Chronology of Records from New Brunswick, Canada and the State of Maine

Prepared by Steve Mabie with substantial assistance from Doug Mabee

Last Revised: 07/28/2012

The origin of the Mabee families of New Brunswick and Maine begins with the exodus of Loyalists from New York and New Jersey in 1783. Therefore, to set the stage for the records that are contained in this file, it is helpful to examine several excerpts from the book "Loyalists to Canada". For the sake of conciseness, only excerpts specifically relevant to those families who remained in the New Brunswick and Eastport Maine areas are included herein.

Jeremiah Mabee, his wife and 3 children, from Westchester County, were passengers on the "Mercury" arriving in Saint John with the October fleet in 1783. He signed a petition there on 3/3/1786. Grantee at Belle Isle, Kings County, NB. Died at Kingston, Kent County, on 4/23/1824 at age 85.

Gilbert Mabee, from Westchester County, signed a petition at Saint John on 3/3/1786. He was a grantee in Kings County, NB.

Jasper Mabee from NY settled at Saint John, NB, and died there in 1822.

Jacob Mabee: Loyalist from Dutchess County, named in a list of Loyalists in NYC during war. Property confiscated. Son Solomon impressed by British Navy. Arrived in Saint John on the ship "Union" with a wife and two children over 10, on 16 April 1783. Grantee at St. John, signed a petition there on 12/24/1784. Settled in St. Stephen, NB, and died around 1820.

Solomon Mabee, son of Jacob, arrived in St. John on the "Montague" with the July fleet of 1783. Solomon went to St. Stephen, then moved to Eastport, Maine, where he settled as an original grantee in 1788, lot #21, 74 acres. Solomon (d. in 1828, age 63) was one of the first (1802) Baptist deacons in Eastport. Buried in Hillside Cemetery, Eastport Maine.

William Mabee: named on a list of Loyalists in NYC during war. Arrived in St. John on the "Union" in April 1783. Signed a petition at St. John on 1/10/1786.

Elias Mabee and wife Joanna settled in Eastport Maine.

Specifically excluded from the following are records pertaining to descendents of George Mabey, a Loyalist who settled on P. E. I., and some of whose descendents moved to New Brunswick in the mid-1850s.

7/6/1784New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: William Maybee
Location: 27 Kennebecasis River, Sussex Parish, Kings County, 100 acres
Note: Escheated - reverts to crown; forfeiture with just cause
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. A, No. 94
7/14/1784 New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: Jacob Maybee
Location: 77 Gagetown, Gagetown Parish, Queens County, 200 acres
Note: Escheated - reverts to crown; forfeiture with just cause
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. A, No. 98
9/22/1784New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: Gaspar Maybee
Location: Bay Shore near Quaco, St. Martin’s Parish, St. John County, 350 acres
Note: Regranted - property reissued to an Individual
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. I, No. 2
2/21/1785Petition of John Chadeayne and Gilbert Mabee stating "that they are Loyal Refugees from West Chester Province of New York, have been and now are without any lands". Requested a particular lot that was apparently not granted.
Source: PANB, microfilm F
4/13/1785Petition of John Chadeayne and Frederick Mabee stating that they arrived in New Brunswick in 1783 "and are yet without land". Requested a particular lot that was apparently not granted.
Source: PANB, microfilm F
10/14/1785New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: Jeremiah Maybee
Locations: 9 Kennebecasis Isle, Westfield Parish, Kings County, 50 acres
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. 1, No. 10
1788Original Proprietors of Eastport: Solomon Maybee
Source: Eastport Sentinal
1789Memorial of the Inhabitants of Quaco, undated but bounded in time by two letters, one dated 5 March 1787 and the other dated 6 June 1789 (in context, a response to the Memorial), identifies the signers as late soldiers in the King’s Orange Rangers. Signers include Gasper Maybia. 1790 US Federal Census, Eastport, Washington County, Maine
Elias Maybe: 1 male over 16 living alone
Solomon Maybee: 1 male over 16, 2 females
3/26/1790New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: William Maybee
Location: 12 Kendricks Lake, St. Stephen Parish, Charlotte County, 91 acres
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. III, No. 208
5/27/1790Birth: Mary Maybee, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
11/11/1791Birth: Elizabeth Maybee, daughter of Elias and Joanna
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
10/17/1792Birth: William Maybee, son of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
10/19/1793Birth: Jacob Maybee, son of Elias and Joanna
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
1794Undated petition of Jeremiah Mabee, Gilbert Mabee, Justus Sherwood, Jacob Drake and Edward Webster of Kings County, New Brunswick, "desirous of settling on the New Road from the head of Belisle Bay to the Washademoic" requesting 2500 acres.
NOTE: file says "no date, supposed in 1794"
Source: PANB, microfilm F1039
10/1/1794Baptism: Benjamin, son of William Mabee born St. Stephen
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
10/23/1794Birth: Eunice Maybee, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
11/29/1795Baptism: Mihetipel, daughter of William Mabee, born 10/10/1795 in St. Stephen
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
1/13/1796Birth: Sarah Maybee, daughter of Elias and Joanna
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
2/26/1796Petition by Jeremiah Mabee of Kings County stating that Lot #16 in Kingston was registered to his son, Gilbert Mabee, who drowned leaving no heirs and requesting that the lot be confirmed to Gilbert’s younger brother William Mabee.
Source: PANB, microfilm F1040
11/1/1796New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: Gaspar Maybee
Location: 1,6 West Quaco, St. Martins Parish, St. John County, 10 acres
Location: 20 Macomber Brook, St. Martins Parish, St. John County, 405 acres
Location: 4 Griffin Pond, St. Martins Parish, St. John County, 164 acres
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. IV, No. 308
11/3/1796Birth: Rhoda Maybee, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
3/13/1797Baptism: Fanny, daughter of William Mabee, born 6/1/1797 in St. Stephen
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
4/24/1798Birth: Nancy Maybee, daughter of Elias and Joanna
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
7/1/1798 Baptism: William, son of William Mabee, born 4/25/1798 in St. Stephen
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
1/2/1799Birth: Joana Maybee, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
1800 US Federal Census, Eastport, Washington County, Maine
Elias Maybee: 1 male 26-45, 1 male 10-16, 1 female 16-26, 1 female 10-16, 3 females under 10
Solomon Maybee: 1 male 26-45, 1 male under 10, 1 female 26-45, 1 female 10-16, 3 females under 10
2/10/1800New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: Jeremiah Maybe
Location: 16 Grassy Brook, Kingston Parish, Kings County, 209 acres
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. IV, No. 356
7/7/1800Baptism: Ellinor Hunt, daughter of William Mabee, born 6/13/1800 in St. Stephen
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
10/9/1800Birth: Lydia Maybee, daughter of Elias and Joanna
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
9/26/1801Birth: Simon Maybee, son of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
9/10/1802Birth: Joanna Maybee, daughter of Elias and Joanna
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
9/29/1802Death: Simon Maybee, son of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
3/14/1803Birth: Ruth Maybee, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
6/10/1804 (Publication Date)Death: Wednesday morning, age 8, son of Jasper Maybee drowned at Mill Pond, York Point, third son to meet a similar fate in 12 months.
Source: St. John Gazette, Saint John, St. John County
10/8/1804Birth: Mary Maybee, daughter of Elias and Joanna
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
4/19/1805Birth: Benjamin R. Maybee, son of Solomon and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
5/9/1806Death: Elias Maybee of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
Will of Elias Mabee of Eastport, Massachusetts, dated 5/7/1806, and proved 1/17/1812, mentions wife Johanna, son Jacob, and daughters Betsy, Sally, Nancy, Lydia, Johanna, and Mary. (Washington County Wills, Book 4, pages 125, 126, 137, 138 and 158). 6/ 9/1808Marriage: John Frost, Jr. of Plantation #1 and Polly Mabee of Eastport in Washington Co., Me.
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
7/10/1808 Marriage: Daniel Aymar and Eliza Mabee, both of Eastport in Washington Co., Me. Intentions entered 6/23, Date of Certificate 7/10
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
7/17/1808Baptism: William, son of William Mabee
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
4/29/1809Death: Elizabeth Maybee, wife of Solomon, of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
1810 US Federal Census, Eastport, Washington County, Maine
Widow Maybee: 1 male over 45, 1 male 10-16, 1 female over 45, 2 females 10-16, 2 females under 10
Solomon Maybee: 1 male over 45, 1 male 16-26, 1 male under 10, 1 female 16-26, 2 females 10-16, 1 female under 10
1/25/1810Burial: Mary Mabee
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
7/1/1810;Baptism: Mary, daughter of William Mabee
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
1/30/1812Birth: Elias Aymar, parents: Daniel Aymar and wife Elisabeth (identified as 2nd child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
2/5/1812New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: William Mabee
Location: 34, 43,1,59 N St Stephen, St. Stephen Parish, Charlotte County, 361 acres
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Vol. F, No. 566
6/7/1813Baptism: Alsey (or Elsey or Abey), daughter of William Mabee
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
10/23/1813Marriage: Jacob Bryant and Nancy Maybee, both of Eastport, Intentions entered 11/29/1813, Date of Certificate 12/21
(Note: Apparently married before paperwork)
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
3/3/1814 Birth of Francis Aymar, parents: Daniel Aymar and wife Elisabeth (identified as 3rd child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
11/22/1814Death of Joanna Mabee, widow of Elias, of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
2/12/1815Marriage Intentions entered for Elisha Pyke and Sally Maybee
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
3/6/1815New Brunswick Crown Land Grant: Jacob Mabee
Location: 38 2nd Div Hayman Hill, St. Stephen Parish, Charlotte County, 94 acres
Source: Province of New Brunswick Crown Land Grant Index, Roll 748
1815St. Stephen, Charlotte County Tax List includes the names Phillip Maby, Wm. Mabee and Henry Mabee
Source: copy in the MC files at PANB
To Robinson [Crocker?] Collector of Taxes in the Parish of St Stephen. You are hereby Requested & Directed forthwith to call on the following Persons for their Respective Rates as hereunto annexed to their number, and, You will pay the amount thereof, being Forty Two Pounds Ten Shillings into the hand of the Treasury of the County for the purpose Directed by Law.
