Prepared by Steve Mabie, with substantial assistance from John D. MayBee and Skip Duett.
Last Revised: 01/23/2015
View Record Sources | ||||
1686-1700 | 1700-1725 | 1800-1825 | 1900- | |
1725-1750 | 1825-1850 | |||
1750-1775 | 1850-1875 | |||
1775-1800 | 1875-1900 |
The majority of these records are for the descendants of Jan Pieterse Meby, the son of Pieter Casparszen van Naerden and Aechtje Jans, born in 1654 (baptized Oct. 4, 1654 in the Reformed Church of New Amsterdam).
All records contained in this file are verified, primary records from Albany, Schenectady, Montgomery and Herkimer Counties in the State of New York. Certainly, not every record from these counties is included. Many church records are incomplete or have been destroyed. In particular, no records exist for Albany prior to mid-1683; no records exist for Schenectady prior to 1694; there is an 18 year gap (from 1794 to 1812) in the St. John's Reformed Church records; a 15 year gap (late 1795 through 1810 in the records of the German Flats Reformed Church; and virtually all of the pre-1800 records of the Reformed Calvinist Church Of Canajoharie (AKA Fort Plain or Sand Hill) have not survived the passage of time.
However, this collection is believed to contain all of those records that have survived. The primary focus was to capture the records from the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries. Records from the last three quarters of the 19th century were included for convenience, but are clearly far from complete. Starting before the turn of the century in 1800, many Mabie families began moving westward, out of the area covered by this research.
In addition to the church records, some will abstracts have been included where available. (The will information is printed in green.)
In most instances, the wills have proven to be very helpful in determining the relationships between parents, children and spouses. In a few cases, available death, burial or tombstone data was also helpful and is included. And in one critical case, a Bible record was used to establish births.Wherever possible, each child has been assigned a unique number, based on their parents and their order of birth. For example, since Jan Pieterse was the second child of his generation, he is #2. His son Pieter (the third child born to Jan Pieterse) is #2-3, while Abraham (the seventh child born to Jan Pieterse) is #2-7. Pieter's third child John is #2-3-3. You will note that each succeeding generation adds one digit. The starting point for these assignments was R. Robert Mutrie's, 6000 New York Ancestors: A Compendium of Mabie Research, Log Cabin Publishing (Ridgeway, ON: 1986). This book includes a compilation of the early generations as they were known to researchers in 1986. [R. Robert Mutrie, Editor, The Long Point Settlers Journal. Log Cabin Publishing (Ridgeway, ON: 1986). Both the book and the ongoing journals are available from R. Robert Mutrie, 244 Maple Leaf Avenue North, Ridgeway, ON.] However, several deviations from all previously published sources have been documented within this file.
PLEASE NOTE: All names are spelled as found in the records. Therefore, a global search of this file by name will not necessarily locate the appropriate records.
Not every "Mabie" record contained in this file is for descendants of Jan Pieterse. In particular, there is a Thomas Mebi, who first surfaces in 1730, and his descendants. Each record associated with this line is identified by the label "X". There may also be some records where the names Mabee and Maley have been interchanged. This line is denoted within the file by the label "C". Finally, there is a line that stems from a Dorothy Pickert and her husband "Jan Pieter Mebi", as reflected in two baptism records in 1730 and 1731. Since Jan Pieterse Mebie died in 1725, there is an unsolved mystery as to the identity of this second Jan Pieter. Each record associated with this line is identified by the label "JP". As with the principal line, where known, each child is assigned a unique number, e.g. JP-1-3-2.
Each church record is identified by type as an M for a Marriage or a B for a Baptism. The date in the leftmost column is the date of the record. Where available, birth date information has been provided separately. Following the record type, each church, for which records are included in this file, is identified by a unique number placed in parentheses. Clicking on the source number will take you to a file which will identify the source of the record. After you have viewed the source of the record, use the "back" button on your browser to return to the record in this file.
View Record Sources | ||||
1686-1700 | 1700-1725 | 1800-1825 | 1900-1917 | |
1725-1750 | 1825-1850 | |||
1750-1775 | 1850-1875 | |||
1775-1800 | 1875-1900 |
There are no surviving records of baptisms for 4 of Jan Pieterse's 10 children or for Jan's marriage to Anna Borsboom. Their first two children, Eva and Margrietje, undoubtedly were born prior to the time that the records cover (mid-1683 for Albany, 1694 for Schenectady). Therefore, since there is no certain way to determine who was the eldest, I have taken these two in the order in which they were married: Eva first. So, Eva is identified throughout this file as (2-1) and Margrietie is (2-2). The third child of Jan and Anna was son Pieter:
1/20 B (10) Pieter (2-3), father Jan Pietersz
witnesses: Abraham van Trigt, Lysbeth van Trigt
The next two children of Jan and Anna were Jacob and Tryntje. Jonathan Pearson, in his Genealogies of the First Settlers of Schenectady, gives Tryntje's age at her death in 1773 as 82, placing her birth in 1691. In the case of Jacob, we know, from the will of Jan (see 1725) that Jacob was his second son, placing his birth prior to that of Abraham in 1695. Since Tryntje was presumably born in 1691, and Anna was born in 1693, it is most likely that Jacob was born between Pieter and Tryntje. Therefore, Jacob is identified as (2-4) and Tryntje is (2-5). Note that Pearson has incorrect birth (3/1/1698) and baptism (5/5/1700) dates listed for Jacob. The birth date is completely inconsistent with the will of Jan. I have reviewed the original baptism records and Jacob's baptism is not recorded. It is possible that Jacob was an adopted child. Anna's sister, Tryntje, gave birth to an illegitimate son named Jacob, of whom there is no further record. One theory is that this child was adopted by Jan and Anna as their own.
4/16 B (10) Annetje (2-6), parents Jan Pietersz Mebi and Antje P. Bosboom
witnesses: Jan Hendriksz Vrooman, Cornelia Pieterse van Olinda
6/26 B (11) Abraham (2-7), parents Jan Pieterse Mebi and Annetje Bosboom
witnesses: Gerrit Simonse and Antje Sanders
11/10 B (11) Engeltje (2-8), parents Jan Mebi and Annetje Bosboom
witnesses: Jacobus Peek and Jannetje Reyers
5/28 M (11) Cornelis Slingerlant, j.m. Albany, and Eegfe Mebi (2-1), j.d., Schenectady
1/9 B (11) Engeltje (2-1-1), parents: Cornelis Slingerlant and Aeche Mebi
witnesses: Gerrit Gysbertsen, Marritje Pieterssen
5/5 B (11) Maria (2-9), parents: Jan Mabi and Anna Borsboom
witnesses: Jacobus van Dyck and Sara Peeck
10/3 B (11) Anna (2-1-2), parents: Kornelis Slingerlant and Eva Mebie
witnesses: Jan Mebie and Anna Bosboom
7/28 B (11) Doretha, parents: Bartholomeus Pikket and Eva Klaassen
witnesses: Wouter Vrooman and Geertany Klaasen
10/7 B (11) Meibtye (Metje or Martha) (2-10), parents: Jan Meby and Antye Boosboom
witness: Lysebit Tonissen
10/7 B (11) Anna (3-2-2), parents: Kaleb Beck and Anna Mol (3-2)
witnesses: Matthew Scienks and Maria Meby
8/25 B (11) Maria (2-1-3), parents: Cornelis Slingerlait and Eva Meby
witnesses: Johans Mingal and Maria Meby
12/13 M (10) Victor Pootman, y.m. and Margarita Mebi (2-2), y.d., both live in Schenectady
4/30 B (11) Lysbeth (2-1-4), parents: Cornelis Slingerlandt and Eva Mebi
witnesses: Victor Pootman and Grietje Mebi (2-2)
8/3 B (10) Cornelia (2-2-1), parents Victor Pootman and Grietje Mebi
witnesses: Arent Pootman, Jacomyntje van Dyk
10/9 B (11) Jan Pieter (JP), parents: no father named and Anna Peek
witnesses: Capt. Johannes Glen, Lt. Philip Schuyler & Jacomyntje van Dyk
4/25 B (10) Antje (2-2-2), parents Victor Pootman and Grietje Mebi
witnesses: Johannes and Maria Mingal
4/28 B (10) Catharina (2-1-5), parents Cornelis Slingelant and Eva Mebie
witnesses: Caspar van Hoese, Maria Slingelant
10/21 B (11) Johannes (2-2-3), parents Fictoor Pootman and Grietjen Meby
witnesses: Cornelis Slingerland and Aagjen Meby
6/21 B (11) Caleb (3-2-3), parents: Caleb Beck and Anna Beck
witnesses: Jan Petters Mevi and Antie Pieters Bosboom
2/1 B (11) Pieter (2-2-4), parents: Victor Pootman and Grietie Pootman
witnesses: Pieter Meby and Tryntie Meby
7/12 B (10) Eva (2-1-6), parents Cornelis and Eggie Slingerlant
witnesses: Albert Slingerlant, Neeltie Beekmans
12/18 B (11) Mareite (2-2-5), parents: Fecktoer Pottman and Gryete Pootman
witnesses: Cornelus Potman and Yacminte Potman
NOTE: The 1715 Muster Roll for the 2nd Foot Company of Schenectady includes the names Pieter Mebie (2-3), Jacob Meebie (2-4) and Abraham Meebie (2-7).
7/19 M (11) Helmigh Gerritsen Veder, j.m., Schenectady, and Anna Jansen Mebi (2-6), j.d., Woestyne
10/16 B (11) Samuel (2-5-1), parents Arent Samuels Brat and Catrientien Mebi
witnesses: Jacobus Brat and Susanna Van Slyk
4/7 B (11) Gerrit (2-6-1), parents: Helmus Simonsen and Annetien Mebi
witnesses: Gerrit Simonsen Veder and Trientien Veders
10/6 B (11) Lena (2-1- 7), parents Cornelis Slingerlant and Egien Slingerlants
witnesses: Gerrit Simonsen and Trientien Simonsen
3/23 B (11) Jacob (2-2-6), parents: Victor Pootman and Grietien Pootman
witnesses: Helmus Veder and Annetien Veder
9/15 B (11) Johannes (2-5-2), parents: Arent Sam. Brat and Trientien Mebi
witnesses: Pieter Mebi (2-3) and Agien Slingerlant
3/8 B (11) Annatien (2-8-1), parents: Pieter Daniels and Engeltien Mebi
witnesses: Pieter Mebi (2-3) and Annetien Veders
3/22 B (11) Grietien (2-1-8), parents: Corn. Slingerlant and Eva Slingerlant
witnesses: Arenent Brat and Grietien Vedders
6/2 B (11) Johannes (2-6-2), parents Helmer Veder and Annetien Mebi
witnesses: Jan Mebi and Annetien Mol
6/? M (11) Abraham Mebi (2-7), jm, Schenectady and Annatien Vedders, jd, Schenectady
2/14 B (11) Arent (2-2-7), parents: Victor Pootman and Grietien Mebi
witnesses: Abrah. Mebi (2-7) and Antien Mol
8/9 B (11) Susanna (2-5-3), parents Arent Brat and Cathrina Brat
witnesses: Harmen Van Slyk and Margrietien Brat
4/2 B (11) Daniel (2-8-2), parents: Pieter Danielsen and Engeltien Danielsen
witnesses: Jan Danielsen and Agnietien Danielsen
8/6 B (11) Kathrina (2-7-1), parents: Abrah. Mebi and Annetien Vedders
witnesses: Albert Vedder and Maritien Glen
8/20 B (11) Kathrina (2-6-3), parents: Helmus Veder and Annetien Meb
witnesses: Hendericus Veder and Engeltien Veder
12/24 B (11) Rachel (2-1-9), parents Cornelis Slingerland and Agien Slingerland
witnesses: Helmus Veder and Annetien Veders
2/18 B (11) Cathrina (2-2-8), parents Victor Pootman and Grietien Mebi
witnesses: Jacob Mebi and Annatien Vedders
9/3 B (11) Annatien (2-5-4), parents: Arent Brat and Trientien Mebi
witnesses: Victor Potman and Grietien Mebi
11/11 B (11) Johannes (2-8-3), parents: Pieter Danielsen and Engeltien Mebi
witnesses: Victor Pootman and Grietien Mebi
11/12 M (11) Pieter Mebi (2-3), jm, Woestyne and Susanna Vedders, jd, Woestyne
11/12 M (11) Cornelis Van Dyk, jm, Dorp and Maritien Mebi (2-9), jd, Woestyne
9/1 B (11) Anna (2-7-2), parents: Abr. Mebi and Annatien Vedder
witnesses: Pieter Danielsen and Engeltien Mebi
9/8 B (11) Elisabet (2-9-1), parents: Cornelis Van Dyk and Maritien Mebi
witnesses: Jacobus van Dyk and Jacomientien Glen
10/26 B (11) Anna (2-3-1), parents: Pieter Mebi and Susanna Vedders
witnesses: Abrah. Mebi and Anna Vedders
12/1 B (11) Anna (2-6-4), parents: Helmer Veder and Antien Mebi
witnesses: Abraham Mebi and Anna Beck
5/18 B (11) Teunis (2-1-10), parents: Cornelis Slingerlant and Agien Mebi
witnesses: Jacobus van Dyk and Jaomientien Glen
10/6 B (11) Margritte (2-5-5), parents: Arent Brat jr and Catarina Meby
witnesses: Johannes Brat and Cornelia Brat
12/25 B (11) Maria (2-8-4), parents: Pieter Daniels Van Antwerpen and Engeltie Meby
witnesses: Cornelis Van Dyk and Maritie Meby
5/24 B (11) Johannes (2-9-2), parents: Cornelis Van Dyk and Maritie Meby
witnesses: Abram Meby and Anna Vedders
7/2 M (11) Jan Farly and Matitje Meby (2-10)
11/16 B (11) Annaetie (2-10-1), parents: Johannes Farly and Metje Meby
witnesses: Niccus Veder and Anna Beck, DOB: 11/15
11/29 B (11) Maria (2-7-3), parents: Abraham Meby and Anna Vedder
witnesses: Cornelis van Dyk and Maritje Meby, DOB:11/23
12/25 B (11) Cornelis (2-2-9), parents: Fictoor Pootman and Margrit Meby
witnesses: Benjamin Van Vleck and Anna Gilbert, DOB: 12/17
NOTE: Will of Jan Pieterse Mebie (2), late of Schenectady, dated 4/3/1725 and proved 9/13/1725, states that he had 10 children: three sons (Pieter (2-3), the eldest, Jacob (2-4), and Abraham (2-7), the youngest) and 7 daughters, of whom only Margaret (2-2) is named. The fact that Jan died in 1725 has been substantiated through other contemporaneous documents.
2/21 B (11) Hendricus (2-6-5), parents: Wilhelmus Veder and Annaetie Mebi
witnesses: Gisbert van Brakel and Maritie Vroman, DOB: 2/20
3/21 B (11) Sara (2-3-2), parents: Pieter Meby and Susanna Vedders
witnesses: Harmen Vedder and Saartie Vedders , DOB: 2/21
8/7 M (11) Jacob Meby (2-4), jm, and Catarina Vromans, jd.
12/19 B (11) Abraham (2-8-5), parents Petrus Daniels van Antwerpen and Engeltie Meby
witnesses: Abraham Meby and Annaetie Vedders, DOB: 11/12
NOTE: On 2/19/1726, Pieter Meebie (2-3) signed a so-called Quit Claim (Albany County Deeds, book 6, page 215, recorded 9/20/1733) in which Pieter, decribed as the eldest son of John Meebie deceased, relinguished all rights to the land on the South side of the Mohawk River which were left to Jacob Meebie (2-4), described as John's second son, in the Will of John Meebie dated 4/3/1725, in exchange for two Pounds current money.
3/20 B (11) Jacobus (2-9-3), parents: Cornelis van Dyk and Maritie Meby
witnesses: Jacobus Glen and Sara Wendel, DOB: 3/17
3/27 B (11) Eva (2-5-6), parents: Arent Brat jr and Catrina Meby
witnesses: Hendrik Vroman jr and Susanna Vedder, DOB: 3/10
6/19 B (11) Engeltie (2-10-2), parents: Johan Faerly and Metje Meby
witnesses: Abraham Meby and Anna Vedder, DOB: 5/25
8/21 B (11) Anna (2-4-1), parents: Jacob Meby and Catrina Vromans
witnesses: Wilhelmus Veder and Matie Meby, DOB: 7/26
NOTE: Must have died before 1732. (See 2-4-4 below.)
4/30 B (11) Eva (2-7-4), parents: Abram Meby and Annaetie Vedder
witnesses: Pieter Meby & wife Susanna Veders, DOB: 4/24
8/20 B (11) Margriet (2-6-6), parents: Wilhelmus Veder and Annetie Meby
witnesses: Pieter Meby & wife Sanna Vedders, DOB: 8/18
12/25 B (11) Abram (2-5-7), parents: Arent Brat jr and Catrina Meby
witnesses: Abram Meby & wife Anaetie Vedders, DOB: 12/13
12/30 B (11) Annatie (2-9-4), parents: Cornelis Van Dyk and Maritie Mebie
witnesses: Helemes Feder and Annatie Mebie, DOB: 12/27
1/7 B (11) Neeltie (2-8-6), parents: Pieter Daniels and Engeltie Meby
witnesses: Arent Daniels and Geertruyt Groot, DOB: 12/16/1727
1/19 B (11) Johannes (2-3-3), parents: Pieter Meby and Susanna Vedders
witnesses: Cornelis Van Dyk & wife Maritie Meby, DOB: 1/10
1/28 B (11) Geesie (2-4-2), parents: Jacob Meby and Catrintie Vromans
witnesses: Arent Brat & wife Jannetie Vromans, DOB: 1/26
NOTE: Must have died before 1734. (See 2-4-5 below.)
4/4 B (11) Maritie (2-10-3), parents: John Faerley and Meetie Meebie
witnesses: John Collins, Maregrita Schuyler and Metie Meebie
NOTE: The margins of the original records of the Schenectady Church for 1729 and 1730 have deteriorated and the dates did not survive.
?/? B (11) Arent (2-3-4), parents: Pieter Moebi and Susanna Vedder
witnesses: Simon Vedder
?/? B (11) Achien (2-8-7), parents: Pieter Daniels van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebi
witnesses: Harmen van Antwerpen and Cornelia Potman
?/? B (11) Margrieta (2-4-3), parents: Jacob Mebi and Catharina Vroman
witnesses: Cornelius van Dyk and Maria Mebi, DOB: 2/23
?/? B (11) Achien (JP-2), parents: ( )er Mebi and ( )ea Pikket
witnesses: Hendrik Hagedoorn and Antje Stevens
?/? B (11) Jacobus (2-5-8), parents: Arent Sam. Brat and Catrina Mebi
witnesses: Samuel Brat and Margrieta Meinders
9/30 M (01) Thomas Maeby (X), j.m. v. N. Albanie, met Sarah Couper, j.d. v. N. York, woonen alhier.
