Mabie/Maybee/Mabee in the 1910 US Federal Census

Census Date: April 15, 1910

Transcribed by John MayBee

Numbers in Parentheses are Maybee Society ID Numbers

Last Revision Date: 01/30/2018

On 15 April 1910, at 9:00 a.m., the Bureau of the Census began taking the 13th decennial census of the United States. All responses were to reflect the individual's status as of 15 April 1910, even if the status had changed between 15 April and the day of enumeration (i.e. children born after 15 April should not be listed, and people who died after 15 April should be included in the count). It is not known if every census taker adhered to this policy.

Note: If the person is in the Maybee Society database, the database identification number appears in parentheses next to the census data.

Details about the information the enumerators had to collect in the 1910 census can be found at this address: 1910 Census: Instructions to Enumerators

The following columns describe the data as transcribed from the 1910 census and compiled here:

1920 Census Key:
Column 1:  Name
Column 2:  Relationship to Head of household
Column 3:  Gender
Column 4:  Race (W=White; B=Black; In=Indian; Mu=Mulatto; CH=Chinese; JP=Japanese; others will be spelled out)
Column 5:  Age at last birthday
Column 6:  Marital Status (M=Married; S=Single; Wd=Widowed; D=Divorced; M1=First Marriage; M2=Second Marriage)
Column 7:  If married, number of years married
Column 8:  Number of children born to mother
Column 9:  Number of children still living
Column 10:  Birthplace
Column 11:  Father's Birthplace (and mother tongue if not English)
Column 12:  Mother's Birthplace (and mother tongue if not English)
Column 13:  Occupation, Trade or Profession
Column 14:  Name of workplace
Column 15:  Civil War Veteran: UA=Union Army; UN=Union Navy; CA=Confederate Army; CN=Confederate Navy

Comments of the Enumerator are made in black. Comments of the transcriber are made in red.

   AL   AK   AZ   AR   CA   CO   CT   DE   FL   GA
   HI   ID   IL   IN   IA   KS   KY   LA   ME   MD
   MA   MI   MN   MS   MO   MT   NE   NV   NH   NJ
   NM   NY   NC   ND   OH   OK   OR   PA   RI   SC
   SD   TN   TX   UT   VT   VA   WA   WV   WI   WY
      Military and Naval Forces

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Kosters, Mobile, Alabama, Series T624, Roll 26, Part 2, Page 15A
Harry Mabee, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 20, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1895, laborer, mill
Isabella Mabee, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 20, 1 child living, Canada, Canada, Canada
Clarence Mabee, Son, M, W, 18, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, laborer, mill

St Elmo, Mobile, Alabama, Series T624, Roll 26, Part 2, Page 102B           (10569)
W M Mabie, M, W, 50, M1, 22 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Manager
Anna Louise Mabie, Wife, W, F, 46, M1, 22 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none



Douglas City, Cochise, Arizona, Series T624, Roll 38, Part 3, Page 111B           (10567)
Courtland B Mabee, Head, M, W, 54, M, 26 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Bookkeeper for Virginia Meat Co
Carrie H Mabee, Wife, F, W, 52, M, 26 yrs, 1 child born & living, MO, PA, MO, none
Alice D Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 25, S, CO, NY, MO, Teacher, public school


Harrison Twp, Boone, Arkansas, Series:T624, Roll 43, Part 3, Page 220A           (17195)
William E Mabee, Head, M, W, 71, M2, 37 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Farmer, General Farm
Missouri Mabee, Wife, F, W, 56, M2, 37 yrs, 10 children born - 8 living, MO, TN, TN
Walter Mabee, Son, M, W, 15, S, MO, Canada, MO

Steel Twp, Lafayette, Arkansas, Series T624, Roll 53, Part 1, Page 315A           (1090)
Alphonso H Mabie, Head, M, W, 51, M1, 30 yrs, NY, NY, OH, Bridge Foreman, Steam Railroad
Harriet E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 30 yrs, 10 children born - 9 living, KS, MO, KY, none
Harold E Mabie, Son, M, W, 19, S, KS, NY, KS, none
Lloyd E Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, KS, NY, KS, in school
Hazel B Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, KS, NY, KS in school
Lucille H Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, KS, NY, KS in school
Russell L Mabie, Son, M, W, 10, S, KS, NY, KS in school
Curtis T Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, KS, NY, KS in school

Sulphur Springs Twp, Montgomery, Arkansas, Series T624, Roll 59, Part 1, Page 209A           (2188)
David A Mabie, Head, M, W, 58, M, 34 yrs, IN, PA, OH, Farms own general farm
Prisilla Mabie, Wife, F, W, 53, M, 34 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, IN, OH, VT, none
Ora Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, KS, IN, IN, none

Plumlee Twp, Newton, Arkansas, Series: T624; Roll 59; Page 119A; ED 102; Part 1; Line 10           (17199)
Henry Mabee, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, MO, Canada, MO, Farms own general farm
Mellie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 4 yrs, 2 children born & living, AR, TN, KY, none
Merie Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, AR, AR, MO
Mearl Mabee, Son, M, W, 1 yr 1 mo, S, AR, AR, MO

Plumlee Twp, Newton, Arkansas, Series T624, Roll 59, Part 1, Page 129B           (17200)
Hiram Mabee, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 1 yr, MO, IL, MO, Farmer, General farm
Flora Mabee, Wife, F, W, 18, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, AR, AR, AR, none
Irene Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1 month, S, AR, MO, AR, none
Chester Mabee, Brother, M, W, 18, S, MO, IL, MO, Farm laborer, working out

4-Wd Argenta, Pulaski, Arkansas, Series T624, Roll 63, Part 1, Page 110B           (2323)
1619 Alexander Street
Sarah Mabie, Head, F, W, 83, Wd, 9 children born - 5 living, IN, PA, PA, none, owns house
William G Mabie, Son, M, W, 50, S, IN, Canada, IN, Carpenter, House

Big Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, Roll T624_62; Page 3A; ED 0104; Image 146; FHL Number 1374075
1110 West 33rd
Clif Mabie, Boarder, M, W, Unknown, S, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Head Accountant, Railroad Office

Ions Creek Twp, Yell, Arkansas, Series T624, Roll 68, Part 2, Page 48B
Arthur B Mabey, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 11 yrs, AR, GA, AR, Farms own farm
Janis Mabey, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 11 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, AR, AL, AR, farm laborer, home farm
Wayman Mabey, Son, M, W, 9, S, AR, AR, AR, in school
Clinton Mabey, Son, M, W, 5, S, AR, AR, AR, in school
Zeldis Mabey, Daughter, M, W, 1 1/2, S, AR, AR, AR, none


Oakland Twp, Alameda, California, Series T624, Roll 72, Part 2, Page 158A           (18074)
John T Mabey, Head, W, M, 51, M1, 31 yrs, England, England, England, Immigrated in 1882, Own income
Annie Mabey, Wife, W, F, 48, M1, 31 yrs, 3 children born - none living, England, England, England, none

1-Wd Oakland, Alameda, California, Series T624, Roll 69, Part 4, Page 12A
John F Brown, Head, W, M, 51, M1, 26 yrs, IL, USA, USA, Conductor, Steam Railroad
Mary R Brown, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 26 yrs, 3 children born - 1 living, IA, PA, IL, none
Jennie L Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 21, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born - none living, KS, IL, IA, Music Teacher, Private

2-Wd Oakland, Alameda, California, Series T624, Roll 70, Part 1, Page 207B           (28597)
477-A Rear Twenty Fourth Street
Arthur A Maybee, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 0 yrs, IN, PA, IN, Cabinet Maker, Mill Co
Egberdena Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 0 yrs, no children, MI, Holland, MI, none

4-Wd Oakland, Alameda, California, Series T624, Roll 70, Part 3, Page 137A           (7388)
May Maybie, Head, W, F, 44, Wd, 4 children born - 3 living, TN, Germany, Germany, none
Urban Maybie, Son, M, W, 29, Wd, 1 yr, CO, Canada, TN, Electrician, Arc Lights
Bonnie Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, CO, Canada, TN, Clerk, Dry Goods

6-Wd Oakland, Alameda, California, Series T624, Roll 71, Part 1, Page 73B
Mary Mabee, Lodger, F, W, 75, Wd, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, Companion to Hattie E Tarter

7-Wd Oakland, Alameda, California, Series T624, Roll 71, Part 4, Page 30B           (17268)
671 26th Street
John Mabee, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 10 yrs, MN, Canada, England, Stockeeper, Gas Co Warehouse, owns home
Mary Mabee, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 10 yrs, no children, NE, PA, PA, none

Berkely, Alameda, California, Roll T624_72; Page 11A; ED 0051; Image 715; FHL Number 1374085           (18084)
Alfred Mabey, Roomer, M, W, 23, S, England, England, England, Carpenter, House

4-Twp, Fresno, California, Series T624, Roll 76, Part 2, Page 53A           (7784)
Township Four
Ezra J Chamberlin, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 1 yr, IA, Canada, WI, piano tuner, at home
Mahala Chamberlin, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 1 yr, French Canada, Canada, Canada, none
Hanna Maybee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 56, Wd, 2 children born & living, French Canada, Canada, Canada, none

1-Wd Fresno, Fresno, California, Series T624, Roll 76, Part 1, Page 12B           (12030)
1900 I Street
Thomas E Mabee, M, W, 44, M1, 10 yrs, IA, NY, PA, Foreman, nursery
Mary F Mabee, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, PA
Paul W Mabee, Son, M, W, 6, S, IA, IA, PA, in school
Levi F Staver, Brother-in-law, M, W, 37, S, PA, PA, PA, Dispenser, soda fountain

Holtville Twp, Imperial, California, Series T624, Roll 77, Part 1, Page 265B           (6434)
J W Mabee, Head, M, W, 63, S, IL, OH, IL, Farmer, General Farm
Silas M Hughes, Partner, M, W, 56, Wd, IN, KY, IN, Salesman, cigar store

Twp 6 N pct, Kern, California, Series T624, Roll 78, Part 2, Page 18B           (16698)
William Maybee, boarder, M, W, 25, S, MI, Canada, NY, Carpenter, Santa Fe

Twp 6 N pct, Kern, California, Series T624, Roll 78, Part 2, Page 25A           (3098)
Herbert Maybee, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 6 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, fireman, owns home
Nina Maybee, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 6 yrs, 3 children born & living, Dakota, Canada, Canada
Minard Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, MI, Canada, Dakota, none
Thelma Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, MI, Canada, Dakota, none
Ronird Maybee, Son, M, W, 18 months, S, MI, Canada, Dakota, none

Twp 6 N pct, Kern, California, Series T624, Roll 78, Part 2, Page 29A           (3101)
Maitland Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 20, S, MI, Canada, Canada, Janitor, Oil Fields

Twp 6 N pct, Kern, California, Series T624, Roll 78, Part 2, Page 31A           (3100)
Harry R Maybe, Boarder, M, W, 22, S, MI, Canada, NY, Engineer, Oil Field

4-twp, Lake, California, Series T624, Roll 78, Part 1, Page 185B           (6204)
Hial N Maybee, Head, M, W, 75, M2, 24 yrs, Canada, NY, Canada, own income
Mary L Maybee, F, W, 68, M2, 24 yrs, 2 children born - 0 living, Germany, Germany, Germany

5-Wd Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, Series T624, Roll 85, Part 2, Page 214A           (6201)
George Mabee, Head, M, W, 83, Wd, Canada, NY, NY, Own income, owns home

Los Angeles Assembly District 71, Los Angeles, California, Roll T624_81; Page 1A; ED 138; Image 1026           (20194)
James Mabee, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 4 yrs, TN, Canada (French), MO, Train Dispatcher, Electrical RR
Lena Mabee, Wife, F, W, 21, M1, 4 yrs, one child born & living, CA, TN, CA
Francis E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, CA, TN, MO [SIC]

Los Angeles 59-Pct, Los Angeles, California, Series T624, Roll 82, Part 4, Page 4A
819 Main
Lily Mabie, Lodger, F, W, 31, Wd, 2 children born - 1 living, IA, PA, Scotland, Waitress, Restaurant

Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, Series T624, Roll 83, Part 1, Page 33B
516 Maple Avenue
Arthur B Maybe, Lodger, M, W, 25, S, AZ, WV, MO, Salesman

Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, Series T624, Roll 82, Part 1, Page 165B           (3924)
1908 Union Avenue
William E Mabee, Head, W, M, 43, M1, 12 yrs, Canada, Canada, OH, immigrated in 1886, Dentist, Own office
Grace W Mabee, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 12 yrs, 3 children born & living, IL, PA, NY, none
Ruth S Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, IL, Canada, IL, in school
William E Mabee Jr, Son, M, W, 3, S, IL, Canada, IL, none
Marion J Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4 months, S, IL, Canada, IL, none

2-Wd Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, Series T624, Roll 86, Part 1, Page 139B&140A           (16462)
21 West Villa Street
Arthur Mabie, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 12 yrs, NY, NY, WV, Foreman, House Building, Owns home
Margaret Mabie, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 12 yrs, IA, IL, VT, none
Clifton Mabie, Son, M, W, 9, S, IA, IL, VT [SIC], in school
Evelyn Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, CA, NY, IA, in school
Myrtle Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, CA, NY, IA, none

4-Wd Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, Series T624, Roll 86, Part 2, Page 84B
360 Waverly Drive
Eleonor M Mabby, Head, F, W, 65, Wd, 5 children born - 4 living, Canada, Canada, NY, none owns home
Eva M Mabby, Daughter, W, F, 45, S, MI, Canada, Canada, none
Eugene M Kelly, Grandson, M, W, 15, S, OH, Canada, Canada, in school

San Antonio, Los Angeles, California, Roll T624_86; Page 14B; ED 336; Image 1026           (20195)
William Mabee, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 1 yr, TN, TN, TN, Salesman, Meat Market
Charlotte Mabee, Wife, F, W, 20, M1, 1 yr, no children, CA, Italy, CA

Temescal Twp, Riverside, California, Series T624, Roll 91, Part 2, Page 248B           (22748)
George Maybe, Lodger, M, W, 48, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, Orange Rancher, own farm

Sacramento Ward 8, Sacramento, California, Roll T624_93; Page 11A; ED 0126; Image 383; FHL Number 1374106           (18892)
2201 I Street
Thomas G MaBee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 12 yrs, Canada-Fr, Canada-Fr, Canada-Fr, immigrated in 1880, Builder, House
Martha MaBee, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 12 yrs, no children born, IA, ME, Germany, None

Colton Twp, San Bernardino, California, Series T624, Roll 93, Part 2, Page 221A           (15734)
1011 8th Street
John S Maybe, Head, M, W, 72, M2, 7 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Clergyman, teacher, owns home
Emma Maybe, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 7 yrs, no children, IA, IN, NY, none
Maria McConnel, Mother-in-law, F, W, 87, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none

Hesperia Twp, San Bernardino, California, Series T624, Roll 94, Part 2, Page 234B           (11344)
Rainard Maybee, Head, M, W, 78, M1, 58 yrs, PA, PA, Canada, none
Catherine J Maybee, Wife, F, W, 76, M2, 58 yrs, 8 children born - 3 living, French Canada, France, France, RR Station Agent

Redlands Twp, San Bernardino, California, Series T624, Roll 94, Part 1, Page 138A           (27154)
Edna Mabey, Lodger, F, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, Cashier, Grocery

1-Wd San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, Series T624, Roll 94, Part 2, Page 90A
325 East Second Street
Mable Mabey, Head, F, W, 24, M1, 4 yrs, no children, NY, NJ, NY, Washwoman, Laundry

1-Wd San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California, Series T624, Roll 94, Part 2, Page 91A           (11350)
Byron Mabee, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 9 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, salesman, retail grocery
Grace W Mabee, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 9 yrs, 3 children born & living, IL, MI, PA
Alferd W Mabee, Son, M, W, 7, S, CA, Canada, IL
Byron W Mabee Jr, Son, M, W, 4, S, CA, Canada, IL
Hazel K Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, CA, Canada, IL

1-Wd San Diego, San Diego, California, Series T624, Roll 94, Part 3, Page 11B           (6484)
4612 Boundary Street
William Maybee, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 4 yrs, IL, KY, KY, Barber, Shop, owns home
Mary L Maybee, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, England, England, Ata, none
Lillian Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, CA, IL, England, none
Lawrence Maybee, Son, M, W, 15, S, CA, IL, USA, Cash boy, Dry Goods Store

San Diego Ward 8, San Diego, California, Roll T624_95; Page 10B; ED 162; Image 285           (28779)
227 Eleventh Street
Walter Maybee, Lodger, M, W, Unknown, S, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Baker at Bakery

32-Dist, San Francisco, California, Series T624, Roll 96, Part 4, Page 4A           (20693)
1364 Ninth Street
Nelson R Mabey, Lodger, W, M, 50, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer

San Francisco, San Francisco, California, Series T624, Roll 100, Part 2, Page 18A
Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Lord
Mary Mabie, Inmate, F, W, 79, Wd, 1 child born - 0 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, none

3-Twp, San Mateo, California, Series T624, Roll 104, Part 3, Page 45A           (17271)
408 Hamilton Street, Redwood City
Carl K Mabie, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 5 yrs, MN, Canada, ME, Insurance Agent
Ina Mabie, F, W, 26, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, IL, Germany, Germany, none
Leroy K Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, CA, MN, IL, none

7-Wd Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, Series T624, Roll 104, Part 3, Page 222B           (15661)
1718 De La Vina Street
Jachob S Maybee, Head, M, W, 66, M1, 40 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns home, veteran Union Army
Julia P Maybee, Wife, F, W, 66, M1, 40 yrs, no children, CT, CT, CT, none

Palo Alto, Santa Clara, California, Series T624, Roll 105, Part 2, Page 228A
419 Alma Street
Robert W Mabee, Head, M, W, 41, M2, 7 yrs, Canada, MI, Ireland, Gardener, University
Frances M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 7 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, CA, MA, Scotland, none
Thelma M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, CA, –, –, in school

Redwood, Santa Clara, California, Series T624, Roll 105, Part 3, Page 39A           (17356)
Farley Road
Wayne B Mabie, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 6 yrs, MN, Canada, ME, Farms Own Farm
Maude A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 6 yrs, 3 children born & living, CA, IL, IL, none
Thelma Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, CA, MN, CA, none
Frank Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, CA, MN, CA, none
Laura A Mabie, Mother, F, W, 48, Wd, 5 children born - 1 living, ME, ME, ME, none

San Jose Twp, Santa Clara, California, Series T624, Roll 105, Part 3, Page 190B           (17360)
788 Del Mar Avenue
Erwin Mabie, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 6 yrs, MN, MN, ME, Ticket Agent, Railroad, owns home
Lena Mabie, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, CA, CT, PA, none
Thalia Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, CA, MN, CA, none
Benjamin Mabie, Son, M, W, 2 months, S, CA, MN, CA, none

Santa Clara Twp, Santa Clara, California, Series T624, Roll 106, Part 2, Page 173B           (13002)
1072 Washington Street
Alexander Mabie, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 27 yrs, Canada, England, Ireland, Blacksmith at own shop
Mary F Mabie, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 27 yrs, no children, Canada, Canada, Canada, none

Petaluma Twp, Sonoma, California, Series T624, Roll 109, Part 2, Page 80B           (17266)
Frank E Mabee, Head, M, W, 52, M, 15 yrs, MI, NY, NY, Sack Mender, Feed Mill, own home
Sophie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 42, M, 15 yrs, CA, NY, England, none

Hayfork Twp, Trinity, California, Series T624, Roll 110, Part 2, Page 2B           (15729)
Frank Mabie, Hired man, M, W, 61, M1, 20, IL, NY, NY, Farm Laborer
Trinity Center Twp, Trinity, California, Series T624, Roll 110, Part 2, Page 34B           (22763)
Emma C Mabie, Head, F, W, 59, M, 36, 4 children born - 2 living, NH, NH, NH, none
Curtis W Mabie, Son, M, W, 24, S, CA, IL, NH, none

Visalia Ward 1, Tulare, California, Roll T624_111; Page 12B; ED 0205; Image 320; FHL Number           1374124
20 Apr 1910
Tulare County Hospital
408 East North
John Mabie, M, W, 67, Wd, OH, NY, CT, none

Santa Paula Twp, Ventura, California, Series T624, Roll 111, Part 3, Page 154A           (16389)
Oscar L Welch, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 22 yrs, MI, MI, NY, Operator, own rooming house
Hattie E Welch, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 22 yrs, 3 children born, MI, Canada, USA, none
Edna D Maybee, Sister, F, W, 35, Wd, 2 children born - 1 living, MI, MI, NY, operator, restaurant
Thelma Maybee, Niece, F, W, 13, S, MI, MI, MI, in school


Irondale 11-Pct, Adams, Colorado, Series T624, Roll 112, Part 1, Page 66A           (16107)
Winette A Mabee, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 33 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1880, Farms own Farm
Sussanne Mabee, Wife, F, W, 53, M1, 33 yrs, 4 children born - 2 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1880, none
Grace H Smith, Granddaughter, F, W, 5, S, CO, OH, England, none

Denver Ward 4, Denver, Colorado, Roll T624_114; Page 8A; ED 0068; Image 1183; FHL Number 1374127
1030 23rd Street
Marie Mabee, Roomer, F, W, M1, 3 yrs, no children, MO, unk, unk, seamstress
Albert Mabee, Roomer, M, W, M1, 3 yrs, CO, unk, unk, Teamster, Moving Van

1-Wd Central City, Gilpin, Colorado, Series T624, Roll 120, Part 1, Page 135B           (10728)
George W Mabee Jr, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 6 yrs, CO, NY, IL, Engineer, mining
Isabella T Mabie, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 6 yrs, 3 children born & living, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, immigrated in 1890
George W Mabie III, Son, M, W, 4, S, CO, CO, Scotland
Jean T Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, CO, CO, Scotland
John D Mabie, W, M, 17 months, S, CO, CO, Scotland

2-Wd Central City, Gilpin, Colorado, Series T624, Roll 120, Part 1, Page 142A           (10561)
George J W Mabie, Head, M, W, 67, M1, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NY, operator, mine
Harriet Mabie, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 35 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, IL, NY, MO, none
Foster Mabie, Son, M, W, 18, S, CO, NY, IL, none

3-Wd, Central City, Gilpin, Colorado, Series T624, Roll 120, Part 1, Page 146A           (10726)
James Darrow Mabee, Head, M, W, 20, M1, 0 yrs, CO, NY, MO, Miner, Gold Mine
Annie H Mabee, Wife, F, W, 18, M1, 0 yrs, no children, Canada, England, Rooming House

16-Pct, Montrose, Colorado, Series T624, Roll 123, Part 1, Page 198B           (1093)
Claude Mabie, Herder, M, W, 26, S, KS, NY, KS, Herder, Sheep

Eric, Weld, Colorado, Series T624, Roll 126, Part 1, Page 185A           (21402)
Harold Mabee, Head, M, W, 22, M1, 2 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Farms own farm
Matee Mabee, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, no children, PA, PA, PA
James White, Brother, M, W, 22, S, PA, PA, PA, Farm Laborer, Working out

Greeley, Weld, Colorado, Series T624, Roll 126, Part 1, Page 154B           (13034)
1424 Twelfth Street
Abraham L Mabee, Roomer, M, W, 55, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, Real Estate Agent
Elsie Mabee, Roomer, F, W, 25, S, IL, NJ, IN, Home
Mertie Mabee, Roomer, F, W, 23, S, IL, NJ, IN, Teacher, Public School


1-Dist Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 128, Part 1, Page 27A           (16380)
807 Broad Street
William Maby, Lodger, M, W, 30, S, CT, CT, CT, none

2-Dist Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 128, Part 1, Page 62A           (1228)
624 Lafayette Street
Mary Maby, Lodger, F, W, 61, Wd, 3 children born - 1 living, CT, CT, CT, Nurse, Private Family

Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, Roll T624_129; Page 2A; ED 0059; Image 960; FHL Number 1374142           (17811)
William L Mabie, Head, M, W, 71, M1, 45 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Brick Making, Brick Kiln
Phoebe J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 65, M1, 45 yrs, 5 children born - 1 living, NY, NY, NY, none
John W Mabie, Son, M, W, 43, S, NY, NY, NY, Paper Cutter, Hat Shop
Edith Benedict, Employee, F, W, 19, -, CT, CT, CT, Maid, this family

Danbury Ward 1, Fairfield, Connecticut, Roll T624_129; Page 13B; ED 62; Image 1078           (16797)
94 Garfield Avenue
Mary E Mabie, Head, F, W, 54, Wd, 2 children born - 1 living, NJ, NJ, NY, none
Harry W Mabie, Son, M, W, 25, M1, 1 yr, CT, NY, NJ, machinist, machine factory
Anita Mabie, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 25, M1, 1 yr, no children, Italy, Italy, Italy, none

2-Wd Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 129, Part 3, Page 113B           (16785)
386 Main Street
Orlando P Mabie, Head, M, W, 72, M2, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Public Works
Kate M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 65, M1, 35 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

2-Wd Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 129, Part 3, Page 113B-114A           (16943)
11 Robinson Avenue
Samuel H Mabie, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 18 yrs, CT, NY, NY, Machinist, Machine Shop
Nellie P Mabie, F, W, 39, M1, 18 yrs, 2 children born & living, VT, NY, NY, none
Marion A Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, CT, CT, VT, in school
Gertrude N Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, CT, CT, VT, in school
Hepsa J Payre, Mother-in-law, F, W, 70, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

3-Wd Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 129, Part 3, Page 143B           (26564)
Martin Maybee, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, CT, CT, NY, Carpenter, House
Maud Maybee, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, WI, NY, Canada, none
Harriette Maybee, F, W, 1, S, CT, CT, WI, none

3-Wd Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 129, Part 3, Page 190A           (4404)
1 Daley Lane
George Mabie, Head, M, W, 48, M1, 27 yrs, CT, NY, CT, Carpenter, House
Laura Mabie, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 27 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, NY, England, England, none

3-Wd Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 129, Part 3, Page 191A           (17812)
5 Granville Avenue
Isaac Mabie, Head, M, W, 69, M1, 43 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Carpenter, Home
Sarah J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 43 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Charles W Mabie, Son, M, W, 42, M1, 20 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Finisher, Hat Shop
Mrs Mary E Hart, Daughter, F, W, 37, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none
Ida M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 34, S, NY, NY, NY, Leather Stitcher, Hat Shop
Elezar Hart, Son-in-law, M, W, 38, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Mason and Builder

Hartford Ward 8, Hartford, Connecticut, Roll T624_133; Page 20A; ED 195; Image 769           (31237)
67 Hamilton
Frank L Mabee, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 10 yrs, MA, MA, MA, Machinist
Wilhelmina Mabee, Wife, W, F, 28, M1, 10 yrs, one child born & living, NY, NY, NY
John J Mabee, Son, M, W, 4, S, CT, MA, NY

Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 136, Part 1, Page 69B           (1169)
County Hospital for Insane
Edward W Maby, Boarder, M, W, 72, M, 30 yrs, NY, NY, PA, none

Derby Ward 1, New Haven, Connecticut, Roll T624_136; Page 6B; ED 0333; Image 685; FHL Number 1374149
92 Elizabeth Street
George Mabie, Lodger, M, W, 42, S, NY, NY, NY, Liveryman

4-Wd New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 139, Part 1, Page 98B
658 Howard Avenue
Paul H Maybey, Boarder, W, M, 75, S, ME, RI, RI, own income

8-Wd New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 139, Part 3, Page 157B           (10577)
George W Mabee, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Secretary, Paper Box Co, owns home
Blanche Mabee, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 5 yrs, no children, NY, Scotland, NY, none

3-Wd Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, Series T624, Roll 141, Part 1, Page 151B           (22818)
Arthur R Mabey, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 1 yr, NY, NY, NY, Mechanical Engineer, Testing
Fran W. Mabey, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Helen L Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 3 months, S, CT, NY, NY, none
Wealthey B Mabey, Mother, F, W, 66, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, own income



Precinct 5, Washington, District of Columbia, Series T624, Roll 152, Part 1, Ed 96, Page 6A
641 D Street
Daniel Mabee, Lodger, M, W, 60, M, MD, MD, MD, Machinist, Navy Yard

Ed 215, Washington, District of Columbia, Series T624, Roll 155, Part 2, Page 1B           (16518)
225 Ontario Road
Lewis G Maybee, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 6 yrs, MI, Canada, England, Register, Treasury
Ritta R Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, MI, MI, NY, music teacher, at home
Harold V Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Esma R Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, DC, MI, MI, none




Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaii, Series T624, Roll 1752, Part 1, Page 204A           (1177)
Hilo Jail
John H Maby, Jailor, M, Other Caucasian, 63, M1, 32 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Jailor, County

Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaii, Series T624, Roll 1752, Part 1, Page 191A           (1178)
Emma C Maby, Head [wife of John, above], F, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 51, M1, 32 yrs, 15 children born - 11 living, Hawaii, England, Hawaii, none
Henry Oliver Maby, Son, M, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 25 yrs, S, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, Painter
Robert Lincoln Maby, Son, M, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 19, S, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, in school
Edward G Maby, Son, M, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 17, S, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, in school
Irene Maby, Daughter, F, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 12, S, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, in school
Margaret Maby, Daughter, F, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 11, S, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, in school
Laura Maby, Daughter, F, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 8, S, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, in school

City and County of Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii, Series T624, Roll 1754, Part 1, Page 19A           (1182)
604 School Street
William I Maby, Head, M, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 27, M1, 0 yrs, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, Engineer, Ship
Mary K Maby, Wife, F, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 21, M1, 0 yrs, no children, Hawaii, IN, Hawaii

Puuloa, Ewa District, County and City of Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii, Series T624, Roll 1753, Part 1, Page 22D           (1187)
John P Maby, Lodger, M, Caucasian-Hawaiian, 20, S, Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii, Deck Hand, Gas Launch


Boise 5-Pct, Ada, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 221, Part 1, Page 107A
James P Mabee, Roomer, M, W, 32, S, KS, KS, KS, Miner

Union, Ada, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 221, Part 2, Page 42B           (20211)
Albert Maybe, Helper, M, W, 20, S, KS, Canada, KS, Laborer, Farm

White Cross, Ada, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 221, Part 2, Page 47A           (27749)
George Hahn, Head, M, W, 31, M1, O yrs, MO, TN, VA, Farms own farm
Mary G Hahn, Wife, F, W, 34, M2, 0 yrs, 4 children born & living, KS, IL, IL, none
Eva Mabee, Stepdaughter, F, W, 16, S, KS, KS, KS, in school
Oliver Mabee, Stepson, M, W, 8, S, KS, KS, KS, in school

Pocatello Ward 3, Bannock, Idaho, Roll T624_221; Page 20B; ED 0033; Image 1120; FHL Number 1374234           (20356)
556 W Center Street
William West, Head, M, W, 51, M2, 16 yrs, UT, England, England, none
Maud West, Wife, F, W, 34, M2, 16 yrs, 3 children born & living, IL, IL, IL, none
Clifford West, Son, M, W, 20, S, ID, UT, PA, Postal Clerk, Government
George West, Son, M, W, 19, S, ID, UT, PA, Tin Smith, Tin Shop
Norris West, Son, M, W, 17, S, ID, UT, PA, Wagon Driver, Express Co
Mira West, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, ID, UT, IL, attended school
Ora West, Son, M, W, 14, S, ID, UT, IL, attended school
Leroy Mabee, Stepdaughter, F, W, 17, S, IL, IL, IL, attended school

Blackfoot 2-Pct, Bingham, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 222, Part 2, Page 81A
Geo Mabie, Clerk, M, W, 30, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Clerk, Commercial Hotel

Lower Squaw Crk, Boise, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 222, Part 1, Page 311A           (19256)
Nelson J Mabee, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 22 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1860, Farmed own farm
Harriet A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 22 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, IN, IN, IN, none
Ray E Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, KS, Canada, IN, Laborer, home farm
Roy I Mabee, Son, M, W, 6, S, KS, Canada, IN, in school

Middleton, Canyon, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 223, Part 2, Page 107B           (19372)
J Herbert Mabee, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 12 yrs, MO, IL, PA, Farms own fruit farm
Mattie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 12 yrs, 3 children born & living, ID, IA, IA, none
Barton Mabee, Son, M, W, 11, S, ID, MO, ID, in school
Joseph Mabee, Son, M, W, 6, S, ID, MO, ID, in school
Eldon Mabee, Son, M, W, 5, S, ID, MO, ID, in school

Marion, Cassia, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 223, Part 1, Page 226A           (21751)
Danielitta Mabey, Head, F, W, 50, Wd, 12 children born - 11 living, UT, Canada, England, Farms own farm
Emma A Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, ID, England, UT, none
Etta J Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, ID, England, UT, none
Daniel L Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, ID, England, UT, Farm Laborer, Home Farm, in school
Acel W Mabey, Son, M, W, 14, S, ID, England, UT, Farm Laborer, Home Farm, in school
Mabel V Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, ID, England, UT, in school
Horton E Mabey, Son, M, W, 10, S, ID, England, UT, in school
Ila V Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, ID, England, UT, in school
Edna J Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, ID, England, UT, none

Marion, Cassia, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 223, Part 1, Page 226A           (21892)
Thomas Mabey, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 1 yr, ID, England, UT, farmer, home farm
Eliza M Mabey, F, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, 2 children born & living, ID, Wales, Wales
Willis T Mabey, Son, M, W, 6 months, S, ID, ID, ID, none
Ellis E Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 6 months, S, ID, ID, ID, none

Marion, Cassia, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 223, Part 1, Page 226B           (21891)
James J Mabey, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 5 yrs, ID, England, UT, Farmer, home farm
Alice M Mabey, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 5 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, ID, MT, England, none
Ada M Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, ID, ID, ID, none
Rada A Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 3 months, S, ID, ID, ID, none

Troy, Latah, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 225, Part 2, Page 179B           (17910)
John Maybee, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 1 yr, NY, NY, England, Laborer, Livery Stable
Katie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 41, M2, 1 yr, no children, MI, Ireland, Ireland, none
Maggie Bernardini, Adopted Daughter, F, W, 10, S, ID, NY, NY

Landore, Washington, Idaho, Series T624, Roll 228, Part 1, Page 159A
Nelle Mabie, Companion, F, W, 25, S, IA, MI, MN, none, with George & Charlotte Jones family


Calumet Twp, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 238, Part 1, Page 25B           (31027)
Jessie V Mabey, Sister-in-law, F, W, 40, M1, OH, OH, OH
Henry Mabey, Nephew, M, W, 16, S, MN, IL, OH, in school
Marion Mabey, Niece, F, W, 15, S, IL, IL, OH, in school
with Oscar and Josie Breyfogle family

2-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 242, Part 1, Page 35B
8259 Louisiana Avenue
Francis S Mabie, Lodger, M, W, 62, Wd, Canada, Canada, NY, immigrated in 1857, Ticket Agent, Elevated Railroad

2-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 242, Part 2, Page 126A           (17242)
William Mabee, Lodger, M, W, 44, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1900, Carpenter, House

7-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 248, Part 2, Page 145A
Alice Mabi, Lodger, F, W, 26, S, PA, ME, ME, Clerk, Insurance

Chicago Ward 7, Cook, Illinois, Roll T624_248; Page 5B; ED 0421; Image 84; FHL Number 1374261           (19000)
6017 East Jefferson Avenue
Sebrance E Mabie, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 8 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Lawyer, General Practice
Mary F Mabie, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 8 yrs, 2 children born & living, IL, OH, OH, none
Lolo Eleanor Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, IL, NJ, IL, in school
Mirabah J Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, IL, NJ, IL, none
Frank A Mabie, Brother, M, W, 41, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Clerk, Meat Packing
Dora M Mabie, Sister, F, W, 37, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Stenographer, Law Office
Annie McElroy, Mother-in-law, F, W, –, Wd, 5 children born - 4 living, OH, OH, KY, Own income

9-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 250, Part 1, Page 66A
Milbourne Mabee, Clerk, M, W, 30, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1886, Student, Medical School

13-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 254, Part 2, Page 157B&158A           (13173)
Carl F Mabie, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 0 yrs, WI, NY, NY, Brakeman, Railroad
Elinor F Mabie, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 0 yrs, no children, WI, Norway, Norway, none

13-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 254, Part 2, Page 235B           (28804)
Elva Maybee, Lodger, F, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, no children, OH, OH, OH, Stenographer, Patent Medicine

13-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 255, Part 1, Page 63B           (16019)
2817 Adams Street
O L Mabie, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 28 yrs, IN, NY, OH, Stationary Engineer
E A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 57, M2, 28 yrs, 4 children born & living, WV, WV, WV, none
U S Smith, Mother-in-law, F, W, 83, Wd, 9 children born - 6 living, WV, PA, WV, none
D C Mabie, Son, M, W, 22, S, IN, IN, WV, Student, in school
C N Becker, Son-in-law, M, W, 26, M1, 7 yrs, IL, IL Germany, Clerk, Post Office
M V Becker, Daughter, F, W, 25, M1, 7 yrs, 1 child born & living, IL, IN, WV, none
D C Becker, Grandson, M, W, 5, S, IL, IL, IL, none

Chicago Ward 14, Cook, Illinois, Roll T624_256; Page 19A&B; ED 683; Image 352&3           (30529)
3037 Ohio Avenue
John Maybee, Head, M, W, 39, M, 18 yrs, MI, NY, NY, Broom Maker, Factory
Ella H Maybee, Wife, F, W, 37, M, 18 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, IL, MI, MI, none
Havel L Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, MI, MI, IL, at School
Althea Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, MI, MI, IL, at School
Dallas J Maybee, Son, M, W, 6, S, MI, MI, IL
Verlin J Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, MI, MI, IL
Adelbert F Maybee, Son, M, W, 8 months, S, MI, MI, IL

14-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 256, Part 1, Page 199BU           (30525)
1921 West Chicago Avenue
Margaret Maybe, F, W, 68, Wd, 10 children born - 9 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Fred Maybe, Son, M, W, 39, S, MI, NY, NY, Broom Maker, Factory
Arthur E Maybe, Son, M, W, 25, S, MI, NY, NY, Broom Maker, Factory
Margaret Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, MI, NY, NY, none

23-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 266, Part 2, Page 124B
Edward J Maybee, Lodger, M, W, 61, M1, 28 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1856, Sales Manager, Frame Company

25-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 267, Part 2, Page 44B           (27478)
1252 Granville Avenue
Fredrick C Bower, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 28 yrs, PA, Germany, Germany, Salesman, Cigars, own home
Carie E Bower, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 28 yrs, 2 children born & living, MI, MI, MA, none
Charlotte S Bower, Daughter, F, W, 25, S, IN, PA MI, Teacher, Public School
Lawrence C Bower, Son, M, W, 16, S, IN, PA MI, none
Ida L Maybee, Sister-in law, F, W, 49, S, MI, Germany [SIC], Germany [SIC], Dressmaker, own account

34-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 281, Part 1, Page 45A           (13171)
4048 West Park Avenue
Fremont H Mabie, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 6 yrs, WI, NY, WI, Engineer, Railroad
Iva M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 19, M1, 6 yrs, 3 children born & living, IL, PA, IL, none
Loyd G Mabie, M, W, 5, S, IL, WI, IL, none
Fremont M Mabie, M, W, 3, S, IL, WI, IL, none
Leah L Mabie, F, W, 1 month, S, IL, WI, IL, none

35-Wd Chicago, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 283, Part 1, Page 154B           (28073)
453 Hamlin Avenue
Alexander Mabee, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 18 yrs, WI, NY, NY, Street Inspector, Street Department
Margaret J Mabee, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 18 yrs, no children, IL, Ireland, NY, none

Maine Twp, Cook, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 239, Part 1, Page 6B           (20364)
Elbert B Mabee, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 10 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Operator, Dairy Farm
Florence Mabee, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 10 yrs, 2 children born & living, England, England, England, none
Mildred Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, IL, Canada, England, in school
Evelyn Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, IL, Canada, England, in school

Barnett, De Witt, Illinois, Roll T624_237; Page 5B; ED 0070; Image 171; FHL Number 1374250           (24081)
Hary Maybe, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 16 yrs, NY, NY, NY, farms own general farm
Claudia Maybe, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 16 yrs, OH, OH, OH, none

Colona Twp, Henry, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 291, Part 2, Page 95B           (27756)
Colona Villagej
Austin Perkins, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 4 yrs, IL, —, —, Boilermaker, Railroad, owns home
Pearl Perkins, Wife, F, W, 30, M2, 4 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, IN, England, OH, none
Thomas Mabie, Stepson, M, W, 9, S, IL, NY, IN, in school
Edmond Mabie, Stepson, M, W, 8, S, IL, NY, IN, in school

Geneseo Twp, Henry, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 291, Part 2, Page 173A           (21981)
Albert A Kane, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 12 yrs, Germany, Germany, Germany, Farms own general farm
Ada B Kane, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 12 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Cora Kane, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, IL, Germany, NY, in school
Bessie Kane, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, IL, Germany, NY, in school
Jessie Kane, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, IL, Germany, NY, none
Carl Kane, Son, M, W, 8 months, S, IL, Germany, NY, none
Theron Mabie, Father-in-law, M, W, 65, M1, 40 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none

3-Wd Galesburg, Knox, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 299, Part 1, Page 69A           (3925)
904 North Broad Street
Oscar P Mabee, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 29 yrs, Canada, Canada, OH, Dentist, owns home, immigrated in 1879, naturalized
Amelia Mabee, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 29 yrs, 4 children born - 2 living, IA, Germany, Germany, none
Mildred M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, IA, Canada, IA, in school

2-Wd Granite, Madison, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 310, Part 2, Page 159B           (21973)
2035 I Street
Annie Mabee, Head, M, W, 65, Wd, 1 child born & living, Ireland, Ireland, England, owns boarding house

Centralia Ward 3, Marion, Illinois, Roll T624_307; Page 17A; ED 0137; Image 178; FHL Number 1374320
126 1/2 Locust Drive
Ed Potts, Head, M, W, 26, S, IL, IL, IL, Druggist, Drug Store
William O Schanafelt, Partner, M, W, 23, S, IL, IL, IL, Proprietor, Drug Store
Albert Mabee, Partner, M, W, 22, S, IN, NJ, IN, Candy Maker, Candy Kitchen
Orvile Hawkins, Partner, M, W, 25, S, IN, IN, IN, Candy Maker, Candy Kitchen

4-Wd Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 313, Part 2, Page 293B           (26569)
Jacksonville State Hospital
Nellie Mabee, Patient, F, W, 25, S, IL, USA, USA, none

Hennepin Twp, Putnam, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 318, Part 2, Page 87A
Jennie C Maybee, Head, F, W, 65, Wd, no children, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1854, Dressmaking, at home, owns home
Sophie C Granier, Sister, F, W, 76, Wd, 8 children born - 6 living, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1853, own income

5-Wd Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 325, Part 2, Page 77B           (11469)
402 South 5th Street
Fred H Maybee, Roomer, M, W, 26, M, OH, NY, OH, Motorman, Streetcar

Freeport Ward 3, Stephenson, Illinois, Roll T624_327; Page 3A; ED 0103; Image 914; FHL Number 1374340           (15756)
S B Maybe, Head, M, W, 56, M, 7 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Conductor, Steam Railroad
Lynn Maybe, Wife, F, W, 30, M, 7 yrs, no children, TX, TX, TX, none

Deer Crk Twp, Tazewell, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 328, Part 1, Page 8B           (11393)
Marshall Mabee, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 22 yrs, Canada, Canada, England, Railroad section foreman, owns home
Laura Mabee, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 22 yrs, 10 children born & living, IL, PA, IL, none
Carrie J Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, IL, Canada, IL, none
Arthur E Mabee, Son, M, W, 19, S, IL, Canada, IL, Laborer, railroad section
William E Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, IL, Canada, IL, Farm Hand, Working out
Clarence M Mabee, Son, M, W, 15, S, IL, Canada, IL, Farm Hand, Working out, in school
Eugene R Mabee, Son, M, W, 10, S, IL, Canada, IL, none, in school
Chester P Mabee, Son, M, W, 8, S, IL, Canada, IL, none
Stanley D Mabee, Son, M, W, 5, S, IL, Canada, IL, none
Laura T Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, IL, Canada, IL, none
Theodore L Mabee, Son, M, W, 2, S, IL, Canada, IL, none
Ruth R Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 0 months, S, IL, Canada, IL, none

Groveland Twp, Tazewell, Illinois, Series: T624; Roll 328; Page 92A; ED 136; Part 1; Line 1           (20296)
Arthur Mabee, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 26 yrs, Canada, England, England, Farms own Fruit Farm
Mary A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 26 yrs, 7 children born - 5 living, OH, PA, KY
Dora M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 25, S, IL, Canada, England, Fruit picker, home farm
Elmer Mabee, Son, M, W, 21, S, IL, Canada, England, Laborer, home farm
Samuel Mabee, Son, M, W, 19, S, IL, Canada, England, Laborer, School, Student
Louis Mabee, Son, M, W, 16, S, IL, Canada, England, Fruit picker, home farm, in school
Arthur D Mabee, Son, M, W, 12, S, IL, Canada, England, Laborer, in school

Eufield Twp, White, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 333, Part 1, Page 92B
Louis E Mabey, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 4 yrs, IL, IL, IL, Railroad Brakeman
Esta Mabey, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, 2 children born & living, IL, IL, IL
Mable Ann Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, IL, IL, IL
Lucy E Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, IL, IL, IL

4-Wd Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 336, Part 1, Page 321B           (13158)
206 Albert Street
Oscar Mabie, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 33 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Carpenter, Machine Shop
Elizabeth Mabie, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 33 yrs, 8 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, none
Hazel L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, WI, NY, Canada, none
Maude E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, WI, NY, Canada, in school
Harry M Mabie, Son, M, W, 16, S, WI, NY, Canada

4-Wd Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, Series T624, Roll 336, Part 1, Page 332A           (13170)
1435 Blaisedell Street
James O Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 9 yrs, WI, WI, Canada, Machinist, Machine Shop
Lotty Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 9 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, OH, IN, none
Bernita M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Dorothy H Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Harland D Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Kate S Dean, Mother-in-law, F, W, 65, Wd, 5 children born & living, IN, KY, OH, none


N Wabash Pct, Adams, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 338, Part 1, Page 148A           (6465)
Lindsey A Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 56, M1, 26 yrs, OH, NY, PA, peddler, trinkets

Elkhart Ward 1, Elkhart, Indiana, Roll T624_347; Page 10B; ED 0008; Image 598; FHL Number 1374360           (26574)
909 Emerald Street
Alice Mabie, Boarder, F, W, 30, S, USA, unknown, unknown, ironer, laundry, with John C and Etta A Rice

1-Wd Elkhart, Elkhart, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 347, Part 2, Page 95B           (16881)
Anna Mabie, Roomer, F, W, 17, S, IN, MI, CT, Hair dresser, own shop

Harrison Twp, Elkhart, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 348, Part 1, Page 109A           (28814)
Harry Maybee, Chore boy, M, W, 13, S, IN, IN, IN, none, attended school; with Stutsman family

Connersville Ward 3, Fayette, Indiana, Roll T624_348; Page 12A; ED 24; Image 717           (28809)
219 West Twelfth Street
Burton S Mabee, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 5 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Clerk, Railroad
Augusta Mabee, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 5 yrs, IN, PA, IA, home

3-Wd Connersville, Fayette, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 348, Part 2, Page 100B           (28809)
16 April 1910
John F Snyder, Head, M, W, 53, M1, 32 yrs, PA, PA, PA, mail carrier, rural route
Sarah Snyder, Wife, F, W, 54, M1, 32 yrs, 5 children born & living, IA, IN, IN, none
Fred Snyder, Son, M, W, 22, S, IN, PA, IA, foundry draftsman
Park Snyder, Son, M, W, 13, S, IN, PA, IA
Roberta Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 28, M1, 5 yrs, no children, IN, PA, IA,, none
Bert Mabee, Son-in-law, M, W, 30, M1, 5 yrs, IN, PA, IN, mail clerk, railway

Connersville Ward 3, Fayette, Indiana, Roll T624_348; Page 14A; ED 24; Image 721           (28803)
1448 Central Avenue
Floyd E Mabee, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 5 yrs, IN, PA, IN, Cabinet Maker, Factory
Ida M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 5 yrs, IN, IN, IN, none
George Mabee, Brother, M, W, 48, Wd, IN, PA, IN, Cabinet Maker

Jennings Twp, Fayette, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 348, Part 2, Page 161B           (28800)
Arbana Mabee, M, W, 52, S, IN, IN, IN, Day Laborer, Odd Jobs

Henry Twp, Fulton, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 350, Part 2, Page 38A           (22839)
Selah B Maby, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 7 yrs, NY, NY, PA, Farms own farm
Lessie Maby, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 7 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, IN, IN, IN
Marry Maby, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, IN, NY, IN

Henry, Fulton, Indiana, Roll T624_350; Page 15B; ED 0051; Image 559; FHL Number 1374363
O W Love, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 6 yrs, IN, OH, OH, Hardware, own account
Sarah Love, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, United Stated, none
Russell Love, Son, M, W, 3, S, IN, IN, NY
Marie Love, Daughter, F, W, 6/12, S, IN, IN, NY
FindaGrave: Sarah Elizabeth Maby Love, born 18 Dec 1879, died 24 Feb 1912, burial Akron IOOF Cemetery, Akron, Fulton County, IN
"Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992," database,
          Sarah Elizabeth Maby (age 24) married Otto W Love (age 24) on 15 Nov 1903 in Claypool, Fulton County, IN;
          Bride's parents: DuBose Maby and Emma Krouse; Groom's parents: James H Love and Mary Elliott.