Signed. Robert Wattson, William Kennady, William Maybe.

NOTE: Who is Phillip Maby? Another Phillip, the son of Peter Mabe of Gaspé, Quebec, was born in 1800.

7/30/1815Baptism: Elizabeth Tucker, daughter of William Mabee, born 5/20/1815, St. Stephen
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
8/26/1815Marriage: Jacob Maybee and Elizabeth Pyke, Intentions entered 7/29
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
9/20/1815Marriage: Abraham Mabee and Frances Rowans, both of St. Johns, witnesses: H. Anthony, P. Johnston, Jr.
Source: Early Marriage Records of New Brunswick, Anglican Trinity Church
12/6/1815 (date of marriage bond)Marriage: Thomas Eastman and Sarah Mabee, both of Charlotte County, NB
Marriage Bond: F-9089, co-signer Jacob Mabee of Charlotte County
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds:
1/11/1816Marriage: William Mabee and June Mitchell, both of Eastport, by John Burgin, J. P.
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
2/23/1816Burial: Jacob Mabee
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
6/23/1816 Baptism: Fredrich, son of John Elliot, 4 weeks old
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
10/5/1816Birth: Betsy Ann Aymar, parents: Daniel Aymar and wife Elisabeth (identified as 4th child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
8/31/1817Marriage of Enoch Freeman and Eunice Mabee, both of Eastport, by John Burgin, J. P.
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
6/7/1818Birth of Joanna Mabee, parents: Jacob Mabee and wife Elizabeth
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
6/20/1818 Baptism: Nancy Brint, daughter of John Elliot, b. 3/3/1818
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
10/18/1818Birth of William D. Aymar, parents: Daniel Aymar and wife Elisabeth (identified as 5th child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
11/18/1818Death of Betsy Ann Aymar, Father: Daniel Aymar, DOB: 10/5/1816
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
2/9/1819Death of Elias Aymar, Father: Daniel Aymar, DOB: 1/30/1812
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
2/14/1819Birth of James Freeman, parents: Enoch Freeman and wife Eunice (identified as 1st child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
2/18/1819Marriage of John Aymar and Lydia Mabie, both of Eastport, by John Burgin, J. P.
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
3/2/1819Death of James Freeman, Father: Enoch Freeman, DOB: 2/14/1819
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
1820 US Federal Census, Eastport, Washington County, Maine
William Maybee: 1 male 18-26, 1 female 16-26, 1 female 10-16
Jacob Maybee: 1 male 26-45, 1 female 16-26, 2 females under 10
Solomon Maybee: 1 male over 45, 1 male 10-16, 1 male under 10, 2 females 16-26
1/22/1820Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Aymar, wife of Daniel
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
7/21/1821 (Publication Date) Death of a child of Capt. Jacob Mabee of Campobello, age 22 months. Child died in Eastport.
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 3 #48
8/2/1821 Marriage: Wittee Davidson Moore of St. David and Penelope Mabee of St. Stephen, by Richard Clarke
Source: Register of Marriages in the Parish of St. Stephen and St. David
11/11/1821 Baptism: Harriet Mabee, daughter of John Elliot, b. 10/6/1821
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
4/25/1822Birth of William A. Mabee, parents: Jacob Mabee and wife Elizabeth
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
7/5/1822Birth of Daniel Freeman, parents: Enoch Freeman and wife Eunice (identified as 2nd child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
8/22/1822 (Publication Date) Death: Jasper Maybee of Fredericton, "on Tuesday, advanced age"
Source: N.B. Royal Gazette, Fredericton, York County
4/13/1824Death: Jeremiah Mabee, age 85, in Kingston, Kings Co.
Source: City Gazette, Saint John, St. John County 4/29/1824 (publication date)
Jeremiah Mabee, Sr., of Parish of Kingston, Kings Co., Yeoman. Will dated 3/16/1824, proved 7/8/1824. Names sons Jeremiah, William, daughter Catherine, wife of Jeremiah Drake, Judith Drake, daughter of Catherine & Jeremiah.
Source: Early New Brunswick Probate Records 1785 - 1835, by R. Wallace Hale:
8/7/1824Birth of Abigail Freeman, parents: Enoch Freeman and wife Eunice (identified as 3rd child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
10/2/1824Birth of Francis J. Mabee, parents: Jacob Mabee and wife Elizabeth (identified as 3rd child)
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
9/10/1825Marriage: Gilbert Mabee and Deborah Hines, both of Kingston, witnesses: John Northrup, Barnabus Mabee
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
10/15/1825 (Publication Date)Marriage: In West Isles NB, William C. Carpenter and Ruth R. Mabee, David Owens (Minister or witness)
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 8 #9
10/11/1826Birth of Sara Elizabeth Mabee, parents: Jacob Mabee and wife Elizabeth
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
11/8/1826Marriage: Barnabus Francis Mabee, of Kingston Parish and Elizabeth Best, of Springfield, witnesses: Abraham Mabee and Gilbert G Mabee
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
3/22/1828 (Publication Date) Death of Sarah, 16 months, daughter of Capt. Jacob Mabee
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 10 #32
5/28/1828 (Publication Date)Drowned, Friday morning, Abraham Mabee, Pilot, in proceeding to brig "Mary" of Plymouth, left wife, six children.
Source: City Gazette, Saint John, St. John County (also in the Eastport Sentinel of 5/31/1828)
8/13/1828 (Publication Date) Recovered on Monday, Sand Cove, St. John, the body of Abraham Mabee (see original)
Source: City Gazette, Saint John, St. John County
NOTE: Transcription of this account by Doug Mabee indicates that Abraham’s body was recovered on 5/31, three days after he drowned.
Abraham Maybee, of City of Saint John, St. John's Co., Branch Pilot, died intestate. Administration granted 9/10/1828 to his widow, Frances Maybee. Abraham drowned in May 1828.
Source: Early New Brunswick Probate Records 1785 - 1835, by R. Wallace Hale:
3/10/1829Death of Miss Lydia Mabee, DOB: 10/9/1800, died in St. Andrews, N.B.
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
3/15/1829 Marriage: William Brown and Mehetabel Elliott, widow (nee Mabee), both of St. Stephen, by Skiff. Thomson
Witnesses: Elias Mabee, Rebecca Mabee
Source: Register of Marriages in the Parish of St. Stephen and St. David
4/29/1829 (Publication Date)Death: Solomon Maybee died at 68 years
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 11 #38
10/29/1829Marriage: Benjamin Mabee and Jane Greene, by Wm. W. Ashley, Clergyman
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 12 #13 (11/4/1829)
1830 US Federal Census, Eastport, Washington County, Maine
No "Mabee" households enumerated in Eastport Maine in 1830
7/21/1830 (Publication Date) Marriage: Francis Aymar Jr. and Mary Mabee, both of St. Andrews, by Rev. Street
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 12 #50
1/26/1831 (Publication Date) Died, in Kingston, Kings Co., Saturday, George Mabee, age 22.
Source: City Gazette, Saint John, St. John County
3/7/1831 Death of Capt. Jacob Mabee of Eastport, 37 years old, at sea on board the Schooner Sarah on her passage from Honduras to New York
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 13 #33 (3/23/1831)
1833 The Helen Gray, a 286 ton barque built at Deer Island, NB, in 1825 by Coburn Cumings and owned by Cadwaller Curry and William Mabee, was wrecked off Florida
Source: Vessels over 40 tons built in Charlotte County, New Brunswick
9/8/1833Marriage: Charles S. Corey, Parish of Springfield and Elizabeth Mabee, Parish of Kingston, Spinster, witnesses: David Pickett, W. C. Scovil
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
10/31/1833 Marriage: Ebenezer Getchel and Eliza Mabee, by Skiff. Thomson, witnesses: James Harley, Henry Mabee
Source: Register of Marriages in the Parish of St. Stephen and St. David
1/9/1834Marriage: Abraham Mabee and Pheby Hinds, Spinster, both of Parish of Kingston, witnesses: Isaac Perkins, Rhoda Doigles
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
1/27/1835Marriage: Josephus Moore of St. George and Miss daughter of Mr. Mabee of St. Stephen by Rev. Dr. Thompson
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County, 2/7/1835 (Publication Date)
2/14/1835 (Publication Date) Died, Catherine Drake, consort of Jeremiah Drake whose death was announced in papers of last week was a daughter of Jeremiah Mabee of Kingston, Kings County. She emigrated to this province with her parents in 1783.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County
4/17/1835Birth of Mary Jane Mabee, parents: Benjamin Mabee and wife
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
6/15/1835Marriage: William Bean and Frances Maybee, witnesses: Thomas Furnas, J. Spears
Source: Early Marriage Records of New Brunswick, Anglican Trinity Church
9/22/1836Marriage: Frederick M. Manual, Parish of York, and Frances C. Mabee, Parish of Kingston, in Queensbury, York County, witnesses: James G. Wiggins and James Drake
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
5/4/1837 Baptism: John, son of William and Mehatable Brown, b. 4/20/1837
Source: Records of the McColl Methodist Church, St. Stephen, Charlotte County, NB
1/6/1838Died, this morning, Harriet L. Mabee daughter of Abraham D. Mabee, age 3 years 6 mos.