8/29 B (11) Hendrikus (2-9-5), parents: Cornelius van Dyk and Marytje Mebi
witnesses: Nicolaus Schuiler and Elsje Wendel
10/3 B (11) Jacobus (JP-3), parents: Jan Pieter Mebi and Dorothea Pikket
witnesses: Jacobus Peek sr & wife Elisabeth Peek
2/6 B (11) Rebecca (2-8-8), parents: Pieter van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebi
witnesses: Arent S. Brat and Catrina Mebi
2/20 B (11) Albert (2-7-5), parents: Abraham Mebi and Annatje Vedder
witnesses: Harm Albertze Vedder and Cathrina S. Brat
3/12 B (11) Margrieta (X-1), parents: Thomas Mebi and Sara Kouper
witnesses: Jelis van Vorst and Elisabeth Mebi
5/28 B (11) Maria (2-10-4), parents: Johannes Ferly and Metje Mebi
witnesses: Cornelius van Dyk and Maria Mebi
7/30 B (11) Petrus (2-6-7), parents: Helmer Veder and Annetje Mebi
witnesses: Jan Ferly and Metje Mebi
10/29 B (11) Anna (2-4-4), parents: Jacob Mebi and Cathrina Vroman
witnesses: Helmer Veder and Annetje Mebi, DOB: 10/4
4/15 B (11) Margrieta (2-3-5), parents: Pieter Meby and Susanna Vedder
witnesses: Pieter van Antwerpen and Engeltje Meby, DOB: 3/19
NOTE: Must have died young. (See 2-3-6 below.)
7/22 B (11) Engeltje (2-7-6), parents: Abraham Mebi and Anna Vedder
witnesses: Helmer Veder and Engeltje Veder
8/26 B (11) Engeltje (2-5-9), parents: Arent S. Bratt and Cathrina Mebi
witnesses: Pieter D. van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebi
9/16 B (11) Jacomyna (2-9-6), parents: Cornelius van Dyk and Maria Meby
witnesses: Abraham Glen and Helena Glen
6/2 B (11) Jacob (2-10-5), parents: Jan Ferly and Mettje Mebi
witnesses: Jacob Mebi and Elisabeth Brouwer
8/18 B (11) Johannes (X-2), parents: Thomas Mebi and Sara Couper
witnesses: Johannes van Vorst and Johanna Mercelis
10/13 B (11) Margrietje (2-3-6), parents: Pieter Mebi and Susanna Vedder
witnesses: Pieter D. van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebi
10/13 B (11) Cathrina (2-8-9), parents: Pieter D. van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebi
witnesses: Daniel van Antwerpen and Cathrina Slingerland
10/27 B (11) Maria (2-6-8), parents: Helmer Veder and Annetje Mebi
witnesses: Cornelius van Dyk and Annatje Vedder
11/14 B (11) Geesje (2-4-5), parents: Jacob Mebi and Cathrina Vroman
witnesses: Arent Bratt and Jannetje Vroman
NOTE: Must have died young. (See 2-4-6 below.)
4/13 B (11) Engeltje (2-7-7), parents: Abraham Mebi and Annatje Vedder
witnesses: Helmer Veder and Engeltje Veder
12/7 B (11) Caleb (2-10-6), parents: John Farrly and Metje Mebi
witnesses: Caleb bek and Engeltje Bek
12/14 B (11) Gesina (2-4-6), parents: Jacob Mebi and Cathrina Vroman
witnesses: Arent Bratt and Jannetje Vroman, DOB: 11/19
10/24 B (11) Petrus (2-8-10), parents: Pieter van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebi
witnesses: Pieter Mebi and Susanna Vedder
12/25 B (11) Robert (X-3), parents: Thomas Meebi and Sara Meebi
witnesses: John Cadman and Sara Van Vorst
10/9 B (11) Margrietje (2-10-7), parents: Jan Ferly and Metie Ferly
witnesses: Johannes Veder and Catharyna Meebie
10/9 B (11) Harmanus (2-3-7), parents: Pieter Meebie and Susanna Meebie
witnesses: Aalbert Vedder jr and Marytje Truax
3/16 M (11) Johannes V. Veder, jm, and Catharyna Moebie (2-7-1), jd.
5/14 B (11) Allebert (2-7-8), parents: Abraham Mebie and Anathie Vedder
witnesses: Harme Vedder and Susanna Veeder
5/14 B (11) Jan (2-4-7), parents: Jacob Mebie and Catharina Vroman
witnesses: Peter Mebie and Susanna Vedder
12/7 B (11) Simon (2-8-11), parents: Pieter Dan. Van Antwerpe and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Jacob Mebie & wife Catharintie Vroman
4/13 B (11) Maria (2-3-8), parents: Pieter Moebie and Susanna Moebie
witnesses: Caleb Beck and Elisabeth van Dyck
8/23 B (11) Margrietje (2-7-9), parents: Abraham Mebie and Annatje Vedder
witnesses: Joh. Veder & wife Cathrina
12/14 B (11) Volkert (2-7-1-1), parents: Johannes Veder and Cathrina Mebie
witnesses: Symon Veder and Catlyntje Veder
2/7 M (11) Adam Henriks Vroman, jm, Schenectady; liv Makwaas land, and Annatje Abrahs Mebie (2-7-2), jd, Schenectady
4/19 B (11) Cornelis (2-4-8), parents: Jacob Mebie and Catharina Vroman
witnesses: Simon Vroman and Yda Dellemont
11/15 B (11) Maria (2-7-2-1), parents: Adam Vroman and Anna A. Mebie
witnesses: Jan Barents Wempel and Margrietje Wempel
8/21 M (11) Abrah. Van Antwerpen, jm, Schenectady and Anna Pieters Mobie (2-3-1), jd, Schenectady
9/12 B (11) Margrietje (2-8-12), parents: Pieter Van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Cornelis van Dyk and Margrietje Brat
11/14 B (11) Petrus (2-3-9), parents: Pieter Mebie and Susanna Vedder
witnesses: Abrah. J. van Antwerpen and Anna P. Mebie
1/9 B (11) Johannes (2-3-1-1), parents: Abraham v. Antwerpen amd Anna P’ts Mebis
witnesses: Arent v. Antwerpen and Anna v. Antwerpen
3/27 B (11) Abraham (2-7-10), parents: Abraham Mebie and Annatje Vedder
witnesses: Adam Henr. Vroman and Anna Mebie
NOTE: Must have died young. (See 2-7-11 below.)
5/22 B (11) Maria (2-7-2-2), parents: Adam Henriks Vroman and Anna A. Mebie
witnesses: Johannes H. Vroman and Catharina Mebie
8/21 B (11) Jannetje (2-7-1-2), parents: Johannes Veder and Catharina Mebie
witnesses: Reyer Veder and Margrietje Vedder
8/26 B (11) Petrus (2-4-9), parents: Jacob Mebie and Catharina Vroman
witnesses: Pieter Daniels van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebie, DOB: 7/28
8/26 B (11) Abraham (2-7-11), parents: Abraham Mebie and Anna Vedder
witnesses: Alexander Vedder and Margrietje vanden Bogaard
4/28 B (11) Susanna (2-3-1-2), parents: Abraham v. Antwerpen and Anna P’rs Mebie
witnesses: Pieter Mebie and Susanna Vedder
10/6 B (11) Rebecca (2-3-10), parents: Pieter Mebie and Susanna Vedder
witnesses: Harmen Fisher and Catharina Brouwer
11/17 B (11) Abraham (2-7-2-3), parents: Adam Vroman and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Mebie and Annatje Vedder
11/17 B (11) Abraham (2-7-1-3), parents: Johannes Volk. Veder and Catharina Mebie
witnesses: Arent Alb. Vedder and Eva Mebie
NOTE: From the Pennsylvania Gazette, 7/10/1746: "On 28 June near the fort at Schenegtade the Indians killed John Quackenboss and Thomas Meebee (X) and carried off a Negro."5/4 M (11) Gerrit van Antwerp, Albany County taylor, and Eva Mabe (2-7-4), Albany County spinster
7/31 M (11) Abraham Funda, Albany County carpenter, and Mary Maybee (2-7-3) , Albany County spinster
5/31 B (11) Daniel (2-7-4-1), parents: Gerrit van Antwerpen and Eva Mebie
witnesses: Wilhelmus van Antwerpen and Neeltje Dan. Van Antwerpen
12/6 B (11) Susanna (2-3-1-3), parents: Abraham van Antwerpen and Anna P’s Mebie
witnesses: Pieter Mebie and Susanna Vedder
6/5 B (11) Simon (2-7-1-4), parents: Johannes V. Veder and Catharina Mebie
witnesses: Henricus V. Veder and Lena Veder
9/18 B (11) Rachel (2-7-3-1), parents: Abraham Fonda and Maria Abr. Mebie
witnesses: Pieter Fonda and Tanneke Cloet
4/8 M (11) Abraham Yates, Albany County Carpenter, and Sarah Maybee (2-3-2), Albany County spinster
10/15 B (11) Anna (2-7-4-2), parents: Gerrit van Antwerpen and Eva Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Mebie and Anna Vedder
12/10 B (11) Robbert (2-3-2-1), parents: Abraham Yeats and Sara Mebie
witnesses: Joseph Yeats and Maria Dunbar
12/17 B (11) Johannes (2-3-1-4), parents: Abraham van Antwerpen and Anna P’rs Mebie
witnesses: Arent van Antwerpen and Margrietje Mebie
1/21 B (11) Anna (2-7-2-4), parents: Adam Vroman and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Barent Vroman and Volkje Wempel
11/11 B (11) Johannes (2-7-3-2), parents: Abraham Fonda and Maria Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Mebie and Engeltje Mebie
12/9 B (11) Maria (2-7-1-5), parents: Johannes Veder and Catharina Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Fonda and Maria Abr. Mebie
12/15 B (11) Johannes (2-3-1-5), parents: Abraham van Antwerpen and Anna P’rs Mebie
witnesses: Arent van Antwerpen and Margriete Mebie
3/30 M (10) Abraham Mebie (2-7), widr., of Schenectady, and Catalina Roseboom, wid.
4/5 B (11) Petrus (2-3-2-2), parents: Abram Jeets and Sara Mebie
witnesses: Pieter Mebie and Susanna Veder
8/9 B (11) Eva (2-7-2-5), parents: Adam Vroman and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Gerrit van Antwerpen and Engeltje Mebie
11/10 B (11) Annatjie (2-7-3-3), parents: Abraham Fonda and Marytjie Meby
witnesses: Abraham Meby and Carolintjie Schuyler
6/8 M (10) Hendrick van Dyck, y.m., and Engeltje Mebie (2-7-7), y.d., both of Schenectady
8/12 B (11) Catalina (2-7-1-6), parents: Johannes Veder and Catarina Mebie
witnessses: Hendericus V. Veder and Catarina Delmont
12/26 B (11) Susanna (2-3-1-6), parents: Abram van Antwerpen and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Pieter Mebie and Susanna Mebie
9/3 B (11) Abraham (2-3-2-3), parents: Abraham Jeets and Sarah Mebie
witnesses: Jacobus Meyndertse and Sara Meyndertse
11/2 M (11) Thomas Brouwer Bancker, jm, Schenectady, and Anna Meebie (2-4-4), jd, Schenectady
11/17 B (11) Jackemeyntje, parents: no father named, Margarita Meebie
witnesses: Johannes Schermerhoorn and Eva Bratt
12/29 B (11) Henderick (2-7-2-6), parents: Adam Vrooman and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Isaac Switts and Volkje Switts
NOTE: A series of Muster Rolls for Capt. William McGinnis’s Company, mustered in the town of Schenectady, between the dates of May 19th and September 30th, all include the names John and Jacobus Maybee.
NOTE: Will of Jacob Mabee (2-4), late of Schenectady, dated April 28, 1755 mentions wife Catrina, sons John (2-4-7) (eldest) Cornelius (2-4-8), Petrus (2-4-9) (youngest) and daughters Geesina Mabee (2-4-6) and Anna Banker (2-4-4).
12/13 M (11) John Mebie (2-3-3), Schenectady, and Alida Tol, Schenectady
1/4 B (11) Pieter (2-3-1-7), parents: Abraham van Antwerpe and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Johannes Mebie and Alida Mebie
4/22 B (11) Eva (2-7-1-7), parents: Johannes Veder and Catarina Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Mebie and Catleyntje Mebie
7/11 B (11) Maria (2-3-2-4), parents: Abraham Yates and Sarah Mebie
witnesses: Joseph R. Yates and Maria Yates
10/31 B (11) Annaatje (2-4-4-1), parents: Thomas Brouwer Bancker and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Willem Bancker and Elizabeth Bancker
5/29 B (11) Susanna (2-3-3-1), parents: Jan P. Mebie and Alida Tol
witnesses: Arent Mebie and Margarita Mebie
7/24 B (11) Maria (2-3-2-5), parents: Abraham Yates and Sarah Mebie
witnesses: Joseph Yates and Maria Yates
8/14 B (11) Abraham (2-7-2-7), parents: Adam H. Vrooman and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Mebie and Annaatje Vantwerpe
11/22 M (11) Johannes Reyerse Wimpel, Schenectady, and Margarita Mebie (2-3-6), Schenectady
12/25 B (11) Anganitje (2-3-1-8), parents: Abraham van Antwerpen and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Albert van Sleyk and Anganitje van Sleyk
5/14 M (11) Joseph Wheten, N. Jersey, and Margarita Thomasse Meby (X-1), Schenectady
12/10 B (11) Cataleyntje (2-7-1-8), parents: Johannes Veder and Catarina Mebie
witnesses: Folkert Vedder and Maria Vedder
1/21 B (11) Thomas (X-1-1), parents: Joseph Wheton and Margarita Mebe
witnesses: Johannes Mebe and Clara van Sleyk
1/21 B (11) Margarita (2-4-4-2), parents: Thomas Brouwer Bancker and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Jan Mebie and Catarina Mebie
3/23 B (11) Anna (2-7-7-1), parents: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Mebie and Cataleyntje Mebie
10/2 M (NYML) John Maybee (2-4-7) and Margaret Marshall
12/2 B (11) Engeltje (2-7-2-8), parents: Adam Vrooman and Anna Mebie
witnesses: Petrus van Driessen and Engeltje van Driessen
12/16 B (11) Maria (2-3-1-9), parents: Abraham van Antwerpe and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Harmen van Antwerpe and Neeltje Van Antwerpe
NOTE: From New York Militia Muster Rolls: Robert Maybey (X-3), enlistment date: 21 Apr 1760, age: 24, place of birth: Scanectady; occupation: labourer; Company: Levingston; Officer: Capt. Baine; Stature: 5-5 Complexion: dark
12/20 M (11) Albert Mebie (2-7-8), Schenectady, and Engeltje Vrooman, Schenectady
12/25 M (11) Johannes Meb (X-2), Schenectady, and Cornelia Hagedoorn, Schenectady.
1/8 M (11) Harmanus Mebie (2-3-7), Schenectady, and Susanna Wimpel, Schenectady
2/8 B (11) Elizabeth (2-7-7-2), parents: Henderik Van Deyk and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Harmanus Bratt and Margarita Mebie
4/2 B (18) Eva (2-7-1-9), parents: Johannes Veder and Catarina Mebie
witnesses: Johannes Leendert Jr. & Anna Leendertje
4/10 M (11) Nicholaas Stevens, Schenectady, and Margarita Mebie (2-7-9), Schenectady
8/2 B (11) Simon (2-3-3-2), parents: John Mebi and Alida Toll
witnesses: Simon Toll and Hester Toll
11/1 B (11) Elizabeth (2-4-4-3), parents: Thomas Brouwer Bancker and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Johannes Cuyler and Annaatje Bancker
11/8 B (11) Annaatje (2-7-8-1), parents: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Vrooman
witnesses: Abraham Mebie and Cataleyntje Mebie
11/29 B (11) Catarina (X-1-2), parents: Joseph Wheton and Margaret Meb
witnesses: Willem Hall and Catarina Hall
12/23 B (see below) Thomas (X-3-1), parents: Robert Meby and wife, Elisabeth
From Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Germantown, Columbia Co., NY
NOTE: Must have died young. (See X-3-3 below)
1/31 B (11) Sarah (2-3-1-10), parents: Abraham Van Antwerpe and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Yates and Sarah Yates
2/10 B (no record found) David (JP-1-4), parents: Joseph Mabie and Catherine Schuyler
NOTE: This record is based on David’s pension application, written in 1834 (#R-7058) in which he stated that his birth date was 2/10/1762 and that he was baptized in the Presbyterian Church at Fort Plain. The Fort Plain records for this time have not survived. Joseph had a number of children in addition to David, including 2 daughters (Margaret and Cathlein) who were married prior 1781, and a third daughter (Dorothy) who was married in 1783, a daughter (Alida) married in 1784, and a daughter Anna married before 1788. Therefore, it is estimated that David was child #4. The identification of the mother as Catherine Schuyler is based on an Oneida Claim of Pre-emption in which Jacob Schuyler referred to "his brother-in-law Joseph Mabie" as well as on the 1814 Quit Claim that identifies the children (and their spouses) of Joseph and Catherine as Schuyler heirs. This 1814 Quit Claim is critical to identifying the children of Joseph whose names appear in these records: Cathlein (married Peter H. Ehle), Margaret (married Joseph Laux), Dorothy (married Peter Marsh), and Anna (married Garret Van Slyck). A son of Joseph, named Nicholas (JP-1-8), also appears on the Quit Claim. Not on the Quit Claim, but still believe to be children of Joseph, are David (married Gertrude Freymauer), Abraham (married Maria), and Alida (married John Meyer). Abraham (JP-1-7) is known to have been born in 1770, married Maria (surname not known), had a son Simon (JP-1-7-1) and sometime after 1805 all three joined the Shakers in Berkshire County, MA.
5/9 B (11) Abraham (2-7-2-9), parents: Adam Vrooman and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Mebie
6/13 B (11) Abraham (2-3-2-6), parents: Abraham Yates and Sarah Mebie
witnesses: Robbert Yates and Maria Yates
9/26 B (11) Arent (2-7-9-1), parents: Nicholaas Stevens and Margarita Mebie
witnesses: Willem Stevens and Catarina Stevens
10/3 B (11) Pieter (2-3-7-1), parents: Harmanus Mebie and Susanna Wimpel
witnesses: John Mebie and Alida Mebie
NOTE: Muster Roll for Captain Jacob Klock’s Company, called out for an alarm in German Flats from the 24th through the 28th of July 1763 includes the names Joseph Mebie (JP-1), Jacobus Meebie (JP-3) and Bartholomew Meebie (JP-4). (All sons of Dorothy Pickert).
NOTE: A list of Freeholders of the City and County of Albany, dated 1763, includes the following names: Normans Kill: Abraham Meebe; Mohawk: John Clement, Lewes Clement, John Maybee, Peter Maybee (those 4 in succession); Schenectady: Abraham Mabie, John Mabie, John Mabb.
2/27 B (11) Cornelius (2-7-7-3), parents: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Cornelius van Deyk and Tanneke van Deyk
10/2 B (11) Ruben (X-1-3), parents: Joseph Wheton and Margariet Meb
witnesses: Richard Collens and Margariet Marchel
11/13 B (11) Johannes (2-7-8-2), parents: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Vrooman
witnesses: Johannes Vrooman and Engeltje van Deyk
12/5 M (Bible) Jacob Meebie (JP-3) and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
NOTE: A map of the Van Horne Patent, showing the houses on the South side of the Mohawk River, dated 10/9/1764, shows the house of Joseph Mabie (JP-1) adjacent to that of the widow Schuyler. The Van Horne Patent extended upstream from the Montgomery County area into what is now Herkimer County. The original of the map is located at the New York State Office of General Services, Albany.