1-Wd Noblesville, Hamilton, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 353, Part 1, Page 189A           (18769)
132 10th Street
George S Hawkins, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 41 yrs, IN, VA, VA, sells candy, street
Margaret Hawkins, Wife, F, W, 63, M1, 41 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, IN, OH, OH, None
Fairy A Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 29, M1, 13 yrs, 1 child born & living, IN, IN, IN, None
William Mabee, Son-in-law, M, W, 34, M1, 13 yrs, IN, NJ, IN, Barber, shop
Margaret Mabee, Granddaughter, F, W, 12, IN, IN, IN, in school

1-Wd Huntington, Huntington, Indiana, Series: T624; Roll 356; Page 37B; ED 87; Part 2; Line 18           (21260)
705 German St, Huntington
Fred Huebner, Head, M, W, 59, S, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1877, Laborer
Jesse Maybee, Son-in-law, M, W, 27, M1, 6 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Machine Hand, Novelty Factory
Minnie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 26, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, IN, Germany, Germany, none
Ethel Maybee, Granddaughter, F, W, 5, S, PA, IN, IN
George Maybee, Grandson, M, W, 3, S, IN, IN, IN
Clara Huebner, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, IN, Germany, Germany, Domestic

Tippecanoe Twp, Kosciusko, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 358, Part 1, Page 186B           (16707)
Charles C Weimer, Head, M, W, 37. M1, 17 yrs, IN, OH, OH, Farms own farm
Jessie O Weimer, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 17 yrs, 7 children born - 6 living, IN, OH, OH, none
Elsie E Weimer, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, IN, IN, IN, servant, private family, in school
Bernice M Weimer, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, IN, IN, IN, in school
Florence Weimer, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, IN, IN, IN, in school
Aura B Weimer, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, IN, IN, IN, in school
Blanche S Weimer, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, IN, IN, IN, in school
Hannah G Weimer, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, IN, IN, IN, in school
Eli Mabie, Father-in-law, M, W, 80, Wd, OH, NY, PA, none

Tippecanoe Twp, Kosciusko, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 358, Part 1, Page 178A           (2194)
John B Mabie, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 35 yrs, IN, OH, IN, Farms own farm
Anna Mabie, Wife, F, W, 58, M1, 35 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, IN, OH, PA, none
Benjamin H Mabie, Son, M, W, 21, S, IN, IN, IN, Laborer, Odd Jobs
Lurah Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, IN, IN, IN, in school

1-Wd Warsaw, Kosciusko, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 357, Part 2, Page 185A           (16024)
Canal Street
James M Mabie, Head, M, W, 54, M3, 4 yrs, IN, OH, York State, Junk Dealer, own account
Lilly B Mabie, Wife, F, W, 31, M2, 4 yrs, 5 children born & living, IN, OH, IN, none
Arthur M Mabie, Son, M, W, 3 yrs 4 mon, S, IN, IN, IN, none
Pearl B Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 10 mo, S, IN, IN, IN, none
Hazel S Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 10 months, S, IN, IN, IN, none
Bertha E Maguire, Step-daughter, F W, 8 year 3 months, S, IN, IN, IN, none
Mabel B Maguire, Step-daughter, F W, 8 year 3 months, S, IN, IN, IN, none

Greenfield Twp, Lagrange, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 361, Part 1, Page 119A           (6487)
Munson W Maybee, Head, M, W, 61, Wd, PA, NY, NY, own income
Nellie M Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, MI, PA, OH, Housekeeper, house
Cornelius S Maybee, Brother, M, W, 44, S, OH, NY, OH, Day Laborer, Odd Jobs

1-Wd Lagrange, Lagrange, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 361, Part 1, Page 22B           (16027)
100 Oberman Street
Anna Mabie, Head, F, W, 72, Wd, 3 children born & living, OH, NY, NY, Washer Woman, Private Facility, owns home
Elias Kisler, Brother, M, W, 64, M2, 3 yrs, OH, NY, NY, Laborer, Store
Edna Kisler, Sister-in-law, F, W, 71, M1, 3 yrs, no children, IN, USA, OH, none

Lima Twp, Lagrange, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 361, Part 1, Page 138A           (32650)
Ontario Village
Frank J Maybee, Head, M, W, 51 M1, 30 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Farm Laborer, Odd Jobs, owns home
Catharine Maybee, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 30 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, OH, OH, Weaver, at home
Lida E Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, IN, IN, OH, housekeeper, working out
Anna M Boyd, Foster Daughter, F, W, 13, S, IN, IN, IN, none

Milford Twp, Lagrange, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 361, Part 1, Page 165B           (22580)
Homer J Maybee, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 31 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Farms own general farm
Lillie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 31 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, NY, NY, none

Van Buren Twp, Lagrange, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 361, Part 1, Page 218A           (27782)
John Cummins, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 1 yr, IN, IN, IN, farmer, general truck farm
Essa Cummins, Wife, F, W, 35, M2, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, IN, IN, IN
Dorris V Cummins, Daughter, F, W, 3 months, S, IN, IN, IN
Irene Nelson, Stepdaughter, F, W, 9, S, MI, IN, IN
Lenard Nelson, Stepson, M, W, 15, S, IN, IN, IN
Cornellius Maybee, Father-in-law, M, W, 79, Wd, OH, NY, NY

4-Wd Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 367, Part 2, Page 235B           (26599)
3746 N Capitol Avenue
Frank J Maybe, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, IN, England, England, Manager, Cleaning Establishment
Lillian J Maybe, Wife, F, W, 20, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, IN, OH, OH, none
Raya J Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 6 months, S, IN, IN, IN, none

8-Wd Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 368, Part 1, Page 210B           (23978)
940 North PA Street
Charles W Mabey, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 4 yrs, England, England, England, Proprietor, Cleaning Company
Malvina Mabey, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 4 yrs, no children, IN, England, IN

14-Wd Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 367, Part 1, Page 227A           (26586)
1434 Lamont Street
Abe Mabee, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 8 yrs, IN, NJ, IN, Shipping Clerk, furniture store
Flora Mabee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 8 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, OH, Germany
Esther Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, IN, IN, OH
Ruth Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, IN, IN, OH

Washington Twp, Marion, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 366, Part 1, Page 106B           (2338)
479 Penn Street
William C Mabee, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 13 yrs, NY, England, England, Civil Engineer, owns home
Grace Mabee, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 13 yrs, 1 child born & living, RI, RI, RI, none
Harold P Mabee, Son, M, W, 7, S, IN, RI, NY, in school

1-Wd Martinsville, Morgan, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 372, Part 2, Page 201A           (32797)
389 South Mulberry Street
Theodore Darter, Head, M, W, 74, M2, -, IN, IN, PA, own income, veteran Union Army
Frances Darter, Wife, F, W, 58, M2, 19 yrs, 2 children born & living, IN, PA, KY, none
Pearl Mabee, Stepdaughter, F, W, 26, S, IN, IN, IN, none

3-Wd Kendallville, Noble, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 372, Part 3, Page 237B           (22570)
306 Mott Street
Tunis B Maybee, Head, M, W, 55, M1, 10 yrs, IN, NJ, MA, Carpenter, House, owns home
Luella B Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, IN, NY, OH, None
Winston L Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, IN, IN, IN, None

Jackson Twp, Steuben, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 380, Part 2, Page 28B           (18871)
Alonzo Mabie, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 12 yrs, IN, OH, OH, Farmer, General Farm
Elizabeth J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 46, M2, 12 yrs, 3 children born & living, IN, OH, KS, none
Mandy M Huffman, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, IN, IN, IN, none
Cecil A Mabie, Nephew, M, W, 17, S, IN, IN, IN, Farm Laborer, Working out

Jackson Twp, Steuben, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 380, Part 2, Page 36A           (27787)
Charley H Young, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Farmer, General Farm
Ethel E Young, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, IN, OH, IN, none
Roy C Young, Son, M, W, 3, S, IN, IN, IN, none
Seral R Young, Son, M, W, 1 yr 9 mo, S, IN, IN, IN, none
George H Mabie, Father-in-law, M, W, 50, Wd, OH, PA, OH, Farm Laborer, Home Farm
Guy Mabie, Brother-in-law, M, W, 14, S, IN, OH, IN, Farm Laborer, Home Farm
Ralph A Mabie, Brother-in-law, M, W, 17, S, IN, OH, IN, Farm Laborer, Working out

Pleasant Twp, Steuben, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 380, Part 2, Page 78B           (18872)
William Mabie, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 20 yrs, IN, OH, IN, none, owns home
Belle Mabie, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 20 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, IN, OH, IN, none
Thad R Mabie, Son, M, W, 18, S, IN, IN, IN, none

Richland Twp, Steuben, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 380, Part 2, Page 114A           (17176)
Frank DeGaugh, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 37 yrs, OH, France, OH, Farms own general farm
Clara DeGaugh, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 37 yrs, 6 children born - 2 living, OH, OH, OH, none
Sarah Mabie, Mother-in-law, F, W, 70, Wd, 10 children born - 6 living, OH, OH, OH, own income

7-Wd Richmond, Wayne, Indiana, Series T624, Roll 388, Part 1, Page 219A           (23673)
333 Ambin
Joseph Maybe, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 35 yrs, England, England, England, Watchman, Shop, owns home
Eliza Ann Maybe, Wife, F, W, 58, M1, 35 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, England, England, England, none

Bluffton Ward 1, Wells, Indiana, Roll T624_388; Page 6A; ED 0157; Image 605; FHL Number 1374401           (18933)
235 W Marion Street
Jacob Maybe, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 22 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Laborer, Saw Mill
Alice Maybe, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 22 yrs, 1 child born & living, IN, IN, IN, none
Ross Maybe, Son, M, W, 16, S, IN, IN, IN, attended school

Etna, Whitley, Indiana, Roll T624_389; Page 10A; ED 0144; Image 616; FHL Number 1374402
Eli E Mabie, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, KS, IN, IN, Laborer, Farm
Fannie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 18, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, IN, IN, OH, none
Eugene E Mabie, Son, M, W, 6 months, S, IN, IN, IN


Corning Ward 3, Adams, Iowa, Roll T624_390; Page 17A; ED 0010; Image 526; FHL Number 1374403           (22641)
Dane Avenue
Albert Maybee, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 25 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Laborer, Livery Barn
Elizabeth Maybee, Wife, F, W, 67, M2, 25 yrs, England, England, England, immigrated in 1874, none
Mary Brentnall, Granddaughter, F, W, 15, S, IA, England, KS, none
Mark N Brentnall, Step-son, M, W, 38, S, England, England, England, immigrated in 1874, Laborer, odd jobs

Lincoln, Appanoose, Iowa, Roll T624_390; Page 6A; ED 0021; Image 1433; FHL microfilm: 1374403           (6430)
Charles G Mabee, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 29 yrs, OH, OH, VA, Farmer, General Farm
Mary F Mabee, Wife, F, W, 46, M1, 29 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, MO, MO, MO
Zelle F Mabee, Son, M, W, 11, S, IA, OH, MO, attended school
Charles R Mabee, M, W, 9, S, IA, OH, MO, attended school
Oscar L Mabee, Son, M, W, 28, M1, 0 yrs, IA, OH, MO, Farmer, Home farm
Martha Mabee, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 25, M1, 0 yrs, no children, MO, IA, MO, Helper, House
Matilda Whorton, Mother-in-law, F, W, 84, Wd, 3 children born - 2 living, MO, KY, TN

2-Wd Waterloo, Black Hawk, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 392, Part 1, Page 173B
512 11th Street
Lyman Maybee, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 26 yrs, IL, OH, OH, Salesman, Patent Hardware, owns home
Mary H Maybee, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 26 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, VT, Ireland, none
Elsie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 25, S, IA, IL, WI, Stenographer, Lumber Office
Joseph Maybee, Son, M, W, 23, S, IA, IL, WI, Superintendent, Printing Office
Charles W Maybee, Son, M, W, 21, S, S, IA, IL, WI, none, in school

Waterloo Ward 4, Black Hawk, Iowa, Roll T624_392; Page 3B; ED 0027; Image 930; FHL Number 1374405           (610)
807 Walnut Street
Ira Mabie, Head, M, W, 72, M1, 49 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Own Income, owns home
Mary J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 70, M1, 49 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, CT, CT, none

Coldwater Twp, Butler, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 394, Part 2, Page 72B           (16806)
Frederick D Mabee, Head, M, W, 73, M, 47 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, none, owns farm
Sarah A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 68, M1, 47 yrs, 7 children born - 5 living, NH, NH, NH, none
Fred H Mabee, Son, M, W, 38, S, IA, Canada, NH, Employee, Government

Elm Grove Twp, Calhoun, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 394, Part 3, Page 55B           (20049)
Ralph Mabee, Hired man, M, W, 17, S, IA, Canada, —, Farm laborer, working out

2-Wd Lake, Calhoun, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 394, Part 3, Page 81A           (20059)
Oliver E Mabee, Head, M, W, 26, M, 3 yrs, SD, Canada, IL, Clerk, Store
Sarah E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, IA, MI, Denmark, none
Willard D Mabee, Son, M, W, 2, S, IA, SD, IA, none

Lime Creek, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, Roll T624_396; Page 4B; ED 26; Image 226           (3804)
Clarence H Mabee, Head, M, W, 22, M1, 1 yr, IA, IL, IL, Farms a general farm
Mabel A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 1 yr, IA, IL, WI

2-Wd Mason, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 396, Part 1, Page 196A           (16267)
307 WA Avenue
Peter Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 3 yrs, IA, IA, IA, Drayman
Nora Mabie, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, -, IA, IA, IA, none

3-Wd Charles, Floyd, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 402, Part 3, Page 113A           (2199)
302 North Street
William Mabie, M, W, 29, M1, 10 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Machinist, Wagon Factory, owns home
Rena Mabie, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 10 yrs, 2 children born & living, IN, NY, NY
Walter Mabie, Son, M, W, 9, S, IN, IN, IN
Odeda Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, IN, IN, IN

3-Wd Charles, Floyd, Iowa, Series: T624; Roll 402; Page 106A; ED 105; Part 3; Line 9           (22133)
W D Maeby, Roomer, M, W, 57, M2, 21 yrs, WI, Canada, WI, Carpenter, Building Houses
Ella J Maeby, Roomer, F, W, 40, M1, 21 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, OH, WI, none

Orange Twp, Guthrie, Iowa, Roll T624_404; Page 4A; ED 58; Image 254           (31420)
Will E Maybay, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 7 yrs, IL, IL, MO, Farmer
Maud L Maybay, Wife, F, W, 28, M, 7 yrs, IA, IN, IL, housekeeper, own house

Britt Twp, Hancock, Iowa, Series: T624; Roll 393; Page 164A; ED 130; Part 1; Line 11           (17193)
West Fifth Street
Laura A Peterson, Head, F, W, 54, Wd, 3 children born - 1 living, WI, NY, NY, Keeper, Boarding house, owns home
Miriam E Mabie, Sister, F, W, 37, S, WI, NY, NY, Teacher, Public School
with boarders William C Mussack, 20; Robert Goethe, 24; and Janette Hugelan, 25

Providence Twp, Hardin, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 404, Part 3, Page 177B           (21484)
West Monroe Street, New Providence
Curtis O Mabee, Head, W, M, 52, M1, 21 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1888, Physician, own general practice, owns home
Nellie E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 21 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, none
Edith E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, IA, Canada, Canada, in school
James D Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, IA, Canada, Canada, in school
Cuma P Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, IA, Canada, Canada, in school
Oscar J Mabee, Son, M, W, 11, S, IA, Canada, Canada, in school
Donald R Mabee, Son, M, W, 8, S, IA, Canada, Canada, in school

Union Twp, Hardin, Iowa, Series: T624; Roll 404; Page 226A; ED 184; Part 3; Line 6           (16644)
George D Mabie, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 13 yrs, IA, IN, IA, Foreman, Grain Elevator
Clara E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 13 yrs, 3 children born & living, IA, OH, IA, none
Floyd L Mabie, Son, M, W, 16, S, IA, IA, IA, in school
Thelma E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, IA, IA, IA, in school
Leona Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, IA, IA, IA, in school

Union, Hardin, Iowa, Roll T624_404; Page 14A; ED 0184; Image 1383; FHL Number 1374417           (16016)
Asbury J Mabie, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 36 yrs, IN, IN, OH, Dealer, Grain, owns home
Georganna Mabie, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 36 yrs, 4 children born & living, IA, VA, KY

Mound Prairie Twp, Jasper, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 407, Part 3, Page 145B           (28621)
Jonas Mabie Jr, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 3 yrs, Wales, Wales, Wales, Coal Miner
Bessie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, IA, Scotland, England, none
Edwin Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, IA, Wales, IA, none

Mound Prairie Twp, Jasper, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 407, Part 3, Page 146B           (28616)
Jonas Mabie, Head, W, M, 55, M1, 33 yrs, Wales, England, England, Coal Miner, immigrated 1887, naturalized
Jane Mabie, Wife, F, W, 56, M1, 33 yrs, 12 children born - 9 living, England, England, England, none, immigrated 1888
Oliver Mabie, Son, W, M, 20, S, IA, Wales, England, Coal Miner
Edris Mabie, Son, W, M, 16, S, IA, Wales, England, Coal Miner
Gorner Mabie, Son, W, M, 14, S, IA, Wales, England, mine trapper, in school
Alex Mabie, Son, W, M, 8, S, IA, Wales, England, in school

Mound Prairie Twp, Jasper, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 407, Part 3, Page 147A           (28618)
William Mabie, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 10 yrs, Wales, Wales, Wales, Coal Miner
Alena Mabie, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 10 yrs, 4 children born - 2 living, IL, PA, PA, none
Jonas Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, IA, Wales, IL, in school
Albert Mabie, Son, M, W, 6, S, IA, Wales, IL, in school

Mound Prairie Twp, Jasper, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 407, Part 3, Page 148B           (28619)
Charley Mabie, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 6 yrs, Wales, England, Wales, Coal Miner
Maud E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 6 yrs, 1 child born & living, IA, IL, IA, none
Alan E Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, IA, Wales, IA, none

2-Wd Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 413, Part 2, Page 56A           (16643)
106 North 7th Street
James E Mabie, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 8 yrs, IA, IN, IA, salesman, implement house
Lottie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 8 yrs, 1 child born & living, IA, OH, OH
Mary E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, IA, IA, IA

Beaver Twp, Polk, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 418, Part 2, Page 18A
Industrial School for Girls, Mitchellville
Louisa Mabey, Officer, F, W, 51, Wd, 3 children born - 1 living, IL, PA, OH, Supply, Industrial School

Des Moines Ward 1, Polk, Iowa, Roll T624_419; Page 2A; ED 70; Image 14           (19255)
Samuel Mabee, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 20 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Real Estate Agent, owns home
Elizabeth Mabee, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 20 yrs, 4 children born & living, IA, Germany, Germany, none
Ralph Mabee, Son, W, M, 17, S, IA, Canada, IA, salesman, Department Store
Ruth Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, IA, Canada, IA, in school
Frank Mabee, Son, W, M, 10, S, IA, Canada, IA, in school
Wilmelt Mabee, Son, W, M, 7, S, IA, Canada, IA, in school

4-Wd Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 420, Part 1, Page 106B           (22657)
519 South West Second Street
Charles Maybee, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 20 yrs, KS, PA, IL, Teamster, owns home
Ida Maybee, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 20 yrs, 11 children born - 7 living, IA, IL, IL, none
Earl Maybee, Son, M, W, 9, S, IA, KS, IA
Hellen Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, IA, KS, IA
Clyde Maybee, Son, M, W, 19, S, KS, KS, IA, Laborer, Brick Yard

Delaware Twp, Sac, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 422, Part 1, Page 52B           (1701)
Franklin J Mabie, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 28 yrs, WI, USA, NY, Butter Maker, Creamery
Rosalie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 28 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, IA, Ireland, NY, none
James B Mabie, Son, M, W, 10, S, IA, WI, IA, in school

4-Wd Ames, Story, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 424, Part 1, Page 282A           (13912)
Seward L Mabie, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 12 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Teamster, general work, owns home
Sarah J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 45, M2, 12 yrs, 2 children born & living, IA, NY, NY, none
Lee Beverly, Stepson, M, W, 22, S, IA, IL, IA, none

Oregon Twp, Washington, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 427, Part 1, Page 188B
Ella A Mabie, Head, F, W, 41, Wd, 1 child born & living, NY, Canada, NY, none
Frances L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, MO, Canada, NY, none

Monroe Twp, Wayne, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 427, Part 2, Page 96A           (15048)
John L Mabee, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 0 yrs, IA, OH, IA, Farms own farm
Dora B Mabee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 0 yrs, no children, IA, IL, IA, none

1-Wd Seymour, Wayne, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 427, Part 2, Page 102A           (18003)
William T Mabee, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 30 yrs, OH, OH, VA, own income, owns home
Hetta Mabee, Wife, F, W, 53, M1, 30 yrs, 3 children born & living, IA, OH, OH, none
William R Mabee, Son, M, W, 24, S, IA, OH, IA, Farm Laborer, working out
Clarissa M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 29, S, IA, OH, IA, none

2-Wd Sioux, Woodbury, Iowa, Series T624, Roll 429, Part 3, Page 70A           (10615)
510 Tenth Street
G D Mabie, Head, M, W, 53, M2, 8 yrs, IN, OH, OH, Real Estate, owns home
E C Mabie, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 8 yrs, 2 children born & living, WI, Ireland, Ireland, none
W D Mabie, Son, M, W, 7, S, IA, IN, WI, in school
G E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, IA, IN, WI, in school
C L Mabie, Nephew, M, W, 25, S, IA, OH, IN, Shipping Clerk


Cottage Grove Twp, Allen, Kansas, Roll T624_431; Page 3A; ED 2; Image 46           (31422)
Fred E Maybay, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 1 yr, MO, NY, IL, Engineer, Compressor Station
Nona J Maybay, Wife, F, W, 18, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, OK, IN, CO
Lorene P Maybay, Daughter, F, W, 11 months, S, KS, MO, OK

Geneva Twp, Allen, Kansas, Series T624, Roll 431, Part 1, Page 86A           (15428)
Mrs Clara Maybe, Head, F, W, 46, Wd, 8 children born - 7 living, KS, French Canada, England, Farmer
Alice Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, KS, NY, KS, in school
Clara Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, KS, NY, KS, in school
Edmond Maybe, Son, M, W, 9, S, KS, NY, KS, in school

Geneva, Allen, Kansas, Roll T624_431; Page 3B; ED 0007; Image 176; FHL Number 1374444           (1454)
Frank Mabie, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, KS, NY, KS, Farms own farm
Grace Mabie, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 3 yrs, IA, IA, IA
George Esse, Grandfather, M, W, 82, France, France, Germany, immigrated in 1840

Humboldt, Allen, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 431; Page 91B; ED 8; Part 1; Line 17           (29651)
602 Cherokee
Sadie M Mabie, Head, F, W, 48, Wd, 4 children born - 3 living, IL, PA, PA, none, owns home
Jennie M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, KS, NY, IL, none
Maudie B Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, KS, NY, IL, Canvassing, Toilet Articles
John A Mabie, Son, M, W, 19, S, KS, NY, IL, Laborer, Cement Plant

Indian Creek Twp, Anderson, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 431; Page 103B; ED 22; Part 2; Line 25           (2146)
George E Mabie, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 9 yrs, KS, NY, KS, Farmer, General Farm
Bessie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 9 yrs, no children, KS, NY, PA, none

Rosalia Twp, Butler, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 433; Page 208A; ED 24; Part 2; Line 2           (611)
Jacob Mabie, Head, M, W, 63, M2, 10 yrs, IL, NY, NY, Farms own General Farm, veteran - Union Army
Alice Mabie, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 10 yrs, 1 child born, IL, NY, NY, none

Highland Twp, Clay, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 434; Page 205A; ED 14; Part 3; Line 5           (2186)
Samuel P Mabie, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 40 yrs, IN, NY, NY, Farms own Farm
Louisa Mabie, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 40 yrs, 4 children born & living, IN, unk, unk, none
Chas C Mabie, Son, M, W, 32, S, KS, IN, IN, none

Highland Twp, Clay, Kansas, Series T624, Roll 434, Part 3, Page 204B           (2210)
William Mabie, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 17 yrs, IA, IA, IA, Farms own general farm
Effie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 17 yrs, 6 children born & living, KS, KY, KY, none
Jessie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, KS, IA, KS, in school
Maggie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, KS, IA, KS, in school
Maude Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, KS, IA, KS, in school
Howard Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, KS, IA, KS, in school
Ralph Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, KS, IA, KS, in school
Donald Mabie, Son, M, W, 1, S, KS, IA, KS, none

2-Wd AR City, Cowley, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 435; Page 35B; ED 46; Part 3; Line 43           (20609)
Lee Mabie, Roomer, M, W, 19, S, Canada, Canada, ME, Cook, Restaurant

2-Wd Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 436; Page 149A; ED 70; Part 1; Line 7           (11999)
221 East 12th Street
Orvill Mabee, Roomer, M, W, 35, M1, 12 yrs, IA, Canada, Canada, Agent, Real Estate
Mrs Mabee, Roomer, F, W, 30, M1, 12 yrs, 2 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none

2-Wd Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 436; Page 149A; ED 70; Part 1; Line 11           (25011)
1200 Millington Street
Thomas H Harrod, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 24 yrs, IN, KY, KY, Agent, Real Eatate, owns home
Fannie E Harrod, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 24 yrs, 2 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1874, none
Gina J Harrod, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, KS, IN, Canada, Teacher, South Western
Rosanna Mabee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 77, Wd, 10 children born - 9 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, none

Jefferson Twp, Dickinson, Kansas, Series T624, Roll 437, Part 3, Page 186A           (7309)
Christ Mintener, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 11 yrs, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, immigrated in 1897, Farmer, General Farm
Ella A Mintener, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 11 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, IL, IL, IL, none
Walter A Mintener, Son, M, W, 1 yr 2 mo, S, KS, Switzerland, IL, none
Etta P Maybie, Niece, F, W, 16, S, MO, MO, IL, in school

Lawrence Ward 3, Douglas, Kansas, Roll T624_438; Page 13B; ED 79; Image 606., line 37. [person in Indian file]
14 Apr 1910
Haskell Institute
Edith Maybee, F, Indian, 17, S, NY, -, -, reads and writes English, attending school, Full blood Seneca

Ivanhoe Twp, Finney, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 439; Page 77A; ED 44; Part 2; Line 16           (17206)
John H Covey, Head, M, W, 77, M2, 36 yrs, OH, NC, NC, farmer, farm, veteran - Union Army
Lillie I Covey, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 36 yrs, 3 children born & living, OH, OH, NY, none
James Covey, Son, M, W, 26, M1, 5 yrs, KS, OH, OH, Farmer, Farm
Orul Covey, [Son's] Wife, F, W, 25, M1, 5 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, MO, NY, MO, none
Fern Covey, [Son's] Daughter, F, W, 2, S, OK, KS, MO, none
Nellie Covey, [Son's] Daughter, F, W, 1, S, KS, KS, MO, none
Edgar Mabie, [Son's] Brother-in-law, W, M, 22, S, MO, NY, MO, Laborer, Farm

Otter Creek Twp, Greenwood, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 441; Page 139A; ED 31; Part 1; Line 15           (32639)
Charles Mabee, Head, M, W, 26, M, 3 yrs, KS, NY, MO, Laborer, Railroad
Stella Mabee, Wife, F, W, 22, M, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, KS, IL, KS
Loraine Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 9 mo, S, KS, KS, KS
Georgia Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 9 months, S, KS, KS, KS

Spring Twp, Harper, Kansas, Series T624, Roll 441, Part 2, Page 161B           (17095)
Fred C Maybee, Hired Hand, M, W, 15, S, MO, MO, MO, Farm Laborer

Chanute Ward 2, Neosho, Kansas, Roll T624_451; Page 27A; ED 197; Image 161           (31419)
1023 North First Avenue
George F Maybay, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 5 yrs, IL, IL, IL, Laborer, Cement Plant
Maggie E Maybay, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, MO, MO, MO, none
Ralph C Maybay, Son, M, W, 4, S, MO, IL, MO, none

Agency Twp, Osage, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 451; Page 7A; ED 91; Part 2; Line 2           (16020)
Eighth Street, Quenemo
John C Mabie, Head, M, W, 54, M, 15 yrs, IN, NY, USA, Farms own farm
Alice Mabie, Wife, F, W, 37, M, 15 yrs, 3 children born & living, KS, MA, KY, none
Freda Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, KS, IN, KS, in school
Harold Mabie, Son, M, W, 10, S, KS, IN, KS, in school
Pearl Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, KS, IN, KS, in school

Lincoln Twp, Osage, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 451; Page 127B; ED 101; Part 2; Line 20           (17111)
Joseph McMillan, Head, M, W, 64, M1, 29 yrs, KY, KY, TN, Farms own farm, veteran - Union Army
Esther McMillan, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 29 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, IN, NY, OH, none
Earl McMillan, Son, M, W, 19, M1, -, NE, KY, IL, none
Lysander Mabie, Brother-in-law, M, W, 49, S, IN, NY, OH, Engineer, saw mills

1-Wd Manhattan, Riley, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 454; Page 72A; ED 116; Part 3; Line 1           (22656)
Sarah E Maybee, Head, F, W, 63, Wd, 9 children born - 8 living, IN, IN, IN, none, owns home
Ira Maybee, Son, M, W, 24, S, KS, PA, IN, laborer, odd jobs

4-Wd Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 456; Page 35B; ED 126; Part 3; Line 26           (28008)
William E Reeves, Head, M, W, 54, M2, 9 yrs, OH, OH, OH
Stelle E Reeves, Wife, F, W, 42, M2, 9 yrs, PA, PA, PA
Percy L Maybe, Stepson, M, W, 20, S, PA, NY, PA
Ethel J Reeves, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, KS, IL, MI

Neosho Falls Twp, Woodson, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 449; Page 207B; ED 148; Part 2; Line 20           (1904)
Henry Saferite, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 21 yrs, KS, IN, IN, Farmer
Emma Saferite, Wife, F, W, 38, M, 2 children born & living, KS, —, —
Bessie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 20, M, 2 yrs, 2 children born - living, KS, KS, KS
Homer Mabie, Son-in-law, M, W, 20, M, KS, KS, KS
Walter Saferite, Son, M, W, 11, S, KS, KS, KS

3-Wd Kansas, Wyandotte, Kansas, Series: T624; Roll 460; Page 16B; ED 158; Part 3; Line 25           (16102)
901 Cleveland Avenue
L D Mabie, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 20 yrs, IN, unk, unk, Physician, General Practice, owns home
Bessie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 20 yrs, 4 children born & living, OH, PA, PA, none
Ruth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, KS, IN, OH, none
Margaret Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, KS, IN, OH, in school
Elizabeth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, KS, IN, OH, in school
L D Mabie Jr, Son, M, W, 2, S, KS, IN, OH, none
Bertha McClure, Mother-in-law, F, W, Wd, 6 children born - 2 living, PA, unk, unk, none




7-Wd Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine, Series: T624; Roll 536; Page 38A; ED 31; Part 3; Line 15
Libbie Mabie, Domestic, F, W, 50, Wd, CT, NY, NY, Housekeeper, private family

Fryeburg, Oxford, Maine, Series: T624; Roll 543; Page 135B; ED 189; Part 2; Line 20
Irving Maby, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 25 yrs, ME, ME, ME, Doctor
Jennie Maby, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 25 yrs, ME, ME, ME, none

2-Wd Eastport, Washington, Maine, Series: T624; Roll 547; Page 21A; ED 286; Part 2; Line 7           (17320)
24 Washington Street
Fredrick Mabee, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 14 yrs, ME, Canada, ME, Boarding House, owns home
Carrie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 14 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, ME, ME, ME, none
Ashton Mabee, Son, M, W, 12, S, ME, ME, ME, in school
Wallace Mabee, Son, M, W, 4, S, ME, ME, ME, none

3-Wd Eastport, Washington, Maine, Series: T624; Roll 547; Page 30B; ED 287; Part 2; Line 21           (23381)
42 Key Street
Henery Davis, Head, M, W, 41, M, 18 yrs, ME, ME, ME, Superintendent, Tin Decorator
— Davis, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 18 yrs, ME, Canada, ME, none
Geo Maby, Brother-in-law, W, M, 51, S, ME, Canada, ME, Proprietor, Retail lumber store
Thomas Maby, Brother-in-law, W, M, 58, M1, ME, Canada, ME, Proprietor, Retail lumber store

Lubec, Washington, Maine, Series: T624; Roll 547; Page 130B; ED 293; Part 2; Line 27           (17322)
Water Street
Jacob P Mabee, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 10 yrs, ME, Canada, Canada, Druggist, own shop
Ivy N Mabee, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 10 yrs, 2 children born & living, ME, ME, ME, none
Morton M Mabee, Son, M, W, 8, S, ME, ME, ME, in school
Miriam E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, ME, ME, ME, in school

Kittery, York, Maine, Series: T624; Roll 548; Page 104B; ED 247; Part 1; Line 35           (1181)
Fred W Maybe, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 8 yrs, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Electrician, Navy Yard, owns house
Mary K Maybe, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 8 yrs, 3 children born & living, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, none
Renels C Maybee, Son, M, W, 6, S, ME, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, in school
Fredrick W Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, ME, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, none
Kenneth I Maybee, Son, M, W, 11 months, S, ME, Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, none


4-Wd Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland, Series: T624; Roll 553; Page 136A; ED 44; Part 3; Line 5           (16255)
307 W Newberry Street
Thaddeus W Mabee, Lodger, M, W, 52, S, MD, MD, MD, Electrician, Contractor

Baltimore Ward 8, Independent City, Maryland, Roll T624_555; Page 7A; ED 0093; Image 19; FHL Number 1374568           (34360)
1228 Broadway
Elizabeth S Mabee, Head, F, W, 45, M2, 6 yrs, 3 children born - 1 living, MD, MD, MD, none
Abbott L Mabee, Husband, M, W, 53, M2, 6 yrs, MD, France, MD, Barrel business, own account
Irene B Mabee, Stepdaughter, F, W, 20, S, MD, unknown, unknown, none
Robert S Brunhouse, Son, M, W, 16, S, PA, IL, MD, Clerk, railroad

9-Wd Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland, Series: T624; Roll 555; Page 135B; ED 127; Part 3; Line 26
Harry E Rusinger, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 11 yrs, MD, MD, MD, Fire Insurance, Ins Co
Ella M Rusinger, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 11 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, MD, MD, MD, none
Robert H Rusinger, Son, M, W, ?, S, MD, MD, MD, none
George A Mabee, Father-in-law, M, W, 69, Wd, MD, MD, MD, Printer, Printing

11-Wd Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland, Series: T624; Roll 556; Page 114B; ED 165; Part 2; Line 51           (21037)
Frank P Mabee, M, W, 28, M1, 5 yrs, NJ, NJ, MI, Clerk, Post Office
Susan M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, CT, DE, Canada, none
Ruth E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, CT, none

16-Wd Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland, Series: T624; Roll 558; Page 210A; ED 295; Part 2; Line 7           (16254)
Alexander S Mabee, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 30 yrs, MD, at sea, MD, Locksmith, making & repairing, own account
Lida V Mabee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 30 yrs, 3 children born & living, MD, MD, MD, none
Alexina F Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 29, S, MD, MD, MD, Saleswoman, Department Store
Rowland M Mabee, Son, M, W, 21, S, MD, MD, MD, Collector, Loans
Netra A Schulz, Daughter, F, W, 25, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, MD, MD, MD, none
Edwin E Schulz, Son-in-law, M, W, 31, M1, 2 yrs, IA, Germany, IA, Appraiser, Loans
Mildred F V Schulz, Granddaughter, F, W, 1 yr 1 mo, S, MD, IA, MD

12-Dist, Baltimore, Maryland, Series: T624; Roll 552; Page 190A; ED 48; Part 1; Line 11           (28509)
Willow Spring Avenue
John H Maeby, Head, M, W, 69, M1, 24 yrs, NY, Holland, Holland, Farm Laborer, working out
Magrette Maeby, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 24 yrs, 8 children born & living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, washer woman, working out
Martha M Maeby, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, MD, NY, Ireland, Farm Laborer, working out
Kate Maeby, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, MD, NY, Ireland, Farm Laborer, working out
John Maeby, Son, M, W, 15, S, MD, NY, Ireland, Driver, Farm
Helen M Maeby, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, MD, NY, Ireland, in school
Samuel A Maeby, Son, M, W, 10, S, MD, NY, Ireland, in school
George C Maeby, Son, M, W, 6, S, MD, NY, Ireland, in school

18-Wd Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland, Series: T624; Roll 559; Page 134A; ED 305; Part 1; Line 1           (16251)
819 Garfield Street
Delvin Mabee, Head, W, M, 63, M, MD, France, France. Machinist, Navy Yard, owns home
Mary A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 33 yrs, MD, England, MD, none
Florence Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 32, S, MD, MD, MD, none
Delvin W Mabee, Son, M, W, 29, MD, MD, MD, Clerk, Factory
John Aston, Brother-in-law, M, W, 55, S, MD, England, MD, Machinist, Railroad
Katherine Aston, Sister-in-law, F, W, 41, S, MD, England, MD, none

22-Wd Baltimore, Independent City, Maryland, Series: T624; Roll 561; Page 107A; ED 370; Part 1; Line 15           (19307)
Charles K Mabee, Boarder, W, M, 50, Wd, MD, France, MD, Steam Fitter, Gas Company


Beverly Ward 2, Essex, Massachusetts, Roll T624_581; Page 3B; ED 269; Image 130           (19604)
Wilfred Mabie, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 20 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1893, Steam Engineer, Shoe Machine Shop
Julie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 20 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, Canada, ME, Canada, immigrated in 1896
Carl W Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, MA, Canada, Canada, Clerk, Shoe Machine Shop
Byron W Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, MA, Canada, Canada, at school

Easthampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 593; Page 114B; ED 682; Part 2; Line 34
3 Center Streey
Elinor J Maybee, Head, F, W, 49, S, MA, NY, MA, none, owns home

2-Pct Belmont, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 595; Page 48A; ED 736; Part 1; Line 15           (21822)
8 Exeter Avenue
Harry M Mabey, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 6 months, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1896, Travelling Agent, Steam Road
Hellan Mabey, Wife, F, W, 21, M1, 6 months, no children, MA, MA, VT, none

5-Wd Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 595; Page 248A; ED 758; Part 2; Line 15           (21718)
123 Hancock Street
Emery Mabey, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 11 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1895, Carpenter
Laura N Mabey, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 11 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1896, none
Hervey O Mabey, Son, M, W, 9, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, none
Raymond Mabey, Son, M, W, 1, S, MA, Canada, Canada, none

4-Wd Everett, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 597; Page 237B; ED 810; Part 2; Line 30           (35344)
Frank Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 18, S, NY, Canada, MA, Laborer

Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 598; Page 120A; ED 816; Part 1; Line 4           (19600)
Prospect Street
Herbert G Mabie, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 42 yrs, MA, England, England, Farmer, foreman
Ada B Mabie, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 42 yrs, 8 children born - living 7, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1903, none
William Mabie, Son, M, W, 18, S, Canada, MA, Canada, immigrated in 1903, Machinist, Garage
Alva Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, Canada, MA, Canada, immigrated in 1903, in school
Lottie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, Canada, MA, Canada, immigrated in 1903, in school

Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 598; Page 130B; ED 817; Part 1; Line 37           (22047)
3A Elm Street
Anson Mabie, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 3 yrs, MA, Canada, Canada, Box Maker, Box Factory
Agnes Mabie, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1899, none
Alice Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, MA, MA, Canada, none
James Mabie, Son, M, W, 8 months, S, MA, MA, Canada, none
Ada Todd, Cousin, F, W, 17, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1900, Mill Operative, Factory

Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 598; Page 144B; ED 818; Part 1; Line 29           (3282)
44 Union Avenue
Charles R Mabie, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 0 yrs, IN, IL, England, Drawing Teacher, Public School
Delice A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 0 yrs, no children, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1892, none

Lexington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 598; Page 165A; ED 828; Part 2; Line 10           (30906)
360 East Street
Edison Mabey, Head, M, W, 18, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1907, Caretaker, Horses

1-Wd Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 601; Page 14B; ED 885; Part 2; Line 20           (21812)
25 Cross Street
Earnest L Mabey, Head, M, W, 49, M, 27 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Immigrated in 1891, Carpenter
Mary E Mabey, Wife, F, W, 48, M, 27 yrs, 12 children born - 11 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, Immigrated in 1891, none
Harry W Mabey, Son, M, W, 24, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, Immigrated in 1891, Clerk, Railroad
Marie A Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, Immigrated in 1891, Teacher, School
Gordon Mabey, Son, M, W, 18, S, MA, Canada, Canada, Clerk, Tubing Co
Joseph Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, MA, Canada, Canada, Office Boy
Lloyd Mabey, Son, M, W, 13, S, MA, Canada, Canada
Edits Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, MA, Canada, Canada
Marion Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, MA, Canada, Canada
Ethel Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, MA, Canada, Canada
Charles Mabey, Son, M, W, 6, S, MA, Canada, Canada
Frank Mabey, Son, M, W, 3, S, MA, Canada, Canada
Russell Mabey, Son, M, W, 3 months, S, MA, Canada, Canada

3-Wd Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 601; Page 146B; ED 892; Part 2; Line 28           (21799)
36 Marlborough Street
Ivan Mabey, Head, M, W, 51, M1, 28 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1878, naturalized, Upholsterer, Carpet Cleaning Co
Eva M Mabey, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 28 yrs, 3 children born & living, MA, MA, MA, none
Evelyn W Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 26, S, MA, Canada, MA, Pocket-book maker, Leather Factory
Charles A Mabey, Son, M, W, 25, S, MA, Canada, MA, Embosser, Tannery
Ernest J Mabey, Son, M, W, 21, S, MA, Canada, MA, Pocket-book maker, Leather Factory

Marlboro Ward 4, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Roll T624_602; Page 3B; ED 916; Image 168           (12386)
523 Lincoln Street
Olivine Maybay, Head, F, W, 45, M1, 29 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, French Canada, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, Trimmer, Shoe Shop, rents
Arthur Maybay, Son, M, W, 23, S, MA, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, Assembler, Shoe Shop
Wilfred Maybay, Son, M, W, 20, S, MA, Fr Canada, French Canada, Trimmer, Shoe Shop
Leo Maybay, Son, M, W, 18, S, MA, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, Cementer, Shoe Shop
Henry Maybay, Son, M, W, 13, S, MA, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, in school

6-Wd Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 602; Page 215A; ED 936; Part 2; Line 16
James G Mabie, Head, W, M, 43, M1, 15 yrs, Canada, Canada, Scotland, immigrated in 1889, Machinery Clerk, Street Railroad
Carrie L Mabie, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 15 yrs, no children, MA, MA, MA, none

Natick, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Roll T624_602; Page 1B; ED 0953; Image 1448; FHL Number 1374615           (32702)
84 Nouth Main
William Love, Head, M, W, 49, M, 16 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, Foreman, Express Co
Edith I Love, Wife, F, W, 30, M, 16 yrs, 4 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, none
Alice M Love, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, attended school
George H Love, Son, M, W, 12, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, attended school
Hazel I Love, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, attended school
Theodore R Love, Son, M, W, 2, S, MA, Canada, Canada
James Mabie, Lodger, M, W, 18, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1909, Shoemaker, Shoe Shop
Maud Mabie, Lodger, F, W, 20, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, Laundress, Laundry

Natick, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Roll T624_602; Page 3B; ED 0954; Image 1488; FHL Number 1374615           (28819)
1 East Central Street
William F Bolies, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 14 yrs, MA, Canada, Canada, Expressman, Express Co
Anna E Bolies, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 14 yrs, no children born - MA, Ireland, Ireland, none
Katherine Maybe, Sister-in-law, F, W, 24, M1, 4 yrs, 3 children born, MA, Ireland, Ireland, none
William F Maybe, Nephew, M, W, 8 months, S, MA, MA, MA, none

2-Wd Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series T624, Roll 604, Part 2, Page 11B           (21717)
10 Taylor Place
Paul H Mabey, Head, M, W, 48, M1, 11 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Carpenter, House
Mary A Mabey, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 11 yrs, 2 children born & living, Canada, Scotland, Scotland, family spoke Gaelic
Arthur Mabey, Son, M, W, 10, S, MA, Canada, Canada, attended school
Ruth Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 1 mo, S, MA, Canada, Canada

2-Wd Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 604; Page 108A; ED 995; Part 2; Line 4           (19943)
516R Somerville Avenue
John H Callahan, Head, M, W, 64, M1, 38 yrs, MA, Ireland, Ireland, Folder, Bleachery
Mary E Callahan, F, W, 64, M1, 38 yrs, no children, MA, Ireland, Ireland, none
Annie Mabee, Niece, F, W, 35, S, MA, Canada, Canada, Seamstress, Out
Catherine Sands, Niece, F, W, 32, M1, 16 yrs, 1 child born & living, MA, Canada, Canada, Operator, Shirt Factory
Gladys Sands, [Great-]Niece, F, W, 14, S, MA, MA, MA, in school

3-Wd Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 604; Page 141A; ED 997; Part 1; Line 23           (19596)
52 Vinal Avenue
Horatio N Mabie, Head, M, W, 62, M1, 35 yrs, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, unknown when he immigrated, Contractor, House-building, owns home
Anna M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 56, M1, 35 yrs, 2 children born & living, NH, NH, NH, none
Mabel M Corliss, Daughter, F, W, 32, D, 1 child born & living, MA, New Brunswick, NH, none
Iva B Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, MA, New Brunswick, NH, none
Anna S Corliss, Granddaughter, F, W, 8, S, MA, MA, MA, in school