Source: St. Andrews Standard, Saint Andrews, Charlotte County Publication Date: 1/6/1838
1/13/1839Died, in Kingston, Kings Co., on January 13th, Phoebe Mabee wife of Abraham D. Mabee, age 29, left husband, two children.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 1/19/1839
1840 US Federal Census, Eastport, Washington County, Maine
William Mabee: Males: 0-1-2-3-4-2-2-0-0-0-0-0-0; Females: 0-0-0-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
4/1/1840Died, on April 1st, at her son's residence in St. John, Susannah Mabee, wife of Jeremiah Mabee, Kingston, Kings Co., age 55, left wife.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 4/11/1840
7/23/1840Married, in St. Stephen, Charlotte Co., on July 23rd, by Rev. Sedgefield Thomson, Martin Densmore, St. Stephen and Miss Elizabeth Mabee, same place.
Source: St. Andrews Standard, Saint Andrews, Charlotte County Publication Date: 7/31/1840
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 8/8/1840
12/1/1840Marriage: Gilbert G. Mabee, Parish of Greenwich, and Elizabeth Laskey, Spinster, Parish of Westfield, witnesses: William Mabee, Lattia Laskey (in Greenwich, England?)
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
12/31/1840Married, in Kingston, Kings Co., on December 31st 1840, by Rev. James Cookson, George Earl and Caroline Elizabeth Mabee, third daughter of Capt. Jeremiah Mabee, witnesses: Isaac W. Perkins, Maria Mabee
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 1/9/1841
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
1/3/1841 Birth of Annie M. Mabee, parents: Benjamin Mabee and wife
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
1/3/1841Birth of Joanna Mabee, parents: Benjamin Mabee and wife
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
5/18/1842Marriage: Jeremiah Mabee, Parish of Kingston, and Mary Pickett, witnesses: Abraham Pickett, Jane Wheten
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
3/20/1843Marriage: William Maybee and Frances Margaret Northrup, Kingston, by W. T. Wishart, witnesses: B. F. Maybee, Daniel Odell
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register C, 1839-1847
7/10/1843Marriage: Wentworth S. Moffett and Catherine Jane Mabee, Parish of Kingston, Witnesses: Charles Scribner, Maria A. Mabee
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register A, 1812-1844
7/20/1843Marriage: Thomas Mabee and Miss Matilda Hood, all of Union Point, St. John at Union Pt Lancaster by Rev. F. Coster, witnesses: Abraham Spear, William Hood
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register C, 1839-1847
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County, 7/22/1843 (Publication Date)
4/17/1843 (Publication Date) Died, Tuesday morning, Mary Mabee, second daughter of the late Abram Mabee, Branch Pilot, age 25. Funeral tomorrow, 2 o'clock from her residence in Lower Cove, St. John.
Source: Morning News, Saint John, St. John County
6/22/1844Birth of Maria Mabee, parents: Benjamin Mabee and wife
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
9/21/1844 (Publication Date) Died, Thursday afternoon, Delia Clarissa Mabee, daughter of Barnaby F. Mabee, age 6 mos. 4 days.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County
12/1/1844Marriage of William A. Mabee and Abbey Clark, by Edward N. Harris, Clergyman
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
12/24/1844Married, in Greenwich, Kings Co., on December 24th, 1844, by Rev. James Cookson, Abraham D. Mabee, Parish of Kingston, and Ann Humphrey, Parish of Greenwich, youngest daughter of John Humphrey, witnesses: Jeremiah Mabee, Abel Humphrey.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 1/11/1845
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register B, 1844-1867
1/28/1845Marriage: Robert D. Scribner, of St. John, and Maria Ann Mabee, eldest daughter of Capt. Jeremiah Mabee, Kingston, Kings Rev. I.W.D. Gray, witnesses: B. F. Mabee and George Carey
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register C, 1839-1847
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County, 2/1/1845 (Publication Date)
7/15/1845Marriage: Abel Humphrey, Greenwich Parish, Kings Co., and Miss Matilda Mabee, Kingston parish, in St Andrews Church by Rev. Andrew Halket, witnesses: Abram C. Mabee and Frances Ann Halket
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register C, 1839-1847
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County, 7/19/1845 (Publication Date)
1/22/1846Death of Benjamin Mabee
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
2/7/1846 (Publication Date) Died, in New York, on January 22nd, Capt. Benjamin Mabee, late of Eastport, Me., age 46.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County
3/5/1846 Death of William A. Mabee, son of Jacob and Elizabeth
Source: Records of Birth, Marriage and Death, Eastport, Maine, 1811 - 1856 (LDS Film 10840)
6/20/1847Marriage: Charles Scribner and Miss Lucinda Mabee, both of St. John City by Rev. R. Irvine (Presb), witnesses: BF Mabee, Samuel (Broual)
Source: Yesteryear Marriages, Reg. D, St John, NB 1847-1853
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 6/26/1847
9/18/1848Marriage: George Corey and Hannah Eliza Mabee, eldest daughter of B.F. Mabee, all of St. John City by Rev. H. Daniel (W Meth), witnesses: Charles E Potter and Robt Scribner
Source: Yesteryear Marriages, Reg. D, St John, NB 1847-1853
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 9/23/1848
Source: Christian Visitor, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/11/1848
12/12/1848Marriage: Henry Wilson and Miss Frances Jane Mabee, both of St. John City by Rev. H. Daniel (W Meth), witnesses: James McNaughton and Samuel Hicks
Source: Yesteryear Marriages, Reg. D, St John, NB 1847-1853
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 12/16/1848
5/9/1849Marriage: Franklin D. Mabee and Miriam M. Wood, both of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
1850 US Federal Census, Maine Aroostook County, Plymouth Grant, ME
Adelia Maybee, 21, F, ME.
Washington County Eastport, ME
William Mabee, 57, M, Ship Master, ME.