3/4 B (11) John (2-4-7-1), parents: Jan J. Mebie, deceased, and Maria Mebie
witnesses: Cornelius Mebie and Annaatje Banker
7/1 B (11) Johannes (2-7-9-2), parents: Nicholaas Stevens and Margarita Mebie
witnesses: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje van Deyk
8/5 B (11) Pieter (2-3-3-3), parents: Johannes Mebie and Alida Tol
witnesses: Abraham van Antwerpe and Annaatje van Antwerpe
9/3 B (Bible) Maria (JP-3-1), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
12/22 M (11) Arent Mebie (2-3-4), Schenectady, and Sarah Swart, Schenectady
1/20 B (11) Catarina (2-7-8-3), parents: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Vrooman
witnesses: Johannes Vrooman and Catarina Vrooman
3/3 B (11) Margarita (2-7-7-4), parents: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Nicholas Stevens and Elizabeth Roseboom
3/17 B (11) Catarina (2-4-4-4), parents: Thomas Brouwer Banker and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Cornelius Mebie and Magdalena van Seyse
8/18 B (11) Annaatje (X-1-4), parents: Joseph Wheton and Margarita Meb
witnesses: Stephen Dodley and Cornelia Dodley
11/17 B (11) Pieter (2-3-4-1), parents: Arent Mebie and Sarah Swart
witnesses: Petrus Mebie and Rebecca Mebie
12/19 B (Bible) John (JP-3-2), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
12/22 B (11) Debora (2-3-7-2), parents: Harmanus Mebie and Susanna Wimpel
witnesses: Reyer Wimpel and Debora Wimpel
12/27 B (11) Maria (2-3-2-7), parents: Abraham Yates and Sarah Mebie
witnesses: Jacobus Mynderse and Sarah Mynderse
5/13 B (11) John (2-4-6-1), parents: Richard Smith and Geesje Mabie
witnesses: T. Brouwer Banker and Annaatje Banker
11/9 B (11) Hesje (2-3-3-4), parents: Johannes Mebie and Alida Tol
witnesses: John Fearly and Elizabeth Faerly
NOTE: A series of Muster Rolls of Schenectady Militia list the following: John Meb (X-2) (Capt. Gerrit A. Lansing’s Company); Albert Mabie (2-7-8) (Capt. John Glen Jr.’s Company, 5/7/1767); Cornelius (2-4-8) and Petres Maybee (2-4-9) (Capt. Nicholas Groot’s Company, 5/19/1767); John Mebie (2-3-3), Arent Mebie (2-3-4), Petrus Mebie (2-3-9) (Capt. Andries Truex’s Company, 4/29/1767).
2/1 B (11) Neeltje (2-4-4-5), parents: Thomas Brouwer Banker and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Albert A. Vedder and Neeltje Banker
3/8 B (see below) Margaretha (X-3-2), parents: Robert Meby and Elisabeth Ellen
witnesses: Isac Ellen; Anna Margaretha Schafer
St Paul's (Zion's) Lutheran Church of Red Hook
6/14 B (11) Margarita (2-3-10-1), parents: Simon van Antwerpe and Rebecca Mebie
witnesses: Johannes Wimp jr and Marritje Wimp
7/11 M (11) Petrus Mebie (2-3-9), Schenectady, and Alida Peek, Schenectady
8/23 B (11) Eva (2-7-8-4), parents: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Vrooman
witnesses: Henderick Booseboom and Annaatje van Antwerpe
11/15 B (11) Jacomenytje (2-7-7-5), parents: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Jan Baptist Wendel and Elizabeth Wendel
11/19 M (11) Cornelius Mebie (2-4-8), Schenectady, and Hester Groot, Schenectady
12/20 M (11) Lowis Mebie (JP-5), Maquasland and Nancy Pouwell, Maquasland
NOTE: The Will of Peter Mabee (2-3) dated 3/2/1768, is referenced in other documents (see 2 deeds under 1799 below) but has never been found.
3/6 B (11) Susanna (2-3-9-1), parents: Pieter Mebie and Alida Peek
witnesses: Abraham van Antwerpe and Annaatje van Antwerpe
5/6 B (Bible) Dorothea (JP-3-3), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
5/15 B (11) Jacob (2-4-6-2), parents: Richard Smitt and Geesje Mebie
witnesses: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Mebie
7/17 B (11) Catarina (2-4-8-1), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witnesses: Thomas Brouwer Banker and Annaatje Banker
10/16 B (11) Elizabeth (X-1-5), parents: Joseph Wheton and Margariet Mebb
5/7 B (11) Magdalena (2-4-4-6), parents: Thomas Brouwer Banker and Annaatje Mebie
witnesses: Pieter Mebie, jr and Magdalena Veder
8/13 B (11) Simon (2-3-3-5), parents: Jan Mebie and Alida Toll
witnesses: Simon Toll and Hester Toll
10/8 B (11) Margarita (2-3-7-3), parents: Harmanus Mebie and Susanna Wimpel
witnesses: Arent Mebie and Sarah Mebie
10/8 B (11) Susanna (2-3-10-2), parents: Simon van Antwerpe and Rebecca Mebie
witnesses: Abraham van Antwerpe and Annaatje van Antwerpe
11/22 B (10) Hanna (C-1), parents John Maby and Christine Tremper
12/3 B (11) Abraham (2-7-7-6), parents: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Mebie
2/25 B (11) Abraham (2-7-8-5), parents: Albert Mebie and Engeltje Vrooman
witnesses: Abraham Fonda and Rachel Fonda
4/8 B (11) Willem (2-4-6-3), parents: Richard Smitt and Geesje Mebie
witnesses: Abraham P. van Antwerpe and Margarita van Antwerpe
4/15 B (11) Harmanus (2-3-9-2), parents: Petrus Mebie and Alida Peek
witnesses: Harmanus Peek and Sarah Peek
NOTE: Must have died young. (See 2-3-9-4 below.)
7/15 B (11) Willempje (2-4-8-2), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witnesses: Abraham Groot and Willempje Groot
NOTE: Must have died young. (See 2-4-8-4 below.)
11/26 B (22) Barthomaius (JP-3-4), parents: Jacob Mevi and Christina Van De Eewaerd, DOB: 11/21
witnesses: Barthe Bekker and Maria Catharine, DOB: 11/19 per Jacob’s Bible.
NOTE: Will of Petrus J. Meebie (2-4-9), late of Schenectady, dated 11/12/1771 (Jacob’s son) mentions brother Cornelius (2-4-8) and sisters Annatie Banker (2-4-4) and Gesina Smith (2-4-6).
3/10 B (11) William (X-1-6), parents: Joseph Wheton and Margariet Meb
Witnesses: Johannes Hall, jr. and Catarina Hall
12/22 B (11) Johannes (2-7-7-7), parents: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje Mibie
witnesses: Jellis Brouwer and Maria Brouwer
3/22 B (11) Petrus (2-3-10-3), parents: Simon van Antwerpe and Rebecca Mebie
witnesses: Dirk van Patten and Rebecca van Patten
5/31 B (11) Jacob (2-4-8-3), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witnesses: Johannes Hall and Catarina Hall
11/7 B (Bible) Liesje (JP-3-5), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
5/6 B (18) Sarah (2-3-9-3), parents: Peter Mebie and Alida Peek
witnesses: Harmanis Peek and Sarah Peck, DOB: 3/26
10/3 B (18) Catiantje (2-3-7-4), parents: Harmanus Mebie and Susanna Wemp
witnesses: John Wemp and Maria Wemp, DOB: 9/28
11/16 M (10) Albert Meeby (2-7-8) and Maria Hoghen, y.p. of this county.
1/23 B (12) Rachel (X-3-3), parents: Robert & Elizabeth Mabb; DOB: 12/24/1773
3/20 B (11) Willempje (2-4-8-4), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witnesses: Penehas Leath and Molly Leatch
8/14 B (11) Jacob (2-7-8-6), parents: Albert Meebie and Maria Hogen
witnesses: Jacob Loek and Rachel Loek
8/28 B (11) Johannes (2-3-10-4), parents: Simon van Antwerpe and Rebecca Mebie
witnesses: Johannes Mebie and Alida Mebie
9/18 B (Bible) Severienus (JP-3-6), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
2/13 B (18) Hermanis (2-3-9-4), parents: Petrus Meebe and Alida Peek
witnesses: Johannes Peek and Eva Peek, DOB: 2/3
2/26 B (11) Maria (X-1-7), parents: Josep Wethon and Margaret Meb
witnesses: Thomas Beth and Maria Beth
5/18 Joseph Mayby (JP-1) was one of the men of Tryon County who signed a document supporting the Continental Congress on this date.
5/21 B (11) Josias (2-3-4-2), parents: Arent Mebie and Sarah Swart
witnesses: Andreas de Graaf and Eva de Graaf
6/25 B (11) Eva (2-7-7-8), parents: Henderick van Deyk and Engeltje Mebie
witnesses: Ahasweros Wendel and Annaatje van Deyk
8/12 Joseph Meby (JP-1) appeared before the Committees of the Palatine and Conajohary Districts (Tryon County), meeting at the house of William Seeber, having been accused of engaging and stirring up Indians to rescue Capt. John Petry, who was being sent as a prisoner to Albany. Joseph acknowledged his actions to have been wrong, and his plea for clemency was accepted by the Committee, and the case was discharged.
9/7 Joseph Meby (JP-1) voted for Ant. Van Fechten for Sherrif of Tryon County. Harmanus Meby (2-3-7) voted for Johannes Frey for the same position. It appears that Frey won the election.
10/25 M (NYML) Peter Conine and Susannah Mabie (2-3-3-1)
1/28 B (11) Thomas (X-3-4), parents: Robert Meb and Elizabeth Ellen
witnesses: Johannes Meb and Cornelia Meb
2/4 B (11) Johannes (2-7-8-7), parents: Albert Mebie and Maria Hogan
witnesses: Hendrick van Deyk and Engeltje van Deyk
3/3 B (11) Margarita (2-4-8-5), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witnesses: Daniel Toll Cloet and Annaatje Cloet
1/5 B (11) Abraham (2-3-10-5), parents: Simon van Antwerpen and Rebecca Mebie
witnesses: Pieter D. van Antwerpe and Engeltje van Antwerpen
1/8 B (Bible) Anna (JP-3-7), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
3/2 B (18) Peter (2-3-9-5), parents: Petrus Mebie and Alida Peck
witnesses: John Mebie and Alida Mebie, DOB: 2/22
6/4 B (no record found) Susannah (2-3-7-5), parents: Harmanus Mabee and Susanna Wimpel
8/3 B (11) Engeltje (2-7-8-8), parents: Albert Mebie and Maria Hoogin
witnesses: Johannes Cloet and Geesje Cloet
12/23 B (18) Peter (2-3-3-1-1), parents: Petrus Conyne and Susanna Mabee
witnesses: Johannis Conyne & Rebecca Conyne
1/4 B (11) Abraham (2-4-8-6), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witnesses: Arent Peek and Rebecca Peek
6/28 B (11) Susanna (2-3-4-3), parents: Arent Mebie and Sarah Swart
witnesses: Abraham van Antwerpe and Annaatje van Antwerpe
7/12 B (11) Rachel (X-3-5), parents: Robert Meb and Elizabeth Allyn
witnesses: William James and Rachel James
8/30 B (11) Annaatje (2-3-10-6), parents: Simon van Antwerp and Rebecca Mebie
witnesses: Claas Barheyt and Susanna Barheyt
11/8 B (18) Ryer (2-3-7-6), parents: Harmanus Mabee and Susanna Wemple
witnesses: John Wemple and Maria Wemple, DOB: 10/28
8/10 B (16) Alita (JP-3-8), parents: Cobus Mavi and Christina
witnesses: Georg Hergheimer Esqr. and Alita, DOB: 7/25
9/26 B (11) Sarah (2-3-9-6), parents: Pieter Mebie and Alida Peek
witnesses: Walter Switts and Sarah Switt
10/10 B (11) Rachel (2-7-8-9), parents: Albert Mebie and Maria Hogan
witnesses: Jacob Louk and Alida Louk
NOTE: Must have died young. (See 2-7-8-10 below.)
12/31 Tax List for the Schenectady District includes the
following names as land owners as of 10/23/1779:
Arent Mabie (2-3-4),
John Mabie (2-3-3), Cornelius Mabie (2-4-8),
Albert Mabie (2-7-8),
Petrus Mabie (2-3-9) and Robert Mabie (X-3).
2/20 B (11) Annaatje (2-4-8-7), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witness: Margarita Banker
10/15 B (11) Alida (2-3-3-1-2), parents: Petrus Coneyn and Susanna Mebie
witnesses: Johannes Mebie and Alida Mebie
10/29 M (10) Jacobus Peek and Catharina Meeby (2-7-8-3)
NOTE: Will of Petrus Mebie (2-3-9), of the town of Caughnewaga, Tryon County, and residing in Schenectady, dated 12/28/1781, proved 7/17/1787(in Albany), mentions wife Alida, sons Harmanus (eldest) and Peter, daughters Susanna and Sarah, brother John and brother-in-law John H. Peek (executors). Petrus also mentioned the fact that his wife was pregnant at the time the will was written, and made alternate provisions if the unborn child was a male or a female.
2/18 B (11) Sarah (2-7-8-3-1), parents: Jacobus Vedder Peek and Catarina Mebie
witnesses: Jesse Peek and Sarah Peek
8/5 B (16) Johann Georg (JP-1-1-1), parents: Jost Laux and Margretha Mebie, DOB: 6/16
8/26 B (11) Neeltje (2-3-10-7), parents: Simon van Antwerpe and Rebecca Mebie
witnesses: John van Antwerpe and Anganietje van Antwerpe
9/3 B (16) Alita (JP-1-2-1), parents: Pieter Oel and Cathlein
witnesses: Nicholas Schyler and Alita Mavis, DOB: 8/12
11/7 B (11) Rachel (2-7-8-10), parents: Albert Mebie and Maria Hogen
witnesses: Jacob Louk and Catarina Wite
12/18 B (Bible) John (JP-3-9), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
4/? B (11) Maria (2-3-9-7), parents: Petrus Mebie, deceased, and Alida Peek
witnesses: John Mebie Jr. and Maria Mebie
5/9 B (11) Hester (2-4-8-8), parents: Cornelius Mebie and Hester Groot
witnesses: Simon Groot and Elizabeth Banke
10/13 B (16) Catharina (JP-1-2-2), parents: Pieter Oel and Catharina
witnesses: Wilhelm Oel and Catharina, DOB: 10/11
1/19 B (16) Catharina (JP-1-1-2), parents: Joh. Jost Laux and Margretha Mebie
witnesses: David Mavis and Elizabeth Laux, DOB: 12/6/1782
2/15 B (18) Catalyntje (2-3-7-7), parents Harmanus Mabee and Susanna Wemple
witnesses: Myndert R. Wemple and Alida Wemple, DOB: 1/29
8/1 B (18) Peter (2-3-3-1-3), parents: Petrus Conyn and Susanna Mebee
witnesses: Abram Conyne & Alida Zeely, DOB: 7/6
10/13 B (11) Sara (X-3-6), parents: Robert Meb and Elizabeth Ellen
witnesses: Rueben Wheaton and Matthan Wheaton
11/25 M (16) Peter Marsh and Dorothy Mavi (JP-1-3)
11/30 NOTE: Census of Butler’s Rangers at Niagara, Ontario, lists: Sgt. Lewis Mabee (JP-5), age 44, his wife, age 43, and children John (age 14), Elisabeth (age 12), Dorothy (age 10), Catherine (age 8) and Mary (age 6).
3/9 M (16) John Meyer and Alida Mavi (JP-1-5)
5/1 B (16) Catharina (JP-3-10), parents: Cobus Mavis and Christina
witnesses: Joseph Mavis and Catharina, DOB: 4/27
6/1 B (16) Hermanes (JP-1-2-3), parents: Pieter Oel and Cathlein
witnesses: Hermanes Oel and Anna Mavy, DOB: 5/20
6/20 B (16) Anna Maria (JP-1-3-1), parents: Pieter Mash and Dorothea Mabee
witnesses: John Jost Laux and Margreth, DOB: 6/18
7/18 B (11) Abraham (2-3-10-8), parents, Simon van Antwerpen and Rebecca Mebe
witnesses: Peter van Antwerpen and Folkie van Antwerpen
9/12 B (16) Johann Jost (JP-1-1-3), parents: Jost Laux and Margreth Mebie
witnesses: Joseph Mabee & Catharina, DOB: 9/10
10/3 B (16) David (JP-1-5-1), parents: Johannes Mejer and Alita Mabee
witnesses: David Mejer & Catharina Rosencranz, DOB: 9/28
12/5 B (16) Nicolas (JP-3-1-1), parents: Georg Hausse and Maria Mabee
witnesses: Nicolas Hauss & Dally Mabee, DOB: 12/3
12/26 B (11) Gezyna (2-4-8-9), parents: Cornelius Mabie and Esther Groot
witnesses: John Mabie and Catharina Banker
1/9 M (11) John Mabb, b. Livingston Manor, and Seneth Cromwell, b. Horseneck, CT
2/1 B (Bible) James (JP-3-11), parents: Jacob Meebie and Christiana van de Eerwaerde
4/? M (18) Peter Van Alstine and Alida Mabe
?/? M (18) John Van Yveren and Eva Mabe (2-7-8-4)
2/19 B (18) Rebecca (2-3-3-1-4), parents: Peter Conyn and Susanna Mabee
witnesses: Johannis Conyn & Lena Conyn, DOB: 1/10
2/19 B (18) Hester (2-3-3-1-5), parents: Peter Conyn and Susanna Mabee
witnesses: Peter J. Mabee & Hester Mabee, DOB: 1/10
4/30 B (16) Daniel (JP-1-5-2), parents: Johannes Mejer and Alita Mabee
witnesses: Phillip Harder & Anna, DOB: 4/22
10/15 B (16) Henrich (JP-1-1-4), parents: Johann Jost Laux and Maria
witnesses: Henrich Wohleben and Margreth, DOB: 10/6
12/26 B (16) John (JP-1-3-2), parents: Pieter Masch and Dorothea Mabee
Johannes Hergheimer and Catalina Mabee, DOB: 11/13
1/2 B (16) Christina (JP-3-1-2), parents: Georg Hauss and Maria Mabee
witnesses: Cobus Mabee and Christina, DOB: 12/31/1786
1/29 B (18) Harmanus (2-7-8-3-2), parents: Cobus Peek and Catrina Meebie
witnesses: Harmanus Meebie and Susanna , DOB: 11/9/1786
2/12 B (16) Jacobus (JP-3-11), parents: Cobus Mabee and Catharina
witnesses: Jacob Schuyler and Delia, DOB: 2/1
4/30 B (18) Martinus (2-7-8-11), parents: Albert Mabe and Annatje Meyers
witnesses: Volkert Veeder and Elizabeth Veeder (7 weeks old at baptism)
5/24 B (11) Sarah (2-3-10-9), parents: Simon van Antwerpen and Rebekka Mabe, DOB: 4/7
8/26 B (11) Rebecka (2-4-8-10), parents: Cornelius Mabe and Esther Groot
witnesses: Arent Peek and Rebecka Groot, DOB: 7/27
NOTE: The 1788 Tax List for Montgomery County includes the following: 1/14 B (16) Johann Jost (JP-1-2-4), parents: Pieter Oel and Catharina
witnesses: Joh. Jost G. Hergheimer and Maria Elisabeth Schuyler, DOB: 1/5
5/25 B (10) Caty (C-1-1), parents John C. Cuyler and Hanna Mayby
witnesses John Mayby and Caty Trimper
8/10 B (21) Elisabeth (JP-1-6-1), parents: Garret Van Schleyk and Anna Mebie
witnesses: David P. Schuyler and Elisabeth Mebie
8/10 B (21) Stephen (JP-1-3-3), parents: Peter Mersch and Dorothea Mebie
witnesses: Abraham Mebie (JP-1-7) and Rachel Fetterli
12/14 B (21) Conrad (JP-3-1-3), parents: Georg Hauss and Maria Mebie
witnesses: Bartholomeus Mebie and Margaretha Freymaurer
NOTE: Will of Cornelius Mabie (2-4-8), late of Schenectady, undated (died in 1789) mentions wife Hester, sons Jacob (2-4-8-3) (eldest), Abraham (2-4-8-6) and daughters Catharine (2-4-8-1), Willempie (2-4-8-4), Margerat (2-4-8-5), Annatie (2-4-8-7), Hessy (2-4-8-8), Gashie (2-4-8-9) and Rebecca (2-4-8-10). Cornelius was burried in the Mabee farm cemetery.