2-Wd Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 606; Page 89A; ED 1042; Part 2; Line 18
Massachusetts School for the Feeble-Minded
Laura Mabey, Inmate, F, W, 15, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1903, none

3-Wd Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 606; Page 145B; ED 1046; Part 2; Line 13           (19605)
33 Winthrop Street
Clarence A Mabie, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 16 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated 1892, naturalized, Engineer, stationary
L May Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 16 yrs, 5 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated 1890,none
Guy E Mabie, Son, M, W, 15, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated 1898, in school
Beulah E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated 1898, in school
Harry C Mabie, Son, M, W, 11, S, MA, Canada, Canada, in school
Robert G Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, MA, Canada, Canada, none
Stuart A Mabie, Son, M, W, 7 months, S, MA, Canada, Canada, none

Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts, Roll T624_608; Page 10A; ED 1095; Image 536           (2257)
1 Roberts Street
Loyd Mabee, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, MA, Canada, MA, Conductor, Street, Railroad
Edith M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 25, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, VT, VT, VT
Helen Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, MA, MA, VT
Loyd Mabee, Son, M, W, 8 months, S, MA, MA, VT

Wellesley, Norfolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 610; Page 53A; ED 1162; Part 2; Line 6           (21802)
140 Cedar Street
Quintin E Mabey, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 17 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1886, naturalized, Machinist, Own Shop
Annie G Mabey, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 17 yrs, 5 children born & living, MA, VT, MA, none
Frank G Mabey, Son, M, W, 22, S, MA, Canada, MA, Machinist, Auto Factory
Herbert S Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, MA, Canada, MA, Apprentice, Machine Shop
Wendell H Mabey, Son, M, W, 15, S, MA, Canada, MA, in school
Bessie M Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, MA, Canada, MA, in school
Melville J Mabey, Son, M, W, 8, S, MA, Canada, MA, in school

Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 610; Page 12B; ED 1171; Part 3; Line 22           (2320)
Charles T Mabee, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 15 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1898, Header, Shoe Factory
Hope Mabee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 15 yrs, 4 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1898, none
Charles E Mabee, Son, M, W, 1 yr 6 mo, S, MA, Canada, Canada, none
Iva A Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, MA, Canada, Canada, none
Ralph D Mabee, Son, M, W, 14, S, MA, Canada, Canada, in school
Verne W Mabee, Son, M, W, 12, S, MA, Canada, Canada, in school

Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 610; Page 20B; ED 1172; Part 3; Line 26           (2311)
277 Plymouth Street
James Mabee, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 5 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1900, naturalized, Conductor, Street Car, owns home
Sarah M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, unknown when immigrated, none
Royal A Mabee, Son, M, W, 3, S, MA, Canada, Canada, none

Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 610; Page 108B; ED 1176; Part 3; Line 31           (2261)
1981 Plymouth Street
Fredrick F Gould, Head, M, W, 49, Wd, MA, ME, ME, Cutter, Shoe Factory, owns home
Everett F Gould, Son, M, W, 25, S, MA, MA, MA, Cutter, Shoe Factory
Laura E Gould, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, MA, MA, MA, Stitcher, Shoe Factory
Effie E Gould, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, MA, MA, MA, none
Dora O Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 23, Wd, 1 child born & living, MA, MA, MA, none
Charles F Mabee, Grandson, M, W, 2, S, MA, MA, MA, none

5-Wd Brockton, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 611; Page 143A; ED 1198; Part 2; Line 1           (2298)
31 Galen Street
Clara Mabee, Housekeeper, F, W, 36, Wd, 4 children born - 1 living, MA, MA, MA, Servant, Private family (for Freeland French family)
Elsie Mabee, Boarder, F, W, 12, S, MA, MA, MA, attended school

8-Wd Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 616; Page 92A; ED 1375; Part 3; Line 22           (20090)
Massachusetts General Hospital
Maud H Mabee, Nurse, W, F, 23, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, pupil nurse, hospital

8-Wd Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 616; Page 94A; ED 1375; Part 3; Line 34           (20088)
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harrie E Mabee, Night Superintendent of Nurses, W, F, 31 yrs, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1902, night supt of nurses, Hospital

8-Wd Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 616; Page 133A; ED 1366; Part 2; Line 30           (22048)
7 Temple Street
Leonard Mabee, Lodger, M, W, 28, M1, 6 yrs, MA, MA, MA, Cabinet Maker, Furniture Factory

Boston Ward 14, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Roll T624_619; Page 3B; ED 1464; Image 652           (21807)
605 East Fourth Street,
Julian H Mabey, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 17 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1884, naturalized, Instructor, Manual Training
Jessie L Mabey, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 17 yrs, no children, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1884

14-Wd Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 619; Page 173B; ED 1471; Part 2; Line 17           (21706)
734 Sixth Street
Cornelius J Mabey, Head, M, W, 84, M1, 55 yrs, Canada, Canada, Holland, immigrated in 1877, Repairing Chairs, Institution for the Blind
Elizabeth A Mabey, Wife, F, W, 74, M1, 55 yrs, unknown # of children born - 1 living, Canada, Canada, Canada immigrated in 1879, none
Gladys P Holden, Daughter, F, W, 43, Wd, 3 children born - 1 living, Canada, Canada, Canada immigrated in 1877, none
Herbert W Holden, Grandson, M, W, 18, S, MA, MA, Canada, Machinist, Laundry

25-Wd Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 625; Page 26A; ED 1643; Part 2; Line 4           (19599)
41 East Ridge Road
William Mabie, Head M, W, 53, Wd, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1884, naturalized, Builder, House, owns home
Margurite Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, MA, Canada, NY, none
William Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, MA, Canada, NY, Electrician, General
Edwin Mabie, Son, M, W, 13, S, MA, Canada, NY, in school

2-Wd Chelsea, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 626; Page 89B; ED 1695; Part 1; Line 25           (12742)
Josephine C Mabie, Boarder, F, W, 20, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born - none living, MA, Canada, NY, none

4-Wd Chelsea, Suffolk, Massachusetts, Series: T624; Roll 626; Page 61B; ED 1709; Part 2; Line 22
57 Heard Street
Frances L Mabie, Lodger, F, W, 56, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1900, none


Monterey Twp, Allegan, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 634; Page 128A; ED 22; Part 2; Line 8           (8080)
Cora T Maybie, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 17 yrs, MI, NY, New, York, Farms own farm
Lydia Maybie, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 17 yrs, no children, MI, NY, OH, none

Elk Rapids Twp, Antrim, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 635; Page 106B; ED 6; Part 2; Line 28           (8077)
Elk Rapids Village
Delbert Maybee, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 19 yrs, MI, Germany, Germany, 2nd Engineer, Cement Co, owns home
Clara Maybee, Wife, F, W, 56, M1, 19 yrs, 1 child born & living, MI, Scotland, Scotland, none

Thornapple Twp, Barry, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 636; Page 210A; ED 51; Part 1; Line 24
Anna Maybee, Lodger, F, W, 50, Wd, no children, MI, unk, unk, own income

5-Wd Bay 1-Pct, Bay, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 637; Page 186B; ED 43; Part 1; Line 20           (17168)
John F Maybee, Head, M, W, 59, M2, 7 yrs, MI, Canada, Canada, Laborer, Odd Jobs
Florence Maybee, Wife, F, W, 42, M2, 7 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, England, England, England, immigrated in 1890, Scrub woman, working out

Crystal Lake, Benzie, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 637; Page 211B; ED 5; Part 2; Line 23           (22990)
River Road
Rose Maybee, Servant, F, W, 18, S, MI, IN, IN, Servant, Private Home

Oronoko Twp, Berrien, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 638; Page 82B; ED 84; Part 2; Line 39           (10397)
Berrien Springs Village
Fay F Maybee, Boarder, F, W, 20, S, MI, MI, MI, Teacher, Public School

Gilead Twp, Branch, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 639; Page 163A; ED 14; Part 1; Line 6           (26589)
Vean Mabie, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 5 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Farm Laborer, General Farm
Emma G Mabie, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 5 yrs, 2 children born & living, MI, MI, MI, none
Ruby L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, IN, IN, MI, none
Marlen L Mabie, Son, M, W, 1 yr 4 mo, S, MI, IN, MI, none

5-Wd Escanaba, Delta, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 644; Page 151A; ED 48; Part 1; Line 22
George Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 27, S, MI, —, —, Laborer, Saw Mill

McKinley Twp, Emmet, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 645; Page 204A; ED 100; Part 2; Line 30           (11286)
Village of Pillston
John O Mabee, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 35 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1862, naturalized, Laborer, Saw Mill, owns home
Mary L Mabee, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 35 yrs, 2 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, none

McKinley Twp, Emmet, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 645; Page 206B; ED 100; Part 2; Line 26           (27804)
Village of Pillston
Angus Grayson, M, W, 33, M1, 11 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1881, naturalized, printer, journal office
Nettie C Grayson, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 11 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Asst Postmaster, Post Office
Leolla May Grayson, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, MI, Canada, Canada

1-Wd Gladwin, Gladwin, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 646; Page 39A; ED 179; Part 1; Line 5           (16173)
Cedar Avenue
Clark L Mabie, Head, M, W, 62, M1, 31 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Cook, Restaurant, owns home
Laura Mabie, Wife, F, W, 53, M2, 31 yrs, 5 children born - 2 living, MI, NY, NY, Boarding Mistress, Rest
Ledrue Honey, Grandchild, M, W, 7, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Blythe Honey, Grandchild, F, W, 3, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Flossie Moore, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, MI, NY, MI,, Clerk, Jewelry Store
Edna Honey, Daughter, F, W, 33, M1, 11, 3 children born - 2 living, MI, NY, MI, Housekeeper, Private Family

Cambria Twp, Hillsdale, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 649; Page 47B; ED 101; Part 1; Line 32           (21305)
Frank E Mabee, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 9 yrs, MI, MI, MI, Farmer, General Farm
Mary J Mabee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 9 yrs, 1 child born & living, MI, MI, MI, none
Geraldine A Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, MI, MI, MI, none

Litchfield Twp, Hillsdale, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 649; Page 172A; ED 111; Part 1; Line 15           (15589)
Garfield Avenue, Litchfield Village
George N Maybee, Head, M, W, 62, Wd, MI, NY, Canada, Farms own general farm, blind
Marinda Maybee, Mother, F, W, 85, Wd, 5 children born - 2 living, Canada, England, England, immigrated in 1827, none

Wheatland Twp, Hillsdale, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 649; Page 270A; ED 118; Part 1; Line 15           (17335)
Ezra G Maybee, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 3 yrs, MI, MI, MI, Farms own farm
Emma M Maybee, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 3 yrs, no children, MI, MI, NY, none

Ronald Twp, Ionia, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 650; Page 194A; ED 33; Part 2; Line 4           (8320)
Glenn Wilson, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, MI, MI, MI, Farming
Lida Wilson, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, no children, MI, MI, MI, none
Glenn Mabie, Cousin, M, W, 14, S, MI, MI, MI, in school

1-Wd Tawas, Iosco, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 650; Page 305A; ED 126; Part 2; Line 9
Charles Nellum, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 22 yrs, Canada, England, England, immigrated in 1874, carpenter, railroad shop
Selina Nellum, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 22 yrs, 5 children born & living, MI, Canada, Canada, dressmaker, at home
Merle Nellum, Son, M, W, 19, S, MI, Canada, MI, in school, carpenter, railroad
Dugley Nellum, Son, M, W, 16, S, MI, Canada, MI, in school
Frank Nellum, Son, M, W, 13, S, MI, Canada, MI, in school
Ellen Nellum, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, MI, Canada, MI, none
Rose Nellum, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, MI, Canada, MI, none
Margaret Mabee, Aunt, F, W, 55, Wd, no children, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1880, housekeeper, private, family

Broomfield Twp, Isabella, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 652; Page 5A; ED 83; Part 2; Line 6           (16297)
John W Packard, Head, M, W, 62, M1, 42 yrs, Canada, VT, at sea, immigrated in 1870, naturalized, Farms own farm
Sarah E Packard, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 42 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1870, none
Delbert J Packard, Son, M, W, 19, S, MI, Canada, Canada, Farm laborer, at home

Isabella Twp, Isabella, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 652; Page 134B; ED 92; Part 2; Line 21           (863)
James Maybee, Head, M, W, 65, M, 33 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1879, naturalized, Farms own farm
Clarissa Maybee, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 33 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, none

Isabella Twp, Isabella, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 652; Page 135A; ED 92; Part 2; Line 11           (864)
George Maybee, Head, M, W, 62, M1, 29 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1878, naturalized, Farms own Farm
Mary C Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 29 yrs, 5 children born & living, NY, England, NY, none
Earl Maybee, Son, M, W, 18, S, MI, Canada, NY, Farm Laborer, works out
Floyd Maybee, Son, M, W, 10, S, MI, Canada, NY, in school

1-Wd Mt Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 652; Page 175A; ED 95; Part 2; Line 10           (16622)
602 South Albion
Harper C Maybee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 11 yrs, MI, MI, England, Music Teacher, State Normal
Zella B Maybee, F, W, 30, M1, 11 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, MI, NY, NJ, none
Rolland H Maybee, Son, M, W, 7, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Allen F Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Jean D Maybee, Son, M, W, 0 months, S, MI, MI, MI, none

Hanover Twp, Jackson, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 653; Page 70A; ED 6; Part 1; Line 14           (12486)
Jackson Street, Hanover Village
Frank A Mabie, Head, M, W, 55, M, 26 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Rail Road, owns home
Clara Mabie, Wife, F, W, 46, M, 26 yrs, 4 children born & living, MI, NY, NY, none
Lavona B Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, MI, NY, MI, in school
Frank Adell Mabie, Son, M, W, 6, S, MI, NY, MI, none

1-Wd Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 653; Page 104B; ED 8; Part 1; Line 28           (16754)
171 Jefferson Street
Harriet Mabee, Head, F, W, 52, Wd, 4 children born & living, MI, NY, NY, none
Frances Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 30, S, MI, NY, MI, Helper, Book Binding
Gennevia Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, MI, NY, MI, machinist, corset factory
Hellen Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, MI, NY, MI

4-Wd Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 653; Page 183A; ED 13; Part 1; Line 20           (16515)
332 West Washington Street
John W Maybee, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 10 yrs, MI, Canada, England, Mail Carrier, City, owns home
Anna D Maybee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 10 yrs, 2 children born & living, MI, MA, MA, none
Martha R Maybee, F, W, 9, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Ernest F Maybee, M, W, 6, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Orlando W Pierce, Father-in-law, M, W, 70, Wd, MA, MA, MA, retired, own income
Ernest E Pierce, Brother-in-law, M, W, 44, S, MA, MA, MA, Cashier, at Express Company

Pulaski Twp, Jackson, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 653; Page 204A; ED 35; Part 2; Line 5           (31271)
Arthur Mabie, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, MI, MI, MI, farm laborer, works out
Hilda Mabie, Wife, F, W, 25, M1, 3 yrs, no children, MI, England, England, none

4-Wd Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 654; Page 101B; ED 146; Part 2; Line 26
118 Portage Street
Harvey Mabie, Head, M, W, 42, S, MI, MI, MI, Laborer, odd jobs

9-Wd Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 657; Page 243A; ED 99; Part 2; Line 17
32 Fulton Street
George Mabee, Head, M, W, 55, M2, 9 yrs, MI, MI, MI, Concrete Worker, Construction
Florence Mabee, Wife, F, W, 46, M2, 9 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, OH, OH, none

Nelson Twp, Kent, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 655; Page 139A; ED 130; Part 2; Line 2           (673)
Main Street, Sand Lake Village
Edwin Mabie, Head, M, W, 67, M2, 21 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, Farm, owns home
Martha J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 21 yrs, 10 children born - 5 living, MI, OH, OH, none
Walter E Mabie, Son, M, W, 15, S, MI, NY, MI, Farm Laborer, Farm
Florence B Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, MI, NY, MI, in school
Ruth M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, MI, NY, MI, none

Solon Twp, Kent, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 655; Page 245A; ED 137; Part 2; Line 2           (670)
Nelson Mabie, M, W, 77, M1, 41 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, General Farm, owns farm
Catherine J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 74, M1, 41 yrs, 1 child born - none living, Canada, NJ, NJ, none
Carrie Provin, Niece, F, W, 39, Wd, 3 childrend born & living, MI, Wales, NJ, Servant, private home
Merrit Provin, Grandniece, F, W, 18, S, MI, MI, MI, none, attended school
Lyle Provin, Grandnephew, M, W, 15, S, MI, MI, MI, none, attended school
Iden Provin, Grandnephew, M, W, 9, S, MI, MI, MI, none, attended school

Solon Twp, Kent, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 655; Page 251A; ED 138; Part 2; Line 5           (1917)
Dell Mabie, Head, M, W, 44, M, 14, MI, NY, NY, Farms own Farm
Nettie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M, 14 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, MI, NY, Canada, none
Lowell Mabie, Son, M, W, 13, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Vern E Mabie, Son, M, W, 6, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Roy W Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Solon Twp, Kent, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 655; Page 251A; ED 138; Part 2; Line 6           (1916)
Charles Mabie, Head, M, W, 49, S, MI, NY, NY, Farms own Farm
Rhoda Mabie, Mother, F, W, 71, Wd, NY, NY, NY, own income

Attica Twp, Lapeer, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 659; Page 40B; ED 32; Part 2; Line 41           (19979)
Fred J Maybe, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 10 yrs, MI, Canada, Canada, Farmer, General Farm
Bertha A Maybe, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 10 yrs, 4 children born & living, MI, Canada, MI, none
Mildred M Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Carl J Maybe, Son, M, W, 7, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Gladys M Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Grace B Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, MI, MI, MI, none

Rich Twp, Lapeer, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 659; Page 274A; ED 56; Part 2; Line 9           (19977)
Oliver Mabee, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 13 yrs, MI, Canada, Canada, Farms own Farm
Carrie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 13 yrs, 5 children born & living, MI, Canada, IL, none
Hazel Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Ethel Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Olive Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Earl Mabee, Son, M, W, 4, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Edith Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 4 mo, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Mary McTaggart, Mother-in-law, F, W, 61, M1, 40 yrs, 4 children born - 2 living, IL, IL, NY, none

1-Wd Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 660; Page 6B; ED 43; Part 2; Line 40           (6599)
Orien Maybee, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 3 yrs, OH, OH, OH, Milk Pedlar, Self
Blance Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, no children, OH, OH, OH, none

5-Wd Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 660; Page 73A; ED 49; Part 2; Line 6           (15757)
154 East Maumee Street
Alonzo T Mabey, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 27 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none
Ursula L Mabey, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 27 yrs, 1 child born - none living, MA, MA, NY, canvasser, Silvurt & Co

3-Wd Hudson, Lenawee, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 661; Page 25A; ED 64; Part 1; Line 2           (6582)
State Street
Israel A Maybee, M, W, 54, M1, 32 yrs, MI, NJ, OH, Farming own Dairy Farm
Frances Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 32 yrs, 5 children born & living, OH, PA, PA, none
Arven L Maybee, Son, M, W, 26, S, OH, MI, OH, Milk Peddler, Dairy Wagon
Archie R Maybee, Son, M, W, 19, S, MI, MI, OH, none
Maude A Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, MI, MI, OH, in school

Tecumseh Twp, Lenawee, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 661; Page 247A; ED 82; Part 1; Line 11           (11418)
Tecumseh Village
Caroline M Mabee, Head, F, W, 64, Wd, 3 children born - 2 living, MI, NY, NY, own income, owns house

Armada Twp, Macomb, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 658; Page 223B; ED 57; Part 2; Line 30 (17287)
Fulton Street, Armada Village
Mary Mabee, Head, F, W, 50, Wd, 8 children born - 2 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1870, own income, owns home
Ethel Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, MI, NY, Canada
Hazel Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, MI, NY, Canada

Lenox Twp, Macomb, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 659; Page 51B; ED 67; Part 1; Line 16           (17286)
Harry Cotton, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 1 yr, MI, MI, MI, Farms own farm
Marcy Cotton, Wife, F, W, 36, M2, 1 yr, MI, NY, MI, none
Carnilo J Maybee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 72, Wd, 6 children born - 4 living, MI, NY, NY, none

Richmond Twp Pct, Macomb, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 659; Page 186B; ED 78; Part 1; Line 19           (17296)
Martin Maybee, Servant, M, W, 18, S, MI, USA, USA, Laborer, farm hand for Robert Dresser

Shelby, Macomb, Michigan, Roll T624_659; Page 5A; ED 79; Image 391; FHL 1374672           (726)
William Maybee, Head, W, M, 67, M1, Wd, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in naturalized, laborer, Farm

Cleon Twp, Manistee, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 661; Page 57A; ED 33; Part 2; Line 1           (22992)
James John Wheeler Sr, Head, M, W, 52, M, 16 yrs, Canada, PA, Canada, Laborer, odd jobs
Alta May Wheeler, Wife, F, W, 33, M, 16 yrs, 5 children born & living, IN, OH, IN, none
Myrtle May Wheeler, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, MI, Canada, IN, none
Sarah Elizabeth Wheeler, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, MI, Canada, IN, in school
John James Wheeler, Son, M, W, 11, S, MI, Canada, IN, in school
William T Wheeler, Son, M, W, 8, S, MI, Canada, IN, in school
Charles Perry Wheeler, Son, M, W, 3, S, MI, Canada, IN, none

Bedford Twp, Monroe, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 663; Page 325A; ED 87; Part 2; Line 5           (6595)
Abraham Maybee, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 24 yrs, MI, NJ, MI, Farms own farm
Mary J Maybee, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 24 yrs, no children, MI, NY, England, none

Exeter Twp, Monroe, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 664; Page 66B; ED 92; Part 1; Line 26           (16387)
Maybee Village
Seward Maybee, Head, M, W, 48, M, 21 yrs, MI, KY, PA, Canada, Storekeeper, Hardware, owns home
Nelly Maybee, Wife, F, W, 42, M, 21 yrs, NY, MA, Scotland, none
Odessa Smith, Niece, F, W, 17, S, MI, MI, NY, none

Bushnell Twp, Montcalm, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 665; Page 46A; ED 145; Part 2; Line 1           (8009)
Charles A Maybee, Head, M, W, 40, S, MI, NY, PA, Farms own farm
Rachel A Maybee, Mother, F, W, 79, Wd, 9 children born - 4 living, PA, PA, PA, none

Bushnell Twp, Montcalm, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 665; Page 56A; ED 145; Part 2; Line 2           (8286)
George W Fancett, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 14 yrs, MI, England, England, Farms own farm
Lottie C Fancett, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 14 yrs, 3 children born & living, MI, NY, MI, none
Onnolee Z Fancett, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Varian R Fancett, Son, M, W, 11, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Leon C Fancett, Son, M, W, 9, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Lavina E Maybee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 69, Wd, 5 children born - 3 living, MI, CT, CT, own income

Bushnell Twp, Montcalm, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 665; Page 58A; ED 145; Part 2; Line 13           (8319)
Earl G Allchin, Head, M, W, 20, M1, 2 yrs, MI, England, Canada, Farms own Farm
Mabel Allchin, Wife, F, W, 19, M1, 2 yrs, no children, MI, MI, MI, none
Mackson Maybee, Nephew, M, W, 11, S, MI, MI, MI, in school

Cato Twp, Montcalm, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 665; Page 67B; ED 146; Part 2; Line 37           (16965)
Lakeview Village
Walter S Mabee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 14 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1890, naturalized, Mechanical Engineer, Structural Iron
Sarah Mabee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 14 yrs, 1 child born & living, England, England, England, immigrated in 1881, none
Clara E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, IL, Canada, England, in school

Evergreen Twp, Montcalm, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 665; Page 160A; ED 151; Part 2; Line 11           (22226)
Sheridan Village
Rheuben H Mabee, Head, M, W, 76, Wd, At Sea (Fr), France, France, Janitor, School Bldg, owns home
Lena Effie Hagadorn, Daughter, F, W, 37, D, 1 child born & living, MI, At Sea (Fr), MI, none
Mary Hagadorn, Granddaughter, F, W, 11, S, MI, MI, MI, in school

Home Twp, Montcalm, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 665; Page 266A; ED 157; Part 2; Line 11           (8276)
Edmore Village
Mary A Mabie, Head, F, W, 67, Wd, 4 children born - 2 living, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns home

Avon Twp, Oakland, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 668; Page 15B; ED 116; Part 1; Line 16           (954)
Jessie Maybee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 5 yrs, MI, Canada, MI, Farm Laborer, working out
Margaret Maybee, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 5 yrs, 2 children born & living, MI, MI, MI, none
William Maybee, Son, M, W, 3, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Lewis Maybee, Son, M, W, 0 months, S, MI, MI, MI, none

Independence Twp, Oakland, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 668; Page 169A; ED 127; Part 1; Line 5           (16195)
John Maybee, Head, M, W, 51, M1, 26 yrs, MI, MI, NJ, Farms own farm
Elizabeth Maybee, Wife, F, W, 46, M1, 26 yrs, 1 child born & living, MI, MI, MI, none
James R Maybee, Son, M, W, 12, S, MI, MI, MI, in school

2-Wd Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 668; Page 36A; ED 138; Part 2; Line 13           (18388)
George Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 8 yrs, MI, MI, MI, Carpenter, House, owns home
Estella Maybee, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 8 yrs, 1 child born & living, OH, OH, OH, none
George Maybee, Son, M, W, 14, S, MI, MI, OH, in school

4-Wd Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 668; Page 110A; ED 143; Part 2; Line 1           (16369)
William C Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 23, M1, 0 yrs, MI, MI, MI, Merchant, Grocery Store
Beatrice Maybee, Boarder, F, W, 20, M1, 0 yrs, no children, MI, MI, MI, Bookkeeper, Office

Hart Twp, Oceana, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 669; Page 126A; ED 128; Part 1; Line 14           (17303)
North State Road
Milan W Mabie, Head, M, W, 66, M1, 41 yrs, NY, USA, USA, own income, owns home
Emma J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 62, M1, 41 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, PA, OH, none
Hart Twp, Oceana, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 669; Page 126A; ED 128; Part 1; Line 15           (26632)
Mark E Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 11 yrs, MI, NY, PA, Farms family farm
Ella F Mabie, F, W, 36, M1, 11 yrs, 1 child born & living, MI, MI, MI, none
Clark H Mabie, Son, M, W, 7, S, MI, MI, MI, in school

Le Roy Twp, Osceola, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 669; Page 109A; ED 174; Part 2; Line 2           (22573)
Amos H Maybee, M, W, 69, M2, 8 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Farms own farm
Laura E Maybee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 8 yrs, MI, OH, OH, none
Lillian Maybee, Adopted Daughter, F, W, 2, MI, unk, unk, none

Elk Twp, Sanilac, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 674; Page 103A; ED 136; Part 2; Line 15
James Maybee, Head, M, W, 69, M1, 40 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Farm
Mary Maybee, Wife, F, W, 66, M1, 40 yrs, no children, Canada, Scotland, Canada, immigrated in 1850, none

Flynn Twp, Sanilac, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 674; Page 143A; ED 139; Part 2; Line 16           (22229)
James E Mabee, Head, M, W, 64, M2, 25 yrs, Canada, NJ, Canada, immigrated in 1909
Kathleen F Mabee, F, W, 41, M1, 25 yrs, 9 children born - 8 living, England, England, England, immigrated in 1909
Emma F Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, Canada, Canada, England, immigrated in 1909, in school
Ethel M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, Canada, Canada, England, immigrated in 1909, in school
Irene E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, Canada, Canada, England, immigrated in 1909, in school
Ada I Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, Canada, Canada, England, immigrated in 1909, none

7-Wd Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 673; Page 134B; ED 115; Part 2; Line 32           (17294)
1918 Stone Street
Issac L Mabee, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 2 yrs, MI, NY, MI, Life Insurance Agent
Carrie M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 2 yrs, no children, MI, NY, Canada (French), none

3-Wd St Clair, St Clair, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 673; Page 265B; ED 123; Part 2; Line 29           (28827)
Leander Maybee, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 35 yrs, MI, Holland, MI, Farms own Farm
Anna Maybee, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 35 yrs, 5 children born - 2 living, MI, Canada, Canada, none
Willard L Maybee, Son, M, W, 27, S MI, MI, MI, Laborer, Farm
Evelyn Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 24, S MI, MI, MI, none

Burr Oak Twp, St Joseph, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 674; Page 6B; ED 119; Part 1; Line 30           (16879)
Railroad Street, Burr Oak Village
Court Cummins, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 27 yrs, MI, OH, MI, Teamster, oddjobs, owns home
Belle Cummins, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 27 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, MI, OH, NY, none
Elmer Cummins, Son, M, W, 23, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Urial Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 17, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, MI, MI, MI, none
Myrtle Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 4 months, S, MI, MI, MI, none
Charles A Mabie, Son-in-law, M, W, 21, M1, 1 yr, MI, MI, MI, Laborer, Railroad

2-Wd Sturgis, St Joseph, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 674; Page 202A; ED 138; Part 1; Line 9           (6537)
Fred Maybee, Boarder, W, M, 23, S, MI, OH, IA, Day laborer

White Pigeon Twp, St Joseph, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 674; Page 284A; ED 144; Part 1; Line 8           (23152)
Solomon J Snider, Head, M, W, 64, M2, 33 yrs, IN, VA, MO, Own Income, Owns Farm
Louise Snider, Wife, F, W, 58, M1, 33 yrs, 2 children born & living, IN, OH, Germany, none
Clarence F Snider, Son, M, W, 28, S, IN, IN, IN, Farmer, Family farm
Destina E Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 24, Wd, 1 child born & living, IN, IN, IN, none
Virginia E Maybee, Granddaughter, F, W, 1, S, IN, IN, IN, none

Geneva, Van Buren, Michigan, Roll T624_676; Page 4A; ED 0159; Image 1183; FHL Number 1374689           (7518)
Milton W Maybee, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 35 yrs, MI, Canada, NY, Farms own General farm
Cora E Maybee, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 35 yrs, 7 children born - 4 living, NY, NY, NY, none
L B Maybee, Son, M, W, 10, S, MI, MI, NY, none

3-Wd South Haven, Van Buren, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 677; Page 151A; ED 173; Part 1; Line 26           (7526)
Anna Maybee, Waitress, F, W, 22, S, MI, MI, NY, Waitress, Hotel

1-Wd Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 679; Page 39A; ED 6; Part 2; Line 7           (2615)
58 Madison
Charles R Mabie, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 14 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1889, Manufacturer, Dry Milk
May C Mabie, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 14 yrs, 1 child born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, HouseWife, at home
Donald E Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, MI, Canada, Canada, in school

2-Wd Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 680; Page 20A; ED 24; Part 1; Line 27
216 First Street
Anna Mabee, Head, F, W, 39, M1, 20 yrs, 1 child born & living, Canada, Scotland, Scotland, Keeper, Rooming House

10-Wd Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 684; Page 244A; ED 156; Part 2; Line 6           (6045)
147 Linwood Avenue
William H Maybee, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 22 yrs, Canada, Canada, England, Merchant, Grocer
Cora A Maybee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 22 yrs, 4 children born & living, MI, VA, IN, none
Weld S Maybee, Son, M, W, 20, S, MI, Canada, MI, in school
Helen Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, MI, Canada, MI, in school
Emerson W Maybee, Son, M, W, 13, S, MI, Canada, MI, in school
Alice R Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, MI, Canada, MI, none

Detroit Ward 17, Wayne, Michigan, Roll T624_680; Page 9A; ED 0255; Image 759; FHL Number 1374693           (16335)
647 Townsend Avenue
Horace C Mabee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 12 yrs, Canada, Canada, NY, immigrated in 1906, Shellac refiner, Varnish Factory
Margaret G Mabee, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 12 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, Canada, Canada, Scotland, immigrated in 1906
Marjorie W Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, none, attended school
Grant H Mabee, Son, M, W, 7, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1906, none, attended school

Sumpter Twp, Wayne, Michigan, Series: T624; Roll 679; Page 155B; ED 306; Part 1; Line 5           (15110)
William R Mabee, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 27 yrs, MI, NY, Canada, Farms own farm
Carrie M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 27 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, MI, NY, NY, none
Grace E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Emiley E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, MI, MI, MI, in school

Springville Twp, Wexford, Michigan, Roll T624_666; Page 8A; ED 151; Image 1167; FHL microfilm: 1374679           (6476)
Merick Village
John F Maybury, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 35 yrs, OH, OH, OH, farms own farm
Effie B Maybury, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 35 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, IN, NY, NY
Mrs Millie Stone, Daughter, F, W, 20, M1, 2 yrs, one child born & living, MI, OH, IN
Susan A Maybury, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, MI, OH, IN, attended school


Camp Downes, Leyte, Philippines, Military and Naval Forces; Roll T624_1784; Page 1B; ED 0161; Image 144; FHL Number 1375797
Edward Mabee, Corpl Co L 9 Inf, M, W, 28, S, MI, NY, NY, Soldier

Fort William McKinley, Rizal, Philippine Islands, Military; Series: T624; Roll 1784; Page 129B; ED 206; Part 1; Line 73           (27119)
22 July 1910
Frederick Mabie, Private, M, W, 22, S, NY, NY, NY, Soldier, Troop G 12th Cavalry


Mankato Ward 3, Blue Earth, Minnesota, Roll T624_691; Page 3B; ED 0019; Image 249; FHL Number 1374704           (522)
Hugh S Mabee, Head, W, M, 52, M, 24 yrs, Canada, Canada, IN, immigrated in 1864, Collector
Luella M Mabee, Wife, W, F, 41, M, 24 yrs, 11 children born - 8 living, IN, KY, OH
Elbert Mabee, Son, W, M, 16, MN, Canada, IN, printer & paper
George Mabee, Son, W, M, 14, S, MN, Canada, IN, attended school, laborer, farm
Raymond Mabee, Son, W, M, 12, S, MN, Canada, IN, attended school
Louetta Mabee, Daughter, W, F, 11, S, MN, Canada, IN, attended school
Audrey Mabee, Daughter, W, F, 9, S, MN, Canada, IN, attended school
Yetive Mabee, Daughter, W, F, 8 months, S, MN, Canada, IN

Orange Twp, Douglas, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 694; Page 66B; ED 64; Part 2; Line 14           (2190)
Harriet E M Pennie, Head, F, W, 20, S, MN, Scotland, York State, Cook, Cook Can
Libeus Mabie, —, M, W, 54, Wd, IA, IA, IN, Laborer, Cook Car

2-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 700; Page 51B; ED 33; Part 2; Line 33           (26425)
1015 19th Street
Nettie E Mabey, Boarder, F, W, 18, S, MN, MN, DE, in school

5-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 702; Page 53A; ED 96; Part 2; Line 5           (19988)
Abbiegail Mabee, Lodger, F, W, 38, S, IL, Canada, NH, Mail Order Business

7-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 703; Page 248B; ED 125; Part 1; Line 26           (15087)
3121 Tenth Street
Everett S Maybee, M, W, 28, M1, 6 yrs, WI, WI, WI, Driver, Ice wagon
Lucy D Maybee, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, MN, OH, OH, none
Ethel Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 7, MN, WI, MN, in school
Earl Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, MN, WI, MN, none

8-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 703; Page 250B; ED 141; Part 2; Line 14           (31173)
312 Lake St
Robert B Mabey, Head, M, W, 71, M1, 48 yrs, England, England, England, immigrated in 1872, naturalized, Owns Tailor Shop, owns home
Emily Mabey, Wife, F, W, 71, M1, 48 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, England, England, England, None

8-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 703; Page 270B; ED 142; Part 2; Line 30           (31180)
29 Apr 1910
3040 Stevens Avenue
Richard A Mabey, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 17 yrs, England, England, England, immigrated 1872, naturalized, Reporter, Court, owns home
Grace A Mabey, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 17 yrs, 1 child born & living, MN, England, NY, Stenographer, bank
Grace E Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, MN, England, MN, in school
Mary A Cooley, Niece, F, W, 26, S, SD, MN, NY, Stenographer, bank
8-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 703; Page 273A; ED 142; Part 2; Line 12
Supplemental - no date
3040 Stevens Avenue
Richard A Mabey, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 17 yrs, England, England, England, immigrated in 1872, naturalized, Court Reporter, Court, rents
Grace A Mabey, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 17 yrs, 1 child born & living, MN, England, NY, Stenographer, bank
Emily A Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, MN, England, MN, in school
Mary A Cooley, Niece, F, W, 26, S, SD, MN, NY, Stenographer, bank

9-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 704; Page 199A; ED 170; Part 2; Line 7           (31183)
2466 Polk Street
Robert Mabey, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 10 yrs, England, England, England, immigrated in 1872, naturalized, Stenographer, Court
Nellie V Mabey, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 10 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, Canada, Scotland, none
Dorthia Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, MN, England, WI, at school
Ruth Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, MN, England, WI, at school
Alice Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 3 mo, S, MN, England, WI, none

11-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 705; Page 78B; ED 192; Part 2; Line 22           (22136)
2226 Seventh Street
Albert L Maeby, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 20 yrs, WI, WI, WI, Switchman, Railroad
Ida M Maeby, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 20 yrs, 2 children born & living, MN, MA, England, none
Grace E Maeby, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, MN, WI, WI, Folder, Bag Factory
Hellen Maeby, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, MN, WI, WI, Packer, Candy Factory

11-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 705; Page 205A; ED 184; Part 1; Line 10           (15184)
Nellie Mabey, Lodger, F, W, 36, S, MN, England, ME, Bookkeeper, Office

13-Wd Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 706; Page 153A; ED 210; Part 1; Line 6           (20538)
4281 Sheridan Avenue South
Harrison E Maybee, Head, M, W, 21, M1, 0 yrs, IN, Canada, IN, Bookkeeper, Lumber Company
Heilda C Maybee, Wife, F, W, 21, M1, 0 yrs, no children, MN, Sweden, Sweden, none
Josepha C Carlson, Mother-in-law, F, W, 47, Wd, 2 children born & living, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, immigrated in 1889, none

Westfort Twp, Pope, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 712; Page 268B; ED 108; Part 2; Line 19           (11686)
Thomas Remington, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 38 yrs, England, England, England, Immigrated in 1869, naturalized, Farms own farm
Alice M Remington, Wife, F, W, 56, M1, 38 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, PA, PA, PA, none
Vesta M Remington, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, IA, England, PA, Teacher, Public School
Bardmill B Remington, Son, M, W, 37, M1, 11 yrs, IA, England, PA, Farmer, General Farm
Pearl Remington, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 29, M1, 11 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, IA, IA, IA, none
Irma B Remington, Granddaughter, F, W, 10, S, IA, IA, IA, in school
Libbeus Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 53, Wd, IA, IA, IA, IA, laborer, ditching machine           [father of Pearl]
Elizabeth Bair, Aunt, F, W, 72, S, PA, Scotland, PA, none

9-Wd St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 718; Page 106A&B; ED 127; Part 1; Line 64           (1693) and (26568)
Mary Shephard Private School, 690 Robert Street
Gladys Mabie, Boarder, F, W, 18, S, IL, IL, MI, in school
Doris Mabie, Boarder, F, W, 10, S, IL, IL, WI, in school

12-Wd St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, Series: T624; Roll 720; Page 219B; ED 161; Part 2; Line 14
739 Front Street
Edward R Mabey, Boarder, M, W, 73, S, NY, NY, NJ, Clerk, wholesale gasket company, veteran - Union Army

New Independence, St Louis, Minnesota, Roll T624_723; Page 1A; ED 215; Image 513           (30511)
Frank W Mabie, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 8 yrs, WI, Scotland, Canada, farms own general farm
Any M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 30, 8 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, Sweden (Danish), Sweden (Swedish), Sweden (Swedish), immigrated in 1890, none
Walace E Mabie, Son, M, W, 7, S, MN, WI, Sweden (Danish), none, at school
Betrice E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, MN, WI, Sweden (Danish), none
Gertou E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, MN, WI, Sweden (Danish), none
Violet M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 9 mo, S, MN, WI, Sweden (Danish), none
Rusell F Mabie, Son, M, W, 7 months, S, MN, WI, Sweden (Danish), none

Lake Ward 1, Wabasha, Minnesota, Roll T624_728; Page 6A; ED 0147; Image 724; FHL Number 1374741           (26419)
415 N High Street
Wm R McConochie, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 2 yrs, WI, Scotland, Scotland, Manager, Grain Elevator
Allie McConochie, Wife, F, W, 38, M2, 2 yrs, 3 children born & living, MN, OH, IL, none
Dorothy Mabey, Dtr boarder, F, W, 14, S, WI, MN, MN, attended school
Marjory Mabey, Boarder, F, W, 12, S, MN, MN, MN, attended school
Elizabeth Mabey, Boarder, F, W, 7, S, MN, MN, MN, attended schoo
[Dorothy, Marjory, and Elizabeth are the daughters of Allie McConochie.
Allie Mabey married W R McConochie on 7 November 1907 in Lake City, Wabasha, Minnesota ("Minnesota Marriages, 1849-1950,"
1905 Minnesota State Census, Ward 2, Lake City Wabasha, Minnesota (from
George S Mabey, 38, born in MN; Alice Mabey, 33, born in MN; Dorothy Mabey, 9, born in WI; Margery M Mabey, 7, born in MN; Elizabeth G Mabey, 2, born in MN]

Lake City Ward 2, Wabasha, Minnesota, Roll T624_728; Page 15A; ED 148; Image 775           (15179)
Joseph E Mabey, Head, M, W, 64, M1, 45 yrs, England, England, England, immigrated in 1851, naturalized, Stock Buyer
Lucinda Mabey, Wife, F, W, 61, M1, 45 yrs, 8 children born - 6 living, MI, ME, OH, none
Nellie Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 35, S, MN, England, MI, Student, college
Alice Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, MN, England, MI, none
Clayton Bartlett, Grandson, M, W, 18, S, MN, MN, MN, none

Iosco, Waseca, Minnesota, Roll T624_730; Page 4A; ED 0164; Image 81; FHL Number 1374743           (20514)
George W Maybee, Employee, M, W, 14, S, MN, Germany, Germany, Laborer, General Farm; with Richard Cahill family



Sugar Crk Twp, Barry, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 767; Page 3A; ED 1; Part 2; Line 11           (11695)
Levi J Mabie, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 11 yrs, SD, OH, OH, Blacksmith, own account, owns home
Lenora Mabie, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 11 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, MO, IL, IL, none
Rosa M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, MO, SD, MO, in school
Lenora Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, MO, SD, MO, none
Cris Mabie, Son, M, W, 7 months, S, MO, SD, MO, none
Levi Mabie, Father, M, W, 73, Wd, OH, NY, NY, own income, veteran - Union Army

Golden City Twp, Barton, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 767; Page 236B; ED 22; Part 2; Line 29           (19369)
Frank W Mabee, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 17 yrs, IL, IL, IN, Farmer, General Farm
Elva A Mabee, F, W, 34, M1, 17 yrs, 3 children born & living, MO, KY, MO, none
Blanche Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, MO, IL, MO, in school
Monte L Mabee, Son, M, W, 4, S, MO, IL, MO, none
Elva R Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 3 months, S, MO, IL, MO, none

Mound Twp, Bates, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 768; Page 48A; ED 5; Part 2; Line 5           (7311)
Henry Maybee, Head, M, W, 60, M3, 8 yrs, OH, OH, OH, Farms own farm
Anna Maybee, Wife, F, W, 43, M2, 8 yrs, 8 children born - 7 living, MO, OH, OH, none
Zelma Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, MO, OH, MO, in school
Edith Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, MO, OH, MO, none
Loudolps Maybee, Son, M, W, 3, S, MO, OH, MO, none
Vesta Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 2 months, S, MO, OH, MO, none
Nina Deffenbaugh, Stepdaughter, F, W, 20, S, MO, MO, MO, Teacher, Country School
Leroy Maybee, Son, M, W, 13, S, MO, OH, IL, in school

2-Wd St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 771; Page 143B; ED 56; Part 1; Line 26           (3332)
1106 North 18th
Danl Mabie, Head, M, W, 57, M, 40 yrs, IL, NY, NY, Printer, retired
Sophia Mabie, Wife, F, W, 62, M, 40 yrs, 7 children born & living, IL, VT, NY, none
Lola L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 40, S, WI, IL, IL, Printer, News Press
Evah P Mabie, Son, M, W, 36, S, IL, IL, IL, Salesman, Gazette
Roland N Mabie, Son, M, W, 20, S, IL, IL, IL, Clerk, News Press

4-Wd St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 771; Page 28B; ED 66; Part 2; Line 27           (26288)
1622 Frederick Avenue
Percy G Mabie, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 9 yrs, MO, MO, MO, Printer, Printing Office
Jessie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 9 yrs, 5 children born - 2 living, MO, MO, MO, none
Rollin Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, MO, MO, MO, none
4-Wd St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 771; Page 38B; ED 66; Part 2; Line 33
1622 Frederick Avenue
Thelma Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, MO, MO, MO, garment maker, factory
[Given the age of Percy and Jessie Mabie, Thelma cannot be the daughter of either of them. Perhaps she is Percy's sister.
In the 1920 census, Percy and Jessie Mabie have an 11-year-old daughter, Thelma, who was not listed as a 1-year-old in the 1910 census.
Perhaps the enumerator compounded his error at omitting Thelma from the household on page 28B by putting the wrong age next to her name on page 38B. ]

8-Wd St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 771; Page 133B; ED 92; Part 2; Line 26           (3767)
1205 Atchison
Bert Mabie, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 19 yrs, IA, NY, NY, Laborer, Nursery
Louis P Mabie, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 19 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, IA, OH, OH, none
Earl S Mabie, Son, M, W, 16, S, IA, IA, IA, Laborer, Nursery
Giles M Mabie, Son, M, W, 9, S, IA, IA, IA, in school
Marguritte L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, MO, IA, IA, in school

Porter Twp, Christian, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 776; Page 94B; ED 40; Part 2; Line 37
Mamie Maybee, Servant, F, W, 16, S, MO, Canada, USA, Servant for the Stephen D Handy household

2nd Ward, Lockwood, Dade, Missouri, Series T624, Roll 777, Part 2, Page 254A           (16007)
Simon P Mabee, Head, M, W, 69, M1, 46 yrs, IL, OH, CT, farmer, own farm, veteran - Union Army
Mary J Mabee, Wife, F, W, 67, M1, 46 yrs, 8 children born & living, IN, PA, NJ

Lockwood Twp, Dade, Missouri, Series T624, Roll 777, Part 2, Page 258A           (20486)
Joseph S Maybee, Head, M, W, 26, M2, 1 yr, MO, IL, IN, farmer on own general farm
Ima A Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M2, 1 yr, 2 children born & living, MO, KY, MO
Jules A Maybee, Son, M, W, 6, S, MO, MO, MO,
Guy R Maybee, Son, M, W, 1 month, S, MO, MO, MO

Marion Twp, Dade, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 777; Page 223A; ED 66; Part 2; Line 1           (19370)
Geo E Maybee, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 13 yrs, MO, IL, IN, Farms own farm
Mandy A Maybee, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 13 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, MO, MO, TN, none
Finis Maybee, Son, W, M, 12, S, MO, MO, MO, Laborer, Home farm, in school
Elbert Maybee, Son, W, M, 10, S, MO, MO, MO, in school
Wilbert W Maybee, Son, W, M, 8, S, MO, MO, MO, in school

1-Wd KS City, Jackson, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 785; Page 96A; ED 24; Part 1; Line 26           (27606)
Daisey Mabey, Head, F, W, 38, Wd, 1 child born & living, MN, USA, USA, Bindery Worker, Printing Office
Edity Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, MN, MN, USA, Bindery Worker, Printing Office