Nancy Mabee, 42, F, ME
Washington County Eastport, ME
Edward Mabee, 27, M, Ship Master, ME
Washington County, Eastport, ME
Elisabeth Mabee, 50, F, Nova Scotia, widow of Jacob Mabee
Washington County, Eastport, ME
Jane Mabee, 38, F, NB, widow of Benjamin Mabee
Joanna Mabee, 39, F, NB
Mary J. Mabee, 15, F, ME
Joanna Mabee, 9, F, ME
Elisa N. Mabee, 7, F, ME
1851 Census New Brunswick Hampton Parish, Kings County, NB
Jeremiah Mabee, 38, Married, Native, Ten. Farmer
Mary Mabee, 36, Married, Native
Jacob G. Mabee, 14, Single, Native
Jeremiah Mabee, 11, Native
James T. Mabee, 6, Native
Margaret Mabee, 8, Native
Julia Anne Mabee, 4, Native
Lilla Mabee, 3 mos., Native
Caroline Humphrey, 18, niece, Native
Hampton Parish, Kings County, NB
Hannah Mabee, 32, servant, Native, residing with William C. Snow and family
Kingston Parish, Kings County, NB (Transcribed by Doug Mabee)
Jeremiah Mabee, 71, married, farm prop., entry date Nov 1783
Mary Mabee, 62, married, NB
William S. Mabee, 37, married, farm ten., NB
Fanny Mabee, 26, married, NB
Albert Mabee, 7, NB
Mary Mabee, 5, NB
Horatio Mabee, 3, NB
Lucinda Mabee, 1, NB
Mary O'Connor, 19, Irish Servant
Kingston Parish, Kings County, NB (Transcribed by Doug Mabee)
Abraham D. Mabee, 44, married, carpenter, NB
Rhoda Mabee, 25, married, NB
George W. Mabee, 14, NB
Alfred Mabee, 5, NB
Jane Mabee, 3, NB
Deborah Mabee, 1, NB
Kingston Parish, Kings County, NB (Transcribed by Doug Mabee)
Alonzo Mabee, with George Earle
Kingston Parish, Kings County, NB (Transcribed by Doug Mabee)
Margaret Mabee, with Richard Piers
Westfield Parish, prt 1, Kings County, NB (Transcribed by Doug Mabee)
Gilbert Mabee, 46, married, farmer, NB
Elizabeth Mabee, 33 married, NB
William Mabee, 10, NB
Matilda Mabee, 8, NB
Melissa Mabee, 6, NB
George Mabee, 3, NB
Kings Parish, St. John County, NB
Barnabus Maybee, 47, Married, Cartman
Elizabeth Maybee, 43
Esther Maria Maybee, 20
Sarah Angelina Maybee, 16
Mary Susanna Maybee, 14
George Henry Maybee, 11
William Drake Maybee, 9,
Horatio Theodore Maybee, 7,
Oliver Edwin Maybee, 4,
Olive Minetta Maybee, 2,
Sydney Parish, St. John County, NB
John Maybee, 25, Single, Blockmaker
William Maybee, 24, Single, Blockmaker
Residing with the family of Frances Bain
Saint Mary's Parish, York County, NB
Thomas Maby, 40, Native, Labourer
Matilda Maby, 30, Irish (entered 1835)
William Maby, 6,
John Maby, 3,
Francis Maby, F, 5
Margaret Maby, new born
St Stephens Parish, Charlotte County, NB
William Maybee, 84, N.B., Widower, Carpenter: Infirm*
Henry Maybee, 57, carpenter, NB
Fanny Maybee, 53, NB
Elias Maybee, 42, carpenter, NB
* [the enumerator placed an asterisk after William MAYBEE's entry, with the
unusual explanation "since Dead" noted under the roll]
Moncton Parish, Westmoreland County, NB
Paul Maybee, 27, Married, Ship's Carpenter
Jane Maybee, 22, Married,
Cornelius Maybee, 1
6/19/1852, (Publication Date) Died, on Tuesday, Abraham Mabee, age 28.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County
7/9/1852 Birth: Thomas Franklin Mabee, son of Franlin D. and Miriam of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
7/21/1852Marriage: William T. Allen and Esther M. Mabee, second daughter of B.F. Mabee, both of St. John, by Rev Samuel Robinson, witnesses: James H Allan and Mary Mabee
Source: Yesteryear Marriages, Reg. D, St John, NB 1847-1853
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 7/24/1852
7/31/1853 Marriage: H. G. Capen and Mary Jane Mabee, both of Eastport, by Rev. C. Bryant
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 35 #42 (8/3/1853)
10/3/1853 Marriage: Capt. Edward Mabee and Abby C. Buck, both of Eastport, by Rev. C. Bryant
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 35 #51 (10/5/1853)
1/14/1854 (Publication Date) Died, Sunday morning, Esther M. Mabee, wife of W.T. Allen and second daughter of B.F. Mabee, age 24.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County
7/21/1854Died, on Friday July 21st, Hannah Eliza Cory, wife of George Cory, and eldest daughter of B.F. Mabee, age 27.
Source: Weekly Chronicle, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 7/28/1854
3/10/1855Died, on Saturday March 10th, Eva Inisilla Estell Mabee, daughter of B.F. Mabee, age 1 year 5 mos.
Source: Weekly Chronicle, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 3/16/1855
9/4/1855 Death of Joanna Mabee, of Eastport, about 50, of fever in New York
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 37 #47 (9/5/1855)
12/12/1855Death: Capt. William Mabee 63 years, of Eastport, born Indian Island, NB in 1792, removed to Eastport in 1833
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 38 #8 (12/12/1855)
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
Will of William Mabee of Eastport, Washington County, Maine, dated 11/10/1754, proved 3/4/1856. Mentions wife Ann and son Edward, deceased brother Benjamin and Benjamin's children Joanna Mabee and Eliza M. Mabee (minors at the time the will was written), and "my four sisters" Eunice Stoddard, Rhoda Joy, Ruth Carpenter and Joanna Mabee.
Source: Washington County, Maine, Wills, Volume 20, page 113 - 115.
1/6/1856Marriage: John Maybe and Margaret Kierstead, Spinster, both of the Parish of Sussex, witnesses: Isaiah Kierstead, James McFarland
Source: Kings Co. Marriages, Register B, 1844-1867
9/27/1856 (Publication Date) Died, Friday morning, Sarah Angelina Mabee, third daughter of B.F. Mabee, age 22. Funeral Sunday 3 o'clock from her father's residence corner of Elliott Row and Pitt St., St. John.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County
10/11/1856Married, on October 11th Abraham M. Mabee, Portland, St. John, and Margaret E. Lawspn, only daughter of William Lawson, Greenwich, Kings Co.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/18/1856
10/12/1857Land Petition: Thomas B. Maybee, age 42, resident of New Brunswick and a British Subject.
Lot 23 in block 4 Durham, York County, formerly applied for by Samuel R. Estey, who made no improvements.
Source: PANB, microfilm F5936
4/14/1859Birth: George William Mabee, son of Franklin D. and Miriam of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
3/18/1860 Death of Edward Mabee in Eastport
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 41 #22 (3/21/1860). Letters of Administration issued to Aaron Hayden on 3/5/1861. (Washington County Probate Records, Vol. III, page 432).
1860 US Federal Census, Maine Washington County, Eastport, ME, page 726
Franklin D. Mabee, 36, M, Seaman, 600, 200, New Brunswick
Marian M. Mabee, 30, F, Nova Scotia
Thomas F. Mabee, 7, M, ME
George W. Mabee, 1, M, ME
Washington County, Eastport, ME, page 755
Abbie Mabee, 23, F, -, 6000, 300, New Brunswick
Washington County, Eastport, ME, page 761
Elizabeth Mabee, 59, F, New Brunswick
Washington County, Eastport, ME, page 791
Jane Mabee, 46, F, Nova Scotia
Washington County, Eastport, ME, page 755
Anna Mabee, 51, F, Boarding Housekeeper, 6000, 1200, ME
Anna H. Mabee, 19, F, ME
Elisa Mabee, 16, F, ME
York County, Biddeford, ME, page 258
Francis E. Maybey, 23, F, Operative, ME (Appears to work in a mill)
1861 Census New Brunswick, Transcribed by Doug Mabee Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
Abraham D. Mabee, 54, married, NB, Baptist, mechanic
Rhoda Mabee, 25, married, NB, Baptist
William Mabee, 24, NB, Baptist, mechanic
Alfred Mabee, 15, NB, Baptist
Jane Mabee, 13, NB, Baptist, at school
Deborah Mabee, 11, NB, Baptist
Charles Mabee, 9, NB, Baptist
Susanah Mabee, 7, NB, Baptist
Annette Mabee, 4, NB, Baptist
Jeremiah Mabee, 1, NB, Baptist
Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
Alonzo Mabee, 22, with Philip J Dann as farm labour
Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
William S. Mabee, 47, married, NB, Baptist, farmer
Fannie Mabee, 37, married, NB, Baptist
Albert Mabee, 18, NB, Baptist
Mary Mabee, 15, NB, Baptist
Horatio Mabee, 13, NB, Baptist
Lucinda (Hariet) Mabee, 11, NB, Baptist
Ira Mabee, 8, NB, Baptist
Herbert Mabee, 6, NB, Baptist
Emma Mabee, 3, NB, Baptist
Jeremiah Mabee, 82, married, NB, Baptist
Mary Mabee, 71, married, NB, E Meth
Westfield Parish, Kings Co, NB
Gilbert Mabee, 55, married, NB, Baptist, farmer
Elizabeth Mabee, 44, married, NB, Baptist
William Mabee, 20, NB, Baptist, farmer
Matilda Mabee, 18, NB, Baptist
Melissa Mabee, 16, NB, Baptist
George Mabee, 13, NB, Baptist
Wellington Mabee, 10, NB, Baptist
Leticia Mabee, 5, NB, Baptist
Westfield Parish, Kings Co, NB
Hannah Mabee, 42, with Charles Scribner aged 40
Sussex West Parish, Kings Co, NB
John Mabey, 38, married, NB, E Meth, farmer
Margaret Mabey, 28, married, NB, E Meth
Frances Bain, 64, NB, E Meth, mother-(in law)
Frances J. Wilson, 45, NB, E Meth, sister
William Mabey, 33, NB, E Meth, brother; blockmaker
Mary Mabey, 4, NB, E Meth, dau
Alexander Mabey, 2, NB, E Meth, son
John Mabey, 3/12, NB, E Meth, son
Abraham Wilson, 11, NB, E Meth, nephew
Henry Wilson, 8, E Meth,
Albert Wilson, 7, (adopt), NB, E Meth, (Idiotic)
St Stephens Parish, Part 2, Charlotte Co, NB; (Lower District)
Paul Mabee, 31, NS, E Meth, lodger, ship carpenter
St Stephens Parish, Part 2, Charlotte Co, NB; (Upper District)
Elias Mabee, 56, married, NB, Meth, Joiner
Rachael Mabee, 46, married, NB, Meth
Melville Mabee, 15, NB, Meth
Elizabeth R. Mabee, 12, NB, Meth
Greenwich Parish, Kings Co, NB
Abraham Mabey, 35, married, NB, Bapt, farmer
Margaret Mabey, 30, married, NB, Bapt
Catherine Mabey, 30, NB, Bapt
Philip Welch, 46, Irish, RC, school teacher
1/1/1862 Marriage: A. R. Bates and E. M. Mabee, both of Eastport, by Rev. C. Tibbetts
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 44 #12 (1/8/1862)
5/29/1862Married, in Eastport, Maine, on May 29th, by Rev. Kidder, Spafford Barker, Esq, Fredericton, York Co., and Mrs. Abbie G. Mabee, Eastport.
