were transported to Nova Scotia by the British in 1784, along with other Loyalists. Among them were two former slaves of Casparus Mabie of Tappan: Thomas Smith, age 25, brickmaker, who had left Casparus "about 5 years ago" on the Frigate London, bound for Port Roseway, and Casar, age 50, who had left Casparus "7 years ago" on the ship Hope, bound for Annapolis. From Canada's Digital Collections on Black Loyalists.
NOTE: During 1784, several newspapers, including The New York Packet and American Advertiser of 8/26 and The New York Journal and State Gazette of 9/23 and 9/30, carried a list of confiscated and forfeited estates (under an act of the New York Sate Legislature passed 5/12/1784) in Haverstraw Precinct, Orange County. Included in the list of properties to be sold at public vendue was a lot of approximately 40 acres near Tappan Town, "now occupied by Abraham Mabie, and forfeited by the conviction of Cornelius Mabie." Cornelius Mabie (5-1-12) had served as a Loyalist during the Revolution, but he and his family remained in New York. Cornelius' widow remarried in 1788 (below).
NOTE: On 6/11/1784, Silas Mabee (5-7-?), his wife Priscilla, and three daughters, Elizabeth (over 10), Anne (under 10) and Sarah (under 10), were enumerated in a "Roll of Men, Women, and Children settled near the Falls of Scoodiac River in the Town of St. Andrews, Passamaquoddy, under the Direction of Capt. Nehemiah Marks". The spelling of the surname in this list is Mawby, but Silas Mayby was granted land at Passamaquoddy on the St. Croix river in Sunbury County on 9/17/1784.
3/25 M (01) Fredrick
Mabee (5-10-8) and Annatje Banta
NOTE: Second marriage for Frederick
4/7 B (40) Abraham
(5-1-8-2-1), parents: Pieter Mebie and Jannetye Hendrickse; DOB: 2/27
witnesses: Abraham Mebie &
wife Wyntye
5/9 M (01) Nicholas Morris and Leah Mabee (5-10-2-2)
Note: On 5/14 Abraham Maybee (5-9-1) appeared before the Overseers of the Poor in Southeast Precinct, Dutchess County in behalf of his sister Phebe Baxter (5-9-4) "who is now returned from Westchester with her children five in Number 4 boys and 1 girl, the young(est) of whom about 6 years of age, whos father Died with the Enemy and Whose original Settlement was in this precinct." Source: The Precinct Book, transcribed by Michael F. Troy, for the Town of Carmel Historical Society, page 425. 5/23 B (40) Abraham
(5-1-8-3-1),parents: Cornelius Mebie and Aefye Deklerck; DOB: 4/26
witnesses: Abraham Mebie & wife
7/4 M (see below) Elias White and Catherine Mabie (5-1-6-2), widow of Matthys Eckesen
8/8 B (40) Casparis
(5-1-1-5-2), parents: Johannis Bogert and Catrina Mabie; DOB: 7/22
witnesses: Pieter Mabie and Maria
8/22 M (92) Casparus Mabee (5-1-8-4), y.m. born at New Bridge and Rachel Brigs, y.d., born and living at Tappan
9/8 M (NJML) Peter Valentine, of Orange Co., and Maria Blauvelt (5-1-1-2)
9/12 B (92) Johannis (5-1-5-2-1), parents: John Mabee and wife; DOB: 7/6
10/3 B (40) Abraham (5-10-5-2-1), parents: Johannis Ackerman and Elisabeth Mabie; DOB: 9/7
11/7 B (92) Jannetye
(5-1-2-15-1), parents: Mijndert Mebe and wife; DOB: 10/10
witnesses: Jan Haring & wife
11/21 B (40) Gerrit (5-1-8-5-1), parents: Isaac Onderdonck and Catlyntye Mabie; DOB: 10/25
11/21 B (40) Cornelis
(5-10-11-4), parents: Cornelis Smit jr. and Susannah Mabie; DOB: 10/24
witnesses: Cornelis Smit &
wife Maria
NOTE: Bridgewater Twp., Somerset County, NJ 1785 Tax List includes J. Mayby.
NOTE: By an Act of the New York State Legislature, passed 4/22/1785, Pieter Mabe was one of 57 men whose petitions to be naturalized and admitted as citizens of New York were granted. Source: From Chapter 79 of Laws of the Eighth Session of the New York State Legislature.
2/6 B (01) Jacob
(5-10-8-1), parents: Frederick Mabee and Annatje Banta
witnesses: Wiert Banta and Jane
3/13 B (40) Abraham
Mebie (5-1-1-2-5), parents: Pieter Valentyn and Maria Mabie; DOB: 2/10
witnesses: Johannis Bogert &
wife Catrina
6/12 B (40) Casparis
(5-1-1-4-2), parents: Jan I. Haring and Catlyntye Mabie; DOB: 5/22
witnesses: Petrus Mebie and Grietye
6/26 B (40) Elsye (5-1-6-2-2), parents: Elilas White and Catlyntye Mabie; DOB: 6/1
7/24 B (94) Johannis (5-1-2-4-6), parents: John Maybe and wife, Leah; DOB: 6/28
8/21 B (01) Mary
(5-10-2-2-1), parents: Nicholas Morris and Leah Mabey
witnesses: Frederick Mabey and
Hannah Mabey
10/16 B (40) Maria (5-1-8-5-2), parents: Isaac Onderdonck and Catlyntye Mabie; DOB: 9/29
10/30 B (40) Johannis (5-10-5-9), parents: Casparis Mabie and Leah Edward; DOB: 9/30
11/13 B (50) Jeremiah
(5-6-3-2-3), parents: Godfrey Wolven and Nancy Maiby
witnesses: Jeremiah Maiby and Maritye
11/13 B (40) Jannitye (5-1-2-12-4), parents: Jan R. Fiereboom and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 10/26
11/16 B (70) Rebeccah, parents: Gilbert Miller and Hannah Mabie; DOB: 11/27/1780
11/16 B (70) Mary, parents: Gilbert Miller and Hannah Mabie; DOB: 8/13/1782
11/16 B (70) Aletta, parents: Gilbert Miller and Hannah Mabie; DOB: 10/5/1785
NOTE: On 9/28/1786, Peter Mabee (5-9-2) and his wife Susanna, of Fredricksburgh Dutchess County, sold two tracts of land to Benajah Beardsley for 500 Pounds. One tract of 68 acres was identified as "the farm on which Daniel Mabee now lives", referring to the son of Peter and Susanna. The second tract of 8 acres in part adjoined the farm of John Mabee (5-9-5). This appears to be part of an exchange of land between Peter and Benajah. In two others deeds with the same date, Benajah Beardsley and his wife Rebecca sold two tracts of land containing some 115 acres to Peter Mabee for a total of 600 Pounds. One of these tracts was bounded in part by lands already owned by Peter, and the other was bounded in part by lands of Abraham Mabee. (Dutchess County Deeds, Liber 10, pages 194, 209 and 215).
NOTE: Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784 - 1831 (Vol. 1, p. 202), dated 2/15/1786, state that Frederick Mabie (5-10-8) was appointed Fireman to Engine #8.
3/26 B (40) Wyntye (5-1-8-12), parents: Abraham Mabie and Wyntye Quackenbos; DOB: 2/24
3/26 B (40) Sarah
(5-1-8-3-2), parents: Cornelis A. Mabie and Efye Clerk; DOB: 3/10
witnesses: Sarah Clerk
4/4 B (see below) Rachel (5-9-2-1-3), parents: Daniel Mabie and Rachel Booth
4/17 B (40) Grietye (5-1-1-5-3), parents: Johannis Bogert and Catrina Mabie; DOB: 3/26
8/20 B (40) Leah
(5-10-6-11), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aefye Mebie; DOB: 7/19
witnesses: Johannis J. Blauvelt
& wife Klaeste
8/20 B (40) Rachel
(5-10-6-12), parents: Thomas Blanch and Aefye Mebie; DOB: 7/19
witnesses: Johannis G. Blauvelt
& wife Antye
9/3 B (01) John
(5-10-2-2-2), parents: Nicholas Morris and Leah Mabey
witnesses: Peter Cole and Elizabeth
11/26 B (40) Catharina
(5-1-8-2-2), parents: Petrus Mabie and Jannitye Hendrickse; DOB: 11/8
witnesses: Jan Taleman & wife
12/25 B (40) Gerrit
parents: Cornelis G. Bogert and Sara Mebie; DOB:
witnesses: Johannis Bogert
NOTE: Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784 - 1831 (Vol. 1, p. 298) dated 6/20/1787 state that Frederick Mabie (5-10-8), Shoemaker, was admitted as a Freeman of the city.
NOTE: Peter Sypher, of Philipsburg, died intestate. Letter of administration issued to widow Affee (5-6-13) on 5/8/1787. An inventory of the Estate of Peter Sypher was conducted by Affee and her two sons Peter and Jeremiah, with the Estate valued at 52 Pounds, 7 Shillings. [Westchester County Estate Tax Files, 1787, #14]
3/12 M (see below) Joshua Hinckly and Sarah Mabie, married at South East in Dutchess Co., NY
3/25 B (see below) Phebe (5-6-4-1-6), parents: John and Catherine Maybe
From Baptisms of the Methodist Episcopal Church of New York City
6/15 B (see below) Jane (5-1-2-8-1),
Parents: Isaac Maiby and wife Sara
From Christ Church (Anglican), Shelburne, Nova Scotia.
9/2 B (40) Abraham
(5-1-8-5-3), parents: Isaac Onderdonk and Catlyntye Mabie; DOB: 8/12
witnesses: Abraham Mabie and daughter
Maria Mabie
9/2 B (40) Casparis
(5-10-5-2-2), parents: Johannis Ackerman and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 8/17
witnesses: Casparis Mabie &
wife Lea
12/9 B (01) Susannah
(5-10-8-2), parents: Frederick Mabee and Hannah Bonte
witnesses: Cornelius Smith &
Susanna Smith
12/26 B (40) John
(5-1-8-4-1), parents: Casparis Mabie and Rachel Briggs; DOB:
witnesses: Abraham Mabie
NOTE: Will of Richard Vincent of Beekmans Town, written 5/26/1788, probated 3/16/1789. Mentions wife Rachel (5-6-6), sons Leonard, Richard, Reynolds, Tiebout and daughters Affey, Hanna, Rachel, Elizabeth, Jemima, Margaret and Mary.
1/1 B (40) Rachel
(5-1-6-4-2), parents: Cornelis Bogert and Sara Mabie; DOB: 12/12/1787
witnesses: Michael Salyard &
wife Elizabeth
2/24 B (see below) Betsy (5-1-2-7-4), parents: Abraham and Anne Mabee of Adolphustown
2/28 M (74) Peter Banker and Martha Maby (probably Mosley, not Maby)
3/5 B (40) Anna
Maria (5-1-1-3-4), parents: Cornelis Mabie and Elisabeth Blauvelt; DOB: 2/2
witnesses: Fredericus Blauvelt
& wife Anna Maria
4/27 M (40) Hendrick Hendrickse, Jr. of Tappan and Elizabeth Lent of Tappan, widow of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-12)
5/17 B (40) William (5-6-3-2-4), parents: Godfrey Wulven and Nancy Maybe; DOB: 4/8
7/20 B (83) Abram
(5-1-2-11-1), parents: Michael Ridmond and Cathrina Mebey; DOB: 7/20
witnesses: Abram Redman & Elizabeth
7/20 B (83) Mynderd
(5-1-2-11-2), parents: Michael Ridmond and Cathrina Mebey; DOB: 7/20
witnesses: Abram Redman & Elizabeth
8/31 B (40) Maria
(5-1-1-5-4), parents: Johannis Bogert and Catrina Maby; DOB: 8/7
witnesses: Petrus Mabie and Grietye
9/12 M (40) John Mabee (5-10-2-1) and Maria Ferdon, both of Tappan
9/14 B (40) Jacob
(5-1-2-12-5), parents: Jan R. Flierboom and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 8/12
witnesses: Jacob Flierboom &
wife Rebecca
10/19 B (94) Abraham
(5-1-2-8-2), parents: Isaac Mebie and wife, Sara; DOB: 9/19
witnesses: Jacob and Sara Post
NOTE: Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784 - 1831 (Vol. 1, p. 438), dated 4/1/1789, state that Cornelius Mabie, Laborer, was admitted as a Freeman of the city.
1/11 B (40) Peter
(5-10-2-1-1), parents: John P. Mebie and Maria Ferdon; DOB: 12/19/1788
witnesses: Peter Mabie and wife
2/21 B (61) Frederik, parents: Abraham Mebi and Jane Williams
witnesses: Jakob Smith & wife
Hilletje Clarke
5/24 B (70) Edward, parents: James Wilde and Susanna Mabee; DOB: 11/22/1787
witness: Edward Wilde
6/14 B (40) Leah (5-10-5-10), parents: Casparis Mabie and Leah Edward; DOB: 5/23
6/26 M (40) Abraham Mabee (5-10-5-3) and Fanny Moore, both of Tappan
7/26 B (40) David (5-10-5-2-3), parents: Johannis Ackerman and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 6/24
8/9 B (94) David
(5-1-2-4-7), parents: Jan Meebie and wife, Lea
witnesses: David and Annaatje Debaen,
DOB: 7/15
11/29 B (01) Sarah
(5-10-8-3), parents: Frederick Mebye and Anatje Banta
witnesses: Nicholas Morres &
Laty Morres
NOTE: From Records of Burials in the Dutch Church, NY City, published by the Holland Society of New York (1899 Yearbook), 11/20/1790, Pieter Maybie.
1/5 M (40) Willem Bell and Maria Mabee (5-1-8-6), both of Tappan
4/23 B (40) Leah (5-1-6-4-3), parents: Cornelis Bogert and Sara Mabie; DOB: 3/26
4/23 B (40) Michael
(5-1-8-3-3), parents: Cornelis A. Mabie and Afye De Clerk; DOB: 4/1
witnesses: Dirck De Clerk and Vriutye
De Clerk, widow
4/23 B (40) Johannis
(5-1-1-3-5), parents: Cornelis Mabie and Elizabeth Blauvelt; DOB: 3/29
witnesses: Abraham J. Haring and
Catlyntye Haring, widow
6/29 B (40) Teunis (5-1-8-1-4), parents: Jan Taleman and Frankye Mabie; DOB: 5/17
NOTE: On 3/1/1791, Joseph Mabee (5-6-8-6) of the Town of Harrison, Westchester County, NY, cordwainer, took a mortgage from Horton Reynolds for a tract of land in White Plains, for 100 Pounds. This mortgage was then paid in full on 4/15/1796.
1/16 B (40) Margrietye
(5-1-2-12-6), parents: Jan Flierboom and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 12/27/1790
witnesses: Petrus Bogert &
wife Gerietye
1/26 B (40) Maria (5-1-6-3-2), parents: Michael Salyard and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 1/1
1/30 B (40) Adriaen
(5-1-8-5-4), parents: Isaac Onderdonk and Catlyntye Mabie; DOB: 12/31/1790
witness: Adriaen Onderdonk
1/30 B (40) Maria (5-1-8-6-1), parents: Willem W. Bell and Maria Mabie; DOB: 12/28/1790
1/30 B (94) Isaac (5-1-2-8-3), parents: Isaac Mebe and wife, Sara; DOB: 1/10
2/12 B (83) Jennetje (5-1-2-11-3), parents: Michael Redman and Catrina Mabey; DOB: 1/25
2/13 B (40) Susannah (5-10-11-5), parents: Cornelis Smith Jr. and Susannah Mabie; DOB: 1/18
4/10 B (40) Leah
(5-1-1-5-5), parents: Johannis Bogert and Catharina Mabie; DOB: 3/18
witnesses: Cornelis Bogert and
Sara Bogert
4/25 B (41) Johannes (5-10-5-2-4), parents: Johannes Ackerman and Elisabeth Mebe; DOB: 4/5
6/3 M (see below) Richard Lloyd, of Sophiasburgh,
bachelor, and Mary Meby (5-6-4-1-1), of Sophiasburgh, spinster;
Witnesses: Henry Lloyd, John Peters, Frederick Keller, Betsy Peters
7/10 B (see below) Isaac (5-1-2-7-5), parents: Abraham and Anne Mabee of Adolphustown
8/28 B (56) Polly (5-6-3-2-5), parents: Godfrey Wolf and Nancy Menny; DOB: 7/25
10/30 B (40) Cornelius (5-1-8-2-3), parents: Peter Mabie and Jannetje Hendrix; DOB: 10/4
3/15 M (74) Jeremiah Maybe (5-9-2-4) and Mary Wright
5/28 B (40) Elizabeth
(5-1-1-3-6), parents: Cornelius Mabie and Elizabeth Blauvelt; DOB: 5/5
witnesses: John Dewint jr and Elizabeth
6/24 B (40) Maria
(5-1-8-3-4), parents: Cornelius A. Mabie and Efge Deklark; DOB: 5/1
witness: Catlyntie Onderdonk
7/15 B (see below) Peter, parents:
Abraham Maybee and Johanna
witness: Christina Haalenbeck, wife of Johannes; DOB: 5/6
From Zion Lutheran Church, Loonenburg,
(now Athens), Greene Co., NY
9/16 B (40) Jeremias
(5-1-6-4-4), parents: Cornelius Bogert and Sara Mabie; DOB: 8/23
witnesses: Elias White and Catlynje
NOTE: Died young (see 5-1-6-4-5
9/30 M (see below) Selvenes Simmons
and Margaret Maybe
1st Stanford Baptist
Church, Dutchess Co.
10/20 Birth of Samuel (5-9-1-3-1), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
11/17 M (40) William Jury of New Hempstead and Susanna Mabee (5-10-5-4) of Clarkstown
12/5 B (40) Wilhelmus
(5-10-2-1-2), parents: John Mabie and Maria Ferden; DOB: 11/17
witnesses: Wilhelmus Ferdon and
Tietje Ferdon
12/20 M (74) Henry Banker and Anna Maybe
12/23 B (40) Sara
(5-1-6-3-3), parents: Michael Salyer and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 11/24
witnesses: Cornelius Bogert and
Sara Bogert
12/30 B (40) William
(5-1-8-6-2), parents: William W. Bell and Maria Mabie; DOB: 12/9
witnesses: Willem Bell and Aeltje
NOTE: must have died young
NOTE: Will of David Edwards of Orange Town, dated 10/20/1793 and proved 10/31/1808, mentions daughter Leah, wife of Casparus Mabie, and grandson David Mabie (5-10-5-1).
5/19 B (41) Willem
(5-10-5-2-5), parents: Johannes Ackerman and Elisabeth Meebie; DOB: 4/10
witnesses: Willem Jury & Susanna
6/2 B (40) John (5-1-1-5-6), parents: Johannis Bogert and Cathrina Mabie; DOB: 5/16
6/2 Burial of Richard Lloyd (husband of Mary Lloyd (5-6-4-1-1))
8/3 B (41) Abraham (5-1-8-1-5), parents: Jan Taleman and Frenckje Mebie; DOB: 7/14
11/13 B (40) Maria
(5-1-6-2-3), parents: Elias White and Catlyntje Mabie; DOB: 10/16
witnesses: Jacob Gordenier and
Maria Gordenier
11/20 M (40) Peter Ryker and Maragritje Mabee (5-1-1-6), both of Tappan
11/24 B (40) Sarah
(5-1-8-5-5), parents: Isaac Onderdonk and Catlyntje Mabie; DOB: 10/1
witness: Sara Servant
1/1 B (see below) Elizabet (5-6-4-1-1-1), parents: Richard and Mary Lloyd
1/12 B (40) Elizabeth
(5-1-2-12-7), parents: Jan Vlierboom and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 11/23/1793
witnesses: David Van Blerkom and
Gerritje Van Blerkom
2/20 M (40) Peter Mabie (5-1-12-1) and Marya Bell, both of Tappan
3/? NOTE: In March 1794, Peter A. Mabie (5-1-8-2) became a member of the NY City Reformed Dutch Church on presentation of a certificate from the Reformed Church of Tappan
3/? NOTE: A Return of the inhabitants of Adolphustown, Upper Canada, for March 1794 includes Abraham Maybee (5-1-2-7), his wife and 5 children.
4/4 B (83) Elizabeth
(5-1-2-11-4), parents: Michael Redman and Catrina Maby
witnesses: William Snyder &
Elisabet Redman
6/15 Death of Johannes Mebie (5-10) of Orange Town, Orange County, NY.
7/3 Birth of Ammiel (5-9-1-3-2), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
10/12 B (40) Elizabeth
(5-1-1-6-1), parents: Peter Ryker and Marragrietje Mabie; DOB: 9/7
witnesses: Abraham Ryker and Elizabeth
11/9 B (01) Peter
Lent (5-1-8-3-5), parents: Cornelius Mabye and Effe De Clark
witness: Maria Lent
12/25 B (41) Leya
(5-10-5-2-6), parents: Johannis Ackerman and Elisabeth Mebie; DOB: 12/1
witnesses: Casparis Mebie &
Leya Mebie
NOTE: Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784 - 1831 (Vol. 2, p. 172), dated 8/24/1795, state that Cornelius Mabey (5-1-5-9) was appointed Fireman to Engine #2. Later Council Minutes (Vol. 2, p. 204), dated 12/10/1795, state that Cornelius Mabey (deceased) was replaced on Engine #2 by Peter Parks.
NOTE: From Records of Burials in the Dutch Church, NY City, published by the Holland Society of New York (1899 Yearbook), 10/24/1795, Mr. Mabie. Also, from New York City Deaths, as printed in the New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Cornelius Mabee, Cartman, died on 10/23/1795. His address was given as "Pump".
1/28 B (40) Jeremias (5-1-6-4-5), parents: Cornelius G. Bogert and Sarah Mabie; DOB: 1/7
4/5 B (40) Rachel
(5-1-6-3-4), parents: Michael Sallier and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 3/9
witnesses: Petrus Depew and Rachel
5/2 From a deed not filed until 10/4/1911, John Mabye (5-10-2-1) and his wife Mary sold land to Jacob and Johannes Ferdon, all of Harrington Township, Bergen County, NJ
5/25 B (40) Abraham (5-1-8-6-3), parents: William W. Bell and Maria Mabie; DOB: 3/11
6/21 B (see below) Jacob, parents: Abraham and Jean Mabe
witnesses: John Daniel Dorge and Mrs. Dorge
8/2 B (40) Hendrick
(5-1-8-2-4), parents: Peter Mabie and Jannetje Henddrix; DOB: 6/18
witnesses: Hendrick Hendrix and
Elizabeth Hendrix
9/9 B (40) Piter (5-1-5-2-2), parents: John Mabie and Marritje Blauvelt; DOB: 8/12
9/13 B (40) Maria (5-10-2-1-3), parents: John Mabie and Maria Ferdon; DOB: 8/2
10/6 M (1st Presbeterian Church, Pleasant Valley) William Snyder and Mary Maybee
12/28 M (40) Rulef Haring, widower and Catlyntie Mabee (5-1-1-4), widow , both of Tappan
NOTE: Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784 - 1831 (Vol. 2, p. 207), dated 1/11/1796, state that Frederick Mabie (5-10-8) resigned as Fireman.
1/24 B (94) Maria
(5-1-2-4-1-1), parents: Pieter Mebe and wife Jannetje
witnesses: Abraham and Maria Mebe,
DOB: 1/5
1/28 Birth of Enoch (5-9-1-3-3), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
1/31 B (40) Catlyntje
(5-1-8-5-6), parents: Isaac Onderdonck and Catlyntje Mabie; DOB: 12/29/1795
witnesses: Myndert Mabie and Aetje
9/4 B (40) Elizabeth
(5-1-12-1-1), parents: Petrus Mabie and Maria Bell; DOB: 7/29
witnesses: Henry Hendrix and Elizabeth
9/10 B (98) John Mabee (5-7-2-2) and his wife, Sarah Mabee
10/21 M (40) John D. Nagel and Sarah Mabie (5-10-2-5), both of Tappan
11/14 Birth of Jacob Maby (5-1-5-10-4)
11/24 M (40) Peter Mabie (5-1-1-3-2) and Rachel Blauvelt, both of Tappan
NOTE: Cornelius Maybe (5-1-5-9), cartman, died intestate in the fall of 1795. A Letter of Administration for Cornelius' estate was granted to his friend Mathias Carvey on 4/25/1797, shortly after the death of Cornelius' widow, Elizabeth. (See entry under 4/20/1797 below for the death of Elizabeth Mabey, Cornelius' widow.)
NOTE: Will of Peter Mabye (5-1-2), of Harrington Township, Bergen County, NJ, dated 6/5/1797, proved 6/27/1797. Mentions sons John (5-1-2-4) (eldest), Isaac (5-1-2-8), Casparus (5-1-2-9), Myndert (5-1-2-15), Abraham (5-1-2-7) and Jeremias (5-1-2-13) "who is not capable of supporting himself" and daughters Gerretye (5-1-2-3), Sophia (5-1-2-10), Cathrina (5-1-2-11), Elizabeth (5-1-2-12) and granddaughter Margaret (daughter of Anatie (5-1-2-14), who married Johanes Vanhorn). Not mentioned: sons Peter and Martinus.NOTE: On 2/24/1797, Peter Maby (5-10-2) and wife Sally, of Harrington, Bergen Co., NJ sold 40 acres to Jacob Concklin for 720 Pounds (Bergen Co. Deeds).
1/29 B (01) Cornelius (5-1-8-3-6), parents: Cornelius Maby and Effy Clark
2/19 B (01) Philip
(5-10-5-2-7), parents: Johannis Ackerman and Elizabeth Maby
witnesses: Philip Minthorne &
Sophia, his wife
3/19 B (94) Lea (5-1-2-4-2-1), parents: Abraham Mebe and wife, Maria; DOB: 1/13
4/5 M (93) Jacob Post and Elizabeth Maybee (5-1-1-8), both living in Rockland
4/20 From The Minerva & Mercantile Evening Advertiser (NYC) of this date, Mrs. Elizabeth Mabey, widow of the late Cornelius Mabey (5-1-5-9), died "on Monday", leaving four orphans. An identical notice appeared in Greenleaf's New York Journal and Patriotic Register of 4/22/1797.
9/2 B (94) Annatje (5-1-2-4-1-2), parents: Pieter Mebe and wife, Jannitje; DOB: 8/25
11/23 M (74) John Maybe and Betsy Avery
NOTE: 1798 NYC court minutes mention John Maby (5-10-2-1) and wife Maria
NOTE: Dutchess County Probate record for Abraham Maybee (5-9-2-2), Philipstown carpenter, died intestate, Letter of Administration dated 5/30/1798 granted to Ebenezer Cole of Philipstown. (Book B, page 45)
NOTE: Petition 9 March 1798 of Abraham Requa of Yorktown, Westchester Co., stating "Abraham Mabee is a lunatic." Guardianship papers list daughters Charlotte, age about 21, Abigail, age about 19, and Barsheba, age 16, wife deceased. Abraham Requa appointed guardian.
NOTE: 1798 Assessment Rolls for the Town of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY, includes Daniel Mabee (5-9-2-1) and John Mabee (5-9-5).
1/9 M (40) Abraham Servant and Hannah Mabee (5-1-8-10), both of Tappan
1/15 M (40) Abraham Mabee Jr. (5-1-8-8) of Tappan and Sarah Demarest of Clarkstown
1/17 M (93) Abraham Post and Effie Maybee, both living at Bergen Point
2/3 M (44) William Ickhart and Janittje Maybe (5-1-2-4-3)
2/7 B (40) Sara (5-1-6-4-6), parents: Cornelius G. Bogert and Sara Mabie; DOB: 1/19
2/7 B (40) David
(5-10-2-5-1), parents: John D. Nagel and Sara Mabie; DOB: 1/19
witnesses: David Nagle and Dirckje
3/25 B (40) Vrouwtje (5-10-11-6), parents: Cornelus Smith Jr. and Susanna Mabie; DOB: 2/28
5/16 M (see below) John Mabee of Mendham
and Hannah Gearing of Morristown
Married by the Rev. Amzi Armstrong,
V.D.M., in Mendham, Morris Co., NJ.
Recorded in Morris County, Liber A, page 57
7/8 B (40) Johannis
(5-10-2-1-4), parents: John Mabie and Maria Ferdon; DOB: 6/24
witnesses: Johannis Ferdon and
Sophia Ferdon
7/22 B (40) William (5-1-8-6-4), parents: William Bell and Maria Mabie; DOB: 6/7
7/29 NOTE: Sarah and John Mabee (5-7-2-2) were 2 of the 12 charter members who drew up the Church Covenant of "the Baptist Church of Vernon" on 7/29/1798.
9/15 Birth of Lewis (5-9-1-3-4), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
11/27 From Morris Co., NJ, Bill of Mortality, a child of John Mabee died (see 5/16/1798).
1/6 B (94) Trientje (5-1-2-4-2-2), parents: Abraham Mebe and wife, Maria; DOB: 11/11/1798
2/6 B (40) Philip
(5-1-8-10-1), parents: Abraham Servant and Annaatje Mabie; DOB: 12/18/1798
witnesses: Phillip Servant and
Sarah Servant
2/6 B (40) Abraham
(5-1-8-8-1), parents: Abraham Mabie Jr. and Sarah Demarest; DOB: 1/12
witness: Wyntje Mabie
3/3 B (52) Teuntje (5-6-3-2-6), parents: Godfrey Wolfe and Nancy Maby; DOB: 1/3
3/6 B (40) Elizabeth (5-1-8-9-1), parents: Frederic Parcel and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB:1/27
5/19 B (01) Janetje
(5-1-8-3-7), parents: Cornelius Mabie and Effy Clark
witnesses: Peter Mabie & Janetie,
his wife
5/19 B (01) Ida
(5-10-5-2-8), parents: Johannis Ackerman and Elizabeth Mabie
witnesses: Peter Mabie & Janetie,
his wife
7/7 B (94) Lea (5-1-2-4-1-3), parents: Pieter Mebe and wife, Jannetje; DOB: 4/30
10/26 B (40) Hendrick (5-1-12-1-2), parents: Peter C. Mabie and Maria Bell; DOB: 9/19
NOTE: In 1800 (date uncertain) Isaac Maby (5-1-2-8) and wife Sally, of Harrington Twp., Bergen Co., NJ, sold 5 acres for 150 Pounds to Peter J. Maby (5-10-2), farmer, of Harrington Twp., corner to Mindert Maby, Peter Bogart and Margaret, plus additional lots of 3 and 11 acres. From Bergen County Deeds.
2/22 B (40) Gritje (5-1-6-2-4), parents:
Elias Wite and Catrina Mabie; DOB: 1/23
Johannes Brower and Gritje Brower
5/29 B (40) Sarah (5-10-2-5-2), parents: Jan D. Nagle and Sally Mabie; DOB: 3/19
8/10 M (70) Adam Mabey (5-6-9-1) and Anna Boyce
10/12 B (40) Grietje (5-1-6-4-7), parents: Cornelius G. Bogert and Sarah Mabie; DOB: 9/17
10/12 B (04) Maria Lang (5-10-2-3-1), parents: Peter Mabie and wife Harriet; DOB: 5/1/1800
10/29 M (see below) William Brinkley and Mary Maby
10/30 Birth of Sally (5-9-1-3-5), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
M (see below) Samuel Neilson and Jane Maybee (5-1-2-7-3) of Adolphustown,
Upper Canada
the records of the Rev. Robert McDowall
B (40) Wyntje (5-1-8-10-2), parents:
Abraham Servant and Annaatje Mabie; DOB: 10/15
witness: Wyntje Mabie
NOTE: Will of Daniel Chadeayne, of Yorktown, Westchester County, NY, dated 6/15/1801, proved 5/19/1810, mentions daughter Jude, the wife of Jeremiah Mabee.
NOTE: Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784 - 1831 (Vol. 2, p. 713), dated 3/3/1801, state that Frederick Mabie (5-10-8) was appointed Measurer of Grain.