NOTE: Will of John Mabie (2-3-3), of Schenectady, dated 7/8/1789, proved 2/14/1810 (John died in 1796) mentions wife (Alida) and "my four children" Peter (2-3-3-3) (eldest son), Simon (2-3-3-5), Susanna (2-3-3-1) and Hessy (2-3-3-4) (unmarried when will was written).
2/1 B (21) Peter (JP-1-1-5), parents: Johann Jost Louks and Matgaretha Mebie
witnesses: Peter Louks and Margaretha Louks
3/12 M (11) Nicholas Van Patten, Schenectady, and Catharina Mabie (2-4-8-1), Schenectady
?/? M (18) Abraham Mabee (2-7-8-5) and Anna Van Alstine
4/10 B (21) Catharina (JP-1-4-1), parents: David Mabie and Gertrud Freymaurer
witnesses: Joseph Mabai and Catharina Mabie
11/8 B (no record located) John (2-7-8-5-1), parents: Abraham Mabee and Anna Van Alstine
1/10 B (21) Dorothea (JP-1-2-5), parents: Peter Khle, von canaj: Caste, Gadlein Khle
Witnesses: Dally Mebie, Anthonia Rhle
1/24 B (21) Alida (JP-1-5-3), parents: John Meyer, from Canajoharie and Alida Mebie
witnesses: Urias Reist, Alida Herchimer
3/15 B (11) Albert (2-7-8-3-3), parents: Jacobus H.Peek and Catharina Mabie
witnesses: Albert Mabie and Maria van Hozen, DOB: 1/15
5/2 B (21) Philipp (JP-1-3-4), parents: Peter Moesch and Dorothea Mebie
Witnesses: Philipp Scheffer and Maria Mebie
6/6 B (21) Johann Jost (JP-1-6-2), parents: Garret Von Sleyk and Anna Mebie
witnesses: David Freymaurer and Gladlyn Mebie
12/19 B (11) Johannes (2-4-8-1-1), parents: Nicholas Johs. Van Petten and Catharina Mabie
witnesses: Johannes van Petten and Sarah van Petten, DOB: 11/13
12/26 B (18) Neeltje (2-3-3-4-1), parents: Hendrick Fonda and Hester Mabee, DOB: 10/30
NOTE: In a deed dated 5/4/1791, Abraham Mabie (2-7-8-5) of Canajohary and Simon Veeder of Caughnawaga, both of Montgomery Co., leased from John Peter Reversham 146 acres of land consisting of lots 25 & 26 of the Van Horne Patent for a period of 21 years in exchange for 25 bushels of wheat due on the first of March in every year, with the first payment due 3/1/1795. [Montgomery Co. Deeds, Book 5, p. 214, recorded 3/14/1796]
?/? M (18) Martin Schuyler and Deborah Mabee (2-3-7-2)
1/16 B (16) James (JP-1-3-5), parents: Pieter Nasch and Dorothea Mabee
witnesses: James Yuel & Margretha, DOB: 1/13
2/6 B (18) Deborah (2-3-3-1-6), parents: Petrus Conyne and Susana Meebie
witnesses: Hendrick B. Vrooman and wife, DOB: 1/6
3/27 B (21) Gertrud (JP-1-1-6), parents: Jost Louks, von Royal Grant Margretha Louks
witnesses: Heinrich Louks, Gertrud Louks, DOB: 12/8/1790
8/21 B (21) David (JP-1-2-6), parents: Peter Ehle, Canajoharrie Gadlyn Ehle
witnesses: Peter Deygert, Catharina Herchimer:
8/28 B (21) Cornelius (2-7-8-5-2), parents: Abraham Mabee (Canajoharie) and Angelique
witnesses: Cornelius van Alstyne and Catharina van Alstyne
9/18 B (18) Mareitje (2-3-9-1-1), parents: Johanis Colyer and Susana Mabie
witnesses: Jacob Colyer & wife Mareitje, DOB: 8/20
10/2 B (18) Eva (2-3-7-2-1), parents: Martin B. Schuyler and Deborah Mabie
witnesses: Abraham Schuyler & wife Eva, DOB: 9/11
11/3 M (11) John Mabie, Jr. (2-4-7-1), Schenectady and Lena Palmatier, Schenectady
12/11 B (16) Elisabeth (JP-1-5-4), parents: Johannes Mejer and Alita Mabee
witnesses: Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7) and Elisabeth Zimmerman, DOB: 11/20
2/8 B (11) Aarent (2-4-7-1-1), parents: John Mabie and Lena Palmatier, DOB: 1/15
2/12 B (21) Margretha (JP-1-4-3), parents: David Mabee and Gertrud Freymaurer
witnesses: Joh. Jost Louks and Margretha Louks
2/26 B (21) Margretha (2-7-8-12), parents: Albert Mabee and Maria Mabee
witnesses: John van Driesen and Margretha van Driesen
2/26 B (21) Elisabeth (JP-1-3-6), parents: Peter Mersch and Doretha Mebie
witnesses: Georg Schmid and Elisabeth Eker
5/2 M (?) Simon Mabee (2-3-3-5) and Gazena Visscher
5/28 B (21) Eva (JP-1-6-3), parents: Garret Van Sleyk, no mother listed
8/26 B (11) Johannes (2-7-8-3-3), parents: Jacobus V. Peek and Catharina Maby
witnesses: Johannes Peek and Eva Yates, DOB: 8/5
10/14 B (21) Barnt (JP-1-2-7), parents: Peter M. Ehle, Canajoharrie and Gadlyn Ehle
witnesses: David Hess and his wife, DOB: 9/17
NOTE: Bond on estate of James Maybee (JP-3) of Ontario Co., NY made by Christian Maybee on 24 October 1793 [OntCW Unrec Adm].
NOTE: A letter addressed to Souverenus Mabee (JP-3-6) was left at the Bennington, VT, post office. From the Vermont Gazette of 10/1/1793.
NOTE: On 4/10/1793, Joseph Mabee (JP-1) of Montgomery County, NY, sold to Peter P. Bellinger land on the South side of the Mohawk River which had been granted by the State of New York to Joseph Mabee by Letters Patent dated 12/9/1785. [Montgomery Co. Deeds, Book 5, p. 451, recorded 4/20/1797]
1/19 M (11) Jacob Mabie (2-4-8-3), Schenectady, and Eva Van Petten, Schenectady
1/19 M (11) John Bradt, Schenectady, and Willempie Mabie (2-4-8-4), Schenectady
1/20 B (21) Anna (JP-3-1-4), parents: Georg Haus, Canajoharrie, and Maria Haus
witnesses: David Hess and his wife
2/3 M (11) Nicholas Bradt, Woestyne, and Margarieta Mabie (2-4-8-5), Woestyne
2/27 B (18) Alida (2-3-3-4-2), parents: Henry A. Fonda and Hester Maby
witnesses: John Maby & wife, DOB: 2/22
5/20 B (21) Maria (JP-1-4-4), parents: David Mabee and Gertrud Freymaurer
witnesses: Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7) and Maria Mabee, DOB: 3/3
7/7 B (11) Esther (2-4-8-1-2), parents: Nicholas Jno. Van Petten and Catharina Mabie
witness: Esther Groot Mabie, DOB: 5/12
7/7 B (11) Abram (2-4-8-4-1), parents: Johannes A. Bradt and Willempje Mabie
witnesses: Abram Bradt and Catharina Bradt, DOB: 6/9
NOTE: Must have died young (see 2-4-8-4-3 below)
7/12 B (18) John (2-3-3-5-1), parents: Simon Mabee and Gezina Fisher
witnesses: John Mabee & Alida Mabee, DOB: 6/29
8/11 B (21) David (JP-1-1-7), parents: Joh. Jost Louks, Palatine, and Margretha Louks
witnesses: Jacob Louks and Maria Mabee
9/22 B (11) Abram (2-4-8-5-1), parents: Nicholas Ab’m Bradt and Margarieta Mabie
witnesses: Aarent Ab’m Bradt and Jannetje van Schaik, DOB: 8/21
9/22 B (18) Ariaantje (2-3-3-1-7), parents: Peter Conyne and Susanna Mabee, DOB: 8/23
10/6 B (21) Albert (2-7-8-5-3), parents: Abraham Mabee (of Canajoharie) and Anna
witnesses: Albert van Driesen and Maria van Driesen
1/4 B (11) Alida (2-3-9-1-2), parents: Johannes Coljer and Susanna Mabie
witnesses: Peter van Aalstyn and Alida Peek, DOB: 10/17/1793
1/6 B (18) Peter (2-3-7-3-1), parents: Ezechiel Gordon and Margariet Maby
witnesses: Peter Maby & Susanna Maby, DOB: 11/30/1793
1/19 B (21) Catharina (JP-1-5-5), parents: Johannes Mayer, Canajoharrie, and Alida Mayer
witnesses: Georg Rosenkranz and Anna Rosenkranz
3/2 B (21) Catharina (JP-1-3-7), parents: Peter Marsh and Dorothea Mosch
witnesses: Niclaus Sternberger & Catharina Sternberger
6/8 B (11) Cornelius (2-4-8-3-1), parents: Jacob C. Mabie and Eva van Petten, DOB: 5/10
9/28 B (16) Anna (JP-1-6-4), parents: Gerrit Van Sleyk and Anna Mabee
witnesses: ( ) Van Slyck and Anna Wohleben
NOTE: By a deed dated 3/2/1795, David Maybee (JP-1-4) of the Town of Otsego, sold 50 acres of land at the Northeast corner of Schuyler's Purchase, at Lake Canayderaga to Amasa Ransom. [Otsego Co. Deeds, Book M, p. 523, recorded 4/6/1811]
NOTE: As of 12/1/1795, Joseph Mabee (JP-1), Jacob Schuyler, Peter Marsh, Gerrit Van Slyck, David Schuyler Jun., Hezekiah Olcott and Jacob Rice were residing on a tract of land within the Onida Reservation "commonly call The Chedenango/ (alias Chittelingo/ ) above the main bridge, both sides of the creek." Under the agreement with the Onida Chiefs and Sachems, each leased 100 acres. According to the testimont of Peter Marsh and Gerrit Van Slyck, Joseph Mabee was actually a resident of the tract of land "on the first of July 1794." [Abstract to Claims of Pre-emption on the Onida Reservation, LDS Film 946422]
1/11 B (11) Isaac (2-4-7-1-2), parents: John Mabie Jr. and Lena Palmatier, DOB: 10/18/1794
1/21 M (24) Jan Burhans, of Bethlehem, and Engeltje Myby (2-7-8-8), of Jerico
3/2 B (18) Maria (2-3-3-4-3), parents: Hendrick Fonda and Hester Maby, DOB: 3/2
?/? B (18) Gezena (2-3-3-5-2), parents: Simon Maby and Gezena Visscher
witnesses: Frederick Visscher & Gezena DeGraff, DOB: 3/17
NOTE: Tombstone of John Mabee (2-3-3), now relocated to the Mabee Farm in Schenectady, gives his date of death as 11/24/1796.
NOTE: By a deed dated 4/28/1796, David Maybee (JP-1-4) of the Town of Otsego purchased 75 acres described as being part of Lot #2 of the McNeil Patent bounded Westerly by Lake Canayderaga and Southerly by Lot #3. It was noted that David Maybee was to have ¾ of the Northerly side of Lot #2. [Otsego Co. Deeds, Book C, p. 122, recorded 8/16/1800.]
NOTE: By a deed dated 11/29/1796, Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7) of the Town of Otsego sold 50 acres described as being part of Lot #3 of the McNeil Patent, bounded Westerly and Southerly by Lake Canayderaga and Northerly by Lot #2. [Otsego Co. Deeds, Book B, p. 172, recorded 12/28/1796]
NOTE: By a deed dated 12/6/1796, Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7) of the Town of Otsego sold 10 acres described as being the Northwest Corner of Lot #2 of the McNeil Patent. [Otsego Co. Deeds, Book B, p. 173, recorded 12/28/1796]
1/24 B (11) Simon (2-4-8-1-3), parents: Nicholas J. van Petten and Catharina Mabie
witness: Simon van Petten, DOB: 8/20/1795
2/21 B (11) Abram Mabie (2-7-8-3-3), parents: Jacobus V. Peek and Catharina Mabie
witnesses: Abram Mabie and Anna van Aalstyn, DOB: 9/10/1795
?/? B (18) James (2-3-7-3-2), parents: Ezekiel Gorden and Margruit Mabee, DOB: 4/6
5/18 B (no church record) David (2-7-8-5-4), parents: Abraham Mabee and Anna Van Alstyne
?/? B (18) Lenah (2-3-9-1-3), parents: John Colyer and Zuzannah Mabee
witnesses: Nicholas Quackenbush & Lenah Colyer, DOB: 6/17
7/30 B (11) Cornelius (2-4-8-4-2), parents: John A. Bradt and Willempje Mabie, DOB: 7/2
10/9 B (11) Jannetje (2-4-8-3-2), parents: Jacob Mabie and Eva van Petten, DOB: 9/4
11/28 B (10) John Maybe (C-1-2), parents John C. Cuyler and Hannah Mayby
witnesses: John and Catharine Mayby
NOTE: By a deed dated 4/21/1797, Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7) of the Town of Warren, Herkimer County, sold 10 acres described as being part of Lot #2 of the McNeil Patent. [Otsego Co. Deeds, Book B, p. 213, recorded 5/9/1797]
4/1 B (18) Simon (2-3-3-1-8), parents: Peter Conine and Zuzannah Mabee
witnesses: Simon Mabee & Gezene Fisher, DOB: 4/1
5/16 B (25) Temperance Loveredge (2-7-8-8-1), parents: John H. Burhanse and Angelica Maebie
witnesses: Henry Burhans and Temperance Dumond, DOB: 4/17
6/14 M (18) Amos Jones and Zuzannah Mabee (2-3-7-5)
?/? B (18) Frederick Fisher (2-3-3-5-3), parents: Simon Mabee and Gezene Fisher
witnesses: Frederick Fisher & Gazene DeGraf, DOB: 6/22
?/? B (18) John (2-3-3-4-4), parents: Henry Fonda and Hester Mabee, DOB: 8/6
9/3 B (11) Maria (2-4-7-1-3), parents: John Mabie and Lena Palmatier, DOB: 7/5
NOTE: By a deed dated 6/30/1798, David Maybee (JP-1-4) of the Town of Otsego sold 10 acres described as being part of the McNeil Patent bounded in part by Lake Canaydarago. [Otsego Co. Deeds, Book C, p. 33, recorded 6/7/1800]
?/? B (18) Zuzannah (2-3-7-2-2), parents: Martin Schyler and Deborah Mabee
witnesses: Amos Jones & Zannah Jones, DOB: 4/21
4/28 M (11) John Walton, Schenectady, and Susan Mabie (2-3-4-3), Schenectady
?/? B (18) Esther (2-3-7-5-1), parents: Amos Jones and Zuzannah Mabee
witnesses: Martin B. Schuyler & Deborah Mabee, DOB: 8/11
11/15 B (no record located) Angelina (2-7-8-5-5), parents: Abraham Mabee and Anna Van Alstyne
11/29 From the Otsego Herald of this date, the County sheriff was to seize property and goods belonging to Abraham I. Mabey (JP-1-7), residing in the Town of Otsego, near Schuyler's Lake and sell them on the following December 15th. This notice was critical to the identification of Abraham as a son of Joseph Mabee (JP-1).
12/25 B (25) Maria (2-7-8-8-2), parents: John H. Burhans and Engeltie Maybee, DOB: ?/7
NOTE: On 1/15/1799 (Albany County Deeds, book 17, page 312) Alida Mabee, widow & relict of John Mabee (2-3-3), deceased, of the Township of Schenectady, Peter Mabee (2-3-3-3), of the same place practitioner of Physic, and Simon Mabee (2-3-3-5) of the Town of Charlestown, Montgomery County and Gasena, his wife, sold the land originally purchased by Peter Mabee (2-3) from Claas Van Der Volgen on 11/5/1750 to David Lawyer of the Town of Schoharie, Schoharie County, NY. Mentioned is the Will of Peter Mabee (2-3) deceased dated 3/2/1768, through which John had inherited this land. Excepted from this sale was a small plot "twenty feet square where John Mabee is Interred." During the 1960s, a road crew accidently uncovered the long lost tombstone of John while widening a road. The tombstone was taken off and eventually donated to the Schenectady County Historical Society, and it now sits in the graveyard on the Mabee farm.
NOTE: On 10/30/1799 [Montgomery County Deeds, Book 7, pp. 132, 133] Harmanous P. Mabee (2-3-9-4) of the Town of Charlestown, Montgomery Co., sold [quit claimed] to his brother Peter P. Mabee (2-3-9-5) of the same town, a portion (100 acres) of the land originally granted to their grandfather Peter Mabee (2-3) under a Patent dated 4/5/1726. This deed mentions the Will of Peter Mabee (2-3), dated 3/2/1768, and the Will of Petrus Mabee (2-3-9), their father, dated 12/28/1781. The 100 acres was the land granted to Petrus (2-3-9) under the Will of Peter (2-3). This Deed was for the "southwesterly part, or westerly end" of the patent. A second deed dated 1/2/1800 transferred in identical fashion another 100 acres "being the easterly part of said patent." All of this land was in the Town of Charlestown.
1/5 B (11) Neeltje (2-4-8-1-4), parents: Nicholas J. van Petten and Catharina Mabie, DOB: 7/27/1798
1/27 B (10) Augustus (C-1-3), parents John C. Cuyler and Hannah Maley
?/? B (18) Jacob (2-3-9-1-4), parents: John Collyer and Zuzzanah Mabee
witnesses: Jacob Collyer & Maryte Collyer, DOB: 3/8
10/27 B (11) Hester (2-4-8-3-3), parents: Jacob Mabie and Evah van Petten, DOB: 9/11
?/? B (18) Adam (2-3-3-4-5), parents: Henry Fonda and Hester Mabee, DOB: 11/6
?/? B (18) Peter (2-3-3-5-4), parents: Simon Mabee and Gesene Visscher, DOB: 11/27
?/? B (18) Elizabeth (2-3-7-3-3), parents: Ezekiel Gorden and Margett Mabee
witnesses: Peter Mabee & Polly Quackenboss, DOB: 7/11/1799
3/30 B (11) Aarent Mabie (2-3-4-3-1), parents: John Walton and Susana Mabie, DOB: 3/11
6/22 B (11) Abram (2-4-8-4-3), parents: Johannes Bradt and Willempie Mabie, DOB: 6/3
3/2 M (18) Peter H. Mabee (2-3-7-1) and Widow Putman
NOTE: Will of Harmanus Mabee (2-3-7), late of Charleston, Montgomery Co., dated June 1801, mentions sons Peter (2-3-7-1) and Reyer (2-3-7-6), and daughters Deborah (2-3-7-2), Margaret (2-3-7-3), Susannah (2-3-7-5) and Catherine (2-3-7-7).