Source: Religious Intelligencer, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 6/6/1862
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 44 #33 (6/4/1862)
5/5/1863 Notice: In Manchias, Aaron Hayden was appointed administrator for the estate of Edward Mabee, late of Eastport
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 45 #30 (5/13/1863)
6/21/1863Died, in Kingston, Kings Co., Sunday 21st June, Jeremiah Mabee, age 84. He was born on Long Island, State of New York in 1779 and came to Saint John with the Loyalists in 1783, left widow, ten children, 58 grandchildren, several great grand children.
Source: N.B. Courier, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 6/27/1863
12/14/1863Birth of Kitty Mabee, daughter of Franklin D. and Miriam of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
1/28/1864Married, on January 28th, by Rev. Wm Donald, Jacob Gillis Mabee, Hampton, Kings Co., and Miss Bella S. Cook, Portland, St. John.
(co-signer of marriage bond: Jeremiah D. Mabee)
Source: Religious Intelligencer, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 2/5/1864
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
Hutchinson’s New Brunswick Directory for 1865-66 Abraham Mabee, Laborer, Kingston St., Middlelands, Kingston, Kings Co.
J. G. Mabee
, Carpenter, Hampton, Kings Co.
J. D. Mabee
, Hampton, Kings Co.
Abraham M. Mabee
, Carpenter, Greenwich Hill, Kings Co.
William Mabee
, Farmer, Connorsville, Kings Co.
Abraham Mabee
, Carpenter, Connorsville, Kings Co.
Gilbert Maby
, Farmer, Mouth of Nerepis, Kings Co.
Allan Mabee
, Teamster, Charles and Sheriff Sts., Portland, St. John Co.
B. F. Mabee
, Teamster, 45 Elliott Row, Saint John, St. John Co.
Henry Mabey
, Farmer, Old Ridge Road, St. Stephen, Charlotte Co.
Elias Mabey
, Joiner, Union Mills, Milltown Road, St. Stephen, Charlotte Co.
Melvin Mabey
, Millman, Union Mills,Milltown Road, St. Stephen, Charlotte Co.
Paul Mabey
, Shipcarpenter, Water and King Sts., St. Stephen, Charlotte Co.
4/29/1865Married, in Portland, St. John, April 29th, by Rev. E.C. Cady, John Wood, St. John and Miss Matilda Mabee, Portland.
Source: Religious Intelligencer, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/5/1865
5/28/1865Married, on May 28th, by Rev. Samuel Robinson, William D. Mabee, St. John City and Miss Eliza C. Saunders, Portland.
Source: St. John Globe, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 7/13/1865
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
6/14/1865Death of Kitty Mabee, daughter of Franklin D. and Miriam of Eastport, Maine, age 2 years, 6 months
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 47 #33 (7/5/1865)
10/4/1865 (sources conflict 10/4/or 10/5)Married, on Wednesday October 4th, at residence of bride's father, by Rev. A.B. McDonald, George A. Wood, St. John and Miss Susie Mabee, Hampton, Kings Co.
Source: St. John Globe, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/6/1865
Source: Religious Intelligencer, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/13/1865
5/5/1866Married, on May 5th, by Rev. Samuel Robinson, William F. Sullivan and Nettie, youngest daughter of B.H. Mabee, all of St. John City.
Source: Christian Visitor, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/10/1866
NOTE: As recorded by the minister, Samuel Robinson, the groom's name was William Francis Sullivan. The couple, both of the city of St. John, were married by license.
6/16/1866Birth of Frederick Mabee, son of Franklin D. and Miriam of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
9/30/1866Died, on Sunday September 30th, Mary S. fourth daughter of B.F. and Elizabeth Mabee, age 30. Funeral Tuesday half past 2 o'clock from father's residence, corner Pitt St. and Elliot Row, St. John.
Source: Christian Visitor, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/4/1866
Source: Morning Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/2/1866
Hutchinson’s New Brunswick Directory, for 1867-1868 Abraham Mabee, labourer, Kingston St., Middlelands, Kingston, Kings
J. G. Mabee
, carpenter, Hampton, Kings
J. D. Mabee
, Hampton, Kings
Abraham M. Mabee
, carpenter, Greenwich Hill, Kings
William Mabee
, farmer, Connorsville, Kings
Abraham Mabee
, carpenter, Connorsville, Kings
Gilbert Mabee
, teamster, Adelaide St., Indiantown, Portland, St. John
William B. Mabee
, Carpenter, 45 Elliott Row, Saint John, St. John
Jeremiah D. Mabee
, Photographer, St.Patrick St., Saint John, St. John
Barnabas F. Mabee
, Teamster, 45 Elliott Row, Saint John, St. John
Henry Mabey
, farmer, Old Ridge Road, St. Stephen, Charlotte
Elias Mabey
, Joiner, Union Mills, St. Stephen, Charlotte
Melvin Mabey
, millman, Union Mills, Milltown Rd., St. Stephen, Charlotte
Gilbert Maby
, farmer, Mouth Of Nerepis,
Paul Mabey
, shipcarpenter, Water and King St., St. Stephen, Charlotte
1/22/1867Died, in Sussex, Kings Co., on January 22nd, of consumption, age 33, William Henry Mabee, youngest son of the late Abraham Mabee, branch pilot of St. John port.
Source: Morning Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 2/2/1867
6/13/1867 (Publication Date) We learn that a man named Mabee was killed at Long Reach, Kings Co., on Monday last by a vicious horse named 'Journal'
Source: Morning Freeman, Saint John, St. John County
10/11/1867 Birth of Lois Anna, daughter of John Wood and Matilda Jane Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1868 Marriage: Alfred Mabee and Charlotte C. Oram, in St. John County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
1868 Marriage: Charles Mabee and Susan Walker, in St. John County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
6/19/1868Birth of Mary Mabee, daughter of Franklin D. and Miriam of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
11/23/1868Died, in Portland, St. John, on November 23rd, Gilbert G. Mabee, age 63, left widow, six children.
Source: Christian Visitor, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 12/3/1868
1/10/1870 Death of Ruth Carpenter, widow of William C. Carpenter and sister of the late Capt. William Mabee of Eastport, in New York
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 52 #10 (1/26/1870)
1870 US Federal Census, Maine Lewiston, 4th Ward, Androscoggin County, ME, Page 171, M593-Roll 536
M. N. Maybie, 18, F, Working Mills, ME
Amity, Aroostook County, ME, Page 12, M593-Roll 538
William Maybee, 68, M, Laborer, New Brunswick
Eastport District, Washington County, ME, Page 228, M593-Roll 562
Frank Mabee, 46, M, Boot & Shoe Maker, 1400, 300, New Brunswick
Miriam Mabee, 40, F, Keeping House, Nova Scotia
Thomas Mabee, 18, M, Clerk in Store, ME
George Mabee, 11, M, Attending School, ME
Fred Mabee, 4, M, ME
Mary Mabee, 2, F, ME
Eastport District, Washington County, ME, Page 241, M593-Roll 562
Elisabeth Mabee, 69, F, New Brunswick
Residing in the household of Ezra & Joana Dean
Eastport District, Washington County, ME, Page 246, M593-Roll 562
Nancy Mabee, 62, F, Boarding House, 2000, 2000, ME
Eastport District, Washington County, ME, Page 253, M593-Roll 562
Jane Mabee, 59, F, ME
Residing in the household of Henry and M. Jane Capen
8/10/1870Yesterday morning, a little child two years of age, belonging to Gillis Mabee of Hampton Village, Kings Co., fell out of a second story window of its father's house striking on its head. It was at once attended by Dr. Lemont, but remained insensible until 5 o'clock in the eve. It is doubtful if it can recover from the injuries sustained.
Source: Daily Morning News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 8/11/1870
10/9/1870Died, in Hampton, Kings Co., on October 9th, Jeremiah D. Mabee, age 60.