1/16 B (40) Peter (5-1-8-8-2), parents: Abraham A. Mabie and Sarah Demarest; DOB: 9/5/1800
B (94) Jannetje (5-1-2-4-1-4), parents:
Peter Maybe and wife, Jannetje; DOB: 3/3
William and Jannetje Maybe
8/28 B (01) Effy (5-1-8-3-8), parents: Cornelius Maby and Effy DeClark; DOB: 6/29
10/4 B (70) Henry (5-6-9-1-1), parents: Adam Mabey and wife; DOB: 8/27/1801
11/1 B (01) Peter (5-1-8-2-5), parents: Peter Mabie and Jane Hendrikson; DOB: 9/11
12/20 B (see below) Mary Ann (5-1-2-7-3-1), parents: Samuel Neilson and
Jane Maybee
From Adolphustown,
Upper Canada, Baptisms
1/2 M (93) Jasper Maybee (5-10-2-4) and
Catherine Edsall, both of the English Neighborhood
Married by John Cornelison, V. D. M.
2/14 M (40) Isaac Dutcher and Rachel Mabie (5-1-8-11), both of Tappan
2/14 B (52) Samuel (5-6-3-2-7), parents: Godfrey Woolvin and Nancy Mabie; DOB: 12/8/1801
3/2 M (44) Casparus Maybee (5-10-5-7) and Jemima Van Busskirk
4/4 B (40) Jacob (5-10-2-1-5), parents: John Mabie and Maria Ferdon; DOB: 3/15
4/11 B (04) George Booker (5-10-2-3-2), parents: Peter Mabie and wife, Harriet; DOB: 2/9/1802
10/4 B (40) Cornelius (5-1-12-1-3), parents: Petrus C. Mabie and Maria Bell; DOB: 9/4
10/23 M (94) William Maby (5-1-2-4-4) and Alteye Barus
12/25 B (94) John (5-1-2-4-1-5), parents: Peter Maby and wife, Ginny; DOB: 11/12
NOTE: Will of Abraham Mabie (5-9-1), of the town of Franklin, Putnam County (Dutchess County when the will was written), written 3/25/1803, proved 9/6/1817, mentions wife Sarah, "my five sons" Stephen, Abraham, Solomon, Joshua and Samuel, and daughters Sarah, the wife of George Cleveland, Susannah, the wife of Joseph Baker, and deceased daughter Elizabeth, who had been the wife of Squire Ellis. Note differences between these children and those listed in Pelletreau’s The History of Putnam County. Supplementing the will with other data from Pelletreau: Stephen, married Abigail Penny (see notes on family in 1834); Abraham, born 4/22/1763, married Content Ellis; Solomon died in 1850 age 86 and married 1- Rosannah Lovel, died 1806, 2- Lois Hill died 1848, age 77 years, 3 months and 10 days (see Solomon’s will in 1848); Joshua, born 7/18/1769, died 1854, married Elizabeth Gifford (see probate note in 1860); and Samuel, born 1772, died 10/14/1856, married Ruth Bolt (see probate note in 1856).
1/19 B (First Methodist Church of White Plains) Mary, parents: Elias Mabee (5-9-2-5) and Eunice Mabie
4/11 B (41) Maria (5-1-8-8-3), parents: Abraham Mebie and Sarah Demarest; DOB: 10/11/1802
5/15 M (see below) Joel Parke and Rachel Mabie (5-9-2-1-3)
11/24 M (40) Frederick C. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3) of Tappan and Catrina De Voe of Bulls Ferry
12/28 B (94) John (5-1-2-4-4-1), parents: William Mabye and wife, Aaltje; DOB: 12/7
NOTE: From Burials in the Dutch Church, NY City: 2/2/1804, Peter Maibie, (5-10-2-1-1) and 1/17/1804, wife of Peter Mabee (5-1-8-2). (see NYG&BR 1944, page 127)
NOTE: From the Parish Register of the Trinity Church in New York City, Mrs. Mabie, age 93, died on 7/22/1804. By age, this must be Susanna Bertain Mabie, the widow of Johannes Mabie (5-10). She was buried at St. Paul's Chapel.
NOTE: Jasper Mabye (5-10-5) and his wife, Leah Edwards, were admitted to the Reformed Dutch at Greenwich, NYC, by Certificate. The church records indicate that Jasper died Feb. 1816.
NOTE: In a deed dated 8/31/1804 (New York County Deeds, Liber 68, page 36), Peter Mabie (5-10-2) granted a lot in NYC to his daughter-in-law, Harriet Mabie, wife of his son Peter (5-10-2-3).
2/19 B (01) Cornelius (5-1-1-3-2-1), parents: Peter Maby and Rachel Blauvelt; DOB: 1/10
2/28 M (74) Jeremiah Maybe and Esther Hadden
4/8 B (40) Janije (5-1-8-2-6), parents:
Peter Maybe and Janije Hendricse; DOB: 1/2
Maria Onderdonk
8/30 M (01) Stephen Bedell and Susan Mabie (5-10-8-2)
9/7 Birth of Phebe (5-9-1-3-6), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
9/30 M (40) Peter A. Mabee (5-1-8-2), widower, of NY City and Maritje Blauvelt, widow of Jacobus Van Dalssen of Tappan
11/4 B (94) Peter (5-1-2-4-1-6), parents: Peter Mabee and wife, Jannetje; DOB: 10/8
12/9 B (41) Aeltje (5-10-5-2-9), parents: Johannes and Elizabeth Ackerman; DOB: 6/3
12/31 M (48) William Hoyt and Esther Mabie (5-7-2-1-5)
NOTE: Will of Abraham Mabie (5-1-8), of Orange Town, Rockland County, dated 6/19/1805, probated 1/30/1806. Mentions wife Wyntye, sons Peter, Abraham, Caspares, and Cornelius; daughters Wyntye, Frankey, Mary, Elizabeth, Rachel and Hannah; and son-in-law John Taulman. Not mentioned: daughter Kathleen. Note also that I have not found a baptism for son Caspares.
NOTE: Will of Frederic Blauvelt of Orange Town, dated 2/9/1805 and proved 5/29/1809, mentions daughter Elizabeth, wife of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3), and grandchildren Peter, Frederic, John, Ann, Maria and Elizabeth Mabie.
NOTE: An article published in The Republican Watch-Tower on 11/2/1805 listed all residents of New York City who had died from "the Malignant Fever" from the beginning of September through the 25th of October. Included on the list is James Mabee of 33 Ann Street who died at Bellevue. An identical list appeared in the Commercial Advertiser of 10/30/1805. A transcription of a similar list taken from The Weekly Visitor or Ladies Miscellany of 10/1/1805 and found in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 134, Number 4, page 278, lists the name as James Malice, and establishes the date of death as 9/28/1805. However, after viewing an image of the original handwritten list of deaths, it is clear that the actual name is James Mattice.
1/3 B (40) Frederic Blauvelt (5-1-1-3-3-1),
parents: Frederick Mabie and Catharine Devoe; DOB: 12/12/1804
Frederic Blauvelt and Ann Mabie
2/10 M (see below) Elijah Mabie and Sarah Hyatt
3/23 M (01) Peter Traphagen and Rachel Mabey (5-10-5-5)
6/9 M (see below) Abraham Maybee (5-6-4-1-3), of Ameliasburgh and Polly Johnson of Hallowell
7/8 B (01) Sarah Mabye (5-10-8-2-1), parents: Stephen Bedell and Susan Mabye; DOB: 7/5
5/15 William Mabe of New York City, was declared insolvent.
11/26 B (no record found) Elizabeth (5-1-8-8-4), parents: Abraham A. Mabie and Sarah Demarest
12/14 M (94) Garret Haring and Jane Mabee
Married by Rev. Wilhelmus Eltinge, V. D. M.
NOTE: From Burials in the Dutch Church, NY City: 5/22/1806, "Abraham Maby’s child" (see NYG&BR 1944, page 134)
1/6 M (see below) Noxon Harris and Elizabeth Maybee (5-1-2-7-4) of Adolphustown, Upper Canada
1/13 Birth of Elijah (5-9-2-1-2-1), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
2/6 M (91) Frederick Mabee (5-10-2-7)
and Baletie Brinkerhoff
Married by the Rev. James V. C. Romeyn.
2/9 B (01) Henry (5-10-5-5-1), parents: Peter Traphagen and Rachel Maybye; DOB: 9/10/1805
3/14 B (40) Mary Ann (5-1-1-3-1-1), parents: no father named,
mother is Ann Mabie; DOB: 1/31
Fredericus Blauvelt and Mary Ann Mabie
3/18 M (41) John Maybie Jr. (5-1-5-2-1) and Jane Graham, both of OrangeTown
10/27 B (95) Elizabeth (5-1-2-15-1-1), parents: Garrit P. Haring and Jane Mabee; DOB: 10/3
12/2 M (40) Adolphus Mabee (5-1-12-3) and Rachel Bell, both of Tappan
12/2 M (Middlesex Co. NJ) John Frederick Moby and Christina Derwetowa
NOTE: Will of Jasper Maybe (5-10-2-4), of the English neighborhood, Bergen County, NJ, dated 7/7/1807, proved 1/9/1808, only mentions wife Catharine (see marriage 1/2/1802). However, the Will of his father, Peter (5-10-2), in 1823 mentions Abel Smitt (5-10-2-4-1), son of Jasper; Peter (5-10-2-4-2), son of Jasper; and Charity (5-10-2-4-3), daughter of Jasper.
NOTE: On 2/6/1807, Letters of Administration were granted to Molly Gregory, Daniel Mabie (5-9-2-1) and Alexander McKey on the Estate of Abijah Gregory, late of the Town of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY.
1/2 B (40) Mary Ann (5-1-1-3-3-2), parents: Fredericus Mabie and Catrina Devoe; DOB: 12/11/1806
1/23 B (01) James D. Clark (5-1-8-3-9), parents: Cornelius Mabye and Effy D. Clark DOB: 5/26
1/23 Birth of Minerva (5-9-1-3-7), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
B (94) Abraham (5-1-2-4-1-7), parents:
Peter Mabee and wife, Jannitje; DOB: 12/10/1806
Abram and Leentje Vlierboom
3/29 M (44) Joost Maybe (5-1-9), widower, and Jannitie Ackerman, widow of Jacobus Van Gelder
?/? M (57) William Mabee and Esther Hannes
6/20 M (01) Abraham Van Marker and Alletta Mabes (5-1-5-10-1)?
7/10 B (no record found) Philip Demarest (5-1-8-8-5), parents: Abraham A. Mabie and Sarah Demarest
11/4 B (40) Elizabeth (5-1-12-3-1), parents: Adolphus Mabie and Rachel Smith; DOB: 10/8
?/? B (no record found) Peter (5-10-2-7-1), parents: Frederick Mabie and Baletie Brinkerhoff
B (see below) Wm. Griffiths (5-1-2-7-4-1), parents: Noxon Harris and
Elizabeth Maybee
Upper Canada, Baptisms; DOB: 9/17
NOTE: Will of Peter Mabie (5-9-2), of Carmel, Putnam County (Dutchess when the will was written), dated 11/3/1808, proved 12/29/1817, mentions wife Susannah, sons Daniel, Jeremiah, Levi and Elias, daughters Tamer Wright and Susannah (unmarried). Also mentions, at fair length, grandson Lebbius Mabie (only grandchild mentioned).
NOTE: Will of Johannes D. Blauvelt of Orange Town, dated 9/8/1808, proved 6/8/1809, mentions daughter Marretye, wife of John Mabie (5-1-5-2).
NOTE: Assessment of the township of Hallowell, Upper Canada, for the year 1808. Commencing the 7th March, 1808, and ending the 6th March, 1809, includes Abraham Maybee (5-6-4-1-3) and Tobias Maybee (5-6-3-1).
1/8 B (05) Peter (5-10-5-2-10), parents: John Ackerman and Betsy Maby; DOB: 8/25/1806
B (05) Jasper Maby (5-10-5-5-2), parents:
Peter Traphagen and Rachel Maby, DOB: 12/15/1807
Jasper Maby and Jemima Buskirk
4/25 B (see below) Julia, parents: John Maby and wife, Barbara; DOB: 4/10
8/18 Birth of Laura M. (5-9-2-1-2-2), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
10/15 M (40) David J. Haring and Marya Mabee (5-1-1-3-4), both of Tappan
11/10 M (40) Abraham Conklin Jr. and Wyntje Mabee (5-1-8-12), both of Tappan
12/17 M (01) Edward Myers and Sarah Mabie (5-10-8-3)
B (91) Jacob Brinkerhoff (5-10-2-7-2),
parents: Frederic Mabee and Baletie Brinkerhoff; DOB: 11/15
Jacob Brinkerhoff and wife
Must have died young. See 1814 below.
B (40) Annetje (5-1-1-3-4-1), parents:
David J. Haring and Maria Mabee; DOB: 2/14
John D. Haring and Annatje Haring
2/12 Birth (see below) July Ann (5-6-3-1-1-1), parents: John Maby and Patty McArthur
3/13 B (41) Rachel (5-1-8-11-2), parents: Isaac Dutcher and Rachel Mabie; DOB: 11/13/1805
3/22 Birth (see below) Anabelle Jane (5-6-3-1-2-1), parents: William Maby and Mary Chisholm
B (40) Elizabeth (5-1-1-3-3-3), parents:
Fredericus Mabie and Catrina Devoe; DOB: 5/5
Elizabeth Mabie
6/24 M (40) Abraham Mabie (5-1-2-8-2) of Peskeck and Seitje Ackerman of Tappan
8/6 B (05) Mary (5-10-5-10-1), parents: Abraham Wannamaker and Letty Mabie, DOB: 7/7
8/21 Death of John Mabie (5-10-2-1) of Rockland County.
M (see below) John Taping and Elizabeth Maybee, both of Jefferson Township, Morris Co., NJ
Married by William Corwin, Esq., Justice, Sussex County, NJ. Marriage is recorded in Liber A, page 97.
9/23 M (see below) Schooley Dennis and Ann Maybee (5-7-2-2-1)
12/3 B (01) Susan Ann (5-10-8-3-1), parents: Edward Meyer and Sarah Mabie; DOB: 10/26
NOTE: Will of Abraham Mabie (5-10-5-3), of the City of New York, dated 11/15/1810, proved 12/11/1810, mentions wife Fanny, brothers Jasper, David and John, as well as his sisters: Elizabeth, wife of John Ackerman; Sukey, wife of William Yeorey; Rachel, wife of Peter Traphaggen; and Leah, wife of Abraham Wanmaker.
2/11 M (67) Nicholas Maybee (5-7-3-1-2), of Wolverhollow to Sarah Montfort of Wheatley, Long Island.
2/19 B (see below) Jane Ann (5-1-2-7-4-2), parents: Noxon Harris, Elizabeth Maybee
3/24 M (44) John Maybe (5-1-2-4-6), of Ramapo, and Maria Post, of Ramapo
4/7 B (no record found) John (5-1-8-8-6), parents: Abraham A. Mabie and Sarah Demarest
5/12 M (02) George Conckling, son of Abraham, and Caty Maybee (5-1-8-2-2), daughter of Peter
7/1 B (83) Catherine Maybe (5-1-2-11-2-1), parents: Meyndert Redman and Fanny L. Maybe; DOB: 5/30
B (02) Cornelious (5-1-8-3-2-1), parents:
Christopher Radley and Sarah Maybee; DOB: 6/3/1810
Cornelius Maybee and Effie, his wife
9/16 B (40) Joseph (5-1-8-2-2-1), parents: George Concklin and Catrina Mabie; DOB: 5/16
10/13 M (40) Thomas R. Blanch and Elizabeth Mabie (5-1-1-3-6), both of Tappan.
NOTE: On January 21, 1811, Hebron Mabee (5-9-5-2) and Alexander McIntosh of Delaware County, NY, were sentenced to jail in Pittsburgh, PA for counterfeiting. There is no further documentation of Hebron after this. Hebron had two sons, Nathaniel T. Mabie and Abner Mabie, both of whom resided in south central NY. (source: this was reported in several newspapers during February and March 1811. Also mentioned as accomplices were James Calder and James Ray, both of Delaware County.)
NOTE: On 3/21/1811, Cornelius Elmendorf acknowledged receipt of $125, "for which I do hereby fully manumit and set free my female Negro Slave named Mary, the wife of Peter Mabie." Ulster County deeds, Liber 20, page 212.
2/8 M (40) Teunis A. Cuyper and Elizabeth Mabie (5-1-6-3)
3/27 B (40) William (5-1-12-3-2), parents: Adolphus Mabie and Rachel Bell; DOB: 2/28
4/22 Birth of Pauline (5-9-2-1-2-3), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
5/19 B (94) Sally (5-1-2-8-2-1), parents: Abraham Mabey and wife, Sichey; DOB: 4/7
6/3 B (40) Rachel (5-10-2-5-3), parents: John D. Naugle and Sarah Mabie; DOB: 5/3
6/22 B (41) Anne Blauvelt (5-1-12-2-1), parents: Abraham Mebie and Maria Crouter
B (40) Catrina (5-1-6-4-8), parents:
Cornelius G. Bogert and Sara Mabie; DOB: 8/1
John G. Bogert and Catrina Bogert
B (40) Richard (5-1-1-3-6-1), parents:
Thomas R. Blanch and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 10/22
Richard Blanch and Catrina Blanch
NOTE: James Mabee, of Mount Pleasant, Westchester County died intestate. Letter of Administration Issued 6/10/1812. Probate documents mention wife Anna Mabee. From the Chappaqua "Book of Deaths", James died 2/13/1812. On 6/3/1812, the widow "Annah Mabey" renounced the administration and requested that Gilbert Worshbourn (sic) be issued Letters of Administration [Westchester County Estate Tax Files, 1812, #56]
NOTE: From the Chappaqua "Book of Deaths", Abraham Mabee died 2/4/1812 and "Massee" Mabee, widow, died 6/14/1812 (Westchester County, NY).
2/? B (97) Sarah Boyd (5-10-2-7-3), parents: Frederick Mabie and Baley Brinkerhoof; DOB: 1/4/1812
2/24 Birth (see below) Allen (5-6-3-1-1-2), parents: John Maby and Patty McArthur
3/29 B (05) Peter (5-10-5-5-3), parents: Peter Traphagen and Rachel Maby
4/12 B (83) Jasper (5-1-2-11-2-2), parents: Myndirt Redman and Fanny Levina Maybee; DOB: 1/2/1812
7/12 B (65) Henry (5-7-3-1-2-1), parents: Nicholas Maby and Sarah Monfoort
8/15 B (no record found) Sarah Ann (5-1-8-8-7), parents: Abraham A. Mabie and Sarah Demarest
9/29 B (40) Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3-4-2), parents: David J. Haring and Maria Mabie; DOB: 9/3
12/16 M (see below) Noah D. Crego and Abigail Maybee
NOTE: Will of Stephen Mabee (5-7-2-1-6), of Warwick, Orange County, written 12/24/1813, probated 1/14/1814, mentions brother Jesse (5-7-2-1-7), nieces Mary Vance and Betsy Vance (children of sister Susanna (5-7-2-1-2)) and William Hoyt (husband of sister Esther (5-7-2-1-5)). A witness was brother John Mabee (5-7-2-1-1).
4/10 M (48) Jesse Mabe (5-7-2-1-7) and Betsy Demarest
5/23 Caty Maby joined the Nanuet Baptist Church
From the records of the Nanuet Baptist Church transcribed by Budke.
8/6 Death of Wilemtje Ackerson, widow of Casparus Mabie (5-1-1)
From her tombstone in the Old Tappan Cemetery, Willemtje was 85 years, 6 months at the time of her death.
11/6 M (40) William Lawerence of Warwick and Maria Mabee (5-1-8-4-2) of Tappan
11/23 M (87) Oliver Bryant and Sabarah Maybee (5-9-1-5-2), both of Rensselearville.
12/12 B (05) Leah Ann (5-10-5-5-4), parents: Peter Traphagen and Rachel Mabie, DOB: 9/5
NOTE: Will of John Mabee (5-7-2-1-1), of Warwick, Orange County, written 5/7/1814, probated 5/17/1814, mentions wife Magdalen (nee Minthorn) and "my two sons" Grant and John. Note that on 8/29/1825, John Wood was appointed guardian of John Mabee (the son), who was 14 years old as of 8/12/1825.
NOTE: Will of Henderick C. Bell, of Orange Town, dated 3/1/1814 and proved 4/9/1814, mentions daughter Maria, wife of Peter C. Mabie (5-1-12-1).
NOTE: On 9/9/1814, the brig "General Armstrong" set sail from New York, two weeks prior to its victory over the British ships "Carnation", "Rosa", and "Plantagenet". The crew of the "General Armstrong" included Michael Maybee (5-1-8-3-3).
1/29 B (83) Phebe Jane (5-1-2-11-2-3), parents: Myndirt Redman and Fanny Levina Maybee; DOB: 10/14/1813
3/11 Birth of Eli (5-9-2-1-2-4), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
B (40) John C. Mabie (5-10-5-9-1), parents: no father
named, mother Grietje Bell; DOB: 1/23
Anna Bell
5/22 B (91) Jacob Brinkerhoff (5-10-2-7-4), parents: Frederic Mabee and Baletie Brinkerhoff
5/24 M (NYM) Cornelius Maibee ((5-1-8-2-3) or son of (5-1-5-9)?) and Mary Silvester
B (40) Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3-6-2),
parents: Thomas R. Blanch and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 5/8
Cornelius Mabie and Elizabeth Mabie
6/29 Birth of Stephen George (5-9-1-3-8), parents: Stephen Mabie and wife Abigail
9/25 B (65) John Monfoort (5-7-3-1-2-2), parents: Nicholas Mabee and Sarah Monfoort
12/24 M (40) Samuel S. Verbyck, Jr. and Marya Mabee (5-1-1-3-4), widow of David J. Haring, both of Tappan
NOTE: Will of Jasper Mabie (5-10-5), of New York City, written 10/23/1815, proved 3/22/1816. Mentions children David (5-10-5-1), Elizabeth (5-10-5-2), Susanna (5-10-5-4), Rachel (5-10-5-5) and Jasper (5-10-5-7). Also mentions granddaughter Mary, the daughter of deceased daughter Leah (5-10-5-10). Also mentions son-in-law William Yeory (husband of Susanna). Does not mention sons Abraham (5-10-5-3) and Johannis (5-10-5-9), daughter Anne (5-10-5-6), or wife Leah. A NYC deed dated 5/6/1817, resolving the estate of Jasper Mabie, reveals that daughter Rachel Traphagen (5-10-5-5) was by then deceased, as was her son Peter (5-10-5-5-3). Additionally, son Jasper (5-10-5-7) was named the guardian for granddaughter Mary Wanamaker (5-10-5-10-1) further identifying Leah's husband as Abraham Wanamaker.
1/8 M (see below) Ephraim Kimble and Jane Maybee (5-7-2-2-3)
3/7 M (40) Abraham Mebee (5-1-8-3-1) and Margrietje Van Hoorn, both of Tappan
6/28 M (see below) Daniel Write and Abigail Mabe, both of Vernon Township, Sussex Co., NJ
7/10 B (no record found) Lucinda (5-1-8-8-8), parents: Abraham A. Mabie and Sarah Demarest
M (see below) Ebem (Eden) Mabey (5-9-5-6) and
Mary Utter, both of Pompton
Married by E. I. Eckerson, Justice, Bergen County, NJ
8/8 M (see below) Peter Mabie (5-1-8-3-5) and Abigail Payson
10/19 M (41) Peter John Mabie (5-1-5-2-2) and Margaret Edwards, both of Tappan
M (see below) Isack Maby (5-1-2-8-3)
and Caty Camble
Married by Stephen Goetschius, V. D. M. in the Saddle River Reformed Church, Bergen Co., NJ
12/7 M (01) Jacob Mabie (5-10-8-1) and Margaret Elisabeth Watts
NOTE: Will of Joseph Mabee (5-6-8-6), of North Castle, Westchester County, written 9/28/1816 and probated 1/27/1817. Mentions brother-in-law Abraham Miller (wife had been Sarah), nephew James M. Miller, "my two brothers" Stephen and John Mabee, a third brother, Isaac Mabee, deceased in the context of the will, sister Fanny Wyatt, nephew James Mabee, son of Isaac, and Sally Mabee, the daughter of Aimy Merritt. An Elizabeth Mabie witnessed the Will.
NOTE: Will of John Mabee (5-6-4-1), of Ameliasburgh, County Prince Edward, Midland District and Province of Upper Canada, dated 5/7/1816, mentions wife Katherine, sons Abraham, Henry, John, Andrew, and Daniel and daughters Mary, Phebe, Elizabeth and Katherine.
NOTE: From the Chappaqua "Book of Deaths", Aaron Mabee of New Castle, Westchester County, NY, died 6/27/1816. His widow, Jemima Mabee, died 6/14/1833. From "Town of Bedford, Westchester County, New York, Bedford Historical Records, Volume VIII, Town of Bedford Cemeteries 1681-1975", Aaron died 6/27/1816, age 44 years, 1 month, 26 days and Jemima died 6/15/1833, age 58 years, 2 months, 15 days. From the will of James Youngs of New Castle, dated 3/28/1798 and proved 5/22/1798, we know that Jemima Mabee was Youngs' daughter. From the census data, Aaron and Jemima had one son, Nelson, and four daughters. One daughter was definitely Emaline, who married Charles Van Tassel, son of Robert Van Tassel and Susannah Wright, in 1833. According to Charles Van Tassel's obituary,(Mt. Kisco Recorder, 3/14/1890) he and Emeline were cousins, and Emeline died in 1880. A second daughter was named Phoebe. (see 2/12/1844 marriage of Phebe Mabie of New Castle to John Acker). From the Will of Nelson's widow, Sarah Louisa Mabee (see 1900 below), we also know that Nelson had a nephew named Clarence Hyatt and another nephew named Oscar N. Moseman. Based on the 21 April 1870 marriage license of Oscar N. Moseman, his mother was Eunice J. Mabie and his father was William Moseman. . From a combination of two 1850 census records and some tombstone records, the complete family of Aaron and Jemima: Hannah, born 4/8/1802 died 11/25/1857, married Abram P. Hyatt; Phobe, born c. 1805, married John Acker; Emaline, born 11/6/1807 died 8/22/1880, married Charles Van Tassel; Eunice, born c. 1810, married William Moseman; and Nelson, b.c. 1814, married Sarah Knox.
1/10 B (40) Peter (5-1-8-3-1-1), parents: Abraham C. Mabie and Marragrietje Van Horn; DOB: 12/16/1815
2/7 M (87) Ammiel Maybee (5-9-1-3-2) and Nancy Elliott, both of Westerlo
3/20 M (02) William H. Mabye (5-10-2-1-2), son of John, and Maria Verbryck, daughter of Henry
3/31 B (see below) Mary Ann (5-9-2-1-6-1), parent: Dan Maby; DOB: 10/19/1815
5/23 B (40) David Haring (5-1-1-3-4-3), parents: Samuel S. Verbryck and Ann Maria Mabie; DOB: 4/28
6/1 M (44) Albert Van Saun and Caty Mabie (5-1-2-4-2-2), both of Kakiat
6/23 B (83) Fanny (5-1-2-11-2-4), parents: Myndert Redman and Fanny Maybee; DOB: 10/13/1815
8/4 M (see below) Jacob Maby (5-1-5-10-4) and Margaret Peterson
9/28 B (40) Cornelius (5-1-12-3-3), parents: Adolphus Mabie and Rachel Bell; DOB:8/4
10/18 B (02) Edward Paison (5-1-8-3-5-1), parents: Peter Lent Maybee and Abigail Paison; DOB: 7/28
10/27 B (65) Ann Eliza (5-7-3-1-2-3), parents: Nicholas Mabee and Sarah Monfort
1/19 B (91) James Boyd (5-10-2-7-5), parents: Frederic Mabee and Baletie Brinkerhoff
2/14 Birth of Charles Leet (5-9-2-1-2-5), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
3/9 B (44) John Goetschius (5-1-2-4-2-2-1), parents: Albert Van Saun and Caty Mabie; DOB: 2/6
6/16 Birth of Jacob Maby Jr. (5-1-5-10-4-1)
6/28 M (see below) George Maybee (5-7-2-2-2) to Margaret Demorest
7/6 B (see below) Margaret (5-9-2-1-6-2), parent: Daniel Mabbey
7/13 B (see below) Isaac Mabye (5-1-2-8-3-1), parents: Isaac Mabye and Caty Campbell; DOB: 6/14
7/30 From tombstone in the Grand Gorge Methodist Church Cemetery, Delaware County, NY, David F. Maybe died, age 2 years, 7 months, 1 day.
9/8 B (83) Susanna (5-1-2-11-2-5), parents: Myndert Redman and Fanny L. Mabee; DOB: 8/28
12/7 B (40) Annaetje (5-1-8-3-1-2), parents: Abraham C. Mabie and Marragrietje Van Horn; DOB: 10/2
NOTE: Will of Jost Mabie, of Orangetown, Rockland County, dated 6/25/1818, probated 4/3/1820, mentions wife (unnamed) and step-son-in-law Doctor Morris Bartow.
B (40) Jane (5-1-5-2-2-1), parents:
Peter J. Mabie and Margaret Edwards; DOB: 1/5
David Edwards and Alida Edwards
4/23 B (02) Ann (5-10-2-1-2-1), parents: William H. Maybee and Maria Ver Bryke; DOB: 9/12/1817
5/21 M (40) George Hagens and Marya Mabee (5-1-8-6), widow of William Bell, both of Tappan
6/13 M (41) John De Clark and Elizabeth Mabee (5-1-12-1-1), both of Tappan
7/9 B (02) Cornelious (5-1-8-3-5-2), parents: Peter Lent Maybee and Abigail Paison; DOB: 5/19
7/9 B (02) Richard Clark (5-1-8-3-2-2), parents: Christopher Radcliff and Sarah Maybee; DOB: 2/6
8/29 B (40) John (5-10-2-5-4), parents: John D. Naugle and Sally Mabie; DOB: 7/1
10/5 B (94) Jane (5-1-2-8-2-3), parents: Abraham Maby and wife, Sechy; DOB: 7/30
12/21 B (65) Garret Montfoort (5-7-3-1-2-4), parents: Nicholas Mabee and Sarah Monfoort
1/1 M (02) Abraham Maybee Jr. (5-1-8-8-1), son of Abraham, and Catharine Vail, daughter of Enos
4/4 B (44) Abraham (5-1-2-4-2-2-2), parents: Albert A. Van Saun and Caty Mabie; DOB: 11/24/1818
4/28 Birth of Abraham (5-10-2-7-6) 4th son of Frederick and Balinda Mabie, at Schraalenburg
6/19 B (no record found) John (5-10-2-1-2-2), parents: William H. Maybee and Maria Ver Bryke.
10/27 Birth of John Peterson Maby (5-1-5-10-4-2)
10/31 B (83) Peter (5-1-2-11-2-6), parents: Mynedert Redman and Fanny L. Mabee; DOB: 6/24
11/11 B (86) Robert LeRoy Livingstone (5-6-9-3-3), parents: Jacob Maybee, deceased, and wife Christina; DOB: 10/10/1808
12/8 M (72) Jonathan Merrit and Sarah Mabey
12/19 Birth of Levi (5-9-2-1-2-6), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
NOTE: Will of Peter Mabie (5-10-2), of Harrington, Bergen County, (3960B.), Written 4/27/1820, Proved 2/27/1823, mentions wife Sarah, children John (deceased), Leah Morris, Peter, Jasper (deceased), Sarah Naugle and Frederick. Also mentioned: Caty, widow of Jasper; Abel Smitt, son of Jasper; Peter, son of Jasper; Charity, daughter of Jasper; Rachel, daughter of John Naugle; Peter, son of Frederick; and Sarah Boyd, daughter of Frederick.
2/10 B (40) John Van Hoorn (5-1-8-3-1-3), parents: Abraham C. Mabie and Margaret Van Hooren; DOB: 1/4
5/7 B (see below) Tietze (5-1-2-8-3-2), parents: Isaac Mabie and Calvina Mabie; DOB: 3/28
7/2 M (40) William Bell (5-1-8-6-4)? and Maria Mabee (5-10-2-1-3), both of Tappan
9/6 M (02) William J. Roome, son of Jacob P., and Jane Mabie (5-1-8-2-6), daughter of Peter
12/31 M (02) Cornelious Maybee (5-1-8-3-6), son of Cornelius, and Ann Caryeer, daughter of Levinus
NOTE: Jane Mabie, widow of Joost Mabie (5-1-9), died intestate. A letter of Administration was issued to her son-in-law, Morris Bartow, on 2/12/1821.
NOTE: Will of Thomas Oakley of the Town of Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, dated 3/8/1821, proved 2/21/1827, mentions daughter Eunice Mabie.