1/20 B (11) Jesse (2-7-8-3-4), parents: Jacobus van Peek and Catharina Maby, DOB: 8/12/1800
5/24 B (13) Willimpe (2-4-8-1-5), parents Nicholas I. Van Petten and Caty Mabee
witnesses: John Bratt and Willimpe Bratt, DOB: 2/27
?/? B (18) Zuzannah (2-3-9-1-5), parents: Johannis Collyer, no mother named
witnesses: Peter Mabee and Sarah Mabee, DOB: 6/12
9/? B (25) David (2-7-8-8-3), parents: John H. Burhans and Angeltie Maybee, DOB: 8/18
12/21 B (10) William Tremper (C-1-4), parents John C. Cuyler and Hannah Mayby
NOTE: On 10/2/1802, a newspaper in Ohio advertised that a letter addressed to "Bartie Maybee at the salt works in Chillicothe" was left at the post office in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. This is a reference to Bartholomew (JP-3-4) and indicates that he was living in Ohio at this early date.
?/? B (18) Hermanus (2-3-7-1-1), parents: Peter H. Mabee and Maria Quackenboss, DOB: 11/30/01
?/? B (18) Peter (2-3-3-4-6), parents: Henry A. Fonda and Hester Mabee, DOB: 2/17
?/? B (18) Gezena (2-3-3-5-5), parents: Simon Mabee and Gezena Visscher, DOB: 2/23
?/? B (18) Schyler (2-3-7-3-4), parents: Ezekiel Gorden and Margret Mabee
witnesses: Martin B. Schuyler & Deborah Mabee, DOB: 10/9/1801
4/11 M (11) Nicholas P. Van Petten and Annatje Mabie (2-4-8-7), Schenectady
5/9 B (11) Engeltje (2-4-8-3-4), parents: Jacob Mabie and Eva van Petten, DOB: 3/28
6/29 M (18) Reyer Mabee (2-3-7-6) and Rachel Newkirk
?/? B (18) Daniel (2-3-3-1-9), parents: Peter Conine and Zuzannah Mabee, DOB: 8/31
NOTE: Will of Abraham Mabie (2-4-8-6), late of Schenectady, dated 9/10/1803, proved 9/21/1810, mentions his mother Esther Mabie, and sisters Willimpie, wife of John Bradt, Margaret, wife of Nicholas Bradt, Nancy, wife of Nicholas P. Van Patten, Catharine, wife of Nicholsa J. Van Patten, Esther, wife of Jelles Swart, Gazina and Rebecca. Abraham died unmarried and left no children. Abraham died in 1807 and was buried in the Mabee farm cemetery.
?/? B (18) Deborah (2-3-7-6-1), parents: Ryer Mabee and Rachel Newkerk
witnesses: Martin B. Schuyler & Deborah Mabee, DOB: 1/22
3/9 B (28) Anna (2-7-8-5-6), parents: Abraham Mabie & wife, Anna, DOB: 12/11/1802
6/3 B (11) Cornelius (2-4-8-1-6), parents: Nicholas J. van Petten and Catharina Mabie, DOB: 4/14
7/9 M (11) Jelles Swart and Hester Mabee (2-4-8-8)
7/10 M (18) Peter P. Mabee (2-3-9-5) and Hester Mombrute
8/28 B (11) Esther (2-4-8-4-4), parents: Johannes A. Bradt and Willempje Mabie, DOB: 7/30
NOTE: On 4/16/1804, a newspaper in Ohio advertised that a letter addressed to "Bartholomew Mabee at Scioto salt lick" was left at the post office in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. Bartholomew is JP-3-4.
?/? B (18) Petrus (2-3-9-5-1), parents: Peter P. Mabee and Hester Van Brute, DOB: 10/31/1803
?/? B (18) Wynte (2-3-3-4-7), parents: Henry A. Fonda and Hester Mabee, DOB: 1/12
1/16 B (11) Cornelius (2-4-8-5-2), parents: Nicholas Bradt and Margaret Maby, DOB: 12/18/1803
2/12 B (see below) Solomon (JP-1-4-11), parents: David and Charity Maybee, DOB: 1/2
?/? B (18) Alida (2-3-3-5-6), parents: Simon Mabee and Gezena Visscher, DOB: 6/11
7/22 B (13) Eve (2-7-8-3-5), parents: James V. Peek and Caty Mabee, DOB: 7/7/1803
8/12 B (13) John (2-4-7-1-4), parents: John Mabee and Lanea Polmertier, DOB: 5/21
9/9 B (13) Sarah (2-3-4-3-2), parents: John Walton and Susannah Mabee, DOB: 8/8
9/30 B (11) Simon (2-4-8-3-5), parents: Jacob Mabee and Eva van Patten, DOB: 8/26
11/11 B (11) Deborah (2-4-8-7-1), parents: Nicholas P. van Patten and Anne Mabee, DOB: 10/11
NOTE: By a deed dated 11/1/1805, Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7) of the Town of Otsego sold 10 acres described as being part of Lot #2 of the McNeil Patent. [Otsego Co. Deeds, Book K, p. 427, recorded 3/1/1809]
?/? B (18) Sarah (2-3-7-5-2), parents: Amos Jones and Zuzzanah Mabee, DOB: 7/11/1804
?/? B (18) Hendrick (2-3-7-1-2), parents: Peter H. Mabee and Maria Quackenboss, DOB: 10/14/1804
3/3 B (29) Hermanus Mabee (2-3-9-7-1), parents: Norman Minthorn and Mary Mabee, DOB: 12/24/1804
4/7 B (15) Mary (2-3-7-6-2), parents: Ryer Mabee and Rachel Newkerk, DOB: 1/13
4/7 B (15) Susanna (2-3-7-6-3), parents: Ryer Mabee and Rachel Newkerk, DOB: 1/13
4/8 B (13) William (2-4-8-8-1), parents: Jellis Swart and Hester Mabee, DOB: 2/23
5/16 B (see below) Henry Hogan (2-7-8-8-4), parents: John H. Burhans and Engeltje Mabey, DOB: 5/17
11/6 B (29) Harmanus (2-3-9-5-2), parents: Peter P. Mabee and Hester Mumbrute, DOB: 9/22
2/15 B (28) Bernhardus (2-7-8-7-1), parents: John Maby and wife, Anna
witnesses: Conrad Manck & Maria Manck, DOB: 1/24
5/15 B (22) Elisha (2-7-8-5-7), parents: Abraham Maybee and Nancy, his wife, DOB: 3/5
9/7 B (11) Arent (2-4-8-4-5), parents: John A. Bradt and Williampie Mabie, DOB: 8/13
3/30 B (see below) Williem, parents: Williem Conning, deceased, and Mary Mabee, DOB: 1/5
Jerusalem Reformed Church
4/13 M (15) Harmanus Mabee (2-3-9-4) and Margaret Hall
5/14 B (29) William King (2-3-4-3-3), parents: John Walton and Susanna Mabee, DOB: 2/15
5/17 B (see below) Albert (2-7-8-8-5), parents: John Burhans and Engelic Mabee, DOB: 3/24
Jerusalem Reformed Church
6/7 B (10) Catharina Maley (C-1-5), parents John C. and Hannah Cuyler
6/7 B (see below) Caty (2-4-8-3-6), parents Jacob Mabee and Eva Van Petten; DOB: 3/3
Niskayuna Reformed Church
8/30 B (15) Debi-Ann (2-3-7-5-3), parents: Amos Jones and Susannah Mabee, DOB: 7/11
10/24 M (15) Peter Mabee (2-3-3-3) and Margaret Servos
NOTE: The Will of Frederick Fisher (Visscher), dated 4/23/1808 and probated 1/18/1810, mentions son-in-law Simon Mabee (2-3-3-5), grandson Frederick Fisher Mabee (2-3-3-5-3) and granddaughters Gezena (2-3-3-5-5) and Alida Mabee (2-3-3-5-6).
2/14 B (15) Maria (2-3-9-5-3), parents: Peter P. Mabee and Hester Munbrute, DOB: 10/25/1807
5/8 B (22) Katherine (2-7-8-5-8), parents: Abraham Mabie and Ann, his wife, DOB: 4/6
8/14 M (25) Samuel Trobridge and Rachel Maybe (2-7-8-10)
9/21 B (15) John (2-3-3-3-1), parents: Peter Mabee and Margaret Servis, DOB: 7/17
NOTE: Will of Gazina Smith (2-4-6), dated 6/26/1809, mentions husband Richard Smith and sons John (eldest) and William. Gazina died sometime before 11/26/1809, the date of a receipt for $5 received from Jacob Mabee for wine for her funeral.
1/1 M (NYNP) Marks Edick and Catherine Mabee (JP-1-4-1), both of Otsego
5/14 B (11) Sarah (2-4-8-4-6), parents: John Bradt and Willempe Mabie, DOB: 4/18
6/12 B (10) Elizabeth (2-7-8-10-1), parents: Samuel Trowbridge and Rachel Mabie
6/25 B (30) James (2-4-8-8-2), parents Jellis Swart and Ester, DOB: 5/11
12/4 M (22) John Maybee (2-7-8-5-1) and Margaret Cook
1/28 B (11) George Clinton (2-4-8-3-7), parents: Jacob Mabie and Eva van Patten, DOB: 12/3/1809
?/? B (18) Mary Magdalen (C-1-6), parents: John C. Cuyler and Hannah Maby, DOB: 2/3
5/27 B (25) Margaret (2-7-8-8-6), parents: John H. Burhans and Angellico Maybe, DOB: 4/23
6/24 B (15) Aaron (2-4-8-1-7), parents: Nicholas I. Van Patten and Catharine Mabee, DOB: 10/8/1808
6/24 B (15) Jacob Mabee (2-4-8-1-8), parents: Nicholas I.Van Patten & Catharine Mabee, DOB: 6/27/1808
6/24 B (29) Catherine (JP-3-7-1), parents: Marcus Sternbergh and Nancy Mabee, DOB: 1/15
10/14 B (22) Jinny (2-7-8-5-9), parents: Abraham Maybee and Anna, his wife, DOB: 8/25
10/26 B (02) Elbert (2-7-8-10-2), parents: Samuel Trowbridge and Rachel Maybee
11/25 B (15) Caty Ann (2-3-9-5-4), parents: Peter P. Mabee and Hester Mumbrute, DOB: 9/28
NOTE: The Will of Gazena Visscher, dated 1/26/1811 and probated 9/12/1815, mentions grand-daughters Gazena (2-3-3-5-5) and Alida Mabee (2-3-3-5-6).
NOTE: On 5/27/1811, Aarent Mabee (2-3-4) deeded his property holdings to Aaron M. Walton (2-3-4-3-1). [Schenectady County Deeds, Book A, page 367, Recorded 5/6/1812]
?/? B (13) John (2-3-4-3-4), parents: John Walton and Susan Mabie
4/9 B (28) Maria (2-7-8-11-1), parents: Martinus Mabee and wife Gertraut
witnesses: Heinrich Richmeyer & wife Maria, DOB: 3/10
6/10 M (NYNP) Simon Mabee (2-3-3-5), of Charlestown, Montgomery County and Susannah Warner, widow of George Warner, of New York
6/30 B (27) Maria (2-7-8-7-2), parents: John Maybee and wife, Anna
witnesses: John Monk Jr. & wife Anna, Age at baptism, 5 weeks
9/21 B (11) Abraham Mabie (2-4-8-7-2), parents: Nicholas P. Van Patten and Nancy Mabie, DOB: 1/25/1809
9/29 B (11) John (2-4-8-7-3), parents: Nicholas P. Van Patten and Nancy Mabie, DOB: 5/29
10/20 B (15) Abraham Mabee (2-4-8-1-9), parents: Nicholas I. Van Patten and Catharine Mabee, DOB: 9/1/1810
1/19 B (no record found) Catherine (2-3-7-6-4), parents: Ryer Mabee and Rachel Newkirk
5/4 Simon Mabee (2-3-3-5) was elected to the NY State Assembly, representing Montgomery County.
From The Northern Post of 5/7/1812
5/10 B (30)Abraham Mabee (2-4-8-8-3), parents: Jellis Swart, Easter, DOB: 3/1
6/7 B (11) Nicholas (2-4-8-3-8), parents: Jacob Mabie and Eve Van Patten, DOB: 3/29
6/27 B (22) Lucinda (2-7-8-5-1-2), parents: John Maybee and Magaret
witnesses: Nicolas Cook and Caty Cook, DOB: 5/22
7/11 M (22) Cornelius Maybee (2-7-8-5-2) and Betsey Fox
7/19 B (15) Catharine Glen (2-3-3-5-7), parents: Simon Mabee and Susanna Nexon, DOB: 6/6
8/2 B (11) Catherine (2-4-8-4-7), parents: John Bradt and Williampie Mabie, DOB: 7/14
8/10 B (15) Margaret Maria (2-3-7-5-4), parents: Amos Jones and Susanna Mabee, DOB: 6/21
8/10 B (15) John Schuyler (2-3-7-5-5), parents: Amos Jones and Susanna Mabee, DOB: 6/21
8/16 M (12) Aaron Mabee (2-4-7-1-1) and Sophia Ouderkirk
NOTE: The will of Cornelius Van Alstine Jr., late of Minden, written 2/22/1813, probated 7/22/1813, mentions Cornelius, the son of Abraham A. Mabie (2-7-8-5).
5/2 B (25) Rachel (2-7-8-8-7), parents: John H. Burhans and Angellico Maybe, DOB: 4/24
8/1 B (15) William (2-3-9-5-5), parents: Peter P. Maybee and Hester Mumbrute, DOB: 6/16
8/1 B (28) Elisabeth (2-7-8-7-3), parents: John Mabee and wife Anna
witnesses: Jacob Manck & wife, Elisabeth, DOB: 6/2
8/7 M (13) Adam Swart and Gertrude Mabee (2-3-4-1-1)
12/26 M (15) Clement Tilabach and Sophia Meyby
NOTE: Bartholomew Mabee (JP-3-4) was working in Greenup County, Kentucky, where he died after 9/11/1812 and before 9/30/1814. These dates are established by a suit filed on the latter date over a note dated subsequent to the former date. Source: Selected Abstracts from Common Pleas and Chancery Complete Records, Scioto County, Ohio, (1810-1875), by Caryn R. Shoemaker, Minford, Ohio, July 1985, page 7.
1/9 B (15) Alida Sophia (2-3-3-3-2), parents: Peter Mabee and Margaret Servis, DOB: 11/28/1813
1/27 B (11) Agnes (2-3-4-1-1-1), parents: Adam N. Swart and Gartrud Mabie, DOB: 11/15/1813
5/9 B (12) Hannah (2-4-7-1-1-1), parents: Aaron & Sophia Mabee; DOB: 1/18/1814
5/26 B (No Record Found) Emilia (2-7-8-5-2-1), parents: Cornelius Maybee and Betsey Fox
5/28 B (15) George James Warner (2-3-3-5-8), parents: Simon Mabee and Susanna Nixon, DOB: 2/16
5/28 Birth of an unnamed son (2-4-8-3-9), who died on 6/11, shortly after childbirth
7/24 B (30) Cornelius (2-4-8-8-4), parents: Jellis Swart and Hester; DOB: 6/20
7/31 B (14) Cornelius (2-4-8-7-4), parents: Nicholas Van Patten and Nancy Mabee, DOB: 3/7
8/7 M (see below) John Gillispie and Christina Maybee (daughter of Bartholomew (JP-3-4))
1/10 B (23) Delia Maria (2-7-8-5-1-3), parents: Johann Mevi and Margaret Cook
witnesses: Johann P. Heins and wife Maria, DOB: 9/18/1814
5/28 B (11) Margaret (2-4-8-3-10), parents: Jacob Mabee and Eve Van Petten, DOB: 4/14
7/2 B (11) Frederick (2-4-8-4-8), parents: John Bradt and Williampe Mabee, DOB: 6/9
7/8 B (28) Margaretha (2-7-8-7-4), parents: John Mabey and wife, Anna
witnesses: Baldus Prehm and Elisabeth Counterman, DOB: 5/23
7/18 B (see below) David (JP-1-4-2-?), parents: Abraham and Nancy House, DOB: 5/17
7/26 M (NYNP) James C. Bennitt and Anna Mabee, both of Wayne, in Wayne, NY.
10/8 B (15) Jesse (2-3-9-5-6), parents: Peter P. Maybee and Hester Mumbrute, DOB: 8/26
NOTE: On 4/11/1816, Jacob Mabee (2-4-8-3) purchased from his six sisters and their spouses (Gazina being unmarried) their shares in the property of their deceased sister Rebecca (2-4-8-10) who had died without issue. [Schenectady County Deeds, book Q, page 444, recorded 6/22/1838] Rebecca died unmarried and was buried on the Mabee Farm.
NOTE: Will of Hester Mabee, (Cornelius’ wife), of the 3rd Ward of Schenectady, dated 8/10/1816, proved 7/1/1822, mentions son Jacob Mabee (2-4-8-3), late son Abraham (2-4-8-6), daughters Catherine Van Petten (2-4-8-1) wife of Nicholas J. Van Petten, Williampey Bradt (2-4-8-4) wife of John A. Bradt, Margaret Bradt (2-4-8-5) wife of Nicholas A. Bradt, Annatie Van Petten (2-4-8-7) wife of Nicholas P. Van Petten, Hester Swart (2-4-8-8) wife of Jellis Swart, Gazina Mabee (2-4-8-9) (unmarried), and grandsons Cornelius Mabee (2-4-8-3-1) son of Jacob Mabee, Cornelius Bradt (2-4-8-5-2) and Abraham Bradt (2-4-8-5-1) sons of Nicholas A. Bradt, Cornelius Bradt (2-4-8-4-2) son of John A. Bradt, Cornelius Van Petten (2-4-8-1-6) son of Nicholas J. Van Petten, and Cornelius Van Petten (2-4-8-7-4) son of Nicholas P. Van Petten.
NOTE FURTHER: Based on a receipt dated 5/19/1830, recognizing the distribution of her inheritance from the portion of her father’s estate left to deceased sister Rebecca, Gazina Mabee (2-4-8-9) married John W. Peck sometime after 8/10/1816 and before 5/19/1830.
1/7 B (see below) Elisabeth (2-4-7-1-1-2), parents: Aaron Maby and Suffia Ouderkerk, DOB: 10/19/1815
1/21 B (22) Christina (JP-3-7-2), parents: Marcus Sternberg and Nancy, DOB: 12/21/1814
2/4 M (27) David Scouten and Angelina Maybee (2-7-8-5-5)
3/13 M (19) Conradus Hess and Maria Mavey (JP-1-4-4)
witnesses: Joanne Miller jr. & Heneric Hess jr.