7-Wd KS City, Jackson, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 786; Page 116A; ED 85; Part 2; Line 14           (7621)
2406 E 19th Street
Thomas L Mabie, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 3 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Veterinary Surgeon, General Practice
Corday Mabie, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, IN, IN, IN, none
Louis M Mabie, F, W, 2, S, IN, IN, IN, none

Mineral Ward 2, Jasper, Missouri, Roll T624_792; Page 7A; ED 76; Image 49           (11997)
Oscar C Mabee, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 15 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1879, naturalized, Supt, Zinc Mine
Julia Mabee, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 15 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, MO, unknown, IA, none
Lela M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, MO, Canada, MO, at school
Audrey C Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, MO, Canada, MO, at school

2-Wd La Belle, Lewis, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 792; Page 226A; ED 60; Part 1; Line 11           (11692)
James K Mabie, Head, M, W, 47, M2, 12 yrs, MO, MO, MO, Painter, Houses, own account, owns home
Gracie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 12 yrs, 4 children born & living, MO, MO, MO, none
Mable Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, MO, MO, MO, in school
Harrison Mabie, Son, M, W, 9, S, MO, MO, MO, in school
Edgar Mabie, Son, M, W, 7, S, MO, MO, MO, in school
Clifford Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, MO, MO, MO
Guy Patrick, Brother-in-law, M, W, 21, S, MO, MO, MO, Laborer, Odd Jobs

East-Wd Laclede, Linn, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 795; Page 167B; ED 81; Part 2; Line 17           (18900)
Harry E Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 15 yrs, MO, Canada, MO, Agent, Insurance
Grace L Maybee, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 15 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, KS, OH, WI, none
Lee H Maybee, Son, M, W, 13, S, MO, MO, KS, newsboy, street, in school
Bert E Maybee, Son, M, W, 11, S, MO, MO, KS, newsboy, street, in school
Dan C Maybee, Son, M, W, 4, S, MO, MO, KS, none

4-Wd Chillicothe, Livingston, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 796; Page 90A; ED 100; Part 1; Line 4           (12648)
George W Maybee, Head, M, W, 44, M2, 5 yrs, Canada, England, England, Traveling Salesman, paints
Minnie L Maybee, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 5 yrs, no children, MO, CT, KY, none
Marion F Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, MO, Canada, MO, in school
Grace A Badger, Sister-in-law, F, W, 27, S, MO, CT, KY, none

Mooresville Twp, Livingston, Missouri, Roll T624_796; Page 3B; ED 110; Image 372           (31417)
Obe Maybay, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 37 yrs, IL, NY, IL, Farms own general farm
Martha E Maybay, Wife, F, W, 54, M1, 37 yrs, 4 children born & living, MO, IN, IN

Prairie Twp, McDonald, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 797; Page 140A; ED 115; Part 1; Line 2           (9981)
Joseph Maybe, Head, M, W, 53, M, 27 yrs, TX, OH, OH, Farms own farm
Elizabeth Maybe, Wife, F, W, 47, M, 27 yrs, 3 children born - 1 living, MO, IL, MO, none
Carl Maybe, Son, M, W, 23, KS, TX, MO, none

3-Wd Charleston, Mississippi, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 799; Page 298B; ED 103; Part 1; Line 30           (31119)
Green Street
John L Hibbetts, Head, M, W, 55, Wd, MO, MO, KY, Drayman
Edna E Hibbetts, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, MO, MO, MO, none
William Hibbetts, Son, M, W, 17, S, MO, MO, MO, attended school
Maybee Hibbetts, Son, M, W, 11, S, MO, MO, MO, attended school
Dollie Maybee, Sister-in-law, F, W, 48, S, MO, IL, IL, Housekeeper

3-Wd Huntsville, Randolph, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 807; Page 131B; ED 145; Part 2; Line 27           (16264)
John R Maybee, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 8 yrs, Canada, PA, OH, Physician, M D own practice
Margaret S Maybee, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 8 yrs, no children, KS, PA, PA, none

Jackson Twp, Shannon, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 824; Page 261A; ED 91; Part 1; Line 9           (26290)
Charles Bealert, Head, M, W, 65, M1, 15 yrs, MO, KY, KY, Farms own farm, veteran - Union Army
Anna Bealert, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 15 yrs, 2 children born & living, MO, MO, MO, none
Frances Bealert, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, MO, MO, MO, attended school
Susie Bealert, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, MO, MO, MO, attended school
Ray Mabie, Hired man, M, W, 22, S, KS, France, NY, Farm Laborer
William Briggs, Hired man, M, W, 53, S, MO, MO, MO, Farm Laborer

Carondelet Twp, St Louis, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 809; Page 290A; ED 111; Part 2; Line 17           (11419)
Jefferson Barracks, U S Military Reservation
James S Mabee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 14 yrs, NY, NY, MI, Army Doctor
Elenore Mabee, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 14 yrs, MI, MI, MI

6-Wd St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 813; Page 105B; ED 94; Part 1; Line 63
Vernon Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 5, S, USA, USA, USA, with Conrad and Louise Dieringer

28-Wd St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 823; Page 169A; ED 448; Part 1; Line 4           (6436)
5312 Maple Avenue
Frean Mabee, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 30 yrs, IL, PA, IL, Mine Operator, mine company, owns home
Leona Mabee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 30 yrs, 1 child born & living, IL, CT, PA, own income

28-Wd St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, Series: T624; Roll 823; Page 89A; ED 443; Part 1; Line 19           (1697)
5889 Von Versen Avenue
Edmund G Mabie, Head, M, W, 46, M2, 6 yrs, WI, NY, England, president, wholesale tailoring
Maud M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 6 yrs, no children, IL, NY, VT, none
Gifford M Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, MO, MO, IL, none



Bowen Twp, BeaverHead, Montana, Series: T624; Roll 829; Page 2B; ED 1; Part 1; Line 35           (4708)
John Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, D, MN, NY, Canada, Ranches own Hay Ranch

Bowen Twp, BeaverHead, Montana, Series: T624; Roll 829; Page 2B; ED 1; Part 1; Line 35           (4574)
Orlow D Maybee, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 1 yr, MN, NY, Canada, Ranch Laborer on Peter S Mussigbrod Hay Ranch
Bessie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 19, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, MT, England, England, none
Eriel H Maybee, Son, M, W, 11 months, S, MT, MN, MT, none
Robert Cairnes, Step-father, M, W, 50, M1, 10 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1892, none
Mary A Cairnes, Mother, F, W, 50, M2, 10 yrs, 4 children born & living, Canada, England, Ireland, immigrated in 1863, none
Romain J White, Hired hand, M, W, 44, S, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, immigrated in 1883, naturalized, ranch laborer, hay ranch

Arrow, Cascade, Montana, Series: T624; Roll 830; Page 279A; ED 47; Part 1; Line 7           (20760)
Hattie Maybee, Head, F, W, 26, S, WI, Canada, MA, School Teacher

Great Falls Ward 3, Cascade, Montana, Roll T624_830; Page 9A; ED 30; Image 208; FHL Number 1374843           (11536)
416 Fifth Avenue South
F R Coit, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 21 yrs, OH, USA, USA, Owner, Saloon
Margarete Coit, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 21 yrs, 2 children born & living, IL, IL, IL, none
Edith Coit, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, MO, OH, IL, none
John C Mabee, Son-in-law, M, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, TX, TX, TX, Brakeman, Railroad
Clara Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 20, M1, 2 yrs, no children, MO, OH, IL, none
Edward Plunket, Roomer, M, W, 27, S, NY, NY, NY, Visiting at the time

Mizpah, Custer, Montana, Roll T624_829; Page 2A; ED 86; Image 975; FHL Number 1374842           (22660)
Frank Maybee, Hired Man, M, W, 35, S, KS, unk, unk, herder, sheep ranch
Arthur Maybee, Brother, M, W, 27, S, KS, unk, unk, herder, sheep ranch
Working for William Fulton, wool grainer, sheep ranch

Rochester Pct, Madison, Montana, Series: T624; Roll 834; Page 48B; ED 50; Part 1; Line 39           (4707)
Bert Maybe, Head, M, W, 38, S, MN, USA, USA, Laborer, Odd Jobs

School Dist 47, Park, Montana, Series: T624; Roll 834; Page 112B; ED 193; Part 1; Line 10           (11855)
Frank Mabee, Employee, M, W, 50, S, PA, NY, NY, Cook, Farm

Glasgow School Dist, Valley, Montana, Series: T624; Roll 837; Page 3A; ED 233; Part 1; Line 1           (16861)
William W Mabbee, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 12 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1886, naturalized, Farming, Farm, owns own farm

Hinsdale School Dist, Valley, Montana, Series: T624; Roll 837; Page 84B; ED 236; Part 1; Line 16
Henry D Roub, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 29 yrs, WI, PA, PA, Farms own Farm
Anna E Roub, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 29 yrs, 10 children born - 9 living, IA, NY, MI
Lottie Roub, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, MT, WI, IA, in school
Anna Belle Roub, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, MT, WI, IA, in school
Joseph A Roub, Son, M, W, 10, S, MT, WI, IA, in school
Robert K Roub, Son, M, W, 6, S, MT, WI, IA, in school
Dortha M Roub, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, MT, WI, IA, none
Carrie M Mabee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 73, Wd, MI, NY, NY, own income

Hinsdale School District, Valley, Montana, Series: T624, Roll 837, Page 12A, ED 236, Part 1, Line 15
Harry V Roub, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 0 yrs, CO, WI, IA, farms own farm
Isabella Roub, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 0 yrs, no children, IL, Scotland, NY, none


Oakland Pct, Burt, Nebraska, Series: T624; Roll 839; Page 189B; ED 29; Part 1; Line 23           (28535)
Harry Mabie, Hired man, M, W, 25, M1, 0 yrs, IA, WI, WI, Farm Laborer, working out
Cora Mabie, Servant, F, W, 19, M1, 0 yrs, no children, NE, MI, Denmark, Housekeeper, private home
Nina Mabie, Roomer, F, W, 23, S, IA, WI, WI, School Teacher, Public School

Alexis Twp, Butler, Nebraska, Series T624, Roll 839, Part 2, Page 68B           (26660)
Daniel Burch, Head M, W, 46, M1, 20 yrs, CT, CT, OH, Farmer, General Farm
Minnie Burch, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 20 yrs, 5 children born & living, IL, NY, NY
Adeline Burch, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NE, CT, IL, Laborer, Home Farm
Ruth Burch, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NE, CT, IL, Laborer, Home Farm
Pearl Burch, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NE, CT, IL,
Isabel Burch, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NE, CT, IL
Glaydys M Burch, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NE, CT, IL

Mount Pleasant, Cass, Nebraska, Roll T624_840; Page 1B; ED 0008; Image 150; FHL Number 1374853
Richard Maybee, Hired Man, M, W, 30, S, NE, IL, IA, Farm Laborer; with Edward Gansemer family

4-Wd Plattsmouth, Cass, Nebraska, Series: T624; Roll 840; Page 130A; ED 14; Part 1; Line 3           (4711)
Tom Joyce, Head, M, W, 41, M2, 1 yr, MO, MO, MO, Laborer, City
Martha Joyce, Wife, F, W, 42, M2, 1 yr, 4 children born & living, MO, MO, MO, none
Milford Joyce, Brother, M, W, 36, S, MO, MO, MO, Fisherman
Maggie Mabee, Stepdaughter, F, W, 13, S, MO, MO, MO, at school
Edward Mabee, Stepson M, W, 10, S, MO, MO, MO, at school
Goldie Mabee, Stepdaughter, F, W, 7, S, MO, MO, MO, none

3-Wd Lexington, Dawson, Nebraska, Series: T624; Roll 842; Page 109A; ED 106; Part 1; Line 2           (17194)
John Mabie, Head, M, W, 46, D, WI, NY, NY, Laborer, General

3-Wd Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, Series: T624; Roll 843; Page 28B; ED 16; Part 2; Line 66
George S Maybee, Lodger, M, W, 41, S, England, England, England, immigrated in 1879, naturalized, Carpenter, House, own account

1-Wd Creighton, Knox, Nebraska, Series: T624; Roll 849; Page 43B; ED 115; Part 2; Line 25 (28570)
H D Mabie, Head, Head, M, W, 59, M2, 10 yrs, WI, OH, OH, Stock dealer, own account, owns home
R Ida Mabie, F, W, 44, M2, 10 yrs, 6 children born - 4 living, OH, OH, OH, none
Mildred Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NE, WI, OH, in school
Hellen Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NE, WI, OH, none

Kiowa Pct, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, Series: T624; Roll 854; Page 163A; ED 205; Part 3; Line 11           (23232)
William A Mabey, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 11 yrs, IL, NY, MI, Farms own farm
Sadie N Mabey, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 11 yrs, no children, NE, NY, Germany, none


Rosebud Pct, Humboldt, Nevada; Series: T624; Roll 858; Page 221B; ED 36; Part 2; Line 33           (12908)
June 1910
Reginald G Mabey, Partner, M, W, 18, S, UT, England, UT, None
Reginald is listed here with his partner in a placer mine: James Tonkin and James' son Alfred P Tonkin.
Reginald was also listed in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his parents, Edward G and Lulu Mabey. Enumeration date in Utah was 25 April 1910.


3-Wd Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire; Series: T624; Roll 866; Page 73B; ED 266; Part 1; Line 26           (22339)
9 Burkitt Street
James E Mabey, Head, M, W, 31, M1, 3 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1895, Machinist, Coal Jacket
Hattie Mabey, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 3 yrs, no children, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1895, none


Bergenfield Boro, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 868; Page 48B; ED 2; Part 1; Line 16           (21195)
Christian P Mabie, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 12 yrs, NJ, NJ, NY, chief clerk, railroad, owns home
Rose B Mabie, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 12 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, NJ, NY, NY, none
Mildred Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Clyde Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ
Grace Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, NJ

East Rutherford, Bergen, New Jersey, Roll T624_868; Page 1B&2A; ED 8; Image 343           (18942)
774 Plank Road
Joseph Becker, Head,, W, 53, M1, 24 yrs, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1885, Carpenter House
Julia Becker, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 24 yrs, 3 children born & living, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1885
Joseph Becker Jr, Son, M, W, 17, S, NJ, Germany, Germany, apprentice, blacksmith
David Mabie, Son-in-Law, M, W, 34, M2, 2 yrs, NJ, Germany, Germany, Tire Maker, Rubber works
Anna Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 20, M1, 2 yrs, no children, NJ, Germany, Germany, none
Eugena Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 13, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Erma Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, spinner, worsted mill

1-Wd Englewood, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 868; Page 1A; ED 10; Part 2; Line 5           (16147)
Hudson Avenue
Isaac Mabie, Head, M, W, 37, 4 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Carpenter, House
Ida Mabie, Wife, F, W, 37, 4 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

3-Wd Englewood, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 868; Page 51A; ED 12; Part 2; Line 5           (16151)
Warren Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 7 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Tailor, Gents Store, owns home
Anna H Mabie, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 7 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, Scotland, NY
Dorothy Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Grace L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school

Franklin Township, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 868; Page 190B; ED 19; Part 2; Line 20           (17739)
David Maybe, Head, M, W, 55, M2, 25 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, farming, farm
Samantha Maybe, Wife, F, W, 45, M2, 25 yrs, no children, NY, England, NY, bording house operator, private house

Franklin, Bergen, New Jersey, Roll T624_868; Page 2A; ED 19; Image 909; FHL Number 1374881           (17737)
John W Mabie, Head, M, W, 60, M, 28 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, odd jobs, owns house
Kate Mabie, Wife, F, W, 64, M, 28 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, laundry at home
Ruth Berry, Niece, F, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, attended school

Franklin, Bergen, New Jersey, Roll T624_868; Page 6B; ED 19; Image 915           (18971)
Melvin Mabee, Laborer, M, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, farm laborerer, on John J Neville’s farm

Fort Lee, Bergen, New Jersey, Roll T624_868; Page 12B; ED 0017; Image 499; FHL Number 1374881           (1596)
Fletcher Avenue
Lester W Mabie, Head, M, W, 32, M, 10 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Artist, American Bank Notes, owns mortgaged home
Emogene Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M, 10 yrs, 2 children born & living, CT, CT, CT
Zelda Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, NJ, NJ, CT, attends school
Daryl Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, CT

Garfield Borough, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 868; Page 204A; ED 20; Part 2; Line 5           (22624)
19 Monroe Street
Carl Mabie, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 20 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Cutter, Rubber Works
Lizzie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 20 yrs, 11 children born - 6 living, NJ, Holland, Holland, none
Peter Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Cutter, Rubber Works
Adrianna Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Twister, Silk Mill
Annie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Nellie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Lizzie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Lillian M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2 months, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

2-Wd Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 80B; ED 36; Part 2; Line 42           (26668)
George Gismond, Head, M, W, 45, M, 16 yrs, NJ, Italy, NJ, insurance agent
Jennie Gismond, Wife, F, W, 36, M, 16 yrs, NJ, NJ, NY
J J Mabie, Father-in-law, M, W, 58, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, house painter

2-Wd Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 91A; ED 36; Part 2; Line 16           (17808)
Court Street
Sarah Mabie, Head, F, W, 63, Wd, 43 yrs, 6 children born & living, NJ, NY, NJ, none
T Ward Mabie, Son, M, W, 28, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Printer, General
Ida Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

2-Wd Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, Series T624, Roll 869, Part 2, Page 79B, ED 36; Part 2; Line 25           (16076)
22 John Street
Myers Mabie, Head, M, W, 49, M, 15 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Peddler, vegetables
Sarah Mabie, Wife, F, W, 42, M, 15 yrs, 3 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ
Clarence Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ
Leo J Mabie, Son, M, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, NJ
Mary Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6 months, S, NJ, NJ, NJ

3-Wd Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 115A; ED 38; Part 2; Line 8           (18914)
Central Avenue
Lydecker Mabie, M, W, 37, M1, 7 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Plumber, House
Mary M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 7 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1897, none
Eleanore Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, Germany, none
Harry Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, NJ, NJ, Germany, none
Leonard Mabie, Son, M, W, 1 month, S, NJ, NJ, Germany, none

Hackensack Ward 4, Bergen, New Jersey, Roll T624_869; Page 13B; ED 41; Image 882; FHL Number 1374882           (21993)
Look Out
Clarence Mabie, Head, M, W, 39, M, 3 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Lawyer, own account
May Mabie, Wife, F, W, 36, M2, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, Canada, NY
Elizabeth Baker, Maid, F, W, 22, S, NY, England, NY, Housemaid

5-Wd Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 164A; ED 42; Part 2; Line 21           (18912)
Clarance Mabie, Head, W, W, 42, M1, - yrs, NY, NJ, NJ, Electrician,
Mary Mabie, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 15 yrs, 1 child born & living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1888, none
Howard Mabie, Son, M, W, 13, S, NJ, NY, Ireland, in school

Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 59A; ED 25; Part 1; Line 4           (22391)
Jefferson Avenue
David A Mabie, Head, M, W, 67, M2, 7 yrs, NY, NJ, NJ, Clerk, Custom House, owns home
Elizabeth A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 58, M2, 7 yrs, 7 children born - 5 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1900, none

HoHoKus, Bergen, New Jersey, Roll T624-869; Page 12A; ED 43; FHL film: 1374882           (26672)
26 Apr 1910
R Mabie, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 5 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, bleachery
Grace Mabie, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NY
K Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, NJ

Hohokus Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 117B; ED 27; Part 1; Line 19           (17371)
4 May 1910
Franklin Turnpike
Charles E Mabie, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 19 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Painter, House, owns home
Anna M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 19 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Ella Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NJ, NY, NY, in school
Harry Mabie, Son, M, W, 12, S, NJ, NY, NY, in school
Bessie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NJ, NY, NY, in school
Barney Peterson, Father-in-law, M, W, 74, M1, 48 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Hester A Peterson, Mother-in-law, F, W, 69, M1, 48 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Leonia Borough, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 165B; ED 29; Part 1; Line 31           (1593)
Geo W Mabie, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 18 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Carpenter, House, owns home
Minnie C Mabie, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 18 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NY, London England, none
G Harold Mabie, Son M, W, 17, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Emma Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 15, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Elizabeth Mabie, Mother, F, W, 76, Wd, 8 children born - 4 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Midland Park Boro, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 868; Page 170B; ED 18; Part 2; Line 27           (17978)
59 Prospect Street
Whitefield Mabie, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 25 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, railroad conductor
Margaret Mabie, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 25 yrs, 6 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Anna Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Weaver, Linen
Lillian Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Weaver, Linen
Thomas R Mabie, Son, M, W, 18, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, railroad operator
Elizabeth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Beatrice Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ

Midland Park Boro, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 868; Page 158A; ED 18; Part 2; Line 13           (18987)
Central Avenue
Theodore Mabie, M, W, 41, M1, 19 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Clerk, Grocery
Hettie A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 19 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none
Ruth Bartlett, Niece, F, W, 7, S, NJ, RI, NJ, in school
Lina Peck, Boarder, F, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, Teacher, School
George Mabie, Brother, M, W, 55, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, Carpenter, House

Midland Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 252A; ED 32; Part 1; Line 20           (18918)
Maywood Avenue
Charles H Mabie, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 3 yrs, NJ, MO, Brooklyn NY, Fountain pens, Writing pens, owns home
Emily W Mabie, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NY, NJ, House Wife
Kenneth W Klink, —, M, W, 12, S, NJ, Germany, Germany, in school

Midland Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 869; Page 258A; ED 32; Part 1; Line 10           (11798)
Central Avenue
Harrold S Mabie, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 3 yrs, NJ, NJ, NY, Florist, Florist, owns home
Ethel M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NJ, NJ, Housewife
John H Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, NJ, NJ, NY

Palisades Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 870; Page 223A&B; ED 53; Part 1; Line 22
Engle Street, Tenafly Borough
Maria Mabie, Head, F, W, 86, Wd, 2 children born - 1 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none, owns home
Henry P Cole, Son-in-law, M, W, 67, M, 49 yrs, NJ, NY, NJ, Coal Dealer, retail
Mary S Cole, Daughter, F, W, 62, M, 49 yrs, 6 children born - 3 living, NJ, NY, NJ, none
Anna Thompson, Granddaughter, F, W, 34, M, 10, 1 child born - none living, NJ, NJ, NJ, Dressmaker

Palisades Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 870; Page 223A; ED 53; Part 1; Line 8           (16144)
Phelps Avenue, Tenafly Borough
Sophia Mabie, F, W, 59, Wd, 8 children born - 6 living, NY, NJ, NY, none, owns home
George Mabie, Son, M, W, 30, S, NJ, NJ, NY, Bookkeeper, Bank
Edmond Mabie, Son, M, W, 23, S, NJ, NJ, NY, Bookkeeper, Telephone Co
Thomas W Mabie, Son, M, W, 21, S, NJ, NJ, NY, Chauffeur, Private Family

Ridgewood Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 870; Page 21B; ED 47; Part 1; Line 22           (18953)
Kenilworth Place
William W Mabie, Head, M, W, 48, M1, 23 yrs, NY, NJ, NY, Accountant, Railroad
Edith M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 23 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NY, NJ, none
Ruth H Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NJ, none
Roy W Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NJ, Clerk, Grocery

Ridgewood Village, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 870; Page 57B; ED 48; Part 1; Line 38           (16069)
19 Chestnut Street
Stephen Mabie, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 41 yrs, NJ, USA, USA, Plumber, House
Harriet W Mabie, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 41 yrs, 8 children born - 6 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Harriet Farrington, Granddaughter, F, W, 8, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, attended school
James Farrington, Grandson, M, W, 10, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, attended school

Saddle Rvr Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 870; Page 162A; ED 51; Part 1; Line 8           (15562)
Arcola Street
Christianna W Maybee, Boarder, F, W, 63, S, NY, NY, NY, none, living James Pettigrew and his sister Catherine

Teaneck Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 870; Page 192A; ED 52; Part 1; Line 8           (15015)
DeGraw Avenue
George H Mabie, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 40 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, none, owns home
Emma L Mabie, Wife, F, W, 62, M1, 40 yrs, 5 children born & living, NJ, NY, NY, none
Elmer Mabie, Son, M, W, 32, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Mfg, Crushed Stone, Stone yard
George H Mabie Jr, Son, M, W, 28, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Bookkeeper, Bank

Waldwick, Bergen, New Jersey, Roll T624_869; Page 4A; ED 0043; Image 923; FHL Number 1374882
DeWitt Healy, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 22 yrs, CT, CT, CT, Laborer, Lumber Yard
Clara Healy, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 22 yrs, 13 children born - 4 living, NJ, NJ, NY, none
Clarence L Healy, Son, M, W, 19, S, NJ, CT, NJ, Spinner, Cotton Mill
DeWitt H Healy, Son, M, W, 17, S, NJ, CT, NJ, attended school
Leora J Healy, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NJ, CT, NJ, attended school
Grace M Healy, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NJ, CT, NJ, attended school
Fredick B Mabie, Nephew, M, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NY, attended school

Washington Twp, Bergen, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 870; Page 54A; ED 56; Part 2; Line 6           (17802)
Westwood Borough
Isaac E Mabie, Head, M, W, 49, M2, 5 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Gardener, owns home
May L Mabie, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 5 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Mary Frank, Maid, F, W, 24, S, NJ, Germany, Germany, Servant

1-Wd Bloomfield, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 882; Page 119A; ED 150; Part 1; Line 3
258 Montgomery Avenue
George Maybee, Boarder, W, M, 40, S, MA, MA, MA, Weaver, Woolen Mill, living in home of Margaret Roark

5-Wd East Orange, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 883; Page 309B; ED 178; Part 1; Line 36           (19392)
85 Warrington Place
Harry C Mabie, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 6 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Own Income, Owns Home
Sallie P Mabie, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 6 yrs, 1 child born & living, VA, VA, VA
Curtis P Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, NJ, NY, VA

5-Wd East Orange, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 883; Page 274A; ED 176; Part 1; Line 2           (8226)
207 Williams Street
Henry Mabie, Head, M, W, 67, Wd, 38 yrs, NY, NJ, NJ, retired, own income
Ada Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 34, S, NY, NY, NY, none

2-Wd Montclair, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 883; Page 136B; ED 194; Part 2; Line 42           (17577)
242 Clairmont Avenue
Corwin Mabey, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 1 yr, NJ, NJ, NJ, Physician, own office, owns home
Florene Mabey, Wife, F, W, 46, M1, 1 yr, no children, NJ, NJ, PA, none
Maud Thompson, Maid, F, W, 21, S, NY, VA, VA, Servant, Private Family

2-Wd Montclair, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 883; Page 159B; ED 195; Part 2; Line 35           (18088)
18 William Street
Edward Maybe, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 18 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Truck Driver, Fire Dept, owns home
Anna Maybe, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 18 yrs, 3 children born & living, NJ, Ireland, Ireland, none
John J Maybe, Son, M, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Edward F Maybe, Son, M, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Margaret Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school

4-Wd Montclair, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 883; Page 256B; ED 199; Part 2; Line 32           (17574)
47 Walnut Street
David Mabey, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 8 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Contractor, Building, owns home
Elsie Mabey, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 8 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, England, England, none
John Mabey, Son, M, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Virginia Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

9-Wd Newark, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 877; Page 279A; ED 78; Part 1; Line 13           (17575)
157 Elizabeth Avenue
James W Mabey, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 39 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Supervisor, NY Central Railroad
Sarah A Mabey, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 39 yrs, 3 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Lida M Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

9-Wd Newark, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 877; Page 229A; ED 76; Part 1; Line 13           (21694)
11 Vanderpool Street
Walter U Mabie, Lodger, W, M, 25, S, NJ, NJ, OH, Supt Manager, Hair worker

11-Wd Newark, Essex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 880; Page 182A; ED 96; Part 2; Line 11           (26218)
115 Dickerson Street
Charles Mabey, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 2 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Sprinkler fitter, Fire System
Emma Mabey, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, Ireland, none
Martin Mabey, Son, M, W, 2, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Bayonne Ward 3, Hudson, New Jersey, Roll T624_886; Page 19A; ED 16; Image 584           (22649)
45 West 35th Street
Watson Mabie, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 25 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, Express Co
Elenor E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 25 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY
Lillian L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, NJ, NY, NY, Teacher, Public School
Leslie W Mabie, Son, M, W, 16, S, NJ, NY, NY, Clerk, Bank

Guttenberg, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 887; Page 44B; ED 33; Part 1; Line 19           (26720)
72 Park Avenue
John Mabie, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 8 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Blacksmith, Carriage
Lydia Mabie, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 8 yrs, 4 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Arthur Mabie, Son, M, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Ella Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Hattie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
John Mabie Jr, Son, M, W, 6 months, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Myrtle Mabie, Niece, F, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

1-Wd W Hoboken, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 894; Page 99B; ED 278; Part 3; Line 24
60 Clinton Avenue
Shara Mabi, Boarder, M, W, 54, S, NY, NY, NY, Bookkeeper, Factory, with Martha Davis Family

2-Wd Hoboken, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 888; Page 44B; ED 49; Part 1; Line 23
615 Washington Street
Frederick Mabey, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 15 yrs, NJ, PA, Ireland, Watchman, Coal Docks
Mary Mabey, Wife, F, W, 56, M2, 15 yrs, 6 children born - 1 living, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, immigrated in 1870, Wash woman, at home

3-Wd Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 889; Page 133A; ED 100; Part 2; Line 3           (16966)
164 Sixth Street
Judson B Mabee, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 25 yrs, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, Fr Canada, immigrated in 1879, Machinist, Shop
Isabella Mabee, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 25 yrs, 2 children born, England, England, England

Jersey City Ward 8, Hudson, New Jersey, Roll T624_891; Page 2A; ED 0169; Image 651; FHL Number 1374904
98 Orient Avenue
Ernest A Owens, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 4 yrs, NJ, England, Germany, Bookkeeper, Lumber Yard
Carrie H Owens, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Ernest A Owens, Son, M, W, 1, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Walter Mabie, Father-in-law, M, W, 50, M1, 30 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Painter, RR Shop
Carrie Mabie, Wife [Mother-in-law], F, W, 48, M1, 30 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, Private Nurse

10-Wd Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 891; Page 183A; ED 193; Part 2; Line 20           (22644)
657 Summit Avenue
Elizabeth Mabie, Head, F, W, 67, Wd, NY, France, ME, Dressmaker, own account at home

1-Wd Kearny, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 887; Page 96B; ED 230; Part 1; Line 69
New Jersey Home for Disabled Soldiers, Belgrove Drive
George H Mabee, Inmate, M, W, 70, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, none, veteran - Union Army

2-Wd Kearny, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 887; Page 162B; ED 236; Part 1; Line 34           (15579)
189 Chestnut Street
Jacob Maybie, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 38 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, House Carpenter, own shop, owns home
Sarah J Maybie, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 38 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

2-Wd North Bergen, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 893; Page 72A; ED 247; Part 2; Line 20           (21201)
0 North Street
William B Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 11 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Asst Foreman, Rubber Works, owns home
Sophie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 11 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, NJ, Germany, NY, none
Ruth P Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, attended school
Helen L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, attended school

2-Wd West Hoboken, Hudson, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 894; Page 97A; ED 284; Part 2; Line 14           (17562)
386 Clinton Avenue
John W Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 16 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, railway frog maker, railroad switches & crossings
Anna Mabie, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 16 yrs, 4 children born & living, NJ, Germany, Germany, none
George A Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Butcher, Shop
Lillian M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
William Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NJ, NJ, in school
Tressa Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NY, NJ, NJ, in school

Western part, Hopewell Twp, Mercer, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 895; Page 267B; ED 38; Part 2; Line 30           (31279)
Roy Mabey, Hired man, M, W, 18, S, PA, unk, unk, Laborer, working out, with William and Mary Schenck

9-Wd Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey, Series T624, Roll 897, Part 1, Page 172A           (22267)
119 Pearl Street
David M Mabey, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 25 yrs, NJ, NY, NJ, Clerk, Railroad
Laura G Mabey, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 25 yrs, 5 children born - 2 living, PA, PA, PA
Orrin D Mabey, Son, M, W, 23, S, NJ, NJ, PA, Brakeman, Railroad
Albert Mabey, Son, M, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, PA

Dunellen Borough, Middlesex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 898; Page 34B; ED 2; Part 1; Line 34           (15898)
North Avenue
Edwin O Mabee, Head, M, W, 67, M2, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Painter, House
Mary Mabee, Wife, F, W, 65, M2, 5 yrs, 3 children born & living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, none

Middletown Twp, Monmouth, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 901; Page 187A; ED 94; Part 1; Line 15           (16426)
Palmer Street
William A Maby, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 29 yrs, NY, CT, NJ, Laborer, Fisherman, owns home
Eliza J Maby, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 29 yrs, 1 child born - none living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Neptune Twp, Monmouth, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 901; Page 266B; ED 99; Part 1; Line 21           (22607)
63 Mt Tabor Way
Jennie Mabie, Head, F, W, 57, S, NY, NY, NY, NJ, none
Emma A Mabie, Sister, F, W, 40, S, NY, NY, NJ, none

Butler, Morris, New Jersey, Roll T624_902; Page 11B; ED 3; Image 137           (18090)
Bartholdi Avenue
Joseph C Mabey, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 13 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Sheet Metal Worker, Hardware Store
Jennie E Mabey, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 13 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, Dress Maker, at home

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 64A&B; ED 3; Part 1; Line 15           (21125)
Central Avenue
Edward L Mabey, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 8 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Stationary Engineer, Rubber Mill, owns home
Catherine Mabey, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 8 yrs, no children, NY, Scotland, Scotland, none
Anna E Collins, Boarder, F, W, 10, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 70A; ED 3; Part 1; Line 15           (6394)
Boonton Avenue
John Mabey, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 32 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Rubber Worker, Hard Rubber factory
Catharine Mabey, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 32 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, Housekeeper, Private Family
Walter Courter, Nephew, M, W, 19, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Powder Worker, Fuse Works

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 70B; ED 3; Part 1; Line 17           (3371)
Boonton Avenue
Peter J Mabey, Head, M, W, 81, M2, 29 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farms own faem
Ellen L Mabey, Wife, F, W, 72, M1, 29 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none
Harriett Mabey [Trent?], Daughter, F, W, 34, D, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Florence T Trent, Granddaughter, F, W, 12, S, NJ, IL, NJ, in school

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 71B; ED 3; Part 1; Line 28           (18979)
Western Avenue
Charles Edward Mabey, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 12 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Engineer, Stationary, owns home
Mary Agness Mabey, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 12 yrs, no children, NY, Ireland, Ireland

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 72B; ED 3; Part 1; Line 12           (19377)
Kiel Avenue
Benjamin R Mabey, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 28 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Rubber Worker, Hard Rubber factory, owns home
Harriett Mabey, Wife, F, W, 46, M1, 28 yrs, 8 children born - 6 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Mary Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Box Maker, Paper Box Factory
Charles A Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Emma F Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Willard Mabey, Son, M, W, 3, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 73A; ED 3; Part 1; Line 12           (17728)
Paterson and Hamburg Turnpike
Abraham H Mabey, Head, M, W, 54, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, Paper Maker, Paper Mill
Carrie Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
George Mabey, Son, M, W, 21, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Stationary Engineer, Paper Mill

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 74B & 75A; ED 3; Part 1; Line 31           (26732)
Gifford Street
Annie J Mabie, Head, F, W, 44, Wd, 6 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, Boarding House Keeper, own account
Flora L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, FL, NJ, NJ, none
Frank E Mabie, Son, M, W, 22, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Rubber Worker, Hard Rubber Factory
Roy Mabie, Son, M, W, 18, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Rubber Worker, Hard Rubber Factory
Elizabeth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Rubber Worker, Hard Rubber Factory
Irene Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Alice Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school

Butler Borough, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 75B; ED 3; Part 1; Line 18           (3382)
Kiel Avenue
Daniel Mabey, Head, M, W, 62, M1, 35 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, own income, owns house
Emma Mabey, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 35 yrs, 3 children born - 1 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Jefferson Twp, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 1B; ED 16; Part 2; Line 26           (15584)
Martin’s View Road
Abram Maybee, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 14 yrs, NJ, NY, PA, Farmer, General, own account
Laura Maybee, Wife, F, W, 48, M2, 14 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, PA, none
Laura Maybee, [Step]daughter, F, W, 18, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school

Montville Twp, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 95B; ED 23; Part 2; Line 20           (15017)
John H Mabye, Boarder, M, W, 45, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, Farm; with Frank Starkey and family

Montville Twp, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 102A; ED 23; Part 2; Line 15           (18957)
Theodore Mabey, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 18 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, odd jobs, owns home
Stella Mabey, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 18 yrs, 7 children born - 4 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Walter Mabey, Son, M, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Ethel Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Raymond Mabey, Son, M, W, 6, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Ernest Mabey, Son, M, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Montville Twp, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 102B; ED 23; Part 2; Line 23           (21229)
Milton Mabey, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, Powder Mill
Christine V Mabey, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 3 yrs, 3 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ
Mildred Mabey, Daughter, W, 2, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Luther Mabey, Son, M, W, 1 yr 2 mo, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Werthey Mabey, Son, M, W, 2 months, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Montville Twp, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 902; Page 102B; ED 23; Part 2; Line 23           (18958)
William H Mabey, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 20 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Plane Tender, Canal
Dora Mabey, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 20 yrs, 8 children born - 5 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Watson Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NY, Laborer, Farm, in school
Earl Mabey, Son, M, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NY, in school
Myrtle Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none
Alberta Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none
Maude Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 11 months, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none

Pequannock Twp, Morris, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 903; Page 68A; ED 38; Part 1; Line 13           (26696)
Harry Mabey, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 9 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Moulder, Rubber Casting, owns home
Nellie Mabey, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 9 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Reba Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Lloyd Mabey, Son, M, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Pequannock, Morris, New Jersey, Roll T624_903; Page 7A; ED 0038; Image 142; FHL Number 1374916           (793)
Huston Maybe, Head, M, W, 79, Wd, 40 yrs, NJ, NJ, PA, Laborer, Odd jobs, owns mortgaged home

Acquackanonk Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 904; Page 5A; ED 58; Part 1; Line 15           (18967)
121 Madison Avenue
Robert D Mabey, Head, M, W, 31, M1, 10 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Stenographer, Railroad, owns home
Sadie Mabey, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Ruth Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school

Compton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 907; Page 5A; ED 162; Part 2; Line 2           (17714)
Pompton Lakes
Martha Mabie, Housekeeper, W, F, 48, M1, 29 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, NY, NJ, NJ, Housekeeper, Hotel

Compton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 907; Page 13B; ED 162; Part 2; Line 14           (31154)
Pomptom Lakes
Frederick B Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 15 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Painter, House, owns home
Nettie M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 15 yrs, 8 children born & living, NJ, NY, NY, HouseWife
Pearl G Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Margaret A Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Jennie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Edith M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, None
Nettie M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, None
Eva Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, None
Frederick W Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, None
Margaret A Mabie, Mother, F, W, 49, M1, 2 children born - 1 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, winder, silk mill

Hawthorne Boro, Passaic, New Jersey, Series T624, Roll 904, Part 1, Page 165B           (18980)
William Mabey, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 14 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, railroad employee
Catherine Mabey, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 14 yrs, 2 children born & living, VT, England, England
William Mabey, Son, M. W, 14, NJ, NJ, VA [SIC - should be VT]
Russell Mabey, Son, M, W, 9, NJ, NJ, VA [SIC - should be VT]

4-Wd Passaic, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 905; Page 92A; ED 79; Part 1; Line 17
Ernest Maybe, Lodger, M, W, 50, S, NJ, PA, PA, Mill hand, Rubber Works

1-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 905; Page 40B; ED 87; Part 2; Line 20           (11175)
80 North First Street, Rear
Sarah Mabie, Head, F, W, 58, Wd, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, own income

1-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 905; Page 21B; ED 86; Part 2; Line 29           (11771)
92 Clinton Street
Gertrude Allen, Head, F, W, 22, M1, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Clinton Mabie, Brother, M, W, 23, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Huckster, own account
Martha Mabie, Mother, F, W, 50, M1, 27 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

2-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 906; Page 68A; ED 96; Part 1; Line 6           (16074)
65 Hamburg Avenue
Aron Mabie, Head, M, W, 51, M1, NJ, NJ, NJ, Weaver, Silk Mill
Hannah Mabie, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 28 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, NY, NY, NY, Seamstress
Madeline Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NJ, NJ, NY, Winder, Silk Mill
Howard Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NY, in school
Charles Mabie, Son, M, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, NY, in school

2-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 906; Page 52B; ED 95; Part 1; Line 30           (17461)
139 North Nonth
John W Mabie, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 30 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Sewing Machine Agent, owns home
Amanda Mabie, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 30 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, MI, NJ, NJ, none
James Mabie, Son, M, W, 26, M1, 5 yrs, NJ, NJ, MI, Dentist
Alice Mabie, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 25, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
James Mabie, Grandson, M, W, 5, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Mary L Mabie, Sister, F, W, 35, S, NJ, NJ, NJ

5-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 906; Page 225B; ED 125; Part 2; Line 36           (18946)
134 Sixteenth Avenue
Annie Goodell, Head, F, W, 35, M1, 15 yrs, 6 children born - 3 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, Washer woman, Day work
William Goodell, Son, M, W, 9, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Bertha Goodell, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Frederick Goodell, Son, M, W, 1 yr 9 mo, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Peter Mabie, Brother, M, W, 48, M1, 2 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Well Driver, Wells

6-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 906; Page 14B; ED 128; Part 3; Line 33           (26705)
Peter Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 18, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Teamster, Grocer

7-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 906; Page 229B; ED 132; Part 1; Line 22
26 Market Street
John Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 52, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, hostler

8-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 906; Page 148A; ED 146; Part 3; Line 16           (12007)
34 Camden St
Charles Mabee, Head, M, W, 34, M, 3 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, window dresser, department store
Ida Mabee, Wife, F, W, 30, M, 3 yrs, no children, NJ, England, NJ, none

8-Wd Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 906; Page 146A; ED 146; Part 3; Line 5           (12001)
172 Atlantic Ave
J Walker Mabee, Head, M, W, 71, Wd, 8 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, Bookkeeper, own account
Wilfred Mabee, Son, M, W, 25, M1, 1 yrs, NY, NY, NY, mathematics teacher, High School
Daisy Mabee, [Son's] Wife, F, W, 25, M1, 1 yrs, NY, Germany, Switzerland, none

Pompton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624, Roll 904, Part 1, Page 232A, Family 10           (18971)
Thomas Mabee, Head, M, W, 33, M, 9 yrs, NJ, NJ, NY, paper maker
Kate Mabee, Wife, F, W, 29, M, 9 yrs, 4 children born & living, NJ, NJ, Ireland
Munson Mabee, Son, M, W, 7, NJ, NJ, NJ
James Mabee, Son, M, W, 5, NJ, NJ, NJ
William Mabee, Son, M, W, 4, NJ, NJ, NJ
John Mabee, Son, M, W, 2, NJ, NJ, NJ
Katherine Mabee, mother, F, W, 76, Wd, 9 children born - 6 living, NY, NJ, NJ
William Cook, Uncle, M, W, 63, -, NJ, NJ, NJ, laborer

Pompton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624, Roll 904, Part 1, Page 229A, Family 6           (15741)
Peter W Mabee, Head, M, W, 81, M, 59 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, farmer, own account
A E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 75, M, 59 yrs, 10 children born - 4 living, NJ, NJ, NJ

Pompton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624, Roll 904, Part 1, Page 230A, Family 5           (18970)
James Mabey, Head, M, W, 35, M, 10 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Green Grocer
Eliza Mabey, Wife, F, W, 35, M, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ
Ruth Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ

Pompton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624, Roll 904, Part 1, Page 233A, Family 3           (18968)
Martin Mabee, Head, M, W, 47, M, 24 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, baggage handler
Mary Mabee, Wife, F, W, 47, M, 24 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ
Anna Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NJ, NJ, NJ
Rosa Mabee, Sister-in-law, F, W, 48, Wd, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, rubber worker
Willie Mabee, niece, F, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ

Pompton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 904; Page 241B; ED 159; Part 1; Line 13           (22759)
Amanda Mabey, Housekeeper, F, W, 55, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, Housekeeper for Wesley Heyward

Pompton Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624, Roll 904, Part 1, Page 229A, Family 7           (21664)
Hamburg Turnpike
Martha A Mabee, Head, F, W, 47, Wd, 6 children born - 3 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, dressmaker
Etta Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 25, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, dressmaker
O L Mabee, Son, M, W, 21, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, typewriter
Ada M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, student
Henry Osterbody, Boarder, M, W, 37, S, Germany, NJ, NJ, laborer

Pompton, Passaic, New Jersey, Roll T624_904; Page 1A; ED 0159; Image 462; FHL Number 1374917           (21632)
Hamburg Turnpike
Garrett Mabey, None, M, W, 26, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Clerk

Pompton, Passaic, New Jersey, Roll T624_904; Page 2B; ED 0160; Image 493; FHL Number 1374917           (15581)
Horace Maby, Boarder, M, W, 50, M, 26 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farm Laborer, Farm

Wayne Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 907; Page 59B; ED 165; Part 2; Line 10           (4535)
Black Oak Ridge Road
Cornelius Mabie, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 18 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Bartender, Saloon
Christine Mabie, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 18 yrs, 7 children born - 6 living, NY, Holland, Holland, none
Mary Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none
Christine Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none
Joseph Mabie, Son, M, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, NY, in school
George Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none
Rachel Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none
William Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, NJ, NJ, NY, none

Wayne Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 907; Page 60A; ED 165; Part 2; Line 4           (18959)
Black Oak Ridge Road
George W Mabey, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 11 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Carpenter, building, owns home
Cora Mabey, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 11 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
George Mabey Jr, Son, M, W, 8, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Florence Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 1, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Wayne Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 907; Page 63B; ED 165; Part 2; Line 33           (16068)
Lower Preakness Road
Peter J Mabie, Head, M, W, 61, M2, 19 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Painter, House
Estelle Mabie, Wife, F, W, 56, M, 19 yrs, 6 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Clayton M Mabie, [Step]son, M, W, 27, S, NJ, NY, NY, Painter, House

West Milford Twp, Passaic, New Jersey, Series T624, Roll 907, Part 2, Page 106A           (18986)
Daniel Mabee, Head, M, W, 47, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, Carpenter, General

Frankford Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 58A; ED 170; Part 1; Line 35           (21387)
Sussex County Alms House
William P Mabie, Inmate, M, W, 63, S, NJ, NJ, NY

Hardyston Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 101A&B; ED 173; Part 1           (21363)
Vernon Avenue
Sylvanus Smith, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 22 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Proprietor, Hardware Store, owns home
Nettie Smith, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 22 yrs, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Mary Mintis Smith, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Mary Mabee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 78, Wd, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Hardyston Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Roll T624-909, Page 34A, ED 0174           (17731)
Araham Mabey, Head, M, W, 48, M1, 28 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Conductor, Railroad
Minnie Mabey, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 28 yrs, 3 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Mary Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Winder, Mill
Minnie Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
James Mabey, Son, M, W, 4, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Lafayette Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 151A; ED 175; Part 1; Line 18           (4492) and (21350)
Edward Mabee, Boarder, M, W, 79, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
John Mabee, Boarder, W, M, 21, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Waxer, Paper Mill
with William and Kitty Reed

Lafayette Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 149A; ED 175; Part 1; Line 23           (10239)
Frank A Mabee, Head, M, W, 34, M2, 4 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Mail Carrier, Rural Route, owns home
Anne C Mabee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Allen C Mabee, Son, M, W, 3, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Harold F Mabee, Son, M, W, 8 months, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Lafayette Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 149A; ED 175; Part 1; Line 27           (10231)
Martin B Mabee, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 38 yrs, NJ, NJ, NY, Farms own general farm
Sarah M Mabee, Wife, F, W, 56, M1, 38 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Clara Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 35, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Sparta Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 236B; ED 183; Part 1; Line 20           (21358)
Frederick Mabie, Servant, M, W, 19, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farm Laborer, Working out