4/? B (see below) Phebe Maby (5-1-5-10-3), adult
4/14 M (02) Michal Maybee (5-1-8-3-3), son of Cornelius, and Hetty Craig, daughter of Prazy
4/29 B (98) George Mabee (5-7-2-2-2) (adult)
6/23 Jane Maby (5-1-2-8-1) joined the Nanuet Baptist Church
8/5 B (83) Michael (5-1-2-11-2-7), parents: Mynedert Redman and Fanny L. Mabee; DOB: 4/8
8/12 Abraham Maby (5-1-2-8-2) and Sitche his wife joined the Nanuet Baptist Church
8/13 B (02) Eleonor (5-1-8-2-6-1), parents: William J. Roome and Jane Maybee; DOB: 7/25
9/22 M (see below) John Maybee and Ann Smith, both of Sussex County
11/10 M (56) John W. Jewell and Phebe Mabie
11/17 Death of Sarah Mabie, widow of Peter J. Mabie, in her 85th year, from the New York Post of 11/21
12/26 M (see below) John Strouble and Hannah Maybee (5-7-2-2-6)
1/13 B (41) Margaret (5-1-12-1-1-1), parents: John D. Clark and Elizabeth Maby; DOB: 10/15/1818
1/13 B (41) Peter (5-1-12-1-1-2), parents: John D. Clark and Elizabeth Maby; DOB: 5/17/1821
2/21 B (02) Crowel Evans (5-1-8-3-3-1), parents: Michael Maybee and Hetty Craig; DOB: 1/30
3/14 M (02) Jacob Maybee (5-10-2-1-5), son of John, and Ann Storms, daughter of William
4/3 Birth of Harriett Maby (5-1-5-10-4-3)
4/28 M (99) John Sisco and Jane Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-4)
5/26 B (98) Margaret Mabee (adult, wife of George Mabee (5-7-2-2-2))
6/21 M (NYNP) Francis Spier, butcher, and Marie Mabie, all of this city, "Friday evening" by Rev Mr Brientnall.
6/26 B (40) Ann Mabie (5-1-1-3-6-3), parents: Thomas R. Blanch and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 5/15
8/3 M (40) Cornelius P. Haring and Lavina Mabee Dutcher (5-1-8-11-1), both of Tappan
10/10 B (86) Christina Maybe, widow; DOB: 10/19/1786 (widow of Jacob (5-6-9-3))
10/10 B (86) Margaret (5-6-9-3-4), parents: Jacob Maybe, deceased, and wife, Christina; DOB: 3/25/1810
10/10 B (86) Julianna (5-6-9-3-5), parents: Jacob Maybe, deceased, and wife, Christina; DOB: 3/30/1812
B (02) Richard Clark (5-1-8-3-6-1),
parents: Cornelious Maybee and Ann Creyere; DOB: 3/15
Effie Clark, wife of Cornelious Maybee
M (see below) Martin Maybe (5-7-2-2-4) and Sarah Bunn
Marriage performed by the Rev. Thomas Teasdale, Minister of the 1st Baptist Church of Wantage, Sussex Co., NJ. Recorded in Liber A, page 237.
3/27 M (see below) Elias Mabee, of Somerset Co., and Nancy Millidge, Morris Co.,
5/13 Birth of Fanny (5-9-2-1-2-7), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
6/24 M (see below) Mr. Amos Ryder and Miss Elizabeth Mabee, in New York
7/18 B (02) James Clark (5-1-8-3-5-3), parents: Peter L. Maybee and Abigail Payson; DOB: 2/25
9/7 B (83) Sally Jane (5-1-2-11-2-8), parents: Myndart Redman and Fanny Mabee; DOB: 5/5
10/4 B (02) Jane (5-1-8-2-6-2), parents: Willem Roome and Jane Mabey; DOB: 8/19
11/13 B (see below) M. Margaret (5-1-8-3-3-2), parents: Michael and Hester Mabee; DOB: 3/23
NOTE: From the Ballston Spa Gazette of 4/20/1824, two men, William S. Maybee and Samuel Sherman, ages 18 and 20, were both convicted of grand larceny, and each was sentenced to the state prison for 3 years at hard labor. The age and location suggest the possibility that this William was a son of Solomon Mabey (5-9-1-5).
1/31 M (05) Henry Mabie (5-1-12-1-2) and Eliza Banta
2/8 B (40) Petier (5-1-8-11-1-1), parents: Cornelius P. Haring and Livinia Mabie Dutcher; DOB: 1/1
5/12 Abraham Maby (5-1-2-8-2) died of indigestion
7/24 M (94) John J. Hooper and Mariann Maybee (5-1-1-3-3-2)
9/5 B (see below) Sally Mabey (5-1-2-8-3-3), parents: Isaac Mabey and Caterine Mabey; DOB: 8/16
9/16 M (87) Hervey Kirtland, of Greenville, and Jerusha Maybee (5-9-1-5-9) of Westerlo.
9/18 Birth of Augustus L. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-4)
10/2 M (see below) Thomas Leach and Prissela Mabie (widow of Abraham (5-1-2-8-2)), married at Middleton (now a part of Pearl River), witnesses: John T. Terhune and Jane Mabie
12/? B (see below) Elizabeth (5-6-8-1-1-3), parents: John Maybee and Hannah Freese, DOB: 12/31/1823
NOTE: On 4/30/1825, Jeremiah Mabie (5-9-2-4) died intestate in Carmel, Putnam County. Probate documents mention wife Mary. Letter of Administration issued to daughter Susan and son-in-law Isaac Baldwin on 8/10/1825. From his tombstone in the Methodist Church Yard, Lake Mahopac (East Shore), Jeremiah died 4/30/1825, aged 56 years. In the 1850 census, a Robert Mabie, age 47, was living with Isaac and Susan Baldwin in Medina County, Ohio.
1/7 B (05) Daniel (5-1-12-1-2-1), parents: Henry Mabie and Eliza Banta; DOB: 12/4/1824
B (02) John (5-1-8-3-?-?), parents:
Peter L. Mabey and Abigail Paison; DOB: 5/14/1814
1/16 B
(02) Emeline (5-1-8-3-?-?), parents:
Peter L. Mabey and Abigal Paison; DOB: 11/24/1817
1/16 B
(02) Jane Ann (5-1-8-3-?-?), parents:
Peter L. Mabey and Abigail Paison; DOB: 10/8/1819
9/3 M (40) Peter Abraham Mabie (5-1-8-8-2) and Elizabeth Woolsey, both of Tappan
9/3 M (41) Edward Earl and Elizabeth Mabee (5-1-8-8-4), both of Tappan
9/12 B (82) Priscilla (5-1-2-11-2-9), parents: Myndert Redman and Fanny L. Mabey, DOB: 4/22
?/? B (40) Rachel (5-1-8-11-1-2), parents: Cornelius P. Haring and Lavina Mabie Dutcher; DOB: 3/11
10/15 M (NYNP) Thomas B. Mabee (5-6-9-1-2), of NYC, and Ann W. Wells, of New Brunswick, in New Brunswick, NJ by Rev. Mr. Doughty
11/2 B (02) Jacob Peter (5-1-8-2-6-3), parents: Wm. J. Roome and Jane Mabey; DOB: 9/1
11/5 M (see below) Henry T. Jollie and Jane Mabie (5-1-8-3-7)
B (02) Abraham (5-1-8-3-5-4), parents:
Peter L. Mabey and Abigail Paison; DOB: 9/10/1825
Effe Mabey
11/16 B (94) Frederick (5-1-1-3-3-2-1), parents: John A. and Mary Ann Hopper; DOB: 10/2
1/12 M (see below) John Turneaure and Marie Mabie (5-9-2-1-1-2)
1/19 M (02) James C. Mabey (5-1-8-3-9) and Sarah Ann Freeman
3/26 Birth of William B. (5-9-2-1-2-8), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
M (97) Abel Smith Maybie (5-10-2-4-1)
and Jane Day
Married by Gustavus Abeel.
5/28 B (94) Catharine Ann (5-1-1-3-3-2-2), parents: John I. and Mary Ann Hopper; DOB: 4/24
7/16 B (91) Josie (Jesse) (5-10-2-7-8), parents: Frederic Mabee and Baletie Brinkerhoff; DOB: 5/28
B (40) Elsey Ann (5-1-8-8-4-1), parents: Edward I. Earl
and Elizabeth Mabie
Elsey Earle; DOB: 8/23
NOTE: May have died young. See (5-1-8-8-4-6) below.
12/25 M (99) John Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-5) and Eliza Kimbal
NOTE: Will of John Mabie (5-1-5-2), of Orangetown, Rockland County, dated 1/28/1827, probated 5/19/1834, mentions sons Peter and John I. Mabie. From tombstone in the Rockland Cemetery, Sparkill, NY, John Mabie died 4/1/1834, age 85 yrs. and Martha, his wife, died 6/4/1819, age 61 yrs.
NOTE: Elijah Mabie, of Yorktown, Westchester County, died Intestate. Letter of Administration Issued 3/1/1827. Estate was auctioned to pay debts. Hiram Mabie of Yorktown was high bidder. From a Family Tree record now in the possession of the National Archives, Elijah was born 12/9/1775, and married Sarah Hyatt (b. 8/18/1780) on 2/10/1805. Elijah died 1/30/1827. Children of Elijah and Sarah were: Hiram (b. 2/10/1806); Jane Ann (b. 1/27/1808); Maria (b. 2/24/1810); Samuel H. (b. 5/4/1812); Susan (b. 7/24/1814); Isabel (b. 4/18/1816); Abigail (b. 4/18/1818); Gilbert (b. 3/20/1820); John (b. 7/6/1822); and James (b. 6/30/1825). From tombstones in Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill, NY: Hiram Mabie, born 2/18/1806, died 11/15/1901; and Mary Smith Mabie, born 2/17/1806, died 6/15/1888; Samuel H. Mabie, died 5/14/1867, aged 54 years, 10 months and Fannie Hall, wife of Samuel H. Mabie, died 1/12/1890, aged 74 years, 7 months; John Mabie, born 7/4/1822, died 2/22/1902. . From tombstones in Shrubb Oak Cemetery, Yorktown, NY, Elijah Mabie died 1/30/1827, aged 51; Sarah, wife of Elijah, died 5/15/1853, aged 72-8-21; Gilbert Mabie, died 3/28/1857, aged 37 years, 8 days; and Maria Mabie ("My sister Mary"), b. 2/24/1810, died 10/12/1846.
2/9 M (see below) Cornelius P. Mayby (5-1-1-3-2-1) and Mary Westervelt, by the Rev. S. Pelton
M (NYNP) Henry Mabey (5-6-9-3-1) and Maria Van Benschoten, both of Ancram, Columbia Co., NY
Married by Rev. John S. Harris
M (97) Albert Demarest and
Charity E. Maybie
Married by Gustavus Abeel.
4/9 Death of Ann W. Mabee, age 21, wife of Thomas B. Mabee (5-6-9-1-2).
5/23 M (see below) James Wilson and Mary Ann Mabie (5-1-1-3-1-1)
From the Paterson Intelligencer, 5/30/1827: Married on Wednesday evening last*,
by the Rev. Mr. Kennaday, Mr. James Wilson, to Miss Mary Ann Mabie,
all of this town. (*05/23/1827)
7/14 Birth of Mary E. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-5)
M (see below) Frederick B. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-1) and Geertje (Charity)
In Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church in Patterson, New Jersey
From the Patterson Intelligencer of 10/10/1827: Married on the 7th inst.
by the Rev. John Croes, Jr., Mr. Frederick B. Maybee of N.Y.,
to Charity Hopper of Paramus.
1/26 M (see below) Levi Mabie and Drusilla Shaw
2/2 M (99) Peter P. Maybee (5-1-2-4-1-6) and Sally Wells
3/2 B (05) Julia (5-1-8-2-6-4), parents: William J. Roome and Jane Mabye; DOB: 1/17
4/8 M (NYNP) Darius W. Rice of Geneva, and Fanny Mabee (5-6-9-2-1), of Phelps, in Phelps by the Rev. John Bogerly (Published in the Geneva Gazette on 4/23).
5/9 B (83) John Snyder (5-1-2-11-2-10), parents: Myndert Redman and Laura Mabee; DOB: 8/13/1827
7/27 M (NYM) Henry Mabee (5-6-9-1-1) and Sarah Berlisle, all of NYC, by W. Levings
10/19 B (02) Abraham Maby (5-1-8-3-2-3), parents: Christopher Radcliff and Sarah Maby
B (40) John (5-1-8-8-4-2), parents: Edward Earl and Elizabeth
Mabie; DOB: 4/5
Elsie Earl
11/11 M (41) Gilbert Blauvelt and Marya Mabee (5-1-5-2-1-1), both of Tappan
NOTE: Will of Roscom Tallman of Castile, Genesee Co., NY, dated 8/22/1829, mentions daughter Mary Maybe. Mary was the wife of Jacob Mabie (5-9-2-1-1).
1/2 M (see below) John Maybee (5-7-2-2-7) and Melinda Beardsley
1/18 B (05) David Augustus (5-10-2-4-3-1), parents: Albert Demarest and Charity E. Mabie
2/2 M (05) John Hogankemp and Mrs. Jemima Mabie (widow of Caspar (5-10-5-7))
2/10 M (see below) Henry Mabee (5-7-3-1-1-1) and Ann Montfort Hoogland
Married in the Woolver Hollow Church by Rev. James Otterson
3/28 Birth of Susan F. (5-9-2-1-2-9), parents: Levi Mabie and Sally B. Elmore
9/10 M (see below) David Allington and Susan Mabee (5-1-2-4-4-3), both of North Paterson
Married by Rev. John K. Shaw, marriage recorded in Essex Co., NJ, Liber B, Page 195 (#489).
10/15 M (NYNP) George B. Mabie (5-10-2-3-2) and Sarah Emeline Anderson, 2nd daughter of Dr. Alex., all of this city, by Rev. Dr. Upfold
NOTE: Will of Adam Mabee (5-6-9-1), of White Plains, Westchester Co. (died 10/16/1830), written 1/21/1830, proved 2/8/1831, mentions wife Ann and son Thomas B. Mabee (5-6-9-1-2). Probate documents also mention children Henry Mabee (5-6-9-1-1), Clarissa Mabee (5-6-9-1-3), Charles Chauncey Mabee (5-6-9-1-4), Ann Eliza Mabee (5-6-9-1-5) and Edmund Mabee (5-6-9-1-6). From the NY Evening Post of 10/20/1830, Adam died in his 52nd year.
B (02) James Lent (5-1-8-3-?-?), parents: not identified
Mabey presented her grandchild; DOB: 12/4/1825
3/7 M (see below) Daniel Post and Jane Maby
4/9 B (05) Catherine Emily (5-1-8-2-6-5), parents: William J. Roome and Jane Maybie; DOB: 1/19
5/17 Death of Mary Elenore (5-1-5-10-4-5), aged 2 years and 10 months, daughter of Jacob Mabey,
5/19 M (see below) John Cockefair and Lydia Mabee
7/5 Birth of Walter Maby (5-1-5-10-4-6)
B (40) Abraham Vervalen (5-1-8-8-4-3), parents: Edward Earl
and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 7/19
Elsie Earl
10/16 Death of Adam Mabee (5-6-9-1), of White Plains, in his 52nd year, from the New York Post of 10/20.
10/20 NOTE: From North Schraalenburgh Church Yard, Dumont, NJ, Peter P. Mabie (5-10-2-3), born 2/5/1771, died 10/20/1830 age 59 years, 8 months and 15 days.
M (25) Robert Maybe (possibly 5-6-9-3-3) and Elizabeth Lamphier
Married in the Bethlehem Reformed Church, Albany County, NY
M (see below) Abraham Maybee
and Pamelia (Permelia) Ashton
Married in the Second Reformed Church, Paterson, Passaic Co. NJ (at that time in Bergen Co.).
NOTE: Will of John Mabey (5-1-2-4-6), of Essex County, (12336G.), Dated 2/1/1831, Proved 10/2/1832, mentions wife Maria and David Mabee "a young man which I have broat up in my family." According to a deed (Essex County Deeds, Liber L3, page 205) dated 5/2/1832, John Mabey of the Town of Paterson, Essex Co., NJ, purchased a house and lot at the corner of Division and Washington Streets from the estate of Daniel G. Ackerman, deceased for $1,050. On 9/19/1836, (Essex County Deeds, LiberR4, page 23) David Mabey and his wife Elisa of the City and County of New York, NY, sold one half of this same lot to Peter Lydecker for $530. Note that on 12/5/1832, Peter Lydecker had married a Mariah Mabey (see below). The conclusions are that the Mariah Mabey who married Peter Lydecker was the widow of John Mabey (5-1-2-4-6) and that the David Mabee who was raised by John had married Elisa by December of 1836. Note that on 8/28/1836 (see below) David Mabey married Elizabeth Post in the Green St. Methodist Church in New York City.
NOTE: Will of Frederick Mabie (5-10-8), of the City of New York, dated 10/4/1831, proved 1/8/1833 in Kings County, mentions wife Hannah, "my three children" son Jacob, daughter Susan Bedell and daughter Sarah Myers, wife of Edward Myers.
NOTE: Tombstone in Borodino Cemetery, Onondaga Co., lists Thomas Maybee, son of Stephen & Phebe, d. 11/21/1831, age 12 yrs., 9 mos., 11 days.
NOTE: The following article appeared in the Baltimore Patriot on 5/23/1831 under the headline Steam Boat Robbery: "On Thursday evening a trunk, belonging to a gentleman named T. Mabee, of Rochester, was broken open on board the steamboat Albany and robbed of $470." Credit for this story was given to "Cour. & Enq.", apparently another newspaper, perhaps in another city.
1/13 Death of Walter Mabey (5-1-5-10-4-6), aged 6 months, son of Jacob Mabey.
Death of Lucinda Jane Mabie, age 11 days, daughter of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7) of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 4/20.
4/12 Death of Betsey Ann Mabie, age 15 days, daughter of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7) of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 4/20.
5/20 M (see below) Peter Post and Sariah Mabie, married at Middleton (now Pearl River),
witnesses: David Forshee and Mariah Post.
6/13 Death of Peter Mabie (5-1-8-2)
6/23 Death of Margaret, wife of Jacob Mabey (5-1-5-10-4), aged 31.
12/22 M (02) Peter J. Maby, age 27, and Ann Callow, age 24, both of this city (New York), married at number 15 Anthony Street.
NOTE: Peter J. Mabie (5-1-5-2-2), of the Town of Orange, Rockland County, died intestate on 6/17/1832. A Letter of Administration was issued to his widow, Margaret Mabie, on 3/19/1833. From tombstone in the Rockland Cemetery, Sparkill, NY, Peter Mabie died 6/26/1832, age 37 yrs. and Margaret Edwards, his wife, died 2/7/1882, age 88 yrs.
1/1 B (see below) Euphemia Maybee, of Plattekill, by M. Richardson, PE
From the records of the Newburgh Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church
1/26 M (NYM) Anderson Neal and Elizabeth Watt Mabie
M (NYNP) Thomas Griffin, son of Rev. S. Griffin, and Catherine Maybee (5-9-5-9-2), daughter of Mr. Daniel Maybee, in Scipio By Allan Thomas Esq.
From the Cayuga Republican, 1/30/1832 (see Tree Talks, Vol. 12)
Death of Mrs. Rachel Mabie, wife of Elder Daniel Mabie (5-9-2-1), formerly of this town (Delhi, Delaware Co., NY) at Allegany County
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 4/11.
4/7 M (NYM) Thomas B. Mabee (5-6-9-1-2) and Jenett D. Gosman, married by C. Brindle
5/26 M (see below) Abraham Stagg, blacksmith, of Clarkstown, and Ann B. Maybey (5-1-12-2-1), of Clarkstown, by the Rev. S. Pelton; witnesses: Abraham Maybey and Mariah Maybey
6/13 M (67) William Simonson and Mary Jane Maybee (5-7-3-1-1-2)
6/20 Death of Mrs. Sally B. Mabie, age 45, wife of Levi Mabie (5-9-2-1-2), of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY.
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 6/27.
8/? B (see below) Margaret Ann, parents: Gilbert and Hepsibah Maby; DOB: 3/10/1824
B (40) Phillip (5-1-8-8-4-4), parents: Edward Earle and
Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 6/9
Elizabeth Earle
10/12 B (05) William Henry (5-1-8-2-6-6), parents: William J. Roome and Jane Maybie; DOB: 8/18
M (see below) Benjamin H. Pencost and Clarissa
Mabee (5-6-9-1-3), daughter of the late Adam Mabee, all of White Plains.
Married in New York City, in the Green Street Methodist Church, by Rev. Cyrus Prindle.
M (see below) Peter Lydecker and Mariah Maby, both of Paterson
Married by Rev. Samuel Fisher, Pastor of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Paterson.
Marriage recorded in Essex Co., NJ, Liber B, Page 240 (#626).
NOTE: Will of Casparus Mabie (5-1-8-4), of Orangetown, Rockland County, dated 5/17/1833, probated 9/28/1833, mentions wife Rachel, daughter Maria (5-1-8-4-2), and grandsons William Lawrence and John Lawrence, sons of daughter Maria. Not mentioned: son John. Casparus died 7/29/1833.
NOTE: Will of John Mabee (5-7-2-2) of Wantage, Sussex County, NJ. Written 11/?/1833; proved 3/8/1836. Mentions wife: Sarah, sons: George, Martin, Jacob, Robert and John; Daughters: Hannah Struble w/o John, Jane Kimble w/o Ephraim and Anna Dennis w/o Schooley. Executors: Wife Sarah and sons, Martin and Jacob. From his tombstone, John died 2/11/1836, age 71. The maiden name of John's wife Sarah is established from the will of her father George Givens, dated 3/8/1824, proved 2/24/1826, in which John is identified as George's son-in-law. A deed (Sussex County Deeds, Liber Z3, page 525) dated 3/17/1838, which identifies the heirs of John Sr., includes the names of the following spouses: Margaret, wife of George Mabee; Malinda, wife of John Mabee (Jr.); and Elizabeth Ann, wife of Robert Mabee.
NOTE: Will of William Youry, of the Town of Ramapo, Rockland County, NY, dated 11/4/1833, proved 11/20/1834, mentions brother-in-law David Mabie, niece Leah Ann, wife of Henry Sherwood, Leah Ann's brother Henry Traphagen (Leah Ann and Henry are children of Rachel (5-10-5-5), and "my brothers and sisters, viz. John, Jonas, Frederick and James Youry, Margaret Sarvin, Catherine Blauvelt, Maria Onderdonk (wife of Abraham) and the heirs of Peter Youry and Martha Crum, deceased" (does not mention wife Susanna (5-10-5-4) or any children).
7/18 Death of Eli Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-4), age 20, son of Levi Mabie, of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 7/24
11/19 M (see below) Elijah Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-1) and Caroline Rose
12/2 Death Notice: James Gosman Mabee (5-6-9-1-2-1), son of Thomas B. Mabee and Jennet D. Mabee, on Saturday Morning, aged 10 months and 29 days.
NOTE: On 7/3/1834, Adolphus L. Mabie (5-1-12-3), of the Town of Orange, Rockland Co., NY, was appointed guardian for Jane Mabie (5-1-5-2-2-1), a minor daughter of Peter Mabie deceased who, by the death of her grandfather, John Mabie, inherited a part of John's estate.
M (see below) Lewis B. Judson and Pauline Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-3), all of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY
Married at Delhi by Rev. Orange Clark
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 2/12.
5/11 B (40) Elizabeth (5-1-8-8-4-5), parents: Edward Earl and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 2/29
7/20 M (05) Richard Yereance and Charity E. Demerest (5-10-2-4-3)
11/10 Death of Peter Mabie, age 36, at Havana. Had been a merchant there.
M (95) Peter Mabee (5-10-2-7-1) and
Rachel Bogert
Married by Rev. John Garretson in the Schraalenburgh South Church
NOTE: Will of Isaac Mabie (5-1-2-8), of Harrington, Bergen County, (4535B.), written 5/30/1826, proved 9/14/1835, mentions wife Sally, daughter Jinny, sons Isaac and Abraham (deceased), grandchildren Sally, Abraham and Jane.
NOTE: Stephen Mabey (5-9-1-3), of Westerlo, Albany County, died intestate. From tombstone in Christian Church Cemetery, South Westerlo, Albany County, Stephen died 5/3/1834, aged 73 years, 9 months and 17 days, and his wife Abigail M. (nee Penney) died 12/21/1834, aged 64 years. From land records and bible records, children of Stephen and Abigail were: (1) Samuel, born 10/20/1792, died Westerlo, 8/14/1870 in 78th year, married Hannah Knowles; (2) Amiel, born 7/3/1794, died Westerlo 4/29/1835, married 2/7/1816 Nancy Lewis; (3) Enoch, born 1/28/1796, married Mary Avery; (4) Lewis, born 9/15/1798 married Amy Utter (had a first wife named Susan who died 5/10/1830, age 31); (5) Sally, born 10/30/1800, died 5/11/1803; (6) Phebe, born 9/7/1804, died Westerlo 12/9/1886, married Cornelius Husted, born 11/8/1800, died 10/15/1873; (7) Minerva, born 1/23/1807, died Annsville, Oneida Co., N.Y., 10/7/ 1889, married 7/1/1827, Henry T. B. Hannay; and (8) Stephen George, born 6/29/1814, died 4/5/1889 Rockford, Winnebago Co., IL, married 10/28/1837 Phebe Jane Robbins.
NOTE: Will of Henry More of the Town of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY, dated 7/20/1835, proved 12/12/1839, mentions daughter Mary, wife of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7).
1/4 M (see below) Jacob Maby (5-1-5-10-4) and Frances Ann Doughty
1/10 Death of Hannah Mabie, widow of the late Frederick Mabie (5-10-8).
3/31 M (NYNP) Mr. Anderson and Margaret Mabie (5-9-2-1-6-2)
in Geneva by Rev. J. F. McLaren, all of Geneva.
(Published in the Geneva Gazette on 4/8)
4/10 B (05) Abraham P. Maybie (5-1-8-2-6-7), parents: William J. Roome and Jane Maybie; DOB: 3/7
6/4 Letter of Administration for the estate of Amiah Mabey (5-9-1-3-2), of Westerlo, Albany County, issued to his widow, Nancy Mabey, and David S. Elliott. From his tombstone in Christian Church Cemetery, South Westerlo, Albany County, Amiel died 4/29/1835, aged 40 years.
6/17 Death of John B. Mabie of 51 Vesey St., in his 58th year, from the New York Post of the same date.
8/16 B (40) Elsey (5-1-8-8-4-6), parents: Edward I. Earl and Elizabeth Maibie; DOB: 7/15
9/2 Death Notice from the Geneva Gazette, Mary Ann Mabie (5-9-2-1-6-1), age 20, in Geneva, published 9/16.
9/21 M (see below) Henry Maybee (5-7-3-1-2-1) and Mary Almira Mott, both of Woolver Hollow
Married in the Woolver Hollow Church by Rev. R. A. Quinn.
10/29 Death of Ann Eliza Mabee, at White Plains, Westchester County, daughter of the late Adam Mabee.
M (see below) James Ackerman and Jane Maybee
Married by Rev. John Manly in the Saddle River Reformed Church, Bergen Co., NJ.
NOTE: On 12/15/1836, the surviving children of John Mabie (5-1-2-4) and Leah Rutan sold land in Passaic County that had been purchased by John in 1809. The Grantors in this sale to Daniel B. Decker were listed as Peter Maybe (5-1-2-4-1) of the Township of Pequanac (Morris County, NJ); William Maybe (5-1-2-4-4), Jane Maybe, Laty Maybe and David Maby (5-1-2-4-7) of the Township of West Milford (Passaic County, NJ); William Echart (husband of Jane Maybe (5-1-2-4-3)) and Mariah Cough (5-1-2-4-5) of the Township of Franklin (Bergen County, NJ); and Abraham Maybe (5-1-2-4-2) of the Township of Harves Straw (Rockland County, NY). David (5-1-2-4-7) was incompetent, and his guardian, Elizbeth Payne, signed in his stead. It is possible that Jane and Laty Maybe could be daughters of John (5-1-2-4-6) who died in 1832. This deed was witnessed by a John Maybe.
2/22 Death of John Mabee (5-7-2-2) of Wantage, age 70.
7/5 Birth of Edward W. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-7)
M (NYM) David Mabey
and Elizabeth Post
Street Methodist Church
11/3 M (40) Cornelius Mabie (5-1-12-3-3) and Sarah Verbryck, of Tappan
11/26 M (40) Jacob Mabie (5-10-2-7-4) and Leah Naugle
NOTE: Jane Maby (5-1-2-4-3), wife of William Eckhart, was a member of the Protestent Dutch Church of Ramapough, Bergen County, NJ in 1837.
NOTE: Will of Daniel Mabey (5-9-5-9), of Elmira, Chemung County, dated 9/4/1837, probated 11/27/1837 (died 10/21/1837), mentions "my two sons" Nelson and George, both of Elmira, and two daughters Anna Mabey of Elmira, and Catherine Griffin, wife of Thomas Griffin, of Yates County. Since Nelson and George were both minors, Frances Bowman of Elmira, one of the witnesses of the will, was appointed guardian on 11/27/1837. A second guardian, Thomas Maxwell, was appointed on 7/25/1838.
1/5 M (40) John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie (5-1-5-2-2-1)
3/14 M (05) James Mabie (5-1-8-3-9) and Hester Duryea
3/25 B (40) Sarah (5-1-8-8-4-7), parents: Edward I. Earl and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 2/17
M (NYM) Wm. H. Sammis and Lucinda Mabie (5-1-8-8-8)
Married by H. Brown in the 2nd
Street Methodist Church
9/8 Death of Maria Mabie, age 1 year, 6 months, in New York City, of a lung complaint, residence 35 King Street.
11/29 B (40) Margaret Ann (5-1-5-2-2-1-1), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Janet Mabie; DOB: 10/15
NOTE: Will of Anna Mabey (5-9-5-9-1), of Elmira, Chemung County, (daughter of Daniel Mabey who died in 1837) dated 6/18/1838 and probated 8/9/1838, mentions brothers Nelson and George, and sister Catherine Griffin. Anna died on 6/30/1838. At the time of the probate, Nelson was living in Elmira, George was living in Scipio, Cayuga County, and Catherine was living in Bruton, Yates County. In her will, Anna refers to her "first mother" and an Aunt Lany. One of the witnesses was Lany Osborn of Elmira; another was George Osborn.
NOTE: From the Revolutionary War pension file of Nathaniel Dickerson, his daughter, Sarah Dickerson, born 12/27/1784, had married a Mabie and was residing in Newburgh, Orange Co., NY in 1838. From the 1830 census, and from five Ulster County deed records (Liber 45, page 533; Liber 49, page 331; Liber 52, pages 620, 621 and 622), it appears that Sarah was the wife of George Maybee, and that they also resided in the Town of Marlborough.
1/12 Death of Abigail Payson Mabie, age 49, wife of Peter L. Mabie (5-1-8-3-5), died in New York City after a lingering illness.
2/14 B (05) Edwin Le Chevalier (5-1-8-2-6-8), parents: William J. Roome and Jane Maybie; DOB: 10/30/1837
3/3 B (06) Gertrude Waldron, wife of Philip Maybe (5-1-8-8-5) [Adult Baptism]
4/4 B (40) Ellen Jane (5-1-5-2-1-1-1), parents: Gilbert Blauvelt and Maria Mabie; DOB: 1/20
4/9 Death of Ester B. Mabie, in the 36th year of her age, wife of David A. Mabie, at Poughkeepsie, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Charles P. Langford, of Stonehouse, Devonshire, England.
12/2 B (40) Lucinda (5-1-8-8-4-8), parents: Edward I. Earl and Elizabeth Mabie; DOB: 10/17
12/11 Birth of Rachel Melissa (5-9-2-1-2-11), parents: Levi Mabie and Elizabeth (?) (2nd wife of Levi)
NOTE: Dutchess County probate record mentions Sylvester Mabie of Fishkill.