NOTE ALSO: Maria died in 1877, aged 84 years, and Conrad died in 1876, aged 88 years. Both are buried in the Mexico Village Cemetery, Otsego County, NY, along with their daughter Myra E. Hess who died in 1871, aged 32
4/28 M (NYNP) David Kimmey and Margaret Mabey (2-7-8-12), both of Bethlehem
by the Rev. Holliday at the home of Col. Burhans
8/31 M (12) Peter Spitzer and Maria Mabee (2-4-7-1-3)
?/? B (13) Aaron Bradt (2-4-8-3-2-1), parents: Samuel Veeder and Jane Mabee
1/? B (13) Jacob (2-4-8-3-1-1), parents: Cornelius Mabee, no mother named
witness: Catherine Vedder, DOB: 12/1/1816
4/2 B (25) William Dumond (2-7-8-8-8), parents: John H. Burhans and Angellica Mabie, DOB: 4/2
7/13 B (27) Trueman (2-7-8-5-5-1), parents: Danl Scouten and wife, Angelina, DOB: 6/28
9/21 B (21) Abraham (2-7-8-7-5), parents: John Mabee and Anna Manck
witnesses: Abram Klock and Cathrien Grove, DOB: 8/26
10/12 B (23) Rahel Catarina (2-7-8-5-1-4), parents: Johann Mevi and Margaret Cook
witnesses: Henrich Cook and wife Maria, DOB: 7/14
11/9 B (22) Jerome (2-7-8-5-2-2), parents: Cornelius Maybee and Betsey
witnesses: Archibald Fox and Polly Fox, dau of John, DOB: 9/28
11/29 B (12) Isaac (2-4-7-1-1-3), parents: Aaron & Sophia Mabee; DOB: 8/9/1817
12/16 B (21) Adam (JP-3-7-3), parents: Marcus Sternbergh and Nancy Maybee, DOB: 2/15
?/? B (no record found) Harmen (2-3-7-6-5), parents: Ryer Mabee and Rachel Newkirk
1/3 M (see below) David Mabie (2-7-8-5-4) and Catharine Bellinger
2/8 B (15) Susan (2-3-3-3-3), parents: Peter Maybee and Margaret Serwis, DOB: 10/19/1817
8/8 M (11) Cornelius Mabie (2-4-8-3-1) and Elizabeth Swart
2/14 B (19) Norman (JP-1-4-4-1), parents: Conrad Hess and Maria Mavy
witnesses: Jacob J. Hayner and Maria Hess, DOB: 11/29/1818
2/28 B (25) Maria (2-7-8-12-1), parents: David Kimmy and Margaret Maybee, DOB: 1/17
4/20 B (30) Sarah Ann (2-4-8-8-5), parents: Jellis Swart and Hester; DOB: 3/2/1817
6/13 B (13) Corneilia Marselus (2-4-8-3-3-1), parents: no father named, Hester Maybee, DOB: 2/26
6/13 B (13) (no name) (2-3-4-1-1-2), parents: Adam Swarts and Ann Maybee, DOB: 3/19
7/4 B (13) Water Swarts (2-4-8-3-1-2), parents: Cornelius Maybee and Elizabeth Swart, DOB: 6/1
11/10 B (19) Magdalena (2-7-8-5-4-1), parents: David Mavie and Catharina Bellinger
witnesses: Joanna Bellinger & wife Magdalena, DOB: 10/23
1/? B (25) Elizabeth (2-7-8-12-2), parents: David Kimmy and Margaret Maybee, DOB: 12/20/1819
1/30 B (13) Maria (2-4-7-1-1-4), parents: Aaron J. Maybee and Sophia Ouderkirk, DOB: 10/30/1819
3/19 B (21) Nancy (2-7-8-7-6), parents: John Mabee and Nancy Monck
witnesses: Jacob Bellinger and Susanna Riece, DOB: 3/8
5/7 B (26) Abraham (JP-1-4-4-2), parents: Coonrod Hess and Polly Mabee
witnesses: Denus Clapsaddle & wife, Betsy, DOB: 1/24
10/24 M (?) Cornelius H. Putnam and Gazena Mabee (2-3-3-5-5)
12/23 B (25) Elizabeth (2-7-8-12-3), parents: David Kimmy and Magdalen Maybee, DOB: 11/18
NOTE: On 3/8/1821, Peter Mabee (2-3-3-3) of the Town of Fairfield, Herkimer County, purchased land and a dwelling in the Town of Norway, Herkimer County, from Silvius and Nancy Hoard of the Town of Antwerp, Jefferson County. [Herkimer County Deeds, Book 16, p. 617]
6/5 B (22) Ann (2-7-8-5-1-5), parents: John Maybee and Magaret, DOB: 8/21/1819
6/17 B (13) (no name) (2-4-7-1-1-5), parents: Aaron Maybee and Sophia Ouderkirk, DOB: 4/27
8/19 B (22) Ambrose (2-7-8-5-2-3), parents: Cornelius Maybee and Elisabeth, DOB: 6/3
12/23 B (13) Jacob (2-4-8-3-2-2), parents: Samuel Veeder and Jane Maybee, DOB: 11/3
NOTE: Hester Groot Mabee, widow of Cornelius (2-4-8), died and was buried in the Mabee farm cemetery. The same year, Cornelius Mabee (2-4-8-3-1) and Angelica Mabee (2-4-8-3-4) also died and were buried in the same cemetery. From the family Bible, Angelica died 5/4/1822 and Cornelius died 7/8/1822.
3/31 B (15) Glen (2-3-3-5-5-1), parents: Cornelius H. Putman and Gasena V. Maybee, DOB: 1/27
3/17 B (13) Eve (2-4-8-3-1-3), parents: Cornelius Maybee and Elizabeth Swarts, DOB: 11/30/1821
5/26 B (22) Magaret (2-7-8-5-1-6), parents: John Maybee and Magaret, DOB: 1/21
7/5 Letter of Administration for estate of Hester Mabee issued to Cornelius Van Santvoord
7/9 Death of Cornelius Mabee (2-4-8-3-1)
7/21 B (13) Nancy (2-3-4-1-1-3), parents: Adam N. Swart and Gitty Maybee, DOB: 1/27
10/4 B (23) Eireni (Irene) (2-7-8-5-4-2), parents: David Moebi and Catarina
witnesses: Jacob Bellinger and wife Anna, DOB: 6/18/1821
NOTE: Will of Jacob Mabee (2-4-8-3), of the Town of Rotterdam, Schenectady County, dated 5/12/1823, proved 2/28/1824, mentions wife Eva, sons Cornelius (2-4-8-3-1) (deceased), Simon (2-4-8-3-5), George Clinton (2-4-8-3-7), Nicholas (2-4-8-3-8), daughters Hester (2-4-8-3-3), Catherine (2-4-8-3-6), Margaret (2-4-8-3-9), grandchildren Jacob C. Mabee (2-4-8-3-1-1) son of deceased son Cornelius, Jacob Veeder (2-4-8-3-2-2) son of Samuel Veeder, and Cornelia Merselis (2-4-8-3-3-1) daughter of daughter Hester. Also mentioned is a slave, Sam, to be manumitted on 4/8/1827 "that being the day he will arrive at legal age." Jacob was buried in the Mabee farm cemetery.
NOTE: Will of Esaias Mabee (2-3-4-2), of Glenville, dated 8/20/1823, proved 1824, left estate to friend Peter H. Brooks, of Glenville, with the condition that he pay $10 each to Sally Ann Brooks and Angelica Van Patten. The estate included a bond & mortgage of John Walton (brother-in-law of Isaias) "now in the possession of Jacob Mabee and now suing for return in Supreme Court".
1/11 Birth of Simon B. (2-7-8-5-4-3), son of David and Catharine Mabie
1/9 M (18) John D. Quackenbush and Deborah Mabee (2-3-7-6-1)
2/25 B (12) John Henry (2-4-7-1-1-6), parents: Aaron Maybee & Sophia Ouderkirk; DOB: 3/6/1823
3/4 Birth of Ann (2-7-8-5-4-4), daughter of David and Catharine Mabie
3/27 Letter of Administration for Estate of Jacob Mabee (2-4-8-3) issued to Eve Mabee, his wife.
3/29 B (15) Maria (2-3-3-5-5-2), parents: Cornelius H. Putman and Gazena V. Maybee
8/15 B (22) Ann Margaret (2-7-8-5-2-4), parents: Cornelius Maybee and Elisabeth, DOB: 7/12
8/30 Death notice in the Ballston Spa Gazette (8/31/1824), Doctor Peter Maybee (2-3-3-3) of Little Falls, Herkimer County, died "yesterday" in Ballston Spa of "dropsy in the chest."
9/? Letter of Administration for Estate of Esaias Mabee issued to Garret Stephens.
NOTE: Will of John Mabee (JP-5-1), of the Township of Bertie, County of Lincoln and District of Niagara and Province of Upper Canada, dated 6/23/1825 and proved 8/8/1825, mentions sister Mary Palmer, "my two daughters" Mary Rice and Nancy Beam, and grandchildren John M. Rice, Sally Ann Rice, Elizabeth Rice, Mary Rice junior, Salla Julyan Beam, Adam Beam and Barbery Beam junior.
2/4 B (21) Anna Margreta (2-7-8-5-2-4), parents: Cornelius Maybee and Elisebeth Fox
?/? B (18) Angelica (2-4-8-3-3-2), parents: Christopher Z. Peak and Hester Mabee, DOB: 3/16
5/14 B (12) Simon (2-4-7-1-1-7), parents: Aaaron & Sophia Outerkirk Maybee; DOB: 12/23/1824
5/14 M (12) Adam Carr and Susan Maybee (2-3-4-3)?
6/1 M (18) Henry Mabee (2-3-7-1-2) and Catherine Becker
10/17 M (18) Charles Van Eps, MD and Alida Mabee (2-3-3-5-6)
12/15 M (12) Isaac Maybee (2-4-7-1-2) and Ann Schermerhorn
4/4 Birth of Oliver (2-7-8-5-4-5), son of David and Catherine Mabie
5/31 Simon Mabee (2-3-3-5) and Susanna Nexsen, his wife, admitted by Certificate to the New York City Reformed Dutch Church (from Church Members List).
7/9 B (see below) George Mortimer (JP-1-4-11-1), parents: Solomon Maybee and wife Charlotte
NOTE: On 3/8/1827, Peter H. Mabee (2-3-7-1) of the Town of Glen, Montgomery County, was appointed guardian of the following minor children of Harriet Putman at her request: Henry, Maria, Deborah, Peter, John Coyne and Jacob Sternbergh Putman.
1/29 B (26) Ludolphus (JP-1-4-8-1), parents: John Maybee and wife, Eva, DOB: 1/24
5/7 M (see below) Simon Mabee (2-4-8-3-5) and Hannah Marlett
8/3 B(12) John (2-4-7-1-2-1), parents: Isaac & Nancy Schermerhorn Maybee; DOB: 10/8/1826
8/19 B (see below) Julia (JP-1-4-11-2), parents: Solomon Maybee and wife Charlotte
10/4 M (30) Harmanus Maybee (2-3-9-5-2), of GLenn and Almira Kingsbury, of Florida
10/17 M (30) Harmanus Wemple of Florida and Susan Maybee (2-3-7-6-3)
11/26 Birth of William (2-7-8-5-4-6), son of David and Catharine Mabie
4/17 M (NYNP) John Mabie (2-4-7-1-4) and Catharine Bell, all of Glenville, by Rev. Murphey
6/29 B (15) Elizabeth (2-3-7-1-2-1), parents: Henry Mabee and Catharine Becker, DOB: 5/20
8/31 M (see below) Elisha Mabie (2-7-8-5-7) and Ann Meyers
11/10 B (12) Abraham (2-4-7-1-2-2), parents: Isaac Maybee and Nancy Schermerhorn, DOB: 10/28
12/14 M (see below) Barnard Mabee (2-7-8-7-1), of Oppenheim, and Miss Nancy Klock, of Manheim, by Rev. Isaac S. Ketcham, pastor of Snell’s Bush Reformed Church.
NOTE: Will of Peter P. Mabee (late of Glen) (2-3-9-5) dated 6/23/1829, mentions wife Hester, sons Jesse (2-3-9-5-6), William (2-3-9-5-5) and Peter (2-3-9-5-1), and one unnamed son: Harmanus (2-3-9-5-2) and two unnamed daughters: Maria (2-3-9-5-3) & Caty Ann (2-3-9-5-4).
1/11 B (13) Anna Mariah (2-4-8-3-6-1), parents: Mindert Veeder and Cathrin Mabee, DOB: 9/30
4/26 Birth of Catharine (2-7-8-5-4-7), daughter of David and Catharine Mabie
?/? B (18) Angelica (2-4-8-3-5-1), parents: Simon Mabee and Hannah Melatt, DOB: 6/28/1828
10/17 B (27) Christiana (2-7-8-5-2-5), parents: Corls Maybee and wife, Betsy, DOB: 3/11/1828
NOTE: Will of Peter H. Mabee (2-3-7-1), of the Town of Glen, Montgomery County, dated 4/6/1830, proved 2/20/1837, mentions wife Maria, sons Harmanus and Henry, Sally Quackenbus, wife of Jacob Merrill, "who previously lived with me", and Peter Mabee Viele, son of Charles H. Viele.
7/4 B (12) Agnes Swart (2-4-7-1-4-1), parents: John Maybee and Catherine Bell, DOB: 2/11
?/? M (see below) Constantius Brockway and Caroline Maybee (JP-1-4-13)
10/31 M (25) Robert Maybe (5-6-9-3-3?) and Elizabeth Lamphier
NOTE: On 9/13/1831 [Montgomery County Deeds, Book 30, p. 453] Peter H. Mabee (2-3-7-1) was acting as guardian of Henry Putman, Deborah Putman, Peter Putman, Maria Putman, John Putman and Jacob Stienburg Putman, infant (under 21) children and heirs of William Putman, deceased.
3/6 B (13) Margaret Eve (2-4-8-3-6-2),parents: Myndert P. Veeder and Catherine Mabie, DOB: 10/3/1830
5/1 B (13) Mariah (2-4-8-3-5-2), parents: Simon Mabie and Hannah Marlett, DOB: 3/7
5/9 M (18) John Mabee and Nancy Alen, both of Glen
witness Jacob Phero
7/21 M (Grace Episcopal Church, Norway, NY) John P. Mabee (2-3-3-3-1) , age 23, and Maria M. Easton, 20
witnesses: Jefferson Tillinghast & wife, both of Norway
9/30 B (12) Clara Ann (2-4-7-1-2-3), parents: Isaac Mabee and Nancy Schermerhorn, DOB: 3/2
NOTE: Will of Eve Mabee, (wife of Jacob (2-4-8-3)), of the Town of Rotterdam, Schenectady County, dated 8/16/1832, proved 7/17/1862, mentions sons Simon (2-4-8-3-5), George Clinton (2-4-8-3-7) and Nicholas (2-4-8-3-8), daughters Jane (2-4-8-3-2), Hester (2-4-8-3-3), Catherine (2-4-8-3-6), Margaret (2-4-8-3-9)(unmarried), grandson Jacob Mabee(2-4-8-3-1-1). Eva was buried in the Mabee farm cemetery. Heirs at the time of Eva’s death in 1862 (age 91) included son Simon Mabee (m. Hannah Marlett), daughter Hester, wife of Christopher Y. Peek and daughter Catherine, wife of Myndert Veeder, all of Schenectady County, daughter Margaret, wife of Nicholas Brooks, of Kings County, John Mabee, Ellen Jane Mabee and Giles Mabee, minor children of George C. Mabee, deceased of Schenectady County, Jacob M. Veeder and Mary E. Johnson, both of Schenectady County, Eve Eliza Long of Oneida County, Simon Veeder of New York County, Jacob Mabee of Schenectady County, and minors William Henry Veeder, Sarah Ann Veeder, Peter Veeder, Aaron Veeder, Susan Veeder, John C. Veeder and Hester Veeder, all of Saratoga County.
?/? B (18) Elernor (2-3-7-1-1-2), parents: Harmanus Mabee and Maria Newkerk, DOB: 10/9/1831
NOTE: Will of Abraham Mabie (2-7-8-5), late of Manlius, Onondaga County, dated 5/15/1827 and probated 7/15/1833, lists children John (2-7-8-5-1), David (2-7-8-5-4), Angelina Scouton wife of David Scouton (2-7-8-5-5), Elisha (2-7-8-5-7) (all of Onondaga County), Cornelius of Montgomery County (2-7-8-5-2) and Catherine Van Alstyne wife of Cornelius Van Alstyne of Oswego County (2-7-8-5-8).
NOTE: Tombstone in Mycenae Cemetery, Onondaga Co., lists: Abraham Mabie, b. 1770, d. 1833, Ann, his wife, b. 1768, d. 1826, and Angelina, wife of David Scouton, b. 1798, d. 1838. An earlier tombstone for Abraham and Ann stated that he died 2/2/1833 age 62 yrs., 11 mos., 11 days, and Ann died 2/13/1826, age 59 years, 9 days.
3/19 M (Grace Episcopal Church, Norway, NY) Walter Booth, M. D., and Alida S. Mabee (2-3-3-3-2)
Witnesses S. Peter Sheldon and Arnold Hurd of Norway
4/28 B (13) Peter Vrooman (2-4-8-3-6-3), parents: Myndert P. Veeder and Catherine Mabie, DOB: 2/7
5/19 M (18) John J. Quackenbush and Elizabeth Mabee (2-3-9-4-?), both of Glen,
witnesses: Nicholas F. Quackenbush & Isaac N. Quackenbush
7/23 M (NYNP) Albert Mabee (2-7-8-5-1-1) of Manlius and Maria Ehle, eldest daughter of Henry Ehle, of this town
11/14 M (NYNP) Cornelius Van Patten and Betsy Mabee (2-4-7-1-1-2) in Glenville by Rev. Murphy
2/20 M (NYNP) Nicholas Brooks, Glenville, and Margaret Mabee (2-4-8-3-9), Rotterdam, daughter of the late Major Jacob Mabee. Married by Rev. Murphy.
10/7 Birth of Jacob (2-4-8-3-5-3), son of Simon and Hester Mabee
12/4 Sarah Maybee, wife of Joseph Maybee (JP-1-4-6) died.
NOTE: On 2/21/1835, Hester Mabee of the Town of Glen, Montgomery County, "widow and relict of Peter P. Mabee (2-3-9-5) sold her rights (Quit Claim) to the property of her late husband to the executors of his estate, Abraham V. Putman and Peter Mabee (2-3-9-5-1). Then, on 3/31/1835, Harmen P. Mabee (2-3-9-5-2) and Almira his wife, William Mabee (2-3-9-5-5), Maria Mabee (2-3-9-5-3) and Catherine A. Mabee (2-3-9-5-4), all of the Town of Glen, Montgomery County, did the same. [Montgomery County Deeds, Book 37, p. 280]
2/25 M (18) George D. Haight and Maria Mabee (2-3-9-5-3), of Glen
witnesses: Hermanus P. Mabee & Cornelius H. Putnam
9/30 B (13) Eleanor (2-4-8-3-6-4), parents: Myndert Veeder and Catherine Mabee, DOB: 8/17/1835
12/5 NOTE: Death Notice from Albany newspaper, Emilia M. Loomis (2-7-8-5-2-1), age 22, wife of Dyer Loomis, MD, and the eldest daughter of Cornelius Mabee, Esq. of Palatine, died at Louisville, Otsego County.
12/8 NOTE: Death Notice from the Wayne Sentinal, Israel Mabee, age 35, of Glen, Montgomery Co., died in Palmyra en route to Rochester, buried in the Palmyra burying grounds.
12/25 B (17) Maria (2-4-8-3-9-1), parents: Nicholas Brooks and Margaret Mabee, DOB: 10/7.
1/27 NOTE: Death Notice from Albany newspaper, Margaret, wife of John Mabie (2-7-8-5-1) and daughter of Henry Cook, formerly of Stone Arabia, died at Manlius Centre, Onondaga County.