Sussex Borough, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 252B; ED 185; Part 1; Line 35           (27879)
Bank Street
Harry R Edsall, Head, M, W, 55, M2, 17 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farmer, own Farm
Mary A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 17 yrs, 10 children born - 8 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Melvin J Mabee, Son, M, W, 16, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, Farm
Gladys E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Edward S Mabee, Son, M, W, 10, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Varney Mabee, Son, M, W, 8, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Ethel Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Annie M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Mary Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 0 months, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Vernon Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 270A; ED 186; Part 1; Line 10           (10128)
James B Mabie, Head, M, W, 22, M1, 1 yr, NY, NJ, NJ, Farm Laborer, Dairy Farm
Bertha Mabie, Wife, F, W, 19, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, NJ, NY, NJ, none
Charles C Mabie, Son, M, W, 9 months, S, NY, NY, NJ, none

North Wantage Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 298B; ED 189; Part 1; Line 18           (19009)
Beemerville-Colesville Road
Bertrand C Mabie, Head, M, W, 37, M2, -, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farmer on own Dairy Farm
Daisy M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 20, M1, -, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, Teacher, School
Jane Bowman, Boarder, F, W, 76, Wd, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, own income

South Wantage Twp, Sussex, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 909; Page 301B; ED 190; Part 1; Line 38           (16235)
Hamburg Road
Nicholas H Mabie, Head, M, W, 69, M1, 43 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farms own Farm
Eliza E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 69, M1, 43 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

1-Wd Phillipsburg, Warren, New Jersey, Series: T624; Roll 912; Page 70B; ED 139; Part 1; Line 31           (18998)
South Main Street
Fred Mabie, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 3 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Fireman, Railroad
Rosa Mabie, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Helen Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Martin Mabie, Son, M, W, 1, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, none


Albuquerque Ward 2, Bernalillo, New Mexico, Roll T624_913; Page 15B; ED 11; Image 299; FHL Number 1374926           (19263)
502 1/2 South Second Street
Alfred Mabee, Head, W, M, 42, M1, 20 yrs, IL, Canada, Canada, News Agent, Railway
Constance Mabee, Wife, F, W, 41, M2, 20 yrs, 3 children born - 1 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Eva F Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, MI, IL, NY, attended school

3-Wd Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico, Series: T624; Roll 913; Page 67A; ED 23; Part 2; Line 5           (16266)
113 North Kentucky
Jay L Mabie, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 25 yrs, IL, USA, USA, Keeper, implement store, owns home
Minnie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 25 yrs, 4 children born & living, IL, TN, IL, none
Marjorie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, IA, IL, IL, in school
Mildred Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, IA, IL, IL, in school
Milton Mabie, Son, M, W, 9, S, IA, IL, IL, in school
Elmira Mabie, Mother, F, W, 76, Wd, 2 children born & living, IL, VT, NY, hair work, at home

Alamogordo, Otero, New Mexico, Series: T624; Roll 916; Page 160B; ED 135; Part 1; Line 24
Fred P Maybee, Head, M, W, 22, S, IL, Canada, IL, Invalid

Rio Puerco Station, Valencia, New Mexico, Series: T624; Roll 919; Page 146A; ED 285; Part 2; Line 3           (17923)
Lewis Mabie, Partner, M, W, 35, S, KS, OH, OH, Foreman, Bridge Building


Albany Ward 18, Albany, New York, Roll: T624_921; Page: 8B; ED 89; Image: 994; FHL Number: 1374934           (10559)
439 Hudson Avenue
Foster N Mabee, Head, M, W, 70, M1, 42 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, clerical work
Sarah E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 62, M1, 42 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, NY, NY, England, none
Sussanna C Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 37, S, NY, NY, NY, Teacher, School
Marion B Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 33, S, NY, NY, NY, Stenographer, Brokers Office

Coeymans, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 922; Page: 83B; ED 105; Part: 2; Line: 39           (17884)
Macellis Mabey, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 33 yrs, NY, NY, NY, laborer on farm
Julia O Mabey, Wife, F, W, 62, M1, 33 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

2-Wd Cohoes, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 922; Page: 96B; ED 114; Part: 1; Line: 22
145 Ontario St
Berth Stone, Head, F, W, 60, Wd, 35 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, England, England, none
Eva Stone, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NY, French Canada, NY, Operator, Knitting Mill
Julia Page, Sister, F, W, 58, S, MA, England, England, Operator, Knitting Mill
Mercy Mabey, Sister, F, W, 55, Wd, 30, no children, MA, England, England, Operator, Knitting Mill

3-Wd Cohoes, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 922; Page: 144B; ED 117; Part: 1; Line: 34           (28852)
36 Main Street
William Maby, Head, M, W, 61, Wd, England, England, England, immigrated in 1870, naturalized, Wholesale Merchant, Liquor Store
James W. Maby, Son, M, W, 28, S, NY, England, NY, Clerk, Liquor Store
Irene M Maby, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, NY, England, NY, none
E Raymond Maby, Son, M, W, 20, S, NY, England, NY, in school
Aloysius Maby, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, England, NY, in school
W Harold Maby, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, England, NY, in school
J Kathrine Maby, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, NY, England, NY, in school

Colonie, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 922; Page: 199A; ED 132; Part: 2; Line: 7           (7505)
London Road
Edward Maby, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 21 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Catharine Maby, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 21 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Howard Maby, Son, M, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, Fireman, railroad
Tillie Maby, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Colonie, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 922; Page: 199A; ED 132; Part: 2; Line: 12           (7506)
Jennie Hawkins, Head, F, W, 38, Wd, NY, Germany (Polish), Germany (Polish), own income, owns home
Frank Maby, Brother-in-law, M, W, 34, M2, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Contractor, locomotive works
Florence Maby, Sister, F, W, 34, M2, 2 yrs, no children, NY, Poland, Poland, none
Joseph Bileski, Brother, M, W, 48, S, NY, Germany (Polish), Germany (Polish), Farmer, fruit farm, own account

Rensselaerville, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 93A; ED 146; Part: 1; Line: 48           (17883)
Nancey Mabey, Head, F, W, 76, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Weaver, carpet, owns home

Rensselaerville, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 93B; ED 146; Part: 1; Line: 52           (21934)
Phoeba Mabey, Servant, F, W, 72, Wd, no children, NY, NY, NY, Housekeeper for the Sisson brothers

1-Wd Watervliet, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 108A; ED 148; Part: 1; Line: 12           (21124)
504 Third Avenue
Harry Maybe, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 8 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Secretary, Hugtersh?? Co
Jennie Maybe, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 8 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Westerlo, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 271B; ED 161; Part: 1; Line: 27           (16649)
Oscar A Mabey, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 37 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Jennie E Mabey, Wife, F, W, 54, M1, 37 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Arthur W Haire, M, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Westerlo, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 269B; ED 161; Part: 1; Line: 30           (26616)
Marcus G Mackey, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 13 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Ella M. Mackey, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 13 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Edward Mackey, Son, M, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Marion Mackey, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Hannah Mabey, Mother-in-law, F, W, 76, Wd, 6 children born - 2 living, NY, NY, NY, none

Westerlo, Albany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 269B; ED 161; Part: 1; Line: 34           (17882)
Adelide Mabey, Servant, F, W, 64, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Burns, Allegany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 167A; ED 18; Part: 2; Line: 12           (3518)
Main Street, Canaseraga Village
William R Mabie, Head, M, W, 69, M1, 38 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Photographer, own shop, owns home
Lima N Mabie, Wife, F, W, 64, M1, 38 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Grace O Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 36, S, NY, NY, NY, Artist, Oil Painting

Cuba, Allegany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 223A; ED 23; Part: 2; Line: 8           (3695)
Stone Street
G C Mabey, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 32 yrs, NY, NY, NY, trainer, horse
Mary Mabey, Wife, F, W, 53, M1, 32 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Helen Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school

Friendship, Allegany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 923; Page: 256A; ED 25; Part: 2; Line: 14           (19015)
Maple Grove Cemetery Road
William H Maybee, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 10 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Una B Maybee, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 10 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, Canada, none
Guy Maybee, Son, M, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Catherine Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Paul Maybee, Son, M, W, 1 yr 4 mo, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Grove, Allegany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 924; Page: 2A; ED 29; Part: 1; Line: 13           (3516)
New Michigan Road
Eliza Mabie, Head, F, W, -, S, NY, NY, USA, Farms own Hog Farm

Grove, Allegany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 924; Page: 1A; ED 29; Part: 1; Line: 18           (3517)
Thorntree Road
Edwin Mabie, Head, F, W, 71, M1, 44 yrs, NY, NY, USA, Farms own farm
Lucy J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 44 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, MA, NY, Midwife, private families
Frank T Mabie, Son, M, W, 34, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, odd jobs

Scio, Allegany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 924; Page: 72A; ED 35; Part: 1; Line: 19           (15953)
George P Maybe, Head, M, W, 27, S, NY, NY, NY, laborer

Scio, Allegany, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 924; Page: 73A; ED 35; Part: 1; Line: 14           (15631)
Casper Maybee, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 4 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, General Store
Grace Maybee, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 4 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none
Doris I Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 4 months, S, NY, NY, NY, none

12-Wd Binghamton, Broome, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 925; Page: 187B; ED 34; line: 88
5 Willard Street
William H Silsbee, Head, M, W, 48, M2, 10 yrs, PA, Scotland, NJ, Cabinet Maker, Lounge Factory, owns mortgaged home
Anna M Silsbee, Wife, F, W, 40, M2, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Lida J Mabee, Stepdaughter, F, W, 24, S, NY, NJ, NY, Saleswoman, Department Store

13-Wd Binghamton, Broome, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 925; Page: 228B; ED 36; Part: 2; Line: 29
569 State Street
Herman Crampton, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 2 yrs, PA, NJ, PA, Carpenter, House
Ella Crampton, Wife, F, W, 33, M2, 2 yrs, PA, PA, PA, none
Lionel Mabey, Stepson, M, W, 7, S, NY, MA, PA, in school

Chenango, Broome, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 925; Page: 264B; ED 39; Part: 2; Line: 27           (21597)
Tilson R Maybee, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 19 yrs, NY, DE, NY, Blacksmith, Shoeing and Repair, own account, owns home
Bertha J Maybee, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 19 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, PA, Germany, NY, none
Ina Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NY, PA, in school
Merle Maybee, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, PA, in school
Clyde Maybee, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NY, PA, in school

Union, Broome, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 926; Page: 209A; ED 58; Part: 1; Line: 12           (27894)
Herbert B Ostrom, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 11 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Fireman, Stationary Engine
Lillie A Ostrom, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 11 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Elda A Ostrom, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Harold E Ostrom, Son, M, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Leslie R Ostrom, Son, M, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Nancy Maybee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 72, Wd, 7 children born - 5 living, NY, NY, NY, none

Elko, Cattaraugus, New York, Roll: T624-926; Page: 25A; ED 48; FHL film 1374939           (30742)
2 May 1910
Allegany Indian Reservation
Henry Logan, Head, M, Indian, 50, M2, NY, NY, NY, Speaks English, Farmer, Full blood Seneca
Lucy Logan, Wife, F, Indian, 50, M1, NY, NY, NY, Speaks English, none, Full blood Seneca
Harvey Logan [Maybee], Stepson, Indian, W, 34, S, NY, NY, NY, Speaks English, none, Full blood Seneca
Nelson Logan [Maybee], Stepson, Indian, W, 32, M1, NY, NY, NY, Speaks English, none, Full blood Seneca
Sadie Logan [Maybee], [Stepson's] Wife, F, Indian, 17, M1, 1 yr, no children, NY, NY, NY, Speaks English, none, Full blood Seneca
Jessie Logan, Uncle, M, Indian, 52, S, NY, NY, NY, Speaks English, none, Full blood Seneca

Ellicottville, Cattaraugus, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 926; Page: 171B; ED 55; Part: 2; Line: 34           (15792)
Maybee Avenue
Abram Maybee, Head, M, Black, 70, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Barber, own shop, owns home, veteran - Union Army
Lizzia Dillard, Sister, F, Black, 55, Wd, 1 child born & living, Canada, NY, NY, none
Helen Willet, Boarder, F, Black, 2 yrs 10 mo, S, NY, West Indies, West Indies, none

Ellicottville, Cattaraugus, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 926; Page: 174A; ED 55; Part: 2; Line: 11           (28282)
Mill Street
Bennet Maybee, Head, M, Black, 33, M1, 14 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1878, naturalized, Laborer, Odd Jobs
Minnie Maybee, Wife, F, White, 31, M1, 14 yrs, 1 child born - none living, PA, England, England

Freedom, Cattaraugus, New York, Roll: T624_926; Page: 2B; ED 60; Image: 1078; FHL Number: 1374939           (28282)
Eagle Street, Sandusky
Benjamin Mabee, Boarder, M, Black, 35, M1, 13 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Laborer, Sawmill; with Samuel Fuller family

Ischua, Cattaraugus, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 926; Page: 283B; ED 65; Part: 2; Line: 27           (3690)
Sarah Wood, Head, F, W, 66, Wd, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
William Maybe, Brother, M, W, 57, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, odd jobs

Lyndon, Cattaraugus, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 926; Page: 326A; ED 69; Part: 2; Line: 13           (3694)
John W Mabey, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 21 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Dairy Farm
Emma F Mabey, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 21 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Ray L Mabey, Son, M, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, farm laborer, home farm
Paul D Mabey, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, farm laborer, home farm, in school
H Mac Mabey, Son, M, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Ross J Mabey, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Napoli, Cattaraugus, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 927; Page: 34A; ED 72; Part: 1; Line: 9           (11467)
Frank Maybee, Hired Man, M, W, 48, M1, 20 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, Working out

4-Wd Olean, Cattaraugus, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 927; Page: 106B; ED 79; Part: 1; Line: 40
221 North Third Street
Agnes R Maybee, Servant, F, Mulatto, 17, S, NY, Canada, NY, House Servant for Eugene and Sarah Smith family

Olean Ward 8, Cattaraugus, New York, Roll: T624_927; Page: 13A; ED 85; Image: 429; FHL Number: 1374940           (11334)
21 Railroad Avenue
Theodore Maybee, Head, M, Black, 56, Wd, Canada, NY, NY, Laborer, Farm

Olean Ward 8, Cattaraugus, New York, Roll: T624_927; Page: 13B; ED 85; Image: 429; FHL Number: 1374940           (27660)
25 Railroad Avenue
Jessie Tonkins, Head, M, Black, 56, M1, 25 yrs, VA, VA, VA, laborer, carpet cleaner, owns home
Julia Tonkins, Wife, F, Black, 42, M1, 25 yrs, Canada, NY, NY, none
Edna Maybee, Boarder, F, Black, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Nina Maybee, Boarder, F, Black, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, none, attended school
Six black children living with them and attending school

Red House, Cattaraugus, New York, Roll: T624_926; Page: 30B; ED 48; Image: 818           (27194)
Allegany Indian Reservation
Hattie Maybee, Head, F, Indian, 44, Wd, 6 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none, reads and writes English, Full blood Seneca
Cora Maybee, Daughter, F, Indian, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, none, reads and writes English, attending school, Full blood Seneca

1-Wd Auburn, Cayuga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 928; Page: 31A; ED 3; Part: 1; Line: 8           (11153)
9 Maple Street
Fred J Mabey, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Popcorn Vendor, Parks, owns home
Grace B Mabey, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 8 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

9-Wd Auburn, Cayuga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 928; Page: 36A; ED 27; Part: 2; Line: 14           (17557)
21 Sherwood Street
Menzo D Mabey, Head, M, W, 61, M1, 35 yrs, MI, NY, NY, none, owns home
Eva M Mabey, Wife, F, W, 53, M1, 35 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, MA, NY, none
Lula M Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, NY, MI, NY, Weaver, Carpet Mill

Ellicott Township, Chautauqua, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 929; Page: 75B; ED 132; Part: 2; Line: 32           (31059)
East Main, Falconer Village
William C Maybee, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 0 yrs, NY, Sweden, Sweden, Painter, House
Bertha M Maybee, Wife, F, W, 21, M1, 0 yrs, no children, Sweden, Sweden, Sweden, immigrated in 1888, naturalized, Dressmaking, own account

1-Wd Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 930; Page: 1A; ED 144; Part: 1; Line: 10           (27063)
622 Spring Street
Kate S Maybee, Head, F, W, 52, M1, 26 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none, own account
Mable Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, NY, NY, NY, Milliner, Millinery Store, out of work 8 weeks

2-Wd Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 930; Page: 84A; ED 150; Part: 1; Line: 1           (21530)
65 Swalth Street
Burnie F Mabbe, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Cabinet Maker, Furniture Factory
Rose A Mabbe, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, OH, OH, OH, none
Delorus V Mabbe, Son, M, W, 4, S, NY, NY, OH, none

5-Wd Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 930; Page: 172B; ED 162; Part: 1; Line: 20           (21527)
133 Crescent Street
Ernest J Mabee, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Upholsterer, Furniture Factory
Frances E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, NY, none
Cecil E Mabee, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, NY, PA, none

Elmira, Chemung, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 931; Page: 74A; ED 40; Part: 1; Line: 20           (22832)
Arnot Road
George Maby, Boarder, M, W, 84, Wd, NY, NY, NY, own income

Van Etten, Chemung, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 931; Page: 172B; ED 49; Part: 1; Line: 30           (21513)
Pleasant Street
Sarah A Mabee, Head, F, W, 69, Wd, 2 children born - none living, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns home

5-Wd Cortland, Cortland, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 934; Page: 116B; ED 118; Part: 2; Line: 38           (17915)
3 Main Street
Frank E Mabie, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 36 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Hotel Keeper
Flora Mabie, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 36 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Charles Mabie, Son, M, W, 34, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Hotel Keeper, Partner to Father
Emma Mabie, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 41, M2, 3 yrs, no children, NY, Scotland, Scotland, none
Bessie Dunn, Daughter, F, W, 26, M1, 6 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, Secretary & Treasurer, Star Theater
John Dunn, Son-in-law, M, W, 27, M1, 6 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Manager, Theater
with six boarders

Davenport, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 108A; ED 6; Part: 1; Line: 9           (11210)
Stephen Mabey, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 19 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Farm
Evalina Mabey, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 19 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Alvin H Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Beatrice Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Franklin, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 197B; ED 13; Part: 1; Line: 36           (16284)
Center Street
Susan S Mabie, Head, F, W, 79, Wd, no children, NY, MA, CT, none, owns home

Hamden, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 230A; ED 16; Part: 1; Line: 4           (11214)
Monroe C Mabie, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 13 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Manager, Creamery
Hettie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 13 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Catherine Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Roxbury, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 77A; ED 26; Part: 2; Line: 5           (11205)
Alvah Mabey, Head, M, W, 57, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Dairy farm

Sidney, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 152B; ED 30; Part: 2; Line: 19
Central Hotel, Main Street
Isabel G Maybey, Head, F, W, 58, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none
Clayton G Maybey, Son, M, W, 36, S, NY, MI, NY, Teacher-Principal, School

Stamford, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 197A; ED 32; Part: 2; Line: 13           (11180)
Delaware Street
William H Mabey, Boarder, M, W, 68, Wd, NY, NY, CT, Laborer, odd jobs
with Agusta Kingsley and daughter Bella

Stamford, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 190B; ED 32; Part: 2; Line: 31           (11206)
Main Street
George Mabey, Head, W, M, 54, M1, 28 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own income
Lucy Mabey, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 28 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Harry Mabey, Son, M, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Stamford, Delaware, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 935; Page: 175A; ED 31; Part: 2; Line: 9           (28892)
River Street
Charles A Maybie, Head, M, W, M, W, 42, M1, 12 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Printer, Printing Shop
Grace E Maybie, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 12 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, Germany, NY, none
Leroy L Maybie, Son, M, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Clinton, Dutchess, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 936; Page: 33B; ED 37; Part: 1; Line: 22
Elmor Maybee, Hired man, M, W, 48, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, General Farm

Pawling, Dutchess, New York, Roll: T624_937; Page: 15B; ED 58; Image: 99; FHL Number: 1374950           (16491)
Washington Mabie, Head, M, W, 55, M1, 23 yrs, NY, NY, NY, farms own farm
Jennie F Mabie, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 23 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Gertrude Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Clarence Mabie, Son, M, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school
Genevieve Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school

Poughkeepsie Ward 7, Dutchess, New York, Roll: T624-936; Page: 5B; ED 73; FHL microfilm: 1374949           (15154)
20 Mar 1910
262 Mansion Street
John Nayber [Maybee], Head, W, M, 47, M, 21 yrs, NY, NY, England, cutter, Underwear
Emeline Nayber [Maybee], Wife, W, F, 44, M, 21 yrs, 1 child and living, NY, NY, NY
Brundage Nayber [Maybee], Son, W, M, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, Plumber

Poughkeepsie Ward 3, Dutchess, New York, Roll: T624-936; Page: 19A; ED 66; Image: 841; FHL Number: 1374949           (15060)
132 North Hamilton Street
Adeline Mabbie, Head, F, W, 71, Wd, 6 children born - 4 living, NY, s, NY, Own Income
Frank M Berry, Grandson, M, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, Puncher, Button Factory

Poughkeepsie Ward 3, Dutchess, New York, Roll: T624-936; Page: 24A; ED 66; Image: 848           (9407)
72 Garden Street
Mary E Maibe, Head, F, W, 55, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Dressmaker, at home
Florence Maibe, Daughter, F, W, 28, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Blanche S Maibe, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NY, NY, NY, Finisher, Knitting Mill

4-Wd Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, Roll T634-936; Page: 182A; ED 68; Part: 2; Line: 15           (15067)
George Mabie Jr, head, M, W, 36, M1, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY
Adeline Mabie, wife, F, W, 40, M1, 8 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, peddler, fruit
Marion P Mabie, daughter, F, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY

7-Wd Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, Roll T634-936; Page: 263B; ED 73; Part: 2; Line: 40           (7608)
Maryett Mabee, Head, F, W, 65, Wd, 7 children born - 5 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Josephine Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 36, S, NY, NY, NY, Operator, Dutchess Factory
Cora F Queen, Daughter, F, W, 40, Wd, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

7-Wd Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, Roll T634-936; Page: 266A; ED 73; Part: 2; Line: 9           (7579)
>43 Thompson Street
Charles V Mabie, M, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, CT, NY, NY, Salesman, Hardware
Beula Mabie, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Charles E Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, CT, NY, none
George B Mabie, Son, M, W, 10 months, S, NY, CT, NY, none
Edward H Wheeler, Father-in-law, M, W, 50, M1, 28 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Agent, Sewing Machines
Harriet W Wheeler, Mother-in-law, F, W, 49, M1, 28 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none

7-Wd Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, Roll T634-936; Page: 272B; ED 73; Part: 2; Line: 29
Mary A Maybee, Boarder, F, W, 46, M1, 22, NY, NY, NY, none

Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, Roll T634-937; Page: 106B; ED 76; Part: 1; Line: 31           (22708)
Edwin P Mabe, head, M. W. 42, M1, 12 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Gardener, green house own account
Auguste M Mabe, wife, F, W, 41, M2, 12 yrs, 7 children born - 3 living, German, German, German
Rose A Hadic, [Step]daughter, F, W, 17, S, NJ, German, German
Jacob C Mabe, son, M, W, 11, S, NY, NY, German
Geraldine Mabe, daughter, F, W, 8, S, NY, NY, German
Edna Mabe, daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, NY, German

Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, Roll T634-937; Page: 167A; ED 79; Part: 1; Line: 17           (28793)
15 Lagrange Avenue
Rosalie Ness Mabie, Head, F, W, 52, S, NY, NY, NY, Dressmaker, at home

Poughkeepsie, Dutchess, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 937; Page: 167B; ED 79; Part: 1; Line: 27           (21090)
Mary Mabie, Head, F, W, 69, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none, owns home

Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 937; Page: 252A; ED 83; Part: 1; Line: 5           (22706)
Washington Maybee, Head, M, W, 47, S, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, Garden, owns home
Clinton Maybee, Father, M, W, 74, M1, 49 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Stone Mason, own account
Maria L Maybee, Mother, F, W, 69, M1, 49 yrs, 5 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 937; Page: 238B; ED 82; Part: 1; Line: 22           (9408)
George Mabie, Servant, M, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, for Ackert family

Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 937; Page: 250A; ED 83; Part: 1; Line: 16           (15155)
Vandy Maby, Servant, M, W, 38, S, NY, NY, NY, Hired man, Helen Fellows’ Farm

Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 937; Page: 253B; ED 83; Part: 1; Line: 36           (19038)
Lewis Maybie, Head, M, W, 40, D, NY, NY, England, Blacksmith, Farm

Brant, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 939; Page: 7B; ED 248; Part: 1; Line: 13
Hammond Road
David Maybee, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 7 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Farm
Eunice Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 7 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

1-Wd Buffalo, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 940; Page: 92B; ED 6; Part: 2; Line: 19           (15485)
320 Elk
William Mabey, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 10 yrs, NY, England, England, News dealer, Contectionary, own account
Josephine Mabey, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 10 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Ruth S Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Arline E Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Emma Mabey, Mother, F, W, 76, Wd, 7 children born - 2 living, England, England, England, immigrated in 1847, none

1-Wd Buffalo, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 940; Page: 97B; ED 6; Part: 2; Line: 22
186 Miami, rear
Charles Mabey, Boarder, M, W, 46, S, Canada, unk, unk, Shoveler, lumber yds

2-Wd Buffalo, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 940; Page: 213B; ED 11; Part: 2; Line: 49
John Mabey, Lodger, M, W, 26, S, NY, NY, IN, structural iron worker

3-Wd Buffalo, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 941; Page: 98A; ED 20; Part: 1; Line: 10           (12330)
441 Swan
Edward Costello, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 11 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Planing mill
Mary Costello, Wife, F, W, 49, M2, 11 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Julia Costello, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, NY, NY, NY, Saleswoman, Department Store
Frank Costello, Son, M, W, 21, S, NY, NY, NY, Teamster, Niagara Parting Co
Charles Costello, Son, M, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Clothing Co
Maude Maybee, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 32, Wd, 7 children born - 6 living, NY, France, French Canada, none
Rose Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Edna Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Beatrice Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Julia Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Genevive Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY, none
James Maybee, Son, M, W, 11 months, S, NY, NY, NY, none

3-Wd Buffalo, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 941; Page: 149B&150A; ED 23; Part: 1; Line: 32           (27084)
681 Eagle Street
Martha Mabey, Head, F, W, 42, Wd, 3 children born & living, NY, VT, England, none
James Mabey, Son, M, W, 18, S, NY, England, NY, Clerk, forge co
Arthur Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, England, NY, Clerk, railroad
Gladys Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, England, NY, in school

Buffalo Ward 22, Erie, New York, Roll: T624_947; Page: 7A; ED 216; Image: 888           (31049)
443 Plymouth Avenue
William Mabie, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own business, Carting
Cornelia Mabie, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY
William Mabie Jr, Son, M, W, 2 yrs 1 mo, S, NY, NY, NY
Ruth Mabie, Daughter, W, F, 2 months, S, NY, NY, NY
Edwin Mabie, Uncle, M, W, 63, Wd, NY, NY, NY, own business, Carting

23-Wd Buffalo, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 948; Page: 62A; ED 220; Part: 1; Line: 29           (16392)
522 Franklin Street
Mortimer Mabie, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 30 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Traveler, Shoe Co, owns mortgaged home
Matilda Mabie, Wife, F, W, 50, M, 30 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, NY, England, England, none
Edna Hancock, Daughter, W, F, 28, Wd, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY reporter, newspaper
John Hancock, Grandson, M, W, 9, S, NY, NE, NY, in school

25-Wd Buffalo, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 948; Page: 143A; ED 233; Part: 1; Line: 20           (30740)
408 Fenton Avenue, Erie County Penitentiary Employees Families, #20
Harvey Maybee, Head, M, Indian, 36, M1, 15 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Sewing, Tailor Shop

Collins, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 939; Page: 48A; ED 250; Part: 1; Line: 2           (27178)
Cattaraugas Reservation
Walter S Kennedy, Head, M, Indian, 64, M2, 25 yrs, NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), English speaking, Farm Laborer, Home Farm, owns house free of mortgage, veteran - Union Army
Lydia A. Kennedy, Wife, F, Indian, 47, M2, 25 yrs, 10 children born - 9 living, NY (Seneca), NY (unknown tribe), NY (Seneca), English speaking
Fayette Kennedy, Son, M, Indian, 16, S, NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), English speaking, Farm Laborer, Horse Farm
Warren Kennedy, Son, M, Indian, 14, S, NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), English speaking, In school
Enos Kennedy, Son, M, Indian, 11, S, NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), English speaking, In school
Theodore Kennedy, Son, M, Indian, 5, S, NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), English speaking, In school
Salina Mabie, Niece, F, Indian, 26, S, NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), NY (Seneca), English speaking, Graduated from Genesee Normal School

-Wd Tonawanda, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 940; Page: 199B; ED 302; Part: 1; Line: 23           (22805)
581 Broad
Levi Maybe, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 26 yrs, NY, Holland NY, Carpenter, House, owns home
Charlotte Maybe, Wife, F, W, 53, M1, 26 yrs, Canada, Germany, Canada, immigrated in 1860, none

3-Wd Tonawanda, Erie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 940; Page: 190A; ED 302; Part: 1; Line: 14           (22806)
569 Broad
Edgar Maybe, Head, M, W, 65, M1, 39 yrs, NY, Holland NY, Laborer, General, owns home
Olive Maybe, Wife, F, W, 56, M1, 39 yrs, MI, Ireland, Ireland, none

1-Wd Gloversville, Fulton, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 948; Page: 62B; ED 7; Part: 2; Line: 24           (20716)
39 Pine Street
Guy E Mabey, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Finisher, Glove Factory
Flossie I Mabey, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, glove maker, at home

6-Wd Gloversville, Fulton, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 948; Page: 289B; ED 23; Part: 2; Line: 28           (20707)
1 John Street
Harriet Maybie, Head, F, M, 50, M1, 31 yrs, 8 children born - 6 living, NY, NY, NY, Silker, Shop
Eva Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 28, S, NY, NY, NY, End Puller, Shop
Flossie Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, NY, NY, NY, End Puller, Shop
Leah Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Roy Maybie, Son, M, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Ruth Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Johnstown, Fulton, New York, Roll: T624_949; Page: 5B; ED 0032; Image: 238; FHL Number: 1374962           (19645)
23 April 1910
Edward Mabey, Head, M, W, M, 66, M1, 37 yrs, NY, Holland, NY, Farm laborer, works around, rents a house
Jane Mabey, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 37 yrs, no children, NY, Scotland, NY, Glove Maker, at home

Mayfield, Fulton, New York, Roll: T624_949; Page: 3A; ED 0035; Image: 307; FHL Number: 1374962           (31408)
North Main Street
James S Maybee, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 18 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Glove Cutter in factory
Esther Maybee, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 18 yrs, 4 children born - 2 living, MI, NY, NY, Glove Maker, at home
Lola B Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NY, MI, Glove Maker, at home, attended school
Jay Clyde Maybee, Son, M, W, 10, S, NY, NY, MI, attended school

Ashland, Greene, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 950; Page: 277B; ED 90; Part: 1; Line: 15           (29426)
Sutton Hollow Road
Addie V Ferris, Head, M, W, 48, M1, 23 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Farm
Ella Ferris, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 23 yrs, 3 childeren born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Alice Ferris, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school
Grace Maybie, Niece, F, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Durham, Greene, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 950; Page: 175A; ED 103; Part: 2; Line: 16           (2892)
George H Mabey, Head, M, W, 75, M1, 39 yrs, NY, NY, England, Farms own farm
Helen R Mabey, Wife, F, W, 67, M1, 39 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Durham, Greene, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 950; Page: 180B; ED 103; Part: 2; Line: 14           (12932)
Edward M Mabey, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, for wages
Alice J Mabey, F, W, 19, M, 1 yr, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Durham, Greene, New York, Roll: T624_950; Page: 13A; ED 0103; Image: 968; FHL Number: 1374963           (2952)
Horace Mabey, Head, M, W, 66, M1, 37 yrs, NY, NY, England, Farms own farm
Laura L Mabey, Wife, F, W, 62, M1, 37 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Cora A Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 36, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Greenville, Greene, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 950; Page: 204A; ED 104; Part: 2; Line: 8           (16648)
Orville Mabey, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 17 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Estella Mabey, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 17 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Merritt Mabey, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Leon Mabey, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
John W Mabey, Father, M, W, 79, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none
Elsie Hare, Niece, F, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Halcott, Greene, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 950; Page: 210A; ED 105; Part: 2; Line: 7           (15816)
Theodore Mabey, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Charlotte Mabey, Wife, F, W, 58, M1, 35 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Stark, Herkimer, New York, Series T624, Roll 952, Part 2, Page 55B           (23077)
Smith Corners Road
William Mabie, Head, M, W, 65, M1, 38 yrs, NY, NY, NY, farmer, farm
Mary C Mabie, Wife, F, W, 66, M1, 38 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Antwerp, Jefferson, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 953; Page: 115A; ED 9; Part: 2; Line: 2           (6699)
Rockwell Creek Road
Webster Maybee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 12 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, Dairy
Lena Maybee, Wife, F, W, 33, M2, 12 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Myrtie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, F, W, 17, NY, NY, NY
Evaline Maybee, Niece, F, W, 10, NY, NY, NY, in school
Maud Shampine, Niece, F, W, 3, NY, NY, NY

7-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 957; Page: 253B; ED 90; Part: 1; Line: 35           (10749)
174 Willoughby Avenue
Thomas Spence, Head, M, W, 71, M1, 45 yrs, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1859, naturalized, Iron Worker, U S Navy Yard
Elizabeth Spence, Wife, F, W, 65, M1, 45 yrs, 7 children born - 6 living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1854, none
William Spence, Son, M, W, 44, S, NY, Ireland, Ireland, Driller, U. S. Navy Yard
Florence Spence, Daughter, F, W, 32, S, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Leonard S Mabee, Son-in-law, M, W, 42, M1, 12 yrs, NY, NY, NY, cashier, printing house
Anna A Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 41, M1, 12 yrs, 2 children born & living, S, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Marie L Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Elizabeth E Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

9-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 960; Page: 130A; ED 188; Part: 2; Line: 17           (17074)
14 Lincoln Place
Frank A Mabie, Head, M, W, 51, M1, 31 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, Chemical
Mary J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 31 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, Ireland, Scotland, none
Frank A Mabie Jr, Son, M, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, Railroad
Raymond D Mabie, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Howard F Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Brooklyn Ward 11, Kings, New York, Roll: T624_959; Page: 13A; ED 0237; Image: 1120; FHL Number: 1374972           (19133)
New York City, Borough of Brooklyn
106 Fort Greene Place
Marie Mabie, Boarder, F, W, 47, S, NY, NY, NY, none

16-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series T624, Roll 964, Part 1, Page 150B           (1221)
357 South Fourth Street
Edgar B Tuttle, Head, M, W, 46. M1, 13 yrs, NY, VT, NY, Printing, Print Shop
Jesse M Tuttle, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 13 yrs, 4 children born - 1 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Hellen A Tuttle, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Marguerite Maybie, Sister-in-law, F, W, 45, S, NY, NY, NY, Binder, Books
Marguerite Maybie, Lodger, F, W, 74, M1, 45 yrs, 1 child born - none living, NY, England, England, none

17-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 965; Page: 75B; ED 364; Part: 2; Line: 20           (22618)
111 Freeman Street
Peter E Mabie, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 13 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Foreman, Jute Mills
Elizabeth Mabie, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 13 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Cornelius Mabie, Son, M, W, 10, S, NY, NJ, NY, in school
Daniel Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NJ, NY, in school
Lillie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NJ, NY, in school
Walter Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, NY, NJ, NY, none
Ida Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 6 mo, S, NY, NJ, NY, none

17-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 966; Page: 43A; ED 397; Part: 2; Line: 3           (18751)
577 Morgan Avenue
Louis C Mabie, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 9 yrs, CT, CT, CT, Watchmaker, Jewelry House, owns home
Florence M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 9 yrs, no children, NY, England, England, none

Brooklyn Ward 17, Kings, New York, Roll: T624_965; Page: 10A; ED 0374; Image: 1052; FHL Number: 1374978           (19008)
880 Manhattan Avenue
J D Mabie, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 7 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Druggist, Store
J A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 7 yrs, one child born & living, NJ, NY, NJ, none
Derwood Mabie, Son, M, W, 0 months, S, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Bell Waters, Mother-in-Law, F, W, 58, Wd, 3 children born - 1 living, NY, NJ, NJ, none

19-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 967; Page: 142A; ED 437; Part: 2; Line: 13           (1217)
79 Penn Street
Elizabeth Mabie, Head, F, W, 41, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, Scotland, England, Cutting Machine Operator, Book Bindery, owns home
Elizabeth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, Model, Costumes
Robert G Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

22-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 971; Page: 174A; ED 570; Part: 2; Line: 19           (16296)
554 Seventh St
Margaret A Maybie, Lodger, F, W, 64, Wd, 1 child born & living, NJ, NJ, NY
Edgar Maybie, Lodger, M, W, 43, S, NJ, NY, NJ, Clerk, Insurance
(with John H Blauvelt family)

23-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 972; Page: 145A; ED 605; Part: 2; Line: 14           (15821)
177 Herkimer Street
George W Mabie, Head, M, W, 65, M1, 38 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Manufacturer, Gold Pens
Anna M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 61, M1, 38 yrs, 2 children born = 1 living, MA, MA, MA, none
Elizabeth W Dodge, Sister-in-law, F, W, 67, S, MA, MA, MA, none

23-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 972; Page: 123B; ED 603; Part: 2; Line: 29           (15058)
23 Verona Place
Andrew J Cunningham, Head, M, W, 71, Wd, NJ, England, NJ, Salesman, Tailor’s trimmings, owns home, veteran - Union Army
Grace C Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 32, M1, 0 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, MA, none
Louis F Mabie, Son-in-law, M, W, 37, M2, 0 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Musician, Theatre

23-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 972; Page: 139A; ED 586; Part: 1; Line: 6           (22162)
Home for the Blind, 576 Gates Avenue
Alonzo D Mabie, Lodger, M, W, 60, Wd, NY, England, England, Chair-cainer, Blind-Home, blind

23-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 973; Page: 94A; ED 618; Part: 1; Line: 2           (15560)
656 Putnam Avenue
Margreth M Maybe, Head, F, W, 68, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Brooklyn Ward 23, Kings, New York, Roll: T624_972; Page: 13B; ED 0604; Image: 858; FHL Number: 1374985           (15053)
50 Herkimer Street
Cornelia L Mabie, Head, F, W, 38, D, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Runs a Rooming house with boarders
Lefferts L Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school
Louis Mabie Jr, Son, M, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school
with 7 boarders

Brooklyn Ward 24, Kings, New York, Roll: T624_974; Page: 25B; ED 639; Image: 1210           (31341)
1481 St Marks Avenue
Wolf Mabe, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 6 yrs, Russia-Yiddish, Russia-Yiddish, Russia-Yiddish, immigrated in 1904, Cap Maker, Factory
Sarah Mabe, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 6 yrs, 1 child born & living, Russia-Yiddish, Russia-Yiddish, Russia-Yiddish, immigrated in 1904, None
Annie Mabe, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 6 mo, S, NY, Russia, Russia, None

Brooklyn Ward 25, Kings, New York, Roll: T624_973; Page: 6A; ED 704; Image: 1091; FHL Number: 1374986           (10754)
34-A Rochester Avenue
George Mabee, M, W, 61, M1, 32 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Bookkeeper, Office, owns home
Elizabeth Mabee, F, W, 56, M1, 32 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
George Mabee, M, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, Draughtsman, RR
Emma Brown, Sister-in-Law, F, W, 49, S, NY, NY, NY, none

30-Wd Brooklyn, Kings, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 985; Page: 125B; ED 1086; Part: 2; Line: 19           (34064)
26 April 1910
7411 Fifth Avenue
Ellen M Condon, Head, F, W, 64, Wd, 47 yrs, 3 children born & living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1859, none
John J Mabie, Grandson, M, W, 24, S, NY, NY, NY, Driver, Express van
Jane E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 45, Wd, 29 yrs, 4 children born, living 2, NY, NY, Ireland, Housekeeper, Hotel
Lillian C Cullen, Granddaughter, F, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, Milliner, Millinary
John J Cullen, Great-grandson, M, W, 2, S, NY, Ireland, NY, none

Brooklyn Ward 32, Kings, New York, Roll: T624_985; Page: 11B; ED 0998; Image: 1339; FHL Number: 1374998
2094 Nostrand Avenue
Helen Bousquet, Head, F, W, 57 yrs, Wd, 6 children born - 3 living, French Canada, French Canada, French Canada, immigrated in 1869, Launderer, at home, own account
Marie L Bousquet, Daughter, F, W, 34, S, French Canada, French Canada, French Canada, immigrated in 1880, none
Blanche Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 29, Wd, 1 child born - none living, MA, French Canada, French Canada, Dressmaker, at home

Lima, Livingston, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 987; Page: 13A; ED 49; Part: 1; Line: 2
Rochester Street
I de J Mabey, Head, M, W, 48, M2, 16 yrs, NY, PA, NY, Blacksmith, Blacksmith Shop, owns home
Julia K Mabey, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 16 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Harry L Mabey, Son, M, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

North Dansville, Livingston, New York, Roll: T624_986; Page: 10A; ED 58; Image: 1159; FHL Number: 1374999           (16720)
92 Main Street
Charles H Maybe, Head, M, W, 29, M1, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1901, naturalized, Foreman, Shoe Factory
Maude E Maybe, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Griffin P Maybe, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, Canada, NY, none
Ruth J Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NY, Canada, NY, none

Sullivan, Madison, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 987; Page: 300B; ED 36; Part: 2; Line: 21           (5834)
Oliver C Mabie, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 18 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, Farm
Flora Mabie, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 18 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Edgar Mabie, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, Farm
Thelma R Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Dorris L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Donald F Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Harriett Bull, Mother-in-law, F, W, 65, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none
Minnie Bull, Sister-in-law, F, W, 44, S, NY, NY, NY, none
George White, Nephew, M, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY,

Chili, Monroe, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 988; Page: 65B; ED 4; Part: 1; Line: 20           (16732)
Harry S Mabie, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 11 yrs, IL, IL, England, Clergyman, Church
Esther W Mabie, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 11 yrs, 2 children born & living, MN, NY, OH, none
Helen K Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, WI, IL, MN, in school
Edith R Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, MA, IL, MN, in school

Greece, Monroe, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 988; Page: 160B; ED 10; Part: 1; Line: 17           (24037)
Clinton Avenue
George E Mabee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 13 yrs, NY, Canada, Ireland, Chemist, Gas Plant, owns home
May B Mabee, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 13 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Ruth M Mabee, F, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Mildrid R Mabee, F, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Gertrude E Mabee, F, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY, none

3-Wd Rochester, Monroe, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 989; Page: 68A; ED 46; Part: 2; Line: 7           (1379)
102 Spring Street
John E Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 11 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Reporter, Newspaper
Belle M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 33, M1, 11 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

18-Wd Rochester, Monroe, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 990; Page: 193A; ED 177; Part: 1; Line: 12           (31286)
94 Meng Place
Morden B Maybee, Head, M, W, 38, M2, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Cutter, Clothing Manufacturer, owns home
Elizabeth N Maybee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 8 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Myrtle E Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Amsterdam, Montgomery, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 994; Page: 48B; ED 70; Part: 1; Line: 16           (13916)
Hanson D Mabee, Head, M, W, 26, M1, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Bertha Mabee, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 2 yrs, no children, NY, Germany, Germany, none

1-Wd Amsterdam, Montgomery, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 993; Page: 10B; ED 49; Part: 2; Line: 30           (13150)
387 Division Street
David A Mabie, Head, M, W, 72, M1, 42 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none, owns home
Catherine E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 68, M1, 42 yrs, 6 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Nettie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 40, S, NY, NY, NY, Trained Nurse, Private Family

6-Wd Amsterdam, Montgomery, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 993; Page: 219B; ED 62; Part: 2; Line: 36           (13918)
340 Division Street
Artemus W Eckerson, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 15 yrs, NY, NY, NY, salesman, wholesale meat, owns home
Leona Eckerson, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 15 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none
William Mabee, Cousin, M, W, 28, S, NY, NY, NY, Dentist, Dental Co           (13955)

7-Wd Amsterdam, Montgomery, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 993; Page: 259A; ED 65; Part: 2; Line: 1           (17743)
31 Locust Avenue
James Maybee, Head, M, W, 51, M1, 22 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Plumber, Hardware
Anna Maybee, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 22 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Thomas J Maybee, Son, M, W, 21, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, odd jobs
Ritca Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, Button Sorter, Button Shop
Chloe Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, Button Sorter, Button Shop
William M Maybee, Son, M, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
John D Waterstreet, Father-in-law, M, W, 89, M1, 56, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1850, naturalized, none
Mary Waterstreet, Mother-in-law, F, W, 78, M1, 56, 9 children born - 6 living, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1853, none

Glen, Montgomery, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 994; Page: 162A; ED 79; Part: 1; Line: 3           (15832)
Abram Mabie, Head, M, W, 69, M1, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Farm
Anna B Mabie, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 1 child born - none living, NY, NY, NY, none

Mohawk, Montgomery, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 994; Page: 223B; ED 85; Part: 1; Line: 29           (32682)
Church of Johnstown Street
William Maby, Boarder, M, W, 61, S, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, working out

Bronx Assembly District 32, New York, New York, Roll: T624_996; Page: 6B; ED 1423; Image: 951           (29465)
378 East 140th Street
George S Mabee, M, W, 29, M1, 9 yrs, NJ, Canada, NY, Salesman, heaters
Anistasia Mabee, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 9 yrs, one child born & living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Clarence S Mabee, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NJ, NY

Bronx Borough, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 997; Page: 108A; ED 1746; Part: 2; Line: 33           (29359)
Lincoln Hospital and Home
Clarence Maybee, M, W, 39, M, USA, unk, unk

Bronx Borough, New York City, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1001; Page: 142B; ED 1565; Part: 2; Line: 23           (1644)
Southern Boulevard
Lawrence Mabie, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 3 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Artist, Bank Note Company
Nellie L Mabie, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Viola L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NY, NJ, NY, none

Bronx Assembly District 34, New York, New York, Roll: T624-1000; Page 5A; ED 1541; Image: 1048; FHL1375013           (27093)
1050 Jackson Avenue
Marguerite Mabie, Head, F, W, 52, Wd, 5 children born - 2 living, NY, Scotland, Scotland, none
William H Mabie, Son, M, W, 20, S, NY, NJ, NY, Checker, Hotel
Ethel M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NY, NJ, NY, At School
Robert Lainie, Brother, M, W, 51, S, NY, Scotland, Scotland, Janitor, High School

Bronx Assembly District 35, New York, New York, Roll: T624_1003; Page: 16A; ED 1622; Image: 598; FHL 1375016           (10744)
4289 Park Avenue
Walter B Mabee, Head, M, W, 31, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Officer, Salvation Army
Harriet C Mabee, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 3 yrs, no children, OH, England, Wales, Officer, Salvation Army

Bronx Assembly District 35, New York, New York, Roll: T624_1003; Page: 13B; ED 1637; Image: 1100; FHL Number: 1375016.
Webb Academy for Ship Builders - Home for the Aged
Sedgwick Avenue and 188 Street
Peter J Mabye, Inmate, M, W, 82, M1, 53 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none
Harriet A Mabye, Inmate, F, W, 79, M1, 53 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, England, England, None