1/11 B (06) William Hoogland (5-1-8-8-8-1), parents: Wm. Hoogland Sammis and Lucinda Maybee; DOB: 9/5/1838
1/13 B (06) Alfred (5-1-8-8-5-1), parents: Philip Mabie and Gertrude Waldron; DOB: 11/1/1830
4/17 B (05) Catharine Louisa (5-10-2-4-3-2), parents: Richard Yeriance and Charity Demarest, DOB: 11/27/1838
5/? B (see below) Harriet Maby (5-1-5-10-4-3), adult; DOB: 4/3/1822
M (NYNP) David A. Mabie and Susan Ann Dubois, both of Poughkeepsie
Married by Rev. Jewitt in Poughkeepsie on previous Thursday.
M (NYM) John Maybee and Elizabeth
Married by M. Richardson in the Duane Street Methodist Church
B (see below) Frances Mabie, adult
Baptisms recorded in Book 2 of the First Congregational Church of Walton, Delaware Co., NY
10/17 Birth of Charles H. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-8)
M (NYNP) William Sloote and Hannah More Mabie (daughter of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7))
Married at Delhi, Delaware Co., NY by Rev. T. S. Judd
10/30 Death of Peter C. Mabie (5-1-1-1), aged 91 years, at Tappan, Rockland Co., NY
NOTE: Will of William Maybee (5-1-2-4-4), of West Milford, Passaic County, (55P.), written 3/5/1840, proved 4/25/1840, mentions wife Letty and sons William, David, Benjamin and Abraham. Three letters written to Jacob Maybee of Monroe County, Michigan, when combined with records contained in this file and various census records, clearly establish that William and Letty had at least four other children: John, Peter, Susan and Jacob. The first of these letters, dated 12/14/1856, was written by David Maybee, who can be found in Wells County, Indiana, in the 1860 Census (see David's will in 1863 below). The second letter, dated 9/10/1870, written by Susan Arlington, also mentions a cousin David and Aunt Maria. The third letter, dated 12/7/1873, was written by Abraham Maybee. This letter also mentions brothers Ben and Peter (who had not been heard of in 25 years). The following tombstone inscriptions are for children of William and Letty: Abraham Mabee, d. Apr. 21, 1879, aged 54 yrs., 11 mos., 23 days, Co. C, NYLA; his wife Annis, 1829 - 1891 (Mabee Burial Plot, Upper Macopin, West Milford, NJ); Benjamin Mabee, b. 1821, d. 1904; wife Emeline (Van Orden), b. 1829, d. 1901 (Newfoundland Baptist Church Cemetery, West Milford, NJ); William Mabey, b. Feb. 22, 1816, d. Mar. 27, 1863; wife Elizabeth Gould, b. June 19, 1820, d. May 6, 1904 (Pompton Reformed Church Cemetery, Pompton Lakes); Peter Maybee, died 11/9/1880, aged 72 years, 7 months, 21 days (Union Hill Cemetery, Mehoopany, Wyoming Co., PA).
?/? M (see below) Mr. Maybie (5-9-2-1-6-3) married Lydia Elvira Barber from Bristol
From the records of the 1st Presbyterian Church, Geneva, Ontario County, NY
4/4 Death of Abraham Mabee, age 70, a
member of the Shakers in Berkshire County, Massachusetts
From Shaker Death Records
4/15 M (see below) Henry Smith and Letitia Maybee (5-1-2-8-3-2)
5/? B (see below) Edward Washington (5-1-5-10-4-7), parents: Jacob and Frances Ann Maby; DOB: 6/6/1836
5/? B (see below) Charles Henry (5-1-5-10-4-8), parents: Jacob and Frances Ann Maby; DOB: 10/17/1839
6/9 M (see below) Charles Leet Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-5) and Lucy Ann Riggs
From the Family Bible of Charles L. Mabie found in the NY State Library
6/13 M (40) Abraham Mabie (5-10-2-7-6) and Phebe Lozier, both of New Jersey
6/26 B (06) Philip Demarest (5-1-8-8-5-2), parents: Philip Mabie and Gertrude Waldron
9/6 B (40) Peter Mabie (5-1-5-2-2-1-2), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie; DOB: 7/30
11/26 Death of Mrs. S. E. Mabie on Thursday, 11/26
12/7 M (see below) Jacob Mabee (5-7-2-2-5) and Hannah Bishop
12/27 B (06) Catharine Hoagland (5-1-8-8-8-2), parents: Wm. H. Sammis and Lucinda Maybee; DOB: 8/21/1840
4/22 M (see below) John Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2) and Eliza Jane Smith, daughter of Samuel Smith and Eliza Ossa, of Westchester County
6/5 Birth of Sarah Elizabeth (5-9-2-1-2-5-1), parents: Charles L. Mabie and Lucy Ann Riggs
From the Family Bible of Charles L. Mabie found in the NY State Library
6/27 M (NYNP) James F. Maybee and Diamy Calkins, both of Prattsville, Delaware Co. NY
8/1 M (see below) Ephraim Mabee and Jane Graham
9/11 Peter Maybe received as member of the Zion Lutheran Church (96), Saddle River, NJ
10/29 Death Notice from the Peekskill Westchester Republican, Elias H. Mabie, son-in-law of Isaac Martling of Haverstraw, died at Haverstraw.
12/6 Birth of George Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-1), first son of Abraham and Phebe Mabie, at Teaneck, NJ
B (97) Abel Smith (5-10-2-4-1-1), parents:
Abel Smith Mabie and Jane Day; DOB: 11/4
record states "Mrs. Polly Engle presenting,
having taken the child to bring
him up as her own."
NOTE: On 3/19/1842, Letters of Administration were granted to Sarah Murdock, Elijah Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-1) and Orrin Bouton on the Estate of Daniel P. Murdock, late of the Town of Meredith, Delaware Co., NY.
4/12 M (see below) Frederick Mabie and Mary Remsen, both of Franklin
M (NYM) Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6)
and Maria Hopper, all of NYC
James S. Kipp and John Decker
Street Methodist Church
9/5 Birth of William H. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-9)
9/10 Death of Sarah Mabee (5-7-2-2-5-1), age 1 year, 6 months, 16 days
9/11 NYC Coroner’s Report for Maryann Maby, age 24, sister-in-law of Francis M. Wentworth
10/11 B (40) John (5-1-8-11-1-4), parents: Cornelius P. Haring and Lavina Mabie Dutcher; DOB: 9/9/1839
10/11 B (40) Mary Matilda (5-1-8-11-1-5), parents: Cornelius P. Haring and Lavina Mabie Dutcher; DOB: 8/15/1842
11/3 M (see below) Chrystion Eccorson and Sally Maybee (5-1-2-8-3-3)
Married in the Saddle River Reformed Church by Rev. John Manley.
M (95) James Mabie (5-10-2-7-5),
of New Bridge, and
Miss Elizabeth Moore, of English Neighborhood,
Married by Cornelius Blauvelt, Minister
12/3 Death of Abraham Mabie (5-1-2-4-2), aged 70 years, of Piermont, in a railroad accident. Date is when the coroner's inquest was held.
NOTE: Jacob Mabie (5-7-2-1), of Warwick, Orange County, NY, died intestate. A Letter of Administration was granted to his son, Jacob Mabie (5-7-2-1-8), on 1/23/1843.
NOTE: Nicholas Maybee (5-7-3-1-2), of Oyster Bay, Queens County, NY, died intestate. A Letter of Administration was granted to Henry Maybee, his son, on 2/20/1843. From his tombstone in Brookville Cemetery, Nicholas was born 2/19/1780 and died 9/25/1842. His death is also listed in the record book of the Woolver Hollow Church, age 63.
1/2 Birth of Hester L. Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-2), first daughter of Abraham and Phebe Mabie, born at Hackensack, NJ
2/? B (see below) John Peterson Maby (5-1-5-10-4-2), adult; DOB: 10/27/1819
Baptism records of the Methodist Society of New York City
2/5 M (NYNP) Peter L. Mabie (5-1-8-3-5) of Danbury, CN, and Maria Graham,
daughter of Wm. H. P. Graham of this city. 2/23
M (95) John Mabie (5-10-2-7-7) and Miss Catharine
Married by Cornelius Blauvelt, Minister
3/30 M (see below) Thadeus Mabee, of New York,
and Ann M. Lyon, of Baltimore,
daughter of James and Rebecca Lyon, in Baltimore Maryland
Marriage announcement published in The Baltimore Sun on 4/4/1843.
4/2 B (40) Mary Catharine (5-1-5-2-2-1-3), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie
12/23 M (see below) Daniel Mabie (5-9-1-4-8) and Hester M. Organ
"Record of Marriages by Elder Nathaniel Robinson of the Kent
and Fishkill Baptist Church at Farmers Mills, Putnam Co, NY 1824-1868"
NOTE: On 3/14/1844, Letters of Administration were granted to Sally Cannon and Elijah Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-1) on the Estate of Nathaniel Cannon, late of Delaware Co., NY.
2/12 M (NYNP) Miss Phebe Mabie, of New Castle, and John Acker, of Mount Pleasant, by the Rev. Thomas Sparks, in New Castle, Westchester County, NY
3/19 Death of Edward P. Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-1), in his 28th year.
M (NYM) Wm. Van Valen and Catharine Mabie, of this city
Married by G. N. Smith in the Sullivan Street Methodist Church
5/1 Death of Maria Mabie, wife of Peter L. Mabie (5-1-8-3-5) and daughter of William H. Graham of New York City, from the New York Post of 5/2.
M (NYM) John Petersen Maby (5-1-5-10-4-2), age 23, and Maria Dunn, age 18
Witnesses: Joseph Maby and Hannah E. Dunn.
Records of Rev. William M. Stilwell, Methodist minister
6/16 B (95) Isaac (5-10-2-7-7-1), parents: John Mabie and Catharine Anderson
8/25 B (40) Margaret Ann (5-1-5-2-1-1-2), parents: Gilbert D. Blauvelt and Maria Mabie; DOB: 5/8
9/15 B (06) Mary Ann (5-1-8-8-8-3), parents: Wm. H. Sammis and Lucinda Maybee; DOB: 6/12
9/28 M (96) Peter Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7) of Hoppertown and Ann Thompson, of Wynochie
M (NYM) George B. Mabie and Cornelia
Ann Woolley
Married by R. Laney in the Allen Street Methodist Church
11/25 M (44) Isaac I. Maby (5-1-2-8-3-1), of Pascact, and Jane Debaun, of Ramapo
12/29 M (NYNP) Mr. Gilbert Mabie to Miss Jane Van Buren, by the Rev. Mr. Marselus.
M (see below) Peter A. Maibee (5-1-8-3-1-1) and Sarah D. Corbert
Somerset County Marriages--1795-1879
4/1 M (NYNP) Samuel B. Van Lew and Rachel A. Mabie (5-9-2-1-6-5), both of Geneva, NY
NOTE: 4/1 is the newspaper publication date, not the marriage date.
4/27 Ann M. Mabee, wife of Thadeus, died in Baltimore, MD.
Notice of her death appeared in The Baltimore Sun on 4/28/1845.
5/15 Ann E. Mabee, daughter of Thadeus and Ann M., died in Baltimore, MD.
Notice of her death appeared in The Baltimore Sun on 5/16/1845.
M (05) Gilbert Mabie
and Jane Van Bauren
Son of Elijah (b. 3/20/1820)
M (see below) Joseph Roome and Letty Mabee
Married at West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ, by Joshua Hudson, "minister of the Methodist Protestant Church, on the Orange Circuit."
9/28 B (95) Mary Lueaser (5-10-2-7-7-2), parents: John Mabie and Catherine Anderson; DOB: 8/19
12/12 B (06) Sarah Jane (5-1-8-8-7-1), parents: John Young and Sarah Ann Maybee; DOB: 4/23/1831
12/12 B (06) Margaret Ann (5-1-8-8-7-2), parents: John Young and Sarah Ann Maybee; DOB: 9/11/1833
12/12 B (06) Mary Elizabeth (5-1-8-8-7-3), parents: John Young and Sarah Ann Maybee; DOB: 8/23/1836
12/12 B (06) Thomas Jefferson (5-1-8-8-7-4), parents: John Young and Sarah Ann Maybee; DOB: 12/23/1838
12/12 B (06) Fanny Ophelia (5-1-8-8-7-5), parents: John Young and Sarah Ann Maybee; DOB: 12/30/1841
12/17 M (40) Abraham Van Houten and Elizabeth Mabie, both of Tappan
12/25 B (40) Ellen Jane (5-1-5-2-2-1-4), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie; DOB: 9/27
1/20 Death of Capt. Benjamin Mabee the preceding Thursday, in his 40th year, of Eastport, Maine, from the New York Post.
3/24 Birth of Charles Albro (5-9-2-1-2-5-2), parents: Charles L. Mabie and Lucy Ann Riggs
3/24 Death of James Orlando Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-1-1), age 10, adopted son of Elijah Mabie, at Franklin, Delaware Co., NY
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 4/1.
NOTE: James was born 3/16/1836
5/10 Burial, Mary Payson Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2-2), daughter of Cornelius & Louisa Mabie, age 3 yrs, 9 mos., 21 days
8/8 The body of Peter Mabie, 43 years old, was recovered from the North (Hudson) River. He had drowned the preceding Sunday when his small boat was run over by the steam ferry boat John Fitch.
8/19 Birth of Frances E. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-10)
9/19 Death of Maria Maby, in her 21st year, wife of John Peterson Maby (5-1-5-10-4-2).
From the New York Post of 9/21.
9/21 M (05) Cornelius M. Radcliff (5-1-8-3-2-1) and Maria Mabie
9/27 Birth of Richard Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3), second son of Abraham and Phebe Mabie, in New York City
9/30 M (see below) Thadeus Mabee and Mary Stevens, both of Baltimore
10/1 M (NYNP) Nelson Mabie, formerly of Sing Sing and Sarah Louise Knox, formerly of Bedford
Married in New York City by Rev. Mr. Dowling
10/4 B (06) Lucinda Maybe (5-1-8-8-8-4), parents: Wm. H. Sammis and Lucinda Maybee; DOB: 7/8/1846
M (NYM) Aaron Maybee (5-1-1-3-3-8)
and Ellen Maria Traphagen, both of NYC
Charles Coleman and Pamela Kaff
Street Methodist Church
12/22 M (see below) David Eccorson and Jane Maybee (5-1-2-8-1)
Married in the Saddle River Reformed Church by Rev. John Manley.
NOTE: Estate of Henry Mabie (5-1-12-1-2), of Bergen County, (4997B.), inventoried 11/18/1847. Inventory mentions wife Elisa Mabie, administratrix.
1/21 M (NYNP) Alfred Burnett and Emeline Mabey, both of Clinton
Married by Daniel H. Schultz
From the Poughkeepsie Telegraph (1/27)
4/22 Death of Captain William G. Mabee, age 21, son of Captain William Mabee,
4/28 B (96) Abraham (5-1-8-3-1-1-1), parents: Peter Maybie and wife Sarah; DOB: 12/13/1846
5/6 M (40) William A. Mabie (5-1-12-3-2) and Margaret Adaline Onderdonk, both of Tappan
6/10 M (NYNP) Griffin Barrett, of Stanford, and Effe Maybee, of Clinton, in Stanford
Married by Morgan Hunting
M (91) John G. Demarest and Maria Mabie
Married by Alex. H. Warner, Pastor
M (95) Daniel Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-1) and Euphemia Demarest
Married by Cornelius J. Blauvelt, Minister in the Schraalenburgh South Church
11/4 Death ofAlbert, son of Daniel K. and Ann Eliza Mabie.
11/13 M (see below) Lewis D. Stringham and Sarah Ann Mabee (5-7-2-2-2-2)
Married by Rev. Henry V. Jones of the First Baptist Church of Newark.
Marriage recorded in Essex Co., NJ, Liber C, Page 313 (#1250).
M (NYM) John Peterson Maby (5-1-5-10-4-2), age 26, and Hannah
Grimshaw, age 19
Witness: Richard E. Stillwell
of Rev. William M. Stilwell, Methodist minister
NOTE: Rachel Mabie, widow of Casparus (5-1-8-4), of Orangetown, Rockland County, died intestate 7/7/1848. A Letter of Administration was issued to her grandson, John J. Lawrence, on 10/19/1850.
NOTE: Will of Solomon Mabee (5-9-1-5), of Westerlo, Albany County, dated 6/12/1848, proved 1/28/1851, mentions sons Solomon, Daniel, Alanson, William N., Gilead, and Abraham; also mentions daughters Sabrina (wife of Oliver Bryant), Jerusha (wife of Harvey Kirkland), Sally (wife of Curtis Lake), Rosanna (wife of Anias Whitford) and Samatha (unmarried). Solomon was pre-deceased by two wives, Rosannah and Lois, and two daughters, Phebe and Phebe A. From tombstones in the Mabey Cemetery in the village of Westerlo, Albany County: Solomon died 12/18/1850, age 86; Rosannah, wife of Solomon, died 2/18/1806 in her 36th year; Lois, wife of Solomon, died 4/23/1848, age 77 years, 3 months, 10 days; Phebe, daughter of Solomon & Rosannah, d. 1/15/1800, in her 14th year; Phebe A., daughter of Solomon & Lois, d. 8/18/1833 in her 22nd year; William N., d. 6/14/1860, age 62 years, 1 month, 21 days; Daniel G., d. 2/7/1870, age 78; Martha, wife of Daniel G., d. 11/20/1872, age 70 years, 3 months; Cemantha, d. 8/11/1865, age 50. From tombstone in the Halcott Cemetery, village of Halcott, Greene County: Sally Mabey, wife of Curtis Lake, d. 5/2/11879, age 74 years, 11 months, Curtis Lake died 8/25/1866, age 64 years, 3 months, 11 days. From tombstones in the Cornwallville Cemetery, village of Cornwallville, Greene County: Alanson died 7/22/1872, age 76 years, 2 months, 23 days and Eliza, wife of Alanson died 10/17/1891, age 84 years; Ann Eliza Mabey, daughter of Alanson and Eliza, died 9/30/1842, age 1 year, 7 months, 8 days. The following entries from a Mabey Family Bible detail the family of Alanson Mabey. Alanson Mabey born 4/25/1796, Westerlo, NY; Alanson Mabey and Eliza Spettigue (born 5/28/1807, Devonshire, England) were married 4/18/1833 by Rev. Joel Campbell, Honesdale, PA; Children: George Henry born 8/3/1834, Westerlo, NY (married Helen R. Paddock); Ann Eliza born 2/23/1841, Durham, NY; Horace born 12/2/1843, Durham, NY (married Laura Louisa Gruett 8/14/1872, Newark, NJ); and Ann Eliza born 11/10/1847, Durham, NY (married Warren M. Finch 6/4/1879 by Rev. S.S. Merchant, Durham, NY).
M (NYM) Levi Maybie (5-9-2-1-2-6)
and Harriet L.
Married by J. B. Strattin in the Forsyth
Street Methodist Church
M (NYM) John T. Leonard and
Ann E. Maybee (5-6-9-1-2-2)
Street Methodist Church
3/25 M (see below) Alfred Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-1) and Elizabeth Harding, both of Lafayette
Marriage performed by the Rev. Charles Cox, pastor of the First Newton Baptist Church, Sussex Co., NJ.
Recorded in Liber A, page 350.
4/9 B (40) William Arthur (5-1-5-2-2-1-5), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie; DOB: 12/28/1847
4/24 NOTE: Cornelius Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-3), age 10, and Andrew E. Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-4), age 7, were admitted to the school of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church of NYC. Cornelius graduated on 10/25/1854, while Andrew graduated on 10/29/1856.
6/14 Death of Mrs. Phebe Ann Maybee, age about 30, at Rondout
8/8 M (NYNP) Jacob Maby, Jr. (5-1-5-10-4-1) and Miss Mary Roop, both of New York City, by Rev. Dr. Ferris
From Marriages Published in the Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church From 1830 to 1871, Vol. 5.
10/2 Birth Registration of John, parents: Collins B. (5-9-5-6-2) and Eliza Jane Mabee
Recorded in Vernon, Sussex Co., NJ
10/6 B (06) Ellen Gertrude (5-1-8-8-5-11), parents: Philip Maybee and Gertrude Waldron; DOB: 7/20/1847
10/7 B (97) John (5-10-2-7-5-1), parents: James Maybee and Eliza Moore; DOB: 8/27/1843
10/7 B (97) Anna (5-10-2-7-5-2), parents: James Maybee and Eliza Moore; DOB: 7/4/1846
M (NYM) Frederick A. Mabie (5-10-8-1-2) and Selina
Phillip Wright
Street Methodist Church
NOTE: Will of Peter J. Maybe (5-1-2-4-1), of Pequanic, Morris County, (3278N.), Written 1/9/1849, Proved 7/24/1849, mentions daughters Jane Sisco, Laty Pool, Maria Carter and sons John, Peter, Abraham. A series of Essex County deeds shed more light on the children of Peter J. Maybee and their spouses. These deeds are found at the following entries of the Essex County Deed Books: Liber H3, page 549, dated 6/3/1831; Liber Z7, page 329, dated 4/1/1852; Liber A9, pages 195 and 197, dated 2/10/1854; and Liber R9, page 389, dated 12/28/1855. From these deeds, John was married to Eliza, Peter to Sarah and Abraham to Amelia. The husband of Laty (Leah) Pool is identified as Tuenis. Peter and Abraham were living in Pompton Township, Passaic Co., NY, in 1854, while the others were in Pequanic Township, Morris Co. More importantly, the husband of Maria Carter was George Carter, and Maria was deceased prior to 4/1/1852. Moreover, it would appear that Maria was married earlier, to a Mr. Cook, and apparently had the following children, all of whom are listed as heirs at law to her estate: Mary Miller (and husband Ferdinand Miller), Ellen Jane Cook, Peter P. Cook (and wife Jane), Michael Cook (and wife Hannah), Alfred Cook and John Cook.
1/8 Death of John D. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-4), age 35, married, born in Tappan, parents: Frederick and Catherine Mabie, died in Paramus.
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.
2/8 B (40) Peter (5-1-12-3-2-1), parents: William Mabie and Adaline Onderdonk; DOB: 9/7/1848
2/20 Death of Emma Jane Mabee (5-7-2-2-5-5), age 3 months, 29 days
From tombstone in Vaughn Cemetery, Lafayette Twp., Sussex Co., NJ.
3/15 M (see below) Collins B. Mabee (5-9-5-6-2), 26, widower, son of Eden and Mary, and Elizabeth J. Mills, 21, single, in Vernon by James Ireland
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Sussex Co.)
3/21 Death of George Maybe, 2, son of Susan Maybe
3/25 Death registration of Martha Matilda Hunt, daughter of Abram W. Hunt and Rachel Maybee
5/13 Birth registration of Mary Jane Hunt, daughter of Abram W. Hunt and Rachel Maybee
B (see below) Sarah Catharine (5-1-2-8-3-2-1), parents: Henry Smith and Letitia Mabie; DOB: 6/26
From the records of the Pasckack (now Park Ridge) Church
7/30 Mary Marion, daughter of Moses T. and Mary R. Mabie, died.
8/24 Birth of Morris, son of Henry and Mary Maby
8/26 NOTE: From "Record of Funerals by Elder Nathaniel Robinson of the Kent and Fishkill Baptist Church at Farmers Mills, Putnam Co, NY 1820-1868" funeral of Daniel Mabe's wife - our meeting house (see marriage on 12/23/1843). From census data, this is Daniel D. Mabie (5-9-1-4-8).
9/11 B (see below) Delvene, parents: Thadeus Mabee and Mary Stevens; DOB: 12/6/1847
From the records of the First German Reformed Church, Baltimore, Maryland
9/11 B (see below) Elexinia, parents: Thadeus Mabee and Mary Stevens; DOB: 8/24/1848
From the records of the First German Reformed Church, Baltimore, Maryland
M (NYM) Chester W. Maybe and Mary
Elisabeth Kourtzs
Street Methodist Church
10/6 Birth Registration of Margaret Anna Mabie (5-1-8-3-1-1-2), parents: Peter A. and Sarah Mabie
M (NYM) James Mabie
and Jane Scott, both of New York
Married by S. M. Osborn in the 18th
Street Methodist Church
12/27 M (see below) John Mabee (5-9-5-6-1), 33, son of Eden and Mary, and Hester J. Margison, daughter of John and Ester, in Vernon by James Ireland
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Sussex Co.)
NOTE: Will of David Edwards of Orangetown, Rockland Co., NY, dated 2/28/1850, proved 6/9/1855, mentions daughter Margaret, widow of Peter Mabie.
1/25 B (06) Elizabeth Parcells (5-1-8-8-8-5), parents: Wm. H. Sammis and Lucinda Mabie; DOB: 8/21/1848
3/3 M (NYNP) William B. Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-8) of Sullivan PA and Candice Dimmick of Corning, NY at the parsonage in Corning by the Rev. H. N. Seaver (from the Corning Weekly Journal).
4/5 Birth Registration of Robert E. Mabee (5-9-5-6-2-1), parents: Collins and Eliza Mabee
Recorded in Vernon Twp, Sussex Co., NJ
M (NYNP) John Begg and Caroline Mabie
From: Index to Marriages & Deaths in the New York
Herald 1835-1863 (date of publication)
6/6 M (see below) John I. Maybee (5-1-2-8-3-4) and Jane Hickerson
Married in the Saddle River Reformed Church by Rev. John Manley.
7/4 M (2nd RDC, Poughkeepsie) David Wallace, of Haverstraw, and Elizabeth A. Mabee
7/6 B (40) Eliza (5-1-5-2-2-1-6), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie; DOB: 5/25
8/? B (see below) John Henry (5-1-5-10-4-2-1), parents: John P. and Harriet Maby; DOB: 1/10/1849
Baptism records of the Methodist Society of New York City.
M (see below) William Mabee
and Catharine Peters, both of Newton
Marriage performed by the Rev. Richard Van Horn, Minister of the Gospel, Sussex Co., NJ.
Recorded in Liber A, page 362.
NOTE: Will of Jeremiah Mabie, of Cortlandt, Westchester County, (died 4/5/1851), written 4/4/1851, proved 6/2/1851, mentions wife Ester Mabie and sons Amza L. Mabie and John W. Mabie, leaving them his carpenters tools. Probate documents mention children Jane Mabie, Mary O’Dell, widow of Benjamin O’Dell, Sarah Mabie and JohnWilliam Mabie, all residing in the town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., Elizabeth A. C. Van Wyck, wife of William Van Wyck, residing in Dutchess County, and Amza L. Mabie, residing in the State of California. From tombstones in the Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill, NY: Jeremiah Mabie died 4/5/1851, age 69 years; Esther Mabie died 5/25/1862, age 79 years, 8 mos.; Jane Mabie, born 9/28/1806, died 5/9/1883; Amzy Lewis Mabie died 1/7/1887, age 74 years; Edwin H. Mabie died 1/31/1851, age 46 years; Sarah Cromwell Mabie, born 3/2/1815, died 10/3/1893; John W. Mabie died 6/11/1878, age 59 years, 11 months, 23 days and John's wife Sarah M. died 8/8/1857, age 37 years, 2 months.
1/27 M (NYNP) Daniel D. Mabee (5-9-1-4-8) and Susan A. Wixon
Married by Rev. J. Warren, Jr., in West Fishkill
2/9 Birth Registration of Samuel Maybee (5-7-2-2-8-7), parents: Robert and Eliza Ann Maybee
Recorded in Wantage Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
2/10 Birth Registration of Martin B. Maybee (5-7-2-2-4-1-2), parents: Alfred and Elizabeth Maybee
2/15 Birth Registration of Reuben V. Hunt, son of Abram W. Hunt and Rachel Maybee
3/2 B (06) Philip Mabie (5-1-8-8-8-6), parents: William Sammis and Lucinda Mabie; DOB: 8/10/1850
5/12 Birth Registration of Jacob L. Maybee, parents: William Maybee and Catherine Peters
Recorded in Newton Twp, Sussex Co., NJ (possibly 1850).
5/31 M (99) Peter Maybe (5-1-2-4-1-5-1), age 22, son of John Maybe and Eliza Kimble, and Rachel Westervelt, age 18, daughter of Samuel Westervelt and Martha Smith, by the Rev. G. C. Schanck.
M (56) David Wallace of Haverstraw and Elizabeth A. Mabee
Witnesses: Theo. S. Whitehead & Eliz. B. Grant
7/28 NOTE: Henry P. Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-5), age 8, was admitted to the school of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church of NYC. Henry graduated on 10/27/1858.
8/2 Death of Ephram Mabee (5-7-2-2-2-1), of Stockholm, age 33.
From death notice in the Sussex Register (date of publication).
8/19 Death of Peter Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-3), age 3 years, 5 months, 19 days, parents: Cornelius and Maria Mabie.
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.
8/27 B (40) David Leonard (5-1-12-3-2-2), parents: William A. Mabie and Margaret Adeline Onderdonk, deceased; DOB: 3/28
10/15 Birth Registration of Catherine Ann Mabie (5-10-2-7-4-6), parents: Jacob and Leah Mabie
Recorded in Closter, Bergen Co., NJ.
11/21 B (06) Sarah Adelaide (5-1-8-8-5-12), parents: Philip Mabie and Gertrude Waldron; DOB: 7/22/1851
11/25 M (NYNP) Charles S. Lucas of Poughkeepsie and Phebe Mabee of Marlboro
Married by Rev. R. Foster
12/14 M (NYNP) James Maybe (5-7-2-1-7-6) of Goshen and Lavina Lounsberry of Le Roy, Genesee Co.,
Married in Saugerties by Rev. Henry Lounsbury of the Saugerties United Methodist Church
NOTE: Samuel Mabie 2nd (5-9-1-7-3), of Putnam County died intestate. Probate documents dated 1/17/1852 mention wife Polly, children Hiram, William A., Phebe Ann, wife of Nathan Dykeman, Adeline and Ruth Ann Mabie, a minor (all others full age), all of Patterson, Putnam County. Guardianship of Ruth Ann was granted to Sylvester Mabie. From tombstones in the Patterson Baptist Cemetery, Putnam County, Samuel died 12/13/1851, age 53 years, 17 days; wife Polly died 10/21/1870, age 82 years, 6 months; daughter Sarah Jane died 7/6/1844, age 20 years, 5 months, 2 days. From the Raymond Hill Cemetery in Carmel, daughter Mary Adeline, who married Rev. Jabez Swan, was born 10/20/1829 and died 9/25/1906, daughter Ruth Ann, who married James B. Dykeman, was born 9/19/1834 and died 2/1/1915, and James B. Dykeman was born 4/13/1822, died 9/3/1880. From the Kelley Cemetery in Carmel, son William A. was born 11/28/1827 and died 4/16/1881, daughter Phebe Ann was born in 1826 and died in 1896 and her husband, Nathan C. Dykeman was born 1823 and died 1900. Also, buried in Raymond Hill Cemetery are James Dykeman, died 1866, age 6 years, and Bertie Dykeman, died 1877, age 4 years, both children of Anna R. and James B. Dykeman.
M (NYNP) Charles Bertholf and Amanda E. Mabee (5-7-2-1-7-7), daughter of Jesse Mabee of Goshen,
Married near Warwick
2/1 Birth Registration of Mary Maby (5-1-2-4-4-7-4), parents: Benjamin and Emiline Maby
Recorded in West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ.
2/9 Birth Registration of Nancy Louise Mabee (5-9-5-6-2-2), parents: Collins and Eliza Mabee
Recorded in Vernon Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
2/28 Birth Registration of James Henry Maybee (5-7-2-2-5-6), parents: Jacob and Hannah Maybee
Recorded in Sparta Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
M (see below) Robert M. Mabee (5-9-5-6-6), 23, son of Eden and Mary, and Nancy Boyd, 29, daughter of John and Lucinda.
Married at Vernon, Sussex Co., NY by Rev. O. Bagley
4/14 Birth Registration of Charles Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-5), parents: John and Eliza Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
Burial, Jane Maybe (5-1-2-4-3), widow of William Ackhart, age 75
the records of the Ramapo Dutch Church, Bergen County, NJ.
6/17 Death of Cyrus T. Maybee, of Peoria, Illinois, on the Oregon Trail
7/8 Death of Fanny L. Mabee, age 22, 547 Laight Street, New York City
7/10 Death of Sarah Mabee, widow of John (5-7-2-2), of Wantage, age 85
From death notice in the Sussex Register (date of publication).
8/25 Death of Henrietta Mabie, daughter of Thadeus, in Baltimore.
8/26 M (06) Alfred Mabie (5-1-8-8-5-1) and Frances Jane, daughter of John Harper, Esq., all of New York City, by the Rev. F. F. Cornell.