3/19 M (18) Walton Cady and Catherine Ann Mabee (2-3-9-5-4)
?/? B (18) Peter Putman (2-3-7-1-1-3), parents: Hermanus Mabee and Maria Newkerk, DOB: 6/15
9/11 M (Grace Episcopal Church, Norway, NY) William Vanderburgh and Susan Mabee (2-3-3-3-3), both of Norway, by Rev. W. Tatham, Witnesses: Walter Booth M. D. & his wife, Alida Booth of Russia, Herkimer Co., NY
9/26 M (18) William H. Mabee (2-3-9-5-5) and Margrita Dockstader, both of Mohawk
witnesses: A.T.E. Hilton & Jesse Mabee
11/1 Birth of Katharine Eliza (2-4-8-3-5-4), daughter of Simon and Hannah Mabee
11/15 NOTE: Death Notice from Albany newspaper; Elizabeth, age 42, wife of Cornelius Mabee, Esq., (2-7-8-5-2) died in Palatine.
11/16 M (NYNP) Thomas Freeborn of Cazenova and Lane Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-1) of Manlius in Manlius by C. Hibbert, Esq. (from the Chittenango Herald).
12/31 M (see below) Joel B. Warner and Irena Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-2)
1/16 M (see below) George J. W. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8) and Margaret T. Nostrand, daughter of F. Nostrand in St. Stephen's Church, by Rev. Mr. Price.
6/23 B (13) John (2-4-8-3-6-5), parents: Myndert Veeder and Catherine Mabee, DOB: 11/27/1838
7/7 B (17) Jane Anna (2-4-8-3-9-2), parents: Nicholas Brooks and Margaret Mabee, DOB: 9/28/1838
9/11 M (NYNP) Cornelius Mabee (2-7-8-5-2) of Palatine and Maria M. Gros of Canajoharie, daughter of Lawrence Gros Esq., in Canajoharie by the Rev. Whiteman (Weidman)
12/6 Birth of Foster Nostrand (2-3-3-5-8-1), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
5/4 6/1 Death of Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7), age 70
6/1 M (see below) Elisha Snethen, Jr. of New York to Catharine Glen (2-3-3-5-7) daughter of Simon Mabee of Southbury, Conn., in Southbury by Rev Mr. Wetmore
8/9 B (17) Agnes (2-4-8-3-9-3), parents: Nicholas Brooks and Margaret Mabee, DOB: 5/29
10/20 Birth (see below) Abram Mabee (2-3-7-1-1-4), parents: Harmanus Mabee and Maria Newkirk
5/4 Death of Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7), age 70
3/2 B (no record found) Daniel (2-7-8-5-2-7), parents: Cornelius Mabee and wife Maria
3/22 Birth of Edward Tiers (2-3-3-5-8-2), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
7/25 M(see below) Jacob G. Mabee (2-3-3-5-9) and Mary J. Pearce
9/30 M (30) George C. Mabee (2-4-8-3-7) and Sarah Ann Swart (2-4-8-8-5), daughter of Yellis Swart of Florida.
3/14 B (see below) Abraham (2-3-7-1-1-4), parents: Harmanus and Maria Mabee
From the records of the 2nd Dutch Reformed Church, Auriesville, Montgomery County, NY.
4/6 B (see below) Charlotte Elizabeth (2-3-7-1-2-3), parents: Henry and Susan Mabee
From the records of the 2nd Dutch Reformed Church, Auriesville, Montgomery County, NY.
7/16 Death of Simon Mabee (2-3-3-5), "in his 76th year," reported in the New York Post. He died the previous Friday.
10/26 Birth of George J. W. (2-3-3-5-8-3), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
1/11 M (see below) Abraham Mayby (JP-1-4-10), age 33, son of David, and Felicia Chauvin, age 17. daughter of Lambert Chauvin
From: Ste. Anne (French) Catholique Church, Detroit, Michigan
1/24 M (15) Hiram Rowland and Catherine Mabee (2-3-7-6-4)
4/10 M (NYNP) Walter Wheeler and Mary Mabie, both of Danube
married in Little Falls by Rev. C. W. Lee
11/4 B (13) Simon Van Dervolgen (2-4-8-3-6-6), parents: Myndert Veeder and Catherine Mabie, DOB: 5/20
4/14 B (13) John Alexander (2-4-8-3-5-5), parents: Simon Mabie and Hannah Marlett, DOB: 2/20/1840.
4/14 B (13) Margaret Ann (2-4-8-3-5-6), parents: Simon Mabie and Hannah Marlett, DOB: 2/17
5/8 Birth of Emily Tiers (2-3-3-5-8-4), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
11/3 B (13) Hester Eve (2-4-8-3-3-1-1), parents: Andrew Gregg and Cornelia Mabie
3/13 M (see below) Noble E. Wilcox and Ann Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-4)
4/? B (see below) Leonard Snethen (2-3-3-5-10-1), parents: Alexander N. and Alice L. Mabee, DOB: 1/18/1845
12/18 M (see below) Abraham Shannon and Catherine Mabee, by Rev. Rawson
4/5 Birth of Julia Bach (2-3-3-5-8-5), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
7/5 Death of Mary Elizabeth Weller Mabee, wife of Simon Mabee (2-4-7-1-1-7).
12/10 M (see below) Jacob B. Argersinger and Maria Mabee (2-3-7-1-2-1), by G. L. Roof, pastor
From the records of the 2nd Dutch Reformed Church, Auriesville, Montgomery County, NY.
1/14 M (14) Levi R. Reynolds and Agnes S. Mabee (2-4-7-1-4-1), both of Glenville
3/5 Birth of Douglas William (2-3-3-5-8-6), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
5/28 Birth of Mary, daughter of James and Elizabeth Mabee
6/8 Birth of William D. Santianna (JP-1-8-?-5), son of Levi and Margaret Mabee
7/4 M (see below) Silas Collar and Polly Mabee (JP-3-9-9)
7/5 Birth of Maria Amelia (JP-1-8-?-1), daughter of William and Lydia Mabee
8/9 Death of Edward Mabee (JP-1-8-?) of Wheatfield, age 27, single, of diarrhea
9/6 M (see below) Simon Mabee (2-4-7-1-1-7) and Esther Christiance, both of Glenville, in Glenville, by Rev. Mr. Frazer
10/18 M (see below) Ambrose S. Mabee (2-7-8-5-2-3) and Sarah Ann Mabie (2-7-8-5-7-1)
10/20 M (see below) Simeon Maybee (2-7-8-5-4-3), 25, of Manlius, to Delilia Cory, 19,
by Rev. Ira Warren
11/25 M (see below) Benjamin Faulknor, 25, and Mary E. (2-3-7-1-1-1), 20
4/20 M (see below) Charles M. Cole and Catharine Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-7)
NOTE: Death of Henry Mabby (2-7-8-7-1-6), age 7, in October 1849, Town of Rutland, Jefferson Co., NY, is noted in the Mortality Schedule of the 1850 US Federal Census.
NOTE: Death of John Mabee (JP-3-9) of the Town of Royalton, Niagara Co., NY, age 67, is noted in his obituary dated 9/6/1849.
5/24 M (see below) Mr. Putman of East Rotterdam and Angelica Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-1) of West Rotterdam
11/8 Death of Mrs. Susanna N. Mabee, widow of Simon (2-3-3-5), reported in the New York Post. A memorial in St. Mark's Church in the Bowery reads: "Erected to the memory of my Beloved Mother, Susan Mabee, who died Nov. 8th, 1849, Aged 71 years. Susanna's death was also reported in the New York Herald of 11/10.
7/9 Death of Nicholas A. Bradt, husband of Margaret Mabee (2-4-8-5), in Rotterdam
12/11 Death of Margaret Mabee (2-4-8-5), widow of the late Nicholas A. Bradt
12/26 M (13) Jacob Schuyler and Maria Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-2)
3/4 M (see below) Marcus Mabee (JP-3-9-10) and Eliz. Priestley of Pittsford
3/28 B (13) Esther Jane (2-4-8-3-5-7), parents: Symon Mabee and Hannah Marlett, DOB: 8/29/1847
3/28 B (13) Ratchel Francis (2-4-8-3-5-8), parents: Symon Mabee and Hannah Marlett, DOB: 8/20/1849
3/28 B (13) John Van Patten (2-4-8-3-7-1), parents: George C. Mabee and Sarah A. Swart, DOB: 5/28/1844
3/28 B (13) Ellen Jane (2-4-8-3-7-2), parents: George C. Mabee and Sarah A. Swart, DOB: 5/7/1846
3/28 B (13) Giles (2-4-8-3-7-3), parents: George C. Mabee and Sarah A. Swart, DOB: 2/9/1848
12/27 Birth of Addie Tiers (2-3-3-5-8-7), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
NOTE: Will of George C. Mabee (2-4-8-3-7), of the Town of Rotterdam, Schenectady County, dated 7/16/1852, proved 8/18/1852, mentions wife Sarah Ann. George and Sarah Ann had three children, John V. P., Ellen Jane and Giles S. Ellen Jane married John Walton Jr. in 1862 (see below). John V. P. Mabee served in the Army in 1864 & 1865, then moved to Wisconsin. He wrote a letter to his cousin Jacob Mabee from Plymouth, Wis. on 3/23/1866, and his wife, Celeste Swart, also wrote a letter to her mother from Plymouth on 2/21/1867. Giles joined John in Wisconsin, and both are found in the 1870 census in Plymouth, Sheboygan County. In the 1880 census, John had two children, Nina and Giles C. (born 10/31/1878), while Giles S. was married to Hester with no children. From Wisconsin records, Giles S. married Hester Swart on 9/30/1870. Nina married MacGraw Evans on 12/25/1888.
3/13 M (15) John Mabee of Glen and Jane A. Davis of Glen
8/5 M (14) John C. Mabee (2-4-7-1-4-2), 20, and Elizabeth Daggert, 15, both of Glenville
witnesses: Jane Helen and Rosalie Myers
8/17 M (see below) George P. Reynold and Sarah A. Mabee (2-4-7-1-4-3), both of Glenville, by Rev. H. G. Day
1/2 M (St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Charlton) Isaac A. Maybee (2-4-7-1-1-3), of Glenville, and Gertrude Van Eps, of Glenville
1/19 M (Fayetteville Pres. Ch., Onondaga Co.) Jacob Crouse and Eliza Mabie (2-7-8-5-1-8)
5/6 Death of Mary M. Mabee (2-4-7-1-1-7-3), daughter of Simon and Esther
9/12 Birth of Maggie Nostrand (2-3-3-5-8-8), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
7/20 Death of Henrietta M. Mabee (2-3-3-5-10-5), daughter of Alex and Alice Mabee, 10 months
8/? B (23) Nicholas Gross (2-7-8-5-2-9), parents: Cornelius Mabee and Maria Gross
7/25 Birth of Courtland Babcock (2-3-3-5-8-9), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
NOTE: Will of David Mabie (2-7-8-5-4), late of Manlius, Onondaga County, dated 6/15/1853 and proved 3/21/1856. Mentions wife Catherine, sons Simon, William, Oliver (directs he must support his invalid brother William), daughters Lany, Irene, Ann and Catherine; brother Elisha.
NOTE: From her tombstone in Bidwell Road Cemetery, Parish, Oswego County, Nancy Maybee House (JP-1-4-2) died on 10/4/1856, age 66 years, 8 days. Her husband Abraham House died 5/20/1865, age 79 years, 25 days. Also buried in the same cemetery are their children Emily C. (died 3/14/1857, age 21 years, 10 months, 14 days), Simon (1817 - 1890), Caroline (b. 1820) wife of Amos Martin, and Abram (1823 - 1863). According to House Family genealogies, other children of Nancy were: Andrew, Philena, Alonzo, Leonard, Norman who went to Chile South America and died there, and Conrad. All except Norman lived in Oswego County.
1/15 M (see below) Alexander Hamilton Ayres of Fort Plain, and Christiana L. Mabee (2-7-8-5-2-5)
12/24 M (NYNP) Aaron Maybe (2-4-7-1-2-4) and Catharine E. Stevens, all of Glenville,
by Rev. P. H. Burghardt
NOTE: Champion Cemetery, town of Stark, Herkimer Co.: James Mabie, died 9/22/1857, age 225/25 Birth of John Allston (2-3-3-5-8-10), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
8/14 M (see below) Alexander Hamilton Ayres of Fort Plain, and Emily G. Mabee (2-7-8-5-2-6)
12/15 M (NYNP) William Fuller, of Ballston, and Helen Maria Maybee (2-4-7-1-2-5), of Glenville by Rev. David Tully
1/30 Birth of William Marsh (2-3-3-5-8-11), parents: George J. W. Mabee and Margaret Nostrand
2/1 Death of Esther Chrisiance Mabee, wife of Simon Mabee (2-4-7-1-1-7)
12/25 M (13) Oliver Putman and Catheren E. Mabbee (2-4-8-3-5-4), both of Roterdam
NOTE: Tombstone in Manlius Center Cemetery, Onondaga Co., lists Margaret Mabie, d. 2/15/1861, age 88. It is possible that this was the wife of Harmanus Mabee (2-3-9-4).
11/26 M (see below) Oliver Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-5) and Rebecca A. Chaffee, daughter of Stephen F.
NOTE: Will of Joseph Maybee (JP-1-4-6), of the Town of Parish, Oswego County, dated 6/2/1862, probated 6/6/1864, states that Joseph was 66 years old at the time the will was written, mentions wife Mariah (this was Joseph's second wife, see 1834 above), daughters Nancy and Alice (both unmarried), daughter Calarissa, wife of Harley Surgent, daughter Sally, wife of Horace Hays, son Joseph and son Charles. An interesting provision of this will is that the inheritence of son Charles was contingent upon his returning to Parish within ten years of Joseph's death. A parenthetical expression notes that Charles was "supposed to be in California now". See also notes under 1912 below.
8/4 Birth of an unnamed son (2-7-8-5-4-5-1) of Oliver and Rebecca Mabie, died in childbirth
10/21 Died in Brooklyn, NY, Maggie Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-8), daughter of George J. W. and Margaret T. Mabee, aged 9 years and 1 month.
10/28 M (see below) Jerome B. Maybee (2-4-7-1-2-7) and Jemima Berry, both of Glenville, by the Rev. Seelye.
11/12 M (NYNP) John Walton, Jr. of Glenville and Ellen Jane Mabee (2-4-8-3-7-2) of Rotterdam,
in Rotterdam by Rev. George H. Peeke
NOTE: Tombstone in Bidwell Road Cemetery, Parish, Oswego County, lists (on one monument) Milo M. Coan (1805 - 1891); his wife, Elizabeth E. Maybee (JP-1-4-12) (1807 - 1863); and their children: Warren (1836 - 1840), David (1838 - 1838), Henry (1840 - 1841), Marcia (1843 - 1844), and Albert H. (1834 - 1914); and Mary R. Wing, wife of Albert (1837 - 1896).
9/7 M (see below) George F. Dunbar of Lockport and Miss Hattie E. Mabee (JP-3-9-2-6)
at the residence of the bride's father, John Mabee, Esq., Royalton, Niagara Co., NY
NOTE: Will of Cornelius Mabee (2-7-8-5-2) of the Town of Palentine, Montgomery County, dated 10/14/1865, proved 12/16/1869, mentions wife Maria M.; sons Jerome A., Ambrose S., and Albert G.; daughters Ann Margaret Mabee and Emily G. Ayres wife of Alexander; and granddaughter Sarah E. Loomis, the only child of deceased daughter Emilia. Wife Maria died at age 80 on 2/9/1881 while living in Lansing Michigan and was buried in the Fort Plain Cemetery in Montgomery County, NY.
7/2 M (see below) Alphonso Mabee (JP-3-9-5-1) of Lockport and Libbie Silsey of Orangeport,
at the residence of the bride's father in Orangeport by Rev. Kelton
7/30 Birth of David S. (2-7-8-5-4-5-2), son of Oliver and Rebecca Mabie
NOTE: Will of Elisha Mabie (2-7-8-5-7), late of Manlius, dated 12/23/1865 and probated 5/21/1866. Mentions wife Anna Mabie; nephew Oliver Mabie (received money to provide care for Oliver’s crippled brother William Mabie), daughter Sarah Ann Mabie, wife of Ambrose S. Mabie.
2/7 M (see below) George H. Cronyn and Emily Tiers Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-4),
oldest daughter of George J. W. Mabee, at the Church of the Messiah
by the Rev. D. V. M. Johnson.
10/16 Death of Mary Mabee, age 94, widow of Abraham Mabee (JP-1-7)
11/17 M (NYM) Leonard S. Mabee (2-3-3-5-10-1), age 21, of Brooklyn, and Maria Louisa Styles, 18, of NYC. Witnesses: Mrs. Elizabeth R. Styles and Alice D. Mabee, St. Paul's Methodist Church, Mulberry Street, NY City
NOTE: Will of Isaac Maybee (2-4-7-1-2), farmer, of the Town of Glenville, dated 3/28/1867, proved 3/27/1869, mentions wife Nancy. A codicil dated 7/5/1867 also mentions "my six children", specifically naming son Aaron and his wife Catherine Elizabeth. Isaac's eldest two sons John and Abraham died earlier.
5/13 Birth of Joel W. (2-7-8-5-4-5-3) and John H. (2-7-8-5-4-5-4), twin sons of Oliver and Rebecca Mabie
NOTE: Aaron Maybee (2-4-7-1-1), of Glenville, died intestate, 5/4/1868. Petition 7/27/1868 by Simon Maybee, Glenville, lists heirs: sons Isaac and Simon Maybee and daughters Lavinia Watson and Elizabeth Berry, all of Glenville, John Mabie of Michigan, children of deceased daughter Helen (Isaac, Nicholas, and Symon Niles of Glenville, Edward Niles of Ballston, and Jane and Aaron Niles of Coxsackie), and John Shannon of Glenville (child of deceased daughter Catherine).
NOTE: On 7/27/1868, Simon Maybee (2-4-7-1-1-7) signed administrator’s bond for the estate of Sophia Maybee (wife of Aaron). Sophia had died 12/22/1865 at which time Aaron was still living.
11/25 M (see below) Foster N. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-1), Paymaster Erie Railway, and Libbie Campbell, of Owego
7/29 Birth registration of William Mabee, parents: Leonard S. Mabee, Mary Louise Styles
2/15 M (see below) Alexander A. Barbey and Julia Bach Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-5)
2/23 Death of Alexander A. Barbey, in Brooklyn, in the 27th year of his age. Son of Andrew and Mary Adelaide Barbey. See his marriage to Julia Bach Mabee just one week earlier..
9/18 Birth of Catharine Josephine (2-7-8-5-4-5-5), daughter of Oliver and Rebecca Mabie
9/25 Death notice of George J. W. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8), "in his 57th year," appeared in both the New York Times and New York Herald of 9/27/1870.
3/16 Death of John A. Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-5), age 31, at his residence in the Town of Rotterdam.
9/11 Death of Foster Nostrand (2-3-3-5-8-1-1), infant son of Foster N. and Sarah Elizabeth Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-1), aged 1 month and 21 days.
11/8 M (see below) Alfred H. Lounsbury and Addie T. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-7), daughter of the late George J. W. Mabee, all of Brooklyn, by the Rev. D.V.M. Johnson at St. Mary’s Church.
NOTE: Will of Martin Mabie (2-7-8-11), late of Spafford, NY, dated 8/7/1868 and probated 11/12/1872. States his age is 81 years. Mentions: daughter Lucinda Taft and daughter Maria Mabie (2-7-8-11-1) (Maria inherited the family farm in Spafford). From Genealogy Notes of the Town of Spafford (published by the Onondaga Historical Society), census data and the probate documents of daughter Maria (see 1884), Lucinda was married to Thomas J. Taft and Martin also had a daughter Sarah McKay (married to Augustin McKay Jr.) and sons John M. Mabie, Aaron Mabie and Hiram Mabie. All except Hiram were still alive at the time of Maria’s death in 1884. Hiram married Emaline Osborne on 3/31/1850 and moved to Wabaunsee County Kansas in 1858 where he died on 5/5/1859. Hiram and Emaline adopted Laura, the niece of Emaline, and Laura married Lauren Newell in 1871. Emaline married second Joseph W. Emerson on 8/30/1864.