9-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1006; Page: 207A; ED 148; Part: 1; Line: 22           (31143)
25 Charles Street
Caroline Mabie, Head, F, W, 59, Wd, 3 children born - 1 living, NY, England, NY, none
George E Mabie, Son, M, W, 28, S, NY, NY, NY, Operator, Umbrellas

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1026; Page: 158A&159A; ED 695; Part: 2           (31294) and (31295)
Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York Orphan Asylum
Rose Maybe, Inmate, F, W, 12, S, NY, Russia (Yiddish), Germany (Yiddish), Spoke English in home, in school
Josephine Maybe, Inmate, F, W, 9, S, NY, Russia (Yiddish), Germany (Yiddish), in school

Manhattan Ward 12, New York, New York, Roll: T624_1022; Page: 6B; ED 0565; FHL 1375035           (28792)
23 April 1910
255 W 116th Street
William W Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 54, M1, 30 yrs, IL, NY, NY, Bookkeeper, Medical Association

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1027; Page: 258A; ED 729; Part: 2; Line: 28
300 West 109th Street
Leo W Maybe, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 15 yrs, NY, France, OH, Manufacturer, Merchandise, own account
Blanche Maybe, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 15 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Leola S Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 12, NY, NY, NY, in school
Kathryn Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 8, NY, NY, NY, in school

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1024; Page: 45B; ED 620; Part: 2; Line: 14           (1186)
130 West 109th Street
Adelbert Maby, Lodger, M, W, 24, S, Hawaii, NY, Hawaii, immigrated in 1909, naturalized, Teacher, Public School

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1025; Page: 241A; ED 668; Part: 2; Line: 3           (22430)
454 West 164th Street
Boyce F Maybe, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 12 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Electrician, Street Railroad
Marie A Maybe, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 12 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none
George W Maybe, Father, M, W, 67, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Conveyancer, own office, veteran - Union Army

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1025; Page: 112A; ED 663; Part: 2; Line: 6           (16848)
2813 Eighth Avenue
Chas W Mabee, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 18 yrs, MI, MI, Canada, Electrician, Shop
May E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 18 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Chas J Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, MI, NY
Percy B Mabee, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, MI, NY, in school
Gertrude Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, NY, MI, NY, in school

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1018; Page: 207B; ED 440; Part: 2; Line: 29           (31293)
56 East 120th Street
Cecelia Maybe, Head, F, W, 37, M1, 4 children born & living, Germany, Austria-Russian, Germany, immigrated in 1897, Operator, Factory
Samuel Maybe, Son, M, W, 15, S, Holland, Austria-Yiddish, Germany, immigrated in 1897, Assistant Bookkeeper, Sponging Arms
Evelyn Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, S, NY, Austria-Yiddish, Germany-German, none

Manhattan Ward 12, New York, New York, Roll: T624_1028; Page: 4B; ED 740; Image: 319           (17917)
301 West 46th Street
Edgar W Mabie, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 18 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Buyer, Dry Goods
Henrietta A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 50, M2, 18 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Mabel C Hall, Daughter, F, W, 30, M1, 8 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Manhattan Ward 12, New York, New York, Roll: T624_1023; Page: 10A; ED 594           (27096)
140 West 96th Street
George W Findley, M, W, Head, 39, M1, 15 yrs, NY, NY, England, Clerk, Flour milling co
Hattie A Findley, F, W, Wife, 38, M1, 15 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Housewife
Warren G Findley, M, W, Son, 3, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Anna H Findley, F, W, Daughter, 1 yr 7 mo, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Anna M Mabie, F, W, Mother-in-law, 64, M1, 43, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1027; Page: 275B; ED 730; Part: 2; Line: 44           (16938)
244 West 109th Street
Eva J Maybee Servant, F, W, 28, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1894, Teacher, Public School

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1024; Page: 31B; ED 620; Part: 2; Line: 32           (15064)
983 Amsterdam Avenue
Elijah W Mabye, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 20 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Janitor, House
Carrie Mabye, Wife, F, W, 39, M2, 20 yrs, 10 children born - 1 living, NY, NY, NY, Janitress, House
Howard Mabye, Son, M, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1027; Page: 154A; ED 725; Part: 2; Line: 4           (16766)
606 115th Street West
Charles E Mabie, Head, M, W, 54, M2, 10 yrs, WI, NY, NY, Agent, Real Estate
Florence N Mabie, Wife, F, W, 49, M3, 10 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Katherine Hibbard, Mother-in-law, F, W, 71, Wd, 4 children born - 2 living, NY, NY, NY, none

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1018; Page: 153B; ED 436; Part: 2; Line: 35           (1435)
63 East 126th Street
Arthur Mabie, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 19 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1885, naturalized, decorator, wall hanging
Anna E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 19 yrs, no children, Canada, Canada, Canada immigrated in 1889, none
Isaac H Cowan, Nephew, M, W, 27, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1905, Bookkeeper, Produce

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1020; Page: 267A; ED 502; Part: 2; Line: 12           (16784)
2543 West 132nd Street
Elnathan N Mabie, Head, M, W, 72, M1, 41 yrs, NY, CT, CT, Carpenter, mantle factory
Anna M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 41 yrs, 11 children born - 5 living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Helen B Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 34, S, NY, NY, NY, novelty operator, factory
Matie A Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 31, S, NY, NY, NY, Stenographer, Office
Loretta M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Benjamin H Mabie, Son, M, W, 21, S, NY, NY, NY, Journeyman Carpenter, Contractor

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1024; Page: 66B; ED 621; Part: 2; Line: 39           (16238)
300 Manhattan Avenue
Sanford Mabie, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 28 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Salesman, Butter
Zalah E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 4 children born - 3 living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Esthyr Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 23, S, NY, NJ, NJ, Stenographer, Broker’s office
Hazel Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Anna Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NY, NJ, NJ, in school

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1019; Page: 34B; ED 447; Part: 1; Line: 22           (1433)
1642 Park Avenue
Jeremiah D Mabie, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 19 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1888, Clerk, Railroad office
Ellen Mabie, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 19 yrs, 1 child born & living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1887, none
Annetta Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NY, Canada, Ireland, Proof Reader, Law Office

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1020; Page: 171A; ED 495; Part: 2; Line: 24           (16485)
13 West 124th Street
Joseph A Kline, Head, M, W, 55, M, 27 yrs, France, France, France, immigrated in 1872, naturalized, Clerk, Railroad office
Carrie M Kline, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 27 yrs, 6 children born & living, NY, Unknown, NY, none
Marie E Kline, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, NY, France, NY, Clerk
Agnes J Kline, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NY, France, NY, in school
Hortense J Kline, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NY, France, NY, in school
Carrie P Kline, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NY, France, NY, in school
Joseph A Kline Jr, Son, M, W, 6, S, NY, France, NY, in school
Mary E Mabie, Sister-in-law, F, W, 57, S, NY, Unknown, NY, own income

12-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1025; Page: 158A; ED 665; Part: 2; Line: 4           (22213)
15 St Nicholas Place
James H Kennedy, Head, M, W, 61, M1, 35 yrs, OH, PA, PA, Editor, Magazine, owns home
Mary G Kennedy, F, W, 58, M1, 35 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, Scotland, Scotland, none
Louise K Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 32, D, 1 child born & living, OH, OH, NY, Music Writer, at home
Louise Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NY, OH, in school

16-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1034; Page: 267B; ED 845; Part: 2; Line: 32           (11930)
357 West 22nd Street
William R Mabee, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 15 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1890, Superintendent, Dept Store
Elizabeth A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 15 yrs, 6 children born - 3 living, IL, Ireland, Ireland, none
Ruth E Mabee, Daughter, W, F, 11, S, NY, Canada, IL, in school
Willet R Mabee, Son, M, F, 8, S, NY, Canada, IL, in school
Arthur E Mabee, Son, M, F, 6, S, NY, Canada, IL, in school

19-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1041; Page: 191A; ED 1104; Part: 2; Line: 3
850 Second Avenue
Paul D Goebel, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 7 yrs, MO, NY, TN, Chauffeur, Adams Es Co
Mabel M Goebel, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 7 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, MA, Canada, Canada, none
Pauline D Goebel, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, MO, MA, in school
William F Goebel, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, MO, MA, none
Elizabeth M Mabie, Mother-in-law, F, W, 43, Wd, Canada, Canada, Canada, none

20-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1043; Page: 172B; ED 1193; Part: 2; Line: 22
224 35th Street West
Evelyn Maybee, Lodger, F, W, 28, S, RI, RI, RI, Chambermaid, Hotel

Manhattan Ward 21, New York, New York, Roll: T624_1037; Page: 1B; ED Image: 1086; FHL Number: 1375050           (17835)
301 33rd Street
Margaret Mabie, Head, F, W, 30, Wd, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1890, Waitress, Hotel
Daniel Mabie, Son, M, W, 15, S, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Office Boy, Company
Catherine Ding, Boarder, F, W, 23, S, NY, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1895, Waitress, Hotel

22-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1045; Page: 15B; ED 1304; Image: 1248           (34716)
173 West 73rd Street
Beatrice J Mabie, Boarder, F, W, 25, M1, 6 yrs, no children, West Indies, West Indies, West Indies, immigrated in 1899, Saleswoman, Dry Goods

22-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1045; Page: 292B; ED 1304; Part: 2; Line: 37           (21941)
145 West 73rd Street
Almina Mabie, Head, F, W, 52, D, 2 children born & living, IA, VT, PA, Saleswoman, Clothing Store
Dorothea Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 25, IA, WI, IA, singer, opera

22-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1048; Page: 195A; ED 1391; Part: 2; Line: 6           (31249)
212 West 82nd Street
Lillie B Mabee, Head, F, W, 50, Wd, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Geraldine Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Elliot B Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

22-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1046; Page: 197B; ED 1315; Part: 1; Line: 24           (26363)
150 West 66th Street
Frank Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Coachman
Margaret Mabie, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 3 yrs, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated 1903, none
Emily Johnson, Sister-in-law, F, W, 18, S, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated 1908, Dressmaker, at home

22-Wd Manhattan, New York, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1045; Page: 144A; ED 1296; Part: 2; Line: 3           (32780)
1141 84th Street
Mildred Maybee, Boarder, F, W, 32, S, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, office

Niagara Falls Ward 4, Niagara, New York, Roll: T624_1050; Page: 14A; ED 0108; Image: 312; FHL Number: 1375063           (9584)
2820 McKoon Avenue
Eugene H Maybee, Head, M, W, 53, M1, 20 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Customs Clerk, U S Customs
Alice Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 20 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Marion A Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school
Marcus Maybee, Son, M, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school

Royalton, Niagara, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1050; Page: 44A; ED 134; Part: 2; Line: 11           (36371)
Johnnycake Road
John Yellen, Head, M, W, 45, M2, 1 yr, Canada, England, England, Laborer, Farm
Mary Yellen, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 1 yr, NY, Switzerland, NY, none
Harrold Mabie, Nephew, M, W, 5, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Augusta, Oneida, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1051; Page: 18B; ED 44; Part: 1; Line: 24
South Main
Henry Mabby, Boarder, M, W, 44, M1, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Odd jobs

Camden, Oneida, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1051; Page: 91A; ED 51; Part: 1; Line: 8           (16324)
Church Street
Emma Mabie, Servant, F, W, 53, Wd, no children, NY, NY, NY, Servant for Elisa J Allan (age 86)

Camden, Oneida, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1051; Page: 89A; ED 51; Part: 1; Line: 18           (16329)
35 Third Street, Camden Village
Nancy Mabie, Head, F, W, 56, Wd, 1 child born & living, NY, VT, NY, own income, owns home

Camden, Oneida, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1051; Page: 101A; ED 52; Part: 1; Line: 19           (16333)
Main Street, Camden
E S Mabie, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Jewelry Store
Jenny Mabie, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 3 yrs, no children, NY, Canada, NY, none

Camden, Oneida, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1051; Page: 106B; ED 52; Part: 1; Line: 30           (15785)
West Camden Road
Clarence Mabie, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 36 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Farm
Cora Mabie, Wife, F, W, 56, M1, 36 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Katharine Hague, Daughter, F, W, 32, M1, 8 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Burton Hague, Son-in-law, M, W, 31, M1, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Operator, Railroad
Alton C Hague, [Grand]Son, W, M, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Lavirne L Hague, [Grand]Son, W, M, 4, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Harland R Hague, [Grand]Son, W, M, 2, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Manlius, Onondaga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1054; Page: 135A; ED 70; Part: 2; Line: 5           (5825)
Henry E Mabie, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 4 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, General Farm
Harriett Mabie, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born - 0 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Oliver Mabie, Father, M, W, 84, M1, 48 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own income
Rebecca Mabie, Mother, F, W, 74, M1, 48 yrs, 7 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, own income
Catharine Lynk, Sister, F, W, 38, Wd, 18 yrs, 1 child born - 0 living, NY, NY, NY, own income

Manlius, Onondaga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1054; Page: 136A; ED 70; Part: 2; Line: 1           (5938)
Ann E Mabie, Head, F, W, 52, S, NY, NY, NY, own income (with two servants)

Manlius, Onondaga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1054; Page: 136B; ED 70; Part: 2; Line: 21           (5857) and (5325)
Sarah A Mabie, Head, F, W, 81, Wd, 63 yrs, 6 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns home
A G Mabie, Brother-in-law, M, W, 63, M2, 27 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own income
Arvilla Mabie, Sister-in-law, F, W, 52, M1, 27 yrs, MI, VT, NY, own income
Florence N Tremper, Daughter, F, W, 47, M1, 26 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, own income
Dora V Prentice, Servant, F, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, Servant, Private Family
Chas H Rice, Manager, M, W, -, M1, 18 yrs, NY, VT, MA, Foreman, Dairy Farm

12-Wd Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1057; Page: 7A; ED 148; Part: 1; Line: 10           (23082)
124 Seymour Street
William Hollenbeck, Head, M, W, 45, M2, 10 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Carpenter, House, owns home
Mary E Hollenbeck, Wife, F, W, 48, M2, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, Keeper, Rooming House, own account
Lester Mabie, Stepson, M, W, 27, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Automobile Co

17-Wd Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1057; Page: 28B; ED 178; Part: 2; Line: 28           (10594)
1411 Madison Street
John Lawton, Head, M, W, 35, M, 10 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Buyer, Clothing Co
Fannie Lawton, Wife, F, W, 37, M, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, Milliner, Millinery
Paul Lawton, Son, M, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, at school
Alston Mabee, Boarder, M, W, 30, S, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, Steamship line

Van Buren, Onondaga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1055; Page: 134B; ED 198; Part: 1; Line: 9
Hattie B Mabee, Servant, F, W, 44, Wd, no children, NY, NY, NY, Housekeeper for Orin S Dixon family

Manchester, Ontario, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1058; Page: 71A; ED 103; Part: 2; Line: 17           (728)
Littleville Road
Sarah E Wheatley, Head, F, W, 59, Wd, 8 children born - 6 living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1865, none, owns home
Albert Wheately, Son, M, W, 37, S, NY, England, Canada, Laborer, Farm

Chester, Orange, New York, Roll: T624_1059; Page: 7B; ED 0003; Image: 63; FHL Number: 1375072
William Maybee, Head, M, W, 65, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farming a rented farm

Goshen, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1059; Page: 189B; ED 14; Part: 1; Line: 26           (21099)
Prospect Lake Road
Henrietta Mabee, Head, F, W, 47, Wd, 7 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Dairy farm
John Mabee, Son, M, W, 25, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, farm
Henrietta Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Charles Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Nicholas Mabee, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Clarence Mabee, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Alonzo Mabee, Son, M, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Goshen, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1059; Page: 191A; ED 14; Part: 1; Line: 2           (11155)
Top Hill Road
Jacob Mabee, Head, M, W, 61, M1, 20 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Dairy Farm

Goshen, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1059; Page: 198A; ED 15; Part: 1; Line: 13           (10164)
Goshen and Middletown State Road
William Mabee, Head, M, W, 50, M, 27 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farmer
Nettie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 42, M, 27 yrs, 3 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Hattie Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Harry Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, NJ, NJ, Laborer, home farm
Donald Mabee, Son, M, W, 3 months, S, NY, NJ, NJ, none

Goshen, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1059; Page: 215A; ED 15; Part: 1; Line: 17           (10167)
Goshen Village, Golden Hill Avenue
Margaret Mabee, Head, F, W, 42, Wd, 4 children born & living, OH, NY, NJ, Keeper of boarding house she owns
Ethel Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NJ, OH, none
Addie Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NY, NJ, OH, in school

Middletown Ward 3, Orange, New York, Roll: T624_1059; Page: 5B; ED 31; Image: 883           (23296)
18 April 1910
121 Wawayanda Ave
Carl M Maybee, Head, M, W, 54, M, 23 yrs, NY, NY, PA, none, owns mortgaged house
Ida T Maybee, Wife, F, W, 53, M, 23 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Izabel Thorn, Wife, F, W, 28, M, 2 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none           [Izabel is the daughter of Carl & Ida Maybee]
John W Thorn, Head, M, W, 40, M, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Creamery, Creamery

2-Wd Middletown, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1059; Page: 67A; ED 26; Part: 2; Line: 4           (21091)
18 April 1910
24 Knapp Avenue
Maud Maybee, Head, F, W, 34, M1, 19 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Private Nurse, own account
Nora Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Julia Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Minisink, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1059; Page: 179B; ED 35; Part: 2; Line: 28           (21091)
28 April 1910
L Maud Mabie, Nurse, F, W, 34, D, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NJ, General Nurse for Austin Anderson family

Walden Village, Montgomery Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1059; Page: 268B; ED 41; Part: 2; Line: 22           (29778)
Schofield Street, Walden Village
George E Lawrence, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 42 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Janitor, School
Sarah E Lawrence, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 42 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Bertha F Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 32, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Seamstress, Overalls
Emma Sarah Mabee, Granddaughter, F, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Clifford Raymond Mabee, Grandson, M, W, 8, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Newburgh Ward 1, Orange, New York, Roll: T624_1060; Page: 15A; ED 0044; Image: 34; FHL Number: 1375073           (22390}
8 Washington Place
Jermiah Mabie, Head, M, W, 70, Wd, NY, NY, NY, owns Plumbing Store, Owns Home
Helen S Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 38, S, NY, NY, NJ, none

2-Wd Newburgh, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1060; Page: 102B; ED 51; Part: 1; Line: 41           (22394)
25 Montgomery Street
William H Mabie, Head, M, W, 35, M1, 10 yrs, NY, NY, NJ, Merchant, Stoves & C, own account
Stella Mabie, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 10 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Helen M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

2-Wd Newburgh, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1060; Page: 127A; ED 52; Part: 1; Line: 14
24 Johnston
Elizabeth Mabie, Head, F, W, 45, M1, Unknown, no children, NY, NY, NY, Operator, Factory

6-Wd Newburgh, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1060; Page: 287C; ED 62; Part: 1; Line: 31           (4800)
54 Lutheran Street
Joseph Mabie, Head, M, W, 77, M1, 56 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Shipping Clerk, Overall factory
Ellen Mabie, Wife, F, W, 71, M1, 56 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Wallkill, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1060; Page: 280A; ED 83; Part: 2; Line: 2           (23296)
22 April 1910
Carl Munroe Maybee, Head, M, W, 54, M1, 33 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own Chicken farm
Ida T Maybee, Wife, F, W, 53, M1, 33 yrs, 3 children born, living 2, NY, NY, NY, none
Isabel Thorn, Daughter, F, W, 28, M1, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Wholesale Merchant, Milk
J Wesley Thorn, Son-in-law, M, W, 47, M1, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Wholesale Merchant, Milk

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 1B; ED 84; Part: 1; Line: 20           (10179)
Mission Road
Robert Mabee, Head, M, W, 24, S, NY, NJ, NJ, Farm Laborer, working out

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 5B; ED 84; Part: 1; Line: 15           (17341)
Deckertown Road
Chillcon Mabee, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 5 yrs, NY, USA, NJ, Farmer, General Farm
Etta Mabee, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 5 yrs, 2 children born & living, NJ, NY, NJ, none
Emma Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, NY, NJ, none
Jennie Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NJ, NY, NJ, none
Edward Flood, Cousin, M, W, 22, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, laborer, farm
John M Simms, Father-in-law, M, W, 64, Wd, NY, England, Ireland, none

Warwick Township, Orange, New York, Roll: T624_1061; Page: 9A; ED 88; Image: 158           (15582)
Bellvale to Stonebridge Road
Israel Mabee, Head, M, W, 48, M1, 23 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farms own dairy farm
Emiline Mabee, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 23 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, NY, Sweden, NJ
Harvey R Mabee, Son, M, W, 22, S, NY, NJ, NY, farms home farm
Myrah Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NY, NJ, NY, none
Walter Mabee, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NJ, NY, attended school
Mary E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NY, NJ, NY, attended school

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 10A; ED 84; Part: 1; Line: 1           (10172)
Pine Island - Glenwood Road
John E Mabee, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 13 yrs, NJ, USA, USA, Farms own Dairy farm
Margaret Mabee, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 13 yrs, 7 children born & living, NJ, PA, NJ, none
Preston S Mabee, Son, M, W, 12, S, NY, NJ, NJ, Laborer, home farm, in school
Ernest B Mabee, Son, M, W, 10, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, home farm, in school
Helen A Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NY, NJ, NJ, in school
John E Mabee, Son, M, W, 6, S, NY, NJ, NJ, in school
Viola B Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Stella L Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NY, NJ, NJ, none
Margaret Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 7 mo, S, NY, NJ, NJ, none

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Roll: T624_1061; Page: 12A; ED 86; Image: 100           (19503)
Ridge Road
John H Mabee, Head, M, W, 70, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Farm Operator, own account
Lewis Mabee, Son, M, W, 25, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, home farm
Gertrude Mabee, daughter, F, W, 21, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Caroline Mabee, Sister, F, W, 64, S, NY, NY, NY, own income

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 12B; ED 84; Part: 1; Line: 17           (10126)
Edenville-Goshen Road
Robert E Mabee, Head, M, W, 60, M2, 15 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Laborer, Dairy Farm
Alice Mabee, Wife, F, W, 55, M2, 15 yrs, no children, NJ, USA, USA, none

Warwick, Orange, New York, Roll: T624_1061; Page: 12B; ED 0084; Image: 29; FHL Number: 1375074           (10170)
Edenville-Goshen Road
Abraham P Mabee, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 20 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, farms own dairy farm
Phebe S Mabee, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 20 yrs, no children, NY, NJ, NY, none
Geo W Mabee, Adopted Son, M, W, 18, S, NY, NJ, NY, laborer, home farm

Warwick, Orange, New York, Roll: T624_1061; Pages 16B&17A; ED 87; Image: 140; FHL Number: 1375074           (10175)
Collins W Mabee, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 7 yrs, NY, NJ, NJ, Farm Laborer, General Farm
Grace B Mabee, Wife, F, W, 25, M1, 7 yrs, 3 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Ruth B Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NY, NY, NJ
Ralph Mabee, Son, M, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NJ
Ethol C Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 3 mo, S, NY, NY, NJ

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 31B; ED 85; Part: 1; Line: 18           (21110)
R Road Avenue
Frederick Mabee, Boarder, M, W, 19, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, creamery

Warwick, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 61A; ED 87; Part: 1; Line: 1           (19065)
Orchard Street
James D Mabee, Head, W, M, 53, M1, 33 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Foreman, Printing Office
Emma D Mabee, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 33 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Dressmaker, at home, own account

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 63B; ED 87; Part: 1; Line: 38           (15586)
Thomas Mabee, Head, W, M, 56, M1, 35 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farms own farm
Adaline L Mabee, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 35 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 64A; ED 87; Part: 1; Line: 7           (10168)
Decker Hill Road
Elmer Mabee, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 13 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farming, managing & farm
Caroline L Mabee, Wife, F, W, 40, M2, 13 yrs, 4 children born & living, CT, CT, CT, none
Raymond Shepard Mabee, Stepson, M, W, 17, S, MA, CT, CT, Farm laborer, general farm
Tillie E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, MA, NJ, CT, in school
Bertha S Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, MA, NJ, CT, none
Florence E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NY, NJ, CT, none

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 66A; ED 87; Part: 1; Line: 7           (19380)
Benjamin F Mabee, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 23 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Carpenter, House
Mary P Mabee, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 23 yrs, 7 children born - 5 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Harold Mabee, Son, M, W, 19, S, NY, NJ, NY, Farm Laborer, General Farm
William B Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, NY, NJ, NY, Farm Laborer, General Farm
Everet S Mabee, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, NJ, NY, Farm Laborer, General Farm
Ora Mabee, Son, M, W, 14, S, NY, NJ, NY, in school
Helen Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NY, NJ, NY, in school

Warwick Twp, Orange, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 86B; ED 89; Part: 1; Line: 16           (17740)
Henry Mabee, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 28 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Farm hand, General Farm
Mary Mabee, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 28 yrs, 5 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, Washing, days work
Martin Mabee, Son, M, W, 22, S, NY, NJ, NY, Laborer, odd jobs
Nellie Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NY, NJ, NY, in school
Fred Mabee, Son, M, W, 10, S, NY, NJ, NY, in school
Ada Conklin, Niece, F, W, 5, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Albion, Orleans, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 34A; ED 145; Part: 2; Line: 16           (27225)
26 East State Street
William Mabee, Head, M, W, 47, Wd, 24 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Switch-light tender, Electrical railroad
Housekeeper, Ethel Snell and three of her children lived with him

Barre, Orleans, New York, Roll: T624_1061; Page: 7B; ED 148; Image: 762; FHL Number: 1375074
28 Apr 1910
Gillette Road
Charles Gladow, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 24 yrs, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1884, naturalized, Farmer
Hulda Gladow, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 24 yrs, 7 children born - 6 living, Germany, Germany, Germany, immigrated in 1885, none
Ruth Gladow, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Ester Gladow, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Hulda Gladow, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NY, Germany, Germany, Maid, Private family
Margarett Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 22, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Ester Mabee, Granddaughter, F, W, 6 months, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Gaines, Orleans, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 136B; ED 152; Part: 2; Line: 36           (27494)
Lattin Road
Arthur Maybee, Hired man, M, W, 24, M1, 1, NY, NY, unknown, Day Laborer, odd jobs, with the William Morse family

Kendall, Orleans, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 147A; ED 154; Part: 2; Line: 2           (6240)
Loftas W Maybe, Head, M, W, 66, M1, 35 yrs, Canada, NY, NY, immigrated in 1857, naturalized, own income, owns home
Saphrona S Maybe, Wife, F, W, 65, M2, 35 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Sylvia D McKinney, Cousin, F, W, 66, Wd, 1 child born - 0 living, NY, NY, NY, Practical Nurse, Families

Murray, Orleans, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 195A; ED 158; Part: 2; Line: 10           (16457)
Albion Street, Holley Village
Charles Maybe, Head, M, W, 64, M1, 35 yrs, DE, unk, unk, Jeweler, Own Store, owns home, veteran - Union Army
Julia L Maybe, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 35 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, VT, NY, none
Martha E Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 30, S NY, Delaware, NY, School Teacher, High School
Martha P Goth, Mother-in-law, F, W, 83, Wd, 3 children born - 1 living, NY, NY, NY, none

Murray, Orleans, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 189A; ED 158; Part: 2; Line: 11           (27231)
White Street, Holley Village
Grace Maybe, Head, F, W, 43, M1, 19 yrs, MA, MA, MA, Dressmaker, At Home
Leonard Maybe, Husband, M, W, 47, M1, NY, Canada, Canada, Engineer, General

Mexico, Oswego, New York, Roll: T624_1063; Page: 8B; ED 0123; Image: 81; FHL Number: 1375076
Pratham Road
Joseph H Maybee, Head, M, W, 53, M1, 33 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Ella Maybee, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 33 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Ethel M Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Joseph H Maybee Jr, Son, M, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school

Mexico, Oswego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1063; Page: 41A; ED 123; Part: 1; Line: 6           (17232)
West Town Line Road
Addie Maybee, Head, F, W, 74, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Parish, Oswego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1063; Page: 122A; ED 149; Part: 1; Line: 10           (19070)
Elizabeth Mabie, Head, F, W, 81, Wd, 1 child born - 0 living, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns home

Roseboom, Otsego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 949; Page: 307A; ED 76; Part: 2; Line: 12           (13968)
Emmet Mabie, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Belle Mabie, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 8 yrs, 5 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Helen Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Fred Mabie, Son, M, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Doris Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Lucille Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Lesslie Mabie, Son, M, W, 6 months, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Roseboom, Otsego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 949; Page: 308A; ED 76; Part: 2; Line: 1           (13152)
Washington Mabie, Head, M, W, 68, M1, 41 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Tennetta Mabie, Wife, W, F, 68, M1, 41 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Roseboom, Otsego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 949; Page: 313A; ED 76; Part: 2; Line: 3           (13146)
Arba Mabie, Head, M, W, 79, M1, 55 yrs, NY, NY, NY, farms own farm
Louisa Mabie, Wife, F, W, 75, M1, 55 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, NY, NY, NY, none
David Mabie, Grandson, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Roseboom, Otsego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 949; Page: 313A; ED 76; Part: 2; Line: 9           (13488)
Elmer Mabie, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 22 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer
Minnie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 22 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Hebert Mabie, Son, M, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, house farm
Louise Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Lee Mabie, Son, M, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Westford, Otsego, New York, Roll: T624_950; Page: 7B; ED 81; Image: 473; FHL Number: 1374963           (13759)
Drapen Hill Road
Eugene Crippen, Head, M, W, 65, M2, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer on own general farm
Agusta Crippen, Wife, F, W, 44, M2, 3 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Clarance H Mabie, Stepson, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school

Westford, Otsego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 950; Page: 233B; ED 81; Part: 1; Line: 15           (13761)
Worcester Road
Earnest Mabee, Hired man, M, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Working out

Worcester, Otsego, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 950; Page: 251A; ED 82; Part: 1; Line: 5           (13489)
West Hill Road
Gifford Mabie, Head, M, W, 44, M2, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Clara A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 39, M2, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, Dressmaker, at home, own account
Alma S Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Flora E Kniffen, Stepdaughter, F, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

5-Wd Troy, Rensselaer, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1070; Page: 18B; ED 49; Part: 2; Line: 33           (10578)
Spring Avenue
Douglas J Maybee Jr, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Collar Manufacturer, own firm
Edna L Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M?, 2 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Orangetown, Rockland, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 953; Page: 85A; ED 112; Part: 1; Line: 3           (4483)
County Road to Orangetown
David L Mabie, Head, M, W, 59, M2, 21 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Grocery Store, owns home
Anna A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 54, M1, 21 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Orangetown, Rockland, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 953; Page: 92A; ED 112; Part: 1; Line: 8           (17993)
Tappan Road #2 (Kings Highway) (A Town Road)
John W Mabie, Head, M, W, 53, M1, 22 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Sophia Mabie, F, W, 46, M1, 22 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
William Mabie, Son, M, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Rubber Company
Cornelius A Mabie, Father, M, W, 93, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none

Orangetown, Rockland, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 953; Page: 92B; ED 112; Part: 1; Line: 17           (4481)
Tappan Road (Tappan NY) (A Town Road)
Peter W Mabie, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Carpenter, House, owns home
Catherine Mabie, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 35 yrs, no children, NJ, NJ, NJ, none

Orangetown, Rockland, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 953; Page: 94B; ED 112; Part: 1; Line: 14           (4499)
Sparkill, Sparkill Road (A County Road) to Tappan
Adolph Mabie, Head, M, W, 72, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Merchant, Grocery Store, owns home
Edward Mabie, Son, M, W, 29, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Grocery Store
Merril Mabie, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 29, M1, 5 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none
Lillian Edwards, [Son's] Mother-in-law, F, W, 50, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Ramapo, Rockland, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 953; Page: 275B; ED 122; Part: 1; Line: 24           (20703)
Suffern Village, Mansfield Avenue
Inez Mabey, Boarder, F, W, 31, S, NY, NY, NY, School Teacher, grammar grade, with Schuyler C Pew family

Ramapo, Rockland, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 953; Page: 235B; ED 120; Part: 1; Line: 24           (15674)
Mountain Avenue, Hillburn Village
Peter Mabie, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 19 yrs, NJ, NJ, NJ, Painter, Contracting Company
Emma Mabie, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 19 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NJ, Laundress, outside job
Elizabeth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NY, NJ, NY, none
Raymond Mabie, Son, M, W, 14, S, NY, NJ, NY, none
Abagail Wright, Mother-in-law, F, W, 69, Wd, NJ, NJ, NJ, none
Ellen Burris, Niece, F, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, house work, outside job

Charlton, Saratoga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1076; Page: 44A; ED 97; Part: 1; Line: 16           (19083)
George H Mabee, Head, M, W, 46, S, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, General Farm

Greenfield, Saratoga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1076; Page: 150B; ED 105; Part: 1; Line: 26           (9379)
Jacob A Mabee, Head, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 9 yrs, NY, NY, England, Farms own farm
Flora Mabee, Wife, F, W, 50, M2, 9 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Blanche Vielie, Stepdaughter, F, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Milton, Saratoga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1076; Page: 284B; ED 114; Part: 1; Line: 27           (17204)
108 Saratoga Avenue, Ballston Spa Village
Jeanette Mabey, Head, F, W, 69, Wd, 3 children born - 2 living, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, immigrated in 1842, none
James Mabey, Son, M, W, 34, S, NY, NJ, Scotland, Glover, Leather Company

3-Wd Mechanicville, Saratoga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1076; Page: 202B; ED 109; Part: 1; Line: 44           (28854)
515 Park Avenue
William J Maby, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 4 yrs, NY, England, NY, Physician, Doctor of Medicine, owns home
Caroline G Maby, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 4 yrs, no children, NY, Canada, PA, none
[NOTE: The enumerator listed this couple as J William Maby and his wife G Caroline Maby.
Upon close examination of the other names on this page, it was evident that the enumeerator was listing
everyone's names in the following order: Surname, middle initial, firstname.]

6-Wd Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1076; Page: 265A; ED 136; Part: 2; Line: 19           (10564)
Union Avenue
Douglas Mabee, Head, M, W, 62, M1, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns house
Cordia Mabee, Wife, F, W, 62, M1, 35 yrs, 7 children born & living, MA, England, England, own income
Margaret Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NY, NY, MA, none
David Mabee, Son, M, W, 21, S, NY, NY, MA, in school
Alford Mabee, Son, M, W, 27, S, NY, NY, MA
William J Murray, Servant, M, W, 21, S, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1909, Butler, Private family
Mary Tieghe, Servant, F, W, 35, S, NY, Ireland, Ireland, Servant, Private family
Mary Driscoll, Servant, F, W, 29, S, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1900, Cook, Private family
Anna F Sweeny, Servant, F, W, 41, Wd, 3 children born & living, NY, Ireland, Ireland, Nurse, Private family
William R Compton, Grandson. M, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY
Florance Compton, Daughter, F, W, 24, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, MA, none
Florance Compton, Granddaughter, F, W, 4 months, S, NY, NY, NY

6-Wd Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1076; Page: 262B; ED 136; Part: 2; Line: 30
Union Avenue
Harriett Fiske, Head, F, W, 48, Wd, no children, NY, NY, NY, own income
Addie L Mabee, sister, F, W, 80, Wd, 1 child born, NY, NY, NY, own income
Helen Fiske, Sister-in-law, F, W, 55, S, MA, MA, MA, own income

Glenville, Schenectady, New York, Roll: T624_1077; Page: 1A; ED 167; Image: 412           (7440)
6 Tenbroeck, Scotia Village
John B Mabee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 11 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Electric Works
Emma Mabee, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 11 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY
Henry B Mabee, Son, M, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, at school
James L Mabee, Son, M, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, at school
Frank R Mabee, Son, M, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, at school
Addie May Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 5 months, S, NY, NY, NY

Glenville, Schenectady, New York, Roll T624_1077; Page: 16A; ED 166; Image: 406           (7442)
Delbert Mabee, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Anna Mabee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 5 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, NY, NY
Edna M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, NY, NY
Stephen E Mabee, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY
Seymour Mabee, Son, M, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY
Elanor Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, NY, NY, NY
Margaret Schermerhorn, Step-grandmother, F, W, 88, Wd, NY, CT, NY

Glenville, Schenectady, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1077; Page: 204B; ED 166; Part: 1; Line: 30           uy(17772)
Simon Mabee, Head, M, W, 55, S, NY, NY, NY, Blacksmith, own shop, owns farm

Glenville, Schenectady, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1077; Page: 213B; ED 167; Part: 1; Line: 16           (19398)
Highlands Street, Scotia Village
Brainard Mabee, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 16 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Conductor, Railroad
Anna Mabee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 16 yrs, 4 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Edmond B Mabee, Son, M, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
DeWitt D Mabee, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Irene E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Consuela K Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 8 mo, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Glenville, Schenectady, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1077; Page: 208A; ED 167; Part: 1; Line: 15           (15844)
12 Socandaga Road, Scotia Village
David Reynolds, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 19 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Car Inspector, Railroad
Louisa Reynolds, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 19 yrs, 7 children born, living 5, NY, NY, NY, none
Harmon Reynolds, Son, M, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Harriet Reynolds, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
David Reynolds, Son, M, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Nicholas Reynolds, Son, M, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Harold Reynolds, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY
Nicholas Mabee, Father-in-law, M, W, 69, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none

Glenville, Schenectady, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1077; Page: 208A; ED 167; Part: 1; Line: 19           (7443)
20 Socandaga Road, Scotia Village
Louis Mabee, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 7 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Freight House
Ella Mabee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 7 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Ethel Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Elsie Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Hannah Daggett, Mother, F, W, 58, Wd, 3 children born & living, NY, England, NY, none

Rotterdam, Schenectady, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1077; Page: 232B; ED 170; Part: 1; Line: 37           (7503)
Walton Mabee, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 16 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Railroad, Air Brake Inspector, owns home
Daisy Mabee, F, W, 36, M1, 16 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, England, England, none
Edith Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Schenectady Ward 8, Schenectady, New York, Roll: T624_1078; Page: 12A; ED 202; Image: 651           (28939)
102 Odell Street
Elmer J Mabee, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Locomotive Company
Susie A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, None
George W Mabee, Son, M, W, 6 months, S, NY, NY, NY

10-Wd Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1078; Page: 69A; ED 208; Part: 2; Line: 10           (13486)
226-B Broadway
Oscar D Mabie, M, W, 49, M2, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Machinist, Electric works
Anna Mabie, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 3 yrs, no children, NY, Ireland, Ireland, none
Arba E Mabie, Son, M, W, 24, S, NY, NY, NY, Machinist, Locomotive works
Deforest J Mabie, Son, M, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, Coil Winder, Electric works
Eva L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, Department Store

Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1079; Page: 70A; ED 90; Part: 1; Line: 8           (13954)
Lark Street
Effie Mabie, Head, F, W, 53, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Tailoress, Tailor Shop

Conesville, Schoharie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1079; Page: 90B; ED 91; Part: 1; Line: 11           (22413)
Isaac F Maybie, Head, M, W, 71, M1, 46 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Retail Merchant, General Store, veteran - Union Army
Lavilla Maybie, Wife, F, W, 70, M1, 46 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Conesville, Schoharie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1079; Page: 93A; ED 91; Part: 1; Line: 15           (26515)
Myron Maybie, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 15 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, General Farm
Rilla Maybie, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 15 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Nina Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Ivaleen Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Raymond Maybie, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Lavilla Maybie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Fulton, Schoharie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1079; Page: 121B; ED 94; Part: 1; Line: 23           (20687)
West Fulton Village
Orrin Maybe, Head, M, W, 64, M2, 38 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Shoe Maker, own shop, veteran - Union Army
Maria Maybe, Wife, F, W, 62, M1, 38 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Fulton, Schoharie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1079; Page: 120B; ED 94; Part: 1; Line: 22           (20702)
Charles E Mabey, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 1 yr, NY, NY, NY, Merchant, General Store, owns home
Ula M Mabey, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 1 yr, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Gilboa, Schoharie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1079; Page: 149A; ED 97; Part: 1; Line: 9           (11215)
Leander VanHosen, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 33 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Sarah VanHosen, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 33 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Ada Mabie, Niece, F, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Gilboa, Schoharie, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1079; Page: 148A; ED 97; Part: 1; Line: 10           (11209)
William Maybe, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 19 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Alice Maybe, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 19 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Fredric C Maybe, Son, M, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, Home, Farm, in school
Anna B Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Helen Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Catharine, Schuyler, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 147B; ED 52; Part: 1; Line: 33           (11713)
Alpine Road
Jacob Maybee, Head, M, W, 60, M2, 22 yrs, NY, NY, NY, farms own general farm
Libbie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 22 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Hector, Schuyler, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1061; Page: 215B; ED 59; Part: 1; Line: 42           (22819)
Road to Trumansburg
William E Mabey, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 14 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Ella Mabey, F, W, 39, M1, 14 yrs, 2 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Floyd C Mabey, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NY, PA, in school
Alice E Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NY, NY, PA, in school

Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 188A; ED 121; Part: 1; Line: 8           (6694)
Second Street
John H Maybee, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 24 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Manager, Lumber Mill, owns home
Clara B Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 24 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Laura Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, General Store
Mildred Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Nelson Maybee, Son, M, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Beatrice Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 191A; ED 121; Part: 1; Line: 16           (6696)
Main Street
Levi W Maybee, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 18 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Landlord, Hotel, owns hotel
Della I Maybee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 18 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Emery L Maybee, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 192A; ED 121; Part: 1; Line: 15           (7268)
Main Street
Edison Maybee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Sawyer, Lumber Mill, owns home
Fannie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 8 yrs, 1 child born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1888, none
Mertin Maybee, Son, M, W, 6, S, NY, NY, Canada, in school

Edwards, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 192B; ED 121; Part: 1; Line: 32           (6610)
Depot Street
Minard Maybee, Head, M, W, 71, M1, 38 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns home
Alice Maybee, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 38 yrs, 7 children born - 4 living, NY, NY, England, none

Fine, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 208A; ED 122; Part: 1; Line: 6           (6697)
George Maybee, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 19 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Contractor, Lumber Job
Nora Maybee, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 19 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Maud Beatrice Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Frederick Maybee, Son, M, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Fine, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 207B; ED 122; Part: 1; Line: 11           (6698)
Burton Maybee, Head, M, W, 31, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Foreman, Lumber Woods, owns home
Grace W. Maybee, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 3 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Inez Maybee, F, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Irene Maybee, F, W, 1, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Fowler, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 245B; ED 124; Part: 1; Line: 35           (6612)
146 Ranch Road
Judson A Maybee, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 10 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer
Arvilla Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 10 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Bower Maybee, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school
Everett Maybee, Son, M, W, 2, S, NY, NY, NY
Leon Maybee, Son, M, W, 1, S, NY, NY, NY

Hermon, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 32B; ED 132; Part: 2; Line: 18           (6686)
Martha Maybee, Head, F, W, 73, Wd, NY, MA, VT, income, owns home

Hermon, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 42B; ED 132; Part: 2; Line: 21           (6687)
Barney Maybee, Head, M, W, 51, M1, NY, NY, NY, Foreman, operation
Nancy Maybee, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 25 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none

Hermon, St Lawrence, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1074; Page: 43B; ED 132; Part: 2; Line: 20           (6613)
William Maybee, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farm operator, owns home
Jennie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 8 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Blanche Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NY

Huntington, Suffolk, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 37A; ED 1362; Part: 1; Line: 23           (15563)
Sarah Maybee, Boarder, F, W, 51, S, NY, NY, NY, Teacher, Public School

1-Dist Smithtown, Suffolk, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1082; Page: 201A; ED 1384; Part: 2; Line: 17           (31356)
Camden Avenue
Louis Maybee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 4 yrs, PA, Sweden, Ireland, house carpenter
Selmer Maybee, Wife, F, W, 33, M2, 4 yrs, 3 children born & living, Finland, Finland, Finland, immigrated in 1902, none
John Maybee, Stepson, M, W, 8, S, NY, Finland, Finland, attended school
Ellen Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NY, PA, Finland
Edward Maybee, Son, M, W, 11 months, S, NY, PA, Finland

Fremont, Sullivan, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1072; Page: 64B; ED 137; Part: 1; Line: 27
William Mabye, Hired Man, M, W, 40, S, NY, NY, NY, Hotel Bartender

Highland, Sullivan, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1072; Page: 85B; ED 139; Part: 1; Line: 18
Ella Watson, Head, F, W, 56, S, NY, PA, PA, No, none, owns home
Sarah Mabee, Sister, F, W, 54, Wd, NY, PA, PA, none
John Humbert, Stepson, M, W, 16, S, IN, NY, IN, none

Rockland, Sullivan, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1072; Page: 252B; ED 151; Part: 1; Line: 30           (28868)
Harry Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Retail drug store

Rockland, Sullivan, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1072; Page: 255B; ED 151; Part: 1; Line: 32           (11138)
John J Maybee, Boarder, W, M, 42, Wd, NY, NY, Ireland, Salesman, pianos

Thompson, Sullivan, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1072; Page: 308B; ED 156; Part: 1; Line: 22           (22425)
150 Broadway, Monticello
Jacob M Maybee, Head, M, W, 61, M1, 6 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Lawyer, Attorney, owns home
Annie W Maybee, Wife, F, W, 50, M, 6 yrs, no children, NY, CT, NY, none

Tusten, Sullivan, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1072; Page: 320B; ED 157; Part: 1; Line: 21           (22429)
Earnest Maybe, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 11 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Dry Goods, owns home
Louise Maybe, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 11 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Floyd E Maybe, Son, M, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Kenneth G Maybe, Son, M, W, 5, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Candor, Tioga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1084; Page: 103A; ED 148; Part: 1; Line: 17           (11718)
Edward Mabee, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Stella Mabee, Wife, F, W, 37, M2, 8 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Candor, Tioga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1084; Page: 84A; ED 147; Part: 1; Line: 14           (11719)
Clarence T Maybe, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 24 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Dora A Maybe, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 24 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Lucy R Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, sews for glove factory

Owego, Tioga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1084; Page: 154B; ED 154; Part: 1; Line: 27           (10872)
39 Lake Street, Owega Village
A H Keeler, Head, F, W, 67, M1, 51 yrs, 3 children born, living 2, NY, NY, NY, none
[Mrs] John A Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 47, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Thelma Mabee, Grandchild, F, W, 19, S, NY, NY, NY, Stenographer, Law Office

Spencer, Tioga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1084; Page: 248B; ED 162; Part: 1; Line: 26           (21606)
Main Street, Spencer Village
Mary J Remsen, Head, F, W, 66, Wd, no children, NY, NY, NY, Dressmaker, own shop
John B Mabee, Brother, M, W, 60, S, NY, NY, NY, Butcher, Meat Market

Spencer, Tioga, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1084; Page: 247A; ED 162; Part: 1; Line: 12           (11727)
Maple Street, Spencer Village
Eliza P Maybee, Head, F, W, 75, Wd, 1 child born - 0 living, NY, NY, VT, none, Own Income, owns home
Helen A Merrow, Niece, F, W, 48, D, 1 child born - 0 living, NY, NY, NY, Dressmaker, At Home, own account

Caroline, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 238B; ED 168; Part: 1; Line: 39           (21573)
Arthur Mabee, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 4 yrs, NY, NY, NY, traveling salesman, machinery
Lillian Mabee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, Laundress, steam laundry

Danby, Tompkins, New York, Roll: T624_1083; Page: 10B; ED 169; Image: 506; FHL Number: 1375096
Charles C Mabee, Head, M, W, 59, M, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Mary Mabee, Wife, F, W, 57, M, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Danby, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 255A; ED 169; Part: 1; Line: 14           (21553)
Miles B Mabee, Head, M, W, 72, M1, 39 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Emma J Mabee, Wife, F, W, 66, M1, 39 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, NY, Germany, NY, none