9/9 Birth of Sarah Catherine Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-4), second daughter of Abraham and Phebe Mabie, in New York City
9/25 Death of John Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-2), 25, single, farmer, son of Martin Mabee
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
10/? Death of Wilson Maby (5-1-2-4-1-6-2), 21, son of Peter and Sarah Maby
From Death Records of Passaic County, NJ.
M (NYM) Abraham A. Mabie (5-1-8-8-1) and Caroline
Sniffin, both of this city
Married by T. C. Youngs in the 9th
Street Methodist Church
12/28 M (see below) Jeremiah H. Mabie, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Gifford), of Patterson, NY, and Ann Mary Field, daughter of Solomon and Sally Ann (Ganung) of Southeast, NY
NOTE: From his obituary, which appeared in the NY Herald on 7/30/1895, we learn that in 1853, Leopold Neuman married Miss Mary Payson Mabie, and that they had 3 children, one of whom was a daughter, Mrs. F. Hernandez, who in 1895 was residing in Orange, NJ. We also learn that Leopold was born in Germany in 1825 and that he came to America in 1847.
1/1 Birth Registration of Susan Caroline Hunt, daughter of Abram W. Hunt and Rachel Maybee
M (NYNP) Nicholas Mabee (5-7-2-1-7-2) of Goshen and Susan Bertholf, daughter of James W. Bertholf of Warwick,
Married near Sugar Loaf
2/17 Birth Registration of Franklin Maybee, parents: William Maybee and Catherine Peters
Recorded in Newton, Sussex Co., NJ.
2/24 M (95) Peter H. Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-4), 25, son of Henry, carpenter, and Ann Eliza Wolfkiel, 18, spinster of Stony Arabia, daughter of George. Married by C. Blauvelt.
2/28 Death of Rachel Mabie, age 76, married, parents: James and Catherine Blauvelt, wife of Peter C. Mabie (5-1-1-3-2)
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.
3/20 M (43) James P. Mabie (5-1-12-1-4) and Maria Rycker
5/8 Birth Registration of Thomas Mabee (5-1-2-4-4-8-4), father: Abraham Mabee
Recorded in West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ.
5/12 M (see below) James Cameron and Julia Mabee, daughter of Thadeus, by license.
6/19 B (see below) Miss Caroline Mabie, adult (daughter of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7))
From the Parochial Register of St. John's Church, Delhi, Delaware Co., NY.
7/9 M (see below) William Maibie and Elizabeth Collins by Thomas Scattergood, in Pemberton
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Burlington Co.).
7/10 Birth registration of unnamed child Mabie (male), father: James Mabie (5-10-2-7-5) Recorded in Hackensack Twp, Bergen Co., NJ
9/17 M (98) Michael Brunner of Germany and Emeline Mabee (5-7-2-2-2-4) of Jefferson Twp., Morris County, daughter of George and Margaret Mabee.
10/4 Birth Registration of Sarah Eliza Maybee (5-7-2-2-4-1-4), parents: Alfred and Elizabeth Maybee
Recorded in Hardyston Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
10/11 Death of Alfred Maybee (5-7-2-2-4-1-3), 10 months, son of Alfred and Elizabeth Maybee
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
10/20 Death of Sarah E. Maybee (5-7-2-2-4-1-4), 16 days, parents: Alfred and Elizabeth Maybee
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
12/2 Death of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7), age 59, of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY
12/3 M (98) Edward Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-4), 24, son of Martin and Sarah Mabee, of Lafayette, to Mary Harden, 19, daughter of Hosea and Hannah Harden of Hardiston, Sussex Co.
12/5 M (NYNP) Peter I. Mabie and Miss Harriet A. Hawkins, all of Nyack,
at Nyack by Rev. W. Robertson
NOTE: Will of Sarah Maybee, widow of Nicholas (5-7-3-1-2), of Oyster Bay, Queens Co., NY, dated 6/1851 (day left blank), proved on 10/13/1854. Probate documents state that she died in Oyster Bay on 7/30/1754, and "her only heirs at law and next of kin, two children" Henry Maybee of Oyster Bay and Garret M. Maybee of Williamsburgh, Kings County. [Note that Garret was enumerated in Oyster Bay in both the 1850 and 1860 Census.] In addition to sons Henry and Garret, will mentions grandchildren Nicholas I. Maybee, Ann Eliza Maybee, daughter of Garret, and Mary Elizabeth Maybee, daughter of Henry. From her tombstone in Brookville Cemetery, Sarah was born 12/30/1778 and died 7/30/1854.
NOTE: Will of Bernard Debaun, of Ramapo, Rockland Co., NY, dated 8/8/1854, proved 2/12/1855, mentions daughter Jane, wife of Isaac Mabie (5-1-2-8-3-1).
?/? Birth Registration of David Maby (5-1-2-4-4-5-3), parents: William and Eliza Maby
Recorded in West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ.
1/8 Death of Hannah Maby, age 70, of Bellvale, Orange Co., NY was reported in the Whig Press of Middletown, NY on 1/18.
1/10 M (NYNP) Buel Rowley and Miss Harriet Mabie (5-6-8-1-1-6), in Lexington, Delaware Co., NY
1/15 Burial, Emma P. Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2-6), daughter of Cornelius & Louisa Mabie, age 29 days
2/2 Death of Margaret Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-?), 22, single, tailorist, daughter of Henry Mabie
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.
3/8 Birth Registration of Sarah Mabie, parents: Peter and Sarah Mabie
Recorded in New Barbados Twp, Bergen Co., NJ.
3/27 NOTE: Richard Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3), age 8, a son of Abraham and Phoebe Mabie of 134 Perry Street in NYC, was admitted to the school of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church of NYC.
4/9 B (40) John Henry (5-1-5-2-2-1-7), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie; DOB: 2/15
6/3 M (95) William A. Mabie (5-1-12-3-2), 43, widower, son of Adolphus, and Maria Moore, 31, single. Married by Cor. Blauvelt.
6/8 M (NYNP) Alonzo Mabee and Mary Ann Geary, both of Yonkers, by Rev. Philip Phelps, Jr.
From Marriages Published in the Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church From 1830 to 1871, Vol. 7.
7/1 Death of Jane Mabie, 50, married, parents: Henry and Caroline Day, wife of Abel Smith Maybie (5-10-2-4-1)
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.C
7/8 M (NYNP) C. Lounsberry and Hannah Mabee (5-7-2-1-7-4), daughter of Jesse Mabee in Goshen
7/20 Death of Henrietta M. Mabee, infant daughter of Alexander N. and Alice D. Mabee, aged 10 months.
8/15 M (NYNP) Reverend Edmund Mabee (5-6-9-1-6), of the Columbus, OH, Annual Conference, and Ann E. Barton of Espy, PA, by Rev. C. C. Mabee (5-6-9-1-4)
Marriage notice appeared in the Eastern State Journal of 8/25/1854.
9/? Birth Registration of George Maby (5-1-2-4-4-7-5), parents: Benjamin Maby and wife
Recorded in West Milford Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
M (NYM) William McQuoid, 35, widower, from Orange Co., NY, and Isabella Maybie, 34, single, from Westchester Co., NY, residing at 114 18th St.
Married by Chas. B. Sing in the 18th
Street Methodist Church
9/22 M (56) Francis Maybie (5-1-8-8-1-1) of Piermont, Rockland Co., and Elizabeth Pellamy of Poughkeepsie
9/25 Birth Registration of Mary L. Mabee (5-9-5-6-6-1), parents: Robert and Nancy Mabee
Recorded in Vernon Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
10/18 B (97) Sarah (5-10-2-7-5-4), parents: James Maybe and Elizabeth Moore
11/15 M (98) Simeon Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-3) of Lafayette, son of Martin and Sarah Mabee, to Temperance Jane Wilson, daughter of Asa and Elizabeth Wilson of Wantage Twp, Sussex Co.
12/3 M (see below) Rusel Hiatt and Sarah Mabe
"Record of Marriages by Elder Nathaniel Robinson of the Kent
and Fishkill Baptist Church at Farmers Mills, Putnam Co, NY 1824-1868"
12/17 Birth Registration of Jane Eliza Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-1-5), parents: Alfred and Eliza Mabee
Recorded in Hardiston Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
M (NYNP) James S. Gregory of Monroe and Sarah J. Mabee (5-7-2-1-7-9) of Goshen,
Married in Goshen
Reported in the Whig Press of Middletown, Orange Co., NY on 1/17/1855.
NOTE: Will of William N. Mabey, of the Town of Rensslaerville, Albany County, NY, dated 6/21/1855, proved 7/10/1860, mentions wife Hannah and daughter Anna Mariah.
1/1 Birth of Samuel Herring Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-5), third son of Abraham and Phebe Mabie in New York City
1/? Birth Registration of unnamed twins Maby (male and female) (5-1-2-4-4-8-5) and (5-1-2-4-4-8-6), father: Abraham Maby
Recorded in West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ.
1/15 M (see below) William Lane and Susan Maybee (5-7-2-2-4-6)
Marriage notice in The Sussex Register (date of publication).
2/16 Death of Capt. Robert L. Mabey (5-6-9-3-3) reported in the New York Herald.
3/1 M (see below) Herman Smith and Susan F. Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-9)
3/24 Death of John Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-4-1), 1, in Lafayette, son of Edward and Mary Mabee
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
4/7 Death of Susan Mabee (5-7-2-2-5-7), age 5 months, 15 days.
From death notice in the Sussex Register (date of publication).
5/23 Death of Mrs. Jemima Mabie, widow of the late John Hogencamp.
From Deaths Published in the Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church From 1830 to 1871, Vol. 4
6/21 Death of Reverend Edmund Mabee (5-6-9-1-6)
9/4 Death of Miss Joanna Mabie, aged 56 years.
Reported in the New York Times of 9/5 and 9/6. Also reported in the New York Post of 9/4.
10/7 Birth Registration of unnamed child Mabie (female), father: Peter Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack Twp, Bergen Co., NJ.
10/14 Death of Mary Maybe, 69, of Vernon, wife of Eden (5-9-5-6)
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
10/21 Death of Elizabeth Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-3-1), infant, daughter of Simeon
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
NOTE: Samuel Mabie (5-9-1-8) of Patterson, Putnam County, died 10/14/1856. Probate documents mention wife Ruth, children Harrison Mabie, Polly Baker, Nancy Mabie, Eliza Ann Mabie, Esther Jane Merritt and Emeline Steinbeck, all of Patterson, Loretta Wilson of Carmel and Sarah M. Birch of Bristol, Elkhart County, Indiana, all of full age. Note that in The History of Putnam County, Pelletreau lists the following: Harrison, died unmarried, Polly, wife of Richard Baker, Nancy M., wife of Roswell Taylor, Esther J., wife of William Merritt, Sarah M., wife of Samuel Birch, Emeline, wife of Daniel Stienbeck, Eliza A., wife of Ira Hopkins, and Loretta H., wife of James Wilson. From tombstones in the Patterson Baptist Cemetery, Putnam County, Samuel died 10/14/1856, age 84 years, 2 months, 3 days; wife Ruth Bolt died 11/3/1868, age 84 years, 1 month, 19 days; son Harrison died 8/18/1859, age 30 years, 24 days; son Charles died 7/16/1818, age 1 year, 4 months, 8 days; daughter Emeline was born in 1821 and died in 1899, her husband Daniel D. Steinbeck was born in 1821 and died in 1899; daughter Nancy was born 6/10/1810 and died 11/8/1887, her husband Roswell B. Taylor died 6/18/1874 age 74 years, 5 months and 13 days. From her tombstone in the Kelley Cemetery in Carmel, daughter Eliza Ann was born 11/25/1823 and died 5/31/1910 and Eliza's husband (Deacon) Ira Hopkins, died 8/31/1879 age 74 years, 5 months and 19 days. Also in the Kelly cemetery was daughter Lauretta Mabie Wilson, born 11/25/1825, died 4/17/1916 and her husband James Wilson, born 3/11/1826, died 11/7/1900. From her tombstone in the Patterson Baptist Cemetery in Patterson, daughter Sarah M. Mabie died 4/7/1896 age 77 years and her husband Samuel R. Birch died 3/28/1903, age 74 years, 10 months.
NOTE: Henry Mabee (5-7-3-1-2-1), of Oyster Bay, Queens County, NY, died intestate.
1/1 Death of Thurston Mabee (5-7-2-2-5-3), age 10 years, 8 months, 9 days.
1/? Birth of James Lorenzo Mabee (5-9-5-6-2-4), parents: Collins B. and Elizabeth Mabee
3/22 Birth Registration of Elvira Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-1-3), father: Daniel Mabie
Recorded in New Barbados Twp, Bergen Co., NJ
6/3 Death of Fanny Mabie, wife of Peter Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5) in this city.
6/30 Ann E. Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-6), age 9, was admitted to the school of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church of NYC. Ann graduated on 10/21/1863. Ann was then an assistant teacher at the school from 11/1/1863 through 12/1/1864.
M (NYNP) Nelson Crist of Hamptonburg and Frances B. Mabey of Scotchtown,
Married in Scotchtown
8/16 M (see below) Eden Mabee (5-9-5-6), 66, son of John and Abigail, and Lucinda Douglas, 73, both widowed, in Vernon by A. H. Speer
8/24 Burial, Louis E. Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2-5), son of Cornelius & Louisa Mabie, age 5 yrs, 7 mos., 12 days
10/2 B (40) Evelyn Demaray (5-1-5-2-2-1-8), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie; DOB: 4/22
11/6 Birth Registration of Sarah Ann Maby (5-1-2-4-1-7-1-2), parents: Euston and Sarah Ann Maby
Recorded in Pompton Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
?/28 Death of Sarah Ann Maby, 21, married, died in childbirth.
From Death Records of Passaic County, NJ.
12/26 Birth Registration of John W. Mabee (5-9-5-6-6-2), parents: Robert M. and Nancy Mabee
Recorded in Vernon Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
NOTE: Will of George Mabee (5-7-2-2-2), of Newark, Essex County, dated 9/25/1857, proved 12/19/1857, mentions wife (unnamed), daughters Sarah Ann and Emmaline, deceased son Ephraim, and Ephraim's children Sarah Elizabeth and Anna Jane (invalid), both under 21. A deed record (Essex County Deeds, Liber T13, page 394) dated 4/15/1868, in which Sarah Elizabeth Mabee claimed her inheritance, states that Anna Jane Mabee was deceased, leaving no issue.
NOTE: Will of Adolphus L. Mabie (5-1-12-3), of Orangetown, Rockland County, dated 10/15/1857, proved 1/18/1858, mentions wife Rachel, "my three children" Elizabeth, William A. Mabie and Cornelius A. Mabie, and grandson Adolphus, son of Cornelius. Adolphus died 10/16/1857. Note also, regarding grandson Adolphus, from tombstone in Tappan Cemetery, he was born in 1838 and died in 1914. His wife, Sarah Jane, was born in 1843 and died in 1900.
NOTE: Will of Jenny Eckerson (5-1-2-8-1), late widow of James G. Ackerman late of Bergen Co., NJ, and now the wife of David D. Eckerson of Ramapo, filed in Rockland Co., NY, dated 10/2/1857, proved 1/7/1867. Mentions brothers Isaac and Abraham (deceased) Mabie, children of Isaac Mabie, namely Letitia, wife of Henry A. Smith, Sally, wife of Christian Eckerson, and John Mabie, and children of Abraham, namely Sally and Jane.
NOTE: Sarah Mabey died intestate. Letter of Administration (New York County) granted to her husband Peter P. Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-6) of Bloomingdale, NJ, on 12/7/1857. (Liber 65)
3/15 Death of William North Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-6-2), age 1 year, 5 months, 18 days, son of Levi and Harriet L. Mabie, at New York City.
3/23 Birth Registration of William Henry Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-6), parents: Abraham and Phoebe Mabie
4/5 Birth Registration of Mary Frances Mayby (5-1-5-10-4-4-3), parents: Augustus and Deborah Mayby
4/25 Death of Sarah P. Maybie, in her 75th year, wife of Abraham P. Maybie (5-1-8-2-1).
6/26 Birth Registration of Hannah L. Mabee (5-9-5-6-2-5), parents: Collins B. and Eliza J. Mabee
7/2 Death of a son of David Maybe, age 16, from Aquacanock
From Death Records of Essex County, NJ.
7/4 Death of Temperance Mabee, 27, married, daughter of Asa and Elizabeth Wilson, wife of Simeon Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-3)
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
9/14 Death of Temperance Maybeee, 30, married, in Hardyston, daughter of William and Anna Case
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
9/23 M (NYNP) Myron S. Bates and Isabella Mabie (5-9-2-1-6-6), both of Geneva, Ontario Co., NY,
Married by Rev. William Sterling in Williamsport, PA
10/19 Death of George Wesley Mabie, infant son of Charles W. and Mary E. Mabie, aged 1 year, 2 months, 20 days.
12/3 Birth Registration of Theodore Edward Maybee (5-7-2-2-4-1-6), parents: Alfred and Elizabeth Maybee
12/9 Death of Martha Jane Mabie, 5 yrs, 1 mo., 6 days, born in Wyota, WI
12/12 Death of George Mabee (5-7-2-2-2), age 67
12/23 M (see below) Peter P. Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-6) and Elizabeth Walsh.
12/30 M (see below) Robert H. Mead and Sarah E. Maby (5-1-2-4-1-6-4)
NOTE: The Will of Jesse Mabee (5-7-2-1-7), of the town of Goshen, Orange County, NY, dated 12/29/1858, proved 4/9/1859, mentions wife Elizabeth; sons John (5-7-2-1-7-5), James O. (5-7-2-1-7-6), Stephen (5-7-2-1-7-1) and Nicholas (5-7-2-1-7-2); daughters Amanda E. (5-7-2-1-7-7), wife of Charles Bertholf, Hester (5-7-2-1-7-8) (unmarried), Eliza (5-7-2-1-7-4), wife of Charles Lawnsberry, Catherine (5-7-2-1-7-3), wife of David Ackerman, and Sarah Jane (5-7-2-1-7-9), wife of James S. Gregory.
1/4 B (see below) John Ackerman (5-1-1-3-3-7-6), parents: Peter and Nancy Mabie of Hohokus
witnesses: Aaron Ackerman, Henry ?
1/15 M (NYNP) James H. Mabie (5-9-1-3-1-2) of Westerlo and Huldah M. Irish of Saratoga Springs,
in Saratoga Springs by Rev. B. M. Hall
2/7 B (see below) Peter Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7), adult of Godwinville
witness: Aaron Ackerman
4/? Birth Registration of Horace Maby (5-1-2-4-4-8-7), father: Abraham Maby
Recorded in West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ.
4/4 M (see below) William O. Maybie, age 21 and Henrietta Soden, age 20, by H. C. Fish in Newark
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Newark, Essex Co.).
4/10 Birth Registration of Myers Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-1-4), parents Daniel and Euphemia Mabie
Recorded in New Barbados Twp, Bergen Co., NJ.
4/11 B (05) Cornelius Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-3), adult baptism, no parents named (son of Peter & Rachel Mabie)
4/28 Birth Registration of female child Maybe, parents: Lewis and Mary Maybe
Recorded in Hardiston Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
5/22 Death of Mary Ida Mabie, age 7 years and 9 months, eldest daughter of C. W. and Mary E. Mabie
on Saturday morning after a short illness.
6/7 Death of Joan Baldwin Mabie, youngest daughter of Frederick and Salina Mabie, aged 1 year, 9 months and 3 days.
7/3 M (see below) John W. Shorter, 23, son of Andrew and Margaret, and Ann Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-7), 24, daughter of James and Hannah, both of Lafayette, by J. Davis at Mount Salem
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Sussex Co.).
M (see below) Euston Maybee (5-1-2-4-1-7-1) and Ellen Miller
Married by William G. Smith, Justice of the Peace, Passaic Co., NJ
8/28 Birth Registration of David H. Maybee, parents: William Maybee and Mary.
Recorded in Bordentown Twp, Burlington Co., NJ.
9/28 Birth Registration of unnamed child Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-6), father: John Mabie, silver plater
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
?/? B (see below) Isaac Edwin (5-1-2-8-3-4-1), parents: John I. Mabee and Jane Higinson
DOB: 10/12
From the records of the Pasckack (now Park Ridge) Church, Bergen Co., NJ.
11/17 M (see below) Dominik Luomdus and Ann Maybee
Recorded in Patterson, Passaic Co., NJ.
12/4 Birth Registration of unnamed child Mabie (female), father: Jacob Mabie
Recorded in New Barbados Twp, Bergen Co., NJ.
12/19 M (see below) G. Thomas Sanders and Sarah A. Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5-3), both of Pequannock Township, Morris County, NJ.
Married by William Hawley, Pastor of the Baptist Church at Bloomingdale.
Marriage recorded in Passaic Co., NJ, Liber A, page 70.
NOTE: On 8/18/1859, Harrison Mabie (5-9-1-8-10) of Patterson, Putnam County, died. Probate documents mention mother Ruth Mabie, sisters Polly Baker, Nancy Mabie, Jane Merritt, Emeline Stienbeck and Eliza A. Mabie, all of Patterson, Loretta H. Wilson of Carmel, and Sarah M. Birch of Bristol, Elkhart Co., Indiana.
NOTE: Will of Jeremiah Maybee (5-6-9-2), of Napoli, Cattaraugus County, NY, dated 3/17/1859, proved 2/19/1864, mentions wife Saphronia and son Edward. Also references to other unnamed children. Probate documents identify the following heirs: Fanny Rice (age about 61, residence Meadville, PA), James Maybee (age about 59, residence supposed to be Sparta, OH), Edward Maybee (age about 57, residence Lewiston, NY), Mrs. Jane Gerow (age about 55, residence Astabula, OH), John Maybee (age about 51, residence Lansing, IA), Mrs. Julia Sackrider (age 49, residence Napoli, NY), Mrs. Sarah Holdridge (age 47, residence East Randolph, NY), Nathan ----- (age about 29, residence not known), Horace ___ Jr. (age about 27, residence unknown). From tombstone inscriptions in the East Randolph or Maple Hill Cemetery, Jeremiah died 2/10/1864, and Saphronia died 10/17/1859, age 31 years. From the 1850 Census, the name of Jeremiah’s first wife was Mary. Mary is buried in the Annis (AKA Little Valley Rural) Cemetery; she died 9/15/1850, age 74 years, 4 months, 12 days. Note also that son Edward died in 1881 and is buried in the Oakwood Presbyterian Municipal Cemetery, Lewiston, New York.
NOTE: Will of Henry Mabey (5-6-9-3-1), of the town of Galatin, Columbia County, NY, dated 7/9/1859, proved 5/7/1870, mentions wife Maria. Henry and Maria (see her will in 1870) are buried in the Vedder Cemetery, Town of Gallatin, Columbia County, NY. From his tombstone, Henry died 3/22/1870, age 66 years.
NOTE: Elizabeth Maybee, nee Velsor, wife of Jacob (5-7-3-1-1), of Oyster Bay, Queens County, NY, died intestate. A Letter of Administration was granted to her son Harry Maybee on 5/31/1859. From her tombstone in Brookville Cemetery, Elizabeth Maybee was born 12/24/1781 and died 10/24/1857.
NOTE: A Dutchess County deed, dated 5/3/1859, Liber 114, page 221, identifies Catherine Jones, of New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana, widow of Thomas Jones, as the next of kin of Sarah P. Maybie, deceased, the wife of Abraham P. Maybie (5-1-8-2-1) of New York City. Sarah P. Maybie was buried in Greenwood Cemetery on 6/2/1857.
1/18 Death of Hannah E. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-4-2), 4 1/2, daughter of Augustus Maby, noted as being born and died at Post Monmouth.
1/27 From "Record of Funerals by Elder Nathaniel Robinson of the Kent and Fishkill Baptist Church at Farmers Mills, Putnam Co, NY 1820-1868" funeral of Daniel Mabie's wife - our meeting house.
3/12 Death of William Maybee, 18 mos., son of William and Mary
4/30 Death of Cornelius Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-3) "in the 21st year of his age"
6/27 Birth of William Irvin (5-9-5-6-2-6), parents: Collins B. and Elizabeth Mabee
7/2 B (40) Charles Humphrey (5-10-2-1-1-1-9), parents: John V. B. Johnson and Jane Mabie; DOB: 12/20/1858
7/6 M (NYNP) Isaac M. Mabie and Miss Margaret Scott, both of Clarkstown,
at Greenbush by Rev. T. J. Evans
9/2 B (97) Walter (5-10-2-7-5-6), parents: James Mabie and Elizabeth Moore; DOB: 6/9/1857
11/17 M (see below) Edwin R. Wheat and Sarah Elizabeth Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-5-1)
12/29 M (see below) Milton Shaw and Rachel Melissa Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-11)
NOTE: Joshua Mabie (5-9-1-7), of Patterson, Putnam County, died in 1854. Probate documents (dated 2/24/1860) mention wife Elizabeth W. Mabie and children Sylvester Mabie and Jeremiah Mabie, both of Putnam County, Stephen G. Mabie, Edmund F. Mabie and Sarah E. Mabie, all of Walworth County, Wisconsin, and Daniel Mabie, residence unknown. Also mentioned are grandchildren Hiram Mabie of Dutchess County, William A. Mabie, Phebe Ann Dyckman, Ruth Ann Dyckman and Adeline Mabie, all of Putnam County and Charles Scott, Edmund Scott, Ferris Scott, Eliza Barrett, Annie Scott, Harriet Scott and "others whose names and places of residence are unknown." Letter of Administration was issued to Sylvester Mabie on 4/16/1860. Note that Pelletreau lists, as children of Joshua: Hannah, wife of Abraham Scott, Stephen G., born 1801, Daniel, Jeremiah, Samuel, Elisha G., Sylvester, born 3/29/1806, Edmund F., Sarah, Nehemiah and Marlin. From tombstones in the Patterson Baptist Cemetery, Putnam County, Joshua died 5/30/1854, age 84 years, 11 months, 12 days; wife Elizabeth died 5/7/1836, age 60 years, 9 months, 25 days; and son, Dr. Elisha G., died 4/19/1836, age 28 years, 2 months and 25 days. Buried in the same cemetery are son Sylvester, born 3/29/1806, died 1/1/1886, Charlotte A Hetherington, wife of Sylvester, born 10/4/1809, died 3/29/1892, and the following children of Sylvester and Charlotte: Christina, died 3/2/1855, age 6 years, Jane, died 7/11/1839, age 6 years, 1 month, 5 days, John, died 1/23/1844, age 3 years, 11 months, an infant daughter died 11/20/1854, age 1 month, Henry, born 11/28/1841, died 12/10/1913 and Maria Adrianna Ives Mabie wife of Henry, born 8/10/1847, died 11/13/1915. A monument in the same cemetery contains inscriptions for son Jeremiah H., born in Patterson 7/12/1812, died Delevan, Wis. 8/31/1867, and son Marlin, born Patterson 7/17/1817 died Buena Vista Liona, Near Watauzas, Isle of Cuba 2/27/1847.
?/? Birth Registration of unnamed child Maby, father: Peter Maby
Recorded in Hackensack Twp, Bergen Co., NJ.
M (91) Hezekiah Alberts, Jr., age 25, of Moonouchy
and Lydia Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-5), age 24, of Hackensack.
Hezekiah Alberts and Henry H. Mabie;
married by the Rev. Theo. B. Romeyn.
1/26 Birth Registration of Harriet Adelia Mabey (5-1-5-10-4-4-4), parents: Augustus L. and Debra Ann Mabey
Recorded in Monmouth Co., NJ.
2/? Birth Registration of Granora Maybee, parents: William Maybee and Mary
Recorded in Bordentown Twp, Burlington Co., NJ.
3/3 Death of William O. Maybie, 21 yrs, 8 mos., 17 days, Married, from NY.
M (NYNP) Mr. Nelson Mabey, of Scipio, Cayuga County,
to Mrs. Emeline Hall of Horseheads, in Big Flats, at the home of Judah Rowley, by Rev. P. Olney.
4/15 Death of the wife of John Mabey (5-1-2-4-6-1-1), age 22, from Aquacanock.
From Death Records of Essex County, NJ.
5/? Death of Mary F. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-4-3), age 2, in Monmouth County, NJ.
From the 1860 census mortality schedule.
M (NYNP) Lanford C. Mabie of Newberg and Margaret Davenport of Piermont
Reported in the Whig Press of Middletown, Orange Co., NY on 9/5.
10/9 Birth Registration of unnamed child Mabie, father: James Mabie (5-10-2-7-5)
Recorded in Hackensack Twp, Bergen, New Jersey.
M (NYNP) Albert F. Stephens of Sugar Loaf and Mary L. Maybee (5-7-2-1-8-1), daughter of Jacob Maybee,
Married at Pleasant Valley by Elder Housel.
Reported in the Whig Press of Middletown, Orange Co., NY on 11/28.
M (see below) James Rogers, 31, and Maria Mabee, 21, both of Walton, Delaware Co., NY.
From the Ledger of Marriages & Deaths of the Rev. Julius S. Pattengill.
NOTE: Will of Peter C. Mabie (5-1-1-3-2) of Orangetown, Rockland County, dated 2/26/1861, probated 12/9/1861, mentions deceased wife Rachel, son Cornelius P. Mabie, Mary, wife of Cornelius, Mary Ann Conklin, wife of DeWitt C. Concklin, and nephew Garret S. Demarest. Peter died 4/26/1861.
NOTE: Will of Hanna Mabey, of the Town of Rensselaerville, Albany County, NY, dated 12/12/1860, proved 7/24/1871, mentions husband Gilead Mabey (5-9-1-5-7).
3/23 Death of Mary Ella (5-1-8-8-1-2), daughter of
Francis and Elizabeth Mabie, aged 1 year and 6 months at Piermont.
From the Rockland County Journal of 3/30/1861.
6/6 M (NYNP) Philander Reed and E. Louise Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2-1), in NYC at the St. Thomas Church by the Rev. W. Morgan
From the NY Times of 6/8/1861 and also published in the New York Herald on the same date.
B (55) John, parents: Brundridge T. Maybee
Elizabeth S.; DOB: 1/24
at Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck
6/28 Died in New York City, Louisa H. C. Mabie, wife of Cornelius (5-1-8-3-5-2) and daughter of the late John Miller. Louisa was buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn on 6/30.
From: The NY Times of 6/30/1861, and also published in the NY Herald on the same date.
7/29 Death of Jacob Maby (5-1-5-10-4), aged 67 years, in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
8/9 Birth Registration of Seley T. Mabee (5-9-5-6-2-7), parents: Collins and Eliza J. Mabee
Recorded in Vernon Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
M (91) Henry J. Haring, age 21, son of J. Haring, and Ann
Elizabeth Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-6), age 20, daughter of H. H. Mabie,
both of Hackensack. Witnesses: Isaac Harring and Henry H. Mabie
Married by the Rev. Theo. B. Romeyn.
10/23 Birth Registration of Estella F. Mabee (5-1-8-8-1-1-3), parents: Francis Mabee and wife
Recorded in Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ
NOTE: Alfred Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-1), of Sussex County, died intestate (3188S). His widow, Elizabeth Mabee, and her brother, Theodore Harding, were appointed administrators for the estate on 2/13/1862. See Elizabeth's will under 1881 below for heirs.
NOTE: Will of Eden Maybee (5-9-5-6), of Vernon Township, Sussex County, dated 10/27/1862, probated 8/21/1863, mentions sons Collins, John and Robert M. (youngest) and daughters Hannah, wife of Jacob G. Gunderman, Sarah, wife of Isaac Paddick, and Rebecca, wife of John S. Strait. Also mentioned is grandson Franklin P. Maybee, son of Robert M. NOTE: Sarah Mabee Paddock died in Vernon Township on 5/3/1873 (from Wilfred Mabee).
NOTE: Will of Abraham P. Maybie (5-1-8-2-1), of City, County and State of New York, dated 12/22/1862, proved 6/22/1865, mentions sister Catherine, widow of George Conkling, sister Jane Roome, wife of William J. Roome, niece Harriet Katselides and Dorela C. Krackin "who has lived in my family many years". This will is found filed in the Ducthess County, NY, deeds, Liber 132, page 474, as well as in New York County Surrogate Court records, Liber 156, page 478. Abraham was buried with his wife, Sarah P. Maybie, in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn.
1/10 Death of Cate Mabie, widow, age 75
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.