Source: Christian Visitor, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/20/1870
12/26/1870 Birth of Susie Elizabeth, daughter of John Wood and Matilda Jane Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1871 Lovell’s Canadian Directory for 1871. Barnaby F. Mabee, Driver, 39 Elliott Row, Saint John, St. John, St. John
William S. Mabee
, Farmer, Kingston, Kingston, Kings
J. Gillis Mabee
, Carpenter, Hampton Ferry, Hampton, Kings
J. D. Mabee
, Farmer, Hampton Ferry, Hampton, Kings
Drake Mabee
, Carpenter, Hampton Ferry, Hampton, Kings
Abraham Mabee
, Farmer, Greenwich Hill, Greenwich, Kings
Jeremiah Mabee
, Laborer, McAdam Junction, Prince William, York
William Mabee
, Waiter, King St., Fredericton, -, York
Paul Maby
, Farmer, Oak Bay, St. David, Charlotte
1871 Census New Brunswick (partial), Transcribed by Doug Mabee Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
William Mabee, 57, married, NB, Bapt, farmer
Fanny Mabee, 48, married, NB, Bapt
Albert Mabee, 27, NB, Bapt
Harriet Mabee, 20, NB, Bapt
Ira Mabee, 18, NB, Bapt, joiner
Herbert Mabee, 15 , NB, Bapt
Emma Mabee, 12, NB, Bapt
Ida Mabee, 9, NB, Bapt
Ada Mabee, 9, NB, Bapt
Wilfred Mabee, 7, NB, Bapt
Fanny Mabee, 5, NB, Bapt
Clarence Mabee, 2 , NB, Bapt
Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
Mary Mabee, 81, widow, NB, C of E
William Whiting, 77, married, NB, C of E, farmer
Jane Whiting, 70 married, NB, C of E
Charles Whiting, 35, NB, C of E, farmer
Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
Alonzo Maby, 30, NB, C of E, mechanic
Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
Abraham Mabee, 63, married, NB, Bapt, joiner
Rhoda Mabee, 44, married, NB, Bapt
William Mabee, 35, NB, Bapt, seaman
Charles Mabee, 18, NB, Bapt, labour
Deborah Mabee, 20, NB, Bapt
Susannah Mabee, 17, NB, Bapt
Anetta Mabee, 15, NB, Bapt
Drake Mabee, 10, NB, Bapt
Arthur Mabee, 7, NB, Bapt
Samuel Mabee, 4, NB, Bapt
Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
Hannah Mabie, 51, NB, Bapt, weaver
St Stephens Parish, Charlotte Co, NB
Elias Mabee, 65, married, NB, W Meth, joiner
Rachael Mabee, 55, married, NB, W Meth
Melville Mabee, 24, NB, W Meth, labour
Rebecca Mabee, 22, NB, W Meth
1871 Marriage: William A. Mabee and Annie E. Watson, in St. John County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
1/4/1872 (Publication Date) Death of B.F. Mabee - became a member of the Gurney Division (Temperance) of St. John City in 1849. In April 1851, he was elected to the Treasurer's office which he continued to fill up to the time of his death. He was soon after his admission to the Order elected Worthy Patriarch of the Division. (see original)
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County
4/1/1872 (Publication Date) Died, in Portland, St. John, on Saturday half past 12 o'clock, John Oram Mabee only child of Alfred Mabee and Charlotte Mabee, age 1 year 5 mos. Funeral Tuesday morn. 8 o'clock from Sheriff St., Portland.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County
11/4/1872Died, in New York City, on November 4th, Mary S. Mabee only daughter of Oliver E. Mabee and Magdallan C. Mabee, age 4 years & __ mos.
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/18/1872
11/22/1872Birth of Jacob Pike Mabee, son of Franklin D. and Miriam of Eastport, Maine
Source: Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Marriage Intentions, Eastport Maine, ca. 1760 – 1930 (LDS Film 10838)
1873 Marriage: Samuel W. Lamb and Margaret D. Mabee, in Kings County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
3/27/1873 Death of Mrs. Susie Wood, wife of George A. Wood and daughter of late Jeremiah D. Mabee, Hampton, Kings Co., age 30 in St. John city. Funeral Saturday 10 o'clock a.m. from her residence, 57 Duke St., St. John, to the railway station, to be interred in the family ground at Hampton.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County of 3/28/1873
4/24/1873Died, in Hampton, Kings Co., on April 24th, Emma Louise Mabee, daughter of Gillis Mabee and Bella T. Mabee of that place.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 4/28/1873
8/28/1873 Birth of Lois Matilda, daughter of William A. Mabee and Annie E. Watson, in Saint John City, St. John
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
10/7/1873Married, October 7th, by Rev. Robert Wilson, John Wallace Mabee, St. Stephen and Miss Clara Babcock of Winn, Maine.
Source: St. Stephen Courier, Saint Stephen, Charlotte County Publication Date: 10/9/1873
8/1/1874 Birth of Elizabeth Maud, daughter of John Mabee and Margaret Keirstead, in Jeffries Corner, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
6/23/1875 Marriage: George W. Mabee of St. John and Annie Phinney of Campobello, in Eastport by Rev. C. G. Harwood
Source: Vital Records from Eastport Sentinal, Vol. 57 #33 (7/14/1875)
10/29/1875 Birth of Susie I., daughter of Benjamin B. French and Eliza Jane Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
11/2/1875 (or 11/3/1875, sources conflict)Married, at residence of bride's mother, November 2nd, by Rev. W.A. Corey, George W.L. Sharpe and Ada Z. Mabee, all of Hampton, Kings Co., witnesses: Willard A Cookson M Julia Mabee
Source: Marriages; Kings Co, New Brunswick by Elliot
Source: The Watchman, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/6/1875
Source: The Watchman, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/13/1875
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/4/1875
1876 Marriage: Archibald Parks and Melissa Mabee, in St. John County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
1876 Marriage: William A. Mabee and Matilda J. Laskey, in St. John County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
4/4/1876 Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Mabee, age 76, at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Dean in Eastport
Source: Vital Records from Eastport Sentinal, Vol. 58 #20 (4/12/1876)
6/18/1876 Birth of Mabel Dorrine, daughter of Jacob Gillis Mabee and Bella Turner Cook, in Hampton, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
3/29/1877 Birth of Alice Maud, daughter of Archibald Parks and Melissa Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
6/24/1877Died, in Portland, St. John Co., Sunday morning June 24th, of diphtheria, Abraham D. Mabee, third son of Alfred A. Mabee and Charlotte C. Mabee, age 2 years 3 mos. 16 days.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 6/25/1877
1878 Marriage: Herbert G. Mabee and Ava Todd, in Kings County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
5/14/1878Married, in Pugwash, N.S., on May 14th, by Rev. J.M. Sutherland, B.A., Thomas Mabie, Oxford and Miss Amarilla Hussey, Pugwash.
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/17/1878
Source: Chigecto Post, Sackville, Westmorland County Publication Date: 5/23/1878
9/19/1878Married, at residence of J. Staples, Esq., St. Mary's, York Co., September 19th, by Rev. G.W. Fisher, John A. Mabie, St. Marys and Laurina Brewer, same place.
Source: New Brunswick Reporter, Fredericton, York County Publication Date: 9/25/1878
2/21/1879 Birth of Florrie Louise, daughter of Jacob Gillis Mabee and Bella Turner Cook, at Hampton Village, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
11/30/1879 Birth of Annie Elizabeth, daughter of William Allen Mabee and Matilda Jane Laskey, in Saint John, St. John County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
12/3/1879Died, in Union Mills, Charlotte Co., December 3rd, Elias Mabee, age 73 years 7 mos.
Source: St. Stephen Courier, Saint Stephen, Charlotte County Publication Date: 12/18/1879
7/25/1880 Death of Frank D. Mabee of Eastport, Washington County, Maine. Died Intestate. Letters of Administration issued to his wife, Miriam M. Mabee on 9/23/1880.
Source: Washington County, Maine, Probate Records.
11/2/1880Marriage: Alexander Mabee, of Sussex Parish, and Susan Smith Dagon of Pembroke, Mass. by Rev James Gray, witnesses: James A. Anderson and Mary Mabee
Source: Marriages; Kings Co, New Brunswick by Elliot
1/18/1881 Birth of Maud, daughter of William Allen Mabee and Matilda Jane Laskey, in Saint John, St. John County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
3/28/1881Marriage: James Abner Anderson and Mary Mabee, both of Sussex Parish by Rev John Lockwood, witnesses A.J. Kierstead and Margaret Mabee
Source: Marriages; Kings Co, New Brunswick by Elliot
5/5/1881 While the schooner. "Centennial" was on passsage from Halifax to Jamaica, Geo. MAYBE, seaman, age 16, native of Moncton, N.B., was washed overboard and drowned, 44 hours after leaving Halifax.
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/5/1881
5/31/1881 (Publication Date) Charles O. Mabee, third son of Abraham D. Mabee of Kingston, Kings Co., steward of barque "J.W. Barker" was washed overboard from the forecastle (on the recent voyage from New York to Antwerp) two days after leaving New York and was drowned. He was 30 years of age and resided for a time in Portland, St. John. His wife was on board the vessel at the time and was almost insane with grief.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/30/1881
10/4/1881Died, in Halifax, N.S., October 4th, Eliza C. Mabee, wife of W.D. Mabee, 36th year.
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/7/1881
Source: Daily Sun, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/7/1881
10/6/1881Married, at residence of bride's mother, Milltown, Charlotte Co., October 6th, by Rev. A. Lucas, William Smithson Robinson and Miss Rebecca Maybee.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/15/1881
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/14/1881
Source: St. Stephen Courier, Saint Stephen, Charlotte County Publication Date: 10/13/1881
10/22/1881 Birth of Ethel Mae, daughter of John Abraham Mabie and Lorena Brewer, in St. Mary's Ferry, York County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
12/28/1881Married, on December 28th, at residence of bride's father, by Rev. W.A. Corey, John H. Lyon, Esq. and Emma Mabee, second daughter of William Mabee, Esq., all of Hampton, Kings Co. witnesses: John B Hayes and Ada C Mabee
Source: Marriages; Kings Co, New Brunswick by Elliot
Source: Christian Visitor, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 1/2/1882
1882 Marriage: Melville Mabee and Majorie C. Soule, in Charlotte County, NB
Source: New Brunswick Marriage Bonds
2/24/1882Died, in Kingston, Kings Co., February 24th, Capt. A.D. Mabee, 76th year, left widow.