Danby, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 255B; ED 169; Part: 1; Line: 23           (21615)
Fannie Mabee, Servant, F, W, 50, Wd, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, Housekeeper for Frank D Gunderman

Ithaca Ward 1, Tompkins, New York, Roll: T624_1083; Page: 14A; ED 179; Image: 725; FHL Number: 1375096           (11710)
Martain Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 67, Wd, NY, NY, NY, laborer, farm, with Charles Ramsey

4-Wd Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 132B; ED 185; Part: 2; Line: 37           (11712)
119 Hudson Street
Nathaniel T Maybee, Head, M, W, 63, M2, 36 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none, owns home
Emma A Maybee, Wife, F, W, 63, M2, 36 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, NY, NY, NY, none

4-Wd Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 132B; ED 185; Part: 2; Line: 39           (21556)
121 Hudson Street
Floyd L Maybee, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 14 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Shipping Clerk, furniture store
Amanda Maybee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 14 yrs, 1 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Ethel E Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

4-Wd Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 134A; ED 185; Part: 2; Line: 10           (11735)
328 Pleasant Street
Wilton A Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 11 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Clerk, hardware store
Eva Maybee, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 11 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Marjorie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Mary A Brown, Mother-in-law, F, W, 54, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

4-Wd Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 134B; ED 185; Part: 2; Line: 24           (11731)
329 Pleasant Street
Charles W Maybee, Head, M, W, 44, M1, 14 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Mail Carrier, Post Office
Josephine Maybee, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 14 yrs, 1 child born & living, VT, Ireland, Scotland, none
Jennie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NY, NY, VT, in school

4-Wd Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 142B; ED 186; Part: 2; Line: 24           (11722)
303 College Avenue
Ophelia Mabie, Head, F, W, 53, Wd, 1 child born & living, NY, PA, NY, Housekeeper, Lodgings and Houses, own account, owns home
Cecil W Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, NY, NY, NY, Teacher, Public school

5-Wd Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 170A; ED 187; Part: 2; Line: 14           (11733)
102 Madison Street
Bert Mabee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 14 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Checker, railroad
Bertha Mabee, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 14 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY
Mildred G Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Marjorie M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
George Mabee, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 5 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, grocers           (11755)

Ithaca, Tompkins, New York, Roll: T624_1083; Page: 9B; ED 0189; Image: 1042; FHL Number: 1375096           (11717)
Carroll S Maybee, Head, M, W, 40, M1, 8 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer on own General Farm
Lydia Maybee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 8 yrs, no children,d MN, MA, NY, none
Gardner Estes, Father-in-law, M, W, 76, M, 45 yrs, MA, MA, MA, none
Sarah Estes, Mother-in-law, F, W, 67, M, 45 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Ithaca Township, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 198B; ED 189; Part: 2; Line: 30           (21561)
Fred Maybee, Head, M, W, 45, M, 15 yrs, NY, USA, USA, Farmer
Edith Maybee, Wife, F, W, 53, M1, 15 yrs, 1 child born - 0 living, NY, NJ, NY, none
James J Crager, Father-in-law, M, W, 82, M1, 55 yrs, NJ, USA, USA, Farmer
Catherine Crager, Mother-in-law, F, W, 77, M1, 55 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, USA, USA, none
Cora Crager, Sister-in-law, F, W, 51, S, NY, NJ, NY, none

Lansing, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 223A; ED 190; Part: 2; Line: 4           (21616)
Everett Mabee, Head, M, W, 21, M1, 0 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, general farm
Grace Mabee, Wife, F, W, 21, M2, 0 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, PA, none, Laundress, Laundry
Frank L Docstader, Stepson, M, W, 2, S, NY, NY, USA

Ulysses, Tompkins, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1083; Page: 263A; ED 194; Part: 2; Line: 16           (21571)
Geo Mabee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 13 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farmer, Tenant
Angie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 13 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none
Susan Countryman, Mother-in-law, F, W, 64, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Esopus, Ulster, New York, Series T624, Roll 1084, Part 2, Page 27B           (5143)
Winfield S Mabee [name listed as Winfred in the index], Head, M, W, 57, M, 25 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Railroad, owns home free of mortgage
Emma Mabee, Wife, F, W, 58, M, 25 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Elizabeth E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, none

Esopus, Ulster, New York, Series T624, Roll 1084, Part 2, Page 27A           (5087)
William H Mabie, Head, M, W, 65, M1, 42 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Captain, Passenger Boat, owns home free of mortgage
Rachel A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 64, M1, 42 yrs, 4 children born - 2 living, NY, NY, NY

Esopus, Ulster, New York, Series T624, Roll 1084, Part 2, Page 26B           (24679)
Wallace C Mabie, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 0 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Sailor, Passenger Boat
Lillian Mabie, Wife, F, W, 25, M1, 0 yrs, no children, NY, Germany, NY

Esopus, Ulster, New York, Series T624, Roll 1084, Part 2, Page 26B           (26359)
Harry Mabie, Head, M, W, 36, M, 11 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Engineer, Passenger Boat, owns home free of mortgage
Sarah A Mabie, Wife, F, W, 32, M, 11 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY

Galen, Wayne, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1094; Page: 156B; ED 134; Part: 1; Line: 23           (28875)
84 Water Street, Clyde
Geo H Mabie, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 14 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Machinist, Harness
Agusta Mabie, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 14 yrs, 2 children born, living 2, NY, NY, Ireland
Arthur Mabie, Son, M, W, 13, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Cyril Mabie, Son, M, W, 9, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

Wolcott, Wayne, New York, Roll: T624_1094; Page: 9A; ED 169; Image: 1086           (28873)
South side West Main Street
William Maybe, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 23 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none
Eva Maybe, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 23 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none
Homer Maybe, Son, M, W, 21, S, NY, NY, NY, laborer

Walworth, Wayne, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1094; Page: 203A; ED 164; Part: 2; Line: 9           (1986)
Frederick S Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 17, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, Farmer, General Farm

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Roll: T624_1090; Page: 2A; ED 11; Image: 213; FHL Number: 1375103           (2712)
1041 Brown Street, Peekskill Village
Alonzo Mabee, Head, M, W, 63, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Carpenter, house, own home

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Roll: T624_1090; Page: 9B; ED 13; Image: 280; FHL Number: 1375103           (2719)
222 Walnut Street, Peekskill Village
John R Denike, Head, M, W, 74, M1, 48 yrs, NY, NY, NY, own income, owns home
Adelia Denike, Wife, F, W, 68, M1, 48 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none
Cytheria Lockwood, Sister-in-law, F, W, 54, Wd, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Roll: T624_1090; Page: 11A; ED 10; Image: 193; FHL Number: 1375103           (8373)
John H Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 67, S, NY, NY, NY, Bookkeeper, Brick Mfg Co

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Roll: T624_1090; Page: 11B; ED 11; Image: 232; FHL Number: 1375103           (19096)
East side of Lafayette Avenue, Peekskill Village
Austin D Mabie, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 15 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Chemist and Physician, private practice, own account, owned home
Lorraine Mabie, Wife, F, W, 47, M2, 15 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, VT, NY

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1090; Page: 131B; ED 13; Part: 1; Line: 26
117 Depew Street, Peekskill Village
John L Selleck, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 24 yrs, NY, NY, NY. Proprietor, Garage, owns home
Mary A Selleck, Wife, F, W, 45, M1, 24 yrs, 3 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Myra Selleck, Daughter, F, W, 23, S, NY, NY, NY, none
John L Selleck Jr, Son, M, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, Mechanic, Garage
Eugenie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 22, M1, 3 yrs, no children, NY, NY, NY, none

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1090; Page: 132B; ED 13; Part: 1; Line: 32           (2713)
216 Union Avenue, Peekskill Village
John Mabie, Head, M, W, 61, M1, 40 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Asst Postmaster, Govt Work, owns home
Emma Mabie, F, W, 59, M1, 40 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1090; Page: 134B; ED 13; Part: 1; Line: 31           (2714)
228 Union Avenue, Peekskill Village
Dorlin Mabie, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 32 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Proprietor, Grocery Stoce, owns home
Ida M. Mabie, F, W, 52, M1, 32 yrs, 2 children born & living, CT, CT, NY, none
Fred C Mabie, Son, M, W, 31, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, CT, Trainman, Railroad
Harold D Mabie, Son, M, W, 18, S, SC, NY, CT, in school

Cortlandt, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1090; Page: 135A; ED 13; Part: 1; Line: 6           (15054)
152 Fremont Street, Peekskill
Mrs J Mabie, Head, F, W, 86, Wd, 5 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, none, owns home
Jean L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 30, S, NY, NY, NY, none

4-Wd New Rochelle, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1091; Page: 280A; ED 95; Part: 2; Line: 17           (11857)
5 Edgewood Park
Ralph R Mabie, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 17 yrs, NY, NY, NY, President, Roofing Company
Leleanore L Mabie, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 17 yrs, 3 children born & living, OH, OH, OH, none
Ralph R Mabie, Son, M, W, 10, S, NY, NY, OH, in school
Leleanor L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NY, NY, OH, in school
Marion C Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, NY, NY, OH, in school
Fannie Hersh, Mother-in-law, F, W, 70, Wd, OH, OH, OH, none
Ida Booker, Servant, F, Black, 21, S, VA, VA, VA, Servant, Private Home

Ossining, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1089; Page: 188B; ED 103; Part: 1; Line: 94
Sing Sing State Prison
George Mabie, Prisoner, M, W, 60, Wd, NY, NY, NY, mat maker, mat shop

Peekskill, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1090; Page: 164B; ED 14; Part: 1; Line: 22           (18000)
213 Smith Street, Peekskill Village
Sarah E Mabie, Head, F, W, 52, S, NY, NY, Ireland, Dressmaker, own account, owns home
Maggie F Mabie, Sister, F, W, 48, S, NY, NY, Ireland, Retired Teacher
Anna L Mabie, Sister, F, W, 45, S, NY, NY, Ireland, none

2-Wd White Plains, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1091; Page: 264B; ED 135; Part: 1; Line: 21           (10186)
102 South Lexington Avenue
Wilber N Mabee, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 28 yrs, NY, Canada, Canada, Carpenter, House
Jennie F Mabee, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 28 yrs, 6 children born & living, NY, USA, England, none
Wilber N Mabie, Son, M, W, 18, S, NY, NY, NY, Carpenter, House
Sadie G Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, in school
Helen G Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, NY, NY, NY, in school

4-Wd White Plains, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1091; Page: 158B; ED 128; Part: 1; Line: 40           (10191)
24 William Street, White Plains Village
Fredrick A Mabee, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 4 yrs, NY, NY, NJ, Inspector, Water Company
Pearl B Mabee, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, England, NY, none
Courtney M Mabee, Son, M, W, 3, NY, NY, NY, none
Jay Tenbroech, Lodger, M, W, 48, M1, 26 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Retail
Florence R Manley, Sister-in-Law, F, W, 18, S, NY, England, NY, Clerk (office), Retail Awning Company
James B Manley, Father-in-Law, M, W, 59, Wd, England, England, England, Teamster, Contractor

White Plains Ward 4, Westchester, New York, Roll: T624_1091; Page: 3A; ED 128; Image: 315; FHL Number: 1375104           (10185)
12 Spring Street, White Plains Village
Mary A Mabee, Head, F, W, 80, Wd, 3 children born & living, Canada, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1830, none
Carrie E Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 48, S, NY, NY, Canada, Clerk (money order), Post Office

5-Wd White Plains, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1091; Page: 201B; ED 131; Part: 1; Line: 89           (16767)
Bloomingdale Hospital
Everett M Mabie, Inmate, M, W, 51, M1, 21 yrs, 5 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none

5-Wd Yonkers, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1092; Page: 200B; ED 164; Part: 2; Line: 23           (16142
45 Maple Street
Frederick Mabie, Head, M, W, 64, M1, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NJ, Carpenter, House
Martha J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 54, M1, 35 yrs, 8 children born - 7 living, NY, VT, NY, none
Winfield S Mabie, Son, M, W, 32, S, NJ, NY, NY, Laborer, Rubber Factory
Mary Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 27, S, NY, NY, NY, Weaver, Carpet Factory
Elizabeth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 25, S, NY, NY, NY, Weaver, Carpet Factory
Hiram Mabie, Son, M, W, 19, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Herbert Mabie, Son, M, W, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Hat Factory
Jessie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, Trimmer, Hat Factory
Bertha Walton, Daughter, F, W, 36, M1, 1 child born & living, NJ, NY, NY, Trimmer, Hat Factory
Alma Walton, Granddaughter, F, W, 7, S, NY, NY, NJ, in school

8-Wd Yonkers, Westchester, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1093; Page: 220A; ED 181; Part: 1; Line: 20           (1595)
498 South Broadway
Stella Clapp, Head, F, W, 33, Wd, 3 children born & living, NJ, NJ, NY, Stenographer, Real Estate Office
Erle Clapp, Son, M, W, 11, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Ruth Clapp, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Dorothy Clapp, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NJ, NJ, NJ, in school
Ella M Mabie, Mother, F, W, 52, Wd, 8 children born - 6 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Carroll Mabie, Brother, M, W, 15, S, NY, NJ, NY, Runner, Bank

Castile, Wyoming, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1087; Page: 13B; ED 175; Part: 1; Line: 19
William C Austin, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 9 yrs, NY, England, England, Farms own farm
Addie Austin, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 9 yrs, 1 child born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Martha A Austin, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, NY, NY, none
Frank Mabie, Nephew, M, W, 12, S, NY, NY, England, in school

Starkey, Yates, New York, Series: T624; Roll: 1075; Page: 307B; ED 185; Part: 2; Line: 30 (17904)
Albert Maybee, Head, M, W, 53, Wd, NY, NY, NY, Carpenter, anywhere
Gertrude Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Lena Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, in school



Twp 142 Range 104, Billings, North Dakota; Series: T624; Roll: 1138; Page: 327A; ED 10; Part: 2; Line: 1           (19142)
Fred Mabee, Head, M, W, 23, S, SD, Canada, PA, Farming own farm
Ida Mabee, Sister, F, W, 21, S, SD, Canada, PA

5-Wd Anamoose, McHenry, North Dakota; Series: T624; Roll: 1143; Page: 7B; ED 60; Part: 2; Line: 37           (1598)
Herbert S Mabie, Head, M, W, 25, S, NJ, NJ, NY, Salesman, Lumber Yard

1-Wd Milnor, Sargent, North Dakota; Series: T624; Roll: 1148; Page: 107A; ED 200; Part: 1; Line: 8           (31999)
Clarance C Wheeler, M, W, 55, M, 26 yrs, WI, NY, NY, Contractor and Builder, Carpenter, owns home
Lucy M Wheeler, Wife, F, W, 55, M2, 26 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, WI, NY, NY, Domestic Labor
Clarance G Wheeler, Son, M, W, 23, S, WI, WI, WI, Carpenter
Gladeys Mabie, Stepdaughter, F, W, 30, S, WI, WI, WI, Teacher


2-Wd Lima, Allen, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1151; Page: 61B; ED 24; Part: 1; Line: 26
777 West High Street
Harry L Mabbey, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 9 yrs, OH, NY, England, Manufacturer, Button Factory, owns home
Susie M Mabbey, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 9 yrs, no children, MD, MD, MD, Manufacturer, Button Factory

Lee Twp, Carroll, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1158; Page: 103B; ED 64; Part: 1; Line: 23           (22575)
Pleasant Hill Road
Homer R Maybee, Head, M, W, 57, M2, 20 yrs, PA, NJ, PA, Farmer, own farm
Lizzie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 20 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, Ireland, Ireland, none
James L Maybee, Son, M, W, 19, S, OH, PA, OH, Farm Laborer, home farm
Jessie J Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 26, S, PA, PA, OH, none

10-Wd Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1182; Page: 112B; ED 147; Part: 2; Line: 30
740 1/2 North High Street
Charles C Maby, Lodger, M, W, 37, M1, 15 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Driller, Oil Well
Mabel Maby, Lodger, F, W, 38, M1, 15 yrs, 1 child born & living, OH, OH, OH, none

9-Wd Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1190; Page: 161A; ED 102; Part: 2; Line: 14           (1683)
G Mabie, Boarder, M, W, 43, M2, 1 yr, WI, NY, WI, Tailor, Tailoring Business
Rena Mabie, Boarder, F, W, 28, M1, 1 yr, no children, MI, MI, MI, none

3-Wd Findlay, Hancock, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1187; Page: 101A; ED 72; Part: 1; Line: 23           (26583)
227 W Lincoln Street
Arthur Maybee, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 5 yrs, IN, IN, IN, Commercial Traveler
Lura Maybee, Wife, F, W, 21, M1, 5 yrs, 1 child born & living, IN, IN, IN, none
Florence Maybee, F, W, 3, S, IN, IN, IN

Jackson Twp, Hardin, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1187; Page: 126B; ED 106; Part: 2; Line: 28
Forest Village
Carlton J Mabbey, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 20 yrs, OH, NY, England, Salesman, Machine, owns home
Emma Mabbey, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 20 yrs, no children, OH, Germany, Germany, Dressmaker
Jesse T Mabbey, Father, M, W, 81, Wd, NY, unknown, unknown, veteran-Union Army

1-Wd Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, Series T624, Roll 1206, Part 1, Page 12A           (16268)
1240 West Erie Avenue, Black River Township
Sarah Maybee, F, W, 54, Wd, 9 children born - 7 living, MI, MI, MI, none
Will Maybee, Son, M, W, 27, S, MI, MI, MI, Fitter, Shipyard
Clarence Maybee, Son, F [sic], W, 17, S, MI, MI, MI, Clerk, Railroad

2-Wd Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, Series T624, Roll 1205, Part 2, Page 99B           (16271)
1739 Fifth Street, Black River Township
Joseph Maybee, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 4 yrs, OH, OH, OH, Riveter, Shipyard
Minnie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 31, M1, 4 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, Scotland, England
Jennett Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, OH, OH, OH
Marcella Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 6 mo, S, OH, OH, OH

3-Wd Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, Series T624, Roll 1206, Part 1, Page 119A           (16272)
1014 West 20th Street, Black River Township
Lambert Maybee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 6 yrs, MI, MI, MI, Laborer, R R Co
Jennie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, MI, MI, MI
Catharine D Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, OH, MI, MI
Phillis Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, OH, MI, MI

4-Wd Lorain, Lorain, Ohio, Series T624, Roll 1205, Part 2, Page 209B           (26307
1937 Elyria Avenue
Mary Scott, Head, F, W, 47, Wd, 7 children born & living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1882, none
John Scott, Son, M, W, 26, S, MD, Ireland, Ireland, Rivetter, Steel plant
Thomas Scott, Son, M, W, 25, S, MD, Ireland, Ireland, Rivetter, Steel plant
Anna Scott, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, MD, Ireland, Ireland, none
Frank Maybee, Son-in-law, M, W, 24, M1, 4 yrs, MI, MI, MI, none [Frank was in prison in Madison Twp, Richland County; see below]
Bessie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 22, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, MD, Ireland, Ireland, none
Irvin Maybee, Grandson, M, W, 3, S, OH, MI, MD, none
Joseph Scott, Son, M, W, 20, S, OH, Ireland, Ireland, laborer, stove works
Peter Scott, Son, M, W, 18, S, OH, Ireland, Ireland, boiler maker, tube mills
Patrick Scott, Son, M, W, 16, S, OH, Ireland, Ireland, side fitter, tube mills

1-Wd Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1207; Page: 257A; ED 37; Part: 1; Line: 14           (6591)
1732 Huron
Edwin D Maybee, Head, M, W, 63, M2, 0 yrs, MI, NJ, OH, Farmer, General Farm, owns home
Lida E Maybee, F, W, 56, M2, 0 yrs, 4 children born & living, OH, CT, CT, none
Samuel C Maybee, Son, M, W, 22, S, MI, MI, Canada, none
Edward H Gould, Stepson, M, W, 20, S, OH, England, OH, Compositor, Printing Office

2-Wd Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1207; Page: 39B; ED 42; Part: 2; Line: 33
537 Erie Street
Jack Maybee, Head, M, W, 28, M2, 1 yr, MO, MO, MO, Assistant, Pool Room
Elsie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, no children, IL, IL, IL, none

5-Wd Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1208; Page: 190B; ED 67; Part: 1; Line: 25           (16098)
1909 North 14th Street
Frank E Maybee, Head, M, W, 53, M1, MI, OH, OH, own income
Adah Maybee, F, W, 52, M1, 27 yrs, 1 child born & living, OH, MI, OH, none
Genevieve Collins, Daughter, F, W, 26, M1, 7 yrs, 1 child born & living, OH, MI, OH, Stenographer, Office
Natlie Collins, [Grand]daughter, F, W, 5, S, MI, MI, OH, none

Washington Twp, Lucas, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1210; Page: 22B; ED 159; Part: 2; Line: 30           (16620)
Alfred E Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 17 yrs, MI, MI, Canada, Florist, Greenhouse, owns home
Ella Maybee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 17 yrs, 4 children born & living, MI, MI, OH, none
Forest R Maybee, Son, M, W, 15, S, MI, MI, MI, Laborer, Gas Office
Etta A Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, MI, MI, MI, in school
Louis Ed Maybee, Son, M, W, 6, S, OH, MI, MI, in school
Harlan A Maybee, Son, M, W, 3, S, OH, MI, MI, none

5-Wd Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1217; Page: 139A; ED 82; Part: 1; Line: 2           (11437)
National Avenue
Hiram Maybee, Head, M, W, 59, M2, 34 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Watchman, Union Station Railroad Crossing
Anna Maybee, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 34 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, OH, OH, Matron, Union Depot

Madison Twp, Richland, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1225; Page: 24A; ED 171; Part: 1; Line: 9           (11422)
Ernest C Mabee, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 8 yrs, OH, OH, OH, Farmer, General Farm
Emma E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 8 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, OH, OH, none
Merle C Mabee, Son, M, W, 5, S, OH, OH, OH, none
Elden E Mabee, Son, M, W, 1 yr 3 mo, S, OH, OH, OH, none

Madison Twp, Richland, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1225; Page: 31A; ED 172; Part: 1; Line: 38           (26307)
Ohio State Reformatory, Mansfield
Frank Maybee, Prisoner, M, W, 25, M1, 3 yrs, MI, MI, French Canada, shipbuilder, shipyard
[Frank is also listed with his wife and family above in Lorain, Lorain County]

1-Wd Mansfield, Richland, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1225; Page: 96A; ED 178; Part: 1; Line: 15           (27947)
58 Glessner Avenue
Samuel Leech, Head, M, W, 38, M2, 5 yrs, OH, OH, OH, Grocer, own store, owns home
Mary E Leech, F, W, 41, M2, 5 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Grace M Bishop, Stepdaughter, F, W, 18, S, OH, OH, NY, Stenographer, Harrow Works
Clarence D Bishop, Stepson, M, W, 12, S, OH, OH, NY, none
Elizabeth S Mabee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 63, Wd, 4 children born - 3 living, NY, CT, NY, none

Sharon Twp, Richland, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1224; Page: 199B; ED 201; Part: 2; Line: 27           (17761)
194 Main Street, Shelby Village
A B Mabee, Head, M, W, 31, M, 8 yrs, OH, NY, NY, Lawyer, own general practice, owns home
Mary Mabee, Wife, F, W, 30, M, 8 yrs, no children, OH, OH, OH, none

Springfield Twp, Richland, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1224; Page: 212A; ED 202; Part: 2; Line: 3           (7568)
Fourth Street Road
John Mabee, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 34 yrs, MI, NY, England, Farms own farm
Francis B Mabee, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 34 yrs, 3 children born & living, OH, OH, OH, none

Springfield Twp, Richland, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1224; Page: 212B; ED 202; Part: 2; Line: 22           (18887)
Newcastle Road
Frank B Mabee, Head, M, W, 52, M1, 24 yrs, MI, NY, England, Farms own farm
Laura E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 24 yrs, 3 children born - 1 living, OH, OH, OH, none
Vere T Mabee, Son, M, W, 22, S, OH, MI, OH, Farm Laborer, home farm

4-Wd Alliance, Stark, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1232; Page: 202B; ED 205; Part: 1; Line: 23           (2616)
1486 Union Avenue, Lexington Township
Fred C Mabee, Roomer, M, W, 26, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1905, Professor, College

5-Wd Canton, Stark, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1231; Page: 97A; ED 176; Part: 1; Line: 10           (29349)
1001 South Market Street
Roy Maby, Boarder, M, W, 22, M1, 7 months, OH, USA, USA, Teamster, McLain Co

2-Wd Canal Dover, Tuscarawas, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1236; Page: 97B; ED 110; Part: 1; Line: 22           (6516)
315 East 7th Street, Dover Township
John Maybee, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 7 yrs, MI, MI, MI, Mill Worker, Roll Mill
Edith Maybee, Wife, F, W, 22, M1, 7 yrs, 2 children born & living, OH, Germany, OH, none
Walter Maybee, Son, M, W, 6, S, OH, MI, OH, none
Nellie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, OH, MI, OH, none

Crane Twp, Wyandot, Ohio, Series: T624; Roll: 1241; Page: 86A; ED 175; Part: 1; Line: 5           (7570)
Percy J Mabee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 8 yrs, OH, OH, OH, Farmer, general farm, own account
Edith R Mabee, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 8 yrs, 3 children born & living, OH, Germany, OH, none
Nora F Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, OH, OH, OH, in school
Ruth L Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, OH, OH, OH, none
William R Mabee, Son, M, W, 8 months, S, OH, OH, OH, none


1-Wd Randlett, Comanche, Oklahoma, Series: T624; Roll: 1248; Page: 164B; ED 47; Part: 1; Line: 19           (19373)
John Mabee, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 10 yrs, AR, AR, IL, Stockman, Buying Stock, owns home
Lottie E Mabee, Wife, F, W, 30, M1, 10 yrs, no children, MO, AR, IL, none

Morgan Twp, Ellis, Oklahoma, Series: T624; Roll: 1251; Page: 126A; ED 151; Part: 1; Line: 24           (2432)
Walter L Mabey, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Minerva L Mabey, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 35 yrs, 8 children born & living, MO, OH, IN, none
Sidney W Mabey, Son, M, W, 17, S, MO, NY, MO, Farm Laborer, in school
Vera P Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, MO, NY, MO, in school

Murdock Twp, Ellis, Oklahoma, Series: T624; Roll: 1251; Page: 3A; ED 141; Part: 1; Line: 7           (21173)
Pearl E Maybee, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, KS, TX, MO, Farms own farm
Laverna Maybee, Wife, F, W, 18, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, MO, MO, IL, none
Jimmie J Maybee, Son, M, W, 1, S, OK, KS, MO, none

Jester Twp, Greer, Oklahoma, Series: T624; Roll: 1253; Page: 61A; ED 115; Part: 2; Line: 6           (11540)
Roy Mabee, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 4 yrs, TX, IL, MO, Rural Letter Carrier, owns farm
Anna A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 4 yrs, 2 children born & living, TX, KY, KY, none
John D Mabee, Son, M, W, 3, S, OK, TX, TX, none
Elizabeth D Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 8 months, S, OK, TX, TX, none

2-Wd Mangum, Greer, Oklahoma, Series: T624; Roll: 1253; Page: 80A; ED 116; Part: 2; Line: 9           (11539)
317 North Carolina
George Mabee, Roomer, M, W, 19, S, TX, Georgia, Georgia, abstracting, Office Work

3-Wd Muskogee, Muskogee, Oklahoma, Series: T624, Roll: 1264; ED 115, Page: 70A; Line: 5; FHL microfilm: 1375277
James L Maybee, Head, M, W, 58, S, AL, GA, GA, laborer, odd jobs
John W Maybee, Brother, M, W, 53, S, AL, GA, GA, waiter, restaurant

Oklahoma Twp, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Roll: T624_1265; Page: 9A; ED 198; Image: 1100; FHL Number: 1375278           (16547) and (9992)
Ira Hatcher, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 8 yrs, MO, IL, OH, Laborer, Concrete Work
Sarah A Hatcher, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 8 yrs, 2 children born & living, IA, PA, OH, Seamstress, Overall factory
Myrtle T Hatcher, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, OK, MO, IA, none
Mildred F Hatcher, F, W, 6, S, OK, MO, IA, none
John Maybe, Uncle, M, W, 52, S, OH, Germany, NY, none [John is also listed in the following Hatcher family]

Oklahoma City Ward 6, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Roll: T624_1266; Page: 24B; ED 227; Image: 876; FHL Number: 1375279
1200 E Seventh
Austen Hatcher, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 40 yrs, IL, TN, IL, Laborer, Concrete Work
Irene Hatcher, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 40 yrs, 9 children born & living, OH, Germany, NY, none
Martha Hatcher, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, MO, IL, OH, Milliner, Shop
Irene M Hatcher, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, MO, IL, OH, Seamstress, Overall factory
Alonzo Hatcher, Son, M, W, 20, S, MO, IL, OH, Laborer, Concrete Work
Perry Hatcher, Son, M, W, 15, S, MO, IL, OH, none, attended school
John Maybee, Brother-in-law, M, W, 59, S, OH, Germany, NY, none [John is also listed in the Hatcher family above]

Owasso Twp, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Series T624, Roll 1274, Part 2, Pages 36B           (9979)
Reece J Maybee, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 27 yrs, TX, OH, OH, Farmer, General Farm, OA
Sarah E Maybee, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 27 yrs, 2 children born & living, IL, IL, IL

Owasso Twp, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Series T624, Roll 1274, Part 2, Pages 36B           (21183)
Earl D Maybee, M, W, 25, M1, 3 yrs, MO, TX, IL, pumper, Oil fields
Elizabeth Maybee, Head, F, W, 20, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born, USA, USA, USA

Madison Twp, Washington, Oklahoma, Series: T624; Roll: 1276; Page: 121A; ED 258; Part: 1; Line: 6           (11994)
Ridley F Mabee, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 17 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, Gauger, Oil-tank farm
Parah B Mabee, Wife, F, W, 48, M2, 17 yrs, 4 children born, living 2, IL, IL, IL, none
Webster A Mabee, Son, M, W, 13, S, KS, Canada, IL, in school
Daisy M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 8, MO, Canada, IL, in school

Supply, Woodward, Oklahoma, Roll: T624_1276; Page: 1B; ED 0280; Image: 704; FHL Number: 1375289           (2435)
North side of Main Street
Incorporation not kept up & houses not numbered
John Maby, Boarder, M, W, 32, S, MO, NY, MO, Carpenter, House


Cascades, Clackamas, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1279; Page: 96A; ED 24; Part: 1; Line: 22           (3662)
James H L Maybee, Head, M, W, 58, M2, 22 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Minnie S Maybee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 22 yrs, 2 children born & living, OR, IL, IL, none
Alma D Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, OR, NY, OR, in school
Loyd H Maybee, Son M, W, 1 yr 9 mo, S, OR, NY, OR, none

North Bend, Coos, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1280; Page: 137B; ED 62; Part: 1; Line: 26           (5996)
Mead Avenue
Charles E Maybee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 10 yrs, KS, NY, MO, Attorney at Law, General Practice, owns home
Hattie J Maybee, Wife, F, W, 36, M2, 10 yrs, 2 children born, living 1, OR, WV, OH, none
Harry C Maybee, Son, M, W, 9, S, OR, KS, OR, at school

Calapooya, Douglas, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1280; Page: 41B; ED 75; Part: 2; Line: 41           (17844)
James Mabie, Head, M, W, 80, Wd, NY, NY, NY, none, owns home
Mary Elizabeth Mabie, Sister, F, W, 68, S, NY, NY, NY, none
Maize Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 27, S, WI, WI, NY, none

Calapooya, Douglas, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1280; Page: 49A; ED 75; Part: 2; Line: 8           (27992)
Henry B Mabie, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 17 yrs, WI, NY, WI, Farms own farm
Lily M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 17 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, IA, USA, Canada, none
Charles H Mabie, Son, M, W, 13, S, WI, WI, IA, at school

Calapooya, Douglas, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1280; Page: 49B; ED 75; Part: 2; Line: 25           (27136)
Warren Mabie, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 2 yrs, WI, NY, WI Farms own farm
Juna E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, OR, OR, NY, none
Bula M Mabie, Daughter, 11 months, S, OR, WI, OR, none

Medford Ward 2, Jackson, Oregon, Roll: T624_1281; Page: 9B; ED 113; Image: 985; FHL Number: 1375294           (19254)
Central Avenue South
Alfred E Mabee, Roomer, M, W, 58, D, French Canada, French Canada, English Canada, Carpenter, House

Springfield Pct, Lane, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1283; Page: 55B; ED 165; Part: 1; Line: 27
D Street
Edward B Mabey, Boarder, M, W, 41, S, IL, NY, MI, Laborer, odd jobs

Fox Valley Pct, Linn, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1283; Page: 57A; ED 179; Part: 2; Line: 15           (27988)
G Francis Johnston, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 6 yrs, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, immigrated in 1882, naturalized, Farms own Farm
Daisy M Johnston, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 6 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, IA, NY, England, none
George P Johnston, Son, M, W, 5, S, OR, Scotland, IA, none
Kenneth L Johnston, Son, M, W, 1 yr 2 mo, S, OR, Scotland, IA, none
Jane Maybee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 77, Wd, 4 children born & living, England, England, England, immigrated in 1858, none

Fox Valley Pct, Linn, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1283; Page: 57A; ED 179; Part: 2; Line: 22           (19384)
Clyde Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 48, S, NY, England, England, Engineer, Lumbering Camp

98-Pct, Multnomah, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1288; Page: 168A; ED 116; Part: 2; Line: 16           (21159)
Daniel C Maybee, Head, M, W, 59, M1, 30 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1876, naturalized, Leather worker, Saddle Factory, owns home
Nancy Maybee, Wife, F, W, 49, M1, 30 yrs, 1 child born & living, MN, NY, NY, none
Alice Ervin, Daughter, F, W, 28, M1, 5 yrs, no children, MI, Canada, MN, none
J B Ervin, Son-in-law, M, W, 29, M1, 5 yrs, IL, USA, USA, Bookbinder
Abbie Gates, Sister-in-law, F, W, 57, Wd, 1 child born - 0 living, MI, NY, NY, Dressmaker, Private family

98-Pct, Multnomah, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1288; Page: 169B; ED 116; Part: 2; Line: 19           (3665)
Hannah Maybee, Head, F, W, 72, Wd, 4 children born - 2 living, NY, VT, VT, none, owns home

Hurlburt Pct, Multnomah, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1288; Page: 210B; ED 119; Part: 2; Line: 24           (16366)
A L Maybee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 14 yrs, KS, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Emma Maybee, Wife, F, W, 39, M1, 14 yrs, 4 children born & living, KS, Sweden, Sweden, none
Edna Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, OR, KS, KS, in school
Jessie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, OR, KS, KS, in school
Wm Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, OR, KS, KS, none
Weslie Maybee, Son, M, W, 1 month, S, OR, KS, KS, none

4-Wd Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1286; Page: 197B; ED 155; Part: 1; Line: 58
Luella Maybee, Lodger, F, W, 29, S, OR, OR, OR, Teacher, Public School

4-Wd Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1286; Page: 167B; ED 153; Part: 1; Line: 82           (20331)
223 1/2 Madison Street
A Mabee, Lodger, M, W, 25, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1890, Checking, Standard Oil

S Dallas Pct, Polk, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1282; Page: 321A; ED 244; Part: 1; Line: 18           (613)
Aaron Maybee, Head, M, W, 29, M1, 7 months, MI, —, —, merchant, furniture, owns home
Clara Maybee, Wife, F, W, 17, M1, 7 months, 1 child born & living, KS, IA, MO
(Infant not yet named) Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 1 month, OR, MI, KS

W Dayton Pct, Yamhill, Oregon, Series: T624; Roll: 1290; Page: 283A; ED 299; Part: 2; Line: 6           (11333)
Seventh Street
Emerson B Mabee, Head, M, W, 58, M1, 34 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1889, naturalized, Carpenter, House
Matilda Mabee, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 34 yrs, 8 children born - 7 living, Canada, England, England, immigrated in 1889, none
Oliver Mabee, Son, M, W, 19, S, OR, Canada, Canada, Teamster, Livery Barn
Frank Mabee, Son, M, W, 17, S, OR, Canada, Canada, in school



Pittsburgh Ward 4, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1300; Page: 19A; ED 324; Image: 325; FHL Number: 1375313           (27094)
331 Meyran Street
Thomas Lowrie, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 9 yrs, NY, Scotland, Scotland, Steward, Hotel
Elsie R Lowrie, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 9 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, Germany, Germany, none
Thomas R Lowrie, Son, M, W, 8, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school
David E Lowrie, Son, M, W, 3, S, PA, NY, NY, none
William H Mabie, Nephew, M, W, 20, S, NY, NY, NY, Receiving Clerk, Hotel
Mary Standa, Servant, F, W, 16, S, Hungary, Hungary, Hungary, Servant, Private Family

5-Wd Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1300; Page: 132A; ED 337; Part: 2; Line: 6           (28576)
2338 Webster Avenue
John Maybe, Head, M, Mu, 34, M1, 1 yr, NY, NY, NY, Porter, Hotel
Annie Maybe, Wife, F, Mu, 34, M1, 1 yr, no children, Peru, Peru, Peru, maid, Doctor’s Office

22-Wd Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1306; Page: 208B; ED 586; Part: 1; Line: 33           (28889)
1115 Race Street
Robert B Mabie, Head, M, W, 21, M1, 3 yrs, IN, unknown, unknown, Wagon Driver, Transfer
Mamie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 23, M2, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, Wales, England, none
Catherine Remell, Stepdaughter, F, W, 7, S, PA, IN, PA, in school
Catherine Dempsey, Mother-in-law, F, W, 65, M2, 28 yrs, 12 children born - 4 living, England, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1875, none

Towanda Ward 1, Bradford, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1319; Page: 5B; ED 40; FHL microfilm: 1375332
104 Elizabeth Street
Edward J Middaugh, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 20 yrs, PA, USA, USA, Tinner, House
Ida J Middaugh, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 20 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, USA, USA, none
France E Middaugh, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, PA, PA, PA, Operator, Telephone
Albert Mabee, Boarder, M, W, 71, Wd, USA, USA, USA, Mason, House

Sayre Ward 1, Bradford, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1318; Page: 8B; ED 28; Image: 1002; FHL Number: 1375331           (11739)
150 Maple
Frederick J Mabee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 16 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Machinist, RR Shop, owns home
Nellie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 16 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Edie Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, NY, NY, NY, attended school

Clearfield Pct, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1331; Page: 133B; ED 90; Part: 2; Line: 12           (19209)
Lawrence Township
John Mabie, Head, M, W, 53, M1, 33 yrs, PA, NY, NY, Laborer, Lumber Camp
Harrit J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 50, M1, 33 yrs, 5 children born - 4 living, PA, PA, PA, none
Miny A Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 25, D, 4, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Joseph A Mabie, Son, M, W, 7, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Best Almeda Mabie, Granddaughter, F, W, 4, S, PA, PA, PA, none

Huston Twp, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1331; Page: 44B; ED 84; Part: 2; Line: 17           (19212)
Bine Mabye, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 23 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Laborer, Farm
Margaret E Mabye, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 23 yrs, 12 children born - 10 living, PA, PA, PA, none
May P Mabye, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Daisie L Mabye, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Grace O Mabye, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Charley D Mabye, Son, M, W, 7, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Byron S Mabye, Son, M, W, 5, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Mornie C Mabye, Son, M, W, 2, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Clayton C Mabye, Son, M, W, 13 months, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Clifton B Mabye, Son, M, W, 13 months, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Jearaldine Mabye, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, PA, PA, PA, none

4-Wd Meadville, Crawford, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1333; Page: 181B; ED 24; Part: 1; Line: 30           (11463)
41 Mead Avenue
Herman P Maybee, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 24 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Engineer, Railroad
Caroline M Maybee, F, W, 49, M1, 24 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, Germany, Germany, none
Josephine E Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 23, S, PA, NY, PA, none

Middlesex, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1335; Page: 19A; ED 32; Image: 566           (27196)
Carlisle Indian School, Girls Dormitory
Clara M Maybee, F, Indian, 17, S, NY, NY, NY, occupation: Ration Indian; reads and writes English, attending school,
          This Indian's tribe: Seneca, father's tribe: Seneca; mother's tribe: Seneca; this person is 1/2 Indian, 1/2 white

Middlesex, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1335; Page: 23B; ED 32; Image: 575           (27197)
Carlisle Indian School, Girls Dormitory
Fleeta Maybee, F, Indian, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, occupation: Ration Indian, reads and writes English, attending school,
          This Indian's tribe: Seneca, father's tribe: Seneca; mother's tribe: Seneca; this person is 1/4 Indian, 3/4 white
Grace Maybee, F, Indian, 14, S, NY, NY, NY, occupation: Ration Indian, reads and writes English, attending school,
          This Indian's tribe: Seneca, father's tribe: Seneca; mother's tribe: Seneca; this person is 1/4 Indian, 3/4 white

St Marys Borough, Elk, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1341; Page: 35B; ED 50; Part: 2; Line: 13           (19106)
712 Hall Avenue
Joseph W Maybee, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 9 yrs, PA, NY, PA, Car Builder, Car Shop
Nellie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 9 yrs, 5 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Lyle Maybee, Son, M, W, 7, S, PA, PA, PA, in school
Ida Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, PA, PA, PA, in school
Geneva Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 5, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Joseph Maybee, Son, M, W, 4, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Dorothy Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 11 months, S, PA, PA, PA, none

St Marys Borough, Elk, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1341; Page: 75B; ED 51; Part: 2; Line: 16           (17902)
437 Walnut Street
Edward W Maybee, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 40 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Engineer, Car Shops, owns home
Martha Maybee, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 40 yrs, 11 children born - 10 living, PA, CT, PA, none
Esther Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, PA, NY, PA, Reporter, Newspaper
Edith Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, PA, NY, PA, none
Earl Maybee, Son, M, W, 17, S, PA, NY, PA, Car Painter, Car Shops

1-Wd Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1342; Page: 33A; ED 68; Part: 1; Line: 15           (27724)
213 East Sixth
Harry C Mabie, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 29 yrs, PA, NY, PA, Manager, Plaster Company
Ella M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 47, M1, 29 yrs, 2 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Clyde E Mabie, Son, M, W, 25, M1, 6 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Fireman, Railroad
Maude E Mabie, F, W, 23, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Elizabeth Mabie, Mother, F, W, 83, Wd, 2 children born - 1 living, PA, Ireland, Germany, none
Jane D Mabie, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 31, M1, 6 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, PA, Nurse at Soldier’s Home
Roswell Mabie, Grandson, M, W, 4, S, PA, PA, PA, none
1-Wd Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1342; Page: 108A; ED 72; Part: 1; Line: 14           (27728)
Pennsylvania Soldiers and Sailors Home
Jane D Mabie, Nurse, F, W, 33, M1, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, NY, Nurse, P S S H Hospital

1-Wd Dickson Boro, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1356; Page: 104B; ED 20; Part: 2; Line: 23           (20690)
George W Mabey, Head, M, W, 57, M1, 35 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Bartender, Hotel
Emily H Mabey, Wife, F, W, 54, M1, 35 yrs, 7 children born - 6 living, PA, Ireland, Ireland, none
Mary Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 33, M1, 4 yrs, no children, PA, NY, PA, none
Elizabeth Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 31, M1, 5 yrs, no children, PA, NY, PA, none
George W Mabey Jr, Son, M, W, 27, S, PA, NY, PA, Clerk, Department Store
Walter Mabey, Son, M, W, 27, M1, 7 yrs, PA, NY, PA, Molder, Stove factory
Harold Mabey, Son, M, W, 18, S, PA, NY, PA, Agent, Circus
Charles Mabey, Son, M, W, 13, S, PA, NY, PA, in school

Scranton Ward 13, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1360; Page: 4A; ED 0101; Image: 122; FHL Number: 1375373
1531 Mylert Avenue
Walter Maybe, Head, M, W, 26, M, 5 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Laborer, Odd Jobs
Louize Maybe, Wife, F, W, 27, M, 5 yrs, PA, PA, PA, none

Little Britain, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1355; Page: 1B;ED 106; Image: 152; FHL Number: 1375368           (27197)
Cleta Maybee, Servant, F, Indian, 16, S, NY, NY, NY, Housework, Working out, attended school

1-Wd Slatington Boro, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1365; Page: 131A; ED 190; Part: 1; Line: 14
Ellis Owens, Head, M, W, 74, Wd, Wales, Wales, Wales, immigrated in 1854, naturalized, operator, slate quarry, owns home
Jennie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 50, Wd, PA, Wales, Wales, Servant, Private family
John T Evans, Son-in-law, M, W, 39, M1, 7 yrs, Wales, Wales, Wales, immigrated 1889, naturalized, jobber, slate roofing
Ceinwen Evans, Daughter, F, W, 38, M1, 7 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, Wales, Wales, none
Amnos Evans, Grandson, M, W, 6, S, PA, Wales, PA, none

Plymouth Twp, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1369; Page: 207B; ED 112; Part: 2; Line: 24           (20691)
Isaac Mabey, Head, M, W, 56, M1, 25 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Odd Jobs, owns home
Edith M Mabey, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 25 yrs, no children, PA, PA, PA, none
Emma Shafer, Mother-in-law, F, W, 62, Wd, 3 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none

12-Wd Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1373; Page: 7B; ED 100; Part: 2; Line: 25           (21400)
316 High Street
I Stanley Mabee, Head, M, W, 45, M1, 23 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated 1889, naturalized, Manager, Bond Company, owns home
Hattie Mabee, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 23 yrs, 3 children born & living, Canada, Canada, Canada, none
Raymond Mabee, Son, M, W, 20, S, Canada, Canada, Canada, in school
Clarence Mabee, Son, M, W, 8, S, IL, Canada, Canada, in school

2-Wd Bradford, McKean, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1373; Page: 93A; ED 109; Part: 2; Line: 16           (11436)
14 Sherman Street
John J Maybee, Head, M, W, 66, M1, 47 yrs, NY, NY, NY, engineer, locomotive, owns home
Louise B Maybee, Wife, F, W, 66, M1, 47 yrs, 2 children born - 0 living, PA, NY, NY, none

1-Wd Kane Boro, McKean, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1374; Page: 70A; ED 125; Part: 1; Line: 8           (31310)
219 Beech Street
George Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 9 yrs, PA, PA, PA, snapper, glass factory
Cora Maybee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 9 yrs, 2 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Hazel Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, PA, PA, PA, in school
Grace Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, PA, PA, PA, in school

3-Wd Kane Boro, McKean, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1374; Page: 96B; ED 127; Part: 1; Line: 30           (31302)
214 Biddle Street
Gilman L Maybee, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 37 yrs, PA, NY, NY, Keeper of owned Boarding house (4 boarders listed)
Hannah Maybee, Wife, F, W, 58, M1, 37 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, PA, NH, NJ, none

Wetmore Twp, McKean, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1374; Page: 280A; ED 140; Part: 1; Line: 8           (19105)
Railroad Street, East Kane Village
Claude E Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 19 yrs, PA, NY, PA, Engineer, Railroad
Hattie Maybee, F, W, 38, M1, 19 yrs, no children, PA, France, PA, none

Pymatuning, Mercer, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1375; Page: 2A;ED 171; Image: 208; FHL Number: 1375388           (10436)
Sylvester Taggart, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 18 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Laborer, odd jobs
Margaret E Taggart, Wife, F, W, 48, M2, 18 yrs, 2 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Jasper E Taggart [Maybee], Son, M, W, 26, S, PA, PA, PA, Laborer, Blast Furnace