1/15 Death of Alfred Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-1), married, age 35
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
1/17 Died in Franklin Township on Wednesday last, Mrs. Charity Mabie, wife of Frederick Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-1), aged 77 years
1/23 M (see below) Mr. David Palmer and Mrs. Elizabeth Maybee, aged 71 and 62 years, in Sullivan, by Rev. R. Rockwell.
From the Tioga County (PA) Agitator of 2/5/1862.
1/25 Birth Registration of Alfred Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-1-7), parents: Alfred Mabee and wife
Recorded in Hardiston Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
2/2 M (see below) James Mayby (5-1-2-4-1-6-3), 23, son of Peter and Alice Roney, 22, daughter of John
Married at Ponds by B. V. Collins
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Bergen Co.).
2/22 B (see below) Alice Terressa, Matilda Jane, Robert Peter and Clarisa Janette, parents: Peter and Teressa Maybe
From the records of the Presbyterian Church, Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co., PA .
3/10 Death of Lucinda Mabee, 73, married, in Vernon, born in Morris Co., wife of Eden Mabee (5-9-5-6)
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
3/24 Birth Registration of Martharetta Maby (5-1-1-3-3-7-9), parents: Peter Maby and Nancy Thompson
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ.
4/3 Birth Registration of Henrietta Maby, parents: William Maby and Mary
Recorded in Bordentown Twp, Burlington Co., NJ.
4/9 Birth Registration of William W. Mabee, parents: Chester Mabee and wife
Recorded in Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ.
4/15 Birth Registration of Israel Maby (5-1-2-4-4-8-9), parents: Abraham and Annis Maby
Recorded in West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ.
5/25 Death of Esther Mabie, of Peekskill, age 80, widow of Jeremiah Mabie
From the New York Post of 5/27.
6/28 Birth Registration of Francis M. Maby (5-1-2-4-1-7-2-3), parents: Munson and Catherine Maby
Recorded in Pompton Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
12/3 Birth Registration of Theodore Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5-2-1), parents: William and Catherine Maby
Recorded in Pompton Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
NOTE: Will of David Maybee (son of William Maybee (5-1-2-4-4)) of Wells County, Indiana, dated 9/19/1863, proved 4/5/1864, mentions wife and minor children, all unnamed. From census data, David's wife was named Elizabeth, and his children were named Emaline, George W., Lydia A., Jacob and Eliza J. From his tombstone in Murray Cemetery, David died 3/19/1864, age 45 years, 3 months, 11 days.
1/8 Death of Nelson Maybe (5-7-2-2-8-1), 24, single, soldier, son of Robert and Elizabeth Maybe
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ.
3/? Death of William Maby (5-1-2-4-4-5), age 50
From Death Records of Passaic County, NJ.
3/24 Birth Registration of Emma Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-10), parents: Peter F. Mabie, Nancy Thompson
Recorded in Washington Twp, Bergen Co., NJ.
3/25 Birth Registration of Collins E. Mabee (5-9-5-6-2-8), parents: Collins and Eliza Jane Mabee
Recorded in Vernon Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
4/6 M (NYNP) Lt. J. D. Mabie, 3rd NYV, and Helen Mann, daughter of William Mann, both of Newberg.
Reported in the Whig Press of Middletown, Orange Co., NY, on 4/29 & 5/6.
5/1 Death of Lucy Ann Mabie (nee Riggs), wife of Charles L. Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-5)
From tombstone in the West Meredith Cemetery, Meredith, Delaware Co., NY
5/13 Birth Registration of Edward Maybey, father Andrew Maybey
Recorded in Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
9/3 Birth Registration of Garabaldi Maby, parents: William Maby and Mary
Recorded in Bordentown Twp, Burlington Co., NJ.
9/13 Birth Record of Margaret E. Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5-8), parents: John P. and Pheby Maby
Recorded in Pequannock Twp., Morris Co., NJ.
10/7 Death of Grant Maybe (5-7-2-1-1-1), age 66 and unmarried, of Warwick, Orange Co., NY,
in a railroad accident
Reported in The Whig Press of Middletown, NY.
M (see below) Moses E. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-1), 20, son of Cornelius, and Sarah E. Hanes, daughter of Joseph, both of Godwinville
Married by William M. Burroughs, Minister of the Gospel, Wyckoff, Bergen Co., NJ.
11/8 Birth Registration of M. J. Maybey (female), parents: Robert and Sarah Maybey
Recorded in Lebanon Twp, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
11/24 M (see below) George B. Lyon and Martha J. Mabey
Marriages in the Town of Stamford, Delaware Co., NY
From Tree Talks, Vol. 33, No. 1, March 1993, page 41
M (see below) Austin Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-2), 25, son of Robert, of Hardyston, and Merabah Emmans, 21, daughter of Abraham, of Wantage
Marriage performed in Wantage by the Rev. David W. Moore, Minister of the Gospel, Sussex Co., NJ.
Recorded in Liber B, page 252.
NOTE: Will of Peter Mabie (5-10-2-7-1) of New York City, dated 1/25/1864 and proved 3/9/1864, mentions wife Rachel and son Henry. Peter's house was located at 5 Bethune Street.
NOTE: Estate of Harriet Mabie (widow of Peter Mabie (5-10-2-3)), Bergen County, (5740B.), inventoried 1864. . First a Letter of Administration from New York County was issued to her grandson, John A. Anderson, on 11/29/1864 (Liber 79, page 361). This was rescinded and a new Letter of Administration from New York County was issued to George B. Mabie and John A. Mabie on 1/20/1865 (Liber 80, page 63). See notes on the death of Harriet below (10/3/1864).
NOTE: Will of Noah Dibble of the Town of Delhi, Delaware Co., NY, dated 2/1/1864, proved 6/11/1864, mentions Rachel Mabie, with no relationship given. Note that in the 1860 census, Rachel Mabie was enumerated as a domestic in the household of Noah Dibble. Also, according to the will, Noah's wife (deceased) was named Caroline. It is possible that this was Rachel's sister, Caroline Mabie. Rachel and Caroline were both daughters of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7).
1/4 Birth Registration of Anna Mabie (5-1-2-4-1-5-1-5), parents: Peter and Rachel Mabie
Recorded in Pequannock Twp., Morris Co., NJ.
2/4 Death of Peter Mabie (5-10-2-7-1) on Thursday, February 4th, in his 58th year, res: 5 Bethane St.
From: The New York Herald of 2/5/1864.
2/10 Birth Registration of Elizabeth Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-10), parents: Cornelius Mabie and Mariah Hopper
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ
2/23 NOTE: Samuel H. Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-5), age 9, Sarah Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-4), age 11, and William H. Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-6), age 7, all children of Abraham and Phoebe Mabie of 165 West Twenty-eighth Street in NYC, were admitted to the school of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church of NYC. Samuel graduated on 5/23/1872, after which he worked as a telegraph reporter at the Gold and Stock exchange.
M (see below) William Mabie and Jane A. Denike
"Westchester and Putnam County Marriages from Genealogical Data" (LDS Film
# 17999)
5/1 Birth Registration of Elizabeth Maby (5-1-2-4-1-7-1-4), father Euston Maby
Recorded in Newark, Essex Co., NJ
5/4 The deaths of two children of James Mabee, of Goshen, Orange Co., NY, Carrie (5-7-2-1-7-6-1), age 10 on 8/15/1863 and James Henry (5-7-2-1-7-6-2), age 8 on 4/10/1864, were reported in the Whig Press of Middletown, Orange Co., NY. William (5-7-2-1-7-6-3), the third and last child of James and Lavinia born in 1858, also died in 1864. The entire family is buried in the Slate Hill Cemetery. James O. Mabee, b. 1825, d. 1892, and Lavinia, b. 1834, d. 1908.
5/5 Birth registration of a male, unnamed baby (David H. Mabie), parents: Langford C. and Margaret A. Mabie.
6/1 Birth Registration of Leonet Mabee (5-1-8-8-1-1-4), parents: Francis Mabee and wife
Recorded in Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ.
6/5 B (97) George (5-10-2-7-5-7), parents: James Mabie and Elizabeth Moore; DOB: 2/6
6/12 Birth Registration of Mary Maby (5-1-2-4-4-8-10), parents: Abraham and Annas Maby6/19 Thaddeus Mabee died in Baltimore, MD, in his 51st year.
9/10 Death of Abel S. Mabie (5-10-2-4-1-1) of the Seventh NY Volunteers at Washington, DC, aged 22 years, 10 months and 6 days.
9/23 M (NYNP) Charles L. Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-5) and Mrs. Amelia Hall, both of Meredith, Delaware Co., NY
(2nd marriage for Charles). Married at Delhi by Elder D. Grant
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 10/5.
M (SCNJ) Jesse Dennis, age 29, son of Lewis, of Wantage, and Anna Mary Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-5), age 20, daughter of Robert, of Hardyston
Marriage performed by D. W. Moore, Minister of the Gospel. Recorded in Liber B, page 259.
10/2 Death of Isaac Mabie (5-1-2-8-3), age 74, married, at Pascack
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.
10/3 Mrs. Harriet Mabie formerly of NYC, died at Closter, NJ aged 85 years.
10/9 Birth Registration of Robert M. Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-2-1), parents: Austin and Merabah Mabee
Recorded in Wantage Twp, Sussex Co., NJ.
11/23 M (NYNP) Henry Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-5) and Mary C. Lyon, the oldest daughter of Alvin Lyon,
both of this city, by the Rev. Isaac L. Bartley
From the New York Herald of 12/2/1864.
NOTE: Will of Jacob Maybee (5-7-3-1-1), written 4/15/1865, proved 4/26/1866, mentions son Harry and daughter Mary, wife of William Simonson. From his tombstone in Brookville Cemetery, Jacob was born 7/9/1778 and died 5/12/1865.
NOTE: From tombstone (Eng. Neighborhood Church), Charity E. Mabie (5-10-2-4-3), wife of Richard Yereance, died 9/5/1865 age 59 years, 6 months, 23 days. Her husband died 2/8/1867, age 61 years, 6 months, 22 days. Richard was Charity's second husband.
1/12 M (see below) James Mabey, 21, brakeman, and Rhoda Applegate, 18, both single and both of South Amboy by G. F. Burton in South Amboy, Middlesex Co., NJ
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Middlesex Co.).
1/19 M (NYNP) Edgar J. Bird and Hester L. Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-2), daughter of Abram Mabie, Esq.,
all of this city, by the Rev. Dr. Stryker.
From the New York Herald of 1/22/1865.
1/31 Birth Registration of Elvira Maby (5-1-2-4-4-7-8), parents: Benjamin and Emaline Maby
Recorded in West Milford Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
3/12 Death of Frederick Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-2), 19, single, soldier, parents: Cornelius Mabie and Maria Hopper, died at Annapolis
From Death Records of Bergen County, NJ.
3/26 Death of Margaret Mabee, age 64, widow of George Mabee (5-7-2-2-2)
3/26 Death of Phebe Mabee, wife of John Acker, in Yonkers, NY.
4/30 Birth Registration of Georgianna Maby (5-1-2-4-1-7-2-4), parents: Munson and Catherine Maby
Recorded in Pompton Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
5/26 Abraham P. Maybee (5-1-8-2-1) died, aged 81 years.
6/7 Birth Registration of Robert Maby (5-1-2-4-1-6-3-2), parents: James J. and Alice
Recorded in Rockaway Twp., Morris Co., NJ.
8/20 Death of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5-3), son of P. L. and Maria Mabie, age 7
From the New York Times of 8/23/1865.
9/18 Death of Albert Martin Maybee Brunner, infant son of Michael M. and Emeline (5-7-2-2-2-3) Brunner, aged 1 year and 9 months.
From the Newark Centinel of Freedom of 9/26/1865.
9/24 M (see below) John Holloway and Letty A. Maby (5-1-2-4-4-7-3)
Recorded in West Milford Township, Passaic Co., NJ.
9/26 Death of Frank Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5-2), son of Peter and Maria Louise Mabie, aged 8 years and 3 months
M (NYM) John Henry Maby, age 21, and Mary Emma
Osborn, age 23, both single, born in NYC, living in Brooklyn,
Witnesses: Henry Jones and Ellen Halleck
Street Methodist Church
M (see below) Richard Gould, 80, widower, and Elizabeth
Mabee, 40, widow, both of Macopin, Passaic Co., NJ
Marriage performed by Wm. B. Wigg, Minister of the Gospel in Sussex Co., NJ.
Recorded in Liber B, page 308.
11/4 Death of Rebecca Maby, wife of George Maby From tombstone in the Riverside Cemetery, Marlborough, Ulster Co., NY, Rebecca was born 2/27/1800 and died 11/4/1865. Also buried in the same cemetery are Philena Mabie Rose (born 2/13/1822, died 6/16/1907) and her husband Benjamin A. Rose (born 2/2/1831, died 1/27/1880).
B (55) Harvey, parents: Brundage Tompkins
Maybee and Eliz. Susanna
Mrs. William Morrow; DOB: 8/24
at Church of the Ascension, Rhinecliff, Rhinebeck.
1/16 Death of Mrs. Magdelena Mabie, aged 76 years and 6 months.
1/30 M (see below) Nicholas Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-3), 25, and Eliza Riggs, 22, daughter of Thompson
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Sussex Co.).
2/22 Birth of Abram Parkiss (5-9-5-6-2-9), parents: Collins B. and Elizabeth Mabee
2/24 M (56) John R. Bush and Margaret H. Maby, both of Poughkeepsie
4/12 Charles Edgar Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-6-5), youngest son of John and Elisa J. Mabie of the English Neighborhood, Bergen Co., NJ, aged 14 years, died of Bright's disease of the kidneys.
5/23 M (40) David Mann, son of David D. Mann & Eliza Powless, Palisades, NY,
and Alesta Loretta Mabie (5-1-12-3-3-2), daughter of Cornelius A. Mabie & Sarah Verbryck, Tappan, NY
6/8 Birth registration of Cornelia Mabie, parents: Cornelius Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2), Deborah Gray Mabie of NYC
6/19 Birth Registration of Martha E. Mabee, parents: Chester W. and M. C. Mabee, musicians
Recorded in Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ
6/21 Death of Philip Mabie (5-1-8-8-5-1-2), at Piermont, eldest son of Alfred and Frances J. Mabie, aged 9 years, 8 months and 18 days.
M (91) Peter Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-4) and Angelina Demarest,
both of Hackensack
Married by the Rev. Theo. B. Romeyn.
7/6 Birth Registration of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-11), parents: Cornelius Mabie and Maria Hopper
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ.
10/23 M (NYNP) Charles McMichael of Edgewater to Kate M. Mabie of English Neighborhood, NJ in St. Johns Church, NY by Rev J. Cameron, Rector of the Church of Mediator, Edgewater, NJ
Marriage notice in the New York Evening Post of 10/25/1866.
10/31 M (NYNP) John L. House, of Goshen, and Ann Eliza Mabee (5-7-2-1-8-2), daughter of Jacob Mabee, at Warwick by Elder Wilson Housel
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
11/11 Birth Registration of Charles Langford Mabie, parents: Langford C. and Margaret A. Mabie.
11/16 Birth Registration of Emma Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-3-1), parents: Nicholas and Lizzie Mabee
Recorded in Hardiston, Sussex Co., NJ.
M (94) Frederick B. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-1) and Ann
Married by Rev. Isaac S. Demund
NOTE: Letters of Administration for the Estate of Samuel H. Mabie of the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, NY, were issued on 3/27/1867 to his widow, Fanny Mabie. (Liber L, page 64).
1/6 Birth Registration of Samuel Maby (5-1-2-4-4-8-11), parents: Abraham and Annis Maby
Recorded in West Milford Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
1/19 Birth Registration of Maria Maby (5-1-2-4-4-7-9), parents: Benjamin and Emely Maby
Recorded in West Milford Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
3/5 Death of Jane Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-1-5), 12, in Hardyston, daughter of Alfred and Elizabeth Mabee
From Death Records of Sussex County, NJ
3/15 Birth Registration of Peter Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-1-1), parents: Frederick B. Mabie and Nancy Taylor
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ
4/8 Birth Registration of Mariah Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-1-2), parents: Moses D. Mabie and Sarah Hanes
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ
4/21 Death of Sarah E. Mabie (5-10-2-7-4-2), daughter of Jacob and Leah Mabie, aged 26 years, 3 months, 14 days
5/14 Death of Samuel Hyatt Mabie of Peekskill, NY (son of Elijah Mabie)
5/28 Birth of Levi Elmore (5-9-2-1-2-5-3), parents: Charles L. Mabie and Amelia Hall
From the Family Bible of Charles L. Mabie found in the NY State Library.
M (53) Isaac Mabey of Haverstraw and Jennie Tillotson of New York
Witnesses: P. K. Cady & Miss Eva Cady
B (55) Vanderhoff, parents: Brundage
Maybee and Susanna; DOB: 3/1
Simon Pells and Miss Ann Schultz
at Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck.
8/31 Birth Registration of Matilda Maby (5-1-2-4-1-7-2-5), parents: Munson and Catherine Maby
Recorded in Pompton Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
9/30 Birth Registration of Frank Maybe (5-1-2-4-1-6-3-3), parents: James and Alice Maybe
Recorded in Rockaway Twp., Morris Co., NJ.
10/31 Death of Jeremiah Maybe in Elmira, Chemung Co., NY.
10/31 M (NYML) John Mabie, son of Frederick Mabie and Belinda Brinkerhoff, and Mary Doty Bird, daughter of Lewis Doty and Sarah Havens.
M (Bloomingburgh DRC) Isaac Maybie, of Cresskill, NJ, and Sarah
Ward, of Walkill, eldest daughter of Thomas Ward, Esq., in the Town of Wallkill, by Rev. J. H. Frazee
Also appears in Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican with a date of 11/20
NOTE: Will of Myndert Redman (5-1-2-11-2), dated 6/25/1868, proved 10/5/1868 in Niagara County, NY (Niagara Wills, Vol. 12), mentions daughters Catherine, Phebe, Fanny, Sarah, Susanne Congdon and Priscilla Davis; and sons Jasper, Michael, John and Peter. Myndert Redman and his wife Fanny Lavinia Mabie, are buried in the Corwin Cemetery in Newfane, Niagara County, NY. Also buried in the same cemetery are daughters Catherine and Phebe Jane, and son Jasper.
1/12 M (NYNP) Charles Marshall and Mary E. Mabee (5-7-2-2-5-2), both of Lafayette, at the Baptist parsonage in Newton by Rev. A. D. Willifer
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican
M (97) Charles Sageman and Anna Maria Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-1)
Married by Andrew B. Taylor, Pastor.
B (53) Elizabeth (5-9-1-4-8-4), parents: Daniel
Mabee & Susan Mabee; DOB: 4/10/1851
Mrs. Elizabeth Mabee
4/18 M (see below) Frederic B. Maby (5-1-1-3-3-1), 63, widower, and Lora Manning, 21, daughter of Samuel, married in Franklin by Rev. L. B. Dickerson
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Bergen Co.).
4/18 Birth Registration of Stella Maby (5-1-2-4-1-7-1-5), parents: Euston and Ellen Maby
Recorded in Pequanock Twp., Morris Co., NJ.
5/1 Birth Registration of John Mabee (5-9-5-6-2-10), parents: Collins and Elizabeth Mabee
Recorded in Vernon, Sussex Co., NJ.
5/5 Birth Registration of Peter Mabie (5-1-2-4-1-5-1-7), parents: Peter J. and Rachel Mabie
Recorded in Pequanock, Morris Co., NJ.
5/28 M (see below) Clitus Paul and Henrietta Maybie (widow of William O. Maybie)
Married by Rev. J. S. B. Hodges, rector of the Grace Church, Newark, Essex Co., NJ
6/6 Mrs. Catherine Mabie, wife of Peter L. Mabie (5-1-8-3-5), was admitted as a member to the Reformed Church of Spring Valley, Rockland County, NY, with a certificate from the West Presbyterian Church in New York City.
6/6 Birth Registration of Mary Mabe (5-1-2-4-1-6-1-5), parents: Peter W. and Ann E. Mabe
Recorded in Bloomingdale, Passaic Co., NJ.
8/23 M (see below) William H. Maby (5-1-5-10-4-9) and Miss Mary E. Wheeler, in Bridgeport, CT
From the Columbian Register of 9/5/1868.
10/14 Birth Fegistration of Henry Mabie,
parents: Peter Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5), Mary Daly
Recorded in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY
10/15 Birth Registration of William Mabee (5-1-2-4-1-5-2-4), parents: William and Catherine Mabee
Recorded in Montville, Morris Co., NJ.
11/? Birth Registration of Effy J. Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5-11), parents: John and Phebe Maby
Recorded in Bloomingdale, Morris Co., NJ.
11/30 M (see below) John Van Dine, age 20, son of Casper Van Dien, Merchant,
and Sarah Maibie (5-1-1-3-3-7-4), age 19, daughter of Peter Maibie, Laborer, both of Hokokus,
Married in Paramus by Rev. F. Durmond
12/5 Birth Registration of Theodore Maby (5-1-2-4-4-7-10), parents: Benjamin and Emaline Maby
Recorded in West Milford, Passaic Co., NJ
12/15 M (see below) Alonzo Mabie and Kate Mekeel.
12/16 M (see below) William H. Bentley and Alixina Mabee, daughter of Thadeus
M (94) Stephen S. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-3), 21, of Hohokus, son of Peter and Ann,
and Harriet Ann Ritner, 19, of Hohokus, daughter of Isaac and Eliza
Married by Rev. Isaac S. Demund
12/30 M (NYML) James Mabie, son of Hiram Mabie and Mary Smith, and Augusta Gardinier, daughter of Jacob Gardinier and Sarah Clark.
Note: Will of Cornelius P. Mabie (5-1-1-3-2-1), of Nyack (later lived in Orangetown), Rockland County, NY, dated 12/28/1869, proved 7/16/1886, mentions wife Mary, and several other relatives. A provision was made for the purchase of a cemetery lot, and for the removal of the remains of his father (Peter C. Mabie), mother and an unnamed son of Cornelius to be removed from the vault of Frederick J. Haring and to be interred in the new lot. Mentioned in the will are "my aunts and uncles on my late mother's side" James J. Blauvelt, John J. Blauvelt, David J. Blauvelt, Vronjie Degraw, Catherine Brower and Maria Demarest (all deceased). Also mentioned "my uncle, John C. Mabie, my aunt Ann Maria Verbryck" and "my other aunts and uncles on my father's side" (all deceased) Frederick Mabie, Elizabeth Blanch, and Ann Mabie. Also mentioned Ann Wilson, wife of James Wilson and "daughter of my said deceased aunt Ann Mabie." Also mentioned David Verbryck, son of Ann Maria Verbryck, and the (unnamed) grandchildren of Ann Maria Verbryck, identified as the heirs of the late Cornelius Haring. Cornelius died 4/7/1886.
1/30 M (NYNP) Henry C. Moore to Louisa Ann Mabee, both of Canisteer, Sussex Co., NJ, at the parsonage of the Reformed Church in Warwick by F. H. Vanderveer,
4/13 M (NYML) Joseph Koop, son of Peter and Mary Koop and Harriett Mabie, daughter of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2) and Louisa Miller.
4/17 Death of Sarah Mabie, relict of Abraham Mabie (5-1-8-8), in 87th year.
4/24 M (NYML) John Andrew Culbert, son of William Culbert and Mary Craig, and Mary Louisa Mabie, daughter of John Mabie and Catherine Anderson.
6/10 Birth Registration of Judson Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-3-2), parents: Nicholas and Eliza Mabee
Recorded in Wantage, Sussex Co., NJ.
7/31 Birth Registration of Margaret Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-12), parents: Cornelius and Maria Mabie
Recorded in Franklin, Bergen Co., NJ.
8/25 M (see below) Jacob S. Maybee (5-7-3-1-2-1-4), of East Norwich, NY,
and Miss Julie R. Peckham, daughter of Robert Peckham, Esq., in Lebanon, CT.
From the Norwich Aurora of 9/1/1869.
9/19 M (see below) William T. Henry and Matilda Irene Mabee, daughter of Thadeus
9/20 Death of William Mabee of Towanda, PA, killed in a train accident
9/23 Peter Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7), farmer, age 46, died in Hohokus, NJ.
11/10 M (NYNP) William W. Gibson and Sarah C. Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-4), youngest daughter of Abram Mabie of this city.
12/19 Birth Registration of Stephen Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-3-1), parents: Stephen and Harriet Ann Mabie
Recorded in Hohokus, Bergen Co., NJ.
12/28 M (see below) Martin Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-4), 29, son of Robert and E. A., and Emma J. Pellet, 20, of Hamburg, daughter of LeGrand A. and Emalene, in Hardyston by Rev. D. Silver
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Sussex Co.).
Notice also appears in Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
NOTE: Will of Maria Mabey, widow of Henry Mabey (5-6-9-3-1), of Gallatin, Columbia County, NY, dated 7/23/1870, proved 9/29/1873, mentions deceased husband Henry, mother Margaret Van Benschoten, numerous brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces. The only names that are relevant to the Mabey family are Mary Smith, daughter of Julia Ann Smith (5-6-9-3-5) of Ancram and Zada Shults, daughter of William Shults, of Pine Plains, Dutchess County. Maria is buried with Henry in the Vedder Church Cemetery, Town of Gallatin, Columbia County, NY. Note that William Schultz was the husband of Margaret Mabey (5-6-9-3-4). Note also that, buried in the Pine Plains Cemetery are William Schultz (born 11/24/1811, died 1893) and Zada M. Schultz Coons, dau. of William & Margaret Schultz, d. 1879, Mar. 23, a. 22 y. 9 m. A son of William and Margaret, not mentioned in Maria's will, Eugene Schultz, was born in 1850 and married Francis Ham in 1880. From her tombstone, Maria Mabey died 8/31/1873, age 63 years. Buried in the adjacent plot are Maria's parents: Tunis Van Benshoten, died 4/17/1867, age 83 years, and Margaret Van Benshoten, wife of Tunis, died 2/26/1877, age 87 years.
?/? Death of Sarah D. Mabie, wife of Peter A. Mabie (5-1-8-3-1-1).
Taken from US Census Mortality Schedule, Warren Township, Somerset Co., NJ.
B (55) Lewis, parents: Abraham Maybee
and Elizabeth; DOB: 8/11/1869
Miss M. Radcliffe, Mr. Hibbs and Mr. Goldfinch
at Church of the Ascension, Rhinecliff, Rhinebeck.
1/6 M (NYNP) J. Henry Mabie
to Sophia Taylor, all of Closter, NY,
at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. P. V. Van Buskirk.
From Marriages Published in the Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church From 1830 to 1871, Vol. 10.
1/28 Birth Registration of William E. Maby (5-1-2-4-1-7-2-6), parents: Munson and Catherine Maby
Recorded in Wynoque, Passaic Co., NY.
3/14 Birth Registration of Cornelius Mabie, father: Peter Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
3/26 Death of Catherine E. Mabie, in the 90th year of her age.
3/29 Death of Mrs. Mary Mabie, in her 78th year, formerly of the Town of Delhi, Delaware Co. NY, at the residence of her son, Peter H. M. Mabie, at Iowa Falls, Iowa. Mary was the widow of Peter Mabie (5-9-2-1-7).
5/21 M (see below) Peter J. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-2), 22, and Sarah E. Doland, 19, all of Hohokus.
Married by Rev. Amos H. Bellis in the New Prospect Church, Bergen Co., NJ
6/19 M (see below) John D. Day, son of George, and Anna Mabie (5-10-2-7-5-2), 23, daughter of James and Eliza, in Ridgefield by Rev. A. B. Taylor
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Bergen Co.).
6/30 Death of Eliza J. Mabie, wife of John Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2) of the English Neighborhood, in the 49th year of her life
B (53) Charles William, parents:
& Sarah Jane Mabey; DOB: 4/22/1868
the mother, Mary Louisa Kimlin, & Margaret Jane Kimlin
8/3 Birth Registration of Benjamin Maby (5-1-2-4-4-7-11), parents: Benjamin and Emaline Maby
Recorded in West Milford Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
8/16 Death of Gideon Mabey (5-9-1-3-3-2), age 39, bookbinder, born in South Westerlo, NY, son of Enoch and Mary, in Springfield, Massachusetts
8/21 M (see below) Jacob A. Maby (5-1-2-4-4-8-2), 22, of Pompton, and Sarah Jane Lewis, 18, of Bloomingdale, in West Milford by S. S. Goodman, minister
9/27 M (NYNP) William J. Winans and Keturah J. Mabee (5-7-2-1-1-2-4), in Warwick at the house of the bride's father by Rev. D. Buck
10/6 Birth Registration of Alfred Henry Mabie, parents: Peter Lent Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5) and Mary Daly Mabie.
10/15 Birth Registration of Lizzie Mabie (5-7-2-2-8-4-1), parents: Martin J. and Emma J. Mabie
M (95) John Jacob Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-1-2), 21 , son of Daniel (5-1-12-1-2-1)and Euphemia,
and Margaretta Quackenbush, 19, daughter of Henry and Jane Maria of Hackensack.
Witnesses: George Mabie and Louisa Paulison
M (97) John Henry Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-3) 23, son of John, and Irene Westervelt, 23, daughter of John and Phebe A.
Married by John Y. DeBaun, Minister
11/22 Death of Daisy A. M. Mabie, second daughter of Peter (5-1-8-3-5-5) and Mary Mabie, aged 9 years, 4 months, 13 days
M (97) George H. Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-1-1), 21, son of Daniel, and Emma Louisa Paulison, daughter of Rev. Mr. Paulison, both of Hackensack.
Married by Andrew B. Taylor, Minister
12/14 M (see below) James W. Mabie (5-1-2-4-6-1-4), 24, son of David and Eliza, and Sarah A. Brooks, 20, both of Little Falls
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Passaic Co.).
NOTE: Will of Thomas B. Mabee (5-6-9-1-2), of the Town of Greenburgh, Village of Tarrytown, County of Westchester, and State of New York, dated 4/18/1867, proved 3/13/1871. Mentions wife Jennett D. Mabee, son Joseph Walker Mabee, and daughter Ann Elizabeth Leonard, wife of John Leonard. (Liber 63, page 202)
1/29 Birth Registration of Martharetta Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-2-1), parents: Peter J. Mabie and Sarah E. Doland
Recorded in Ridgewood, Bergen Co., NJ.
2/1 Death of Thomas B. Mabee (5-6-9-1-2), at Tarrytown, in the 67th year of his age.
2/13 M (see below) John Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2), 52, widower, farmer and Emma G. Sweetland, 27, divorced, in Ridgefield.
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Bergen Co.).
M (see below) Peter H. Garrison, age 24, a farmer of Washington Twp. and
Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-5),
age 18, of Godwinville, daughter of Cornelius Mabie
and Maria Hopper
by Rev. W. A. Julian - Lutheran - Washington Pastor (Washington Twp. VR
p. 65)
4/18 Birth Registration of Frederick Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-1-3), parents: Frederick Mabie and Nancy Taylor
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ.
4/24 M (NYNP) Champion H. Judson, M. D., of Dobb's Ferry, NY, and Jennie Mabie, daughter of Levi J. Mabie of Tarrytown, NY, by the Rev. J. West, DD, at the residence of the bride's parents.
From the New York Times of 5/27/1871.
M (NYM) Samuel N. Stubbs and Jane Mabie
Jennie Church
Street/Asbury Methodist Church.
6/1 Birth Registration of Clarence Mabie (5-1-12-1-2-1-1-1), parents: George H. and Louisa Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
6/21 M (NYNP) George W. Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-2), of
Fairview, and Miss Tillie Dodge, daughter of Wm. A. Dodge, of Brooklyn,
by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher.
From the NY Herald of 6/23/1871.
9/9 Death of Abel Smith Mabie (5-10-2-4-1), aged 68, at Leona, NJ.
From the NY Herald of 9/11/1871.
10/6 Birth Registration of Joseph Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5-1-8), parents: Peter and Rachel Maby
Recorded in Pequanock, Morris Co., NJ.
10/26 M (NYNP) Nelson M. Hall and Mary E. Mabee (5-7-2-1-1-2-5), all of Warwick, at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. D. Buck
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
M (97) John J. Mabie (5-10-2-7-5-1), 25, son of James, and Sarah Matilda
Christie, daughter of James L.
Married by Andrew B. Taylor, Minister
2/26 Death of Harry Maybee (5-7-3-1-1-1), aged 68 years, 23 days, at Brookville, Long Island.
From the NY Herald of 3/2/1872
3/13 Death of Caroline Mabie, wife of Elijah Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-1).
