Mabie/Maybee/Mabee/Mabey Family Records

US Census Transcriptions

Compiled and Transcribed by Steve Mabie and John MayBee


This section contains transcriptions from the US Census records relating to persons named MABIE (and all the other variations in spelling). All of these records were transcribed and compiled by Steve Mabie and John MayBee. The latest revisions were transcribed by John Maybee.

PLEASE NOTE:  All names are spelled exactly as found in the original records.   Therefore, a search of these files by name will not necessarily locate the appropriate records.  If you are performing a search on these pages for a specific ancestor, please try various spellings of the name. Or if you know in what state or territory of the United States they resided, you can scroll through the records for that location.

Mabie/Maybee/Mabee Records in the US Census:
  • 1790 Census ~ updated 06/22/2018
  • 1840 Census ~ updated 06/17/2018
  • 1800 Census ~ updated 06/20/2018
  • 1850 Census ~ updated 01/30/2018
  • 1810 Census ~ updated 06/20/2018  
  • 1860 Census ~ updated 01/30/2018
  • 1820 Census ~ updated 06/19/2018
  • 1870 Census ~ updated 01/30/2018
  • 1830 Census ~ updated 06/18/2018
  • 1880 Census ~ Updated 01/30/2018  
  • Veterans Schedule of the 1890 US Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ completed 01/30/2018
  • 1900 Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ Updated 01/30/2018
  • 1910 Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ Updated 01/30/2018
  • 1920 Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ Updated 01/30/2018
  • 1930 Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ Updated 01/30/2018
  • 1940 Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ completed 01/30/2018
  • Seneca Indians Census Records 1875-1935  ~   transcribed by Bradley Marchant
  • 1855 New York State Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ added 01/30/2018
  • 1865 New York State Census  ~  transcribed by John MayBee ~ added 01/30/2018

  • PLEASE NOTE:  All names are spelled exactly as found in the original records.   Therefore, a search of the file by name will not necessarily locate the appropriate records.  If you are performing a search on these pages for a specific ancestor, please try various spellings of the name.

    If you have any additional census data or need some help locating your ancestor, please e-mail me

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    Last Revision Date: 06/22/2018
    COPYRIGHT ©2000-2018 Stephen W Mabie. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.