Lower Merion Twp, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1378; Page: 52B; ED 92; Part: 1; Line: 56           (16771)
Levi E Mabie, Hired Man, M, W, 42, S, NY, NY, NY, Farm Laborer, farm

Philadelphia Ward 9, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1388; Page: 9B; ED 135; Image: 567; FHL Number: 1375401           (19395)
14 North 19th Street
Jesse B Maybe, Boarder, M, W, 37, M1, 3 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Express Agent, U S Express Co
Ada Maybe, Lodger, F, W, 27, M2, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, NC, GA, Mexico, none
with the Allan Hornbeck family

10-Wd Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1388; Page: 245A; ED 143; Part: 2; Line: 26           (28580)
1 Witherspoon Court, Rear 9th Cherry
Richard Mabie, M, W, 28, M1, 7 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Paper cutter, Printing works
Emma Mabie, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 7 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, PA, Germany, Germany, none
Richard Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, PA, NY, NY [sic]
Elizabeth Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, PA, NY, NY [sic]

22-Wd Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1396; Page: 147B; ED 454; Part: 2; Line: 38           (18750)
4816 Greene Street
Howard G Mabie, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 19 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Salesman, Hardware, owns home
Esther R Mabie, F, W, 39, M1, 19 yrs, no children, CT, CT, England, none
Esther R Morris, Mother-in-law, F, W, 61, Wd, England, England, England, none

Philadelphia Ward 39, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Roll: T624_1409; Page: 6A; ED 984; Image: 624; FHL Number: 1375422           (10786)
2227 South Ninth Street
Walter C Constand [Mabie], Head, M, W, 28, M1, 8 yrs, PA, NY, Ireland, Printer, Printing House
Mary M Constand [Mabie], Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 8 yrs, 3 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Bessie Constand [Mabie], Daughter, F, W, 6, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Edna Constand [Mabie], Daughter, F, W, 5, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Walter Constand [Mabie], Son, M, W, 2, S, PA, PA, PA, none

39-Wd Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1409; Page: 176B; ED 996; Part: 2; Line: 21           (10785)
2423 South Tenth Street
John S Mabie, Head, M, W, 24, S, PA, IN, Ireland, Wagon Driver, Match Factory
Bessie Homsher, Mother, F, W, 48, Wd, 5 children born & living, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1870, none
Samuel Homsher, Brother, M, W, 16, S, PA, PA, Ireland, Apprentice, Printing House
Mary Homsher, Sister, F, W, 15, S, PA, PA, Ireland, none
Leonard Conway, Uncle, M, W, 29, S, NJ, England, Ireland, Motorman, Electric Railroad
Grace M Rose, Sister, F, W, 25, M1, 6 yrs, 3 children born - 2 living, PA, IN, Ireland, none
Grace E Rose, Niece, F, W, 4, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Charles E Rose, Nephew, M, W, 3, S, PA, PA, PA, none

46-Wd Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1413; Page: 206B; ED 1171; Part: 1; Line: 21           (1836)
224 South Cecil Street
William J Maybee, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 3 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1898, Electrician, Telephone
Bertha M Maybee, F, W, 25, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Alba Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, PA, Canada, PA, none

Shinglehouse Boro, Potter, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1415; Page: 71B; ED 128; Part: 2; Line: 26
Russell Street
George W Maybee, Head, M, W, 46, Wd, NY, Ireland, NY, Laborer, Heading Mill

Conewango Twp, Warren, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1424; Page: 67B; ED 154; Part: 2; Line: 60           (12629)
State Hospital for the Insane
Alvira Maybe, Inmate, F, W, 66, Wd, 8 children born - 3 living, PA, USA, USA, none

Tunkhannock Twp, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1433; Page: 152A; ED 130; Part: 1; Line: 7           (22173)
Turnpike Road
Robert Maybee, Head, M, W, 51, M1, 28 yrs, PA, NJ, NJ, Roler, Tannery, owns home
Harriet Maybee, Wife, F, W, 51, M1, 28 yrs, 2 children born & living, PA, NJ, NJ, none
Mary E Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, PA, PA, PA, Operator, Telephone

1-Wd Tunkhannock Boro, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1433; Page: 138A; ED 129; Part: 1; Line: 4           (28285)
Harry V Maybee, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 5 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Bill Clerk, Railroad
Mary E Maybee, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 5 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, PA, PA, PA, none
Josephine H Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, PA, PA, PA, none

10-Wd York, York, Pennsylvania, Series: T624; Roll: 1435; Page: 117B; ED 130; Part: 2; Line: 33
607 South Queen Street
Emma Jackson, Head, F, W, 56, Wd, 8 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Virgie M Jackson, Daughter, F, W, 30, S, PA, PA, PA, Tobacco Stripper, Tobacco Factory
Elmer E Jackson, Son, M, W, 21, S, PA, PA, PA, Laborer, cracker factory
Annie L Jackson, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, PA, PA, PA, Carder, Tooth Factory
Ralph H Jackson, Son, M, W, 14, S, PA, PA, PA, Helper, Grocery
Stewart E Jackson, Grandson, M, W, 3, S, PA, PA, PA, none
Ida N Mabie, Sister, F, W, 42, M2, 10 yrs, no children, PA, PA, PA, Tobacco Stripper, Cigar Factory
George Mabee, Brother-in-law, M, W, 38, M2, 10 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Chipper, Ice Machine plant
Core E Dellinger, Niece, F, W, 28, S, PA, PA, PA, stamper, hosiery


Warren, Bristol, Rhode Island, Series: T624; Roll: 1436; Page: 185A; ED 7; Part: 1; Line: 2           (17580)
321 South Main Street
Charles N Mabey, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 17 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Shoe Dealer
Mabel J Mabey, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 17 yrs, 3 children born & living, RI, RI, RI, none
Leon A Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, RI, NY, RI, in school
Clinton L Mabey, Son, M, W, 8, S, RI, NY, RI, in school
Clayton J Mabey, Son, M, W, 8, S, RI, NY, RI, in school
Evelyn Mabey, Mother, F, W, 85, Wd, 5 children born - 4 living, NY, NY, NY, none

Newport Ward 5, Newport, Rhode Island, Roll: T624_1437; Page: 5A; ED 54ge: 531; FHL Number: 1375450           (26716)
Fort Adams
Aaron A Mabie Jr, Soldier, M, W, 20, S, NJ, NJ, NY, Soldier, US Army



3-Wd Huron, Beadle, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1476; Page: 230A; ED 18; Part: 1; Line: 1           (19138)
613 Illinois Street
Herbert R Costain, Head, M, W, -, M1, 4 yrs, SD, England, PA, music dealer
Pearl S Costain, Wife, F, W, 29, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, SD, WI, Norway, none
Keith S Costain, Son, M, W, 1 yr 8 mo, S, SD, SD, SD, none
Della Mabee, Servant [Niece], F, W, 14, S, SD, Canada, IA, Servant, Private Family, in school
[Della was also enumerated with her grandmother (Herbert's mother Hannah Costain) in Parker Twp, Turner County, below]

3-Wd Frederick, Brown, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1477; Page: 216B; ED 62; Part: 1; Line: 22
Fifth Street
F A Mabee, Head, F, W, 63, Wd, 3 children born & living, Canada, NY, Canada, immigrated in 1889, own income, own home

School District Number 4, Custer, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1479; Page: 107A; ED 12; Part: 1; Line: 3           (22566)
Buffalo Gap
George E Maybee, Head, M, W, 65, M2, 2 yrs, PA, NY, NY, Carpenter, odd jobs, veteran - Union Army
Emma S Maybee, Wife, F, W, 54, M2, 2 yrs, 3 children born & living, IN, OH, OH, none
Earl F Pierce, Son, M, W, 23, S, IN, IN, IN, attended school
Cecil L Pierce, Head, M, W, 20, S, IN, IN, IN, Gardener, Farm

Beaver Twp, Miner, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1485; Page: 208B; ED 314; Part: 1; Line: 16           (6340)
Louis L Mabee, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 15 yrs, IA, Canada, NY, Farms a rented farm
Bertha L Mabee, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 15 yrs, 3 children born & living, MO, Canada, IN, none
Clarence C Mabee, Son, M, W, 14, SD, IA, MO, in school
Lester N Mabee, Son, M, W, 10, SD, IA, MO, in school
Cleo L Mabee, Son, M, W, 4 months, SD, IA, MO
Beaver Twp, Miner, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1485; Page: 208B; ED 314; Part: 1; Line: 17           (18761)
William D Mabee, Head, M, W, 46, M1, 12 yrs, IA, Canada, NY, Farms a rented farm
Dora I Mabee, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 12 yrs, 2 children born & living, IA, Canada, IL
Vera M Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 10, SD, IA, IA, in school
Bernice R Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 6, SD, IA, IA
William N Foster, Father-in-law, M, W, 88, M1, 55 yrs, Canada, NY, NY, own income

Barthold Pct, Perkins, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1487; Page: 58A; ED 95; Part: 1; Line: 20           (2633)
Gabriel Mabee, Head, M, W, 57, M2, 2 yrs, Canada, Canada, NJ, Farm Operator, owns farm
Etta Mabee, Wife, F, W, 45, M2, 2 yrs, 3 children born - 1 living, IL, Canada, IL, none

Brothersfield, Turner, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1489; Page: 9B; ED 407; Part: 1; Line: 18           (3608)
Freeman H Mabee, Head, M, W, 45, M2, 10 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1870, Farms own farm
Silvia Mabee, Wife, F, W, 46, M2, 10 yrs, 2 children born & living, IA, England, PA, none
John E Mabee, Son, M, W, 20, S, SD, Canada, IA, Laborer, Home Farm
Harold Mabee, Son, M, W, 18, S, SD, Canada, IA, Laborer, Home Farm
Athol Mabee, Son, M, W, 16, S, SD, Canada, IA, Laborer, Home Farm
Oliver D Mabee, Son, M, W, 9, S, SD, Canada, IA, in school

Parker Ward 1, Turner, South Dakota, Roll: T624_1489; Page: 2B; ED 411; Image: 111; FHL Number: 1375502           (3611)
Third Street
Oliver W Mabee, Head, M, W, 53, M2, 22 yrs, Canada, Canada, NJ, immigrated in 1873, naturalized, Own Income, owns home
Emma Mabee, Wife, F, W, 59, M1, 22 yrs, 1 child born & living, PA, PA, PA, None
Susan Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 24, S, SD, Canada, PA, Teacher, Public School
Ethel Cheney, Niece, F, W, 16, S, SD, PA, Canada, attended school
Cora M Wood, Boarder, F, W, 31, S, VT, MA, VT, Teacher, Public School

Parker Twp, Turner, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1489; Page: 70B; ED 412; Part: 1; Line: 26           (20046)
William C Walker, Head, M, W, 50, M1, 23 yrs, IL, KY, IL,
Cecilia A Walker, Wife, F, W, 42, M1, 23 yrs, 1 child born & living, Canada, Canada, NJ, immigrated in 1871, none
Alice Walker, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, SD, IL, Canada, attended school
Allie Cheney, Niece (of wife), F, W, 22, S, SD, IL, Canada, teacher, public school
Earl Mabee, Hired man, M, W, 20, S, SD, Canada, IL, Laborer, Farm

Parker Twp, Turner, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1489; Page: 71A; ED 412; Part: 1; Line: 2           (19138)
Hannah S Costain, Head, F, W, 67, Wd, 13 children born - 9 living, PA, Germany, Prussia (Germany), own incpme, owns home
Earl J Costain, Son, M, W, 26, S, SD, NY, PA, Farmer, General Farm
Raymond H Costain, Son, M, W, 23, S, SD, NY, PA, Farmer, General Farm
Della C Mabee, Granddaughter, F, W, 14, S, SD, England, IA, in school
[Della was also enumerated as a servant in the family of Hannah's son, Herbert Costain, in Beadle County, South Dakota, above]

Parker Twp, Turner, South Dakota, Series: T624; Roll: 1489; Page: 71B; ED 412; Part: 1; Line: 24           (16529)
Maitland Mabee, Head, M, W, 39, M1, 13 yrs, Canada, Canada, NJ, immigrated in 1872, Farms own farm
Ethelyn Mabee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 13 yrs, 6 children born - 5 living, IA, OH, PA, none
Myrna Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 10, S, SD, Canada, IA, none
Ollie D Mabee, Son, M, W, 7, S, SD, Canada, IA, none
Melba Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, SD, Canada, IA, none
Lee Mabee, Son, M, W, 3, S, SD, Canada, IA, none
Beatrix Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 1 yr 9 mo, S, SD, Canada, IA, none
Matilda Mabee, Stepmother, F, W, 84, Wd, OH, MD, MD, own income


Civil District 8, Marion, Tennessee, Roll: T624_1512; Page: 13B; ED 120; Image: 31; FHL Number: 1375525           (3086)
Mariah Mabee, Head, F, W, 53, Wd, 12 children born - 11 living, AL, TN, TN, none
George Mabee, Son, M, W, 16, S, TN, Canada, AL, attended school
John Mabee, Son, M, W, 14, S, TN, Canada, AL, attended school
Crawford Mabee, Son, M, W, 14, S, TN, Canada, AL, attended school
Carl Mabee, Son, M, W, 11, S, TN, Canada, AL, attended school


El Paso, El Paso, Texas, Series: T624; Roll: 1548; Page: 178A; ED 63; Part: 2; Line: 4           (28010)
615 S St Vrain Street
W Stone Shay, Head, F, W, 50, Wd, 2 children born & living, NY, NH, Canada, Nurse, Private Family, owns home
Getse Mabee, Grandson, M, W, 12, S, TX, Canada, TX, in school
John Mabee, Grandson, M, W, 9, S, TX, Canada, TX, in school

3-Wd Houston, Harris, Texas, Series: T624; Roll: 1560; Page: 193A; ED 98; Part: 2; Line: 13           (17873)
3116 Leeland
Miss M Mabie, Roomer, F, W, 60, S, NJ, NY, NJ, None (living with G W Tharp)

6-Wd Houston, Harris, Texas, Series: T624; Roll: 1560; Page: 298B; ED 56; Part: 1; Line: 24           (26162)
1213 Washington
Kate Mabie, Head, F, W, 55, Wd, 2 children born - 1 living, TX, Ireland, Ireland, none
Maggie Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 22, S, TX, Ireland, TX, Bookkeeper, Dry Goods

2-Wd Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, Series: T624; Roll: 1590; Page: 67B; ED 99; Part: 2; Line: 40
104 Burnet Street
Edna Mabie, Partner, F, W, 26, Wd, AR, AR, AR, none (with Rosa Smith)


1-Wd Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1602; Page: 85A; ED 6; Part: 1; Line: 9           (26412)
3rd South 1st East
Charles R Mabee, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 13 yrs, NY, NY, MI, Chemist, Cement Factory
Annabelle Mabee, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 13 yrs, no children, MI, England, OH, none

Bountiful, Davis, Utah, Roll: T624_1603; Page: 17B; ED 35; Image: 226; FHL Number: 1375616
Joseph T Maby, Head, M, W, 69, M1, 39 yrs, England, England, England, immigrated in 1862, naturalized, Farms own Truck Farm
Sarah L Maby, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 39 yrs, 12 children born - 11 living, UT, ME, —, none
Davied Maby, Son, M, W, 24, S, UT, England, UT, Farmer, Home farm
Sarah L Maby, Daughter, F, W, 22, UT, England, UT, Dressmaker, at home
Orson H Maby, Son, M, W, 19, UT, England, UT, attended school
Alice E Maby, Daughter, F, W, 17, UT, England, UT, attended school
Ester Maby, Daughter, F, W, 12, UT, England, UT, attended school
John Schrader, Boarder, M, W, 50, S, OH, Germany, Germany, Farmer, Farm Hand
Joe Ochi, Boarder, M, JP, 23, S, Japan, Japan, Japan, Farmer, Farm Hand
Ben Yoshida, Boarder, M, JP, 25, S, Japan, Japan, Japan, Farmer, Farm Hand

Bountiful Pct, Davis, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1603; Page: 100A; ED 35; Part: 1; Line: 9           (16257)
Charles R Mabey,Head, M, W, 32, M1, 4 yrs, UT, UT, England, Cashier, Bank, owns home
Afton R Mabey, Wife, F, W, 25, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, UT, UT, UT, none
Rendell R Mabey, Son, M, W, 1, S, UT, UT, UT, none

Clearfield Pct, Davis, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1603; Page: 138A; ED 37; Part: 1; Line: 11           (19115)
Joseph L Mabey, Head, M, W, 30, M, 5 yrs, UT, England, UT, Farms own farm
Margaret Mabey, Wife, F, W, 32, M, 5 yrs, 4 children born & living, UT, UT, UT, none
Myron Mabey, Son, M, W, 4, S, UT, UT, UT, none
Louise Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, UT, UT, UT
Margaret Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, UT, UT, UT
Phillip S Mabey, Son, M, W, 3 months, S, UT, UT, UT
Joseph Payne, Boarder, M, W, 27, S, UT, UT, UT, farms, general farm
Hattie Payne, Sister-in-law, F, W, 18, S, UT, UT, UT, none
Kate Payne, Sister-in-law, F, W, 15, S, UT, UT, UT, attended school

Garfield, Salt Lake, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1605; Page: 92A; ED 94; Part: 2; Line: 17           (15815)
Alanson J Mabey, Boarder, M, W, 58, S, NY, NY, NY, Carpenter, Copper Mill, lives in boarding house run by Thomas Onishi

1-Wd Salt Lake city, Salt Lake, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1606; Page: 113A; ED 105; Part: 1; Line: 10           (18076)
25 April 1910
526 Bridport Street
Edward G Mabey, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 19, England, England, England, immigrated in 1888, Carpenter, Contractor on own account
Lulu Mabey, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 19, 7 children born & living, CA, England, England, none
Reginald G Mabey, Son, M, W, 18, S, UT, England, CA, Laborer, odd jobs
Harry E Mabey, Son, M, W, 17, S, UT, England, CA, Carpenter, house
Edna Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, UT, England, CA, none
Martin E Mabey, Son, M, W, 14, S, UT, England, CA, in school
Mildred Mabey, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, UT, England, CA, in school
William C Mabey, Son, M, W, 10, S, UT, England, CA, in school
Alfred T Mabey, Son, M, W, 3, S, UT, England, CA, none
Reginald was also listed in Rosebud Pct, Nevada, where he was a partner in a placer mine. Enumeration date in Nevada was June 1910.

1-Wd Salt Lake city, Salt Lake, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1605; Page: 197A; ED 99; Part: 2; Line: 17           (21756)
543 East Seventh South
Clarence Mabey, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 5 yrs, UT, UT, UT, Sheep Raiser, own ranch
Sarah Mabey, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 5 yrs, 2 children born & living, UT, England, England, none
De Murn C Mabey, Son, M, W, 2, S, UT, UT, UT, none
Leslie D Mabey, Son, M, W, 9 months, S, UT, UT, UT, none

2-Wd Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1606; Page: 68A; ED 112; Part: 2; Line: 6           (7389)
750 North Second West
Robert P Maybee, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, AZ, USA, USA, Electrician, Electric Company
Venedicta B Maybee, F, W, 23, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, CO, MI, MA, none
Venedicta Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 1 month, S, UT, AZ, CO, none

3-Wd Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1607; Page: 144B; ED 130; Part: 1; Line: 42           (19117)
330 Second West Street
Albert Mabey, Head, M, W, 31, M1, 3 yrs, UT, England, UT, Bookkeeper
Aileen Mabey, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 3 yrs, 1 child born & living, UT, Scotland, Scotland, none
Irvine A Mabey, Son, M, W, 12 months, S, UT, UT, UT, none

9-Pct South Jordan, Salt Lake, Utah, Series: T624; Roll: 1605; Page: 197A; ED 89; Part: 1; Line: 12           (15162)
Albert Mabey, Head, M, W, 66, M1, 37 yrs [sic], England, England, England, immigrated in 1862, naturalized, Farms own farm
Celesta J Mabey, Wife, F, W, 55, M1, 36 yrs [sic], 10 children born - 6 living, UT, NY, UT, none
James E Mabey, Son, M, W, 30, S, UT, England, UT, farm laborer
Daniel W Mabey, Son, M, W, 25, S, UT, England, UT, sheep herder, range
Walter A Mabey, Son, M, W, 16, S, UT, England, UT, none
Annie D Maynard, Lodger, F, W, 11, S, UT, England, UT, in school


Hartland, Windsor, Vermont, Series: T624; Roll: 1618; Page: 70B; ED 277; Part: 1; Line: 20           (6682)
Road from Woodstock to Hartford Village
Frank Maybee, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 1 yr, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Edith M Maybee, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, VT, NH, NH, none
Lillian C Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 2 months, S, VT, NY, VT, none


1-Wd Staunton, Augusta, Virginia; Series: T624; Roll: 1650; Page: 54A; ED 121; Part: 1; Line: 27
Western State Hospital, Beverly Manor Township
Garland Maybe, Patient, M, W, 66, S, VA, VA, VA, none

Clay-Wd Richmond, Henrico, Virginia; Series: T624; Roll: 1644; Page: 52A; ED 65; Part: 1; Line: 2
1601 Hanover Street
Nannie Maybee, Lodger, F, W, 36, S, VA, VA, VA, none
Living in the house of Claud A and Daisy Blanton

Clear Fork, Tazewell, Virginia; Series: T624; Roll: 1650; Page: 81A; ED 97; Part: 3; Line: 5
Albert Maybe, Head, M, W, 22, M1, 1 yr, NC, NC, NC, farms general farm
Sarilda Maybe, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 1 yr, 1 child born & living, NC, NC, NC
Thomas Albert Maybe, Son, M, W, 1 month, VA, NC, NC

Maiden Spring, Tazewell, Virginia; Series: T624; Roll: 1650; Page: 188A; ED 103; Part: 3; Line: 2
Henry Maybe, Head, M, W, 25, M1, 5 yrs, NC, NC, NC, Laborer, Farm
Eviline Maybe, Wife, F, W, 23, M1, 5 yrs, 2 children born & living, VA, VA, VA, Housekeeping
Grace Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, VA, NC, VA
John J Maybe, Son, M, W, 1, S, VA, NC, VA


3-Wd Aberdeen, Chehalis, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1653; Page: 80A; ED 2; Part: 2; Line: 26           (6685)
505 East Heron Street
Henry W Maybee, Lodger, M, W, 26, S, NY, NY, NY, Time Keeper, Logging Camp

Monitor Pct, Chelan, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1654; Page: 306B; ED 32; Part: 1; Line: 32           (17853)
Guy L Mabie, Head, M, W, 31, M1, 2 yrs, WI, NY, WI, Farms own fruit farm
Kittie I Mabie, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 2 yrs, 2 children born & living, MN, England, OH, none
Guy E Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, WA, WI, MN, none
Muriel I Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 3 months, S, WA, WI, MN, none

Monticello Pct, Cowlitz, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1655; Page: 210A; ED 93; Part: 1; Line: 2           (16434)
William A Mabie, Head, M, W, 41, M1, 4 yrs, WA, NY, IN, Fisherman, Salmon and Smelts, owns home
Lottie V Mabie, Wife, F, W, 37, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born - 0 living, IL, KY, IL, none
Jessie G Mullins, Sister-in-law, F, W, 20, S, IL, KY, IL, Bookkeeper, Mercantile

4-Wd Seattle, King, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1659; Page: 18A; ED 98; Part: 2; Line: 17
Columbia Street
Fred Maybe, Lodger, M, W, 50, S, OH, OH, OH, Miner, Gold

Seattle Ward 9, King, Washington, Roll: T624_1661; Page: 7A; ED 167; Image: 323; FHL Number: 1375674
432 Bluvelt
Alfred H Maybee, Head, M, W, 40, M2, 2 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Maker, Broom
Anna Maybee, Wife, F, W, 28, M1, 2 yrs, no children, Denmark, Denmark, Denmark, immigrated in 1892, none

14-Wd Seattle, King, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1661; Page: 192A; ED 219; Part: 2; Line: 9           (12067)
6035 48th Avenue South
Ernest R MeBee, Head, M, W, 24, M1, 2 yrs, Canada, Canada, Canada, immigrated in 1900, Painter, House, owns home
Rosamond MeBee, Wife, F, W, 21, M1, 2 yrs, no children, IA, IA, NE, none

Centralia, Lewis, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1666; Page: 149A; ED 125; Part: 1; Line: 2           (31454)
506 Iron Street
Charles Canfield, Head, M, W, 37, M1, 13 yrs, WI, USA, USA, Carpenter, House
Alcina Canfield, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 13 yrs, 1 child born & living, WI, Canada, NY
Erdine Canfield, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, WI, WI, WI
Sarah Maybee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 52, Wd, NY, NY, NY

North Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington, Roll: T624_1667; Page: 1A; ED 366; Image: 1068; FHL Number: 1375680           (6158)
Little Mountain Road
Oscar R Star, Head, M, W, 43, M1, 22 yrs, WI, NY, VT, Farm Laborer, Working Out, owns home
Hattie Star, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 22 yrs, 8 children born - 7 living, MI, MI, –, none
May N Star, Daughter, F, W, 20, S, NE, WI, MI, attending school
Lutheria R Star, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, NE, WI, MI, attending school
Roy Star, Son, M, W, 15, S, NE, WI, MI, attending school
Laura Star, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, NE, WI, MI, attending school
Murray C Star, Son, M, W, 10, S, NE, WI, MI, attending school
Cora R Star, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, NE, WI, MI, attending school
Theodore Star, Son, M, W, 3, S, NE, WI, MI, none
Living in the next household:
North Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington, Roll: T624_1667; Pages 1A-B; ED 366; Images 1068-9; FHL Number: 1375680           (4731)
Little Mountain Road
William Maybee, Head, M, W, 61, M1, 43 yrs, MI, NY, NY, Farms own dairy farm
Rachel Maybee, Wife, F, W, 63, M1, 43 yrs, 7 Children born - 6 living, NY, NY, NY, none
Fred W Maybee, Son, M, W, 37, S, MN, MI, NY, Farms own farm
Nellie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, MN, MI, NY, none

Spokane Ward 3, Spokane, Washington, Roll: T624_1670; Page: 7B; ED 173; Image: 1075; FHL Number: 1375683           (16768)
11 Cedar Street (apartment house)
J O Mabie, Head, M, W, 57, M2, 12 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Insurance, own business
Edith Mabie, Wife, F, W, 46, M2, 12 yrs, 1 child born & living, MN, OH, OH, none
Nell Mabie, Stepdaughter, F, W, 23, IA, NY, MN, none

Spokane Ward 4, Spokane, Washington, Roll: T624_1671; Page: 11B; ED 190; FHL microfilm: 1375684           (9878)
519 1/2 North Monroe Street
William Maybee, Lodger, M, W, 46, Wd, - no other information recorded

Spokane Ward 4, Spokane, Washington, Roll: T624_1671; Page: 12B; ED 190; FHL microfilm: 1375684           (34498)
617 1/2 North Monroe Street
Prudy Maybe, Lodger, W, F, 40, M2, 0 yrs, one child born & living, USA, USA, USA, Servant Private Family

Dalkena Pct, Stevens, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1672; Page: 274A; ED 224; Part: 1; Line: 9           (17848)
Aubrey C Mabie, Head, M, W, 27, S, WI, NY, WI, lumber handler at saw mill

Oaksdale, Whitman, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1674; Page: 85A; ED 261; Part: 2; Line: 14           (6344)
Alexander Mabee, M, W, 80, M2, 53 yrs, Canada, New Brunswick, NY, immigrated in 1854, own income
Sarah Ann Mabee, Wife, F, W, 76, M1, 53 yrs, 8 children born - 6 living, NY, England, England, none
Albert I Mabee, Son, M, W, 36, M1, 4 yrs, IA, Canada, NY, Laborer, General Farm
Etna F Mabee, Daughter-in-law, F, W, 21, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, MO, MO, MO, none
Alberta M Mabee, Granddaughter, F, W, 1 yr 3 mo, S, MO, IA, MO, none
Dena White, Niece, F, W, 36, S, IA, Germany, Canada,

Mabton, Yakima, Washington, Series: T624; Roll: 1675; Page: 252A; ED 300; Part: 2; Line: 2           (5997)
Fern Street
George W Maybee, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 13 yrs, KS, NY, KS, Teacher, Public School
Nellie S Maybee, Wife, F, W, 32, M1, 13 yrs, 1 child born & living, OR, Canada, MO, none
Loren C Maybee, Son, M, W, 12, S, OR, KS, OR, in school


Randolph Magisterial District, Roaring Creek, Randolph, West Virginia; Series: T624; Roll: 1696; Page: 259A; ED 127; Part: 1; Line: 7          (16786)
Fisher Village
William Mabie, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 40 yrs, CT, CT, CT, Contractor, Lumber wood
Nancy Mabie, Wife, F, W, 60, M1, 40 yrs, PA, PA, PA, none


Grant, Clark, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1704; Page: 89B; ED 25; Part: 1; Line: 29           (31203)
Albert Mabie, Head, M, W, 31, M, 6 yrs, WI, WI, WI, Mail Carrier, Rural Route 1
Althea Mabie, Wife, F, W, 28, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, WI, NY, VT, none
Vesta Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 3, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Donovan Leon Mabie, Son, M, W, 4 months, S, WI, WI, WI

Loyal, Clark, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1704; Page: 150A; ED 30; Part: 1; Line: 5           (17843)
Main Street
George Mabie, Head, M, W, 66, M2, 2 yrs, NY, USA, USA, own income, owns house, veteran - Union Army
Lorinda Mabie, Wife, F, W, 57, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, WI, MD, VT
Lauretta Cook, Mother-in-law, F, W, 90, Wd, VT, MA, VT

Loyal, Clark, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1704; Page: 153A; ED 30; Part: 1; Line: 4           (19122)
Lon Mabie, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 7 yrs, WI, NY, OH, Foreman, Railroad Section
Emma Mabie, F, W, 26, M1, 7 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, WI, WI
George Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Julia Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, WI, WI, WI
Raymond Mabie, Son, M, W, 4 months, S, WI, WI, WI

2-Wd Neillsville, Clark, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1704; Page: 227B; ED 35; Part: 1; Line: 29           (28014)
632 Clark Street
Lemuel G Masters, Head, M, W, 45, M2, 1 month, 1 child born & living, WI, NY, ME, Merchant, Notions, owns home
Laura E Masters, Wife, F, W, 37, M2, 1 month, 2 children born - 1 living, WI, VT, WI, none
Vivian S Mabie, Stepdaughter, F, W, 16, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Harry Masters, Son, M, W, 9, S, WI, WI, WI, in school

Sherman, Clark, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1704; Page: 71B; ED 24; Part: 1; Line: 21           (19120)
Wallace S Mabie, Head, M, W, 36, M1, 16 yrs, WI, NY, WI, Farms own farm
Mary J Mabie, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 16 yrs, 8 children born & living, WI, PA, PA, none
Harris E Mabie, Son, M, W, 15, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Alvin R Mabie, Son, M, W, 13, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Hazel A Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Grace E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 9, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Minnie E Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Lester F Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Archie L Mabie, Son, M, W, 3, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Robert M Mabie, Son, M, W, 1 yr 6 mo, S, WI, WI, WI, none

York, Clark, Wisconsin, Roll: T624_1704; Page: 4A; ED 43; Image: 675           (27137)
C H Young, Head, M, W, 47, M1, 22 yrs, NY, NY, NY, farms own farm
Viola Young, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 22 yrs, 10 children born - 8 living, WI, MI, Canada, none
Flora Young, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, WI, NY, WI, attended school
Frank Young, Son, M, W, 15, S, WI, NY, WI, attended school
John Young, Son, M, W, 13, S, WI, NY, WI, attended school
Esther Young, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, WI, NY, WI, attended school
Coral Young, Son, M, W, 4, S, WI, NY, WI, none
Gideon Young, Son, M, W, 2, S, WI, NY, WI, none
Ruth Young, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, WI, NY, WI, none
Lucretia Mabie, Mother, F, W, 72, Wd, 5 children born - 3 living, NY, NY, MI, with Ott and Viola Young

Clayton, Crawford, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1706; Page: 23A; ED 2; Part: 1; Line: 8           (6085)
William Maybee, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 25 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Farms own farm
Elvira Maybee, F, W, 42, M1, 25 yrs, 12 children born - 10 living, WI, OH, OH, none
Charles Maybee, Son,,M, W, 22, S, WI, NY, WI, Farmer, Working out
Mary Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, WI, NY, WI, none
Frenie Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, WI, NY, WI, in school
Alice Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, WI, NY, WI, in school
Anna Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, WI, NY, WI, in school
Frank Maybee, Son, M, W, 10, S, WI, NY, WI, in school
Willie Maybee, Son, M, W, 8, S, WI, NY, WI, in school
Rose Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, WI, NY, WI, none
Roy Maybee, Son, M, W, 2, S, WI, NY, WI, none
Emma Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 7 months, S, WI, NY, WI, none
Milton Peterson, Son-in-law, M, W, 34, Wd, WI, WI, WI, Carpenter, House
Nora Peterson, Granddaughter, F, W, 3, S, WI, WI, WI
Clarence Peterson, Grandson, M, W, 1 yr 2 mo, S, WI, WI, WI

Soldiers Grove, Crawford, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1706; Page: 31A; ED 3; Part: 1; Line: 10           (6118)
John Maybe, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 17 yrs, WI, OH, NY, Laborer, odd jobs
Ida Maybe, Wife, F, W, 41, M1, 17 yrs, 5 children born & living, WI, IA, IA, none
Stella Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, WI, WI, WI, Servant, Private family, in school
Lily Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 15, S, WI, WI, WI, Servant, Private family
Pearl Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 13, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Gladys Maybe, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Archie Maybe, Son, M, W, 6, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Mary Maybe, Niece, F, W, 18, S, WI, WI, WI, Servant, Private family

6-Wd Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1708; Page: 143A; ED 65; Part: 2; Line: 15           (31205)
948 Jenifer Street
John Mabie, Head, M, W, 30, M1, 4 yrs, WI, WI, WI, Laborer, Seed Company
Mayme Mabie, Wife, F, W, 26, M1, 4 yrs, 1 child born & living, WI, Germany, MI, none
Gwendola Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, MO, WI, WI, none

6-Wd Superior, Douglas, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1707; Page: 225A; ED 99; Part: 2; Line: 21
Archie Maby, Roomer, M, W, 6, S, WI, MN, WI, none, In Boarding House run by Mrs Anna Peacock

2-Wd Menomonie, Dunn, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1709; Page: 97B; ED 116; Part: 2; Line: 29
600 Broadway
Chas Maybee, Boarder, M, W, 36, S, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, immigrated in 1872, naturalized, Retail Merchant, Dry Goods Shop

2-Wd Fond Du lac, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1712; Page: 76B; ED 48; Part: 1; Line: 24           (15106)
24 North Butler Street
Henry W Mabie, Head, M, W, 45, M, 22 yrs, WI, Canada, OH, Cigar Maker, Shop, owns home
Ellen E Mabie, Wife, F, W, 46, M1, 22 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, France, NY, none
Ethel T Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 21, S, WI, WI, WI, Stenographer, Law Office
Harry W Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Herbert A Mabie, Son, M, W, 15, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
In the next household enumerated:
2-Wd Fond Du lac, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1712; Page: 76B; ED 48; Part: 1; Line: 26           (28015)
34 North Butler Street
Martin Gleason, Head, M, W, 34, M1, 7 yrs, WI, Ireland, Ireland, Garbage Gettim?, own account
Inez Gleason, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 7 yrs, no children, WI, Canada, KY, none
Fannie Mabie, Mother-in-law, F, W, 69, M1, 45 yrs, 6 children born & living, KY, VA, NY, own income

3-Wd Fond Du lac, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1712; Page: 95B; ED 49; Part: 1; Line: 24           (19128)
352 Forest Avenue
Herbert L Mabie, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 9 yrs, WI, Canada, OH, Operator, Telegraph Company
May C Mabie, Wife, F, W, 41, M2, 9 yrs, 5 children born - 3 living, WI, Canada, Ireland, none
Orin W Webster, Stepson, M, W, 20, S, WI, NY, WI, Laborer, Car Shop
Earl W Webster, Stepson, M, W, 17, S, WI, NY, WI, Bell Boy, Hotel
Rollin R Mabie, Son, M, W, 6, S, WI, WI, WI, in school

3-Wd Fond Du lac, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1712; Page: 95A; ED 49; Part: 1; Line: 9           (28483)
160 Hammer Street
Leon W Bowers, Head, M, W, 37, S, WI, NY, NY, solicitor, newspaper, owns home
Myrtle Mabee, Sister, F, W, 40, M2, 0 yrs, 1 child born & living, WI, NY, NY, none
Marguerite Nolan, Niece, F, W, 14, S, WI, WV, WI, in school

Crandon, Forest, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1710; Page: 80A; ED 25; Part: 2; Line: 1           (7519)
Wild Wood Avenue
Albert B Maybee, Head, M, W, 59, M2, 23 yrs, MI, Canada, MI, Sawyer, Lumber Mill
Angie A Maybee, Wife, F, W, 43, M1, 23 yrs, 3 children born & living, PA, PA, PA, none
Frank M Maybee, Son, M, W, 16, S, WI, MI, PA, Laborer, Lumber Mill
Floyd A Maybee, Son, M, W, 15, S, WI, MI, PA, in school
Alice B Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, WI, MI, PA, in school

Springfield Twp, Jackson, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1713; Page: 286B; ED 88; Part: 2; Line: 21           (13318)
Paul Mabie, Hired Man, M, W, 15, S, WI, WI, WI, Laborer, General Farm belonging to Frank W and Ida M Cushman

Elroy Ward 1, Juneau, Wisconsin, Roll: T624_1714; Page: 11A; ED 70; Image: 850; FHL Number: 1375727           (1688)
Cedar Street
Laura M Crosby, Head, F, W, 72, Wd, 10 children born - 7 living, PA, England, England, Income, owns home
Ann Mary Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 52, S, WI, NY, PA, none
Sarah Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 50, S, WI, NY, PA, none
Page J Buckley, Brother, M, W, 61, D, MO, England, England, none

Orange, Juneau, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1714; Page: 251A; ED 81; Part: 2; Line: 5           (31030)
Royal Mabey, Boarder, M, W, 13, S, IL, England, OH, in school

2-Wd La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1716; Page: 27B; ED 98; Part: 1; Line: 60
303 South Third Street
Charles Mabey, Lodger, M, W, 26, S, IA, OH, Germany, Laborer, Factory

3-Wd La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1716; Page: 39A; ED 99; Part: 1; Line: 1           (22133)
1102 South Fifth Street
Willis Maeby, Head, M, W, 56, M2, 21 yrs, WI, Canada, Canada, Carpenter, Contractor
Ella Maeby, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 21 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, OH, WI, none
Coral Maeby, Daughter, F, W, 19, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Lloyd Maeby, Son, M, W, 17, S, WI, WI, WI, time keeper, City Park Com, in school
Gladys Maeby, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, WI, WI, WI, in school

6-Wd La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1716; Page: 76A; ED 102; Part: 1; Line: 13           (608)
318 Seventh Street
E Mabie, Head, M, W, 77, M1, 56 yrs, NY, NY, NY, none
Julia C Mabie, Wife, F, W, 77, M1, 56 yrs, 7 children born - 3 living, MI, NH, NY, none

7-Wd La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1716; Page: 90B; ED 103; Part: 1; Line: 27           (620)
1225 Winnabago
Fred Mabie, Head, M, W, 49, M1, 20 yrs, IL, NY, NY, Proprietor, Shop
Emma Mabie, Wife, F, W, 40, M1, 20 yrs, 4 children born & living, WI, England, IA
Edward C Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, WI, IL, WI, At School
Ray L Mabie, Son, M, W, 16, S, WI, IL, WI, At School
Ethel Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 14, S, WI, IL, WI, At School
Roland Fred Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, WI, IL, WI, At School

1-Wd Antigo, Langlade, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1718; Page: 30A; ED 39; Part: 1; Line: 6           (21472)
616 Washington Avenue
Louis J Maybee, Head, M, W, 28, M1, 8 yrs, WI, Canada, WI, Teamster, wood and coal
Nellie Maybee, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 8 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, WI, WI, none
Flossie E Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Merlin Maybee, Son, M, W, 5, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Louis J Maybee, Son, M, W, 1 yr 11 mo, S, WI, WI, WI, none

6-Wd Wausau, Marathon, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1720; Page: 178A; ED 107; Part: 1; Line: 5           (16347)
121 East Cherry Street
Frank Maybee, Head, M, W, 48, M1, 12 yrs, WI, NY, NY, Loader, Box Facrory
Josephine Maybee, Wife, F, W, 34, M1, 12 yrs, 4 children born & living, WI, MO, French Canada, none
Chester Maybee, Son, M, W, 10, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Geneveve Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Stella Maybee, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Franklin Maybee, Son, M, W, 2, S, WI, WI, WI, none

11-Wd Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1725; Page: 129A; ED 102; Part: 2; Line: 11           (28072)
533 30th Street
David C Mabee, Head, M, W, 42, M1, 12 yrs, MI, NY, NY, switchman, railroad yards
Clara A Mabee, Wife, F, W, 36, M1, 12 yrs, 2 children born & living, WI, Germany, Germany
Myrtle J Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 11, S, WI, MI, WI
Daniel B Mabee, Son, M, W, 4, S, WI, MI, WI

15-Wd Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1721; Page: 150B; ED 156; Part: 2; Line: 22           (3802)
384 1/2 27th Street
Ira P Mabie, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 1 yr, IA, IL, IL, Engineer, Machine Shop
Susie M. Mabie, Wife, F, W, 24, M1, 1 yr, no children, WI, WI, WI, none

23-Wd Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1728; Page: 29B; ED 270; Part: 2; Line: 19           (28069)
382 22nd Avenue
Agnes Mabee, Head, F, W, 63, M1, 45 yrs, 7 children born - 6 living, NY, Scotland, Scotland, none
Grace E Mabee [Luebke], Daughter, F, W, 29, M1, 1 yr, no children, WI, NY, NY, Stenographer in Office
George C Luebke, Son-in-law, M, W, 25, M1, 1 yr, WI, Germany, Germany, Cashier in Office

Stockholm Twp, Pepin, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1731; Page: 241A; ED 153; Part: 2; Line: 10
Jacob Maybe, Head, M, W, 63, M1, 22 yrs, PA, PA, PA, Farms own farm
Rebecca Maybe, Wife, F, W, 44, M1, 22 yrs, 1 child born & living, Norway, Norway, Norway, none

4-Wd Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1735; Page: 120A; ED 97; Part: 1; Line: 9           (28060)
764 W Grand Avenue
Joel A Smith, Head, M, W, 54, M2, 23 yrs, OH, OH, NY, minister
Mary E Smith, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 23 yrs, 4 children born - 3 living, IA, NY, PA
Ethel F Smith, Daughter, F, W, 26, S, NE, OH, OH, student
Wiley C Smith, Son, M, W, 22, S, IA, OH, IA, student
Lulu M Smith, Daughter, F, W, 18, S, IA, OH, IA, student
Elizabeth H Smith, Daughter, F, W, 16, S, IA, OH, IA, student
Martha G Mabee, Mother-in-law, F, W, 75, Wd, PA, PA, PA, none

3-Wd Evansville, Rock, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1735; Page: 272B; ED 107; Part: 1; Line: 45           (13160)
Franklin Street
William G Mabie, Head, M, W, 50, M2, 10 yrs, WI, NY, NY, Baggageman, Depot R R
Elvira Mabie, Wife, F, W, 48, M2, 10 yrs, 2 children born - 1 living, WI, OH, PA, none

Magnolia Twp, Rock, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1735; Page: 196A; ED 123; Part: 2; Line: 1           (13161)
Dora P Mabie, Head, M, W, 49, M2, 22 yrs, WI, NY, NY, Farms, General Farm
Tamar L Mabie, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 22 yrs, 6 children born & living, WI, OH, OH, none
Frank L Mabie, Son, M, W, 20, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Lottie P Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 17, S, WI, WI, WI, none
Myrtle M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 12, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Beatrice S Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 8, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Elsworth C Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, WI, WI, WI
Nellie L Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 1, S, WI, WI, WI

Magnolia Twp, Rock, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1735; Page: 197A; ED 123; Part: 2; Line: 7           (13169)
Oliver F Mabie, Head, M, W, 38, M1, 13 yrs, WI, NY, Canada, Farmer, General Farm
Pauline Mabie, Wife, F, W, 38, M1, 13 yrs, 6 children born & living, WI, Germany, Germany, none
Floyd J Mabie, Son, M, W, 10, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Archie R Mabie, Son, M, W, 8, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Catherine M Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 6, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
Oscar O Mabie, Son, M, W, 5, S, WI, WI, WI, in school
John F Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, WI, WI, WI
Elizabeth P Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 2, S, WI, WI, WI

Union Twp, Rock, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1735; Page: 302A; ED 132; Part: 2; Line: 13           (13315)
George R Mabie, Head, M, W, 23, M1, 2 yrs, WI, WI, WI, Farmer, General farm
Mabel M Mabie, Wife, F, W, 20, M1, 2 yrs, 1 child born & living, WI, WI, WI, none
Vivian F Mabie, Daughter, F, W, 11 months, S, WI, WI, WI, none

Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1738; Page: 160B; ED 103; Part: 2; Line: 24           (5845)
625 N Milwaukee Street
John Mabie, Head, M, W, 66, M1, 44 yrs, NY, NY, NY, Laborer, Factory, veteran - Union Army
Celestia Mabie, Wife, F, W, 66, M1, 44 yrs, 2 children born & living, NY, NY, NY, none
Giles Mabie, Brother, M, W, 64, Wd, NY, NY, NY, own income

Plymouth, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Series: T624; Roll: 1738; Page: 156B; ED 103; Part: 2; Line: 20           (10982)
423 Carolina Street
Giles Mabee, Head, M, W, 32, M1, 12 yrs, WI, NY, NY, laborer, cheese house
Anna Mabee, Wife, F, W, 35, M1, 12 yrs, 3 children born & living, WI, Ireland, Ireland, none
Benno Mabee, Son, M, W, 11, S, WI, WI, WI, attended school
Lolita Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 7, S, WI, WI, WI, attended school
Marlea Mabee, Daughter, F, W, 4, S, WI, WI, WI, none


1-Dist, Carbon, Wyoming; Series: T624; Roll: 1745; Page: 153A; ED 31; Part: 2; Line: 2
Fourth Street, Rawlins
Edward Maybe, Lodger, M, W, 78, S, OH, OH, OH, Jeweler, own store

Chugwater 8-Dist, Laramie, Wyoming; Series: T624; Roll: 1746; Page: 262A; ED 91; Part: 2; Line: 1           (3789)
Arthur Mabie, Head, M, W, 27, M1, 6 yrs, IA, IL, IL, Farms own farm
Minnie Mabie, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 6 yrs, 2 children born & living, IA, Germany, Germany, none
Virgil Mabie, Son, M, W, 4, S, IA, IA, IA, none
Harold Mabie, Son, M, W, 2, S, IA, IA, IA, none
Living in the next household:
Chugwater 8-Dist, Laramie, Wyoming; Series: T624; Roll: 1746; Page: 262A; ED 91; Part: 2; Line: 2           (3787)
Homer Mabie, Head, M, W, 60, M1, 30 yrs, IL, OH, OH, Farms own farm
Ella Mabie, Wife, F, W, 52, M1, 30 yrs, 5 children born & living, IL, VT, VT, none
J Mabie, Son, M, W, 17, S, IA, IL, IL, none


Transcribed by John MayBee
Last Revision Date: 01/30/2018