4/13 Hannah Mabie died, age 55 years (from tombstone in Old Hook Cemetery, Westwood, NJ)
M (97) Thomas R. Sendley, of Little Ferry,
and Mary Ann Mabie, of Moonackie
Married by Andrew B. Taylor, Minister
M (91) Thaddeus D. Mabie (5-1-2-4-6-1-3), 23, of New York, son of David,
and Jeannette W. Voorhis, 24, of Cherry Hill, daughter of John G. Voorhis.
Married in Hackensack by the Rev. Theo. B. Romeyn.
6/17 Death of John Mabie, aged 50 years, 9 months and 6 days, of Jersey City.
From the NY Herald of 6/19/1872
M (97) Stephen Annet, of Fort Lee, and Sarah
Mabie (5-10-2-7-5-4), of Leonia
Married by Andrew B. Taylor, Minister
8/14 M (see below) Horace Mabey (5-9-1-5-5-3), 28, son of Alanson and Eliza, and Laura Louisa Gruett, 25, of Newark, daughter of William and Cecilla
9/1 Birth Registration of Isaac Mabie, parents: James H. and Sophia Mabie
Recorded in Closter, Bergen Co., NJ.
9/7 Birth Registration of Mary Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5-12), parents: John P. and Susan (sic) Maby
Recorded in Pequanock, Morris Co., NJ.
9/9 M (NYNP) John R. Hamlin and Henrietta Maybee, both of Wappinger's Falls,
by the Rev. A. C. Moorehouse in the M. E. parsonage, Wappinger's Falls
10/15 Birth Registration of Dora Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-2-5), parents: Austin and Meribah Mabee
Recorded in Lafayette, Sussex Co., NJ.
M (97) William Newcomb, of Tenefly, and Mary
Elizabeth Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-4), of Fairview
Married by Andrew B. Taylor, Minister.
Also in the New York Times of 10/23, noting the bride's father was John Mabie of Fairview, NJ.
M (see below) Martin B. Mabee (5-7-2-2-4-1-2), 22, of Hardyston and Sarah M. Roe, 20, of Lafayette
Marriage performed by John F. Dodd in Sussex Co., NJ.
Recorded in Liber B, page 352.
NOTE: Will of Allen Mabie, of the Town of Hume, Allegany County, NY, dated 10/29/1860, proved 12/15/1873 (Allen died 6/3/1873). Will mentions only wife Philomela. An addendum to the will, dated 2/10/1873, also mentions his wife's niece Libbie Slayton "now and for 4 or 5 years having resided with us."
NOTE: On 5/5/1873, a Letter of Administration was granted to Maria Blauvelt, the daughter, and Gilbert Blauvelt, the son-in-law, on the Estate of John I. Mabie (5-1-5-2-1), late of Orangetown, Rockland Co., NY. A second Letter of Administration was granted on this estate on 2/8/1892 to Margaret A. Lydecker (5-1-5-2-1-1-2), granddaughter of John I. Mabie.
1/12 Birth Registration of Emma L. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-2-2), parents: Peter Mabie and Sarah E. Dolin
Recorded in Ridgewood, Bergen Co., NJ.
2/14 Birth Registration of Christian Mabie, father: George Mabie, clerk
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
2/20 M (see below) Theodore J. Westervelt and Mary M. Mabie (5-10-2-7-4-5), Closter, daughter of Jacob Mabie
Married in Closter, Bergen Co., NJ, by the Rev. P. V. Van Buskirk
2/26 Birth Registration of D. Remson Mabie (5-1-2-4-6-1-3-1), parents: Thadeus and Janette Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
4/2 Birth Registration of J. Corwin Mabey (5-1-2-4-6-1-4-1), parents: James Wesley Mabey, born in Paterson, NJ, and Sarah A. Brooks, born in Great Notch, NJ
Recorded in Montclair, Essex Co., NJ.
4/13 M (see below) Frederick Mabie (5-10-2-7-4-4), 28, Carpenter, son of Jacob Mabie,
and Martha Jane Chapel, 20, daughter of Peter Chapel, both of Closter
Married in Closter, Bergen Co., NJ, by the Rev. P. V. Van Buskirk
4/22 M (NYNP) Myron W. Rogers, of Troy, NY, and Ada Mabie (5-1-8-8-5-1-1),
only daughter of Alfred Mabie and granddaughter of John Harper, Esq., of Jersey City.
From the NY Herald of 4/25/1873
6/20 M (see below) Martin W. Maby (5-1-2-4-4-8-3), 22, son of Abraham, and Laura Smith, 20, in West Milford by S. S. Goodman, minister
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Passaic Co.).
6/24 Birth Registration of Jennie Mabie, parents: John J. and Margaretta Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
7/4 Birth Registration of Lydecker Mabie, parents: Isaac and Sarah Mabie
Recorded in Schraalenburgh, Bergen Co., NJ.
7/11 Birth Registration of Anna Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-1-4), parents: Frederick B. Mabie and Nancy Taylor
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ.
10/1 Birth Registration of Gerardus Mabie, parents: Gerardus Mabie and Emily Archbold Mabie
Recorded in Brooklyn, NY
11/6 M (see below) Peter Mabie (5-10-2-7-4-6) and Catherine Ann Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-4)
Married in Closter, Bergen Co., NJ, by the Rev. P. V. Van Buskirk
NOTE: Will of Rachel Mabie [widow of Peter (5-10-2-7-1)] of New York City, dated 11/7/1874, proved 3/12/1888, mentions daughter Anna Mabie and sons Andrew and Henry. Also mentions her house at 5 Bethune St.
NOTE: Will of Elizabeth Maby, of the Town of Elmira, Chemung County, NY, dated 11/6/1874, proved 1/11/1904, mentions husband George, son Dubois, and daughter Mercy Jane Griffin. Probate documents list her heirs in 1904 as: husband George Maby of Elmira, daughter Mercy J. Griffin of Elmira, grandson Selah B. Maby of Wagner, IN, graddaughter Sarah E. Maby Love of Clay Pool, IN, grandson George N. Griffin of Brooklyn, NY, grandson Floyd Griffin of Elmira and grandson Max Griffin (a minor) of Elmira.
?/? M (see below) Elijah Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-1) and Susan Smith
1/3 M (see below) Luke Barton and Laura Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-6)
From "Paterson Franklin Twp, NJ" [FHL film 494154]
2/7 Birth Registration of Alice Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-4-3), parents: Martin W. and Emma J. Mabee
Recorded in Hamburg, Sussex Co., NJ.
4/19 M (40) Jacob Blakeney, 26, Tappan farmer, son of Wm. A. Blakeney & Hannah Bertholf,
and Senora Mabie (5-1-12-3-3-3), daughter of Cornelius
James P. Mabie (5-1-12-1-4) died, aged 68 years, 7 months, 5 days (in Old Dutch Cemetery, Tappan)
From Rockland County Journal of 5/30/1874
5/26 Birth Registration of Mabel Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-2-1), parents: George W. Mabie and Ann Matilda Dodge
Recorded in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY.
6/3 M (NYNP) James B. Swan, of New London, CT, and Ada Mabie, of Southeast, Putnam Co., by Rev. W. S. Clapp at the residence of Hon. James B. Dykman
Marriage notice appeared in the Eastern State Journal of 6/12/1874.
6/12 M (see below) William S. Mabee (Samuel) (5-7-2-2-4-1-1), 26, son of Alfred and Elizabeth, and Phebe A. Roe, 23, daughter of James and Nancy, in Wantage
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Sussex Co.).
8/2 Birth Registration of Julia Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-3-3), parents: Stephen and Harriett Mabie
Recorded in Ridgewood, Bergen Co., NJ.
9/11 Birth Registration of Clarence R. Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-3-3), parents: Nicholas and Eliza Mabee
Recorded in Wantage, Sussex Co., NJ.
9/20 M (see below) Robert Gibney, age 29, son of Hugo and Catharine Gibney and
Ida Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2-7), age 22, daughter of Cornelius and Louisa Mabie
in St. Michael's Catholic Church, Union City, Hudson County, NJ
9/23 M (see below) William J. Roe of Warwick and Lizzie Mabey (5-9-5-6-2-3) of Canisteer, NJ
Married by the Rev. T. M. Grenell, Pastor of of the Glenwood Baptist Church, Sussex Co., NJ.
9/27 Birth Registration of Emma Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5-2-6), parents: William and Catherine Maby
Recorded in Montville, Morris Co., NJ.
10/16 Birth Registration of Helen Maybee, parents: Nathan Maybee and Annie Colwell
Recorded in Manhattan, NY.
10/26 Birth Registration of Evaline Mabie, parents: John J. and Margaret Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
NOTE: On 11/30/1874, John Mabee (5-7-2-1-7-5), of Goshen, Orange County, was appointed guardian for the following children: Anna Mabee, age 14 (DOB: 11/24/1860), Nicholas Mabee, age 9 (DOB: 8/14/1865), and Jesse Mabee, age 5 (DOB: 5/18/1869).
11/18 M (NYNP) Jacob Mabee (5-7-2-1-8-5), of Florida, NY, and Amanda M. Burwell, of New Milford, NJ, at the residence of the bride's parents near New Milford by Rev. C. C. Miller
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
12/3 M (NYML) Cornelius Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2) and Mary Devanny.
12/8 Birth Registration of Florence Mabee, parents: Lewis and Hattie Mabee
Recorded in Monmouth Co., NJ.
12/10 M (see below) Charles A. Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-5-2)
and Julia Sanderson
From the Family Bible of Charles L. Mabie found in the NY State Library.
12/28 Birth Registration of James Maybey (5-1-2-4-1-7-2-8), parents: Munson and Catherine Maybey
Recorded in Wynoque, Passaic Co., NY.
NOTE: Will of John P. Maby (5-1-2-4-1-5), of Pequanac Township, Morris County, dated 1/11/1875, Proved 11/7/1881, mentions wife Phebe, son John Jacob, and daughters Elizabeth M., Effy Jane and Mary B. John P. Maby died 4/26/1881. Probate documents also mention Peter J. Maby.
1/22 Death of Gertrude Mabie, wife of Phillip Mabie (5-1-8-8-5), aged 67 years.
From the NY Herald of 1/23/1875.
3/8 Birth Registration of unnamed baby (5-1-2-4-6-1-3-2), parents: Thadeus and Janette Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
3/26 Birth Registration of Mary Mabe, parents: Henry and May Mabe
Recorded in Five Points, Gloucester Co., NJ.
4/8 Birth Registration of William Mabie, parents: George H. and Louisa Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
5/11 Birth Registration of Warren Mabie, parents: Henry Mabie and Sophie Taylor
Recorded in Closter, Bergen Co., NJ.
7/9 Birth Registration of Charles Maybee, parents: John C. and Caroline Maybee
Recorded in Manhattan, NY.
8/25 M (see below) Edward M. Coleman, 22, and Lizzie Maybie (5-10-8-1-2-2), 20
9/2 M (see below) Daniel Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-5-7), age 28 of Bloomingdale, and Emma Stickles, age 21 of Newfoundland, NJ,
by E. Meachem, Pastor of the Whitehall M. E. Church.
Marriage is recorded in Morris Co., NJ, Liber G, page 342.
9/14 Birth Registration of Bessie Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-2-6), parents: Austin and Meriba Mabee
Recorded in Hardyston, Sussex Co., NJ.
11/7 Birth Registration of Ada E. Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-5-2),
parents: Henry Mabie and Mary C. Lyons
Recorded in New York City (Manhattan).
11/9 NOTE: On this date, the following advertisement ran in the NY Herald: "Wanted - The address of Rev. D. Ames who married Miss L. Braden to Peter Mabie of New York. Any information of him will be thankfully received at 170 Lee Avenue, Brooklyn." This refers to Peter L. Mabie, Jr. (5-1-8-3-5-5) who, in this timeframe, was discovered to have been a bigamist. This advertisement was paid for by Maria Louise Braden Mabie, the wife who stayed in NYC. Meanwhile, Peter and his other wife and family moved to San Francisco, CA. See the notice of Maria's death on 9/16/1888 below.
12/31 Birth Registration of Talman B. Mabie, mother: Margaret A. Mabie
Recorded in Oakland, Bergen Co., NJ.
NOTE: Will of Frederick B. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-1), of Franklin, Bergen County, dated 3/26/1869, proved 11/2/1876, mentions wife Clara (Lora) C. Mabie.
NOTE: Will of Martin Mabee (5-7-2-2-4), of the Township of Allamuchy, Warren County, NJ, filed in Sussex County, (4021S.), dated 8/7/1874, proved 5/16/1876, mentions sons Simeon, son Edward, daughter Martha, wife of Alfred Dennis, daughter Susan, wife of William H. Lane (living in Wisconsin), daughter Ann, wife of John W. Shorter, and deceased son Alfred's children Samuel, Martin, Theodore and Alfred.
NOTE: Will of Platt Mabey, of the Town of Westerlo, Albany County, NY, dated 1/19/1876, proved 3/15/1876, mentions wife Nancy, and "my three children" son Marcellus, daughter Ella Hempstead, and youngest daughter Libbie.
2/12 The Fishkill Standard included a notice that Judge Barnard had granted an absolute divorce to Alonzo Mabie from Catharine A. Mabie, both of Peekskill. Cause, adultery.
4/20 Death of Cyrus Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-6), of Franklin Furnace, age 29
From the Sussex Register (date of publication).
5/11 M (NYNP) Henry A. Insley of Nanuet and Miss Ada Mabie, daughter of C. W. Mabie, Esq., of Jersey City, at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. Dr. Van Cleef
From the Rockland County Journal of 5/27/1876.
5/27 M (see below) George Maybe (5-9-1-4-8-5) and Mary E. Barrett
From the records of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Highland, Ulster County, New York
6/1 Death of Phillip Mabie (5-1-8-8-5), aged 68
years and 10 months, at Hempstead, L. I.
From the NY Commercial Advertiser of 6/3/1876.
6/17 Birth Registration of Thomas Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-7-2-9), parents: Munson and Catherine Mabey
Recorded in Pompton Twp., Passaic Co., NJ.
7/28 Birth Registration of unnamed child Mabie (male), parents: Francis (5-1-8-8-1-1) and Elizabeth Mabie
Recorded in Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ.
8/28 Birth Registration of David H. Mabie (5-1-2-4-6-1-4-2), parents: James and Sarah A. Mabie
Recorded in Montclair, Essex Co., NJ.
8/29 M (see below) Leander Van Housen and Sarah F. Mabey
Marriages in the Town of Stamford, Delaware Co., NY
From Tree Talks, Vol. 34, No. 2, June 1994, page 95
10/11 Birth Registration of Ida Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-6-3-5), parents: James and Alice Mabey
Recorded in Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ.
10/11 M (NYNP)
Hamilton Wright Mabie, of Tarrytown, and Jeannette Trivett, of Poughkeepsie,
by the Rev. John Scarborough.
From the NY Herald of 10/14/1876.
10/16 Death of Frederick B. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-1),
aged 71 years, 10 months, 4 days.
From the NY Herald of 10/18/1876.
11/29 M (NYML) Arthur Walker and Hattie Mabie Koop, daughter of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2) and Louisa Miller.
12/13 Birth Registration of Irene May Mabie, parents: John H. and Irene M. Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
NOTE: Will of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6), of Midland Park, Godwinville, Franklin Township, Bergen County, NJ, dated 1870, proved 10/8/1877, mentions wife Maria, son Moses, son-in-law Peter H. Garrison. No other children are named in the will itself, but the Surrogate Court records provide a complete list of Cornelius' heirs: wife Maria, son Moses D. Mabie of Paterson, daughter Rachel, wife of Peter Garrison of Midland Park, daughter Laura, wife of Luke Barton of Denville, Morris County, NJ, and the following children living at home with their mother in Midland Park: Mary Louisa Mabie, Peter Mabie, Sarah Catherine Mabie, Elizabeth Mabie, Cornelius Mabie and Margaret Mabie.
NOTE: Will of Daniel Mabey, of the Town of Westerlo, Albany County, NY, dated 3/2/1877, proved 10/5/1877, mentions wife Phebe Jane and grandson Earnest D. Hempstead.
2/9 Birth Registration of Winfield S. Mabie, parents: Fred and Jennie Mabie
Recorded in Englewood, Bergen Co., NJ.
5/25 M (40) David L. Mabie (5-1-12-3-2-2), 27, Sparkill farmer, son of William A. Mabie & Adeline Onderdonk, and Hester Eva Demarest, 20, Schraalenburg, NJ, daughter of David Demarest & Christina DeBaun.
5/28 Birth Registration of Elmer Mabie, parents: George and Louise Mabie
Recorded in Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ.
7/7 M (NYML) George Mabee, son of Benjamin Mabee and Emma Van Orden, and Catherine Durie, daughter of John Durie and Sarah Anderson.
7/22 Birth Registration of Harriet Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-7-1-6), parents: Euston and Ellen Mabey
Recorded in Pequanock, Morris Co., NJ.
8/3 Death of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6).
11/14 Birth Registration of Emma Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-1-5), parents: Frederick Mabie and Nancy Taylor
Recorded in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., NJ.
NOTE: Will of William A. Mabie (5-1-12-3-2), of Orangetown, Rockland County, NY, dated 7/20/1878, proved 1/2/1885, mentions wife Maria, son David L. Mabie, and son Peter W. Mabie. William died 11/25/1884.
NOTE: Will of Abraham Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-7), of Pompton Township, Passaic County, NJ, dated 7/2/1878, proved 10/28/1878, mentions sons Euston (also spelled Huston), Munson and Benjamin and granddaughter Annie Pool, wife of Garret Pool. From the 1850 Census, Abraham was born app. 1807. Munson was born app. 1834, Benjamin app.1839. At that time, Abraham's wife's name was Amelia.
NOTE: Estate of Peter P. Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-6), Passaic County, (1901P.), filed 2/25/1878.
NOTE: Letters of Administration for the Estate of John W. Mabie of the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, NY, were issued on 6/15/1878 to his son John Mabie. (Liber O, page 170)
1/15 M (NYML) William Henry Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-6), son of Abraham Mabie and Phebe Lozier, and Anne Rebecca Carlton, daughter of Andrew Carlton and Francis Montgomery.
1/16 Birth Registration of Hattie Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-5-2-7), parents: William and Catherine Mabey
Recorded in Montville, Morris Co., NJ.
1/27 M (NYNP) James D. Mabee (5-7-2-1-1-2-6) and Emma D. Hunter, both of Warwick, in Chester by Rev. Theodore Leggett
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
2/19 Birth Registration of Robert D. Mabey (5-1-2-4-1-5-7-2), parents: Daniel and Emma Mabey
Recorded in Pequannock, Morris Co., NJ.
3/13 M (see below) Watson Mabie (5-1-8-8-1-1-1), 23, son of Francis and Elizabeth, and Nellie Raper, 19, daughter of Robert and Sarah, by Hiram Eddy, clergyman
From marriages registered with the State of NJ (Jersey City, Hudson Co.).
5/18 Burial (53) Sylvester Maybee (5-9-1-4-8-7), age 21.
10/19 M (see below) Richard Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3) and Lucia D. Roberts by G. Campbell
10/31 The Saugerties Telegraph reported that the Barge W. H. Van Schank, of Troy, sank opposite Yonkers, with Captain Mabee, his wife and 2 children drowned.
NOTE: Will of Abram Mabey (5-1-2-4-4-8), of West Milford Township, Passaic County, dated 3/13/1879, probated 5/15/1879, mentions wife Annie, "my eight sons" John, Jacob, Harris (Horace), Iseral, Samuel, Abram, Martin and Thomas; and "my two daughters" Mary Francis and Anna. It is implied that more than one of the children are under age 21, but Anna is the only one specifically identified. Abram’s land is described by reference to the purchase of 11 lots between the years 1852 and 1866. In a letter written by Abraham to his brother Jacob, dated 12/7/1873, Abraham lists these same children, plus a son named Peter, who apparently died in the interim. The following were transcribed from the Mabee Burial Plot, Upper Macopin, West Milford, NJ: Abraham Mabee, died 4/21/1879, aged 54 years, 11 months, 23 days, Co. C, 1st NY Light Artilliary; Annis Mabee, 1829 - 1891; Abraham Mabee, 1869 - 1922; Martin W. Mabee, died July 19, 1886, aged 35.
NOTE: Will of Robert Mabie (5-7-2-2-8), Sussex County, (4194S.), Inventoried 1879. From probate documents filed 1/23/1879, children of Robert were Austin Mabie of Beaver Run NJ, Nicholas Mabie of Beaver Run, Martin W. Mabie of Hamburgh, NJ, Anna Mary Dennis w/o Jesse of Franklin, NJ, and Sandford Mabie of NY City, NY. Robert had three other sons who pre-deceased him: Nelson (1837 - 1868) and Cyrus (1848 - 1876) and Samuel (1851). Nelson and Cyrus are buried in the North Church Cemetery at Hardyston, Sussex Co. While no record of the marriage of Robert and Elizabeth Ann has been found, a deed (Sussex County Deeds, Liber A4, page 296) dated 2/8/1842 identifies Elizabeth's maiden name as Ackerson. She was the daughter of Nichlas Ackerson, and the deed is a Quit Claim to Elizabeth's portion of her father's land. A second deed (Sussex County Deeds, Liber Z3, page 525) dated 3/17/1838, was signed by Elizabeth Ann Mabee, wife of Robert, so we know that the marriage occurred prior to that date. A death notice for Robert appeared in the Sussex Register of 1/23/1879 listing his age as 71 and his residence as Franklin Furnace.
1/14 M (NYNP) Thomas G. Mabee (5-7-2-1-1-2-1), of Port Jervis, and Sarah A. Watson, youngest daughter of Edward C. Watson, of Barryville, NY, in Port Jervis, by Rev. J. T. Crane, DD
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
2/12 M (NYNP) Frank A. Mabie (5-1-8-8-5-1-3) and Mary J. Tierney, both of NYC.
2/13 M (56) George Lee and Laura Mabey, both of Poughkeepsie
3/4 From his tombstone in Canisteer Cemetery, Robert M. Mabee (5-9-5-6-6), died in Sussex County, NJ, aged 49 years, 10 months, 20 days. His wife Nancy died 1/5/1873, aged 50 years, 12 days.
B (53) Minnie Howland (5-9-1-4-8-12), parents: Daniel & Adaline Maybe; DOB: 6/?/1873
Mrs. Marsh & Miss Mullen
Burial, John Mabie, Civil War Veteran, Co. E 3rd Cal.
Rgmt.; DOB: 3/12/1848
the records of the Ramapo Dutch Church, Bergen County, NJ
M (96) Isaac I. Mabie, age 20, farmer, son of John I. Mabie of
Hillsdale, NJ, and Hannah E. Post, age 20, daughter
John H. Post of Pascack, NJ. Married at
the parsonage, Allendale, NJ.
7/3 Birth of Phebe Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3-1), parents: Richard and Lucia Mabie
7/3 M (see below) Joseph Terwilliger and Mary L. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-7), age 21, by Rev. H. D. Opdyke at New Prospect, Hohokus Twp., Bergen Cty, NJ
From New Jersey Marriages, 1670 - 1980
Mrs. Hannah Mabee, wife of Jacob Mabee (5-7-2-2-5), died in Newton, aged
69 years.
New Jersey Herald and Sussex County Democrat, Newton, NJ, Wednesday, 10/1/1879
Also published in the Sussex Independent, Sussex, NJ, of 10/3/1879 and the Sussex Register on 10/2/1879.
11/12 M (see below) Alexander S. Mabee, son of Thadeus, and Lida Mincher
Marriage announcement appeared in The Baltimore Sun on 11/22/1879.
NOTE: Will of John Mabee (5-9-5-6-1), of Vernon, Sussex County (4234S.), dated 6/28/1880, proved 9/30/1880 (John died 8/16/1880). Mentions John's age as 64. Mentions wife Hester Louisa and "Benjamin Franklin Mabee, the boy whom I and my wife have brought up". (Note that in the 1880 census, Benjamin was listed as a nephew.) Also mentioned are "my half brothers, James W. Utter and Benjamin Utter and my two half sisters, Phebe Utter and Nancy Utter." The name of the cemetery where John was buried in Vernon Township might be called either Moshure Cemetery or Williamsville Cemetery. From his tombstone, John died 8/16/1880, aged 64 years, 2 months, 14 days. His epitaph reads: "For the living know that they shall die. -- Eccl. 9:4-5" Also buried in the same cemetery is John's mother, Mary Mabee, wife of Eden, died 10/14/1855, aged 69 years, 5 months, 14 days.
NOTE: Will of Lozena Mabey (widow of Justice Mabey (5-9-1-3-2-1)), of the Town of Greenville, Greene County, NY, proved 12/11/1880, mentions daughters Adelaide A. Mabey and Augusta Maynard, wife of Sylvester Maynard. Lozena's maiden name was Ingalls. According to an Ingalls genealogy, Lozena was born 8/25/1822; died 7/8/1880; married 11/11/1840, Justice, son of Amile and Nancy (Eliott) Mabey, born 7/6/1817; died 8/27/1864. According to this same genealogy, a son Cyrus, born 2/2/1842; died young.
3/6 M (see below) Davis Z. Van Allen, 25, son of Samuel Van Allen and Maria Davis, Silk Spinner, of 191 N. Main St., Paterson, NJ, and Emma Catherine Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-10), 19, daughter of Peter Mabie and Ann Thompson, Cotton Winder, of 19 Bank St., Paterson, NJ, by S. N. Bebout in the presence of Phebe J. Bebout.
Source: NJ Marriage Return
6/3 Birth Registration of Maud Mabie, parents: Cornelius Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2) and Mary Mead.
9/15 Birth of Caroline Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-3-5), parents: Stephen S. Mabie and Harriet Ann Ritner, born in Ridgewood, NJ.
10/3 B (see below) George Sylvester Mabee, parents: George H. Mabee and Mary Slattery; DOB: 9/30
St. James Catholic Church, Newark, Essex Co., NJ
11/25 M (NYML) Peter Henry Collings and Huldah Ann Mabie, daughter of Aaron Mabie and Jane Joline.
12/13 Death of A. N. Mabee, aged 22 years, at Pleasantville, NY
NOTE: Will of Elizabeth Mabee, widow of Alfred, Sussex County, (4283S.), dated 9/30/1880, proved 2/9/1881, mentions sons Theodore E., Alfred H., Martin B. and Samuel (should be Simeon) W., and brother Theodore Harding. From probate documents, the residences of Elizabeth's children were: Samuel W. Mabee of Newton, NJ, Martin B. Mabee of Monroe Corner, NJ, Theodore E. Mabee of Newton, NJ, and Alfred Mabee of Newton, NJ.
1/19 M (NYNP) W. P. McCornal, of Middletown, and Hattie E. Mabee (5-7-2-1-1-2-7), daughter of John Mabee, of Warwick, in Warwick by Rev. V. B. Carroll
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
1/27 Death of Elizabeth Mabee, of Newton, age 55
From death notice in the Sussex Register (date of publication).
2/1 Deaths of Alanson Maybee and his wife Mary Ann Maybee, of the Town of Colchester, Delaware Co., NY.
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 2/9.
4/28 M (NYML) Samuel H. Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-5) and Ida J. Erskine, in Manhattan.
5/26 B (see below) Joseph Archibald Mabey, parents: Abraham Mabey, Mary Frances Englehardt; DOB: 1/15/1881
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Newark, Essex Co., NJ
6/4 B (see below) Hannah Jane Post Mabie, adult, wife of Isaac E. Mabie (5-1-2-8-3-4-1)
From the records of the Pasckack (now Park Ridge) Church, Bergen Co., NJ
6/16 Death of Phebe (Roe) Mabee, wife of Samuel (5-7-2-2-4-1-1)
From death notice in the Sussex Register (date of publication).
7/3 Death of Jane Mabie, wife of Aaron Mabie, resided in
Washington Heights, Queens.
From the NY Herald of 7/4/1881,
7/4 M (NYNP)
Laura Louise Blay, daughter of George and Harriet Blay of Brooklyn, to
George E. Mabie (5-9-1-4-3-1-1) of Danbury, Connecticut.
From the Brooklyn Eagle of Wednesday, July 6, 1881.
8/12 Death of Fannie Mabie, wife of Alfred Mabie (5-1-8-8-5-1)
and second daughter of John Harper, in Troy, NY, at the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. Myron W. Rogers.
From the NY Herald of 8/13/1881
9/7 M (NYML) David Wagner, son of Watson H. Wagner and Maria Horn, and Henrietta L. Mabie, daughter of Aaron Mabie and Jane Joline.
9/8 Death of John B. Mabie of NYC, in the
58th year of his age, at Morristown, NJ.
From the NY Herald of 9/10/1881.
NOTE: Will of Martha Ann Mabee, of the Town of Spencer, Tioga County, NY, dated 3/7/1882, proved 7/20/1883, mentions brothers Laforest B. Cooley and Harvey T. Cooley.
NOTE: Letters of Administration for the Estate of Mary E. Mabie, who died in Iowa County, Iowa, were issued in Ulster County, NY on 5/26/1882 because Mary had previously lived there and still owned property in Ulster County. John Peterson was the executor of her estate. (Book 4, page 467.5) Mary was the widow of Stephen G. Mabie.
1/25 M (see below) Nicholas D. Mabee, farmer,
and Miss Henrietta La Due, both of Craigsville.
From the records of the Blooming Grove Church, Orange Co., NY.
2/11 M (see below) Sanford Mabee (5-7-2-2-8-7) of New York City and Zellah Lyon of Brooklyn
2/23 M (NYNP) George W. Mabey and Lucy L. Handford, at Hobart, Ulster County, NY
3/8 Birth Registration of George Elmer Maybee,
parents: Gerardus Maybee, Carrie Archbold
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
3/28 M (see below) Charles K. Mabee (son of
Thaddeus, age 8 in 1870) and Emma B. Wagner.
Washington, DC, Marriage Returns, Bound Volume, Vol. 16, page 289.
4/11 M (see below) Aaron Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-7), 23, son of Peter Mabie and Ann Thompson, Cotton Spinner, of 19 Bank St., Paterson, NJ, and Hannah Coe, 22, daughter of Samuel Coe and Harriet Jane Pitt, in Paterson, by S. N. Bebout, Pastor of the Franklin St. M. E. Church, in the presence of Aggie Longbottom and Phebe J. Bebout.
Source: NJ Marriage Return
4/22 Death of Louisa F. Underhill, wife of George Duryee and step=daughter of Peter Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5) in the 30th year of her age.
4/30 Birth of Richard Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3-2), parents: Richard and Lucia Mabie
6/1 M (NYML) Walter Mabie (5-10-2-7-5-6), son of James Mabie and Elizabeth Moore, and Carrie Eliza Barr, daughter of Edward Barr and Eliza Van Valen.NYML
11/1 M (NYNP) John W. Johnston and Mary J. Maybee, at the parsonage of the M. E. Church, Rockland, NY, by Rev. O. P. Crandall.
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
11/13 Birth Registration of William Mabee,
parents: George Mabee and Mary Slattery
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
11/23 Birth Registration of Flora A. Mabie,
parents: Walter Mabie, Carrie E. Barr
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
NOTE: Will of Levi J. Mabie of Tarrytown in the County of Westchester and the State of New York, dated 2/24/1879, proved 3/28/1883. Mentions wife Sarah, son Hamilton W. Mabie, and grandchild Loraine T. Mabie, daughter of Hamilton. Other children mentioned but not named. (They would be Sarah J. (Jennie) and Edgar W.) (Liber 96, page 197)
NOTE: Will of Jane Mabie of the Village of Peekskill, Town of Cortlandt, County of Westchester and State of New York, written 11/9/1878 and proved 6/2/1883. Mentions brother Lewis Mabie, sisters Sarah C. Mabie, Mary Odell and Elizabeth C. VanWyck, and niece Jane VanWyck of Newark, NJ. Jane Mabie was a daughter of Jeremiah Mabie of Cortlandt. (Liber 96, page 401)
1/25 M (NYNP) Nicholas Maybee (5-7-2-1-7-2-3) and Henrietta Ladue, of Farmingdale, in Blooming Grove, by Rev. Warren Hathaway
Marriage Notices in the Goshen Independent Republican.
3/20 Death of Levi J. Mabie of Tarrytown, in his 61st year
From the New York Post (date of publication).
4/7 M (see below) John A. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-6), 24, son of Peter Mabie and Ann Thompson, Shirt Ironer, of 18 Shaight St., Paterson, NJ, and Josephine Martin, 18, daughter of Louis Martin and Margaret Ann McGraff, of 53 River St., Paterson, NJ, by N. H. VanArsdale, Clergyman, in the presence of Isaac and Tilly Whritenour.