4/16 Death of Hester Jane (2-4-8-3-5-7), daughter of Simon and Hannah Mabee, aged 25 years.
5/8 M (see below) D. W. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-6) of Brooklyn, NY, and Nancie Post, daughter of W. M. Post, of Susquehanna, PA, in Susquehanna by the Rev. W. M. Hitchcock.
9/4 Birth of Oliver C. (2-7-8-5-4-5-6), son of Oliver and Rebecca Mabie.
NOTE: Will of Simon Mabee (2-4-8-3-5), of the Town of Rotterdam, Schenectady County, dated 3/12/1873, proved 2/2/1880, mentions son Jacob (2-4-8-3-5-3), daughters Eva Angelica Putnam (2-4-8-3-5-1), Maria Schuyler (2-4-8-3-5-2), Catherine Eliza Putnam (2-4-8-3-5-4), Margaret Ann Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-6), Rachel Frances Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-8), and grandchildren (all children of son John A. Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-5)): Melisa Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-5-1), Eva Angelica Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-5-2) and Simon Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-5-3). Simon was buried in the Mabee farm cemetery in 1879. His wife, Hannah Marlette Mabee was buried there in 1873. Son John Alexander Mabee was buried there in 1871, as was his wife, Helen Maria Walker Mabee. Daughter Hester Jane was buried there in 1872. Son Jacob Mabee was also buried there in 1885. Finally, daughter Margaret was buried there in 1914.
3/3 Death of Hannah Marlett, wife of Simon Mabee (2-4-8-3-5).
6/30 Death of Nannie J. Post, wife of Douglas W. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-6), aged 23 years, at Binghamton, NY.
NOTE: Nancy Mabee, widow of Isaac (2-4-7-1-2), died 12/5/1874, with the following heirs: sons Nicholas (2-4-7-1-2-6), Aaron R. (2-4-7-1-2-4) and Jerome B. Mabee (2-4-7-1-2-7), and daughters Clara Ann Vanderheiden (2-4-7-1-2-3), Helen Fuller (2-4-7-1-2-5) and Mary Jane Van Patten (2-4-7-1-2-8).
3/10 Death of Eve Angelica Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-1), wife of Andrew Y. Putman, in the 45th year of her age..
9/9 M (15) Abram Mabee (2-3-7-1-1-4) of Glen N.Y. and Anna Schuyler of Glen N.Y.
NOTE: Will of Polly Chubb Mabee (widow of John Mabee (JP-3-9)), of the Town of Royalton, Niagara County, dated 4/10/1875, proved on 11/17/1879, mentions children John Mabee, Polly Collar(wife of Silas Collar), Benjamin C. Mabee and Marcus Mabee. Also mentions Mary Mabee, widow of son James Mabee.
NOTE: Tombstone/Internment data from Oakwood Cemetery, Chittenango, Madison Co., NY, lists: Albert Mabie, b. 3/28/1810 in Palatine, d. 2/11/1875; Maria Ehle, his wife, b. 9/12/1813, d. 8/24/1875; Margaret A. Mabie, wife of Richard Campbell, b. 5/15/1834, d. 11/8/1856; Albert H. Mabie, b. 11/28/1845, d. 4/20/1868; and Ambrose S. Mabie, b. 2/5/1848, d. 5/27/1871.
4/20 M (see below) George J. W. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-3) of Central City, Colorado, and Hattie W. Darrow, of St. Louis, in St. Louis by the Rev. W. H. L. Githens.
9/9 Deathof Catherine Maybee, age 71 (wife of Henry (2-3-7-1-5)).
10/13 M (see below)
Douglas William Mabee (2-3-3-5-8-6) and Florence Louise West, of Ballston Spa,
daughter of George and Louisa West.
NOTE: Will of Henry Mabee (2-3-7-1-2) of the Town of Glen, Montgomery County, dated 2/19/1876, proved 12/17/1877, mentions daughters Maria wife of Jacob B. Argersinger, Susan Hellen, widow of Douw Wemple, and Charlotte Elizabeth Mabee. Also mentioned is Lizzie Hellen, daughter of Maria and Jacob B. Argersinger.
NOTE: Will of Simon B. Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-4) of the Town of Sullivan, Madison County, dated 6/29/1876, proved 10/8/1880, mentions wife Delilah.
1/19 Death of Catharine A., wife of Nicholas Mabee (2-4-8-3-8), aged 62 years.
2/24 M (see below) Albert Vedder and Sarah Mabee, both of Hoffman’s Ferry, by Rev. J. C. Lowe.
3/26 B (15) Abram Mabee (this appears to be an adult baptism for Abram (m. to Anna Schuyler))
3/29 Birth of Henry Ehle (2-7-8-5-4-5-7), son of Oliver and Rebecca Mabie
4/20 Death of William A. Mabee (2-3-3-5-10-1-2), aged 6 years, 9 months, 25 days, from inflammation of the brain, in New York City.
 7/18 Death of Emma L. Mabee (2-3-3-5-10-1-3), age 5 ½ years, from a fall.
 9/16 Death of Mary Hess (JP-1-4-4), age 84 years, in the Town of Mexico, NY
NOTE: Will of Delilah Mabie [wife of Simon Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-4)] of the Town of Sullivan, Madison County, dated 4/2/1878, proved 3/31/1879, mentions daughter Emma Mabie, grandson Mabie W. Babcock, and brother-in-law Charles Cole.
2/20 M (see below) Theodore Rynex and Anne Mabee
10/22 M (see below) Dan F. Van Buren and Lottie E. Maybee (2-3-7-1-2-3), both of Auriesville
11/2 Death of Simon Mabee (2-4-8-3-5), aged 74 years.
NOTE: Will of Nicholas Maybe (2-4-8-3-8) of the Town of Rotterdam, Schenectady County, dated 4/6/1880, proved 4/23/1880, mentions daughters Emily Jane (2-4-8-3-8-2) wife of Simon Van Derheyden, Rebecca (2-4-8-3-8-3) wife of Richard Walton and Angelica (2-4-8-3-8-6) wife of Theodore Rynex. Also mentions grandsons Alonzo Walton and Nicholas Cole & other children of deceased daughters Catherine Ann Cole (2-4-8-3-8-1), Margaret De Forest (2-4-8-3-8-4) and Sarah Marie Gardinier (2-4-8-3-8-6).
4/8 Death of Nicholas Mabee (2-4-8-3-8), aged 67 years
8/24 M (see below) Anthony Kirples of Schenectady and Louisa Mabee (2-4-7-1-4-2-1) of Glenville, by Rev. George Alexander
9/5 Death of Mrs. Maria Maybee, age 79 (widow of Harmanus (2-3-7-1-1)).
9/7 M (see below) William J. Mabee (2-4-7-1-4-2-2) of Glenville and Mary T. Kirpens of Schenectady, by Rev. George Alexander
9/24 Death of Frankie Mabee (2-4-7-1-4-6-2), age 6 years, son of Levi R. Mabee of Glenville.
12/13 Death of A. N. Mabee, aged 22 years, at Pleasantville, NY.
NOTE: Will of John Mabie (2-7-8-5-1), late of Syracuse, NY, dated 2/16/1880 and probated 11/21/1881. Names Richard M. Campbell and Catherine R. Waggoner as heirs at law (not sole heirs). Mentions son John Mabie, Jr., daughter Mary A. Smith, daughter Margaret Mabie (inherited the family homestead at 56 Warren St. which is now downtown Syracuse), daughter Mrs. Catherine Waggoner and her daughter Miss Fannie Waggoner, daughter Mrs. Eliza Crouse wife of Jacob and her daughter Mrs. Lizzie Clock, daughter Mrs. Charlotte Cottin and Mrs. Fannie Prescott [relationship not stated but the will of John Mabie (Jr.) in 1902 shows Fannie Prescott is Charlotte’s daughter)], Mrs. Mariah Mabie, widow of deceased son Albert, and her daughter Charlot Hall; children of deceased daughter Mrs. Lucinda M. Cook (children not specifically named), grandson Charles M. Crouse.
4/16 Death of Elizabeth E.(Daggert) Mabee, aged 41 years, widow of John C. Mabee (2-4-7-1-4-2).
10/8 Death of John Mabie (2-7-8-5-1) in Syracuse, NY, aged 91 years, 11 months.
9/19 M (Princetown Reformed Church) George Scrafford of Schenectady and Rachel Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-8) of Rotterdam
5/31 NOTE: From tombstone in Glenville Church Cemetery, Lansing Mabee died 5/31/1883, age 29-6
11/21 Death of Caroline Brockway (JP-1-4-13), age 74
NOTE: Letter of Administration for Mariah Mabie, late of the Town of Spafford, Onondaga Co., NY, dated 8 Oct 1884, names Aaron Mabie as Administrator. Misc. Orders and Decrees, Book M, p.297, dated 3 Dec 1885, is a petition filed by Aaron Mabie that says Maria Mabie, late of the Town of Spafford, Onondaga Co., NY, died intestate. The only persons with an interest in her estate are: Sarah McKay, Lucinda Taft, John M. Mabie and Aaron Mabie, all of full age. They each received one-fourth of her estate (i.e. $140.26 each). Note: Cemetery data indicates this Maria is the unmarried daughter of Martin & Gertrude. See his will above.
5/29 Death of Alex N. Mabee (2-3-3-5-10), in the 66th year of his age.
9/3 M (see below) Barney Maybee (2-7-8-7-1-2-2) and Miss Mary Fleming both of Hermon
by Rev. R. Jones
4/22 Death of Jacob S. Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-3), aged 50 years.
7/4 M (see below) John H. Maybee (2-7-8-7-1-4-1) age 26, born in Hermon, NY, son of Nelson Maybee and L. Poole, married Clara Woods, age 25, born in So. Edwards, daughter of Edward S. Woods and L. Austin, in Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., NY.
12/20 Death of John P. Mabie (2-3-3-3-1-4), "in the forty-first year of his age", in Philadelphia.
1/31 Death of Sylvanus Maybee (JP-1-4-10-3-2), aged 25 years, 8 months, born in Oswego Co., NY, son of Orrin and Sarah Maybee, died in Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., NY, reported by Joseph Maybee (JP-1-4-10-3-1).
12/6 Death of Alice D. Mabee, widow of Alex N. Mabee (2-3-3-5-10), at the age of 66.
1/31 Death of Simon Mabee (JP-1-7-1), age 90.
NOTE: Letter Of Administration for the estate of Margaret Mabie, dated 23 Apr 1889, names John Mabie as Administrator. Misc. Orders & Decrees Book R, p.264 refers to land with mortgage owned by deceased in South Dakota.
11/12 Death of Helen Jane Swart Mabee, wife of Nicholas Mabee
12/16 M (see below) George Maybee (2-7-8-7-1-4-4), age 23, born in Edwards, NY, son of Nelson Maybee and Eliza Pool, married Nora French, age 19, born in Fine, daughter of Sylvester French and Ester Manchester, in Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., NY.
NOTE: The Will of William Smith, dated 11/6/1891, proved 2/3/1896, and found in Herkimer County Deeds, Book 158, page 108, includes the following interesting provision regarding John Mabie (2-7-8-5-1-9): "To my brother-in-law John Mabie, I give and devise all my interests in mines, mining property and real estate situate in the State of Colorado."
4/11 Death of Tillie Walton Mabee, wife of William Mabee
5/18 Death of Joshua Maybee (2-7-8-7-1-2), aged 56 years, in Herman, of heart failure
3/30 M (see below) Oliver C. Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-5-6) and Flora Bull of Sullivan
5/25 M (see below) Levi Maybee (2-7-8-7-1-4-3), age 29, born in Hermon, NY, son of Nelson Maybee and Eliza Pool, married Della Muir, age 21, born in Fine, daughter of William Muir and Viola Laffin, in Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., NY.
10/13 M (see below) Jacob A. Lynk and Catharine J. Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-5-5).
NOTE: Tombstone in Onondaga Valley Cemetery lists Harmon P. Mabee, d. 9/20/1893, and Rachel Lot Mabee, d. 1/1/1901 (both birth dates unknown)
2/28 M (see below) John H. Homsher and Bessie Mabie (widow of John Mabie (2-3-3-3-1-4)) by the Rev. S. T. Kemble, Tasker M.E. Church
2/1 Birth of Edgar Bull (2-7-8-5-4-5-6-1), son of Oliver C. and Florrie B. Mabie
NOTE: Will of Anne Mabie, widow of Elisha Mabie (2-7-8-5-7), late of Manlius NY, dated 8/19/1889 and probated in 1895. Mentions late husband Elisha Mabie; daughter Sarah Ann Mabie; son-in-law Ambrose L. Mabie; granddaughters Annie E. Mabie, Emily G. Avery, Emelia M. Avery, and Florence N. Tremper; grandson-in-law S. Egbert Avery.
7/12 Birth of Edgar Brainard Mabee (2-4-7-1-2-4-1-1), son of David Brainard Mabee and Anna Hillman
3/29 Birth of Dewitt David Mabee (2-4-7-1-2-4-1-2), son of David Brainard Mabee and Anna Hillman
5/4 M (see below) Webster Maybee (2-7-8-7-1-4-6) of Fine, and Miss Lena Ward of Edwards At Gouverneur, by Rev. E.B. Topping
3/10 Death of Mary Cross Mabee, widow of James (son of John Mabee (JP-3-9)), in Fairfield, Michigan, aged 87 years, 6 months and 29 days.
9/28 From The Mexico Independent newspaper of Mexico, NY (Oswego County),
"Miss Adaline Maybee of Syracuse spent Sunday with her brother, Orrin Maybee (of North Mexico)."
1/? Birth of Ireene Esther Mabee (2-4-7-1-2-4-1-3), daughter of David Brainard Mabee and Anna Hillman
7/7 Birth of Thelma Rebecca (2-7-8-5-4-5-6-2), daughter of Oliver C. and Florrie B. Mabie
12/11 Death of Orin Maybee (JP-1-4-10-3), son of Abraham Maybee and Mary Widger.
8/28 Marriage of Mrs. Sarah Maybee, widow of Orin Maybee (JP-1-4-10-3), and Andrew Williams of Camden, NY
9/27 Death of Margaret T. Mabee, widow of George J. W. Mabee (2-3-3-5-8), died in New York City, age 82. From death certificate #18424.
NOTE: Will of Rachel A. Mabee, late of Syracuse NY, dated 24 Sep 1900, directs burial next to her husband (not named) in Onondaga Valley cemetery. Names: nephew Oliver P. Williams of Syracuse; Harriet Williams, wife of Oliver P.; sister Mary B. Louer of Watervale; first husband’s nephew Frank Covil of New Woodstock.
NOTE: Will of John Mabie (2-7-8-5-1-9), late of Syracuse NY, dated 12/23/1896 and probated 11/26/1902. Mentions: Charles M. Crouse (executor), Charlotte Cotten, Eliza Crouse, Geo. H. Waggoner, Irving H. Waggoner, Fannie Waggoner, Richard Mabie Campbell, Charlotte E. Hall, Everett C. Barnes, Lillie B. Jones, Lester D. Wilbur, and Florence G. Lomas as only heirs at law and next of kin. Will, dated 23 Dec 1896, names: six nieces – Augusta Briggs, Charlotte Hall, Maggie Wilbur, Frances M. Prescott, Lizzie C. Klock, Fannie Waggoner; sisters Charlotte Cotten and Eliza Crouse; refers to old homestead of father John Mabie; states "I have no wife and have never had a wife;" directs the purchase of lot in Oakwood Cemetery (Syracuse) and a monument for his father; names nephew Charles M. Crouse and William C. Prescott of Herkimer, NY as executors.
6/9 Death of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Mabee, killed in a fire in Saratoga, NY.
10/16 Death of Simon Mabee (2-4-8-3-5-5-3) of Greenwich, formerly of Rotterdam Junction, and a son of the late John Mabee, drowned in the Hudson River. He was survived by a wife and one son. From the 1900 census, Simon’s wife was Addie E. Monroe and his son was Earl S. Mabee, born in June 1897.
6/9 Birth of Doris Lucille (2-7-8-5-4-5-6-3), daughter of Oliver C. and Florrie B. Mabie
1/10 Birth of Donald Francis (2-7-8-5-4-5-6-4), son of Oliver C. and Florrie B. Mabie
1/19 M (see below) Henry E. Mabie (2-7-8-5-4-5-7) and Harriet C. Bull
NOTE: A letter from Alice Edick (JP-1-4-6-8), daughter of Joseph Maybee to her nephew Charles E. Maybee (JP-1-4-6-2-2), as transcribed by Belva Perry of the Maybee Society, provides the most complete listing available of the names of the children of David Maybee (JP-1-4). In the letter, dated 8/21/1907 (or 1908), Alice gave the following 12 names: sons Joseph, John, David, Daniel, Abraham, and Solomon and daughters Lany, Anna, Elizabeth (x), Mary (x), Margaret (x), and Caroline (x). Alice explains in the letter that "I never saw any of my uncles and only the Aunts marked with cross." See the 1912 letter of Joseph Mabie (JP-1-4-6-3) below for additional data on the family of David.
NOTE: Will of Sarah A. Mabee (2-7-8-5-7-1), late of Manlius NY. Dated 4 Mar 1909, probated 7 Sep 1911, mentions "my relative" Morris A. Hulett of Brooklyn, daughters: Anna E. Mabee, Amelia M. Avery and Florence N. Tremper.
NOTE: In a letter dated 2/25/1912, Joseph Mabie (JP-1-4-6-3) of Newburgh, NY, referred to his father (Joseph) settling in Parish, Oswego Co., in 1820. The letter lists siblings Almira, Charles and Clara, uncles Abraham (lived in Parish, married, had 4 children, left his family and moved to Michigan), David (lived in Michigan), Isaac ("drowned in a small pond in the east part of Parish when I was a small boy") and Solomon (lived in Monroe County, Michigan) and aunts Betsy (married Milo Coan), Caroline (married a Brockway), Margaret (Peggy), (married a Miller [John]), Nancy (married a House [Abraham]) and Polly (married a Hess[Conrad]). [NOTE: data in brackets not included in the letter.]
Related to this letter, there is a family Bible that lists the following data (from John MayBee):
This Bible also lists the following related deaths:
1/25 Death of Mrs Sarah Maybee Williams of Arthur, NY, aged seventy-five years,
at the home of her daughter Mrs. Edith Maybee Cummings in Watertown, NY.
3/26 M (see below) John S. Mabie (2-3-3-3-1-4-4) and Katherine H. Cummings
12/29 Death of Joseph H. Maybee, son of Orin Maybee (JP-1-4-10-3) and Sarah Clark Maybee.
NOTE: Will of Oliver Mabie, late of Manlius NY dated 6/29/1907 and probated 9/25/1917. Mentions: wife Rebecca A. Mabie; daughter in law Flora Mabie, wife of son Oliver Jr.; daughter Katherine Mabie Lynk; son Henry; grandson Edgar B. Mabie, son of "my son Oliver Mabie Jr."
12/22 Death of Anna Hillman Mabee, wife of David B. Mabee (2-4-7-1-2-4-1)
8/8 Death of David Brainard Mabee (2-4-7-1-2-4-1)
6/? Death of Edith Maybee Cummings, wife of Edward Cummings and daughter of Orin Maybee (JP-1-4-10-3) and Sarah Clark Maybee, born 7/4/1868. Buried in North Watertown Cemetery, Jefferson Co., NY
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