Source: Daily Sun, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 2/28/1882
Source: Daily News, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 3/9/1882
Died, in Kingston, Kings Co., February 24th, Capt. A.D. Mabee, 74th year, left widow, nine children.
10/20/1882 Birth of Catherine Maud, daughter of James Anderson and Mary Mabee, in Jeffries Corner, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
4/25/1883Death: Fanny Mabee, age 86 years and 3 months, at residence of Andrew Murchie, Esq., Ridge Road, Charlotte Co.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/4/1883
Source: The Saint Croix Courier Publication date 5/3/1883
Source: St. Stephen Courier, Saint Stephen, Charlotte County Publication Date: 5/3/1883
6/21/1883 Birth of Clara Calinda, daughter of Benjamin Bonnell French and Eliza Jane Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1/10/1884 (Publication Date) Died, at his residence, Hampton Village, Kings Co., William S. Mabee, 70th year, left widow and eleven children.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County
3/2/1884 Birth of Thomas Robert Bustin, son of George William Wilson and Margaret Luette Mabie, in St. Marys, York County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
5/13/1884Died, in Markhamville, Kings Co., May 13th, Maggie Mabee, second daughter of the late John Mabee and Margaret Mabee, age 21.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/19/1884
9/16/1884Married, in St. Mary's Parish Church, September 16th, by Rev. William Jaffrey, William Mabee and Charlotte Estella Wetmore, daughter of J.V.C. Wetmore, both of St. Mary's, York Co.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 9/18/1884
Source: Carleton Sentinel, Woodstock, Carleton County Publication Date: 9/20/1884
4/23/1885Died, in Portland, St. John, Thursday April 23rd, Nettie Mabee eldest daughter of William A. Mabee and Jennie Mabee, age 7 years 10 mos. Funeral Saturday from residence of her grandfather, Peter V. Laskey, Black Spring Road, 8 a.m.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 4/24/1885
1/4/1886Married, in Sussex, Kings Co., on January 4th, by Rev. James Gray, John Mabee and Miss Jane Amelia Smith, both of Markhamville, witnesses: Thomas Bardon and Annie Jane Proctor
Source: Marriages; Kings Co, New Brunswick by Elliot
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 1/5/1886
3/24/1886Married, in the Baptist Church, Hampton, Kings Co., March 24th, by Rev. George Good, Hiram F. Chute, Lynn, Mass. and Ada Zilla Mabee only daughter of J.D. Mabee, of Hampton witnesses Daniel J. Bruce, Wiford A. Mabee, Geo WS Sharp
Source: Marriages; Kings Co, New Brunswick by Elliot
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 3/27/1886
5/14/1886Millview; Upper Wards Creek; # 30 white slab
In memory of
Beloved wife of
James A Anderson
and daughter of
John and Margaret Mabee
who died
May 14, 1886
aged 29 years etc
Source: "Gone But Not Forgotten"; Cemetery Inscriptions of Kings Co, NB; Vol 2
6/1/1886The marriage of S.J. Stubbs of Portland, St. John Co., to Miss Ada C. Mabee, which took place in the Baptist Church at Hampton Village, Kings Co., yesterday was largely attended. Rev. Good performed the ceremony. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Ida Mabee and F.J. Wilson officiated as best man. Other witnesses Joseph Wilson and JB Stubbs
Source: Marriages; Kings Co, New Brunswick by Elliot
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 6/2/1886
10/17/1886Died, on Metcalf St., Portland, St. John Co., October 17th, Eliza Jane French wife of Benjamin French and eldest daughter of the late A.D. Mabee, 39th year, left husband, six children. (Boston and New York papers please copy) Funeral from her residence Tuesday 7 o'clock a.m.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 10/18/1886
10/20/1886 (Publication Date) Mrs. Maybee, mother of Mrs. S.J. Barker of Fredericton City, died at her residence in Eastport, ME, on Thursday, the day of the big fire.
Source: New Brunswick Reporter, Fredericton, York County
12/22/1886Married, in St. Marys, York Co., December 22nd, at residence of bride's father, George Mabie, St. Marys and Miss Edith R. Haines, same place.
Source: New Brunswick Reporter, Fredericton, York County Publication Date: 12/29/1886
5/11/1887 Birth of Cora Elsie, daughter of John Mabee and Jane Amelia Smith, in Markhamville, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
9/11/1887Died, in Union Mills, Charlotte Co., September 11th, Rachel Mabee, age 71
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 9/16/1887
Source: St. Stephen Courier, Saint Stephen, Charlotte County Publication Date: 9/15/1887
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 69 #42 (9/28/1887)
9/16/1887 Birth of Ida Augusta, daughter of John Abraham Mabie and Lorena Brewer, in North Devon, York County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
11/15/1887Married, in the Baptist Parsonage, Sussex, Kings Co., November 14th, by Rev. Sydney P. Welton, B.A., Abram Mabee and Miss Susan P. Anderson, both of Markhamville
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/15/1887
11/26/1887 Summerside, P.E.I. 'Journal' - Our obituary columns today contain the death of Mrs. Cornelius MAYBE in her 100th year. We believe that the deceased was a native of the Island. Her maiden name was SENTNER, an old Dutch family. Her mother, whose death we remember nigh thirty years ago, was a very old woman. We known that more than one of great-grandchildren are married.
Source: The Times, Moncton, Westmoreland Co.
12/4/1887 Birth of Hazel Ida, daughter of Samuel John Stubbs and Ada Caroline Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
7/28/1888 Death of Jane A. Mabee, 77, in Eastport
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 70 #35 (8/8/1888)
7/29/1888 Birth of Emma Bertha, daughter of John Mabee and Jane Amelia Smith, in Markhamville, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
8/15/1888 Birth of Albert Judson, son of George Maybee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1/24/1889 Birth of Annie Maud, daughter of William Maybee and Annie Finney, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
3/20/1889Married, in Claremont Park, Boston, on March 20th, by Rev. Dr. Gifford, James R. Holman, Sussex, Kings Co., and Ida A. Mabee, twin daughter of the late W. S. Mabee, Hampton
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 3/28/1889
Source: Kings County Record, Sussex, Kings County Publication Date: 3/29/1889
4/19/1889 Birth of Winnifred, daughter of W. Smithson Robinson and Elizabeth Rebecca Mabee, in Milltown, Charlotte County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
8/15/1889Died, at residence of George Sharpe, Hampton, Kings Co., August 15th, of consumption, Julia Mabee, age 40, second daughter of the late Jeremiah D. Mabee.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 8/17/1889
8/21/1889 Birth of L. Pearl, daughter of John Abraham Mabie and Lorena Frances Brewer, in St. Marys, York County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
9/14/1889Died, in Indiantown, St. John Co., September 14th, Adelade M. Mabee wife of Arthur D. Mabee, New York, age 24. (Boston and New York papers please copy). Funeral from her sister's residence Longuer Hotel, Tuesday morning September 17th 8:30 o'clock to proceed by steamer "Acadia" to Wickham, Queens Co., for interment.
Source: St. John Globe, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 9/16/1889
9/14/1889Died, in the Lorne hotel, September 14th, Mrs. Thomas Mabee of New York, age 24.
Source: Daily Sun, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 9/17/1889
11/6/1889Married, at residence of officiating minister, November 6th, by Rev. A.E. Ingram, John McVitie and Miss Mary E. Mabee, all of St. John city.
Source: Evening Gazette, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/9/1889
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/11/1889
12/24/1889Died, in Halifax, N.S., December 24th, Frank Mabee, 24th year, eldest son of W.D. Mabee.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 12/28/1889
1/23/1890 Birth of Harriett Randolph, daughter of Ellsworth Maybee and Emma Jane Rosa, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
5/12/1890Died, in Clifton, Kings Co., on May 12th, Roday A. Mabee relict of Capt. A.D. Mabee, age 64, left four sons, two daughters.
Source: Moncton Times, Moncton, Westmorland County Publication Date: 5/14/1890
Died, in Clifton, Kings Co., May 12th, Rhoda A. Mabee relict of Capt. A.D. Mabee, age 64, left two sons, four daughters. Funeral Thursday May 15th, 1 o'clock from her residence.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 5/13/1890
6/1/1890 Birth of Jeremiah Drake Lamb, son of Samuel Whitney Lamb and Margaret Deborah Mabee, in Clifton, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
6/28/1890Married at the residence of Charles Gamblin, Collina, Kings Co., on June 28th, by Rev. Wm Penna, Wm Gamblin, Springfield and Margaret Mabee, Sussex
Source: Kings County Record, Sussex, Kings County Publication Date: 7/4/1890
7/23/1890Died, in Hampton, Kings Co., on July 23rd, Abigal Mabee wife of J.D. Mabee, 48th year. Funeral Friday 25th, 2 o'clock.