4/16 Death of Florence Mabie, age 7, daughter of Cornelius (5-1-8-3-5-2) and Mary Mabie in New York City.
Source: Death Certificate.
8/16 Birth Registration of Florence Jessie Mabie,
parents: Frank A. Mabie and Mary J. Tierney Mabie.
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
NOTE: Obituary of Chester W. Mabie appeared in the New York Times of 12/1/1884. Chester W. Mabie, a well-known organist, composer and music teacher died Saturday at his home, 166 Grand Street, Jersey City. He was a son of Elias Mabie who, in the early part of the present century, used to travel about New Jersey with his violin, holding "singing schools."
1/30 Birth Registration of Lauretta Mabie,
parents: Elnathan Mabie and Annie Caldwell.
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
2/27 Death of Effie Mabie, age 3, daughter of
Cornelius (5-1-8-3-5-2) and Mary Mabie in New York City.
Source: Death Certificate.
3/30 Death of Samantha S. Mabie Reynolds (5-6-8-1-1-5), wife of Jesse Reynolds
8/20 Death of Alfred Mabie (5-1-8-8-5-1) of NYC at
From the NY Herald of 8/22/1884.
8/30 Birth Registration of Mary Mabie, parents:
Sanford Mabie and Zullah Lyon.
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County,NY.
9/9 Death of Dr. Gilead Mabey (5-9-1-5-7) in Erie, PA.
10/17 Birth of Ida Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3-3), parents: Richard and Lucia Mabie
11/6 Birth Registration of Grover Cleveland Maybie,
parents: Gerardus Maybie and Caroline Archbold.
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
Death of William Mabie.
Source: The Maria Ferdon Journals
11/29 Death of Chester W. Mabie, aged 57 years and 9 months, in Jersey City.
From the NY Herald of 11/30/1884.
12/13 B (see below) Wm. Abraham (5-1-8-3-1-1-1-1), parents: Abraham Mabie, Katie Gorgon; witnesses: Walter Whalen, Katie Whalen.
12/31 Death of Jacob Mabee (5-7-2-2-5) of Newton, age 84.
From death notice in the Sussex Register (date of publication).
4/2 Death of Harriet Louisa Mabie, aged 52 years and 21 days,
wife of Levi Mabie.
From the NY Herald of 4/4/1885.
8/10 M (see below) George H. Maybee and Catherine Delaney
12/20 Death of John P. Mabie (2-3-3-3-1-4), in the 41st year of his age,
in Philadelphia.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer of 12/24/1885.
NOTE: Will of Nelson Mabee of the Town of Mount Pleasant, County of Westchester, State of New York, dated 8/26/1885, proved 4/14/1886. Mentions only wife Sarah Louisa Mabee. (Liber 102, page 113)
NOTE: Will of John Peterson Maby (5-1-5-10-4-2), of the City of Brooklyn, Kings County, NY, dated 6/29/1886, proved 1/10/1887, mentions only wife Hannah. See Hannah's will in 1893 below.
NOTE: Will of Stephen Mabey, of the Town of Harpersfield, Village of Stamford, Delaware County, NY, dated 10/11/1886, proved 7/2/1891, mentions wife Harriet Amanda, sons Alva, George W., Willard, and Stephen Jr., and daughters Ella Mabey, Mina Mabey, Sarah Van Housen, wife of Leander Van Housen, and Rhoda Chichester, wife of Irvine Chichester.
1/1 Death of Sylvester Mabie,(5-9-1-7-7) in the 80th year of his age, resided in Patterson, NY.
From the NY Herald of 1/2/1886.
1/11 Death of Abigail Mabie, aged 66 years, of NYC.
From the NY Herald of 1/13/1886.
Mrs. Leah Mabie died, age 67
The Maria Ferdon Journals
4/3 Death of Garret Maybee (5-7-3-1-2-4), at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Simonson
From the NY Times of 4/4/1886.
4/7 Death of Cornelius P. Mabie (5-1-1-3-2-1) in
his 83rd year in Orangeburgh, Rockland County.
Survived by his widow the former Mary Westervelt.
Deceased had no brothers or sisters and no surviving children.
Only child, a boy, had died in childhood.
From the Rockland County Journal of 4/10/1886
Death of Mrs. Eva Mabie.
The Maria Ferdon Journals
4/22 Elizabeth Ann Mabee, widow of Robert Mabee (5-7-2-2-8) died. Death certificate states that her parents were Nicholas and Elizabeth Ackerson, that her age was 68 years, 11 months, and that she was buried in the North Hardyston Cemetery.
5/22 From the Records of the North Schraalenburgh Church, Isaac Mabie (5-1-2-8-3-1) died, aged 69 years, buried at Packack (date of death may be 5/19)
7/15 Birth Registration of Loretta Mabie,
parents: Nathan Mabie and Anna Calwell
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
8/12 Birth Registration of George Mabie, parents: George W. Mabie and Eliza Bowne
Recorded in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY.
9/29 Death of Camille Mabie (possibly Marie), of NYC, in Paris.
From the NY Herald of 9/30/1886.
10/1 Birth Registration of Elizabeth I. Mabie,
parents: Robert M. Mabie and Elizabeth Robertson
Recorded in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY.
11/20 M (see below) Charles Pearson and Maggie Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-12)
From Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, United States, Division of Archives and Record Management, New Jersey Department of State, Trenton.; FHL microfilm 495,704.
11/24 Birth of Bernard F. Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3-4), parents: Richard and Lucia Mabie
12/25 Death of David A. Mabie of Newburgh was reported as a suicide.
From the Rockland County Journal of 12/25/1886
12/28 Death of Francis Mabie, age 2, son of Cornelius (5-1-8-3-5-2) aand Mary Mabie in New York City.
Source: Death Certificate.
NOTE: Will of Mary Mabie, of the Town of Orangeburg, Rockland County, NY, dated 1/3/1887, proved 9/25/1893, mentions her late husband, Cornelius P. Mabie (5-1-1-3-2-1) of Nyack, NY, sisters Ann Brooks, Phoebe Harris and Matilda Moore, brothers John Westervelt and Jesse Westervelt, and niece Mary A. Blauvelt, wife of Abraham Blauvelt of Piermont.
1/9 Birth Registration of Edith Mary Mabie,
parents: Sanford Mabie and Zillah Lyon
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
5/12 Death of Ann Mabie, widow of Peter Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7), age 59 years, 5 days, daughter of James Thompson and Emma C. Hammond, place of death 12 Mulberry St, Paterson, NJ
10/22 B (See Below) Margaret Elizabeth (5-1-8-3-1-1-1-2), parents: Abram P. Mabie, Catherine Margaret Gorgan; witnesses: Thomas Whalen, Mary Whalen
NOTE: Will of Timothy Mabie, of the Town of Grove, Allegany County, New York, dated 2/28/1888, proved 4/6/1888, mentions sons William and Edwin, daughter Eliza, and Linia, wife of son William.
NOTE: Estate of Martin Mabee, Morris County, (6735N.), filed 1/21/1888.
NOTE: Will of Eliza Jane Mabee, widow of Collins B. Mabee (5-9-5-6-2) of Vernon, Sussex Co., NJ, dated 6/4/1888 (probated in the Orange County Surrogate Court, Goshen, NY on 12/18/1913). Eliza Jane died 11/26/1913. Mentions John Mills and Mary Francis Williams, children by a first marriage, and 10 children of her marriage to Collins Mabee: Robert Eden (5-9-5-6-2-1), Louisa (5-9-5-6-2-2), Elizabeth (5-9-5-6-2-3), James Lorenzo (5-9-5-6-2-4), Hannah Lavinia (5-9-5-6-2-5), William Irwin (5-9-5-6-2-6), Seely Tompkins (5-9-5-6-2-7), Collins Elmer (5-9-5-6-2-8), Abram Parkiss (5-9-5-6-2-9) and John Edward (5-9-5-6-2-10). Probate documents further identify her daughters as Louisa Montross of Moe, NJ; Elizabeth Rowe of New Haven CT; and Hannah L. Doremus of Paterson, NJ. Sons Robert E. and Abram P. were residing in Edenville, NY; James L. in New Milford, NY; William E. (sic) in New Hamilton, NY; Collins E. in Vernon, NJ; John E. in Warwick, NY; and John Mills in Franklin Furnace, NJ. Also mentioned are the following grandchildren: Nellie Mills of Philadelphia, PA; Hazel Deichler of Middletown, NY; Ethel Mabee and Addie Mabee (minors over the age of 14) of Goshen, NY; Charles Williams and Frank Williams of Vernon, NJ; Gilbert Williams of Goshen, NY, Lizzie Kahn and Edith Johnson of Sussex, NJ; Wilbur Williams of Unionville, NY and George Williams of Moe, NJ.
1/19 M (see below) Leon Mabie (possibly Marie) and
Caroline Phelps, daughter of Robert Hoe,
by Rev. Dr. Marvin R. Vincent.
From the Springfield (MA) Republican of 1/21/1888.
2/17 Death of Mrs. Rachel Mabie.
5/15 Death of Alfred H. Mabie, son of Peter (5-1-8-3-5-5) and
Mary Mabie, a native of New York, aged 17 years, 7 months and 10 days,
in San Francisco, CA.
From the San Francisco Call of 5/17/1888.
6/15 Death of Mary Mabie, wife of Hiram Mabie,
aged 80 years, resided in Peekskill.
From the NY Herald of 6/16/1888.
9/16 Death of Maria Louise Mabie, wife of
Peter Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5), in the 64th year of her age.
From the NY Herald of 9/17/1888.
9/18 Death of James Mabie, son of
Hiram Mabie of Peekskill.
From the NY Herald of 9/20/1888.
NOTE: Ulster County deeds, Book 296, page 14, dated 9/22/1890, reflects the sale of land for the distribution of the estate of Henry Mabie, late of the Town of Esopus, Ulster Co. This land had been purchased by Henry on 3/24/1866 (Ulster Co. deeds Book 135, page 407.) The complete list of Grantors: Mary Mabie (widow), William H. Mabie and wife Rachel, Winfield S. Mabie and wife Emma Jane, Monroe Mabie and wife Gertrude (all of Esopus), Adaline Sear, wife of Conrad Sear (of New York City), Lucy Bishop, wife of Edward Bishop, and Mary Mabie (all of the Town of Newburgh, Orange Co., NY). Not mentioned was son Augustus who died in 1879 (Letters of Administration for the Estate of Augustus Mabey of Ulster County, NY, were issued to Henry Mabey on 5/28/1879 (Vol. 4, page 192
NOTE: Letters of Administration for the Estate of Jennett D. Mabie (widow of Thomas B. Mabie) of the Town of Greenburgh, Westchester County, NY were issued to her son, Joseph W. Mabie, on 9/20/1890. (Liber S, page 213)
1/12 Death of Fanny Mabie, widow of S. Hyatt Mabie, aged 74 years.
From the NY Herald of 1/13/1890.
4/9 Death of Abraham Mabie, resided at 428 West 47th St., NYC.
From the NY Herald of 4/11/1890.
5/20 Death of Julian Edmund Mabie, son of Peter (5-1-8-3-5-5) and Mary Mabie,
a native of Brooklyn, NY, aged 26 years, 4 months and 14 days, in San Francisco, CA.
From the San Francisco Call of 5/21/1890.
6/30 Birth Registration of Emma Mabie,
parents: Sanford Mabie, Zillah Lyon Mabie
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
7/9 Death of Peter Lent Mabie (5-1-8-3-5), in the 96th year of his age, at Spring Valley.
From the NY Herald of 7/11/1890.
B (53) Susan (5-9-1-4-8-14), parents:
Daniel & Adeline Mabie; DOB: 1/8/1877
witnesses: Irene Cornwell and Mamie Mabie.
NOTE: Will of Thaddeus Mabey (5-1-2-4-6-1-3), of Montclair Township, Essex County, NJ, dated 2/6/1891, proved 12/21/1891, mentions wife, Elizabeth J. Mabey. Thaddeus died 12/3/1891.
NOTE: Letters of Administration for the Estate of Amzy Louis Mabie, late of the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, NY were issued to his sister Sarah C. Mabie on 9/8/1891. (Liber S, page 447)
2/23 Death of Elijah Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-1), age about 85,
at Franklin, Delaware Co., NY,
Brother-in-law of E. B. Smith, formerly a resident of Delhi
Reported in the Delaware Gazette of 2/25.
3/12 M (see below) Edward E. Bustard and Lizzie Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-10), age 25, in Goodwinville, NJ
From New Jersey Marriages 1670, 1980
5/11 Death of Ann Mabie at 150 West 22nd St.
From the NY Herald of 5/12/1891
5/20 Death of Samuel A. Mabie, eldest son of William H. and Margaret Mabie,
From the NY Herald of 5/21/1891 and mentions an uncle E. J. Bird.
7/30 Death of James Mabie (5-10-2-7-5), aged 75 years, at Leona, NJ.
From the NY Herald of 7/31/1891.
10/3 Death of Mary Mabie, relict of C. P. Mabie, in her 85th year, at Nyack, NY.
From the NY Herald of 19/5/1891.
12/21 Birth Registration of Anetta Ella Mabie, parents: Drake Mabie, Helen Chambers Mabie
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
NOTE: Inventory of the Estate of John Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2), of Bergen County, Proved 1/28/1892. Probate documents consist only of the inventory, no will, but there is a reference in these documents to a will. Emmegene Mabie and George W. Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-2) (with others) performed the inventory, and George W. is identified as one of the executors of the will. The inventory is remarkable in that the total value was $48,297.76.
New York Times - January 12, 1892
John Mabie, one of the pioneer gold pen and pencil makers of this country and founder of the firm of Mabie,
Todd & Bard, 198 Broadway, died on Saturday (January 11th) of the grip in his country home at Fairview, N.J.
Mr. Mabie was seventy-three years old, and was born in this city. He learned the trade of a gold pen and pencil
maker with Addison, Wilmarth & Co., in Spring Street. Subsequently he became foreman for and then a partner of
John A. Rauch, in the same business, in Cortlandt Street. In 1853 he established the firm of Mabie, Knapp & McGovern,
the other partners being John H. Knapp and John McGovern. After several years, Mr. Knapp withdrew. The company
then became Mabie, Smith & Co. by the admission of William H. Smith and Edward Todd. Then George W. Todd1
joined the firm and its name was changed to Mabie, Todd & Co. in 1857.
Mr. Mabie withdrew from active business seventeen years ago,
but retained his interest in the name of his two sons, who represented him. Recently the firm became Mabie, Todd
& Bard. Mr. Mabie lived in Brooklyn, Eastern District, a long time, but moved to Fairview, then called English
Neighborhood, by order of his physician, thirty years ago. He traveled extensively in Europe and elsewhere.
He leaves a large estate.
Mr. Mabie was twice married. His second wife survives, and there are four living children by the first wife.
The funeral service will be held at the Reformed Church, Ridgefield, N.J., today, at 2:30 o'clock P.M.
NOTE: This obituary was transcribed by David L. Moak
NOTE: In an article published in the New York Times on 6/30/1893, it was announced that the Mayor of Jersey City, NJ, P. F. Wanser, age 45, had been secretly married for "about a year" to Abbie Mabie, of Milton, Ulster County, NY, age 35, daughter of Lewis Mabie who "owns a large estate on the Hudson". The marriage had been kept secret because "Miss Mabie's mother died shortly before the wedding and Mayor Wanser did not care to have the marriage announced during a heated political campaign."
1/23 Birth Registration of Robert Mabie,
parents: William H. Mabie and Maggie Lowrie
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
2/18 M (see below) Edward Maby and Ann Carroll
4/4 Death of Catherine Mabie, a. 78y 6m 20d, widow of Peter Lent Mabie (5-1-8-3-5)
From tombstone in Lower Amwell Grave Yard, Hunterdon County, NJ.
4/6 Death of Jane Mabie Jollie (5-1-8-3-7), aged 93 years,
widow of Henry T. Jollie. Resided at 407 West 47th St.
From the NY Herald of 4/7/1892.
4/26 M (99) Theodore Mabey, age 30 y, 3 mos, of Glen View, NJ, and Estelle Bott, age 22, of Brook Valley, NJ
6/29 M (NYNP)
Charles W. Roberts and Adelaide V. Mabie, both of NY,
by the Rev. Robert T. McNicholl in the Beekman Hill M. E. Church.
From the NY Herald of 7/10/1892.
9/29 M (NYML) Parkers McCoy and Lela E. Mabie, daughter of Nicholas Mabie and Eliza Rupp.
11/25 Death of Susan Mabie, aged 78 years,
mentions nephew Samuel H. McQuold of Roselle, NJ.
From the NY Herald of 11/26
NOTE: Will of Cornelius P. Mabie (5-1-12-1-5), of Palisades Township, Bergen County, dated 11/28/1893, proved 4/7/1899, mentions "my nephew Peter Mabie of Hackensack, NJ" and "Maria Demarest my niece also of Hackensack NJ". Cornelius was unmarried. The Peter and Maria mentioned in the will were children of Henry Mabie (5-1-12-1-2). Cornelius is buried in the Old Tappan Graveyard, d. 3/3/1899, aged 84 years, 1 month.
NOTE: Will of Hannah Mabie, of the City of Brooklyn, Kings County, NY (widow of John Peterson Maby (5-1-5-10-4-2)), dated 1/16/1893, proved 9/18/1898, mentions sons John H. and Robert M., daughters Elizabeth M. Gourley, Caroline M. Wills, Adelaide Maria Mabie, Jessie M. Mabie, and Margaret Mabie, and sister Caroline R. Palmer.
NOTE: Will of Brundage Maybee of the Town of Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, NY, dated 2/24/1893, proved 1/30/1900. Mentions sons Harvey, Vanderhoff, John and Louis. (Brundage was a son of Michael Maybee and Mary Clinton.) (Liber 14, page 728)
NOTE: Will of Sarah C. Mabie, of the Village of Peekskill, County of Westchester, State of New York, dated 6/9/1888, proved 10/25/1893. Mentions nephews Hubery VanWyck and Theodore VanWyck and nieces Alida VanWyck, Jane VanWyck, and Sarah J. VanWyck. Sarah C. was the daughter of Jeremiah Mabie of Cortlandt. (Liber 120, page 1)
1/4 M (NYNP) Ralph Roberts Mabie and Eleanor Louise Hersh, both of NYC by the Rev. John Eastman of Katonah, NY
1/29 Birth Registration of Charles Mabee, parents: Charles Mabee and Marie Wilson Mabee
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
4/18 Death of Gerardus Mabie, resided at 25
Charles St.
From the NY Herald of 4/20/1893.
4/26 M (99) Theodore Mabey, age 30 years, 3 months, from Glen View, NJ and Estelle Bott, 22, from Brook Valley.
10/3 Death of Sarah C. Mabie, aged 78 years, 6
months, 29 days, in Peekskill, NY.
From the Putnam County Courier of 10/13/1893
NOTE: This is Sarah Cromwell Mabie, daughter of Jeremiah and Ester Mabie.
M (53) Edward House Mabie (5-9-1-4-8-11), 24, of Poughkeepsie, son of Daniel & Adeline Mabie of Poughkeepsie and Margaret Agnes King, 22, of New York City, daughter of Patrick & Margaret King of Ireland
Witnesses: Minnie H. Mabie & Richard Kirk.
11/16 Birth Registration of Marion Chelton Mabie,
parents: Ralph R. Mabie and Eloise Hersh
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
12/26 Birth Registration of Ethel May Mabie,
parents: William H. Mabie and Maggie Lowrie
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
3/17 Death of Levi Mabie in his 74th year.
From the NY Herald of 3/18/1894.
4/13 Death of George A. Mabie, aged 37,
son of John and the late Angeline Mabie.
From the NY Herald of 4/14/1894.
5/19 M (see below) Cornelius Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-6-11) and Tiney Bouse
From NJ Marriages 1670 -1980
B (see below) Ella, parents: Charles Mabie and Anna M. Peterson,
DOB: 4/2
the records of the Ramapo Dutch Church, Bergen County, NJ
NOTE: Charles was a son of John, in turn a son of Abraham.
10/28 Birth Registration of Lucy Mabie,
parents: Richard Mabie and Lucy Roberts
Recorded in Manhattan, NY County, NY.
11/7 M (NYML) George Walter Findley, son of George Findley and Agbes Gorden, and Hattie Augusta Mabie, daughter of David Ackerman Mabie and Anna Mervin Bunker.
1/31 Death of Cornelius Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-2), age 77.
From death certificate #4318 filed in New York City.
2/13 M (NYNP) Frederic N. Fleming and Mrs. Emmagene Mabie, both of New York, by Rev. Dr. Thomas Gallaudet.
Emmagene was the widow of John Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2).
From the New York Times of 2/16/1895.
2/23 M (NYML) Louis Ferris Mabie, son of William Mabie and Jane Ann Denike, and Cornelia Millard, daughter of Loffete and Clara Millard.
7/9 M (NYML) Clarence Mabie, son of Isaac Mabie and Sarah Wood, and Mary McNamorie Howe, daughter of George McNamorie and Eliza McBride.
Will of Egbert Maybe (5-6-8-1-1-1), of the Town of Shandaken, Ulster Co., NY, dated 9/4/1896, proved 5/24/1897, mentions Isaac J. Smith (enumerated in 1870 census in Egbert's household) and Susie Smith, daughter of Isaac. Probate documents identify Mary Newton of Griffins Corner, Delaware Co., NY and Harriet Rowley of Lexington, Greene Co., NY, as Egbert's sisters. Also mentioned are the following nieces and nephews of Egbert: William H. Lasher, Sarah Lasher, Lovena Blish, Elbert J. Lasher, Wilbur L. Reynolds, Rosalie Thrall, and Alonzo Lasher (deceased), his widow Nancy A. Hill, and two children of Alonzo.
1/3 M (NYML) Austin D. Mabie, son of William Mabie and Jane A. Deniker, and Lorraine Messer Robertson, daughter of John L. Messer and Julia Cook.
1/8 Death of Jeannette L. Mabie, resided in Fort Lee, NJ.
From the NY Herald of 1/9/1896.
4/10 Death of Jane Mabie Johnson (5-1-5-2-2-1), widow of Captain J. V. B.
From the NY Herald of 4/14/1896.
8/14 Death of Ralph Dodge Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-2-2), only son of
George W. and Matilda Mabie, of Brooklyn.
From the NY Herald-Tribune of 8/17/1896.
10/21 M (NYNP) William I. Spicer and Mabel Annetta Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-2-1),
daughter of George W. Mabie.
From the NY Herald-Tribune of 10/23/1896.
11/25 M (Preakness Reformed Church) William McCracken, of Wayne, and Emma Mabey, of Pequannock.
10/19 M (NYNP) Webster Boutelle Mabie and Louise Kennedy, daughter of James Kennedy,
in the Second Collegiate Reformed Church, 123rd Street and Lenox Ave., by Rev. William Justin Harsha.
From the New York Times of 10/20/1897
NOTE: On 6/6/1898 a Letter of Administration was granted to Adolphus C. Mabie (5-1-12-3-3-1), son, on the Estate of Sarah Mabie, late of the Town of Orangetown, Rockland Co., NY.
4/5 Death of Edward C. Mabie, an infant, of 1032 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, NY
From the New York Times of 4/7/1898.
4/28 M (99) George W. Mabey, 26, Pequannock, NJ and Cora Viola Brown, 18, Midvale, NJ
7/7 Death of William Oscar Mabee (5-7-2-1-1-2-3) in New York City, born 4/2/1845, formerly of Warwick, Orange County, NY. Had resided in the city "about 20 years", employed by the American Mercantile Agency, resided at 298 West 138th Street. Left a widow, one son and two daughters.
From the New York Times of 7/9 and 7/10/1898.
8/24 Death of Rachel Mabie, widow of Isaac Tuttle, aged 82 years, 5 months, 15 days.
3/3 Cornelius P. Mabie died. From his tombstone in the Old Dutch Cemetery, Tappan, Cornelius was aged 84 years, 1 month.
7/1 B (54) Jacob Clinton, parents: Edward Mabie and Augusta Mabie; DOB: 9/5/1898
7/31 Death of Mary Elizabeth Mabie, widow of Chester W. Mabie, age 70, in
New York City. Survived by son William and daughters Evelyn and Martha.
From the Jersey Journal of 8/2/1899.
9/18 Death of Horatio T. Mabee, age 55, address 214 2nd Ave. (in either Manhattan or the Bronx)
From the New York Times of 9/22/1899.
Will of Sarah Louisa Mabee (widow of Nelson Mabee) of Pleasantville, Town of Mount Pleasant, County of Westchester, State of New York, dated 10/18/1892 (original Will), proved 4/28/1900. The Will includes three Codicils. Mentions her deceased husband and son, Clarence Hyatt and Oscar N. Moseman, both identified as nephews of deceased husband Nelson Mabee, Sarah's brother Leonard R. Knox and his sons George Knox and John Knox, Sarah's sisters Mary S. Knox, and Amelia C. Secor, wife of Elbert Secor, and their daughter Ruth Louise Secor, niece Dora Knox Braisted, and niece Mary Jane Miller Knox. Several others are named, but none of them are identified as relatives; these include Minnie C. Miller, wife of Albert Miller, Fannie Barrett, daughter of Squire Barrett, and Clara Hyatt, daughter of Elijah Clarence Hyatt. (Liber 136, page 465)
12/24 M (53) George Rogers, 29, of Newark, Ohio, son of James & Harriet M. Rogers of Castleford, England,
and Minnie Howland Mabie (5-9-1-4-8-12), 28, of Poughkeepsie, daughter of Daniel & Adeline C. Mabie of Poughkeepsie
Witnesses: Joel O. Howland & Lillian Bollinger
11/24 M (NYML) George Sylvester Mabee, son of George Mabee and Mary Slattery, and Anastasia Veronica O'Shea, daughter of Thomas O'Shea and Annie Byrner.
2/22 Death of John Mabie, aged 79 years,
resided in Bayonne, NY.
From the NY Herald of 2/24/1902.
NOTE: John was a son of Elijah Mabie and Sarah Hyatt.
6/17 Death of Francelia C. Hewitt, aged 47 years, wife of David A. Mabie, at Hasbrouck Heights, NJ.
From the New York Times of 6/22/1902.
11/20 Death of Mary C. Mabie, wife of Henry Mabie (5-10-2-7-1-5), at East Orange, NJ
From the New York Times of 11/23/1902.
NOTE: Will of Charles L. Mabie (5-9-2-1-2-5), of the Town of Franklin, Delaware County, NY, dated 2/6/1903, proved 9/12/1904, mentions son Levi E. Mabie of the Village of Treadwell, NY.
6/30 M (see below) Richard Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3-2) and Emma Duttlinger at Philadelphia, PA
From Family Bible.
9/17 Death of Bernard Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3-4), age 16, of 415 W. 47th St., Manhattan
From the New York Times of 9/19/1903.
NOTE: Will of Helen Mabey, of the Town of Roxbury, Delaware County, NY, dated 3/30/1904, proved 8/6/1904, mentions husband Alva Mabey, Dora Whitbeck, Philo Whitbeck, Albert Whitbeck, John Whitbeck, Frank Whitbeck, Flora Felter, Addie Hanney and Minnie Champlin.
6/8 M (99) Vance Irving Sisco, 23, Paterson, NJ, and Annie Mabey, 19, Pequannock, NJ
NOTE: Will of Sarah C. Mabie of the Village of North Tarrytown in the County of Westchester and the State of New York, dated 6/14/1899, proved 3/3/1905. Mentions son Hamilton W. Mabie, son Edgar W. Mabie, daughter in law Henrietta Mabie (wife of Edgar), daughter Jennie Judson, wife of Champion Judson, M.D., and grandson Frank H. Judson. (Liber 149, page 52)
2/22 Death of Mrs. Sarah Colwell Mabie, the mother of Hamilton Wright Mabie.
From her obituary in the NY Times (2/23), Sarah (82 years old) was the daughter of
Samuel Colwell and Charlotte Wright, and the widow of Levi J. Mabie who died in 1883.
10/10 Death of John H. Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-3), aged 57 years, at Hackensack, NJ
From the New York Times of 10/13/1905.
10/14 M (see below) Nicholas Miller and Ida Mabie (5-10-2-7-6-3-3) at New York City
From Family Bible.
10/16 M (NYML) Henry MacKenzie Whitaker, son of Robert Whitaker and Margaret j. MacKenzie, and Louise Mabie, daughter of James Mabie and Elizabeth Davis.
5/12 Miss Adelaide Mabie (5-1-8-8-5-4) was residing in San Francisco, CA
From the Telephone Directory of that date.
5/16 Death of Walter C. Mabie, son of Mary Mabie
and the late Peter Mabie (5-1-8-3-5-5) and brother of May and Frank Mabie and
Mrs. Kate De Motte, and native of New Jersey, aged 32 years and 6 months, in San Francisco.
From the San Francisco Call of 6/18/1906.
11/21 M (NYML) Clarence Mabie, son of George Henry Mabie and Louise Paulison, and May Bertha Clark, daughter of John F. Clark and Mary J. Davis.
9/6 Death of Phoebe Mabie Lucas, age 80.
From a combination of her death certificate and burial record (Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery).
Phoebe was the daughter of Henry Mabie and Sarah Mackey, born 7/26/1827.
Phoebe married Charles Stockwell Lucas. See Phebe's marriage record under 11/25/1851.
6/30 Death of Robert M. Mabie, in Brooklyn.
From the Brooklyn Eagle of 7/3/1908.
10/31 M (NYNP) Clifford L. Winchell and Bessie E. Mabie, in Kingston, NY
From the New York Times of 10/31/1908.
2/5 Death of Gererdus C. Mabie of 25 Charles St.
From the New York Times of 2/8/1909.
4/7 M (NYML) Frank Ackerman Jr. and Helen Belknap Mabie, daughter of Wm. Oscar Mabie and Lillie Belknap.
6/8 M (NYNP) Wallace P. Mabie and Lillian Zimmerman, in Kingston, NY
From the New York Times of 6/11/1909.
7/16 B (99) Three children of Milton Mabey and Christina Osborne:
Mildred Osborne Mabey, born 1/12/1908
Luther Decker Mabey, born 1/30/1909
Wesley Mabey, born 1/24/1910
12/31 Death of Mary Mabie, relict of P. L. Mabie
(5-1-8-3-5-5) and mother of May and Frank Mabie and Mrs. Kate De Motte, a native of
England, in San Francisco, CA.
From the San Francisco Call of 1/2/1912.
7/7 B (99) Frances Elizabeth Seaman; parents: Richard A. C. Seaman and Lilliam L. Mabie,
DOB: 2/26/1912
12/14 Death of Sanford Mabie (5-7-2-2-8-7), 310 W. 112th St.
From the New York Times of 12/16/1912.
5/24 B (99) Robert Watson Seaman, parents: Richard A.C. Seaman and Lillian L. Mabie,
DOB: 9/22/1913
7/8 M (99) Watson Mabey, 21, Towaco, NJ and Bertha Storms, 18, Towaco, NJ
3/26 Death of Ida Mabie Marquis, wife of George
H. Marquis, in Brooklyn.
From the NY Times 3/28/1915
2/23 Death of George Whitfield Mabie (5-10-2-1-2-2-1)
From the New York Times - January 27, 1916.
6/11 B (99) Richard Herbert Seaman, parents: Richard A. Seaman and Lillian L. Mabie,
DOB: 2/14/1915
7/23 Death of Eliza Bowne Mabee, age 64.
From the Brooklyn Eagle of 7/25/1917.
10/15 M (99) Leslie Watson Mabie, 29, Pompton Plains, NJ and Irene A. Laroy, 23, Rosebank, Staten Island
NOTE: Will of Stephen S. Mabie (5-1-1-3-3-7-3), of Newark, Essex Co., NJ, dated 6/5/1924, proved 8/29/1924, mentions children Lillian Jones, Caroline Quackenbush, wife of John Quackenbush, Dorothy Alexander, wife of Norman Alexander, Eliza Ackerson, wife of Cornelius Ackerson, Catherine Westerveld, wife of John Westerveld, and Reginald Mabie. Stephen died on 7/28/1924.
7/6 M (99) George Mabey, 27, Pompton Lakes, NJ and Mae Caywood, 24, Midvale, NJ
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