Source: Evening Gazette, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 7/24/1890
1891 Census New Brunswick, Transcribed by Doug Mabee Kingston Parish, Kings Co, NB
Alonzo Mabie, 51, married, NB, Bapt, farm,carriage mk, both parents born in NB
Dianna Mabie, 52, married, NB, Bapt, both parents born in NB
Louisa Mabie,18, NB, both parents born in NB
Allan Kelly, 12, Scotland
Town of St Stephen, ------- Co, NB
Melville Mabee, 42, married, NB, Meth, labourer, both parents born in NB
Mitra Mabee, 45, married, NB, Meth, father born in USA, mother born in NB
3/4/1891 Death of Lorina Mabie, born 10/25/1857, wife of John A. Mabie
Source: Tombstone in Bradley-Gill Memorial Cemetery, St. Mary's Parish, York County, NB
NOTE: The same tombstone indicates John A. Mabie, born 6/9/1850, died 7/17/1916
3/22/1891 Birth of Frances Lorena Mabie, daughter of John Mabie and Lorena Brewer, in St. Marys, York County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
3/25/1891(Publication Date) The funeral of Mrs. John Mabie, St. Mary's, York Co., took place this afternoon 2 o'clock. Her remains were interred in the Gill burying ground, Gibson.
Source: Daily Gleaner, Fredericton, York County
4/11/1891 Birth of Martha Luette, daughter of George William Wilson and Margaret Elizabeth Mabie, in North Devon, York County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
5/15/1891 Birth of a son to Herbert Mabee in Hampton, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
6/23/1891Died, in Somerville, Mass., June 23rd, Margaret A. Mabee, age 39 years 5 days. Funeral took place from father's residence, Nicholas Flemming.
Source: Daily Sun, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 6/26/1891
6/25/1891Married, on June 25th, at residence of Byard Moore, Carleton, St. John Co., by Rev. Shore, J.D. Mabee, Hampton, Kings Co., and Mary A. Wilson, St. John
Source: Daily Sun, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 7/3/1891
11/16/1891Married on November 16th, at residence of officiating minister, by Rev. A.E. Ingram, John W. Mabee and Hannah Donovan.
Source: Evening Gazette, Saint John, St. John County Publication Date: 11/20/1891
1/13/1892 (Publication Date) Marriage: Henry Dewey Davis of Boston and Mary Morton Mabee of Eastport, in Campobello by Rev. W. H. Street
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 74 #3 (1/13/1892)
2/14/1892 Marriage: Fred W. Mabee and Carrie M. Bogrett, in Eastport by Rev. E. E. Colburn
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 74 #8 (2/17/1892)
11/17/1892 Marriage: John A. Mabie and Sophia Rosborough in York County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
11/22/1892 Birth of Michael, son of John Mabee and Hannah Donovan, in Saint John, St. John County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1/20/1893 Birth of Mabel Christie, daughter of John Stubbs and Ada Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
2/23/1893 Death of Mrs. Nancy Mabee, born in Eastport 11/3/1807, daughter of Thomas Burnham and widow of Capt. William Mabee
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 75 #14 (3/29/1893)
Will of Nancy Mabee of Eastport, Washington County, Maine, dated 3/24/1892 and proved 7/11/1893. Mentions Wilber Shea, Mrs. Joanna Shea, and Mrs. Eliza Mabee Bishop, all of Eastport. Joanna and Eliza are obviously the children of her late brother-in-law, Benjamin Mabee. Also mentions her nephew George Edward Burnham of Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, and her niece Mrs. Emily Anderson of Eastport and nephews James G. Rice and Charles H. Rice of Eastport.
Source: Washington County, Maine, Probate Records.
3/6/1893 Birth of Stanley Parkinson Mabie, son of William Mabie and Charlotte Estella Wetmore, in Carleton, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
3/15/1893 Marriage: Edward J. Neve and Mary A. Mabie in St John County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
6/10/1893 Birth of George Lewis, son of William A. Mabee and Matilda Jane Laskey, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
7/12/1893 d. Carleton (St. John) July 11th, Stanley Parkinson MABIE infant child of William MABIE and Estella MABIE, age 4 mos. 4 days.
Source: The Daily Telegraph, St. John, St. John Co.
7/23/1893 Birth of Grace Viola, daughter of Hiram Fred Chute and Ada Zilla Mabee, in Hampton Village, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
10/13/1893 Marriage: Frederick Mabee and Sadie G. Hamill in St John County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
5/16/1894 Marriage: George W. Wilkins and Maud Elizabeth Mabee in Kings County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
6/19/1894 There was a quiet wedding solemnized at the Baptist parsonage, Malden, Mass., Tuesday, June 5th, 3 p.m. when Clarence A. MABIE of Hampton, N.B. and Miss Lilian May MARSTERS of Malden were united in marriage. Miss Mable MABIE of Somerville, Mass., niece of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and Emery MARSTERS, brother of the bride, was best man.
Source: The Daily Sun, St. John, St. John Co.
7/31/1894 Mr. and Mrs. MAYBEE of McAdam, who are visiting at S. Haine's, St. Mary's (York Co.), lost their only child yesterday morn. She was only 4 or 5 months old. The remains were buried at Sunny Bank, Gibson, Rev. Davidson officiating.
Source: The Gleaner, Frederickton, York Co.
12/19/1894 Marriage: William Henry Mabee and Sarah Alice Gamblin in Kings County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
2/28/1895 m. Byron's Hotel, Welchpool, Campobello (Charlotte Co.) by Rev. J.B. Daggett, Thos. MAYBE / Agnes G. DENNIE, both of Eastport, Me.
Source: St. Andrews Beacon
3/6/1895 (Publication Date) Marriage: Thomas Mabee and Agnes G. Dennie, in Campobello by Rev. J. B. Daggett
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 77 #11 (3/6/1895)
3/21/1895 Birth of Guy Emery, son of Clarence W. Mabie and Lillian M. Marsters, in Hampton, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
8/14/1895 Marriage: William John Mabee and Elizabeth Jane Cameron in Kings County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
9/6/1895 Birth of a daughter of Herbert Mabee in Hampton, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
9/27/1895 Birth of Albert George, son of George Mabie and Rebecca Haines, in St. Marys, York County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
12/21/1895 Birth of Helen May, daughter of William A. Mabee and Matilda Laskey, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
2/19/1896 Marriage: George Saunders and Lena N. Mabee in St John County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
3/19/1896 Birth: A daughter of Fred Mabee, in Eastport
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 78 #14 (3/25/1896)
8/15/1896 Birth of Sydney, son of G. W. Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
9/6/1896 Birth of Alvah Grace, daughter of Herbert George Mabie and Barbara Ida Todd, in Hampton, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
10/15/1896 Birth of Beulah E., daughter of Clarence Mabee and Lillian Marsters, in Hampton Village, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
11/4/1896 Marriage: James S. Mattatall and Edith Mabee in St John County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
12/31/1896 Birth of Ida M., daughter of William Mabee and Sarah Gamblin, in Sussex, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1/29/1897 Birth of Harold St. Clair, son of Frederick S. Mabee and Sarah G. Hamill, in Saint John, St. John County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1/29/1897 Birth of Joseph Harold, son of Frederick S. Mabee and Sarah G. Hamill, in Saint John, St. John County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
5/26/1897 Death of Francis Wood Mabee, 14 months, 7 days, son of Fred W. and Carrie Mabee
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 79 #23 & 24 (5/26/1897 and 6/2/1897)
6/23/1897 Marriage: Alfred Oram Mabee and Hattie Amelia Lingley in Kings County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
7/24/1897 Birth of Hazel Blanche, daughter of George W. Wilkins and Maud Elizabeth Mabee, in Collins, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
10/2/1897 Birth: A son of Fred Mabee in Eastport
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 79 #42 (10/6/1897)
10/9/1897 Birth of James H. D., son of James S. Mattatall and Edith Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
10/13/1897 Marriage: Arnold T. Mabee and Ida B. VanWart in St John County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
7/20/1898 Marriage: William H. Mabee and Alice May Waters in St John County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
9/5/1898 Birth of Lowell Earl, son of William E. Laskey and Lois Matilda Mabee, in Saint John, St. Johns County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
9/15/1898 Birth of Alberta Matilda, daughter of William John Mabee and Elizabeth Cameron, in Greenwich, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
1/7/1899 Birth of a daughter of Herbert Mabee, in Hampton, Kings County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
6/21/1899 Marriage: Albert A. Mabee and Mary L. Wetmore in St. John County
Source: Index To New Brunswick Marriages: 1847-1899
8/26/1899 Birth of Ann Eileen, daughter of Frederick S. Mabee and Sarah G. Hamill, in Saint John, St. John County
Source: New Brunswick Birth Registration
9/5/1899 Marriage: Jacob P. Mabee and Iva Arris, in Lubec, by Rev. M. S. Hill
Source: Vital Records from the Eastport Sentinel, Vol. 81 #38 (9/13/1899)
1906 Will of Miriam M. Mabee of Eastport, Washington County, Maine, dated 4/6/1901 and proved 12/11/1906. Mentions only son George W. Mabee.
Source: Washington County, Maine, Probate Records, Vol. 57, page 96.
1917 Will of George W. Mabee of Eastport, Washington County, Maine, dated 12/6/1916 and proved 7/10/1917. Mentions brothers Thomas F. Mabee, Jacob P. Mabee and Fred W. Mabee and sister Mary M. Davis.
Source: Washington County, Maine, probate records.
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Last Revision Date: 07/28/2012
Prepared by Steve Mabie with substantial assistance from Doug Mabee